Daniel ~ 11:25 to 11:34

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chapel network family bible study hour with pastor arnold murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor murray's unique teaching approach brings god's word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of god's letter to you the bible and now here is pastor arnold murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family bible study all right we're ready to get back in our father's word book of daniel chapter 11. we're going to pick it up about verse 25 here in a moment remember this 11th chapter begin with history to daniel then future to daniel from about verse 4 or say 5 through to verse 21 and then it becomes future even to now it speaks of the entity spoken of in daniel chapter 9 verse 27 the little horn the the false messiah the false prophet any name you want to call him antichrist that is to say being converted from the greek of the new testament instead of jesus or instead of christ instead of the anointed one let's be more specific and it tells here beginning with chapter 11 verse 21 how he comes in he comes in prosperously he comes in peacefully guess what he'll pay all your bills if you'll kind of go to his church if you'll worship him and that's how he takes over playing jesus all right that's why he's called instead of jesus so many people think that he comes in vicious killing everyone and so forth that's a bunch of malarkey there is no way he could take the place of christ and act that way therefore as it has been written throughout the book of daniel beginning with about chapter 7 he comes in peacefully have you ever heard him cry peace peace peace when there is no peace well you that kind of brings you up to date does it not so future to us at this time he comes in he he works deceitfully among a small people and that would be in verse 23 where we left off and that word people in the hebrew is the which is to say the the kenites a lot of people might try to tell you different don't believe it it's talking about the kenites that's who satan becomes strong with because it's been the children of cain he's been strong with forever a lot of people try to blame it awful and our brother judah won't fly friend okay so with that having been said he enters peaceably as we left it in verse 24 on the fattest parts of the land the very choice as of course spurious messiah having said that verse 25 of chapter 11 the great book of daniel let's go with it and it reads and he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with the great army and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army but he shall not stand for they they who the small people the the canaanites they shall forecast devices against him now uh biblically speaking as your type you're going to find the old solicit in the ptolemaic kingdoms the solicit kingdom would be about where iraq and iran and the old country of babylon north of the euphrates and then some south and the king of the south could usually be represented as a type pharah or egypt okay and um initially it doesn't take a student of god's word long to know from isaiah 14 satan always wanted the sides of the north why well because on mount zion that's where god's uh throne was situated in in the uh in the temple was on the side of the north so that's the side satan wants and naturally this king of the north is basically symbolic of him in other words we had big armies but nobody made a stand just talk talk talk ratchet jaw ratchet jaw sound familiar nobody nobody would make a stand verse 26 yea they that feed of a portion of his meat shall destroy him his his own um there's treachery involved in that statement his own allies and his army shall overflow and many shall fall down slaying again with them within and without uh fall down slaying in what way well we have terrorism in this generation there's a lot of people fall down a lot of people are slaying but you don't see a real stand you don't see a real war and it would seem that at the same time that you have many people dying you have the cries peace peace peace something wrong with that picture well no it's written right here that's exactly how it would be verse 20 verse next verse let's go to it 27 and both these king's hearts shall be to do mischief they're both evil and they shall speak lies at one table but it shall not prosper for yet the end shall be at a time appointed in other words these things actually bring about the end they are your clues in god's word that these events of lying at one table making big promises never keeping words um brings about the very end itself at the appearance of the spurious one verse 28 then shall he return into his own land with great riches and his heart shall be against the holy covenant and he shall do exploits he's going to be um successful that's what exploits means he'll be successful at what he does what bringing peace and return to his own land um he basically the hebrew is specific in this what he does he causes people to fight among themselves he never declares a war or anything of that he just gets people to fight and kill each other among themselves and this is what he calls success and his his move against the holy covenant is what well what is the covenant well it's the promise of christ coming the true savior not this fake verse 29 at the time appointed and god has set times don't ever kid yourself at the time appointed he shall return and come toward the south this is that old king of the north again but it shall not be as the former or as the latter he's not going to be successful this time not going to work this time why verse 30 for the ships of chittim shall come against him therefore he shall be grieved in return and have indignation against the holy covenant so shall he do he shall even return and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant who forsake it well non-believers but primarily they the little people the canaanites they never were a part of it that is his feeding ground or that that causes and plants false rumors and troubles utilizing the word the runners or those that carry news to absolutely never quite tell the truth or keep them away whereby they couldn't report the truth if they wanted to and uh that's the way satan operates and so the and and bear in mind this will be after the spurious messiah appears if you think you've seen something that is a type of this to this