About Hope (2021) | Full Movie | Justin Ray | Christine Juarbe | Aaron Groben

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( film reel spooling up ) -(whooshing) -(dramatic music) (soft piano music) - [Thomas] Since I can remember, I've always been a bit of a romantic. I'm not exactly sure when it started for me but it was pretty telling that as a child, my imaginary friend was a wife. Now that I say that out loud, I realize how weird that is. Anyway, then I met Emily. My dreams took on form and love became a reality. From that moment on, I knew she was going to be my wife. - [Kids] Fight, fight, fight! - [Thomas] But then a pubescent tyrant by the name of Ricky Moore tried to steal her from me. I had no choice but to protect my soulmate. So here I was, surrounded by an angry mob of abnormally bloodthirsty juveniles and what does she do? (thud) (kids oohing) She drops my heart on the ground like it's a piece of trash. (somber piano, violin music) - Now can we go to your house and play Nintendo? My best friend Lawrence has always been there to get me up off the ground and you know, even though Emily broke my heart, she helped me realize my perfect girl was going to be loyal and so began the list. I'd been able to learn so much over the years about who my perfect girl will be. There was Hailey, who had a really big heart but there just wasn't any room for dogs. She taught me that my perfect girl will like dogs. And then Nicole, I mean she could talk about anything. We had some of the deepest conversations but she didn't actually want to do anything. Boom, my perfect girl will be adventurous. Which brings me to Katy. We would do something new every weekend with Lawrence and his girlfriend Christine, who happened to be Katy's best friend. She was loyal and she liked dogs and she was great to talk to, but then this happened. Just when you think you've hit a home run, you strike out. Sorry, Katy. My perfect girl will like baseball. And look, I get it, it might seem like I'm being way too picky and I'm never going to find the perfect girl, but I refuse to lose hope. I believe she's out there somewhere and I'm not giving up until I find her. (doorbell rings) (relaxed violin, piano music) Hi, how can I help you? - I need a photographer and I was told you're the best in the city. That's if your name is Thomas McKenzie. - It's my lucky day, I am Thomas McKenzie. What's your name? - Hope Sanchez. - Nice to meet you, Hope. - You took all of these? - I did. Yeah, I figured it'd be a little awkward if I had someone else's work on display. - [Hope] Oh, look how cute, that face, is he yours? - Yeah, yeah, that's Boomer. We grew up together, best dog that ever lived, hands down. It was actually that photo that inspired me to become a photographer. - Really? - It captured his personality so well. So are you a dog person, Hope? - I am. Growing up, we always had a dog running around. They just make life better. - They do, right? They really do. - Yeah. - So, what's your dog's name? - I actually don't have a dog, we just moved in, unpacking boxes but I specifically rented a place that allows for pets. - So does your roommate like dogs? - Yes, my daughter takes after me. We are softies when it comes to big, sad puppy dog eyes staring at us. It just makes my heart melt. - I completely understand. - [Hope] You took these? - Yeah. - Where was that? - These were actually a trip I took to Kenya. We were there helping to build an orphanage. - You have really good eyes. I mean you have a really good eye, you're a photographer and you're great. (Thomas laughs) Did you take that one too? - No, that's Mike Trout's famous catch. - Oh, I was recently told that it was weird to display another person's photography. - Okay, touche, I admit I did not take the photo, but I was at the game. (imitates crowd cheering) - I'm sorry, I'm not a baseball fan. - No? Not even a little bit? - No, there's too much spitting and scratching. - Yeah. So, you need a photographer. - [Hope] All right, well it was a pleasure meeting you. I'll see you at the shoot. - Yeah. (doorbell rings) - What? T-man, who was that fine looking woman? Tell me you got her number. - Yep, and her email address. She scheduled us for a shoot. - No ring on her finger, five foot perfect. What's your next move, Romeo? What, nothing? You've gotta be kidding me. How can you not be the least bit interested in that? - Number 23, she doesn't like baseball. (groaning) - There are like 40 other things on your list, man. Besides, who likes baseball anyway? Who is this? - I painted her. - T-man, keeping a list of qualities you want in a woman, even sketching in your journal, that's one thing but a life-size portrait of an imaginary woman, that's just weird. - She's not life-size. - I think you missed my point. - It's a creative outlet, Lawrence. - T-man, it's time you went on a date or something. - I date. - I mean with a real woman, not Betty. - Betty? - She needed a name. - It's not Betty. - T-man, your mom has set up more dates for you in the past year than you have. - Oh yeah, those are the best moments of my life. - Oh come on, what about Sherry? - Miss alcoholic? - What about Amy? - She asked me if Alaska was tropical. - What about Rebecca? Now she was fine. - She brought a rabbit to the date. A rabbit, a live rabbit. - She was still fine. - I gotta go make these deliveries. - Are we gettin' paid this week? - Are you doing any work this week? - I'm serious man, are we gettin' paid? - Yeah, I'm serious too. - Yeah, yeah, okay girlfriend, we will see you in a bit. It's like God's perfect timing. How you feeling, how you feeling? - Oh, I'm so happy, I'm so happy. ♪ H-A-Double-P-Y, H-A-double-P-Y ♪ ♪ Bring it home, H-A-double-P-Y ♪ - You're here. - Were you two just doing the happy dance? - [Martha And Bev] No. - Mother, why were you doing the happy dance? - Honey, would you do me a favor and just bring that out to your dad? Thank you, oh here, don't forget his banana. - Hey Mr. Mac, you're looking a little gray there. Hey, what size Depends do you wear? Mr. Mac, how long does it take you to shave your nose hair in the morning and the afternoon? Are you not responding 'cause you can't hear me? - Hey dad, mom sent you a banana. - Oh, need your potassium, Mr. Mac? (anxious Western style guitar tones) - [Peter] Now how about that man bun? - Anybody else thirsty? I'm gonna go get a drink, Mrs. Mac? - Something's wrong with that kid. - Who is that? Father, who is that? - That's Grace, she's the daughter of Bev's friend. The one your mother invited to dinner tonight. - You gotta be kidding me. - Hey Thomas, I'm