Bookworm And The Beast (2021) | Full Movie | Nicola Posener | Jake Stormoen | Aubrey Reynolds

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[Music] [Music] you know i really don't know how you can be so calm right before grand opening how can i not be after drinking a cup of caramel comfort oh okay you know maybe i should just make one for some myself you're going to do great and this place will be a hit come on pierce hey look at me if things are going untowardly one month they're sure to amend the next wow your public relations side is really coming out right now my mom actually she'll love quoting jane austen to me my public relations side says that we are trending so high we may sell out before closing tonight hey uh monty's still coming and delivering a lot of stuff right it should be i'll speak of the devil the devil i don't know about that but i do know what i thought it's pretty cray to me to bring this over time dad she always rolls her eyes at my jokes yeah easy can i get a little help here yes of course thank you it is so nice to have your farm as a local vendor i wish everyone thought that i'd love to have more sales what did you say i said you can thank izzy for that she's the one who recommended my farm to you the owner around sign the paperwork oh i'll take care of that don't want to bother her so this is reader's cove it looks great in here oh hey have you met my sister renee she's the owner of once upon a book shop oh nice to finally meet you that's pierce hey so you run the place well no well i do all of the customer facing stuff the owner's barbara so you run the place you should uh should come by more often i'll be back oh yeah i got three more crates to bring in three like i said you're trending don't worry i already approved it with barbara so i think this will be a nice spot for people to read and relax with a nice drink so it's a nice spot for you to read and relax quality control is very important for a new business true want to be more like a library than a bookshop except if they like the book they can buy it hmm have any of your fictional male romances manifested in real life no such revulsion i mean i've gone on dates but everyone seems too eager to take it to the next level that's your problem i'm lucky if a guy even looks at me twice i'm just gonna go ahead and uh take these to the back okay i did i didn't grunt there that's great i'll see y'all later bye i like the idea of something more but these guys want a relationship of convenience and i want romance they die because their families had an ancient grudge true romance yes actual romance not just two people putting on a show for likes and follows it's missing something okay girls i gotta get back what are you two clearing it feels like it's missing something flowers yes johnny's flowers that's exactly what it needs surprised you're still here oh grant come here to gloat no no johnny i i don't take pleasure in other people's failures i lost my other flower shop because of your slimy internet smear tactics my father's shop is the last thing i have i know and that's just business sometimes it's nothing personal it feels personal tell you what uh why don't you sign right here and you can still sell this adorable little operation for a comfortable retirement i don't do technology okay well suit yourself oh tell you what um take one of these right here and you can keep the change because i think that you are going to need it more than me [Music] i'll hurry back with the roses thanks dad love you yes love you dad who's excited for the grand opening [Music] you're off your game boss couldn't get him to sign i wasn't there to buy the business i was there to demoralize him every minute that goes by where he doesn't sell a flower he'll second-guess himself i come back around he'll sign either way the board of directors they want to talk with you about other possible acquisitions i already know what to buy on this block so you're gonna stand up to them again tell them i'm working remember if you take pictures and tag your drinks you get discounts to charm specialty drinks and once upon a book shop oh boy i thought they knew you'd be here i didn't even know i'd be here ready yes sir where would you like the car uh park it out front [Music] what up beasties be prepared to be blessed by my presence [Music] not even a little what i sound like hey watch it um [Music] i'm sorry um a person who has not pleasure in a great novel must be incredibly stupid intolerably stupid right intolerably stupid i'm impressed most guys can't quote jane austen and most people don't have a photographic memory near photographic i'm sorry um please uh please after after you okay thank you this is my spot over here all right well save me a seat i'll do so enjoy hey what's up bcs grant beast here from g g and i'm here to show you how to live the rich life now i'm at charmed specialty drinks which right off the bat has a great look right uh let's oh my gosh let's talk to this guy excuse me so sorry hey man i'm grant hey hey my followers want to know what is the best drink on your menu well all of our options are i tell you what why don't you just make me your uh your favorite drink yeah you got it wait your turn okay listen man i can make sure that at minimum the entire town knows about this place but you got to work with me here we already have someone that does that so just wait your turn in line you're going to throw away this opportunity what opportunity i tell you what i want to speak to the owner oh you really don't want to do that actually owner now or i get you fired what's going on out here i was kindly providing he cut the line i'm sorry