date you better mark it well because you're probably getting the forerunner of that that shall happen now you would be lost here if you didn't understand the hebrew because you would never know what the ships of chittim were okay uh the ships of chittim let's take the word chitim it means bruisers and as a student of god's word you've got to go all the way back to the first prophecy of the bible to to understand that statement because as it is written in genesis chapter 3 verse 15 and 16 he spoke to the serpent and the serpent seed i will put enmity between thy seed that is to say the serpent and the seat of the woman you shall bruise his heel but he shall bruise your head with chittim being the word bruisers he's talking about god's children that understand and recognize the false messiah for who he is and will make a stand they will stand for something they will not bow to the false messiah they will have nothing to do with the false messiah other than do as they are instructed from god's word as the spurious messiah from his synagogue is to be treated and that is to say the synagogue of satan not any synagogue present in the world today but after he appears as written in verse 21 and makes his stand verse 31 what happens then an arm shall stand on his part and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength and shall take away the daily sacrifice and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate there is a great deal set in that verse it is the key to unlocking the time sequences basically season wise you're never going to get closer than the season but it does unlock the seasons whereby you can understand in this generation the generation the fig tree a great deal more about the days of daniel first of all taking away the daily sacrifice what was the daily sacrifice you could call it the daily oblation it was when the priest offered blood sacrifices to our father almighty god and as it is well written when jesus was crucified by this small people by they crying crucify him then his blood was for the one and only blood that would ever be shed that would be for the re repent for the remission of sins as it is written in hebrews chapter 10 to say any other blood sacrifice other than christ to the christian is blaspheming it is an abomination and that's what sets the abomination of desolation in place so when was the date that the daily sacrifice was taken away the year 80 33 we'll call it someone say 27 your baby you do as you please with it uh in other words at the crucifixion of christ the daily's bellation was done away with for god's children now some people still go a different course that's their ship let them sail it all right but for god's children we know the date that the holy sacrifice was taken away now then when did the order go to set up to set up during the generation of the fig tree the abomination that make us desolate well we pretty well know that both the good and the bad fig tree were set out in the year of our lord 1948. so we're kind of given two dates there that you can even figure out on our calendar that has nothing to do with any people's other than for your edification in rightly dividing the word of god and having wisdom and understanding concerning end times and we will con so there is a great deal well when is this to make us desolate set up well we covered it and i took great pains in the ninth chapter of daniel in the 27th verse to show you that it was the overshadowing wings of the false messiah as he came in to bring his peace okay so with those times fixed has that happened yet of course it hasn't verse 32 and such as do wickedly against the covenant shall be corrupt by flatteries that's the way satan operates is by saying are you really a nice wise person by flatteries but the people that do know their god shall be strong and do exploits we're gonna cut we can cut it we can get it done why because we have the help of the holy spirit the holy spirit gives us strength knowledge wisdom and understanding we do not find the false messiah tempting we find him exactly as christ expects us to an abomination this is why it makes a difference that you study god's word to show yourself approved and don't listen to some yo-yo that never quite gets around to teaching the word of god for it is the word of god that makes a difference verse 33 and they that understand among the people shall instruct many yet they shall fall by the sword and by flame by captivity and by spoil many days and many people think this word fall means death it does not it's kashal in the hebrew tongue and it means they may waver they may stagger a little bit but god intends to help them and hold them up when when you come up against one worldism and the spurious messiah in place and only god's elect are there to witness against him many are going to say well you seem to be reading a lot into that no no i'm not have you ever heard of mark chapter 13 [Music] that's what it's talking about you'll find the same thing in matthew chapter 24 and you'll find the same thing written also concerning the same time that is to say in the great book of luke in chapter 21 you don't know about christ's teachings have you not studied god's word do you know not what christ said about this abomination well i didn't know that applied to christians well well why would you think it didn't because christ taught it you know you got to quit listening to yo-yos and get down to studying god's word for it is god's word that gives you the understanding you won't get it from man and his traditions it doesn't hurt to listen to man but you better check him out in the word of god what is it talking about some are going to be helped with a little help we'll find that in the next verse back in daniel and how is it that some could be bruisers and bruise the serpent no it isn't really they that do it but you'll find it written when jesus would ask jesus when's the end going to be and how are we going to know it's going to happen and he answered in seven events that are the seven trumps the seven vials and the seven seals there's no need for you to have any confusion about them each of them are written in this 13th chapter as well as the 24th chapter of matthew step by step and as we go through the book of revelation on the completion of this book i will draw that out to you bright and clear but what is what is it talking about way back there in daniel chapter 11 okay mark