An Hour Behind (2017) | Full Movie | Emily Rose | Barry Watson | Alesandra Durham

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[Music] has ups and downs and turnarounds dead ends and new beginnings miracles ailee's I'm finna close every page is solid proof [Music] any chapter of my shudders [Music] [Applause] you learn [Music] what a week she's feed her I think I made like 10 times more cupcakes than usual that's a good thing it was this ooh french vanilla no lemon blueberry hmm for the competition yeah can't believe they chose that red velvet cupcake over yours last I know and I'm not letting that happen again this year especially since they upped the prize to $30,000 please so do I get a show at least yeah just a second okay let me take a picture yeah Katie it's good it's pretty good good I need great I don't know if it's strong enough to win it's like like frosting that's too sweet or something my kid hmm I don't know I need to think about it hey Chloe my favorite sister no you could have called I haven't forgotten Jimmy leftovers oh yeah sure are you sure you haven't forgotten because there were sent to me from us a fuss about it you conveniently come up with reasons to avoid these dates that's because it's a blind date you'll love him oh yeah have you met him yes he's Dylan's friend he's cool yeah 10 o'clock tomorrow right at that restaurant with the horrible is Anya don't be so critical it's breakfast so you can avoid any pastas I just don't understand why we can't eat here because all you have here is desserts besides I know you you'll end up working just like you did with what's his name honey what's his name Mike it was fine it was a fiasco we had no chemistry tomorrow she'll be there yeah I will hey Trish you okay if I take off sure yeah I'll see you on Monday oh and don't forget to change your clocks because it's daylight savings tonight oh yeah is it an hour back or an hour forward it's an hour forward yeah it's spring forward fall back oh yeah that's right okay see ya bye hey what was his name again Adam he'll be wearing a green shirt and jeans okay I got it you want me to write it down no green jeans on a shirt okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi I'm Trish hi I'm so sorry that I'm late I worked really late last night and my alarm didn't come off then my cell phone has fried so no technology huh anyway I'm just glad that you're you're still here me too so uh have you ordered ah not yet what do you usually get the omelet I always always get the omelet okay are you sure hi can I take your order uh yeah um I'll take the berry crepe please with some ham inside ahem yeah just chopped up a bit uh sure and you sir oh yeah the Southwest omelet [Music] what interesting choice oh that hammer yeah no I'm sorry that's weird I know this is no no it's just just that I've only seen that order by one other person huh I thought I was the only one so um tell me about yourself what do you want to know well Chloe says that you're a lawyer Chloe did she make that up I so like her well III deal with the medical side of things Oh like malpractice or an ambulance chaser okay ambulance chasers is closer oh I'm Adam I'm sorry I should not I shouldn't say that I don't mean to offend don't worry [Music] you mentioned you work late last night yeah what do you do I own a desert bakery it's called the cupcake palace on fifth yeah you know well I pass a lot I just haven't had a chance to go in yet Wow they should come in at him so cupcakes huh yeah but they're not just pretty and they're delicious course don't doubt it I won't about you do you cook no but I am a great eater what's your favorite flavor well like like chocolate or vanilla yeah deserve anything chocolate and peanut butter oh that's a good choice you got anything like that on the bakery's menu maybe [Music] you get happy thank you or you get a little more she set you up with an IRS agent yeah I don't know what my sister was thinking the guy kept talking to me about how to be a small business and avoid audits thoughtful yeah well you can see my hesitation in meeting I'm glad we met hey uh there's some something we should do that that looks fun [Music] this reward yes you when I was a kid you know think that this is gonna tip over to you [Laughter] where to I don't know it doesn't seem like it that big not that deep either don't tell me how to swim I swim I do I just am NOT a fan of murky water germs monsters monsters yeah that snakes and giant catfish no I don't think there's any giant catfish in here okay so it's just snakes then that I need to be afraid of is that what you're saying Adam frogs frogs did they they hide under lily pads and they're jumping yeah okay all right well the Frog jumps at you I'll make sure to scare it off as long as you protect me from giant catfish deal like I get some help from me let's chase it got time there's no big niche tonight let's not rush let's I'm away every day we're getting closer Oh little bit closer to your heart a little bit longer start to feel a little bit closer to our dreams are coming true [Music] little bit closer that was really fun yeah it was will be at first but I'll have to think Willie for that me too okay well um just so I don't have to go through my sister yeah here's that's my number sounds good thank you I really I I had a lovely day [Music] so I will see you later at him [Music] the Parker my name is [Music] Hey good morning good morning oh wow those already done am i late don't worry about it I got it all right well oh I already added that Oh usually I put it in last it doesn't make a difference okay and I will get started on the chocolate croissants those are done oh wow yeah they're cooling relax all right Trish your sisters here okay coming how was it don't you have anything else to do Brooks at school Dylan's at work you