he's still in training grant beast why are you here i want a drink i didn't ask you what you wanted i asked you why you were here i want your business well our catering rates can be found on our website no no i'm not interested in your catering rates g g wants your business now i'm authorized to offer you a deal right here right now so why don't we go in the back we can discuss details [Laughter] i'm not selling my business okay uh ma'am g g already owns the majority of this block now that's a fact i'm sure you feel very special with all of the attention that your little grand opening or whatever it's giving you but i'm telling you right now that without the support of g g your doors will be closed within six months is that a threat no that's a free consultation oh what are you doing making sure you can bully them and designing their business away on the house [Music] and smile for izzy she's our social media manager all right what makes you think they'll be closed in six months huh hey johnny monkey what can i get you give me a dozen roses you got it a long stamp how's business honestly not so good i'm thinking a close enough shop what why and this old place doesn't sell like it used to i think i misspoke i'd like three dozen roses but you old rascally how do you know they'll be out of business in six months you are just trying to get your 15 minutes of fame i'm showing people how dirty grim and grant corporation really is all right thank you monty i really didn't have i should be thanking you izzy's gonna love you oh i'm sure she will you come on back and see me another time is this how gng handles all of their business deals just remember everything he does bye please izzy where's dad all they would tell me is that they found internal bleeding after they brought him up here and he had to be rushed into surgery it's okay hey remember what mom used to say if things are going untowardly one month they're sure them in the next exactly it's gonna be okay right it's gonna be okay i promise oh welcome to charm specialty drinks exactly what you need what is taking so long did you get any dirt uncharmed no dirt here boss pierce is actually a a real gentleman what's up beasty i got these guys free drinks as a sign of goodwill it's delicious no i don't want anything from that cursed place oh are you sure i thought for sure you might want something to calm your nerves after losing that many followers i mean everyone saw the video from this morning um my lawyers are handling it and it was an accident end of story sounds like the story's just beginning right hey you probably should contact izzy she's really good with these type of things you see this is what i'm talking about boss is a good guy just needs a vacation well he's going to get more than a vacation if i'm reading the board of directors right hey you guys want to help your boss out are you monty o'hare's daughters can we talk about the insurance stuff later please we're not insurance but we're here to help which one of you is izzy who wants to know you need to come speak with grant beast you can have a seat right there miss thank you stay brave little soldier i did not send you there to get drinks and make friends you sent us there to clear your name that's right exactly that's why i brought her here you brought her here why would you do that because the board saw her video and they want to fire you they can't fire me my dad built this company they can and they will on the grounds that you acted against the well-being of the company that is why i brought her here make a deal with her then use that as leverage for the board's case against you i hate doing blind negotiations do your best i'll see what i can dig up your little stunt has gotten out of hand what stunt that video went all the way up the board of directors you need to delete it now people deserve to know what you really like a self-serving corporate bully oh once you look in the mirror excuse me if you hadn't ambushed me with your camera and chased me to my car your father wouldn't be in the hospital think about that okay i can't believe it i am out of here okay just okay what if i get him the best medical coverage then will you delete the video you owe him that care you think he's getting out of hand now what do you think will happen if he doesn't make it honestly bad press for a couple weeks and then people will forget about it so you not me you are the one to gain from this your company may be fine but what about you excuse me you said the board of directors saw that video that means they saw you hit an innocent bystander how happy will they be when this goes to court okay you didn't learn that from jane austen i did but it also helps that i have a master's degree in public relations i will drag this out for months you provide the best care and if you're lucky you won't receive a court summons hold on okay izzy o'hara i tell you what you delete the video and then agree to never again speak out against me or g g corporation as a whole and in return your father can keep his farm what do you mean keep his farm [Music] please now if you notice he hasn't made any payments on it in the last six months go ahead and skip to the last page please which will show you that it's headed to foreclosure i'll figure it out with the bank g g corporation owns dreamland community bank i can stop this from happening but you're going to have to earn it you're a beast good luck with your reputation i will see you in court you have to stop her she is insufferable i cannot work with her hey where are you what's going on izzy that's getting worse i'm getting worried okay i'm on my way the board of directors is