chapter 13 let's pick it up with verse 9 and verse 9 reads but take heed to yourselves concerning the end take heed to yourselves for they shall deliver you up to counsels and in the synagogues you shall be beaten brow beaten if you allow it this is not that has nothing to do with any synagogue today it's the synagogue of satan written of in the great book of revelation chapter 2 verse 9 and chapter 3 verse 9 the synagogue of satan after he appears as instead of jesus you shall be beaten and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake for whose sake christ speaking for my sake for a testimony against them and this is this is absolutely the destiny of a christian that is a true christian that knows they have a purpose that knows there's more to god's word than they perhaps they've been taught all their life but that we have a purpose and that god intends to use his children in this way why for a testimony well i've not very well learned well listen all you have to do is know the truth and the truth will set you free because it's not going to be you doing the talking listen verse 10 and the gospel must first be published among all nations when these trials take place they will be publicized to the whole world why because you will have a one world system verse 11 but when they shall lead you and deliver you up take no thought beforehand what you will speak neither do ye premeditate but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour note the word hour here shall it be in that hour that speak ye for it is not ye that speak but the holy spirit this is what joel the prophet was talking about on pentecost day when both sons and daughters begin to speak in a tongue that was cloven meaning it went out in every language of the world there was nothing unknown about it everyone that heard it heard it in the dialect in the county they were born do you believe god's word acts chapter 2 verses 6 and 7 tells you the mystery was that they heard whether they were chinese whether they spoke english chinese how whatever they heard it in their own tongue man can't fake that again acts chapter 2 verse 6 and 7 you either believe god's word or your play in church the holy spirit speaks through them this is why peter would say in acts chapter 2 this is that that was spoken of by joel the prophet what was joel talking about when satan's locust army was released on this earl earth exactly as it's being described in daniel chapter 11 then god's children would do exploits both not just men sons and daughters so it is the holy spirit that speaks through you and as it is written in luke chapter 21 it stipulates there that even the gainsayers will be convinced by what you say though it isn't you saying it but the holy spirit and also in luke 21 it says they can't harm a hair on your head do you know why because in that hour which is defined and documented in revelation chapter 17 along about verse 13. that hour is a five-month period given in the ninth chapter of revelation when satan himself is told you can go down there and you can harm everybody you can't kill them but don't you dare touch those that have the seal of god inside their forehead meaning in their brain they know the truth from god's word and will be delivered up and will testify that will happen in and to this generation it is written and it shall come to pass as it is written verse 12 now the brothers shall betray the brother to death and the father the son and children shall rise up against their parents and shall cause them to be put to death put before death who is death i want you to make a note that you know this frightens some people because they have this fear of serving god when you're supposed to use what's in your forehead your brain make a note of hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 why did christ die on the cross why did he come to this earth in the flesh when he was the son of god emmanuel god with us what was the purpose it was to show you that god won't ask you to do something he hasn't done himself and it was too and i'm going to quote from that verse now chapter 2 and and the book of hebrews and verse 14 to be delivered up to be crucified whereby he could destroy death which is to say satan okay so you're delivered up before satan who is none other than death and as it is written in luke 21 they can't harm a hair on your head why god would not allow it and the minute they touch the two witnesses it's over friend satan makes his biggest mistake when he has those two killed because god puts an end to him other than a short season at the end of the millennium so why would why would a brother deliver a brother up before satan or that is to say death because he thinks it's jesus you've been in some little old church under a revolving rev out here that says jesus is here he's here and you in wisdom say he's a fake and a fraud do you know what that mother or that father is going to do they're going to run to him and say jesus forgive my boy forgive my girl forgive my brother he doesn't know what he's talking about he loves you and he believes the word but he thinks you're a fraud and satan won't have much trouble getting the addresses because of i don't want to say stupid christians but christians that are not familiar with the word of god will deliver their own folks up because they think he's jesus and i guarantee you in the name of religion people will do strange things any of yours ever tried to get you to go to church with them try to swing you around to their way of thinking worshiping jesus think about it it is written and it shall come to pass as it is written no mother would ever deliver her daughter up to a physical death but a mother will certainly have her daughter brought before somebody that she thinks is jesus begging for mercy and forgiveness it's just one problem if she's ignorant of god's word she delivers her to the antichrist you know some people apparently can't count the book of revelations makes it very clear if you ever read it it means the uncovering or the unveiling of truth don't listen to some yo-yo that's well it just doesn't mean that we understand that well then why did god name it the unveiling or the uncovering of truth don't listen to knuckleheads that's an old marine way of saying well i won't go past that it'll get you in trouble it makes it very clear that the spurious messiah comes at the sixth trump jesus himself does not come together