Changeover | AWARD WINNING | Faith Movie | Family | Drama

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[Music] uh [Music] you doing okay you're gonna be fine you just gotta take it gonna take it one day at a time honey you were great really i'm just saying that if you want to make this a career you need to give it more of a push you know get a little more polished she just finished and she won the talent show maybe this could wait till tomorrow i'm just saying she's really good she could play with some of the greats but if you're going to focus on talent shows and school contests you're not going to make it to carol honey let's just wait until tomorrow okay i'm sorry nice job haley bird thanks mom you sure you don't want anything what if it hits me in the face it won't hit me in the face okay i'm just gonna tell you if you hit me in the face we'll go straight to court my mom is a lawyer and she said if i ever get in your face we can see you it's good that i have insurance let's just try one anyway you ready step in touch good step in touch nice look at that no legal problems at all jennifer you ready step into oh step in touch excellent step up chad michael hang on one second kids okay hey man what are you doing here you didn't get my voicemail no i just got my phone back this morning i got like 43 messages you have some place we can talk uh yeah hang on one sec let me let me just hey kiddos we gotta pick him up okay what it's your brother and kim there was a car accident what wait man i hate this with all my heart they're dead yes haley she's fine but she was in the back seat oh god i'm really sorry man i hadn't seen him in over a year we were supposed to go fishing next month he told me about the trip he was excited haley's in my car i couldn't get you on the phone okay uh sorry it's a mess hang on one sec just one sec thanks sit right there kiddo so uh you give me the guest room uh are you hungry haley okay well uh you know what i can order a pizza in in a little while and you know if you get hungry later you can just stick in the microwave or if you like it cold carter's gonna be home after dinner all right i'm just gonna oh and i have tea and water i'll be right back [Music] okay so i'm just gonna set that [Music] [Music] uh pizza dude it's uh 1447. just keep it word yeah thanks dude have a good one thanks hey dad hey buddy haley why is she here okay buddy listen we have you real quiet okay can we talk in your room let's go upstairs okay can i have a piece yeah that's cool good yeah i got a super son abby today oh yeah you guys an item now not really yeah something bad happened buddy something really bad what happened uncle corey and aunt kim were in an accident are they okay no they died buddy they died yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry for you too thank you buddy i got big guy time for school we went for breakfast cereal okay hey remember haley's sleeping downstairs okay so all right get dressed [Music] [Music] team [Music] [Music] hey we got early morning we got a long drive okay so we're going to get to bed tonight okay can i have an icy yeah you can have an icing yes want blue purple or orange purple do you want one not tonight [Music] so [Music] um [Music] haley i want you to get up and get a shower and get dressed we'll get on the road we'll be sitting around and then after we may probably we'll probably have to talk to some people hey kiddo you look nice yeah you look real nice let's go [Music] who is he that condemneth it is christ that died ye rather that is risen again who is even at the right hand of god who also maketh intercession for us who shall separate us from the love of christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or swords as it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter may in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us for i am persuaded that neither death nor life [Music] which is in christ jesus [Music] [Music] so i'm just going to read this part of the will if anything were to happen to my wife and i and god forbid haley was left alone we would wish custody to go to my mother first and in the event that she has passed we would like for hayley to live with her uncle chad if this is not feasible alternative measures may be taken but our wish would be that she stayed with family and haley i have a note that i'm to read to you now haley bird we love you very much and you've made us proud every day we have known you please know that we will love you forever no matter where you are you are such a wonderful person we are so eternally proud of you we love you mom and dad is that it michael we should probably get on the road you and i can talk later you ready hate me let's go [Music] need a beer dad yeah buddy i need a beer you get a milkshake yeah okay i'm gonna go check on haley get your shoes on we'll be back soon okay [Music] the thompson boys joey hi you got time for a couple more you okay dad yeah i'm okay buddy dude are you doing with that already oh yeah you want anything else cheeseburger really yeah with mustard oh you and mom and that mustard this cheeseburger with mustard all right do you miss her mom yeah yeah sometimes i'm okay you oh my god how are things with abby tough okay i think she's too young how old is she tim [Music] no no hey no no no no no no no no no oh god haley come on wake up hello hello i my niece