meeting right now we'll figure something else out [Music] better medical care the best all right then i'll help you restore your reputation in exchange you give my dad back his farm paid in full but if he doesn't make it i will spend my life making sure he gets justice fine but i keep the farm until my follower count passes 10 million deal as long as you do exactly as i say i don't trust you and i don't trust you so it's either yes and you get your followers back or i will see you in court dale izzy morning dad how is he we stopped the brain bleeding surgery the internal injuries aren't that bad he should be okay thank you thank you so much just you and your whole team thank you also thank g g they're taking care of everything when will he wake up we're just gonna keep him sedated a little longer just until he's more stable okay just let the nurses know if you need anything i'll be close by okay thank you so much doctor so everything went well last night maybe seems like they did the right thing something like that did dad ever tell you he helped me pay for my college tuition no why do you ask because there was something he didn't tell me ready miss o'hara what does this mean i thought he owned the farm you know me too is there something i have to take care of i love you dad well i'm here i heard things have improved for your father you're welcome by the way thank you for doing what was expected sure so why haven't you deleted the video if i take it down now it'll only cause more drama now is not the time to cover up mistakes we need to focus on you and getting you offline is how we'll start you do know how social media works right right now you're toxic so anything you say online will feel insincere however it isn't what we say or think that defines us but what we do you come up with that yourself it's jane austen of course it is and she's right a words and thoughts don't amount to anything if our actions can't back it up and what do your actions say about you they say that i am not about to take business advice from your little romance novel fine if you don't cooperate i don't have to do anything i will be with my family if you change your mind wow you're back early he won't listen to me which means i don't have to do anything what honestly i'm relieved i didn't like the idea of you hanging out with the guy who hit dad also i read in the mirror he's kind of a jerk yeah i'm actually a little disappointed i had some good ideas that really would have worked for him really i thought he kidnapped you the way his goon hauled you out of here unless your family you can't go in i'm family izzy open the door what are you doing i'm going to talk to him i know you're in there of course you do i told you i'd be here you also said you would come work for me but i guess words aren't important so what do your actions say about you now they say that i don't have to do anything if you don't cooperate or did your near photographing memory miss that too open the door not when you're acting like this if i may i don't think intimidation is the best way to work with a partner in this situation oh no no no no no she is not my partner just put on your streaming face and work your charm and remember you're trying to redeem yourself to keep your job all right beasty let's do this i am not your bestie please try to work with her try you hurt her she doesn't want to work with me that's not what i said oh do we really need her yes g uses wealth to cover up their mistakes one lone article is hardly cool 78 of community finds g g spokesman insincere well if you were a celebrity like me you'd have haters too beast has a record fallout from followers dropping 3 million in less than 24 hours okay okay um i get it get the picture so uh what is your amazing jane austen plan we need to get you off social media anything positive that you do now won't be effective because people will just interpret it as you trying to save face like jane austen said your good opinion once lost is forever lost i know is lost forever great so even jane austen has declared me doomed you're not doomed but you do need to show a fundamental internal shift oh looks like you can take care of yourself do you still work at the animal shelter so the shelter's starting its annual donation drive of course the numbers are going to bounce back you're just used to the company remaining positive for so long you're forgetting that ups and downs are completely normal grant come on yeah yeah yeah i have a plan i had this amazing new pr assistant she's gonna be helping with ah are you kidding so enough remember our deal no a conference call with the board of directors is not the same thing as social media okay you need to focus here and put in an effort to make a change so what do you need us to do stuff these envelopes so we can send them out and then come get me when you're done wow really uh rolling out the red carpet here huh trust me you're gonna want that look no you're losing subscribers because of one big terrible thing you did right and and if you do one big thing to correct it it's not gonna win people over they'll just see it as you trying to save face we need to show them that you're a good person who makes good choices that's right that's right we need to show them and yet i'm here doing good deeds alone with only you and not even you think that i'm a good person so no i don't i think the only person you care about is yourself i'm gonna be the hardest person for you to convince and so far you're failing okay that needs to be folded better and i think you got this you only care about yourself too much work for you huh licking envelopes is below my pay grade right