should have called me anyway it was nice he was he was likable finally I could come on don't get crazy all right it was just one date I told you he was great all right you'll have to forgive me for being skeptical but yeah he he was so is the interest mutual I don't know and you cannot call him to find out why not because this isn't great school we're adults all right don't metal promise me Chloe fine their problems hey honey Trish had a great time with Adam oh good have you heard from them yet no can you call him honey I don't want to get middle there call him so your sister-in-law can be happy you wouldn't deny our a chance at happiness would you I don't know I'll bring you two cupcakes make it three done hey Dylan hey how's it going busy yeah how was your weekend I worked most of it but I mean I've got this case that just keeps burying me in motion and promotion yeah it sounds bad hey how was your date Chloe wants to know you could have gone better really if she'd show nothing wait what so there I am eating on my own when she just sits across from me and starts talking like she knows me sort of you were eating alone my love whoa what's she hot very pretty forget pretty what's she crazy at first I wasn't sure but you know she kept talking and well she thought I was someone else oh there's something about it uh uh something yeah I got a number nice cool and how embarrassed was she when she finally figured out who you weren't oh well I I didn't correct her but this gets better and better I should kept calling me Adam what is that a middle name now I'll tell her you know it's no big deal you stood him up what Adam said you didn't show no why would he say that be honest Trish you did go didn't you I mean you didn't feed me all that stuff about liking him and then not even go on the date I met him we spent most of the day together you did yeah I don't get why he would pretend that we didn't meet [Music] I had a sec were you late I mean maybe a little but not by much did you set your clock for daylight savings no my phone died so I you were late okay even if I was late I still met a guy there in a green shirt and jeans was this the guy no you guys don't think she'll be upset do you why would she you didn't do anything wrong no I mean not really why don't you just explain who you were I don't know I just so what it's her mistake big deal she might not see things that way you think she'll be fine don't weigh in at ten seven seven responding I mean what kind of guy just lies to you the entire time I know what was he doing laughing at me see yeah this is why I don't like dating I'm sorry Trish you know Adam is not like this real Adam I mean I hope so trust my tastes better than that was he mad at me a little but you know I'll have Dylan talk to him explain the whole thing we'll be fine I don't know Chloe I really don't want to be dealing with this right now technically you still owe him a date please aw stupid daylight savings oh you gotta love those false alarms yeah least he was all right and we got out of the station for a little while speaking of getting it up you're dating though I didn't mean to yeah but still good for you gee thanks hey there's her place who the girl yeah Trish stop sure you're going as Adam or as yourself I'm starving what's good here doesn't matter hey Trish you yeah so did you come here to confess was wrong look it'sit's not what you think Billie is your name Adam well no my name is Parker okay well then it's exactly what I think you made me think that you were somebody else no you assumed I was this Adam guy but then you kept lying to me but I didn't put my looking I didn't mean to lead you on and I'm sorry you're embarrassed for the whole mistake embarrassed for a mistake I didn't know you thought I was someone else at first yo they pretended to be my date but you sat down at my table because I thought you were Adam not my fault get out Parker maybe hang out I want to clear this I think I saw a food truck just around the corner i order something here oh you see here chocolate croissant all right our surprise is there sure [Music] seriously absolutely fine it's nice to meet you what I just already stood him up once inadvertently true look stops doing about the imposter and meet Adam he's a great guy I just think it's all a little too do not say too soon because it's been over a year since you broke up with lunch I was gonna say too much that's too much I need to be focusing on the bakery call him Trish or I will hey hey no no no fine fine that's good is that for your bake up it's not a bake off makes it sound so small-time it's a competition all right and if I win that's $30,000 towards a second bakery either way it'll win points with Adam you know that's a little sorry I can't figure out daylight savings gesture [Music] so I I want to apologize about the other day don't worry about it how long were you waiting for me maybe 45 minutes 45 oh wow that's that's not a good impression how about we pretend the other day didn't happen okay I'd like that good so I was wondering do you like plays yeah sure I haven't really been to that many but well this is my niece's performance so don't set the bar too high but I thought it'd be fun yeah that sounds like fun great hey how was training fine what's that nothing I'm off I ain't got big plans tonight yeah that's what I thought hey my last plans didn't go so well actually they went great based on what you told me so well that's the first blip of life I've seen in you don't give up so easy so what'd you think it was good your niece she was great I know it wasn't as traditional sa dinner and a movie but I figured you work in a restaurant all day probably want to break Oh actually you know I I work in a bakery so we serve desserts and sweets things like that that you see so not to contradict myself