Ezekiel ~ 44:17 to 47:8

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and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family a Bible study are ready to get back in our fathers word we're going to pick it up here in chapter 44 with verse 17 in the moment you know this is a this is one of the most fantastic chapters in the Word of God that it lets us have a look at what transpires in the very millennium itself and how precious that is that the Millennium lets us know what transpires but come with me though all people even those that didn't make it or transform into spiritual bodies what for discipline and to wait the day of judgment when God judges all and by how does he judge them from the book of life your record it's all right there when you repent that that is evil is washed away and that that is good always remains so having said that we understood that most of the priests went astray when Israel did they recall the Levitical priesthood but then there is the priesthood as a dock which is a Hebrew word that means the elect or the just and we're going to pick it up speaking and then they can approach the prince and the Messiah during the Millennium no one else can and the remainder of this chapter will let you fill you in and let you know exactly what transpires so chapter 44 verse 17 let's pick it up there and let's go with it and it reads and it shall come to pass that when they enter in at the gates of the inner court they shall be clothed with linen garments and no rule shall come upon them whilst they minister in the gates of the inner court and within in other words what clothing is this well of course it's they're very righteous acts the in clothing that we wear even in the eternal Kingdom you can read of it in Revelation chapter 19 verse 7 let us be glad and rejoice and give honour to him for the marriage of the lamb has come and his wife that made herself ready verse 8 and to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen this is the clothes fine linen clean and white for the fine linen is what what is it what's it made from it is the righteousness of the saints in other words it's the righteous acts of the saints that forms the linen then gives them the position or a place as there's a dock in the heavenly kingdom and this is the clothing that must be owned when you approach Messiah that that's what it's about verse 18 returning to the 44th chapter of Ezekiel it reads they shall have linen bonnets upon their heads and shall have linen breeches and upon their loins they shall not gird themselves with anything that causes sweat and there's not going to be any sweat there everything is cool everything is refreshing and there is no tension whatsoever because that is the king then you're in the kingdom and as God's elect you have that right to be right there with him and following orders to instruct all that would listen verse 19 and when they go forth into the other Court that's to say the outer court even into the outer court to the people they shall put off their garments we're in they ministered and lay them in the holy chambers that's the little chambers around the holy place and they shall put on other garments and they shall not sanctify the people with their garments and so those righteous acts are not to be shared through this period of time well you've got a lot of people out there that didn't make it they're raised in spiritual bodies but they still have a mortal soul being liable to die if they don't participate in the second resurrection so how precious it is to come to this place and for God to share with us exactly how it's going down verse 20 now there shall they shave their heads or suffer their locks to grow long they shall only pull their heads in other words they're going to be neat well trimmed well-groomed looking good 21 now there shall any priest drink wine when they enter into the inner court that's a no-no verse 22 neither shall they take for their wives a widow nor her that is put away but they shall take maidens of this need of the house of Israel or a widow that had a priest before now you have to come with me again we're in spiritual bodies you're not going to have weddings as you have weddings today we're talking about the mini membered body of Christ and the wedding is with Christ okay it just simply happens that these RDoc make up part of that mini membered body of christ and you have to think of that they're right there with him they're serving him they're ministering to him and to the people as he ministers verse 23 and they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane you know what's taught in the millennium you want to know what those priests are doing in the millennium in Revelation chapter 20 verse 5 they teach between the holy and profane and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean that's discipline and that is taught in the Millennium we're by hopefully they can latch on to that discipline hang on to it treasure it and be pleasing to Almighty God in those people around them verse 24 and in controversy they shall stand in judgment and they shall judge it according to my judgments and they shall keep my laws and my statutes in all nine assemblies and they shall hallow mine Sabhas now this is one of the only places where it speaks of God any one judging other than God in the Sun but here as the elect or that member but notice they judge according to God's law which is a form of discernment which you even use today it's a gift of God but here when you are teaching the difference between the holy and the profane and teaching with discipline then certainly there will be a certain amount of judgment in that one if they go wrong now they're going into the fire the lake of fire and if we can prevent that I mean it's our brothers our sisters and anything we can do to help and in that teaching we're going to do it it's your destiny 25 and they shall come at no dead person that means everybody's in spiritual bodies what does it being dead person spiritually dead they did not overcome in the first resurrection you can come at no dead person to defile themselves but oh here's an exception but for father or for mother or for son or for daughter for brother or for sister that have had no husband they may defile themselves in other words when it comes to that fact that you can if you have a loved one of that category that fits in that category you can go help them you're going to pay a little bit of a price for it but why would you want to help them out to get their act together to give them knowledge and wisdom that they evidently do possess and to try to give them to get their act together and to overcome but at the same time what does that particular verse do that particular verse documents that in as much as God said let us create man in our image that everyone looks as they look therefore naturally how could you help a mother father brother or sister if you didn't recognize them well naturally you do recognize them line because they're your kin they're your family though we would all be at the same age in spiritual bodies you would still recognize them this is your documented proof of it many people have lost loved ones that have gone on before them you're going to see them again you're going to recognize them in the millennium you're going to be with them and this is your document and proof from the very word of God I don't care what language you translated in it still says the same thing it still means the same thing but again as I stated there is a penalty many will ask me well why does it say a sister that have had no husband because when to marry they become one flesh and therefore she would fall to a different family I'm sure God would still allow verse 26 and after he is cleansed this is the penalty you pay after he is cleansed from being with that dead person spiritually they shall reckon unto