so glad you're here. I've got a surprise for you. - Et tu, Brute? - I don't know what that means. Thomas wait, wait up, don't go, Thomas, hold on. - You, I can't. - Thomas, honey. - No, no, no, no, no, mother-- - No, don't go. - I love you but you need a new hobby. Matchmaking is not one of the spiritual gifts. - Thomas, hold on. - No, I knew, I knew when you were doing the happy dance. (knocking) I'm not staying. - One sec. - [Hope] Hi, I am so sorry, my phone died, no GPS in the car. - Hope? - Thomas? - What are you doing here? - Mommy. - Hey. - Come on in. - Thank you. (relaxed violin, piano music) (sighing) - Well, you outdid yourself, honey. Can you help me clear it? - Oh no, no, no, no, girlfriend, you are the guest. No, we got this. - Sweetheart. - Gracie, let's go draw pictures. - It's happening right in front of our eyes. - Have fun. Honey. - Gotta go. - [Martha] Lawrence. - Wait for it. - Can you help me with the trash, please? - Like clockwork. - Excuse me, they are so good. Coming, Mrs. Mac. - One last thing. Ah ha, just so you keep the bugs away, you know? - I'd like to apologize for my family. - It's okay, I'm used to it. Single mom and widow. - I am so sorry, I had no idea. - It's okay. - Oh my goodness. Well you know, my mother, she thinks she's Yenta, so she really can't help herself. ♪ Matchmaker, matchmaker - I have learned to sneak out the back door as soon as possible. - But you're still here. - Well, I can't leave you to fend for yourself with this bunch. - I think they're great. (Hope laughs) - Eh, they're all right. - They remind me of home. - Where's that? - San Antonio. - [Thomas] Wow, well that's a big move. - Yeah. - What stirred it? - Well, Texas was... I just needed a change. Meet new people, escape the pity. Hey, Gracie girl. - Look who it is. - What's this? - I drew a picture of me at the circus for Mrs. Kenzie. - That's great. - Wow. Hey, this is great, when did you go to the circus? - I didn't go to the circus. - We talk about going all the time and although we can't go, we do have a book that Gracie loves to read. - "Olivia Saves the Circus." - Well I am sure Mrs. McKenzie is going to love this picture, wanna go take it to her? - Uh-huh. - Oh. - Movie, catch it. - Four words. - First word. - First word. - Time. Hitchhike. Thumbs up, crafts. - So how long have you two been friends for? - I've been taking care of my boy since kindergarten. Kinda like Batman and Robin. - Second word, second word. (Hope laughs) - Wow, you're really blessed to have that sort of friendship. - Interstate. - Two, two. - So, do you like dogs? - I do. - Hiking? - Not really. - Where'd you go to school? - Undergrad or grad? - Grad. - Xavier's School for the Gifted. - What's your mutant power? - I can tell the future. - Yeah right, what's gonna happen next? - Hitchhiking. - Dessert. - Time, time, time. - Dessert. - "Back to the Future." - Thank you. - What? - Man, you are not good at this game. - [Bev] Finally got one. - Okay, all right, babe, this one's just for you and me. All right, this one's just for you, all right? - Four words. - No, no, no. Just Bev, just Bev, all right. - Okay, four words. - It's a quote though. - Just Bev, just Bev. - It's a quote. First word sounds like eatin' some grapes. Gulpin'. - The girl is a comic book fan. - Pills? - I mean she likes DC but she at least has a working knowledge of the Marvel Universe. - That's not even on the list. - No, but it should be. - Can he do that, dad? - Get on a plane. (giggling) Will you, okay, fourth word. Mark. Sounds like knee, knee, knee, knee. Come on, our third word. - Okay, okay, okay, okay. - Come on. A marching, a bride, a wedding, a bride, marriage, marry, marry, ooh, will you marry me? Will you marry me? - Well gosh Bev, I thought you'd never ask. (dramatic violin music) Bev, will you marry me? - Of course. - Yes? - [Bev] Yes, come here. - She said yes. (clapping and cheering) - Mom, I'm so happy! Dad! You can't get rid of me now. Can't get rid of me now. - Hey, you'll be my best man, right? I mean there's nobody else that I'd rather have stand next to me than you. - I'd be honored to. I'm happy for you, man. - Thanks. - My Maid of Honor. Yes, yes, yes, yes. - Ah man, that was terrifying. - [Lawrence] Congrats. - You wanna be my flower girl, yeah? Yes. (soft light piano music) - You seemed a little surprised by Mark's proposal. You have to admit though, it's classic Mark. Your brother's so unconventional. What a sweetie Bev is though. I really think they're gonna be great for one another. - Yeah, Bev is pretty wonderful. I'm happy for them. - So your younger brother is getting married before you. How's that make you feel? - It was just yesterday he was asking if he should take her out on a date. And now, well, he's-- - Passing you by? Didn't ask your permission? - Dad, how do you know if God's leading you in a certain direction? - Well, I mean is it something specific or just in general? - I don't know. I always thought there'd be certain things that were important to me and I guess they still are, but they just don't seem realistic anymore. - What? That was about as clear as mud. Are we talkin' about women here? A woman? Hope? - How do you do that? It's like you're my dad or something. - Trust me, I've honed these skills over the years. I mean, how old are you now? Okay, so you're attracted to this girl, you're trying to figure out if this is a road that's gonna lead to love? - Something like that. You got a map? - I don't think God's will is a map with a road on it. So I wouldn't want to waste my time trying to figure out that route. You know what I mean? It's always been like, it's more like a compass. Really you just point it toward Him and then move in that direction. (relaxed violin music) Too much philosophy? All right, let's go for application. Are you sweet on this girl? 