but I'm starved you want to grab a bite to eat sure what sounds good uh-huh Oh anything but sushi sorry I gotta take this yeah okay what they come back with that's crazy no no no there's no deal just tell them Milton alright yeah yeah I'll be right in okay sorry what legal emergency can we pick this up some other time oh sure okay yeah are you free Saturday we can get that sushi yeah [Music] you again me Parker I know I just want to be up front this time so why are you here to see you working late yeah I was just trying to catch up on some work cuz I had gone on this date so oh okay okay I just I want to explain everything about why you lied technically I just didn't correct you why not actually I tried but it never panned out and at first I was so surprised I mean he just sat down and started talking to me yeah but why didn't you just tell me later we talked for hours you should have told me the minute you realized what had happened I know that now it's just I don't know I didn't miss spoil it because there was something it's different about you now that's actually really that's really sweet but then I realized that I really I don't have a reason to trust you I'm sorry no anyway you know I'm just I'm really busy lately I've got a lot going on and really the only reason we met was because of the whole time change thing so it's probably better if you just you know go and try to forget about me [Music] I cannot believe Parker came over again no it's gutsy huh yeah anyway how was your date with Adam hello oh yeah I was it was it was nice it was fine he's super charming isn't he yeah yeah he's a real gentleman so what did you do we went to his niece's play like at an elementary school no it was a was a theater of sorts it was it was fine it was fine great really kind of sweet actually yeah yeah so so we we have another date on Saturday she is so aggravating no matter what I say she still thinks I'm one of those guys what guys no guys like you know like Milo hey like you know thanks what's wrong with me no nothing this is a predatory vibe you give off persistent I prefer persistent for the record actually maybe you should be more like him what no no I don't mean mindlessly go after her but don't give up either he's right - he wasn't necessary though really just depends on if you think she's worth it or not I mean after all you're the one that had the fantastic date with her that breathes rhythm back into your heart oh that's fun that's not bad at all it was pretty good what's with the flowers I don't know they were on the front doorstep when I got in say roses are red violets are blue if you give me a chance I'll give you one too oh that's kind of lame no what I was gonna say cute was it from no one so barring complications I'll be made senior partner this year oh that's awesome have you always wanted to be a lawyer I think so I mean everything in college was about getting into law school and after that I joined a firm and haven't stopped Wow what about you always a chef actually no I I was an accountant no yeah I didn't think you were that business savvy organized Oh not because of the whole being late to our date day I'm just sure sure baking was always something that kept me interested you know growing up I love pushing all the buttons on the appliances and my mom she would always let me stir the batter how's your sushi oh it's not my favorite oh well I thought it was pretty fresh here Charlie no that's okay I'm just terrible brother I'm just a little bit probably I'm full I'm good thank you sorry you were saying something about your cooking hobby right right well I don't think I ever considered baking as a career but you know every tax season when things would get especially stressful I would make myself take a break and I would start baking all these new things and that's when I realized I just liked it so much better than crunching numbers who wouldn't excuse me can we get another one Augie roll me flowers what that's not enough how do you know did she call it's classic look maybe it's enough if she already likes you but that's not the case Thanks I'm just saying man you got to be charming I am I know you are so make her smile laughs then she can't stay mad at you you missed a spot up there [Music] Hey hey buddy can hear me pulse car starting CPR he's not breathing [Music] [Music] okay fine if there was nothing we could do here you know no I'm just saying you don't want to internalize it it'll eat you up we should know what took you so long sorry I was like what's that I have no idea it was outside the door what are you up to or just cost analysis you think that two stores would be more efficient than one but no oh my word have you been binging no those are leftovers from the cupcake competition samples I was working on them all day of course so when you win the prize money is it gonna be enough for a second store if I win and no it's not but it'll be enough to get me started mm-hmm what is that sorry our signals got mixed up Parker don't shorty have one of those yeah please don't toss me out see you soon Parker when I kind of I guess we have to give him points for creativity on that one mm-hmm this one's my favorite that one is the customer favorite sorry hey how are you you got the gifts yes good yes so can I can I get you anything look um our short but turbulent history aside how about we go out now start over so I don't toss you out yeah I'm Parker I'm a paramedic not an ambulance chaser no I'm inside the ambulance so uh what do you say you know I I really do appreciate the gifts but but but I'm kind of seeing somebody else right now Adam yes yes the real one mmm well then we'll go as friends come on I mean after a long day of baekje and you need a break so uh how about ice cream ice cream no I figure it's safe because you don't sell it so you're paranoid