Lamentations ~ 1:1 to 1:19

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are starting a new book today the lamentation written by Jeremiah of course penned by no doubt Baruch his scribe and the lamentation is not the original name of the book okay and I'll go into that in a moment the Book of Lamentations is the seed bed from leaven which many which I'm quite proud of the work and it's a different work for a different time but the reason it is a seed bed from lamentations and with eleven meaning disorder when things are in disorder you want to look you want to be careful the book itself is made up I'm going to read from page 1097 from the companion Bible because there are across dekes throughout which if you don't know what an acrostic is an acrostic call it a crossword puzzle if you like something similar to that there's no meaning there's a hidden message or a reason for it okay all five of these and I'll explain them here I'm going to call them elegies but you can call them eulogies if you want elegies means it's kind of a pawn in the structure the elegies are arranged in a remarkable manner the first two chapters that's one and two consists of 22 long verses of three lines each each verse respectfully commencing with the successive letters of the alphabet in other words there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet and progressively the first verse starts with a leaf second with betta and then gimel and a and so forth which keeps them in line and each word starting with that and the third chapter chapter three consists of 66 verses that's three times 22 or sick times eleven but you'll find every chapter will divide by Levin each triad of verses commencing with the same letter and the first three lines commencing with a leaf the next three lines with bet and so on through the 22 letters of the alphabet this is what this does you might wonder what what is the meaning of its it is a part of the massara meaning you can't change anything in it or it shows up it's locked in all right that's being the point the fourth chapter chapter four is arranged in 22 long verses of two lines each and also arranged acrostic Allah out of the and the fifth chapter is lamentation is received into a prayer and the acrostic arrangement gives way before the outburst of emotion the only connection with the alphabet is that the number of the verses correspond with the number of the letters in other words there's 22 of them so what a fantastic study and you with companion Bibles you're blessed because those Hebrew letters are carried forth as we go through the the book now lamentations has not always been the name the title of this book the title of the book is the first word of chapters 1 and chapter 2 and chapter 4 and it's how and you might say how in the world did we get in this mess today if I were to modernize it you would have and and this would be the problem you might look around you today and kind of say the same thing how in the world did we get in this mess and then when you recount and observe things kind of began to fall in place the word how in the Hebrew tongue is a and it would kind of be like if you wish me to put the emphasis on it's like uh okay like you you were crying out it is a sad song how how did we get in this mess okay so having said that let's let's get right to it a fantastic book I hope you enjoy it it isn't just a sad song there's also some answers in it if you pay close attention chapter one verse one how a car okay that the city sits solitary empty that was full of people how has she become as a widow she that was great among the nations and princes among the provinces how has she become tributary how is it that she doesn't amount to what she used to well naturally the Assyrian took ten tribes captive they're gone Nebuchadnezzar would come and take to other cap tribes captive they're gone children are gone but that doesn't mean that God's covenant expired but here we go you know I'm looking at how did all this happen verse two she we pass or in the night Jerusalem does okay and her tears are on her cheeks among all her lover's she hath none to comfort her and all her friends have dealt treacherously with her they are become her enemies her allies turned on her you know well you know when if you're not careful if you're a nation that has God's blessings and you have enough that you you have you lend to other nations you give to other nations but then when you stop serving God and God's blessings cease this is why it's written never should we use borrow money from another nation you shouldn't go into usery from another nation that's disobeying God when you disobey God he withdraws those blessings and you're not the happy-go-lucky group you used to be how did it happen well let's find out allies turned out to be enemies verse 3 Judah is going into captivity because of affliction and because of great servitude she Drella the Hmong the heathen and she findeth no rest all her persecutors overtook her between the straights and this this word straights is like an animal trap okay that you set up it's got two closed walls and you chase the animal and he's trapped they allowed themselves to be set up to be used to be trapped because they didn't pay any attention they didn't they didn't watch where they were going they didn't observe who they put in power and you expect God to bless a bunch like that he won't verse four the ways of Zion do mourn