Miles Between Us | AWARD WINNING Movie | HD | Free Film | Drama | Full Length

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(ascending tones) (airplane engine whirs) (mellow music) - [Girl] Daddy, daddy. (mellow sentimental music) - [Father] Oh, did you have fun? Where's mommy? (mellow sentimental music) (traffic noises) (mellow sentimental music) - [Man On Radio] In entertainment news Chace Creed has signed a $20 million endorsement deal with Diamacci Fragrance to be the face of their new men's line. That should certainly help pay for the three carat engagement ring we've seen Madison Blake flashing, shouldn't it? Now, wedding plans are still top secret, but don't-- - Would you mind shutting that off? - Stay that way for. (mellow sentimental music) (voicemail beeps) - [Woman On voicemail] Mister Dauer this is Diane Peterson, I'm chief counsel for the studio on Lightening Strikes Twice. I'm calling because we still haven't received the signed contract from Chace Creed and without that I can't release the funds from escrow to your production company. Please give me a call back. I've already sent you a few emails on this and we are past the point where this has to be done. Thanks very much. (beeps) - [Woman On voicemail] Luke, Sydney here. What's this I'm hearing about the money not dropping yet? Am I directing this or what? Give me a call, let me know what's going on. (beeps) - [Man On voicemail] So, we haven't really heard anything back from Chace's camp and starting to get me a little worried, Luke. I mean the studios are starting to call me wondering why he hasn't signed, so yeah I think-- (beeps) (mellow sentimental music) (birds sing) (phone rings) (phone beeps) - Hello. - [Woman On Phone] I need to ask a favor. - Who is this? - [Laura On Phone] It's Laura, remember me? - Oh yeah, how could I forget. - So, I was supposed to drive Gabby to college tomorrow but I kind of broke my ankle last night and I need you to take her. - What? - [Laura On Phone] What didn't you understand? - You can't drive? - [Laura On Phone] No, I'm in the hospital. (sighs) - What happened? - Steve and I were taking down the Christmas lights. - In August? - I know what month it is. I was up on the ladder because Steve-- - Is 95. - [Laura] He's 57, why do you have to be such a jerk all the time? - Sorry, go on. - I fell over backward and my ankle got caught. It's broken and dislocated. I'm gonna be in here for a while. (sighs) - Well, what about Steve? - [Laura On Phone] What about Steve? - Well, can't he take her? - He's in Chicago for a conference. You know she's your responsibility too, right? (hair dryer blowing) - I can't get away right now, okay? I've got a lot going on. - [Laura On Phone] You come and go whenever you want. It's 8:45 and you're probably still in bed. - No, I'm finishing breakfast. - [Laura On Phone] Cereal? - Yeah. - Clank your bowl with the spoon. - Why? - Humor me. (Footsteps] - [Laura On Phone] 12 years apart and you still feel the need to lie to me. - What's your point? - [Laura On Phone] My point is there's no one else. - Fine, I'll take her. I gotta juggle some stuff around but I can take her. - You should probably get there on Monday and you don't fly back until Wednesday. - Wait, wait, wait I thought we're leaving tomorrow. You are, Charleston's 2700 miles away. You do the math. - South Carolina? - Yeah, South Carolina. - I thought she's going to school in San Diego or something. - So did she a year ago. - I just, I can't get away for six days right now. - If one of the girls from your casting couch even suggested going away to, oh I don't know, say Barbados for the weekend you'd go in a heartbeat. - Why do you have to go there? - [Laura On Phone] Because every time I have to talk to you it all comes flooding back. - How are we gonna do this? - Can you be at my house by eight? - Oh, you mean my log cabin. - That's the one. - Sure. (phone beeps) (spoon clangs) I have an ex-wife and a daughter. Wanna go on a road trip? (footsteps) (door squeaks) You mad? - I'm not mad. - Do you want to talk about this? I have work to do. And now, it looks like I'll have to help Rhonda clear your schedule. - We can get away next weekend. - [Brianna] Is that why you think I'm mad? - So you are mad. - [Brianna] No, I'm not. - Look, I can't believe you're this upset over the fact that I have an ex-wife and a daughter. - No, no just nine months of dating and this is the first I've heard about them. (footsteps) (door slams) - So, you are mad. (mellow music) (phone rings) - Dauer Productions. - I was able to clear everything from your schedule except the thing that you have on Tuesday. Hi, this is Andrew Kinzler. - It is such an honor to meet you Mister Dauer, I'm a huge fan of your work. - Thank you. -[Rhonda] He's the actor that I was telling you about. He works with my brother-in-law. You said you would take a look at his reel. - Can you excuse us for a minute? - Yeah. - Thanks. - Here, take this. (phone rings) - Any word from Chace Creed? - No, nothing. I haven't heard from his agent, his attorney, manager, no one. If you ask me they're holding out for more money. (sighs) And, Sydney's been calling me. - Yeah, me too. - She doesn't sound happy. - No, she doesn't. - You have that lunch on Monday with the studio. What would you like for me to tell them? - Just tell them I'm location, let's push it out to Wednesday if we can. - And, what about him? I'll just put this in your briefcase. - All right, thanks. Hey, can we talk about this over dinner? Give me a chance to explain myself before I head out of town. - No more lies? - Well technically, I didn't lie. All right, no more secrets. - Promise me. - I promise to pick you up at seven. (sighs) Okay, okay, okay. I promise, no more lies. - Fine, let's