tired of it but you pick well you know I'm supposed to close up tonight we have a huge batch that's due in the morning and I know I I got this you go she's got this okay all right yes all right call me if you need anything Thanks you're welcome so real Adam what about him well as your friend I'm curious about him what's he like he's tall okay he has trendy hair yes he's nice Wow some spark between YouTube and what about you huh you've been going out much not really why not work keeps me busy me too my sister seems to think because she has to you know juggle a household with kids and husband and everything that all of us must just have so much time why does she care so much I think maybe because she's family she feels responsible older sister yeah my parents actually died when I was younger so she likes to claim that she raised me well it's nice to have someone who cares yeah so other than cooking what do you like to do bake more come on no I do have this competition coming up and that's what I've been working on a baking competition yeah that's a pretty big deal but but you don't bake all day so so what do you do do you like to to read build stuff any hobbies read sure yeah but I'm telling you I really I just don't have any time okay okay put it this way if you had time what would you do paint what like like brushes in canvas no finger paint yes brushes thinking why don't you I honestly I just don't have time you know we find the time for things that are important what about you do you eat sleep and breathe being a paramedic no no I hear that leads to burnout alright so then what do you do for fun well I go out with women who are late to blind dates brain freeze ahh so how long have you been a paramedic about a year a year Wow what'd you do before that oh um you know a little little this what made you want to become a paramedic yeah I I wanted to be able to honk at people and run red lights legitimately well thank you for the milkshake my pleasure oh hi Adam hi I had a major breakthrough in one of my cases thought we should celebrate congratulations um this is uh this is Parker God just just a friend nice to meet you yeah this so yeah you know I I'll see you later nice to meet you Adam [Music] what are you doing what setting yourself up for heartbreak well it's not like I want it that way once you tell me to go after her well yeah but not if you're the one getting hurt and here I thought you'd say put yourself out there nothing risked nothing gained what is the big deal right if it doesn't work out you move on this girl I'm dating right now her cousin is smoking thanks but no no no miles got the right idea sort of maybe you should focus on dating someone who's available you guys are making this harder than it needs to be just to shoot the ball whoo it's crazy out there we're almost out of eclairs know what I came in I bought a whole bunch for his office what what I'm supposed to have scallops on the side it looks fine ah this is for sale just one slice you're literally eating my profit okay I've got that meeting with the bank what for for the second store you know I can handle it here you should just go no you know what I think I'm just gonna reschedule you know what I'll get that thank you [Music] what what what the ovens not working it's working all morning those are definitely half-baked No what are we gonna do there's already not very much on the display cases I know I don't know I know I know do you want me to help can you fix him up in no hi this is trish from the cupcake palace yeah hey listen my oven just stopped working I was wondering if he could send somebody by to kind of look at it no I can't wait until tomorrow I'm a bakery and I need my oven okay look um listen if anyone cancels can you just give me a call please thank you you need to call another company here's another one perfect thank you hi this is trish from the coach I'm on Dave I need the deposition transcripts from Tuesday Trish how are you I'm okay listen do you have a moment yeah that's quick okay my oven just broke down and I've been on the phone looking for repairmen everywhere and well I can't find anybody so do you know of anybody handy or do you think you might be able to look at it yeah I could probably stop by later tonight oh wait Trisha I gotta go I'll call you later okay oh okay bye bye any luck you know we're gonna have to improvise you know what why don't you just take those on up to my apartment cuz the oven works there they won't all fit I know but just do what you can hi this is Trish hey are you busy so that's fake Adam Shh so what happened I don't know it just stopped working right in the middle of a batch has it had problems lately no this is totally out of the blue is it still under warranty of course not where are your circuit breakers oh this way all right let's see if I I reset it if that will work did that fix it I don't know still not heating up Pam 14 it's a gas oven right yeah let me check the pilot light nope not down here it's plugged in I mean gas line is on here's the pilot but it's off it could be the flame sensor way well if it's dirty or there's a blockage and prevents the the floor gas you you have something to clean it off with how about this yeah maybe something a little bit bigger like a rough sponge oh that's a big sensor all right I was like a cotton swab this might work that should work let's see all right turn it off okay top okay this is going to work try that okay it works Wow you fix it yeah I'd still get a checked out yeah I'm impressed hey Katie its back on thank you you're welcome thank you so much oh it's no trouble I feel bad bugging you on your day off you can make it up to me let me take you out something going on tomorrow I think you'd really like don't mind me Arthur come on as a token of your gratitude [Music] okay [Music] I