Philippians ~ 1:1 to 1:23

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new book today Philippians Philippians was Paul's trip and about or not a trip but a letter in about 62 AD and some people think 64 I think I lean more toward 62 as if that made any difference and he was still in bonds it's it's amazing how much good Paul did even while he was in prison I suppose but always bear in mind why he was in prison he was in prison for teaching the Word of God all right straight on no apology it wasn't for some criminal activity but it lets you know that even when Satan tries to bind you that the Holy Spirit can still work through you and naturally Philippians the it is believed by that the particular area was low named because of Philip of Macedonia and which that doesn't have mean anything but Philip meaning lover of horses then and again that having nothing to do with the book but I probably should say one thing about the book as Ephesians which precedes this the subject basically is Grace and in this book of Philippians I think that the not necessarily the subject but the thing that stands out is joy really I mean it was a joyful place for Paul why well it was a little bit off the coast there were there was not a great deal of commercialism there so you will not have a great deal of argumentation from this branch of religion or that branch of religion Pharisees Sadducees and Nickelodeon's Nicolay thien's whatever alright pretty well they listen to Paul and that brought him great joy and they kind of hung to it so and I'm glad that in all of his teachings that there was one place for Levi that Paul could receive this kind of from without a great deal of condition can contingent now naturally there's always a little bit but you don't pay attention to that you're gonna have troublemakers wherever you go just learn how to take the big shears and and do a little weeding every once in a while every boats got to come out of the water and scrape the barnacles off of it because you're going to pick up trash as you go along and you got to get rid of trash every so often so that's that's that's to be expected and I think that kind of separates true Christians from people that just like everybody whether it's trash or not alright what is trash trash is people that try to deviate from the Word of God Philippians chapter 1 verse 1 and it reads Paul and timotheus which we call him old Timothy the servants of Jesus Christ who were they servants of our Lord Jesus Christ to all the saints how many all the Saints all those that are set aside that are Christian in Christ Jesus which are at for Levi with with the bishops and deacons I think this is the only place in the word where both of these offices are mentioned in the same verse not that it means anything one way or the other and verse 2 grace be unto you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ and it's good that unmerited favor was passed oh that's what grace is it's love and unmerited favor which means we Christians really don't deserve how good God is to us but if we repent and ask forgiveness he's good enough whether you deserve it or not you're gonna get it all right whether you marry it or not I should say verse 3 I think my God upon every remembrance of you every time they mention you to me my memory goes back to the good things that we shared together this speaks highly in other words it brought him joy to go down memory lane and think of the good that was done as he was taking the Church of Jesus Christ and spreading it all over the country and this would be one of the farthest places even where well in near Turkey let's say quite quite a quite a ways out but it always brought him joy when he remembered it and those membranous came back into his mind then he could and that is good that is really good that rather than bad memories being concerning a place that you have those good memories for they gave him a lot of pleasure and and in answering the Word of God and and again quite simply bringing good memories that's just like in your lifetime the good memories you have you usually let come to the forefront and remember the places were whereby it happened verse 4 always in every prayer of mine for you all making requests with joy this word request is the same word that's translated prayer here and making prayer with joy and there's that word joy again he loved it he really enjoyed it he enjoyed being with him he enjoyed praying for them because he knew our father heard ok verse 5 for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now that would have been about eleven years it's been a joy all through that time six being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ is going to be finished there as well you know there were there were very few places that Paul would have made that statement concerning a group he said I just feel that this good work is going to continue on and you know it it is remarkable when people can stay focused on the Word of God rather than personalities people that you can stay focused on Christ himself instead of people losing focus and start maybe getting on ego trips of their own thinking there's some somewhat that's not fellowship it is the word that strengthens it is the word that shows us the way it is the Living Word which is none other than Christ himself that guides he never will leave you nor forsake you he's always with you especially when when you bring forth the closing word of verse 4 joy okay I know you're gonna finish it if you start a good work a good work is one that is focused on the word alright that you're going to finish it and it'll be there no deviation 7 even as it is meat for me to