'Cause if you are, just get to know her, be her friend. I mean, you don't have to know God's perfect plan and direction for your life in the future in order to know how you should act right now. - Okay. That makes sense. - And son, stop competing with your brother. Y'all's journeys are different and there's no rule about the timing and order in life. Just be you. - Thanks, dad. - You're welcome, son. - [Desiree] I believe our dreams come true and if I can help someone make their dream a reality, that's far more important than me selling a few more books. - I'm very grateful for the opportunity, Ms. Sinclaire. - [Desiree] Please, call me Desiree. - I'm just concerned about the resources that would be required for a print run that size. What you're talking about is 10 times more than I've ever done. - [Desiree] No worries, that's Harrison's job. The company you've built may be small but it has a reputation for quality, a reputation for inspiring young girls to aspire for more and that reputation is why I'm set on using your company. It's time for my interview, I have to cut this short. Harrison, you can finish this up without me. - Of course. - [Desiree] Hope, I am so looking forward to pursuing this dream together. - Thank you Mrs. Sinc, Desiree. (Desiree chuckles) - Mrs. Sinclaire's ready to provide the funds necessary for the first run in exchange for a percentage of interest in the publishing company itself. - What sort of percentage? - It depends on the amount of the first run but if you go by our estimates of 3.5 million copies, we're looking at about 35%. - We never discussed anything like that. I'm gonna have to read over these. - That's why we're here, Miss Sanchez, to look over these. Honestly, I do not know what Desiree is thinking allowing you to handle the publication. Desiree just loves making dreams come true. - Excuse me, Mr. Scott, I'm a professional. I built this company from the ground up and as Mrs. Sinclaire stated, Quiet Place Publishing has a stellar reputation. So I expect you to treat me with the respect that I deserve. - Miss Sanchez, you have a sock stuck to your back. (light guitar tones) (soft piano, violin music) - [Lawrence] Thomas, you going to get ice cream or what? - [Thomas] Yes, I'm going. - There are so many flavors to choose from. - We close at 9:00. - It's only like 5:30. - Just giving you a heads up. (upbeat ensemble music) - I'd go with the Death by Mocha, it's one of my favorites. - Yeah, it's a good one. All right, I have made my decision. - Hooray. - I will take a cup of Death by Mocha and a cup of Tall, Dark and Chocolate. - Hey, did my mother send you here? - I should ask you the same question, did Bev send you here? - [Thomas] You would think so, right? - Actually, I would like those to go. (low, exasperated sigh) - Wow, she's super sweet. - Yeah, yep. I noticed that. - Two cups of ice cream to go will be $7.23. - I actually have a coupon, hold on. (sighs) Okay. Here we go, buy one, get one free. - I'm sorry ma'am, but you must inform me before I ring you up that you have a coupon. - What are you talking about? It says "Buy one, get one free." - Yes, I know but it also says "Customer must "inform employee that they have a coupon upon ordering." - Are you kidding me? - No. - Hey, I got an idea, I'm just gonna take that from you, oh look, I got a coupon, I'd like to order these two cups of ice cream and add one more cup of Death by Mocha for here, please. Thank you, doll. Gosh, I love her. (relaxed piano, violin music) So what are you gonna do? - Well I'm gonna eat this ice cream, pray about it and most likely sign the contract. I saw that painting you did for your mom, it's beautiful. - Thank you. - If you had to pick one, photography or painting? - That's like asking what child you like more. - Well I like Grace. - Well there you go. (Thomas chuckles) I don't know, I guess painting maybe. In a painting, I can pour my passion, my ideals, my personal view of things into it. You know, it's my creation. I decide everything, there's nothing left to chance. But-- - But? - A photograph is all about a moment. You know, there's always moments just passing by. It's so easy to miss the details. So a photograph can reveal the things that you might miss. Like, I don't know, like a butterfly taking wing or the joy of a little girl hugging her new puppy. You know, the things you might not see otherwise. So I don't know, I guess I love them both. - I never thought about it that way. I guess I can see why it's so hard for you to choose. - Thank you. - Thank you for sharing your ice cream with me. - We should do this again sometime. Oh, and don't thank me, thank Lawrence. (doorbell rings) - Dude, what took you so long? Did the blue beast finally break down? Where is my ice cream? - Oh. - I just had the best ice cream. - Oh no, you stopped for ice cream in the middle of the day? Gosh, girlfriend. Was it that bad? - It's just a lot to think about. You'll never guess who I ran into today. - Was this the work of one Martha McKenzie? - See, I thought that but you were the one that sent me for the ice cream. - Which I still don't have, by the way but it doesn't matter. It sounds like destiny, my friend. - It was just a coincidence. - In God's economy, there are no coincidences. At least that's what Pastor Mike says. - It was just ice cream. - I still wanna hear all the details. - We just talked, it was fun. You were right. - Wait, what? Ha ha ho, I need to record this. Start at "You were right, Lawrence." - Stop. - Okay, so you asked her out then? - Sort of. - What do you mean sort of? - Well you know, "This was nice, "we should do it again sometime." - You're kidding me, you pulled the friend date? Have you learned nothing from me? You need to ask this woman out, be clear, be a man. - I will ask her out. - When? - I don't know, soon. - Thomas, you have got to get your head out of your sketchbook and into reality. - This has nothing to do with that. - Are you sure? - Yes, I'm sure. - Okay, call her now then. - Now? - Right now. - I am not gonna call him, Bev. - He played the friend card, so you just call him as a friend. Have him come over and fix something. - I don't have anything broken. - I can break something. The oven, the microwave, (gasps), I got it, hole in the wall, super easy. - You are starting to sound like my soon-to-be sister-in-law or worse, my mother. - That's your own fault. If would've brought me my ice cream, I'd be feeling happy and satisfied but you didn't, so I'm feeling sad and hangry and the only thing that's gonna make me feel better right now is making you do something you don't really wanna do. - That makes absolutely no sense. - Well it does to me, now are you gonna call her or what? - It's been three years since Darryl passed away and you used to light up when he was around. I haven't seen you like that since. Except I caught a little glimmer of it last night. - Grace and I are still adjusting. I have this deal with Desiree Sinclaire, I don't need to add romance to my plate. - Come on, Hope. Just call him. (phone ringing) Ha ha, ha. Destiny. (upbeat harmonica, guitar music) ♪ Fairy tales and fantasies ♪ Walking on clouds, making believe ♪ ♪ That's what love was to me ♪ I didn't see you standing there ♪ ♪ Like I was blind but now my eyes are open ♪ ♪ Love unexpected, your love's taken me by surprise ♪ ♪ You and me, we're picture