thought this could be a chance to try it your potential hop I really don't know how to paint though it's a class we'll be in good company alright everyone take your places does everyone have a campus Wow good at this I'm not so sure how about yours how's yours coming it's perfect I know it's the shading and that's a tricky part right I feel like it's it's just so flat that is your first painting would be a pro in no time I don't think I have time for more yeah you find it how do you do it how do you make the time when I have a day off I use it really and I'm not at work I feel like that's all that I think about I would don't you have great people who can handle things they're you know I'm just always worried that if I'm gone for too long there's gonna be some massive crisis and I'll be the only one that could fix it you need a little bit of faith don't you think don't you get scared I mean scared that maybe you could be the one that could save someone if you were on duty I'm just as scared when I'm on duty really I guess I feel like if I'm there I'll have some kind of control I'm never in control but I do what I can so what do you do if you feel like that there's someone you can't help well my my training says to stay calm try whatever I can to make a difference anyway but um what really what I try to do is not think about it hmm does that work [Music] not yet but I keep trying so why do you keep trying if it if it bothers you so much which I understand that it could because of all the times me being there did change the outcome [Music] so you said the other night that you haven't been a paramedic for long right yes why did you do before that before yeah oh you know nothing important well you had to switched careers right yeah but um what was it like an early midlife crisis or something uh you could call it that yeah I'm in the middle of mine right now I really want to open up a second cupcake palace really yeah he's doing really well I just I want to see it grow actually the place that I'm thinking of opening it's really close by to you when I go check it out sure yes okay this is a great spot yeah assuming I can afford it I figure it's not too far away for me to be inconvenient yeah but far enough away that it doesn't compete with the first bakery yeah that's a hope I know it means a lot of work what anything well buddy I see the potential you know I could even see like some outdoor seating area around here yes that's what I was thinking a cupcake palace would fit right in here feels really good to hear somebody else say that no it's a great idea I hope it works for you Thanks sometimes they feel a little silly cuz you know it's just cupcakes it's not like I'm saving lives or anything yeah cupcakes they cheer people up I hadn't thought about it like that before I know it's made a difference to me really yeah I don't know what I'm doing I'm amazed we've been talking to what's his name keep calling him fake Adam it's Parker Parker yeah I mean are you starting to like him more than Adam I'm not sure I guess I could be my Adam is amazing he's a lawyer he's wealthy he's stable and all that and he's really good-looking she should don't be worried Parker seems nice and he's handsome yeah I mean I'd say Parker but there's just there's still so much I don't know about him you could say the same about Adam no not really because he talks about himself a lot like all the time with Parker I just I don't know he seems really guarded what lucky secretive know that it's just something no open up don't look perfect your girls don't have to be here I can do this you have to choose the cupcake for the competition mmm I know Hey you should let that cool oh no you need to try one with the peanut butter cream frosting and the cookie oh yeah I just don't know what to pick so what's your favorite so far well I would say out of the fruity ones I like the strawberry lemon definitely but with the chocolatey I don't know it just depends on how these turn out I like the cookie dough no it's too sweet maybe we need an outside opinion hmm oh it can't ask Chloe because she likes everything what about Adam you've been talking to Chloe haven't you I was thinking more along the lines of Parker well chocolate peanut butter is his favorite flavor so Lindsay goes to get a drink and I see this woman red hair gorgeous blue eyes being she's stunning okay please not another one of these stories okay just hear me out okay so there happens to be this guy standing next to me so I just mumble something to him about how beautiful she is so it was Lindsay's brother you know why would he care if you said that well I might have been a little more colorful in my description ah smooth hi how can we help you Hey hi guys this is a nutrition hey hi again Tom yeah yeah it's good to see ya we were just doing go check our gear somewhere else oh no actually I could really use your help oh really I'm trying to come up with a great recipe for the baking competition at the end of the week and so thought I could use a second opinion and a third and a fourth sweet I can definitely help there yeah yeah okay I'm glad you came by yeah me too what's that uh that peanut butter yeah with chocolate mm-hmm that is amazing really do you think it's good enough to win no I'm vote for this yeah I would vote yes but for which one yeah yeah that's helpful yeah I'll actually try the other one hey come on I'll give you a tour all right here enjoy and make sure you let me know okay hmm she's got a nice cupcake this is where we keep our gear close and convenient from we have got on calls train you know we do a lot of drills why not I've always wondered how you work you know keep steady in the back of one of these things wait you ever sit on with those big Pilates balls yeah it's kind of like that hmm we take turns making meals simple