eat at your place. I don't feel like going out. - Cool, I'll pick up Chinese. (mellow sentimental music) - [PA Announcement] Doctor Simerson, please dial three one six. (mellow sentimental music) (phone rings) (knocks) - Is this really a good time to be going away? - I don't have a choice. - What are you going there for? - About six days. - No, I mean. (laughs) - No, I'm taking Gabby to college. - College already? Wow. So, what do you want me to do about Chace Creed then? (sighs) - Do you think he's jumping ship? - Was he on the ship? - I kind of told Sydney he was. - You did not. - It's a figure of speech. - Not to lawyers and judges. And, didn't Sydney only agree to direct if Chace was attached? And, if he doesn't sign? (phone beeps) - Hey, it's Luke Dauer with Dauer Productions just calling again. Hey, I just need to know that Chace Creed's on board. I know you have some paperwork of ours and life gets busy, contracts are boring. You know I get that, but we gotta sign 'em and if you could send it back to me I would appreciate it and I won't have to deal with this long line outside of my office waiting to kill for this role. So, Luke Dauer Dauer Productions, just give me a call back and I won't have to give this away. (phone beeps) - [PA Announcement] Doctor Massa to Labor and Delivery, Doctor Massa to Labor and Deliver. - [Laura] Why aren't you out saying goodbye to your friends? - My time with my mom just got cut short by a week. (sighs) - I was really looking forward to our time together just the two of us. I remember when my parents drove me to college. - They had cars back then. (laughs) - Could kick you with that. (laughs) I'm really going to miss you. - I'm gonna be okay. We can talk anytime, we've got unlimited talk and data. I mean, it'll be like I never left. - I feel like we're in the middle of a cell phone commercial. (laughs) I talked to your dad today. - There's a sentence I don't hear everyday. - He agreed to drive you to college. - Mom, no I can drive myself. - You are not driving across the country by yourself. - I'll fly. - You need your car at school. We already talked about this. - What about Mikayla or Lacey? - And have two parents worried sick? No. It'll be a good opportunity for you to get to know each other. - He's had plenty of opportunities. We have nothing in common. - You have me. - Yeah, I'm sure he'd love to talk about you. - I know I said a lot of bad things about him. There are a lot of good things too. - Should I have them adjust your meds? You don't sound like yourself. (sighs) You're really making me do this. - Sorry. (sighs) - There's really no reason why, I just didn't bring it up. And, they live up in Big Bear in their world and I live down here in mine. - How often do you see her? - It's complicated. - We've been up that way three times. Don't you think she'd like to see her dad every once in a while? - No, I don't. Her mom's filled her head with poisonous things about me, the worst, none of the good stuff. - That's your job, not just to tell her, but to show her. - It's a little late for that. - Because she's 18? You've got another what 40 50 years in ya. Are you okay just flushing that away because you're afraid to talk to her? - Well, she doesn't call me either. - Chace Creed doesn't wanna talk to you but you still call him. - This is a lot harder than you think. I mean, even when we do talk we don't talk. - I've seen you sign like a $10 million movie star to a two million dollar movie and yet now you're afraid to talk to your own daughter. - I wouldn't know where to begin. You have to come with. - You have to do this yourself. - She hates me. - She doesn't hate you, she just doesn't know you. (rock music) ("Different" by 513Free) ♪ Another day another dollar ♪ Another want that's not a need ♪ You say you live for freedom ♪ But are you really free ♪ Your sin and your dark secrets ♪ You keep it all inside ♪ Pretend that no one's looking ♪ To protect your house of lies (door thuds) (gravel crunches) - Hey. - Hey. - How are you? - Fine. - Good. - You've lost weight. - Well, I'm trying to lose 10 pounds, I only have 13 more to go, so not going well. - We should get going, it's going to be a long day. - Long day, long week. (door thuds) Can I set this there? - Sure. - I don't know where else to put it. - No, that'll work. I'm gonna try to crash. - Okay, I'll try not to. ("I'm Letting go" by Noah Reagh featuring Michael Ketterer) ♪ Sometimes in life ♪ Times can be tough ♪ That's when you lift up your head ♪ Cause love is passing by ♪ With hope in His eyes ♪ Awake, awake all you sleepers ♪ Sing I'm letting go ♪ I'm gonna be free ♪ I'm gonna let You just wash off my feet - All right, we'll just have to do it in 40 days instead of 45. Throw the rest of the money at him. All right, let me know what you can come up with. - Where are we? - Arizona. You hungry? - I could eat. - All right. (door thuds) Are you excited to go to college? - Yeah. - I've never heard of Providence Coastal University. - It's a small Christian college. - Yeah, but why all the way out in South Carolina? - It has a really good counseling program. - Like for addicts? - No, marriage counseling. - Marriage counseling. When did this whole Christian thing start? - After you left us. - Well technically, your mom left me. - And, why was that? (mellow sentimental music) (door thuds) - I'm allergic to peanuts. I could have died. (mellow sentimental music) (door thuds) I'm gonna take a shower. - Hey. - [Brianna] Hey, how's it going? - Good, really good. - Hang in there. - She's barely said two words to me. - Well, don't give up. You'll never have a better opportunity to get to know her than right now. - Well, I follow that but you kind of have to say more than two words to get to know