is taking a lot of vitamin give me give me her arm carter give me her arm uh yeah i think so barely yeah yeah yeah you'll be okay come on are you chad yes are you related to it uh uh does she only take vikings uh yes dosage seven and a half milligrams about how many uh we'll take care of it thanks she's gonna be okay she's stabilizing fine i bet she threw up most of it and uh you gotta hear pretty quickly if she hadn't thrown up she would be dead okay so she'll have to spend a night in the icu and then we'll move her so she'll be asleep for a while thank you so much doc sure no problem i'm just glad we were able to get to her in time uh dr davis here is our psychiatric specialist and she'll need to talk to you before you can talk to haley all right thanks again sure all the best thanks mr thompson i'm dr casey davis i'm so sorry all this is happening thank you hi this is carter hi carter i need to get some information from you okay sure can you tell me what happened uh yeah uh he and i went for ice cream and she was sleeping and when i came home she was in my room on the bed she'd thrown up and my viking was next to her and i raised her here try to relax we're going to keep her here involuntarily for the next 72 hours that's hospital policy with suicide attempts and you can uh go and see her for a few minutes if you want but i also want to suggest that you just leave her here with us for the next 72 hours in the psych ward she's been through quite an ordeal some downtime might help her recover okay would you mind watching this guy for a few minutes while i sure okay thanks i'll be right back okay buddy it's carter right yes ma'am hey carter you doing okay [Music] how old are you you're gonna have to start talking to anyone otherwise no one can help you it starts with just one word okay i'm gonna give you a break for now you can go back to your room um um excuse me doc chad hi hi can i help you yeah i was wondering if it would be possible for me to talk to haley for just a minute uh i thought we agreed we'd give her the time here to be by herself we did i just i thought about it and i would love to talk to her just for a couple of minutes if you don't think it's a good idea i won't i just no no it's okay for a few minutes frost all right be right back okay this way hey get out how you feeling listen um the doctor lady said you should have some time to yourself for a couple days while you're here all right and and i i think you should have some time for yourself but i just i wanted to come by and say a couple things and then i'll leave you alone the first thing is is that um i uh i fixed up your bedroom i i think it's nice it's a little smaller than probably used to but and and the second thing is that i talked to my boss allen and he said that i could come in at nine on some mornings and so uh you know so i can take you to school uh or if you want to start school you don't have to when you're ready uh or we could just at breakfast or um and the last thing is is i'm really sorry that i let that happen to you last night i should have been watching you your dad would not be happy with me um and and one more thing uh i really miss your dad your mom of course i i uh and you know i know that i haven't been the best uncle and you know i was just thinking about how you must feel lost and alone and all that and then some and i you know i i know you don't know me that well i i just thought that if you and me if we had somebody that we love so much in common you know that maybe we have some other stuff in common too you know and i'm not trying to tell you to move on or get over it or anything like that i just want you to know that i miss him too okay um i'm gonna go guys so i'll i'll pick you up on thursday heavy bird okay okay [Music] i'll see thursday [Applause] [Music] [Music] five dad mama [Music] [Music] that's max she doesn't talk to anybody she was raped and then slitter rests better sister found her in time probably quiet down a bit too after that what happened to you you don't have to tell me what what happened to you did life really get that bad my parents died i'm sorry are you going to a foster home no my uncle's that's good that you have him yeah what nothing well he's someone at least someone cares oh yeah he was the guy here yesterday i saw his face i'm happy you survived and you go home tomorrow right i have two more months here i burned down a house whoops it's a really important time for her she's got to push through and get things moving in her life again school etc does she have any hobbies uh yeah she plays a piano okay good we've started her on this make sure she continues to take it at home it's going to help with her stress and anxiety response sounds good and here's my emergency contact and a prescription for six months of refills okay okay why don't you go get her thanks you ready [Music] i'm so glad you found a friend in all this but she's knows the rules bye haley and uncle man i don't really agree with that oh i uh i got that for you uh you don't have to play it or anything i just in case you want to um look i know it's quick but i think it'd be a good idea for us just both to get things in gear you know i'll let you get settled you know you start school day after tomorrow i'm gonna go get something to eat a little while are you gonna be okay here for a bit okay um take your time i'll cheat [Music] all