perfect ♪ ♪ But you couldn't write it if you tried ♪ (upbeat harmonica, guitar music) ♪ Someone to hold, someone to hold me ♪ ♪ All of my life, never to leave ♪ ♪ That's what love was to me ♪ But I didn't see you standing there ♪ ♪ Like I was blind but now my eyes are open ♪ ♪ Love unexpected, your love's taken me by surprise ♪ ♪ You and me, we're picture perfect ♪ ♪ But you couldn't write it if you tried ♪ ♪ I don't need it, my life is fine ♪ ♪ Who wants the heartache ♪ Rollercoaster of emotions and the pain, sleepless nights ♪ - You ready for today? It's a beautiful day for a shoot, huh? - Okay, Mr. Rogers. (doorbell ringing) That boy's got it bad. (relaxed violin music) - Yeah. - I think today is gonna go really well. - I agree. - I'm excited to work with you on this whole thing. Excuse me for a second. - Okay. I am so glad you're here. I don't know why I feel so nervous about today. I keep thinking there's a sock on my back or something. Will you tell me? - Well, now that you mention it-- - Seriously? - Hey, you're gonna be great, don't be nervous. - Okay. - So, I was gonna ask you if you wanted to celebrate a new client with me over dinner tomorrow night. - A new client, who is this new client? - It's you. - Me. Wow, a dinner date. Will there be Happy Meals on the menu? - It sounds tempting but I was thinking more of a tender steak and rumor has it they have linen napkins at this place. - Wow. - Fancy joint. - Well, I love me some steak. - It's a date then. - Excuse me, Hope. Miss Sinclaire has just arrived. - Okay, wish me luck, see you later. - Okay. - No way! No way, dude! - Lawrence. Lawrence. - This is unbelievable! - Dude, keep your voice down, what are you screaming about? - Dude. You are not gonna believe who wrote this book. - [Thomas] It looks like Desiree Sinclaire. - Nope. Betty. (gasps) (light dramatic ensemble music) - It's her. Hey, hey, we got work to do, so let's go do that. - Oh my gosh. - [Thomas] Okay, I think I have what I need. - Thank you, girls. You all are so beautiful. - Thank you so much. - Sure thing. - [Thomas] Amazing. - The picture or the subject? - Miss Sinclaire, I am-- - Thomas McKenzie, Hope told me all about you. May I? - Yes, yes, of course. - You've impressed me, Thomas and I'm not easily impressed. - You should see his paintings. - Ooh, a man of many talents. I am thinking about selling my house and I need to get some pictures taken. But I don't like letting strangers into my house. Well I know you're thinking we only just met but I already feel like I can trust you, I feel like I know you. - How do you feel, Thomas? - I feel like I would be happy to take those pictures for you. - Grand, tomorrow afternoon, say 2:00? - [Thomas] Yeah, sure. - Text me, I'll get you all the details. - What prayers do I need to say to get me something like that? I'm thinking about converting. - What just happened? - You, Thomas McKenzie, are becoming quite the player. (tepid flute tones) - Hey, thank you again. Desiree seemed super impressed with everything. - Ah, good, yeah. - So what time do you want to head out tomorrow? - Oh, actually, funny thing, I ended up getting a new gig for tomorrow. - Oh. - Yeah. So I'm gonna have to take a rain check on that date. - No problem, that's good right, a new client? - Mm hmm, a new client. - What is it? - Just some photo gig thing. - Like a family portrait thing? - Something new actually. There is this house that's going on the market, so I'm taking the photos of the interior. - That's cool, so you're gonna make the rooms look twice as big as they really are. - Something like that. - Well, now we have two reasons to celebrate. - One, two. - And nothing screams celebration like a delicious medium-rare steak. - Excuse me Hope, I have some papers you need to sign. - Okay, I am gonna hold you to that rain check. - You do that. - Duty calls. - Duty calls, you go and do your duty. That felt awful. - Nah, you handled it. - Ugh, gosh. I'm just gonna call Desiree and tell her that I can't do the shoot. - What? No, you can't do that, man, she's your perfect girl. - Just yesterday you were the one telling me to ditch the list, saying it was holding me back. - That's when it wasn't real, this is real. Besides, what's wrong with a good guy getting what he wants? - I mean I guess it was pretty miraculous. But what about Hope? - What about her? - You know what, Lawrence? Sometimes you can be a real jerk. - Thomas, do you think you're the first guy who's ever liked two girls at once? Take me for instance, I like like five, six girls right now. You're single, it's not like you're betraying some sort of commitment. Look, okay, this is insane. You painted a woman, this is that woman. You're gonna regret it your whole life if you don't go after her. Okay look, if anything, we need the money. So go to Betty's, take her pictures, you know, strictly business, no harm done. - Strictly business. We need the money. All right, I'll go. - Yes. (upbeat ensemble music) (knocking) - Thomas. - Hello. - Welcome. Come on in. - Thank you. Wow, where would you like to get started? - Oh come on, Thomas, we have all day, relax. (relaxed violin, piano music) Your paintings are stunning. They remind me of the art museums my mom used to take me to as a kid. I think I was around 10 when I saw the most beautiful painting of Gainsborough's Queen Charlotte and that was it. I decided one day I'd have to have my portrait done. I went home and added it to my list. (relaxed piano music) - You have a list? - Yeah. Do you think that's silly? - No. No. I mean what else is on your list? - Oh you know, places to see, people to meet, goals to accomplish. It's more than a bucket list, you know? It's things I've dreamed about doing. - I thought I was the only one with a list. - Thomas, would you consider painting my portrait? - You want me to paint you? - I'd love you to capture my spirit. - Your spirit? - Yeah, I mean not just my looks or fame but the real Desiree Sinclaire. - Well-- - Thomas, you'd be making my dreams come true. Wouldn't you love that, please? You'd be paid handsomely, of course. - May I think about it? - Sure. So, now it's your turn to share. What's on your list? - Oh (chuckles), you know, the usual things like getting married and starting a family. - Come on, Thomas, everyone thinks about that. We're sharing secrets here. What is it you really want, you know? What do you really dream about doing? - Well, I guess this. - This, photography? - Well, photography, painting, the chance to express myself artistically. - Aren't you already doing this? - Yes but the trick is to do it and still manage