because none came to the solemn feast and then come to the solemn feast all our gates are desolate her priests sigh her virgins are afflicted and she is in bitterness in instead of bun that joy that comes with serving God when you leave God out of the equation that's what you got left nothing you know there is only one thing that will bring you happiness and that's to have peace of mind and unless you are in good standing with God and have his blessings then you're never going to have peace of mind so it doesn't matter which way the cookie crumbles you're never going to be happy without God's blessings verse five her adversaries are the chief the very head themselves are the enemies of the state her enemies prospered for the Lord have afflicted her for the multitude of her transgressions her children are gone into captivity before the enemy that's what happens when God's blessings cease when God began tops overlooking and certainly what her adversaries are the chief how did they get there she put him there she allowed it and the enemies are certainly going to prosper not you they're going to take what you've got and give to the enemy and the children go into captivity before the enemy verse six and from the daughter of Zion all her beauty that's the glory she had all the glory is departed it's gone her princes are become like hearts that is to say like a wild deer that find no pasture and they are gone without strength before the pursuer the pursuer of course is what run you into chat verse three the Straits and you were captured you know when sometimes these prophecies of these limitations this how how in the world did all this happen it doesn't take all that much to really figure it out he's telling you you disallow God you you do as she did let the glory of God dissipate from among you what have you gotten left you got nothing and and your adversaries are the chief they'll they'll take over they'll be your head head honchos but then you know really you might say well if you put them there who can you blame yourself if you have to wake up that's what this book is about verse 7 Jerusalem remembered in the days of her affliction and of her miseries all her pleasant things that the delicate things good things that she had in the days of old when her people fell into the hand of the enemy and none did help her the adversary saw her and didn't mock at her Sabbath's made fun of her religion get God out of your alphabet let us take over we're going to divide and have God weigh over on one side and government on the other separation separation you know we have one father and he's the God of all you don't separate him from anything if you want his blessings and all those even in the turmoil even in the sad song of how how did all this happen to us well you got to do is listen he's telling you you let your enemies take over and who do you blame yourself well what do you do about it well whatever your situation is you stand up and be counted you can sure do something about it first of all you can start by returning to God and and let him know what you've allowed to happen and then began making your recovery or don't let someone mock your Sabbath because especially if you're a Christian you know why because Christ became our Sabbath and they're mocking Christ so what's new Under the Sun you hear he mocked always his name taken in vain and it hurts but God still loves those that love him there under his hand and they are protected verse 8 Jerusalem have grievously sinned that's the reason therefore she is removed all that honored her despise her because they have seen her nakedness yay she SIA then turned it backward they she's treated as unclean and and so it is however God promised I'm gonna scatter you if you don't line out you got to listen to the father verse 9 her filthiness is in her skirt she remember if not her last in therefore she came down wonderfully she had no comforter and you know the the comforter is available now don't ever forget that and if you're without him that your own problem Oh Lord behold my affliction for the enemy hath magnified himself there was no Messiah there but God sent that Messiah Emmanuel God himself God with us and when he was crucified he sent the comforter and the comforter is the very spirit of our Heavenly Father so you're never alone he will never leave you he will never forsake you but if you're not real careful you can love yourself into the trap the straights and allow yourself to be used so you want to stand up and you want to get your head out of the sand you want to observe what's going on what's happening to our people and you want to do something about it what's that return to the Father verse 10 the adversary has spread out his hands upon all her pleasant things for she hath seen that the heathen entered into her sanctuary whom thou did as command that they should not enter into that congregation did you put them right at the head so it is now verse 11 and this being the eleven which is the acrostic of leaven which is the eleventh verse which is the where we have two sets of eleven here all her people sigh they seek bread they have given their Pleasant things for me to relieve the soul not the flesh the soul see you Lord and consider for I am become vile and certainly that's what happened to the city that's what happened to Jerusalem when when Israel went into captivity and then we know what happened for concerning the parable