us back to him or he to us until the seventh now when you're counting let me ask you a really tough question which comes first six or seven i'm not talking down to you i'm saying that's how simple it is now verse 13 as we continue in this 13th chapter of mark verse 13 reads and ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake for whose name's namesake for jesus himself if the whole world is whoring after the false messiah you're not going to be all that popular are you worried about it who cares as long as you stand against satan and stand for something our father but he that shall endure to the end the same shall be saved now some of you are saying well how in the world can you read from the book of mark when you're teaching daniel in the old testament well let me let you in on a little secret it's called truth let's read the 14th verse of this 13th chapter remember this is jesus teaching what does jesus say listen carefully weigh the words well but when you shall see the abomination of desolation spoken by daniel the daniel who daniel the prophet standing where it ought not the correct translation is standing where he ought not meaning in other words the the desolator is not desolation a condition but it is the desolator which is an entity meaning the spurious messiah standing where he ought not let him that readeth understand that's in print let me ask you a question do you understand can you understand the word of god or are you all tanked up on traditions well brother you don't understand i'm gonna fly away it's not written the word rapture is not in the bible we're going to gather back to christ at the seventh trump the furthest one out number seven have no problem about that but you better be geared and ready for what happens at the sixth this is it this is what happens you see then let them that be in judea flee to the mountains where in jerusalem that's where the spurious messiah will set his headquarters and he will re he will re-occupy a temple in jerusalem and you know something nobody's going to argue with him because he can perform miracles like snapping his fingers and lightning coming down from heaven revelation chapter 13 and even in this great book of daniel as he would say he does exploits he doesn't have any trouble winning you know people will go ape over a rock star in this generation what do you think they will do when someone like this comes forth so you can see how the bruisers cause him trouble because the bruisers are god's elect that are delivered up and the holy spirit meaning god himself will speak through them and it is jesus christ that made this book of daniel a part of even if you would the new testament that you had better be familiar with in the end times to see the picture of current events applied with that that is written it is written and it will go down exactly as it's written as jesus would say a little further along in that 13th chapter of mark we just left behold i have foretold you all things meaning if you've absorbed this word you know the truth and the truth will set you free from any abomination any desolation any false worship and you can be an able servant for god you know you got to have this thing up here in your forehead loaded and locked with truth to do a good job whether you're laying bricks or what you've got to have a little wisdom and knowledge before you can do it well it's the same way with serving god you've got to know his plan whereby he can instruct you now this does not go to the point of witness itself the holy spirit will speak through you but you at least have to know the chronological order of events that a child could understand if they can count to seven returning then to the great book of daniel chapter 11 we'll pick it up in verse and remember our father has foretold you all things the question is have you read it verse 34 and it reads and when they shall fall that's this word cash all again means if they waver if they stumble a little bit they shall be hoping with a little help it doesn't take much from god friend i'll take a little help from him any day over anything satan can do for you but many shall cleave to them with flatteries there's um many going to hang in there and try to deliver them up to the spirit's messiah saying you don't understand my dear brother i love you this is the lord come and worship him and when you refuse to go don't worry they'll deliver you up but that's good it's written that's how you are delivered before him more whereby the holy spirit can speak through you you don't have to be afraid you know that's the beauty of this book of daniel do you think the three hebrew children in the fiery furnace were frightened do you know why they weren't they had faith do you i mean they heeded that oven seven times hotter than was necessary and they weren't even singed why god enclosed them in his protecting arms daniel in the lion's den do you think he was frightened do you know why those illustrations were brought forth for god to waste some time or tell a story no to strengthen you to let you know god takes care of his own when he said to satan and revelation chapter 9 verse 4 don't you dare touch those that have the seal of god in their forehead what's the seal of god that word that truth when you've got it in your brain you're not going to be deceived and satan can't if satan wanted to deceive you all you could do is tell him to hang it you're not to premeditate what you'll say to him all right but let god tell him to hang it you're not going to be deceived by him how could a christian possibly find satan anything other than an abomination look what he's doing to the people deceiving them and you have a destiny boy what a time to live in this generation of the fig tree all right bless your hearts don't miss the rest of daniel we'll probably maybe we'll finish it in the next lecture and then we're going to start the great book of revelation maybe i'm not going to promise that because i got a lot of ground to cover and i'm not going to rush we'll see all right bless your heart so you listen in a moment won't you
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 489
Rating: 4.5999999 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Murray, Holy Bible, Bible, KJV
Id: ukPeJDTyhMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 47sec (2087 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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