somebody. - Well, it's a start. Try again before she goes to bed. - I will. She's coming, I gotta go, okay thanks. (phone beeps) Hey. Are you nervous about going to school? - [Gabby] Not really. (lamp clicks) Night. (thuds) (door slams) (door handle clicks) (door handle clicks) - Hi, we gonna talk today? - About? - You me, life, us. I'd talk politics if I had to. - We don't have to make small talk. The trip might go faster if we just don't talk at all. - So, if we don't talk the trip will be more pleasant, all right. - Look, I don't know what's gonna make this pleasant for you. - We could play the alphabet game, count license plates. - I'm not 12. - Well, at least we'd be talking. - Why start now? - Gabby, I'm trying here. - Would you be trying if mom hadn't forced us into a car together? No, no you wouldn't because you just don't care. (lock clicks) (mellow sentimental music) (camera clicks) - Your mom and I always used to take pictures of you when you were little. We were broke so we had to wait to get the film developed, but that was fun ya know 'cause you never knew what you were going to get. That was our Christmas present to each other. - No thanks. - Do you remember this, more. - [Gabby] Nuh-uh. - All that sign language your mom taught you. - [Gabby] No. - All right. Potty... that was a popular one. - Uh-uh. - Oh come on, eat, drink, milk. (laughs) Your mom would always follow you around saying milk, trying to encourage you to do it and all you'd say is "wuv you." And, she'd say eat whatever and you'd just walk around flashing the I love you sign. "Wuv, wuv, wuv" that's what you'd say. You did that all the time. You have to remember this. - I don't, okay. (wipers whir) (sighs) (wipers whir) - Do you still go to church, the one with the red pews? - You remember that? - Yeah, I do. - [Luke] It was a long time ago. - Does Brianna go? - I have no idea, why? - I'm just curious. - Why you hope she'd drag me there kicking and screaming? - Yeah, maybe. - No church would want me. - They all do, they should. Churches are like health clubs, you don't have to get into shape before you go. California. - Oh, are we playing this? All right, in my briefcase is a pad, grab it. Let's make a list. - Who's that? - Oh, some kid dropped it off at my office before we left. - Wow. - Easy tiger, put it away, get the pad. (uplifting music) ("Make Today Count" by 513Free) ♪ You say you're gonna make it happen someday ♪ So let me ask the question this way ♪ Will someday ever come? ♪ You said that you would put it all behind you ♪ Yet you always let your mind rewind to ♪ The way things used to be ♪ Look up it's a brand new day ♪ It a brand new day - Outside, I don't mind. - That's fine. - Okay. - I'm going to use the bathroom. - All right, okay. - [Waitress] Hi, I'm Kjersten. - Hi. - Here's some menus. - Thanks. - Can I start you off with something to drink? - Soda Water. - [Kjersten] Okay, for the young lady? - She's gonna have... - I can come back. - Thanks, appreciate it. - You're welcome. - [Sydney On Voicemail] Luke, it's Sydney. I'm calling about Chace Creed. You need to call me back. This isn't funny anymore, I need to know now. (phone beeps) - You okay? - Yeah, yep. Waitress stopped by I was wondering if you wanted anything to drink but I dare not order. I don't wanna get anything you're allergic to. - I like lemonade, chocolate milk, and butterscotch malts and I can't stand coffee. - Good to know. - But I love coffee ice cream. - Like the mocha shakes at Dairy Barn? - I gained 10 pounds when I started working there. (laughs) - [Luke] You worked there? - For two years. It was just part time over the summer. - Hey Kjersten, - Yes sir? - how about two butterscotch malts? - [Kjersten] Sure thing. - [Luke] So, what happened with going to school on the west coast? - [Gabby] You mean closer to home? - [Luke] Yeah. - I changed my mind. - Your boyfriend going to this school? Jeff? - Jeff's a scumbag. (sighs) He went to visit his-- (phone buzzes) - It's okay, it's okay go ahead. - He went to visit his brother at college and there was this party. Then, at the party there was a girl. I wouldn't take him back no matter how many times he said he was sorry. I mean, we're gonna be a colleges across the country from each other and I'm supposed to trust him after that? We never did anything, just so you know. (phone buzzes) Go ahead, I don't mind. (phone buzzes) (phone beeps) - Look, he has everything he needs to sign right now, okay, that's all we're waiting on. It's just a formality, really. - I thought you said he was in. - [Luke On Phone] Did I? - I can show you the emails. Look, I turned down a really big project to do this, make it happen. - Whoa, whoa, whoa when have I not delivered. Look, you gotta trust me on this. - Okay, if Tuesday rolls around and he's not signed expect me off the project by Wednesday. (phone beeps) (mellow sentimental music) - You like him? - Chace Creed? - Yeah. - Who doesn't. - Well, guess who's producing his next film. - You? - We're in negotiations. - Cool. - We'll take those too, so. (door thuds) Thanks for that. - Yeah well, I don't even need 'em. (laughs) - Let's get them out of the windshield. - Are you serious? - Yeah. (laughing) - Laugh it up, payback's coming. - [Gabby] How'd you two meet? - [Luke] We work together. - Dating employees, not good. - I know, something just clicked though. I don't know, it made sense. We have a lot in common, even the same birthday. - Seriously? - Different years. - Well yeah. - So, you didn't tell me too much about your major, something to do with counseling. - Yeah, I wanna work at a Christian counseling center. - Like at a church. - Some of them are. - Well, the big money's in private practice. - I'm not sure there is big money in the kind