of the fig tree that our Sabbath told us to learn which is to say the Lord Jesus Christ that in the year of our Lord in 1948 this will become a nation again but what most people are not aware of is that both good and bad figs were shoots were set out in that program and that began the generation of the fig tree but the comforter is with us now you would have trouble understanding the second set of 11 in this particular chapter because the city's going to answer now that was the people and what happened to the people and and their complaint and the answer the reason they're that way you say you got the answer there don't look over it and don't read over it it is true now we have the city herself speaking in the remaining eleven verses basically verse 12 is it nothing to you all you that pass by this is the city speaking behold and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow which is done unto me where with the LORD hath afflicted me in the day of his furious anger and remember what the Lord said himself when Matthew chapter 23 when he spoke of the Kenites standing in the holy place when he spoke of the fact that their guilty the offspring of the serpent is guilty for all bloodshed from the righteous blood of zakah a belong to Zacharias between the porch and the altar I'm quoting from Matthew chapter 23 okay the trouble that came in to that place and then what did the Lord say Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem how oft how oft would I have taken you under my wing and comforted you but you would not and I'm sure that's what he's saying today as the children are spread the city speaks thirteen from above hath he sent fire into my bones and it prevail ahthe against them he has spread a net for my feet he has turned me back he had made me desolate and faint all the day you know you want to remember the desolation of the desolate or that's what it's leading to and that's what's coming Daniel warned you of it the abomination of the desolate or Christ warns you of it in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 when you see the abomination of desolation standing in Jerusalem the holy place the land of Judea then know that that's the final act okay you see the beauty of this is that in Ezekiel chapter 16 God made an eternal covenant and took Jerusalem to wife geographically speaking for his final headquarters the final location of heaven itself so he's not going to let anything too bad go wrong with this city but he will punish all those that try to mismanage his children that love him and the city itself 14 the yoke of my transgressions is bound by his hand they are wreaths and come up up upon my neck he had made my strength to fall the Lord had delivered me into their hands from whom I am not able to rise up but who did it who let the heathen rage and the time of the Gentiles must be fulfilled it is written that should be no mystery or miracle to you or wonder to anyone 15 the Lord hath trodden trodden under foot all my mighty men in the midst of me he hath called an assembly against me to crush my young men the Lord hath trodden the virgin the daughter of Judah as in a winepress and this this this is utilized always in certain festive feast by certain people and I'm not going to go into that it's a different lecture for a different time but the city does cry the city groans because here you have Mount Zion you have the rock over which the dome says and do God's children control that and though they don't some would say they did and be that as it may all children are God's children but that Tabernacle will stand until that time be over but Jerusalem weeps 16 for these things I weep mine I mine I runneth down with water because the comforter that should relieve my soul is far from me and my children are desolate because the enemy prevalent and the sad part is is the children are not bright enough to see it many times you know when you take a people and get them so close the old vice turned down the world the only thing they can think about is surviving and chasing bread rather than the true bread you know it was mentioned already it's the bread of life that you want to pray for and the bread of life is Christ himself that is to say our Sabbath but when you keep the people so busy trying to exist then you can drive them into that Strait that trap and manhandle them just about in any way you would choose else they wake up and take care of business and and they will okay well how do you know that well it's written it's written we will always control our gates don't ever let anybody see you sweat on your first cruise okay our Father is still on the throne and you know something he always will be no one else will occupy that throne even though they try that is to say Satan himself but this place does weep the death and the bombings and the sadness when David himself found this city when it was called Jebus named Jebus by the Jebusites that put the first village there David conquering it and changed the name from Jebus to Jerusalem which is to say the city of peace but there's no peace there and and so it is she weeps and the children that have scattered north over the Caucasus Mountains later being called Caucasians the ten tribes of the north Europe and then America and Canada they're driven most of them not even knowing who they are and yet Jerusalem weeps she's empty the children are gone and then later Judah and the remaining would be