well between you and me you lasted longer than i thought you would so thanks for stopping by oh between you and me i really love your sarcasm licking envelopes is below my pay grade and this is an animal shelter so i'd like to work with some animals okay come on cooper let's teach this man a lesson you didn't he insisted come on cooper work with me buddy you show him who's boss the reason we didn't have you working with animals today is because cooper's the only one on schedule for a bath and he doesn't like baths it could have could have told me that earlier i have a spare volunteer shirt i'll be right back come on buddy you want a hand not from you you deserve that okay no cooper okay buddy if things are going untowardly one month they're sure to mend the next more jane austen i heard that one from my mother it wasn't until after she passed away that i figured out she was quoting jane austen is that why you uh it was my way of keeping her close to me i can't really think of anyone that's good enough to make up for when we lost her but we do the best with what we've got right all right cooper that'll do buddy let's get you dried off come on well that was a disaster i bet my numbers are plummeting and and the board is ready to drop me uh actually the board just sent over the reports and they're pretty happy with how today went how would the board know how today went i can't post anything but the animal shelter did what do you mean okay [Music] all right what is the plan for today you're looking chipper well after last week's fundraiser i feel like i can handle anything it was a successful fundraiser you know it would have done better if it was a kissing booth but lots of fun in that hey did you think that was worse than our nature clean up project i honestly didn't know you were standing in an old cesspool no that was that was my fault for slipping and falling in um you didn't you didn't post anything about that though did you no no i mean the purpose is to improve your image right right right right i just um so today should be so much simpler okay it is a women's career workshop local businesses are donating their time and resources to help underprivileged women get career support and pierce is generously offered charmed the location of the clothing drive okay so these are the donated clothes they need to be sorted and hung do you have preference do i have uh no no i i think maybe that you're you're wasting a valuable resource on uh hanging clothes let's just see if this resource can even hang clothes it's gonna be perfect on you thank you you're welcome oh worn out already huh yeah hey at least the event's going fantastic mmm yeah this is grape pierce your recipe yeah you like it yeah i should make that just for you so hey you're drinking am i one of those next feasty [Laughter] i might it's not getting a drink then no okay well good talk uh i guess i deserve that hey yeah good job with the hanging okay so offer a firm handshake smile and maintain eye contact and don't be afraid to pause before you answer their questions makes you look self-assured first impressions are important you screw it up too badly you'll be lucky to work with them ever again okay and that's about it did you have any other questions for me let's finish on a handshake shall we it's perfect thank you mr beast you're welcome do my ears deceive me or you offering helpful advice i do have some good experience to offer yeah you're not so good at following it oh you didn't follow a single one of those tips the first time you came into charmed i shook pierce's hand yeah well first impressions did you leave him with okay okay all right i see where you're going with it thank you okay good good so i was checking the accounts earlier oh great how many followers did i lose today none i checked about an hour ago you actually managed to gain a few followers seriously yeah it's working yeah oh my god that was that was weird that was too much i'm sorry that it was just surprising uh you're right i shouldn't have uh i'm gonna go i just didn't have you down and said no don't philly type i'm gonna go i'm no you know what we we should celebrate though right i'm can i take you out to dinner that might be too much come on i mean i didn't think any of this was going to work and and you proved me wrong come on my treat [Music] well this is a nice change your austin ways are rubbing off on me you say that like it's a bad thing well her characters just take too long to tell you how they feel i'd rather put it out there get to the point i think there's something nice about taking your time to tell someone how you feel thank you you've been here before yeah quite a few times my dad was friends with the head chef well then what do you recommend oh um the salmon is surprisingly good actually and anything with the eel is a personal favorite so which one will you pick tonight i think i'll actually let the chef surprise me in celebration of my followers finally forgetting about that little incident grant about that my follower count finally stopped dropping we deserve to celebrate right but now you need to get people back on your side and the workshop was a success i had a big hand in that yeah you did good so what's the problem you went over a few dozen people today we need to branch out to millions and that can't be done until you fundamentally shift who you are inside and you don't believe i can change because i'm a beast i'm sorry i said that sorry you said it or sorry you believe it i'm sorry i said it no i i really do think you did good today could you even be doing this if i wasn't here if you don't think i can change then why do you even care no