of work I wanna do. I wanna help people put God at the center of everything. Like with marriage a lot of counselors they view marriage as a contract between two people, but really it's a covenant with God. Contracts are based on mutual distrust, but a covenant is based on a mutual commitment. I did a report. - All right. What if divorce is the best option? - For who? - Everyone involved. - The kids? - Case in point, you turned out fine. - Not without help. - You saw a counselor? - No. I turned to God and he helped me through it all. - Through what? - A lot of things that messed me up. Growing up without a dad, years of you and mom fighting like after the divorce, I mean, constantly. Seriously, quit fighting. It's a lot for a little girl to deal with. Kids aren't as resilient as you think. Anyway, my friend Mikayla invited me to the youth group at her church and I loved it. Pretty soon I gave my life to God and realized that He's actually there and able to help you through all kinds of things you never thought you'd be able to get through. That's the kind of work I wanna do. - We saw a counselor. - One that focused on God? - You really think that if somebody prayed over us that it would have saved our marriage? - If it was you and mom, that's part of it, turning over control of your life. - If you're trying to get us back together it's a little late. - Get you and mom back together or you and God? (mellow pop music) ("A Little More Heaven Falls Down" by Chris Chickering) ♪ Every time I smile I let go ♪ Of a little more pain ♪ Every time I laugh I get rid of ♪ A little more shame. ♪ These days I figured out that ♪ I'm the one to turn this thing around ♪ Every time I do ♪ Yeah a little more of heaven falls down ♪ Down, down, down, down and all around ♪ Yeah a little more heaven falls down ♪ Down down it's getting better - Which one did you say is cute? Payback. ♪ Every time I dream oh I dream ♪ About a feeling like this ♪ And nothing weighs on me ♪ No matter how heavy it is Do we have Minnesota yet? - We do now. - Nice. - So, how did we end up in Big Bear? - Your mom didn't want you to grow up in LA. She wanted to be someplace where you don't have to worry about locking your doors at night. (softly on the radio "Close" by Matt McCasland) - We lock our doors. - Not 12 years ago. We came up with a compromise. Remember it was I would work in LA in the week and then come up on weekends and visit you guys. Distance was tough though. She started to not trust me. I was working with an actress who came on to me and I told mom about it, but man she got jealous. I mean over the top. She wanted me to quit. You gotta understand I mean this is all I've ever been good at. It's what I know. I mean, I turned this actress down, but mom just kept treating me like I hadn't. (music continues) Two weeks later she came in for a call back. - Okay, I know the rest. - You know, I should have tried harder with your mom. Just try telling that to a younger, more stubborn version of me. - I can't stand any of her movies. (sighs) - You and everyone else. - [Gabby] So, what did you like best about mom? - [Luke] How good she was with you. - [Gabby] That was fast. - When I worked in LA she'd be with you all week long and you'd think after that week she would just say, "Take her," you know but she never did that. I used to stand in the doorway and listen to her read you stories. - I used to love putting my ear on her chest and just listen to her voice. It was so comforting. I can't explain it. - Nah, you just did. I should have read to you more. - Mom always told me that you couldn't read. (mellow sentimental music) (laughs) (mellow sentimental music) - Can I help you? - We need a room. - Oh, we only have one left. - Perfect, we'll take it. - That's 104.94. - The sign said $39. - That's from $39. All we have left is the honeymoon suite. - You have a honeymoon suite? - We do and it's 104.94, do you want it? - How many beds does it have? - It's the honeymoon suite. - [Luke] Do you have rollaway beds? - [Clerk] Yes, we have four. - Perfect, I'll take one. - Oh, they're all out. - All right, how far till the next town? - Oklahoma City's just 38 miles. - You see I just drove through Oklahoma City to get here, so. - It's the closest one. - Okay, all right. I'll tell you what. - [Woman] Did you make the reservation? - All right, we'll take it, we'll take the room. - Would you like me to send up a bottle of champagne? - That's my daughter, yeah. She's 18. (keys click) (thuds) Are you upset? - I just realized you don't know anything about me. When's my birthday? - What? - You told that guy I was 18. I'm 17. - But you'll be like 18 in September-- - Who was my first boyfriend? - Tim. - No, Mark. I was the leading scorer on my soccer team from sixth grade through my junior year and you didn't see one goal. - And one goal would make you the leading scorer. - This isn't a joke. Have I ever had surgery? - No. - My tonsils. - [Luke] It's not a major surgery though. - It is major when you're 10 years old and scared to death and your dad doesn't come to the hospital. - [Luke] I was in Canada. - I was in the hospital. I was in four high school plays. You work with actors you'd think you'd wanna see your own daughter act. - You know, your mom would just rub in my face how I'd ruined your lives every time I came around so-- - Do you see what you're doing? You're deflecting okay, you're deflecting the blame to mom. Do you have any idea what it's like to wonder if you ever think about me or if you love me at all? I gotta get outta here. - I think about you all the time. I think about what you're like. I think about what kind of dad I would have been. - You are a dad. It's not like I live on the other side of the world. I'm on the other side