to pay the bills. - Well what about fashion? Their rates are fantastic. - Yeah, you know, I wanna do fashion, I'd like to. I want to capture a woman's beauty but not reduce her to an object. - Oh, you want to maintain integrity but avoid that starving artist route, huh? - I like eating and a roof over my head is super appealing. - Thomas, I think you're dreaming too small. You're very talented and you're so charming and you have an undeniable passion. You just need someone to open the door so you can meet the right people. - Thank you, I appreciate that. That's just it though, I don't really know the people who know the right people, so (chuckles). - Thomas, you do now. - Have you read any of these books? They are light on the mystery and pretty heavy on the S-E-X. - Well now she wants to write books that are inspirational to young girls. - I think it's gonna be pretty hard for that zebra to change her spots. - Stripes, a zebra has stripes, not spots. - Whoa, does she really look like this? (Mark laughing) - Whoa. That woman is so beautiful... ly photographed, I mean look at the lighting. It's very nice. - Hey guys, sorry I'm late. - Thomas. - Hey, Gracie. But wait 'til you guys hear. - How'd it go? - Oh, it went great. The place is enormous, I can see why she wants to downsize. - Who, who wants to downsize? - Desiree Sinclaire. - You were with Desiree? - [Mark] You were at her house? - Oh Thomas, here you are. - Mother. - [Martha] Sweet, I'm happy to see you too, honey. - That lasagna smells amazing, I am starving. - Wait a minute, bro. - Can I see the pictures? I just want to see how the other half lives. - The other half of what? - Okay, slow down everybody. Yesterday at the photo shoot, Desiree asked me to come take photos of her house. - Oh, that's cool. - And she commissioned me to paint her portrait. - Thomas, that's wonderful, congratulations. - Thank you, mother. I haven't actually accepted it yet, you know? It would take a ton of time, so-- - What would take a ton of time? - Painting that Danielle Sinclaire-- - Desiree. - Desiree. - [Martha] Well anyway,she wants to commission Thomas to paint her portrait. - No way. No flipping way, Desiree wants T-man to paint her picture? I wouldn't think that would take too long at all. - And she said that she wants to introduce me to some high powered advertising executive. She thinks I have potential to be a commercial photographer. - Oh my god. - Potential, hmm. - Well you, Thomas McKenzie have had a very productive day and I personally cannot wait to see where it leads. - Is anybody coming to the table? Dinner's getting cold. - [Martha] Come on you guys, let's eat. - So Desiree thinks you have potential? - Hey. (anxious violin tones) I'm sorry I didn't mention the shoot was at Desiree's. I just didn't want to make it a big deal because it wasn't. - It's okay. - I do still owe you that dinner. - How about tomorrow? - I can't tomorrow, that's when Desiree is introducing me to that ad exec guy but hey, next week. - [Hope] Next week. (doorbell rings) (light piano music) - Wow, the suit really does make the man. How do you feel, Thomas? - Actually I feel pretty good. - Confidence looks good on you, almost as good as that suit. (mid tempo drumbeat) - So I look this guy right in the eye, right? And I look at him and I say "Hey, do you know who I am?" It turns out he does. They usually do and I usually get what I want, that's how I got this, hang on, I gotta get this. You guys enjoy yourselves. - Stay close, these people are sharks. - Okay. Oh. (people chattering) Hi. That's, all right. Oh, I'm so sorry, excuse me, sorry. - [Woman] Oh, thank you. - Pardon me, pardon me, guys. Good evening. Hi. Okay. - I don't have time to be bothered with all these little details. Look Eileen, you are Mrs. Mason Campbell, just tell 'em that and your problem will go away. I got people here, I gotta go. - Mason. May I introduce to you Thomas McKenzie. - Tommy boy. - Thomas, this is Mason Campbell. - Desiree says you're quite the photographer. - Thanks. - Is he the real deal or is he just your flavor of the month?- Oh Mason darling, have I ever steered you wrong? - Oh, don't get me started. (Desiree laughs) That's good, that's real good. I like a man who projects confidence. You got a good eye, Tommy boy. What do you think, you think he can handle the shoot? - I think he can handle anything. - Okay, I'll consider you. Reardon Ford is my go-to guy but if for some reason he becomes unavailable, I'll give you a shot. - Thank you for your consideration, Mr. Campbell. - Garcon, a couple black bowls. Ladies? - Of course. - My favorite. Quattro. - Is that it? It's a done deal? - Get used to life in the fast lane. - Yes, well here's to you, Desiree and your boy. (coughing) - Excuse me. - Welcome to the big leagues, Tommy boy. (chuckling) - [Desiree] Thomas, I don't think that could have gone any better. - I don't know what I was expecting but not that. I mean the limo, all those people, that girl. How well do you know Mason? - Well enough, he's the kind of person you want to know in business but not to come to your granny's for Christmas dinner. - Do you trust him? - No, not at all. But that's life, Thomas, not everyone is as noble as you. - I don't know if he's someone I'd want to work with. - That is one step in a journey to get you to where you want to be. Now, let's toast to new relationships. - Oh, I'm a bit of a lightweight, I'm still feeling that whiskey. - See, you're so genuine. I know so many men that would never admit to that. But lucky for you, we have sparkling water. - Oh. - Let's toast with that. To the man who deserves everything coming his way. (glasses clank) (relaxed violin music) - Thanks again for everything, it was-- (light anxious ensemble tones) - Goodnight, Thomas. - Goodnight. (soft anxious piano, violin music) - Wow. - They're all so delicious. Momma Martha was right, this Karen girl is a baking genius. - I don't know how in the world you're gonna be able to pick one of these. - One, how could we pick just one? - Hey guys. - Hey Thomas, perfect timing. - Hey, is dad here? I need to talk to him about something. - No, he's out golfing but get in here, you gotta get in on some of this action. - Wow, it looks like you guys are really enjoying this whole wedding planning thing. Hey, do you got a second? - Sure. (Mark giggling) What's up, man? - I know this is kinda outta left field but how do you know that Bev's the one? - I love her. - Right, but how do you know that she's the one you're supposed to marry? - I don't know, I chose her. I mean how could I not choose her? Look at her, she's