think this of you all because I have you in my heart that's to say in my mind in as much as both in my bonds I here I am in prison and in the defense of and confirmation of the gospel ye all are partakers of my grace that through through all this difficulty that my preaching of the gospel that you come to my defense in the proclamations I have brought forth from the Word of God that that's that's that is an honor and the very joy in his heart they gave him that they would stay focused in in large part we'll find there is still a little small part but we know how to deal with cred there no problem okay but you will you will always have that little percentage give them an opportunity and sometimes if the word itself does not satisfy them you just have to let them learn the hard way that's okay no problem that's their right verse 8 for God is my record how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ in in the heart of cry in the mind of Christ I long for you that fellowship we had in that word that joy that our fellowship produced and I'm going to tell you something Fellowship should always produce joy if it doesn't there's something missing ok now all all peoples and places have problems but fellowship that is to say working together in God's Word fixes it and fixing it brings forth always joy do you understand what I'm saying I'm saying in the flesh we're never going to have a perfect joyous life from stem to stern of the day or of the week or of the year there's going to be things that will come up that need fixing and that means spiritually physically and so forth fix it in fellowship and this brings forth joy it really does take care of business that's what the God after all that's what the gospel which is to say Godspell the good news is for is to fix things to bring understanding clarity comfort and last but certainly not least joy verse 8 or I'm sorry we got that verse 9 as we continue and this I pray that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment I like to translate that word judgment insight because it does take insight it takes insight to know right from wrong it takes insight to be able to spot what needs fixing ok insight gives understanding insight is wisdom itself that is given by God and and you pray that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge whose knowledge what is knowledge where does knowledge come from proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 the beginning of wisdom and knowledge is the love or the reverence translated fear in the English unfortunately of God because all wisdom comes from him all knowledge comes from him so naturally that then within itself gives you insight and insight brings forth understanding verse 10 that you may approve things that are excellent that you may be sincere and without a fence till the day of Christ you know I think there is a kind of a bad translation here and I think it needs fixing and and you know how to fix it okay you you go back to the Greek and you take till things that are excellent how many things do you know that our excellent aside from the Lord Himself what is the Greek word that is translated here excellent it's the Afro listen to my listen to my voice dei roll and you know what the word translates to English better it almost it has the same sound the afro is different friend and and I think I think it is ever so important that you know there are things that are different so let's go back and read it as it should be read that you may approve things that are different that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ knowing that difference that is to rightly knowing how to rightly divide the word of God and to note that that is different whereby you can if it isn't of God's Word you can call it that's why it's so important and that's why I think that excellency excellent is a poor translation for different because it throws one off-guard when we speak of joy and grace and beautiful things and fellowship and then all of a sudden the teacher is telling you you must know how to approve that that is different approved test means to be able to have spiritual discernment because there's some things you're gonna have to call or you're not gonna have joy you're not going to have peace you have to spot trouble coming and you have to be able to take care of trouble coming and that's why I would like for you to take your Strong's Concordance as check out the word excellent as it is utilized here take it back to the to the Greek di furrow and our word different comes from basically that if whichever language you wish to take it to and if a person through spiritual discernment test things as they should be tested if it is if it is evil you're gonna see it you're gonna feel it and naturally a Christian should side step you don't have to ask for trouble you don't have to trouble trouble will come to you but if you discern kick it out of the way get rid of it instantly don't put up with it so I think to be able to test in accordance with the holy spirit is a very important and interesting gift to the Christian who must keep trouble from the Fellowship of Jesus Christ verse 11 being filled with the fruits of righteousness that means doing what is right you know how to test fruit if you test fruit and it comes up being a sour gourd it's not right it's not edible so you call it you stick with that that is right and you leave alone that that is wrong okay which are by Jesus Christ unto the glory and the praise of God God has given you the ability and the knowledge the wisdom to be able to cull out and to keep your life joyous as much as possible by separating that that is not good fruit bearing