taken by Nebuchadnezzar two hundred years later they're gone and then we have the prophecies of the end times that come into being the enemy will not prevail forever because God is still on the throne and God only allows that to go down that you allow it he gives us the power and the authority to take care of business so take care of business let's have the next verse please seventeen science spread us forth her hands and there is none to comfort her the LORD hath commanded concerning Jacob that's all the natural tribes that his adversary should be round about him Jerusalem is as a mistress woman among them in other words it's an unclean place and so it is when when you have the conflict which makes a mockery of the very name yaro shall on the place of peace a real mockery but I assure you just as it is written is this this is the city speaking now don't don't get away from him stay with me this is the city the geographical location God allowing his thoughts concerning it allowing her to speak when when that place is reformed in Christ returns at the second Advent then much shall happen there but remember this what is written in mark 13 concerning the geographical location when you hear of wars and rumors of wars fear not for the end is not yet but then we have two wars going on now and trouble all over the world brewing this certainly isn't it but what is the opposite of that when you hear the enemy themselves all sitting down at the table saying world peace that's when you want to be ready okay that's when the city will be ready that's when the Lord will be ready and that's what you want to be prepared for until then it's an unclean thing but the time of the Gentile before that can come to pass and so it shall be one more verse verse 18 the Lord is righteous don't you ever forget it for I have rebelled against his commandment here I pray you all people and behold my sorrow my virgins and my young men are gone into captivity and you know something they had it coming the Lord is righteous don't you try to blame him but those why is it that they are gone they don't know who they are haven't the slightest idea most people could care less about history history is his story well whose story fathers story and and this is the seedbed of it right here it is about one man's family and all people of the world that come in contact with that family that was the family of Christ in Christ being the savior of all but this geographical location is the barometer of time which you watch and you observe and you observe the actions of the children that are scattered the young men and the virgins for as it is written when the time is right they will all prophesy and speak and take care of business as is written through the comforter which was sent as it is written in Acts chapter 2 and will speak through those children that have eyes to see and ears to hear and are able to comprehend that understand the very word of God that he sins in this ility this this poem that he made all five chapters as an acrostic so that man can't put his little hands on it and change it every verse must start with the word that he signified or anyone that can knows their ABCs and knows what's out of place because God wanted you to have one thing for sure that you had a pat hand that you could play if you wanted to play it and that Pat hen is the truth that Pat hen is the comforter as the comforter comes to us looking to that geographical location as that geographical location speaks verse 19 probably be the last verse we'll cover in this lecture I call for my lovers but they deceived me my priest and mine elders gave up the ghost in the city that they expired while they sought their meet to relieve their souls in other words they were not real what was left in the city was not real where are they they are scattered and well scattered but they are informed those that do lead in the true Word of God and so it is the city speaks will pick it up in the next lecture I would advise you not to miss any of the lectures in how the true name of the book the ancient name of this book before it was changed in the Latin to lamentations this isn't a sad song it's out in the world that we get in this shape that's what it's about a good thing to think about to understand all right bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 grab at Arkansas seven two seven three six don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 three four 6:45 that number is good from Puerto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada spirit moves you got a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend denomination or organization let's don't judge people you teach God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse never apologize for it let the chips fall wherever they may okay God's Word will always reign supreme and those of you that listen by shortwave it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address again always a pleasure hearing from you got a prayer request you don't need that number and you don't need an address do you know why because God knows what you're thinking right now he really does you don't even have to say it out loud and he does love you he may not love what you're doing but he loves you and you know what he wants in return he wants you to love him that's why he sent you this letter we're about you would never be lost confused or miss or misunderstand that you wouldn't know