beautiful and smart and funny and she fits in so well with our family. And she totally gets me and loves me anyway. Everything else is just icing on the cake. (satisfied groaning) Oh babe. - You love that one. - This is the one. You gotta try this, this is the one. You know, we should praise that other wedding tradition as well. - What do you mean? (Bev gasps) Mark McKenzie. You did not just do that. - [Mark] No. - Oh my god. (laughing) - Thanks bro, thanks. - No. - Oh my god. Oh my god. Turn her this way, turn her this way, ha ha. - No, no. - [Mark] Get her, get her. - What are you four doing? - Oh yeah, this one's definitely my favorite. - Yeah? Mm, that's good. - Well that escalated quickly. - I've had enough cake to last me a month. I'm glad you were there to participate in the festivities. - Well a Maid of Honor's work is never done. You know, like making sure the Best Man is presentable. - Hey. I was saving that for later. So how are things going with Desiree's book? - Challenging, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. She is an enigma. This book she wants me to publish is great in principle but we don't seem to be on the same page with the content. - On the same page, a little publisher humor? - You know. So what do you think about her? - She's different than I imagined. - Everyone seems to like her. I mean what's not to like? She's beautiful, charming, successful-- - Hey, why don't we stop talking about Desiree? You hungry? - Linen napkins. - I told you. - A beautiful view. It's a nice place, Thomas. - Oh my goodness, have you seen what they have on this menu? They've got a salad called the Wedgie. (laughing) What? Hope, Hope, I have something to tell you. Can you please contain yourself? Oh my goodness, you are embarrassing me. - There, as you were saying? - Thank you. I hold here in my hand all the wonder and splendor and excitement and delight and all those other words about greatness that anyone could ever hope for. Ah, but not until you wear this. Oh, there she is. My lady. - Cirque Extreme? - Mm hmm. - Saturday? - Yep. - Oh, Thomas. Oh, Grace is gonna be so excited. - Primo seats, by the way (lips popping). - You look ridiculous. - And you look gorgeous, especially when you smile. - [Desiree] Well look who's here, Thomas. - Oh, Desiree. - And Hope. What a surprise. Of course, I should have seen this earlier. - You did what? What kind of an imbecile are you, huh? - Ah, don't worry, Mason works it out. He usually gets what he wants. - Should we order? - Hey Tommy boy, come here. I'm surrounded by a bunch of morons. - You know what, why don't you go ahead and order for the both of us, I'll be right back. - [Desiree] So, what's with the noses? - This is your lucky day. They just double-booked my shoot, so they're gonna be pushing up to the 18th which means Reardon is unavailable. I'm gonna give you a shot, all right? - All right. - Yeah? - Yeah. - Now your first gig shoots on Saturday. I need you at the studio at 7:00 a.m. - Wait, this Saturday? - Yeah, this Saturday, what kinda question is that? - What time will we be finished? - We finish when we finish. You know, you're making me want a drink a lot. Hey Desiree, you coming? - Bye, so nice to see you. - I am so sorry about that. Mason is, well, he's not someone to bring home to the family. - So did everything get resolved? - More or less. He offered me a huge campaign. - Wow, congratulations. - Thank you. - Why aren't you happy about that? - The thing is the shoot is on Saturday. - So that means no Cirque. - You know what, I don't see any reason why the shoot can't be wrapped by the early afternoon at the latest. - I just don't want to get Grace's hopes up. - Hope, I completely understand and I promise you I will not miss the show, okay? We are going to Cirque. I will walk off that set if I have to. I will eat this nose, I will swallow it whole. I will gulp it down. - Okay. - One gulp, no water. - I get it. - Gulp. - Grace is gonna be really happy about this. - Where's my clown friend, where is she? - Are we folks ready to order? - I believe we are, you know what? I kinda feel like a Wedgie, would you like a Wedgie? - I'd love a Wedgie.- We would both like to start with a Wedgie, please. - Okay, two Wedgies coming up. - [Thomas] I'd like to apologize for tonight. - You mean the clown nose? - Yeah, the clown nose. I would like to make it up to you. - We are going to Cirque on Saturday. - I actually just meant me and you. - Okay. (relaxed ensemble music) Goodnight, Thomas. - Goodnight, Hope. (upbeat ensemble tones) - I haven't seen you this happy since your 12th birthday when you got that Super Nintendo. - Oh, that was an awesome birthday. - Yeah, so you kissed her. - Nope, nope, not going there with you, Lawrence. Not going there with you. - Yeah, you kissed her, you've got that glowy Hope look in your eyes. - We are not 15 anymore, Lawrence. ♪ Thomas and Hope sittin' in a tree ♪ ♪ K-I-S-S mm mm G - I take that back, one of us isn't 15 anymore. - Look, just don't tell Betty 'til after the photo shoot. I'm serious, bro, what's that Bible verse about Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned? - [Thomas] Shut up, Fabio. (doorbell rings) - You think so? (mid tempo electronic dance music) - Hi, I'm Thomas McKenzie, the photographer for today. - Oh of course, right this way. Here we have our makeup artist Lucy, our lounge for the models, the studio's right around the corner. Oh, they're still bringing stuff in but feel free to arrange it however you wish. Our crafty is right here and Mr. Campbell is right that way. - Thank you. - Oh ho, Tommy boy. Glad to see you showed up. Today will be the day you will never forget. - What did he mean by that? - Oh, that's just Mason being Mason. - How long do you think this is gonna take? - It's more take your time than hurry up on days like this. Well you know models, can't even have the tiniest flaw showing. - It's just shoes, for goodness sake. - Bite thy tongue, Thomas, just shoes? Hardly, why don't you go set up? I'm gonna go schmooze my way into a pair of spandex. - Good luck. - Thanks. (mid tempo electronic dance music) - I never dreamed you would be done this early. - I am so sorry, Hope. The truth is we haven't even started. - What? Oh no. - We actually should probably meet at the show just to be safe. - [Hope] Thomas. - I just want to cover our bases. Actually I left the tickets somewhere on my desk at the office. Would you mind stopping by there on your way out? - Sure, no problem. - Thank you, Hope, I'm going to make it, okay? Trust me, even if I, I'm gonna eat that nose. - Mr. McKenzie, the