of the mountains. - I know, I wish things were different. - You don't wish things different, you make things different. - If there was a one day I could take back. - Why would you let that one day ruin so many of mine? - I don't know sweetheart. - You divorced Mom, not me. (door slams) Why did this have to happen now? - [Laura On Phone] What's wrong? - This whole get to know your daughter road trip. Mom, I really didn't need this right now. - [Laura On Phone] The nerve of him trying to connect with his own daughter. - You're not helping. - Just hang in there, two more days. - Yeah, two more days. Mom, you know my birthday, don't you. - How could I forget? You put me through 19 hours of excruciating labor. - Hours of excruciating labor. (laughs) I thought I'd forgiven him, but I keep being all ugly to him. - I have trouble with that myself sometimes. We should both forgive him once and for all. (door creaks) - September third. (claps) Nailed it. - [Gabby] Goodnight, Dad. - Night. (window motor whirs) - Are you really not coming. - I'm not dressed for it. - It's come as you are, most churches don't care anymore. They just want you there. - Yeah, you know, it's really just not my thing. - Okay. ("More of Your Kingdom" by Will Wojcik, Adam Hepner) ♪ Because You fight to take our shame away ♪ Our life You made, our debt You paid ♪ Jesus hear us let Your Kingdom reign ♪ Yeah our song, our cry goes out ♪ To all the ones who may not know Your light ♪ Sanctify us so that they may see Your eyes ♪ When they look into mine ♪ Jesus be near we need more of Your Kingdom here - So, I took my family out to Mount Rushmore a couple of weeks ago. And, as I'm standing there looking at this amazing monument I couldn't help but wonder what kind of vision it took to create it. Anyone looking at this landscape a couple hundred years ago would have just seen rocks and cliffs with all the rough surfaces, jagged edges, their shapeless forms. But, a master looked at it and saw what would be his masterpiece. Ephesians two verse 10 says we are God's handiwork, His masterpiece. Someone one seeing any of us right now might see our rough surfaces and our jagged edges, but God, the master, He's smoothing, He's shaping, chipping away at us to bring His masterpiece to life. You aren't complete yet, but know that you have a purpose. Listen for His instruction. And, as long as you're in His hands and you let Him work you're on your way to becoming something beautiful. (mellow sentimental music) (door slams) (gasps) (laughs) - What is wrong with you? - You wanna go to that Dairy Barn we saw a little while back? - Oh no, it's in the wrong direction. - It's not that far. - Yeah, we wasted enough time this morning. We gotta do 700 miles today, we better get going. I wanna see if I can make it up. ♪ Raise their trumpets to their lips ("The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord" by Jester) ♪ Seven seals are broken open ♪ The wrath of God is pouring out - Try to keep it under the speed limit. - Will do officer. - Welcome to Arkansas, have a good day. - Yeah, you too. Why do they say that? You want me to have a good day don't write me a ticket. - Yeah, well now we really have a lot of time to make up. - Oh, I suppose you think that this is God just getting back at me 'cause I didn't go to church. - No, it doesn't say anything about that. It just says 62 in a 55. (phone rings) - Dauer Productions this is Rhonda. - [Luke On Phone] Hey, it's me. - Hey, how's your trip going? - [Luke] We're in Arkansas. - [Rhonda On Phone] You're getting there. - Any word from Creed's camp. - No, everyone says that he's filming on location somewhere and they can't reach him. - Any idea where? - Hang on. - He shooting A New Flame outside of Mount Pleasant, Tennessee. - Just a minute. How do you know that? - And, he's been posting from there. - We found him. - [Rhonda On Phone] Well, go get him. - [Gabby] So, we are here and Mount Pleasant is here. - [Luke] That's really far out of the way. - [Gabby] Yeah, and who knows if you'd even get to see him. - How's it going? Hey, you on location? In Tennessee, you wanna do me a favor and leave me a couple passes at security for me? I'm gonna be passing through. Cool, all right, see you soon. - That was easy. - Oh, it's about who you know. Do you mind if we. - Let's go. - All right. (mellow rock music) ("Guide Us On" by Alex Enfiedjian) ♪ Show the way to the Father's heart now ♪ Show the way that Your Spirit's going ♪ Help us to see where You want us to be ♪ Show the way - [Gabby] So, how do you know her? - [Luke] We used to work together. - [Gabby] So, did you date her, too? Wow. - [Blonde Woman] All right. - Trudy. (laughs) How are you doing? - Good, good to see you. - You too. - Oh, you look great. - Well, you look better. - Oh, thank you. Hey, is this your new assistant? - No, no this is Gabby, this is my daughter. Gabby, this is Trudy. - Oh, hi. - It's nice to meet you. - It's nice to meet you to. Look at you, you're gorgeous, you're beautiful. Do you act? (laughs) - No, she doesn't. - [Trudy] You never told me you had a daughter. - Well, it never came up. - You here to lock down Chace. - It's that obvious. - Well, he should be in make up right now. - Good. - This is so cool. Do you think we'll bump into Chace Creed? (thuds) - Oh. - Oh no. - [Man] Are you okay? - Yeah. - Jennifer, let 'em know I'm gonna be just a little late. - On it. - Hi, I'm Gabby. - I'm Chace. - [Trudy] Chace, I have someone I'd like to introduce you to. - Luke Dauer, we've met before. - Luke's a producer for Lightening Strikes Twice. - Oh yeah, Lightening Strikes Twice, I read that script. That's a good one. - Thanks man, we're pretty excited about it. - Yeah. - I see you met my daughter. - Gabby yeah, we've