i do believe you can change i want you to be better but i can't do that for you i'm so sorry it's renee hey everything okay what really okay yes yes i will be right there is everything all right my dad's awake he's been asking for you hey dad there's my girl i was just telling him about the past few weeks how did the grand opening go oh it was so great we had such a good turnout i i can't wait to get home don't you worry you'll be back home in no time who's that that that is my new client izzy be honest he's the guy who hit you with this car what renee what don't worry izzy's forcing him to help us telephone please it's okay it's okay dad we should let you rest so how did the evening go for us how'd dinner go how does it look like it went i thought it went good now i'm not so sure and the scum of the earth i thought the media campaign was going well like didn't you go out tonight to celebrate you like her what no no you do don't i've never seen you so down over somebody who despises you despise hey come on you want some advice ignore her next time she texts let it ride for a day before you respond do you hear yourself right now you should start training with me girls love a guy who's ripped tell her you're in beast mode oh it's so dumb it's so dumb it's clever but it's dumb i'm not gonna jessie any advice yeah tell her how you feel yeah no okay you're both terrible at this just he had roses he had roses jessie drop some paperwork what for we're creating a non-profit do we have a printer yeah get the printer come on johnny i want your business well at least you brought a paper to contract no no uh i'm sorry about before but i'm not trying to buy you out unless it's all of your flowers what i want to buy every rose that you have in the store right now is that a yes yeah [Music] sorry i must have dozed off so about last night girlfriend we're not dating really because this article makes a pretty strong case that you are well we're not i can't be in a relationship with him it would be unprofessional girls this is honestly the last thing we need right now is he are you seriously upset with me no i'm just girls you okay dad get a father get a little piece please of course i'm sorry dad yeah sorry would one of you go get me a pudding cup yes sorry dad dr pearson emergency please dr pearson no no no we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good uh hey hey who wants all this oh this is roses for relief cute what is it i made it last night it's uh oh it's a charity it's okay thank you where people can donate to help the hospital patients pay their bills and then i will match every dollar donated and send out roses to cheer people up you've gotten this many donations already i may have triple matched to get things started hmm i made a triple match my own donation to get things started but this is gonna take off i i feel it here come uh come with me hi he brought some roses for you oh thank you so much of course we hope you feel better soon oh me too they're lovely thank you you've been all that time a lot of time we'll be out of here away in a minute we just wanted to drop these off for you oh those are beautiful ah thank you oh aren't you grant the guy that hospitalized that man leave the man alone alan arose by any other name would smell as sweet shakespeare little romeo and juliet here huh we are fans yeah uh well thank you again for those beautiful roses really nice thank you i hope everything turns out okay for you thank you and you as well thanks thanks bye romeo and juliet huh impressed well near photographic memory after you thank you i'll just put that here that's the last of them can you even smell them here consider this my apology hey hey izzy hey hey come on i what's the matter i thought you'd be happy about that i am the charity is great but um there was an article in the paper about us and now renee thinks we're dating does she yeah and she was really upset about it are you upset about it i don't want to be some vanity news article izzy what do you want i don't know okay well um let's get some fresh air yeah we're not releasing a statement today thank you come on come on everybody i can't believe that worked oh that was nothing about run crowds bigger than that before out of the frying pan come on my name's bookshop is just a bed so this is your sister shop huh mm-hmm and uh she a bookworm like you no one's a bookworm like me but she's a pretty close second well this is a pretty cool place uh jesse says they got away from the crowd do you want them to pick us up sure uh they can get us in about 20 minutes okay hey have you ever played the bookstore game might be something fun to pass a time uh no i don't believe i have how do you play okay so i pick out three books that i think represent you and then you pick out three books for me okay so how do you win well there's not exactly a winner it's just a fun thing to do but there could be a winner right let's say um the first to get all three books yeah but it doesn't have to be a competition okay but today maybe it is five minutes and counting [Music] i wouldn't take that one if i were you good thing you're not me [Music] [Music] uh three two one oh just in time wow are there any books left on the shelf oh well i have your three bucks faster for me okay uh which ones are mine okay so the three musketeers yeah cause you always have jessie and richard with you you're like the three musketeers in real life and then next is treasure island oh i loved this book as a kid i figured it fits your sense of adventure and then last but not least here so you can learn some new quotes northanger abbey are you ever going to stop pushing jane austen