models are ready for you. - Thank you. All right, I gotta go. They're finally ready, I'll see you soon, okay, bye. - Ladies. This is gonna be the most talked about shoe campaign in all of history. (Mason whistles) Nothing makes a woman feel sexier than a great pair of shoes. Tommy boy, make your magic happen, huh? - All right, let's get started. (relaxed piano, violin music) (mid tempo electronic dance music) Let's bring some more excitement into it, some more energy. I want to see the confidence that these shoes make you feel, don't be afraid to smile, can we try that? Here we go. Maybe a little heel pop. (soft anxious violin, piano music) - This isn't working. All right, all right, all right. Ladies, that's all fun and games for a nice little warmup but I'm gonna need you guys to show us everything. Bam, that's what I'm talking about. That's how you sell shoes, Tommy boy. Just like that, it's beautiful, beautiful, just like that. I'd buy a pair of those, buy a pair of those. I'd buy my mother a pair of those, that's for sure. - Thomas. What are you doing? - What am I doing? What are they doing? I thought we were selling shoes. - They are selling shoes. - No, no, they're selling sex. - Yeah, well sex sells shoes and sex sells my books and sex sells everything. - You know what, Desiree, I can't believe this. You knew this was the campaign. You knew I wouldn't agree to it but you still-- - Thomas, just please come back. I am begging you to finish the shoot. I have staked my reputation on you, please. - Desiree, I am not gonna compromise everything I am for a pair of shoes. - It's not just a pair of shoes, this is an Asher Di campaign-- - Is that supposed to mean anything to me, is it? Because it doesn't, I don't care. - It's a huge opportunity and I put myself on the line. - Thank you, thank you so much for everything you've done for me, Desiree, everything but honestly-- - But Mason-- - No thank you. You can tell Mason to get a new boy, I'm done. - Hey, hey! Are you kiddin' me? You blew it, kid, you're done. Desiree, this is on you. - What? - That's your boy, that's who you bring me? You know how much money that's costing me? You're paying for this. People are gonna hear about this, Desiree. Forget about it, you're done, you are done. (anxious violin, piano music) - [Lawrence] Gracie, I'm gonna get you. - No, you're not. - Grace Elizabeth, stop. - I'm sorry, mommy. - Hope, is everything okay? - [Hope] Let's go, sweetie. You're all the same. (phone ringing) - What's up, Lawrence? - Thomas, I don't know what you were thinking, man. Hope just came by to pick up the tickets in your office, so yeah, she met Betty, she found your perfect girl journal. She left here crying and angry and upset. I called Bev, I didn't know what else to do. - Wait Hope, you have to listen to me. - There's no reason for me to stay here, Bev. - But you don't have to go back home. - I shouldn't have come in the first place. - What are you talking about? - I was just running away from the truth. - You told me you came here to expand your business. - [Hope] That was just an excuse. - Girlfriend, what, tell me, what is going on? - He cheated on me, Bev. - No, I'm sure there's an explanation. Thomas just isn't like that. Darryl, Darryl cheated on me. - I'm so sorry, honey. (somber violin, piano music) Hey, talk to me, girl. - I found out right before the accident. I got off work, I came home and I found them in our bed. He was begging for me to stay. She was yelling at him all the while I'm throwing his stuff out the door. Thank God Grace was at my mom's. - So Gracie doesn't know? - Nobody knows. Only me and that woman and God. I didn't think it mattered after he died. - I can't believe you're carrying this all by yourself. - I told him I never wanted to see him again and that was the day that he got hit on his motorcycle. (knocking) - Just relax, okay? I'll get it. - Oh no. - No, no, no. You gotta let me in, I can explain everything. - This is not a good time, Thomas. - [Thomas] I need to talk to her. - Well you're just gonna have to wait, okay? She's not ready to talk about anything. - If I can just tell her what happened, just tell her how I feel. - You? This is not about how you feel, this is about how she feels. - If I can get her to understand this, she won't feel this way anymore. - Keep your voice down, Grace is sleeping. - I'm sorry. I can explain about the painting. - And the journal? Do you know how much you hurt, how much you hurt Grace? - There's nothing going on between me and Desiree. - Do you really believe that, Thomas? You have a painting of her in your office and a sketchbook filled with pictures of her. - [Thomas] Hope. - [Hope] And her perfume all over you. - Hope, Hope. Hope. I did exactly what anyone in my position would do. Look, I just worked with her, I worked with her. She looks just like the painting, that's funny. That's funny, huh God? Yeah. Looks just like her (chuckles), that's a good joke. There was no commitment, we didn't say what we were. I mean I probably should have a little sooner but I didn't. I did nothing wrong. It's Hope. I wanna be with Hope. (car sputtering) What is this, what? No, no, no. No. Oh come on, come on. No, no, no, no, no. Why? No, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, you gotta be kidding me, come on. Why? (classic rock music) Excuse me, do you have a phone I could use please? Thank you. - I thought you were going to the circus. Did you get lost along the way? - Yes, I need a tow truck. Yes, I can hold. - Look, I was thinking about it on the drive home and well, it's kinda my fault, the entire thing. Mason did tell me about his plans for the shoot but I chose not to tell you. - Two hours? Yes, it's fine, I'm at the Firehouse Bar on Third. Yeah, thanks. - I honestly didn't think it would be a big deal but I should've known you would've had an issue with it. We both had a bad day, it seems. - Hey, did you guys need a drink or you just needed to use the phone? - Yes, can I please get another Old-Fashioned? - Yeah. - And my treat, what are you having? - Is this you apologizing? - I guess. - Fine, one drink. - You strike me as a Jameson man. - Great, neat or on the rocks? - The rocks is fine. - Okay. - Ooh, rocks. (giggling) (anxious violin music) - What? Desiree. - You're probably nursing a king sized headache right now. - How did I, why am I-- - Here, drink this, it'll help you feel better. - What happened last night? - You don't remember? - Well-- - Anything?