met. - [Jennifer] Let's get a bandage on that. - Thanks. - Lightening Strikes, wait Lightening Strikes Twice can we talk? - I'd love to. - So, you're with Sydney, right? - That's right, she's our director. - Okay, so why does Sydney assume that I'm already attached? - Talks were going well, and I had assumed that we started talking about what the project was gonna entail. - Okay ya know look, I would love to help you out here but I can't. You gotta talk to my agent or my manager. - Your agent's had my contract for three weeks. - That's who you have to go through. - Look, I've left a dozen messages. The truth is you wanna be done with this kind of stuff, the romantic comedies, you wanna establish yourself as an artist you gotta do this. Our director got Dalton a nomination for Your Secret Heart. Dalton. - There, that should do it. - Thanks. - [Jennifer] Here are the revised pages for tomorrow's shoot. - Thank you. Are you gonna be okay. - Yeah, that's nothing. - Did you guys really come all the way down here just to run me down? - No, I'm on my way to college. - And, this was on the way. - To South Carolina it is. - What are you going there for? - Probably four years. - No, I mean, like what are you going there-- - I know, I was just kidding. (laughs) Behavioral Sciences, it's basically counseling. But, I want to mostly work with families. - Doing what? - [Gabby] Marriage counseling. - Are your parents divorced? - Yeah. - Same here, my dad ran out when I was eight. - Five. - Yeah, and they said they weren't happy in their marriage but you know what, neither of them are happy now. (knocks on door) - Chace, wardrobe needs you. - Five minutes. (door clicks) It was nice to meet you. - You too. (door clicks) (door clicks) - Hey, what are you doing later? Oh, it's not like that, I just don't like eating alone. Madison's cool with it. Your fiance is fine with you eating dinner with other women? - Yes, I'll call her if you don't believe me. Come on. - I forgot her birthday and oh I almost killed her by giving her peanuts. Didn't know she was allergic to that, so other than that smooth. - It's nice you got this time together. - [Luke] Yeah. - It's like God threw you two in a car and said, "Work this thing out." - Well, he did have to break my ex-wife' leg to make this thing happen, so. - He works in mysterious ways. (laughs) (knocks on door) Come in. - How cool is this, I got to meet Chace Creed and I talked to Madison Blake on the phone. He's taking me to dinner. - What? Ah, they're engaged. - It's not like that, he just doesn't like to eat alone. - Oh, I haven't used that line before. Okay, well we're not gonna get our 700 miles in today. - What's one extra day? - Order something expensive. (beeps) - Tell me it's not the honeymoon suite. - [Luke] I hope not. Why do we need all this? - [Gabby] I have no idea where my blue dress is. (door creaks) - [Weatherman On TV] Increasing cloudiness tomorrow, sticky and humid with a high of 96 with the winds out of the east at 14 miles per hour. - What do you think? - Wow, you look beautiful, hun. (knocks on door) - Good evening, I'm here to pick up Miss Dauer. - He couldn't even come up himself. - He probably just doesn't wanna get swarmed by fans. I'll see you in a few hours. - Okay, but straight back here. - [Gabby] Okay. (door clicks) (mellow music) - Well, Mister Creed, good evening. - Good evening. - Your table is just about ready. If you just wanna give me one second I can clean this up here. - No way, you're Chace Creed. I have seen all of your movies. I loved you in Into the Dawn. Do you think I could get an autograph? - Yeah, sure. - Awesome. Oh, and can you make that out to Jessica? - Yeah. - Okay. - Thank you. - You're welcome. - You're incredible. - [Maitre D'] Your table is ready so if you will just follow me. (mellow music) - Good evening, my name is Mark. I'll be taking care of you tonight. Can I start you off with something to drink? We have an excellent wine selection. - Do you have lemonade? - [Mark] I think we do, yeah. - That's perfect. - Great, and for you sir? - I'll have the same. - Excellent, I'll be right back with those. (camera clicks) - Did you see that? - Did I see what? - That girl over there just took your picture. - I hardly notice it anymore. - Doesn't it get annoying? - Well yeah, but it's better than not getting noticed at all, right? You know what I can't stand though, is this. Can you believe this? Giving me her phone number. I'm engaged. - Maybe she didn't know. - Oh, everybody knows. - [Woman] Isn't that Chace Creed? Who's that with him? - Do you think people might think that this is a date. - That's why I brought this. See, I take this out and I open it up and I lean in like we're talking about it. And, I ask you what you think and you tell me... - Oh, I think it's a brilliant script. I wouldn't change a thing. (laughs) (phone chimes) I'm sorry. Gotta be kidding me. - What? - My friend Lacey just saw that girl's picture. How does that happen. - Welcome to my world. - I don't know what kind of magic you're working out there but Chace's agent just called and suddenly he wants to see the script again and he asked for another version of the contract. The only question that remains is do you want me to send the old one or the revised one with the new numbers? Luke? - Uh-huh. - Which contract do you want me to send him? - How long does it take to eat? - So, my brother owns this grocery store back home, my sister just went off to medical school, and well what about you, any brothers or sisters? - No. - What about your dad, what was it like to grow up with this big Hollywood producer? - You know, just an ordinary life. - Come on, it had to have been fun. Didn't he bring you on set all the time? I would have loved that. Who's