on me no all right so what about me oh yes uh okay there you go yeah i chose that one because like dorothy you just click your heels together and somehow everything magically works out wow i wish that were true the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde yeah it's about these two guys who work together to solve crimes it's like you and me have you actually read this book no but it's referenced all the time in in movies and pop culture why okay so this is about a scientist dr jekyll okay who creates the serum which transforms him into another man hyde he's a murderer yeah so i don't want to spoil it but it's not exactly a happy ending somehow all the references make more sense that's not what i meant that's not us i'm sorry izzy but hey you know you you should read this it's kind of interesting it shows how a person can have good and evil in them i just realized two books that means i win oh did it have to be three well technically you said the first to get to three so i did say the first to get to lucky number three and it's jane austen and i chose this one because like emma you are always looking for the good in people hello anybody here it's just us oh izzy we talked about this i'm buying i'm good no family discount then don't think i can't see what you're doing i'm buying books she's not like other girls no she's not if you're just using no she's incredible okay one more so dad's been asking about the farm i haven't been back there since before me neither well the place is probably a mess i don't want dad to see it that way yeah we better clean it up before we take him out there how about next week i can help what what uh it's a farm right i mean i can help clean it up how bad can it be [Music] [Music] what's that smell fresh air huh it's not bad so you've ever fed sheep before uh i can't say i have okay first time for everything all you want to do is you want to lift by both strings unless you want to see a hay bale explode okay get right in there i like it yeah yep you got it okay nice that's perfect come on that's not bad another one all right good job come on all right uh now what uh that way oh you ready yep let's do this [Music] okay let's separate it [Music] [Music] oh hello good girl are you ready for your dad to get here everything feels just a little less terrible being back home including me maybe just a tiny bit maybe i should adopt the farm life you wouldn't like it no i don't know what about you you ever think about moving back sometimes why don't you i'm sorry to get work around here i suppose that's true so hey why don't we go get some food [Music] you know what's great about today jess not having to worry about the boss man don't jinx it hey i ain't jinxing nothing just exercising a little gratitude for happiness you should give it a shot were so gallantly steaming maybe it's nothing all right hi jingstos i have had one nap in 10 years with you i've got dates tonight two of them leave the paparazzi out of it come on boss man you know i'm like a ninja shall we we've gotten our food i tell you what you go get washed up and i will take care of dinner all right you do know it's too far for pizza delivery right what i've ordered chinese food before go go wash up i got this i promise good luck thank you so this is a farm [Music] [Music] grant there you are hey hey oh wow you got cleaned up faster than i thought so did you what are you doing out here just getting dinner ready dinner come with me what have you done when you said you're gonna handle dinner this is well i mean it's not a top grade sushi bar but it has some rustic charm right [Music] dinner is served thank you for showing me the form today it has been it's just what i needed thank you for letting me share it with you i used to sit out here when i was a kid and wait until the sun went down you can see why it's beautiful isn't it it's amazing this this is the rich life i mean it i mean this this is really living yeah it's amazing in vain i have struggled it will not do my feelings will not regress you must allow me to tell you how ardently i admire and love you did i get it right something like that is he yes will you marry me i know i just said that i but truly i mean if if you're worried about what your sister and your whole family and the press are are thinking then let's get married and not have to worry about it i can't believe when i'm here i know me neither right did you just propose to me for the sake of your online image yes no no no what no i didn't and you brought the paparazzi to my house no i can't believe this you're just the same image obsessed influencer you've always been i thought you changed no i i izzy this is not me please no all right get out of here is it come on come on hey hey how are you doing not so good we were worried about you it's not like you to disappear for a few days even if you do find a hideaway with a good book or a million i wanted to apologize about what i said at the hospital about you and him and everything why you were right about it all but i still shouldn't have said it are we good yeah of course we're good good i was afraid you weren't answering my calls or texts because of me no no it's nothing like that i just felt so stupid for falling into another relationship where the guy cared only about his public image and the worst part is i don't know if it's because i should have known better or because i overreacted if it's any consolation i thought you guys were cute at the bookstore emma i think i made a big mistake have you tried reaching out to him i have a different idea [Music] could you help clean me up start with these books geez the board of directors is pleased