- I remember having a drink and then I don't know, it's all a little bit hazy after that. - Turns out you do have quite the taste for Jameson but not much of a tolerance. After three of those, I had to get the bartender to help me get you in the car and then I was gonna take you home but... - But what? - Well, before I could get you there, you threw up in the back seat of my car, so I took you here instead. - How did I, where are my clothes? - They're in the wash, why don't you take a shower? They should be ready by then. (tepid piano music) (knocking) Hope, what a surprise, come on in. What can I do for you? - I just wanted to talk to you for a moment. Look, I turned my life upside down to publish and promote your book. I thought I was doing the right thing. I believed that you were gonna write something transformational in young lives. But there is nothing redeeming about this book. - I never said I was going to write a redeeming book, Hope. That's your word. - I'm sorry Desiree, I can't publish your book. - You're saying no to a bestseller because of your principles? - I am saying no to your book because I can't publish something that I wouldn't want my own daughter to read. - I can't force you to take advantage of the opportunity of a lifetime. - Desiree, where did you say my clothes are? Hope. Wait a minute, Hope. Don't go, Hope please. Hope, Hope. I need to borrow this, thank you. - Hey wait, that's my bicycle. (upbeat ensemble music) - [Thomas] Hope, wait. Hope. - Come on, let's get you buckled up. - Oh, girlfriend. Are you sure about this? - It's time to go home. (engine rumbling) - Hope! Hope, Hope please, no, no, Hope, don't go, please stay. We can talk about it, please. Don't go Hope, Hope. Hope! - I want to say goodbye to Thomas. - I'm sorry, honey. (relaxed guitar music) ♪ I hope you found what you're looking for ♪ ♪ Way out there in the great wide world just like I did ♪ ♪ When I found you ♪ I hope you find your piece of mind ♪ ♪ The way I do when you cross mine ♪ ♪ I've made a mess here ♪ But I belong to you ♪ If you need to find your way back home ♪ ♪ I'll be here like I've been here all along ♪ ♪ When the nights get cold and the road is long ♪ ♪ Just listen for the sound of your favorite song ♪ - I didn't do anything wrong, dad. I mean this whole thing is just a big misunderstanding. If she would just talk to me, I could tell her that I love her. - Didn't do anything wrong? You think just because you didn't cross some forbidden line, you haven't done anything wrong? You've spent so much time, son, looking for what you wanted, what you thought would make you happy. Did you pause for a minute and think about these other girls, what they needed, what they're looking for? Son, I'll tell you the truth, you've just been selfish and that's the opposite of love. You need to start focusing on your relationship with God. You want perfect, seek God. You want to find the best relationship for you, you need to build your relationship with Christ. 'Cause if you try to find someone on this Earth to fulfill the needs you have really that only Christ can fulfill, you will crush that person under the weight of your own expectations and you know what's gonna happen to you? You're gonna be bitter, really bitter when they can't meet 'em. - So what, you just want me to give up on Hope? Just move on and forget about it? - No, I'm saying you need to quit whining. You need to man up. Be the man that I've raised you to be. You need to get up, you need to press forward. You need to keep your eyes on God. Hey, do you remember this? - It's grandpa's compass. I always wanted to play with it as a kid but you wouldn't let me touch it. - Yeah, it was called wisdom. Hey Thomas, you know how much this means to me and I want you to have it. Just let that remind you to keep your focus on Him. - Would you pray for me? - I'd love to. Heavenly Father, thank you for my son. Lord, I pray to you, just let him see himself like you do. ♪ All along ♪ Yeah ♪ I've been here all along ♪ Know that we belong ♪ I hope you find what you're looking for ♪ ♪ But I belong to you - How can you say that about Rochester? He adored Jane, he was just afraid she wouldn't show him grace for his flaw. - That's plural, flaws, we're talking about men here, right? - And women. We are all flawed, right Hope? - No one's perfect. (tepid violin music) (laughing) (relaxed violin, piano music) - Hello. Hello. I'm looking for Hope. Wait. Wait. I'm not letting you run away from me. - It's just like "Jerry Maguire." - [Woman] Shh. - Could we... Okay. You can be my cloud of witnesses. Hope. I've spent my whole life just looking for something, trying to fill something in me. To protect myself from getting hurt. I was blinded by my insecurities and my selfishness. But I didn't mean to hurt you. To be honest, I wasn't thinking about anyone but myself. I promise that I am not that child anymore. You see, God used you to reveal things to me about my heart. I just feel terrible that it took breaking yours to do it. I've thought about you every day since you left. - I'm not your perfect woman. - I'm not your perfect man. But when I'm with you, I wanna try, I wanna be a better man so I can love you and Grace the way God intended. I love you, Hope. (women cheering) - Many of us spend a whole lifetime looking for love and for some us who find it, we're blessed and it has to be shared. Thomas and Hope, you're doubly blessed. Not only do you have the love of Jesus but you've found each other and now you get to spend a whole lifetime learning to love one another just like Jesus loves you and if that's not a reason to celebrate, then I don't know what is. (upbeat ensemble rock music) (relaxed guitar music) ♪ I hope you found what you're looking for ♪ ♪ Way out there in the great wide world just like I did ♪ ♪ When I found you ♪ I hope you find your piece of mind ♪ ♪ The way I do when you cross mine ♪ ♪ I've made a mess here ♪ But I belong to you ♪ If you need to find your way back home ♪ ♪ I'll be here like I've been here all along ♪ ♪ When the nights get cold and the road is long ♪ ♪ Just listen for the sound of your favorite song ♪ (relaxed guitar music) (rhythmic humming) ♪ I've been here all along ♪ I've been here all along ♪ Yeah ♪ I've been here all along ♪ I know that we belong ♪ I hope you find what you're looking for ♪ ♪ But I belong to you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 583,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full Movie, EncourageTV, Movies, encouragetv movies, encouragetv films
Id: g0oPyanqDyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 53sec (5513 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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