right what do you want you want a cheeseburger my hot dog hey welcome to burley's grill my name is patricia would you guys like to try our new crawfish special today no thank you oh uh okay well then what can i get you guys to drink uh sweet tea with lemon here okay what you want a soda or a sweet tea or water just water for her okay i'll be right back with your guys's drinks thank you what is a crawfish it's good to see you eat kiddo does it eat does it crawl you wanna roll yeah hey can't sleep me either come on let's get a summer drink come on [Music] so [Music] okay text me for anything anytime i'll check it all day before we get started i want to introduce haley she just moved here from maryland so give her a nice welcome and don't be all cliquey okay open your books let's finish up proof we were working on yesterday all right who thinks he got it here that is mika i got it louise yeah right here yeah all right what do you come up and put up on a board there you go oh man louise got it everyone all right what do you want to drink fruit pot okay okay will you go tell haley dinner's almost ready hayley dinner's ready i'll be down in a minute okay so she'll be down in the mat okay here's your fruit punch go grab a seat okay dinner you okay yeah okay come on let's see you thinking about playing that thing okay well come on let's eat if it's edible it's uh pizza casserole okay it's fine you buddy it's okay he makes it all the time i do not good catch buddy thanks need to wash your hands yeah all right it uses soap that's a thought what could catch oh yeah he did we've been saying that since we were kids hey did he do the thing where he popped his wrist like so how's school it's okay making any friends not really you playing the piano nope why not come on try me could we talk about something else please sure how's your uncle doing fine how are your flashbacks they're flashbacks how do you think i imagine they'd suck pretty bad why don't you tell me about them i like your top little warm for long sleeves though are you hurting yourself what pinching cutting let's work on some more productive strategies rather than hurting yourself maybe we'll start with some breathing exercises so so whoa what are you doing huh sorry it's it's okay just don't move uh sorry it's okay are you sleeping not really because of me no let's get some air come on let's get some house [Music] bad dreams yeah me too [Music] mine probably aren't as intense as yours are though i keep waking up in the rack yeah i bet you do i don't know how to get it out of my head is that piano freaking you out want me to get rid of it i don't know well if you want me to get rid of it just say so okay okay your dad said you're getting pretty dang good why did my mom not like you i don't know how old are you 39 why'd your wife leave you you're not being around the bush are you she went a different direction i guess teaching pro wasn't enough and being married was too much what does that mean uh when i stopped competing and i started teaching kind of changed who i was to her you know i don't think she liked it after carter was born there was all this stress and i don't think she wanted to be a mom you ever wanted to do anything other than tennis like what i don't know your mom was really good on that piano huh my mom didn't want me to be a tennis pro why she thought it'd be a hard life but you know everything's hard in one form or another and if you love it you'll love it what do you love about it i like to see people get to do things they didn't think they could do i like to help people find out that they're stronger than they think they are not really about the tennis anymore [Music] um [Music] so can i help you sorry i'm taylor haley you're new huh yeah where'd you move from maryland where'd you move here my parents died in a car wreck so i moved in with my uncle okay got it [Music] the soldier's life i need some stuff sure what do you need um girl stuff oh um uh uh sure uh sorry i didn't even think about it uh carter has never needed any stuff like that obviously it's okay i just have to get a couple of things sure sure um i know sit down hey chad you must be haley yeah it's nice to meet you do you want to come in well actually uh i have a favor to ask you go haley needs some feminine things all right say no mom come on in haley we'll go and get you fixed up [Music] [Music] you should play kiddo i'd love to hear it can you leave me alone right now please okay but i think if you play be good for you glad you think you know what's good for me hey i'm not trying to push you i just think i don't need a therapy session right now yeah you just avoid everything you care about because it's hard you're such a great parent uncle chad i see why they gave me to you listen you walk around with this ball of pain inside of you and then all you do is add to it because you don't want to deal with what's really there i don't know how to deal with it i don't know how to get it out don't you think that if i knew how to get it out that i would don't you think that if i could just barf up the night that i saw my mom and dad lying dead in the front seat of the car that i would i don't freaking know how to get out and i'd cut it out if i could but that doesn't seem to be working haley i'm sorry all right get out get out get out you brush those teeth i brush my arm when you wash yours well