nothing branded yeah instant noodles pretty poorly which is why a lot of times we just order takeout it's our locker area nice it's functional your tax dollars at work Parker yeah chief I need a signature and some details on that comfortable return Street oh yeah yeah I'll be right back yeah [Music] [Music] sorry about that my Trish Trish leave me alone wait wait leave me alone wwhat's going on you're gonna play innocent really whatever it is you think I did I'm pretty sure you're wrong Oh cuz I've caught you lying to me twice now and what's sad is it's not just to me what are you talking about your wife I saw the picture my wife you know I'm not the kind of person that does the whole cheating thing so once and for all just leave me alone I give up why put yourself out there for someone who keeps jumping to conclusions I knew you were hiding something I felt it you want to assume the worst about me it's fine I'll leave you alone [Music] so are you gonna be okay yeah I'm fine I'll be fine he did not seem the type he seems so nice yeah just so gullible oh no you weren't it weren't it doesn't matter anyway competition is in a couple of days and I just really need to focus on that so does this mean you're giving up on Adam I'm just asking because he asked telling about you yesterday I'll mark the changes just send them over to Edward alright hey Trish come in hi hey how are ya I'm good well thanks for setting back from lunch today oh yes I just need to route some things up here but there's this great place across the street it's pretty good okay that sounds good okay oh I brought you my latest looks delicious do you mind if I oh yeah so how you been it's been a while yeah sorry about that I'm I've been good I'm good lately I've just been a little stressed but okay yeah I've got this big cupcake competition coming up the end of the week so you should come for sure I'll be there great how about you how are things here oh good just swamped I've got this client making my life difficult he keeps going to my boss even though I'm lead attorney on his case I'm sorry no I have an idea on how to calm him down I just need more time to figure it out which is fine since I can bill them for two so it's still a win there you go did you send him the changes yeah so sorry um let's reschedule okay okay thanks for the brownie it's a cupcake [Music] [Applause] alright how's that coming already okay these just need to go in the car and will you grab the cashbox got it we could use extra change though coins and ones okay I thought I had those okay all right so these are for the judges and these are to sell all right I'll Drive you have been working on stuff don't you want me to drive how I'm fine come on listen if I Drive them I'll be nervous about being late to the fair okay we're done do we mourn the other boxes no those are the regular flavors to sell maybe we could use one of them not for the competition you have to be new and special maybe we could solve it no okay we just have to be we have to make more what's the recipe we don't have enough time Piper [Music] where's the cocoa there how much peanut butter in the frosting we just do maybe two morons doing what we do best no I told you we don't have enough time there is if you let us help I can drive to the competition now and start setting up and maybe the judge won't come to our booth first okay we can drive up as soon as we're done here you know we can do this half cup of peanut butter in the frosting I'll see you there oh and Piper can you make sure that you call Chloe she should be on her way over to help and make sure you reserve a spot where we cannot stage these for the judges got it great waiting in an anonymous much water okay right all right and make sure you add a little bit of evaporated milk got it and did you make sure that you make the proper [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to this year's cupcakes competition we're grateful for our sponsor fine baking who is making this possible with the grand prize of $30,000 to our judges are just getting ready to start their rounds now so we'll leave it to their taste buds to find a fast cupcake okay okay here they come thank goodness hey where are they the judges are coming right now around the circular dome okay great [Music] hello hi welcome to the cupcake palace tell us about it this is a chocolate based cupcake with a hint of hazelnuts freshly ground peanuts it's got the filling of the white chocolate mousse and it's topped with a light peanut butter frosting and a miniature peanut butter cookie and the drizzle the drizzle is a dark chocolate [Music] okay okay thanks thank you bye-bye what do you think yeah I don't I don't I don't know okay [Music] it's not a bake-off ah these things just sitting around all day nothing to do how is that any different from what we do normally at least at the fire station I have some distractions you know like losing it oops all day hey one game is not all day sir hey not so bad now No can we do CPR No thank you it's taking so long I don't know why don't they give us the results just be patient okay [Music] I knew it hi hi under me yeah Tom right wait what are you doing here Oh on duty yeah case of any emergencies I guess that makes sense [Music] listen do you have a minute we could talk Oh actually I'm really busy but please just hear me out Parker wasn't always a paramedic he was a life science teacher or something at a high school about three years ago his wife Elaine had a heart attack the parker found her at the house he'd come straight home after work and he tried to save her but he she passed him he was kind of a zombie for a while there then he pulled himself together and he decided he didn't want to let that happen to anyone else if he could help it and that's when he became a paramedic and through all the training