by testing the fruit by their fruit you shall know them the common teaching of Christ and by their fruits if their fruits are bad then don't ever expect anything else from them else there be a great change repentance but as long as they continue in that vein I'm sorry you got problems and take care of business righteousness right is right and wrong is wrong and don't ever let anyone tell you different that's common sense and you know the difference and excellence they won't cut it you know the difference between right and wrong seek to it verse 12 but I would you should understand brethren that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the spoole work all things work to the good for those that love the Lord that you know where he was taken captive and so forth and he turned to the Lord the Lord always delivered him his trip here to Phillipe I you'll find that in Acts chapter 16 as well as what is it Acts chapter 20 and you'll see some great things happen there and it happened I mean he was able to write this letter while he was still in prison they did for a while I believe he at this time has been moved back probably closer in because his trial is just about do their that he requested being being the fact that his father was a Roman citizen and at one time he was taken prisoner and they were beating him and all of a sudden he asked the question is it proper for you to beat a Roman citizen without a trial without Caesars approval and then they asked him are you Roman he said of course and they bout had a heart attack so naturally he threw using wisdom he was able to get this journey to Rome for this trial that is approaching and I believe at this time they probably brought him in a rather than his own free house he had there which he could teach from but the point being he made the best of it by utilizing knowledge he he saved himself the beating and probably death by knowing who he was his heritage and how to take care of business and still with all this interference he was still able to write these great Gospels that we have for our edification and for our comfort and basically if I were to take this twelfth verse I would say all if you ever needed proof that all things work to the good for those that love the Lord this is it 4:13 so that my bonds in Christ the fact that I am in prison because of Christ or minna fest in all the the palace and in all other places I mean it's it's it's no one throughout the the message is there 14 and many of the Brethren in the Lord waxing confident by my bonds are much more bold to speak the word without fear fear what fear of consequences there in other words by my being able to speak out even while I'm in prison it encourages the Brethren that are out to be bold and speak the truth without worrying about the consequences of what might happen to them God's Word is a great cure for wimps okay it really is God's Word it's a great cure for wimps it gives you the courage you need to not just be something blowing in the wind but makes you an individual that is not afraid to take a stand and by stand I mean exactly that stand against the world if you have to you in Christ make a majority and you know it so he's this this is an encouraging thing just for a great teacher and I speak of Paul who says even in my bonds in prison because of teaching Christ let this encourage you as it has others to speak forth the gospel boldly and straight forward without worrying about the consequences what somebody might say what somebody might do verse 15 some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife and some also of good will now there there's great difference there some get on ego trips and they they just Envy so much a God gifted teacher that they get on ego trips and begin to dream that there's something that they're not well how can you tell well if God blesses the teacher you don't have to look twice to see it you can tell why it produces fruit and if if you have one of these people come along and they'll say yes I'll be a man of God and I'll be a preacher where's your congregation where's your fruit that's the way Christians test people is by fruit well yes I have a great great ministry oh where is it that's are you on an ego trip or you just envying somebody that God has blessed because it isn't you want one reason you don't ever want to get on an ego trip because some person is successful it isn't the person that's done it it's the Lord Jesus Christ it's the fellowship of the whole body that has done it that has accomplished it but but he's saying you'll have a few that will teach because of being the end strife you're gonna have it but this is where you are to discern the difference okay don't get caught up in it you have and I'm sure he's throwing this out of some personal opponents Paul had to worry a little bit from the old school and I suppose today we have to worry a little from the new school whoa what's the new school degenerate the generation of the fig tree when we know that the third that followed Satan are living now and they can't focus on anything and they dream up great grandeur as things anything to get around the Word of God stay focused friend know the deep between good fruit and sorry fruit verse 16 the one preached Christ of contention not sincerely supposing to add affliction to my bonds in other words they purposely teach against the Word of God hoping where the bonds are like chains around his neck let me translate it really into good English some of these preach to bring contention not sincerely to bring the gospel supposing to add to the tight chains around my neck that they called me they would be wasting their time because God