with your handling of the situation they are looking forward to seeing you recommit to your acquisitions and streaming campaign ready to get back at it boss go buy some businesses get swarmed by fans yes okay i really messed up hello everyone izzy here over at charms specialty drinks do you know what she's doing here it was only a few short months ago that my last dream ended with my dad going into the hospital i am very pleased to say he is doing much better now say hi dad when grant beast hit my dad with his car even though it was an accident i thought he was the worst human being in the world and that was wrong of me as my mom and jane austen used to say angry people are not always wise [Music] and i was angry really angry grant i rushed to think the worst of you and i'm sorry you the big-headed privileged corporate bully proved to me that there is more to a person than their public personas without you my dad wouldn't be sitting there right now [Music] and when you came up with roses for relief you proved to me that you were changed for the better get the car so in order to move forward i'm deleting the live stream from my account thank you everyone for all of your love and support hey thank you so much for letting us use the shop of course and renee i am gonna need some more of your books because i can't seem to keep them in stock sure i'll bring them by tomorrow great thanks have a good one they're just around the corner you want to get them now okay izzy do you want to come yeah yeah i just thought grant might show up you know so did i [Applause] what's up beastie how can i help you i thought i she already left oh yeah afraid so this is not how i expected this to go one truth bomb coming up how'd you expect it to go i don't know i thought i'd come rushing in right as she was finishing her video you know and and she'd get all emotional and we'd run into each other's arms like like we were in a movie or something a movie scene yes like a movie scene because we are perfect for each other well you know it sounds to me like you want it to be too easy what do you mean honestly man if she is perfect for you then what are you going to do right now to show that she's worth it could i uh could i maybe film here for a minute uh go ahead i thought you did a really good job on your live stream it's weird to think that chapter if my life is over feels like i just read a good book i'm glad i read it but i'm sad it's over your life isn't like a book with a beginning and an end each day you live is a newly written page you sound like mom what's up beasties uh i'm here live at charmed specialty drinks again to show you how to live the rich life at least that's the lie that i always fed you what is he doing the truth is the life i live comes from feeding off those who are struggling and g g enabled me they would send me lists of property they wanted and i would go and buy the businesses and i wouldn't take no for an answer i uh i used all sorts of tactics to drive their business away and force them to shut down i tried to do it to this wonderful place but is he o'hara is he exposed my bullying tactics and in my rush to get away from her i hospitalized her father what i've done is inexcusable and and i guess uh i guess what i'm trying to say is that i'm sorry i'm sorry for how i've used all of you and izzy if you're watching i'm especially sorry to you and how i've treated you and i want to thank you for showing me what it really means to live the rich life there is so much good in this world so much and i want to be a part of it which is why i am resigning from g g not that person anymore just thank you all of you for helping me see that go thanks man yeah what is this new drink on the house thinking of calling it the beast i'm honored so what are you gonna do with all of this free time well i think i'll start with a good read hmm the person who is not pleasure in a good novel must be incredibly stupid intolerably stupid right intolerably thank you for your apology by the way but i'm surprised that you lied on your live stream after everything that you've been through everything i said was true you're not a beast i did punch your proposal what happened to that near photographic memory of yours i didn't exactly say no [Music] a lady's imagination is very rapid it jumps from admiration to love from love to matrimony in a moment is that a yes yes [Music] wait a minute that was the most romantic quote you could come up with mr darcy giving caroline bingley a backhanded compliment yes oh listen here bookworm you're gonna have to do better than that if you want to impress me okay i'm listening oh maybe something like oh i cannot fix on the hour or the spot or the look or the words which laid the foundation it is too long ago i was in the middle before i knew what had begun [Music] i don't know something something like that might have been pretty romantic right except i couldn't have said that because i know exactly when the foundation was laid really mm-hmm well now you have to tell me you might want to start searching that photographic memory of yours [Music] you
Channel: SunWorld Pictures
Views: 555,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, TV, Film, Entertainment, SunWorld, CandleLight, Brandon Ho, Bookworm And The Beast movie, Bookworm And The Beast full movie, Bookworm And The Beast 2021 movie, Bookworm And The Beast 2021 full movie, Bookworm And The Beast 2021, full romance movie, Nicola Posener, Jake Stormoen, Aubrey Reynolds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 1sec (4981 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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