the, who's the biggest celebrity that you've ever met before? - I'd have to say you. (laughs) Let's get out of here. (indistinct chatter) (ominous music) - [Gabby] This is so cool. (window motor whirs) (lamp clicks) (anticipatory music) (sighs) (anticipatory music) - Sorry, I just wanted to see your face. - It's getting pretty late. - I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I just... wow, you have really beautiful eyes. (gasps) - What are you doing? - Come on, I saw the way you looked at me tonight. - When? - At dinner, you couldn't take your eyes off me. - You were across the table from me. Stop it, you need to stay there. - What are you doing? We wanted to go to my hotel. - I'm getting out here. - Listen to me, do you have any idea how many women would wanna be where you are right now? - I know one who doesn't. (yells) - Get in here. (yells) - [Gabby] I don't wanna talk about it. (melancholy music) (knocks on door) - Hi. - Chace? (door clicks) - What happened tonight? - Nothing. - What happened? - This happened. Look what your crazy daughter did. I can't, I can't go to set like this. - What'd she do? - She kicked me in the face, who does that? But I'm telling you, nothing happened. - So, she did this for no reason at all? - What did she say happened? - Oh, I wanna hear it from you. - All right, maybe I misread a few of her signals. - You made my daughter cry. - Okay, look let's just forget about all this and talk about Lightening Strikes Twice, yeah? - Okay, you're off the project. - What? You can't fire me. I haven't even signed yet. We'll see what your director has to say about that. (door clicks) Oh, I see what you're doing. You're playing hard to get just like your daughter. Well, she'll be back for a little thrill of the Chace. (ominous music) (door clicks) (ominous music) (sentimental music) (kisses) - It's being called the punch heard round the world, a video showing movie producer Luke Dauer leveling heart throb Chace Creed has taken the internet by storm. A former assistant for Creed admitted this morning to leaking the video. Now, according to her Creed has a long history of trying to take advantage of female fans and she's seen enough. - [Man Newscaster] (speaking foreign language) Luke Dauer (speaking foreign language) Chace Creed (speaking foreign language). - [Woman Newscaster] (speaking foreign language) Luke Dauer (speaking foreign language) Chace Creed (speaking foreign language). - [Woman Newscaster] Dauer appears to be asking Creed about one of these alleged incidences earlier in the evening involving his teenage-- (speaking foreign language) - [Man Newscaster] A representative for Creed refused to comment on the altercation or the allegation. Several witnesses are reporting to have seen the actor dining with an unknown woman hours before the incident at a restaurant - Dad? - [Man Newscaster] in Mount Pleasant, Tennessee where Creed is filming the romantic comedy A New Flame. (mellow sentimental music) ("Sink or Swim" by Jonesworship) - [Gabby] The video already has 1.2 million views. ♪ To step out on the water - [Luke] Great. ♪ in the wind and waves ♪ To rest in the chaos of the storm ♪ To trust in our weakness You are strong ♪ Sink or swim - [Male Newscaster] Multiple women are now coming forward with their own allegations against Chace Creed. So far, six women have issued press releases. Creed's former assistant has alluded that there will be more. Meanwhile this morning Diamacci Fragrance dropped its endorsement deal with Creed citing-- - Maybe you should go back to LA a day early and work on that. - [Male Newscaster] As if that weren't enough-- - [Gabby] I can manage the last leg on my own. - [Male Newscaster] Madison Blake was spotted out shopping yesterday - No. - [Male Newscaster] Without her engagement ring. - I'll be all right. - Thanks for not flying back. I'm glad you're here now. - Me too. I just wish I was there for everything else, your birthdays and plays, that soccer goal you talked about (laughs) and your report cards. - They were all As, except for a C once in Advanced Algebra. - Nobody uses algebra in the real world anyways. - I know, right. - So, you're good. (sentimental music) Okay, no I understand. There's no need to panic yet, we still have plenty of time. Look, there's a ton of actors that... She hung up. - [Gabby] Well? - [Luke] Sydney's still in. The studio wants me out. - [Gabby] Can they do that? - [Luke] They do it all the time. - [Gabby] So, what are you going to do? - I don't know, maybe you should start praying. - I have been. (uplifting music) (knocks on door) - What? - I have an idea. So, what do you think? - It's worth a shot, I need to see his reel. (uplifting music) (uplifting music) (indistinct chatter) - He's pretty good. (uplifting music) (indistinct chatter) - This could work. ("Apologies" by Jillian Edwards) ♪ If it took a thousand miles ♪ I'd walk them to find your smile ♪ If I had a pair of wings ♪ I'd trade them in for good apologies ♪ And I'd make them sing and make them dance ♪ Like sugar plums in your head ♪ Cause I'm sorry, so sorry ♪ I'm sorry ♪ Things I didn't mean that I said ♪ (vocalizing) ♪ If my heart could memorize ♪ The way apologies untie ♪ Knotted ropes around weary hands ♪ I'd strike them up just like ♪ A wedding band ♪ I'd let them sing and let them dance ♪ Like sugar plums in your dreams ♪ Cause I'm sorry, so sorry ♪ I'm sorry ♪ Things I said that I didn't mean ♪ (vocalizing) ♪ There's nothing I can do about this condition ♪ Other than keep on getting forgiven ♪ I remember when I said "I would never be cold to you" ♪ I remember when I said "I got sunlight in my bones for you" ♪ I still do - Student council president, dean's list, straight As, oh there is a C on here. - Oh, come on, it's algebra. I mean, nobody uses that in the real world, right? - But still, a very impressive transcript. - Thank you, Dr. Lyons. - And the referral letter from your pastor I've never seen such a glowing recommendation. I can certainly see why you got the full scholarship. You must be so proud of her. - Yeah, I am. - I know that parents have a large part in their children coming here, kids don't just drift into mission trips and Bible studies without a really, really strong spiritual upbringing. - Can you excuse me? - Absolutely. - I'm gonna be outside. - [Doctor Lyons] Let's go over your schedule. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays you'll be taking class. (melancholy music) - Hi. - Hey. - [Gabby] Were you praying? - No, just thinking. - You okay? - I will be. (sentimental music) I dropped the ball. There is nothing in my life that would have led you here. (sentimental music) - It's never too late to start over. If it helps you and me, we're good. (sentimental music) - What about the last 12 years? - Forgiven. - One fell swoop? - Gone. - I don't deserve that. - It's how this whole grace thing works. - You're about to start a pretty big chapter in your life, are you excited? - I'm kind of freaking out. I say we get in the car and head back home. - No, home's here now Brown hall, room 413. You'll be fine. You can call me, call mom whenever you want. - I know. (phone rings) - Hang on a second. (phone rings) - Oh, it's Sydney. - Answer it. - Uh-huh. - Dad. - Nope. - Answer it. - Hello. - The kid nailed it. Where did you find him? - I have my daughter to thank for that. You offer him the role? - I did. - And? - What do you think he did, he took it. (laughs) - Awesome, all right well I'll give you a call when I get back. - [Sydney On Phone] Talk soon. - You're a genius, genius. - Tell me something I don't know, which would be difficult because I'm a genius. - Well, if you're a genius then you should come work for me. - Tempting but, I think someone else has plans for me. (watch beeps) - What? - I've gotta get to the airport. (sentimental music) ("Change" by Emily Cole) ♪ The world around us begins to change ♪ We must now go our separate ways ♪ But darling don't be afraid ♪ Everything is gonna be okay, yeah ♪ Cause even though we're far away ♪ I know we'll feel close somehow ♪ And even through it's long ♪ I know time will fly by ♪ And even though we're far away ♪ I know we'll feel close somehow ♪ And even though it's long ♪ I know time will fly by - Dad. I'm not really allergic to peanuts. (laughs) - You got me. (airplane motor whirs) - I got you something at the student bookstore. I know that you're probably not interested now, but maybe some day. - Thank you. Hang in there with me, okay? I have a lot to learn. - You know, when we left California I couldn't wait to get you here. Now, I don't want you to leave. - You can call me anytime, except about Advanced Algebra, then call your mom. - I'll call Brianna since she just graduated. (sighs) - Be good. - I will. (mellow music) ("Miles Between Us" by Erica Janey) - I used to stand in the doorway and listen to her read you stories. I just wish I was there for everything else birthdays and plays, that soccer goal you talked about. (laughs) And she'd say eat, whatever and you'd just walk around just flashing the I love you sign. You did that all the time. ♪ Then you turned your back ♪ Left me all alone ♪ I was just a little girl September third. ♪ I was just a little girl ♪ I spent my whole life waiting ♪ For a man I didn't know ♪ You were never there to hold my hand You look beautiful, hun. ♪ Now we're looking at each other ♪ Finally face to face again ♪ And with all these miles between us ♪ God still had a plan (knocks on window) - Dad. (knocks on window) Dad. (melancholy music) ♪ Our hearts were open to each other again ♪ I've forgiven you for everything you did ♪ It wasn't it easy but God helped me find a way ♪ Did you wonder who your girl grew up to be ♪ When I look into the mirror ♪ I can see you staring back at me ♪ I spent my whole life waiting for a man ♪ I didn't know ♪ You were never there to hold my hand ♪ And watch me grow ♪ Now we're looking at each other ♪ Finally face to face again ♪ And with all these miles between us ♪ God still had a plan ♪ God still had a plan ♪ ("The Road He Leads You Down" by Trevor Morgan featuring Mac Powell) ♪ Trust in the Lord with all your heart ♪ And lean not on your own understanding ♪ In all your ways acknowledge Him ♪ And He will make straight your path ♪ He won't leave you on the road He leads you down ♪ Sometimes you go through hell ♪ Before you reach the Holy Ground ♪ Brought you in and He'll bring you out ♪ He won't leave you on the road He leads you down ♪ Don't be discouraged or afraid ♪ For the Lord says ♪ He is with you ♪ And that will never change ♪ No matter where you go ♪ He won't leave you on the road He leads you down ♪ Sometimes you go through hell ♪ Before you reach the Holy Ground ♪ Brought you in and He'll bring you out ♪ He won't leave you on the road He leads you down ♪ Whoa He won't leave you, He won't leave you ♪ Whoa ♪ Great is His love for us ♪ Great is His faithfulness ♪ Great is His love for us ♪ Oh ♪ Great is His love for us ♪ Great is His faithfulness ♪ Great is His love for us ♪ He won't leave you on the road He leads you down ♪ Sometimes you go through hell ♪ Before you reach the Holy Ground ♪ Brought you in and He'll bring you out ♪ He won't leave you on the road He leads you down ♪ He won't leave you, He won't leave you ♪ No, He won't leave
Channel: Bjgtjme - Free Movies
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Length: 91min 35sec (5495 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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