his word so always love that return that love and be blessed father around the globe we come we ask that you need guy direct father touch and Yahshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay and question time we're gonna we got I don't have a name on this what is the difference between CAI in starting with the letter C and the Kenites starting with a K was Cain originally started with a letter K well it was a cough which would be a queue or Kolff in the Hebrew tongue you know you see when when you use the C it causes many people to be confused with Cain n-c-a-a okay the son of him by his own mother from that incestuous affair but you know it's real simple for you okay take your Strong's Concordance and go to the Hebrew dictionary and go to go to the word seventeen fourteen seventy 14 will give you KN quoi and why I N and then go to 70 seventeen and you will have Keenan which is the Kenites the offspring of Cain okay do not ever confuse that with the offspring of ham and his mother that won't work Leonard from Georgia dear pastor Marie do you think that the elect or the very elect will be the two witnesses come in the spirit or in turn will two of the elect or the very leg be killed well the two witnesses most likely or who showed up with two with Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration and what did Christ say don't tell anybody about this until after I resurrect who were those two was Moses and Elijah and many people think we know Elijah did not die and many think Moses died and so in us degree did but God would never let anyone bury him God took him and they were transfigured there he was in that same body so I think that it's pretty well decided who the two witnesses are Regina from New Jersey I have I have two questions who is the elect lady in the second epistle of John's its mother Israel okay it's it's God's children scattered abroad and and are the seven thunders in Revelation versus chapter 10 verses 3 and 4 judgments also well if you know the thunders they have to do with certain of the judgments the thunders are what happens first lightning our thunder lightning does if you have to wait till you hear the thunder to understand it'll all be over okay so you want to figure out the seven seals long before the lightning even strikes okay for God's judgment it's a beautiful thing you see judgment on son maybe he'll fire but judgment for those that serve him his reward eternal life and wonderful things that you can't even imagine Marian from Washington is Satan or already here I told them he was not that how will we know when he is here you won't have any problem he's supernatural and he will claim to be Christ he is not here but his evil spirits are you see for everyone figuring God's plan you've got to understand God is always even fair he's always righteous which means right he allows us in as much as this is a time of testing to have the presence of the holy spirit but at the same time he allows the presence of the evil spirit not de facto in person here but evil spirit and that evil spirit can certainly get into people's homes and lives if you only if you allow it because Christ gave us power over them Satan is not here but you will know it well he will appear we know where he's going to stand read second Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 4 will let you know in the Holy Place claiming to be God claiming to be Christ's a claiming to be Savior Glynda from North Carolina if you only spend a short time as a in your life as a Christian do you get the same reward as someone who had spent their old life as a Christian does this pertain to the parable of the workers in the field getting the same pay if they worked all day and only the last hour any time you are saved then you are saved but what you where in heaven which is mean what you possess in heaven is woven together as it is written in Revelation 19 from your righteous acts if you in other words the linen you wear is woven from your righteous acts if you don't have any righteous acts you don't have any lemon linen to cover yourself so you're naked so it's not good to purposely plan to just serve him a short time that's a big negative it's good to make it but not good to be naked when many of us are going to be dressed in such finery I just hopefully so but we want you there with a full set of clothing all right there is much you must remember about the parable of the workers it is not what is only lived in this flesh life God's main workers were chosen in the first Earth Age they were working in that vineyard back then and they are mature enough that they spend their time trying to bring in the late comers without any jealousy of the fact that they also have eternal life but it is their Bound duty and they are driven to bring all souls to the Lord whomsoever will without any jealousy or any reservation but it's nice to have a full set of where in heaven Lisa from Florida we are experiencing demonic evilness in our home and I was wondering what we should do is there a certain prayer we should say we need your thank you it's real simple you if you're a Christian read Luke chapter 10 verse 19 what does it say there God said Christ as I beheld Satan fall as a star from heaven in verse 18 and in 19 he says I give you power over all of your enemies okay so all you got to do is know how to anoint and within the name of Yeshua Messiah Jesus the Christ you order anything