it's douve right in Wow I had no idea [Music] he hasn't really been very open to relationships for a long time but he said you ordered something strange the day you met the very same thing his wife used to order and they ate there and it it caught him off guard or maybe it woke him up anyway I just thought I thought you should know the truth [Music] I probably shoot you back keep Milo out of trouble take care thank you [Music] ladies and gentlemen we have the results of the cup of cakes competition let me just say that Wow every Baker here brought their a-game I've been looking forward to this and let me tell you I was not disappointed speeches unfortunately we can't make everyone a winner so the third-place winner is Leon Albertson recipes inspiration for her cupcake thank you Anna that's nice right and our second place winner is the hey mater now a great hey batter batter bakery used a key lime cupcake topped with a raspberry lime frosting and a sugar lime wedge on the top congratulations all right now grand prize winner who will not only get the winning recipe printed on the back of fine making products but will also go home with $30,000 the cupcake Paulo [Music] the cupcake palace created a chocolate cupcake with a filling of white chocolate mousse on top it's garnished with a perfect peanut butter frosting and a miniature cookie congratulation [Music] so when you get your second Baker you do I get to be manager we'll see girl so I really couldn't have done this without you today thank you so much who you just try to remember that especially around Bonus Time [Music] seven yeah take that thank you good [Music] hi what are you doing here I ran into Tom at the competition and he told me about your wife so so I wanted to apologize and that's why I'm here don't trouble yourself I should never have jumped to conclusions I feel horrible about how I treated you and I'm sorry [Music] done [Music] yeah hark are you gonna say something anything I didn't tell you about it laying because I didn't want your sympathy what's wrong with sympathy if it helps me understand better if you would have told me about her and your situation my situation have you even considered that maybe I wanted you to see me for me and that's some widower to be pitied besides I'm not someone who would use her memory as a pickup line to get a woman's attention I never would have thought that yeah you sure Parker you never told me anything about your past well it's I supposed to think I was beginning to worry that I don't know maybe you are hiding something oh sure it's wish I am tired of trying to prove myself to you you're always trying to find some way for us not to be together no I'm not it's not it's not worth it anymore Parker look what did you say something something about how we weren't supposed to meet anyway I mean the only reason we did is because of a time change please just go on with your life I'll go on with mine [Music] when's the next order of cream coming in Trish hmm Oh are we getting more in soon uh yeah tomorrow excuse me is this the place I can find an award-winning cupcake I told my boss about it but of course he doesn't want to hear any bad news even though I clearly had a solution of my own sort of so I spend the rest of the day digging through all the ideas I could find out how to calm him down so they did be in a listening mood and did it work not fast enough he overreacts and chews out the other side which will cost us but hey not my fault I think it would be good though because you'll see that I was right I might even help with a little partner thing too yeah that's great of course then I find out that Jimmy who's been at the firm three years longer than me has been lobbying for partner - not sure what I'll do about that I mean he's a nice guy but killer instinct hey you okay [Music] Adam yeah I don't think this makes sense what well grand prize winner how's it feel wonderful you gonna go ahead and open up a new store then yeah I actually sign the paperwork yesterday good I'm glad this is working out for you yeah me too too bad it didn't work out with Adam it really was amicable really he was really understanding of course he was because he's a great guy wasn't Chloe I know that you liked him but that it just wasn't enough I thought you liked him too I did and I I do just not as much as he likes himself do you know what he said when I told him that we could no longer see each other what he said that it was okay because he had somebody that was more focused on him are you gonna be okay yes I'm gonna be fine I will I'm gonna be fine I have so much to keep me busy with a second store opening and if all goes well hopefully we'll be open by the end of the year heroes are gone Zedan go my shadow scare us down we come back down we're always waiting for the stunner to me and I'll be there the praises dangers the everyday life we face is too much whoa Oh all the trucks [Music] Aveda tired but we still always maybe hard to grow too weak to turn if I'm still me and Toby the crazy is another the everyday life we face is too much we can't save me [Music] save me and uh messy Oh if you say me I'll be the hero to brave these hell or high water dangers the everyday life we face it's too much ever every day lovely face it is too much to say [Applause] alright remember to behave and don't touch anything unless they're by themselves it's okay alright look kids [Music] who wants to learn all about what we do here yes we do now we share the fire station with a paramedic crew who can tell me what a paramedic is [Music] yes they do and over there are our paramedics not only do they drive ambulances but more importantly they help people who are sick or injured why don't you follow me over here I'll show you some fire engines oh no no no honey don't drink that it's yucky why do kids do