was looking out for Paul always did and there is not a way in the world they could have said anything that would I mean Paul threw shipwreck being beaten 49 - stripes and so forth 40 minus 1 rather stripes beaten shipwreck the whole bit and even the timer - he said I didn't I didn't know how we were gonna live through it so I just turned it over to God and God always saw him through so you can't touch a man of God or a woman of God okay because God does take care of them that is to say with with words with with false teaching well it won't fly why because God takes care of it as well okay but Paul is saying here it's they they again for me but again I want you to realize why the Philippians were such a joy to Paul he didn't have to contend a great deal with this didn't have all that contention of different religions I be of Apollo's I be of Paul I be a Peter okay verse 17 but the other the other teaches preaches of love knowing that I am set for the defense of the gospel knowing that I'm even the reason I'm in Prince in prison rather is is is for preaching the gospel and they are set to defend me and my rights to preach the gospel verse 18 what then question notwithstanding every way or rather whether in pretence or in truth Christ is preached that's what's important Christ is preached and I therein do rejoice yay and will rejoice it brings me joy it brings joy to my heart that I see that there is some out there that will fight for my right and will continue the good word to further the word of Christ and to bring that word forward to the world verse 19 for I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer and the supply of the spirit of Jesus Christ this will even bring it will bring forth my goodness my joy and the very fact that Christ's word is taught it makes my day it brings me that joy I have something to joy over verse 20 according to my earnest expectation in my hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed but that with all boldness as always so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body whether it be life or by Death however this trial I'm about to face whether they give me the death sentence or whether I'm turned loose where I can continue to teach I know by your in there most of you to the truth and the gospel and bringing it forth boldly that I know regardless of the outcome of my predicament that God's Word will be taught and praise God here it is to the year 2003 I will date this particular doing of the book of Philippians but that word is still being talked with boldness taking no backseat and declaring Christ's truth to the world he said whichever way I know because of the fellowship and the joy and the sincerity and the fruit I can tell I know the difference it's gonna be fine verse 21 for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain in other words I don't know which is better and I want to be careful how I'm teaching this we have meant people with mental problems and I don't want to I don't want you to misunderstand what Paul is saying here are you saying if I were to die I would be with Christ you know and and it would it would probably gain me a great one because I'd be home with him but if I live I can still teach Christ verse 22 but if I live in the flesh this is the fruit of my labor yet what I will choose I would not I just don't know if I had the if I had the choice and it was all mine I wouldn't know which to choose now I understand what he saying he had taught many years now he'd been through some pretty rough whole time he but he's not wimping out I don't want to leave the wrong impression I'm trying to protect some Minds here at the same time I'm teaching this know don't want to lose the more in-depth thought at the same time you think I don't really I can't really say with what I would choose for my own my own self but if by living it bears fruit so be it I'll just leave it like that and I cannot tell which I would choose verse 23 for I am in a strait betwixt two having a desire to depart and to be with Christ which is far better I'm just undecided now let let me hasten to add lest anyone be confused here it is not our choice and we don't get a choice okay I want to say that again and Paul Paul would want this said he didn't really have a choice you didn't matter it was left in God's hands just as you must always leave your life in God's hands as to whether you're with the Lord or whether you're going to carry the banner forth the standard which is to say Christ it's it is not ours to choose but he's he has in his memory of these people and that membranous is going back and he's enjoying that joy and and so forth as he would say this what a fantastic teacher Paul was and Paul is always open I mean right to the very core of his being he didn't hide anything from us and that's why you must be very sincere in understanding that fact that he opens himself up totally but Paul would never shirk the duty that God would place before him he still got a lot of good teaching to do yet and he will do it alright don't miss the next lecture great book of Philippians let's get into it in the next lecture all right bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 3,626
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Keywords: Shepherds Chapel, Murray, Chapel, Bible, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Holy Bible, Shepherd's Chapel, Book of Philippians, KJV, Philippians, Shepherds, Arnold, Book of, Pastor, Pastor Murray, Arnold Murray
Id: B8wxyp-OkuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 41sec (1961 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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