evil out of your home you anoint the doorpost just as in Egypt the doorpost was wanted with with the blood of the Lamb well the anointing with the oil Christos Christos means The Anointed One anointed with what oil or water well LA young well what the hell are y'all that's olive oil in Hebrew it's the sacred name of Almighty God it is not the oil that does it but it is your obedience to use it that gets it done it is it is not a prayer it's a request from God just talk to it and order anything negative out and your you do it well how do I get the oil well you go to the grocery store and you buy pure olive oil virgin if possible and you pour out a little vial of it in a little flask or bottle and you ask God to anointed us or anointing all of our people he'll bless it and then you just use a tad and you got it made okay father loves you for it and and many like I said many people they'll say well I didn't know Christians believe in that anointing what do you think Christ means it means listos means The Anointed One and the etymology of his name comes from the the fact of rubbing as anointing with oil that's his name are you one Lisa from California we're in the Bible where is it in the Bible that I am not to judge a man but God is the judge we just covered it Romans chapter 2 verse 1 we just got through teaching the book of Romans Romans chapter 2 verse 1 that from Georgia when does the Antichrist reign on earth when he gets here okay when nobody knows the exactly but we're rounding up and headed that way you won't have to worry what does Antichrist mean anti in the Greek means instead of not as anti does in English and Greek it means instead of what does that mean instead of Christ but he claims to be Christ and he acts like Christ it says in Revelation chapter 13 verse 11 that he looks like the lamb and has two horns even that means with power but it's the voice is the voice of the dragon why because it is the dragon meaning Satan okay Judy from Virginia I just wanted to thank you for teaching the word chapter by chapter verse by verse I've learned more studying with you than I've learned in any church thank you well you're so welcome and thank you for the kind of comment father's word is so real so true and thank you for enjoying it our Father loves you for it okay joy from South Dakota I've been having some trouble understanding Luke chapter 12 verses 49 through 53 can you help clarify this for me god bless your ministry I am so grateful that you teach the word well you're so welcome Luke chapter 12 verse 49 through 53 Christ said hey I'm coming to bring a fire and if I find that already winnowed fanned kindled how happy I'm going to be so that's why you want to always have salt in your message and you want to fan those flames what is the of the Holy Spirit okay God is a consuming fire and then he makes he follows that in the verses following that you request their said there's gonna be five in a family and it's gonna split it right you know three here and two there they're not going to agree on the word so sometimes he's would state I'm not didn't come to bring peace he didn't come to bring peace to the devil for he is already sentenced to death or those that would follow him okay so that's that's what it means he means get a little starch in your backbone and and be a little salty and teach God's Word as it's written you don't some people that was just dis wheat sweet message it is but at the same time it's a message that enjoys a little righteous indignation when you see our nation and our people misled as they are then that's righteous indignation is a lot sweeter than syrup okay because it's being honest and true with people in the Word of God bill from Texas pastor Murray I've often I often I think they left the word heard you say spare the rod spoil the child that is not in the King James Bible can you please explain this to me well you know you pair of plays a little bit of it is in the King James Bible you'll find that in proverbs 13:24 proverbs 13:24 and if you ever read Hebrews chapter 12 verse six that's where God says I I just as my children if I love them as he ever took the paddle to you again proverbs 13:24 if you got a Bible read it seventeen from California my question is on the forgiveness which when someone has really wronged you yet you forgiving them how are you supposed to treat them if they want to come back into your life do you let them in or cut them out well Cindy I couldn't judge that without knowing both sides of the story or the person that you're going to let back in after they have repented I don't know what you know that would leave me a wise person never gives advice when they don't know the full story meaning you have to decide for yourself if and God gives you the right but if someone has wronged you hurtfully and harmfully they cannot expect you just to take their word I'm sorry and it's all no they have to earn that back it may take a year for them to earn back that respect and the love like I said I'm talking in the dark here I don't know what your problem was but respect you don't take somebody back in just on their word if they've harmed you you remember that because they could do it again and they they and they alone can only they can prove to you they won't do it again and that doesn't happen overnight that takes time flack from Florida pastor Murray I am concerned and infused over the way America is going should I stand up