that it'll be kids I guess I know but I don't want her to get sick yeah I went with Brooklyn's preschool on their field trip to the fire station oh yeah guys how Parker don't worry I didn't say anything I don't think even rection hos new song now you look the same you know that I just want you to be happy ever since mom and dad died I tried my best to help and be a favorite sister we were it's just I know I can be overbearing in with a whole date setup thing they haven't all been great but the thing is you just had to find something wrong with every single one no matter what and that really frustrated me that's cuz it's not your responsibility I know but it doesn't mean I don't care I'm not saying they're perfect but you and Parker clips and that didn't happen with anyone else so so what do you think you would have thought of Adam is there were no Parker I think maybe you were punishing Parker and that's why you accepted Adam so easily okay why are you telling me all this are you're just telling me this to make me feel worse no I'm telling you this because I want you to know that Parker's probably hurt too and no matter what he did what you said maybe he needs a chance to fall in love with you again hey I can do that oh no it's good I'm fine you go ahead and take off you sure you don't need any help yeah you can close on Monday okay oh I almost forgot Chloe was in here earlier and wanted me to remind you about breakfast tomorrow morning at night oh right right thanks for that I'll text her okay have a good night you two no no grace [Music] [Music] Hey how many in your party two actually but I think she must be running late do you want to be seated or would you like to wait for her you know I think can I just wait hi I'm here to pick up a to-go order okay what's the name Parker Parker okay [Music] hi hi you waiting for someone Chloe actually she was supposed to meet me here for breakfast at 9:00 of course she's running late did you forget what day it is Sunday that's that's not what I meant it's actually 8 o'clock right now what time change but my guess is you're an hour early no no no did you fry yourself one again found it actually yeah okay what about your alarm clock well you know it works but only if you either set it right right yeah maybe you shouldn't make any plans near daylight savings maybe but then I never would have met you oh thank you Jax it was uh see you around you too [Music] Parker yeah hey hey have you been good you yeah me me too Khloe saw you the other day at her daughter's field trip oh good how is she funny yeah thanks izia see I'm still working yes yeah haven't had any problems with it since you fixed it yeah I saw something about the the new bakery it it's opening soon isn't it yeah this week you should come I'm glad things are going well for you oh I made the chocolate peanut butter cupcake irregular on the menu oh yeah yeah so if you're in the neighborhood it's on the house [Music] well [Music] it was really good seeing you you too take care [Music] Oh God start what'd you get the usual so um I got a thing it's my cousin's wedding I gotta go to it so can one of you cover my shift on Friday I've got plans this Friday you didn't block it off no do you have a date oh of course I have a date who are you talking to here so you have a date before you have someone to cover your shift smart look don't hate on me okay it's my cousin's wedding mmm all right what the date mm-hmm fine so you're out how about you hook a brother up Parker what [Music] are you here man I'm sorry sorry you okay what's up just uh it's not Trish when just now at the restaurant so how was it awkward that means you're still not over why why just does right yeah I haven't talked to her in months but you're still thinking about her maybe you should do something about now come on guys I mean you know the history it's not gonna happen yeah but you're still thinking about her and things are still awkward things you probably wish you could go back and change things so where we are my shift right [Music] thanks for coming in we have half a tray of chocolate croissants left that's a ball that's left totally sold out Wow oh this came for you [Music] I'd like to give us another chance can you give me the time of day Oh looks like the store's ahead [Music] yeah we've had a really good day self-updating alarm clock --it an automatically adjusted they late savings time that both in the spring and the fall so even if you break it phone you'll always have the correct time well I definitely could use this so thank you look I am really really sorry about what happened before I I know me too I was hiding things I didn't want to think about my past so I tried to bury it and that made things worse but I can definitely understand why thanks you know I'm starting to believe in destiny oh really lately yeah I mean who knew something as simple as a time change could lead me to you do you mean [Music] besides I think we've wasted enough time don't you think yeah [Music] can you you know help me set this up or whatever it's a clock I know you can plug it in well you know you're the technology if I'm late because of you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: SparkTV
Views: 1,008,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, TV, Film, Entertainment, An Hour Behind, An Hour Behind Full Movie, Emily Rose, Barry Watson, Alesandra Durham, Brittany Wiscombe, Brian Brough, An Hour Behind | Full Movie | Emily Rose | Barry Watson | Alesandra Durham, An Hour Behind | Full Movie, Daylight Savings, full movie, full film, love, romance, film, movie, false identity, competition, dinner, fall, kissing
Id: 6-frMtw4zus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 17sec (5417 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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