i'm your dad i'm supposed to ask just do your homework yeah good man huckleberry is haley's still mad at you i don't know i'm sorry you had to hear all that man oh it's okay she has a full plate yeah she does yeah good night buddy good night hey i just want you to feel better and you know sometimes i'm not doing so great myself and i think some of that came at you so i'm sorry i'm afraid to play you don't have to play right now but you know at some point you have to overcome that fear you know making lemonade out of lemons really sucks sometimes but it's the only way to get through life what that's cliche yeah it is that didn't make it any less true i'm gonna get some sleep okay you try to do the same okay i'm sorry i was such a jerk the other day get it hey what are you doing after school today nothing you want to go to skinny dude what's that it's yogurt place it's kind of lame sure cool see you after 7. [Music] nice step [Music] left foot nice hey kiddo how'd you get here girl from school you get to watch carter work on his forehand hi carter have you ever played tennis hayley hey you ever hit a tennis ball before nope should we make her hit one yeah no oh come on just hit one ball i don't even have a racket you can use mad oh look at that you can use his remember slow and easy slow and easy all right stand on the line then turn face this way okay put your racket right like that just hit the ball okay nice wow you hit it over on the first time it's a great shot can i sit down now huh good shot haley thanks carter we'll just be a couple minutes okay yep you ready stepping in there switch those hands goofball you ready stepping on now good that was better got some elbow [Music] get there let feet [Music] so how you doing okay making new friends yeah one nice guy girl ha ha girl she's moved around a lot so we talked about that her name's taylor are the meds helping i think so a little that's great haley you playing that piano at all you need help with that no it's fractions it's easy you got that from your mom i did definitely i'll see you next week haley okay bye bye oh hey doc yeah uh are you single um carter wanted to know oh carter uh uh yeah yes i am single i'll let him know okay you just stay in the car from there okay why yeah why dad just stay in the car please okay what are you doing here i'm sorry to come to your place chad you're sorry haley's here man she's in the car with my son i'm sorry i wasn't thinking that the kids would be no kidding i need to talk to you i i have to tell you about some things i don't have anything to say to you scott i can't believe you came here no you need to meet with me when is a good time chad i don't ever want to speak to you again no you have to promise to meet with me or i'm coming back until you talk to me all right you come back tomorrow one o'clock when you're at school okay okay all right that's great thanks chad sorry just leave who was that guy yeah dad you look pissed hey language where'd you hear that oh sorry not okay both of you who was he just this guy who wants me to uh join his business he what kind of business sales he's one of these pyramid guys i keep having to tell him to get lost you look familiar i don't know why guy's a low life you got a lot of homework no you potty mouth sorry dad just don't make a habit of it okay homework i did it at the doctor's office all right good all right well dinner's gonna be ready about 20 minutes once you go get ready okay okay i'mma grab some lunch you want something i ate already chad but thanks got this banquet tonight i'm slammed how are things good you know uh she's getting settled how are you i'm good i'm rolling along go get some lunch and wash that hat what are you doing here i came by the house you weren't there i'm busy i had to work i need to talk to you what else could you possibly want cheating on my brother wasn't enough i wanted to apologize i don't want your apology i don't care if you get it off your chest or not live with it chad i really loved her whoa whoa whoa hey whoever you are you need to get off the club property now you're trespassing this is a private club okay i really loved her i'm sorry wait when was the last time you saw her at the christmas party i swear take the weekend all right i'll get your stuff covered hey it's fine no explanation i would have wanted to kill him so is there anyone you might be interested [Music] hey can i use your computer sure i just want to check something is that your mom's page wow you're stronger than me i don't think i could do that [Music] what are you doing just looking through pictures i just want to see if what nothing who's that in front of my mom's we gotta go get out i told you to knock it out we're leaving in a minute how are you get out okay let's go movie starts in 10. you okay yeah let's go finished eating what happened to your hand uh i was being a dummy at work today and i got frustrated and i punched the wall i got in a fight there was a man there saying things to me shouldn't have been saying and i was tired and i lost control not a good thing to do buddy are you okay you mind if we keep this just between you and me your dad thank you what did he say anyways well that part i don't want to tell you because it's grown-up stuff okay i won't get ready for bed okay hey morning you must be taylor yep i'm chad this is carter hi hey nice to meet you nice