and try to fight against the government or should I just sit back and let the Lord take care of it no you vote we're a unique people we're we don't have a king though I understand some people are setting czars which is the same as a king but we don't have a king okay we vote we have a government of the people by the people and for the people and when you don't like something you voted out it's that simple and you make sure that not only that you do but all your friends do that's that's that's what this nation is about you don't let all just sit back and let it happen no you don't you be a person of action Marilyn from Oklahoma how do you feel if a father disowns his child on earth how does God feel about that Gemma Marilyn again I have no idea of why father would disown the child so I can't give advice okay I know I can only answer that father is always righteous he always does what is right now if the child brought this own if the child repents to the Father to the point that he's forgiven then that's something worth working for okay Matthew from Mississippi when I was younger and didn't know any better I cursed God do you think God will forgive me of course he will you know we all make mistakes and when you repent let him know you're sorry for it and and didn't know any better he is so very understanding and loving you know God doesn't wake up every morning saying I wonder who I can slap today I've just would like to really zap a bunch of him he he loves his children and just like you would your own children you want the best for them when they deserve it urban from Florida what does the Bible teach about usery well it teaches to be very careful with it and personally it's best to stay away from it but the young people in this modern day don't have much of a chance but to go into Ussery sometime but use it very wisely never never buy something on time that it's not a way to get you to work or a home something you have to have to make money do not use usery to buy something you do not need I'll say that again do not use usery to buy something you don't need they have to have to help you sustain your family well what do I do about that can I have one shirt make payments to yourself until you have it then you can afford it and it's yours but usery causes you to have to pay twice as much as anyone else why would you want to do that okay Rosa from California even though we have free will doesn't God already know who will be spared and who will not since he knows us from beginning to end also will people be saved in the Millennium people that did not have an opportunity to know the full truth will be have an opportunity to find salvation why because God is fair you know if God knew who was going to make it and who wouldn't he wouldn't put us through this Second Earth age you see you Rosa or not understanding love God loves his children and God cannot force someone to love him he cannot order someone to love him he cannot demand or buy somebody's love and have it be the real thing and he won't have anything but the real thing it isn't a matter of people getting around to giving their souls to God that that is silly he's already god i'm ezekiel 18:4 all souls belong to God he's got him right there and he judges them rightly so if so naturally God doesn't know what everybody's going to do because he gives them free will he does have his election as we just covered in Romans chapter 8 that were predestined from before they stood against Satan in the first Earth Age that they weren't just pretty boys or girls that he was that were popular with him they earned it and he uses them he can interfere in their lives and put him where he wants them but everyone else that's free will and he loves all of them okay so he doesn't know what everybody's going to do or we wouldn't be going through this and he would have smoked the whole bunch starting out that followed Satan but he wants to try to save as many as we can through his name Nancy from Wisconsin what is the scripture you quote on how to send your bad things away from your life well again I said it earlier Luke chapter 10 verse 19 God gives you power over all of your enemies using you all of our people and I'm out of time you know what I love you all because you enjoy studying our father's word chapter by chapter verse by verse letting God speak to your heart and mind you know something when you I love you for that but most of all God loves you for it when you take his letter as you do and study it it makes his day and when you make his day boy is he going to make yours okay we brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God he will always bless you most important though you listen to me there's some good you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus Yeshua is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five twenty four-hours-a-day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas seven two seven three six once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,478
Rating: 4.8834953 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Bible, Lamentations, Arnold, Arnold Murray, Murray, Book of Lamentations, Kjv, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor, Shepherds, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's, Pastor Arnold Murray, Holy Bible, Chapel
Id: nuWtC3ysvvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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