to meet you you guys want some breakfast what happened there oh uh i uh i was teaching yesterday and i slipped i scraped it across the clay looks like you hit somebody yeah it kind of does who's that man the other day uh the guy at the door yeah i told you he was he wants me to join his business what was his name what what was his name scott how do you know that because i'm not stupid why was he here he was friends with my mom right hey buddy would you mind going back to the room just for a few minutes just started talking no problem thanks i'm just gonna stay okay stop lying to me lying to you yes you are i know he was a friend of my mom's i saw him on her facebook page haley look there are some things um was she cheating on him hey that's an awful thing to say stop lying where are you let's go taylor hey wait a second now just hold on just talk to me for a minute hayley hey we just need to talk for a second haley we just need to talk for a second where are you going haley where are you going [Music] what happened i don't know buddy uh hi doc uh it's it's chad um i'm sorry about you on saturday uh could you just call me back as soon as you get this uh this chad thanks bye hi doc she okay yeah okay i'm sorry we left i didn't know what to do i know hey hey come on in thanks i'm sorry i was afraid to be honest with you because i know how much you've been through already and i thought you'd never have to find out you knew my mother was cheating on my father yes did dad know no and you didn't tell him how could you do that i didn't know what to do you could have told him i didn't want to ruin their marriage how'd you find out it was at the christmas party when i came up they were oh my god you knew then how could you not tell him it's not that simple haley it is that simple he was your brother and if you loved him he had a kid haley maybe i should have told him i told her if she didn't end it i was gonna tell him she ended it how do you know because i saw that jerk yesterday she ended it why was he here because he needs closure what'd you tell him i punched him and i asked him when the last time he saw her was and i told him never to come back you can't hold on to this you've got to let it go your mom loved you with all her heart she did and people make mistakes i'm with you i hate that it happened i do but if you hold on to it it's just gonna stick in you like an arrow you gotta forgive her haley otherwise she can't move on can we please go home now sure thanks for letting us crash your house doc no problem see you next week haley thanks for this sure one two three four [Music] all right guys take a okay seat on it let's lift it up nice it's fine good try stretch it out slow-mo lift it good great hang on one second hey uh george do you mind if i cut out a couple minutes early i gotta it's one of my kids at school i'm fried anyway yeah you sure yeah we'll figure it out good luck i'll see you later hey do you know what the music room is uh yeah it's down the hall take a right and it's on your right you it's okay you ready you got a favorite song why don't you try [Music] it's okay it's okay okay just breathe hey haley look at me we're gonna do this today okay you can do it just breathe [Music] so [Music] [Applause] what you thinking about nothing what if i told you i wanted to be a musician i'd say it's a hard life but if you love it you'll love it thanks uncle chad you're welcome what y'all guys doing we're just talking what are you doing you like what do you bathe in the sand maybe let's go inside come on let's ladies sometime go okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] when the night closes in blanket my soul the stars about get lost [Music] tired of trying i want out of this to me this world has gone crazy how can i believe [Music] will i ever be free and does it matter to me [Music] without any choice but i can't disappear voice when can i go back i'm tired [Music] this world again gone crazy how can i believe that someday the tears will come to an end will i ever be free i don't know where to start [Music] it doesn't matter to me it doesn't matter to me this love has gone crazy how can i believe that someday the tastes that will come to an it doesn't matter to me does it matter to me it matters [Music] it matters to me it matters to me [Music] and we'll find love underneath the stars cause i just wanna be wherever you are so we'll drive to till it feels tonight [Applause] [Music] how love is supposed to feel and i got you out of myself [Music] tonight [Music] the world keeps [Music] the way you look tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's take
Channel: SHJNE - Faith Movies
Views: 611,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Changeover (2016), best drama movies, film, free movie on youtube, drama movie, free full movies, free movies full length, family drama movie, free drama movies, full movies, imdb free movies, drama, imdb, imdb movies, full movie, free movies on youtube, full length movies, free films, jesus movies, faith related movies, full movies english, faith based movies, religious movies, religion related movies, free movie, christian movies, faith movies, faith, movies, Free movies
Id: a-kknx0iCG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 0sec (5460 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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