him seven days it's going to take seven days away from Messiah seven days before you can put on those holy garments again the righteous acts seven days of purification after having touched the dead spiritually dead and that's that's a low price to pay though for helping someone you really love it's time well spent I mean we're not going anywhere we're in the Millennium and if you're truly one of God's elect you're there to assist to help and and to Lyne knowledge and wisdom and guidance to those that need it that's that's jerkin the compassion that God puts in was a doc or God's elect that's one of the ways you can always identify one of God's elect they have compassion verse 27 and in the day that he goeth into the sanctuary into the inner court to minister in the sanctuary he shall offer his sin offering saith the Lord God and what is the sin offering dr2 because he did touch the those that were spiritually dead is love love is this sacrificial offering given in the Millennium given to who - to the Messiah he that paid the price so that we can have salvation so we can teach salvation so we can present salvation to whomsoever will verse 28 and it shall be unto them for an inheritance you understand this not as only saw that didn't care about his inheritance it shall be unto them for an inheritance I am their inheritance and ye shall give them no possession in Israel I am their possession that's really a hard one to latch on to God Himself is your inheritance the creator of heaven and earth the creator of all things God owns all things therefore in as much as you and here at him then you inherit all that is his and the reason they don't need to give you an allotment in Israel or land or anything else because wherever you step you own it all and not that it will mean that to you but that is the actual fact and you will never use that to overlord on anyone or anything else you don't maybe this lates it and lets it be better understood when he when Jesus talked to the only two churches out of seven he was happy with so you want to make sure when you attended church that part of their framework their basic teaching has to do with what Shmona in Philadelphia taught if they're not you're in a heap of hurt well what did she learn and teach and he then and you can read it in Revelation chapter 2 verse 8 and into the Angel of the Church of Smyrna write these things saith the first the latter which was dead and is alive that's to say the Lord Jesus Christ I know thy works and tribulation and poverty you're you're poor in his sins but thou art rich well how are they rich because they possess the Living God he is their inheritance well what is it they're doing and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are of your brother Judah and are not but are the synagogue of Satan in other words the Kenites they claim to be our brother Judah and they're lying about it does your church teach that if they don't you're in a heap or hurt because you're going to have trouble identifying the false messiah Peter none of those things which shall which thou shalt suffer behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison that you may be tried in other words you delivered up so the Holy Spirit can speak through you to the world and you shall have tribulation 10 days and 10 days only that's no step for a stepper you can cut it be thou faithful unto this I will give me the crown of life in other words you inherit the Living God you are rich regardless of what your condition is on earth because God Yahweh the creator of all is your inheritance it brilliant doesn't get any better than that if you want to try to get a taste for it some some night when it's clear and you look up a bit that they do mass universe of stars and the heavens the planets and the earth the Sun in the moon naturally you're not going to see the Sun at night unless you're in certain places but understand it belongs to your father he created it and what he has created as yours also it's an awesome awesome broad talk about a very humbling thought that umbels you right to the right to your knees to no one to love the father that thinks enough of you because you have eyes to see and ears to hear to no one to follow him that you are worthy of such an inheritance how fantastic it is maybe you can at the same time better understand why God hated Esau who hated that inheritance but then that's the way son are and he saw happen to be of that type then returning to Ezekiel 44 next verse 29 please they shall eat the meat offering the sin offering the trespass offering and every dedicated thing in Israel shall be theirs every devoted thing in Israel that is given concerning our Father is theirs and they do inherit it it is theirs you know again this takes us into the Millennium it began back in the fortieth chapter and it's letting you know of what they do in heaven so to speak only we're still in the millennium age the day of the Lord a little bit of different as it will be in the eternal Kingdom which comes into track on in Revelation chapter 21 but here come with me to this point so that you better understand proven the events transpiring verse 30 and the first of all the firstfruits of all things and every oblation of all every sort of euro bration shall be the priest you shall also given to the priest the fast first of your dough that he may cause the the blessing to rest in thine house and so it is it doesn't get any better than that my friend all in compassion all in family so to speak the very family of God as that great wedding is those righteous acts weave together the hardships you may have gone through and the price you paid weaving net garment together of righteous acts and these flesh bodies taking forth the Word of God standing against the false one earning that right though you may be poor even in poverty yet in him you're rich it doesn't get any better than to inherit almighty God and all that he has created in all he owns and to be considered a part of it that's what's most important is the fact that you can exercise compassion needs and helpfulness to all whosoever will verse 31 to complete the chapter the priest shall not eat of anything that is dead of itself or torn whether it be fowl or beast whether it be poultry or and or otherwise only that that is properly why it's unhealthy that's why you must always properly breed an animal as we are instructed in the books of the law 1 because these flesh bodies require clean food if you do not eat clean food you're going to be sick and you can't very well serve God if you are ill that is to say I don't want this doesn't has nothing to do with handicapped people many cat people said a far better image before Christ and I could ever come do because the very fact to the unbeliever to be handicapped and still love the Lord sets an awesome example and so it is God has a purpose and a means for everything so how precious it is serving the Living God now we come to chapters that go into the disbursement of land I'm going to take you there we're going to go to the fourth verse of chapter 45 of this great book and let's pick up on what we're going to be discussing the holy portion of the land and that's what we're going to be doing is land allotments shall be for the priests the ministers of the sanctuary which shall come near to administer into the Lord and it shall be a place for their houses and an holy place for the sanctuary in other words when I point out to you in a moment the Saint should worry this is the place that the the dock will actually exist I'm going to skip on to the eighth verse of that 45th chapter and that eight verse reads concerning the tribes in the land shall in the land shall be his possession in Israel and my princes shall no more oppress my people they even have their own and the rest of the land shall they give to the house of Israel according to their tribes and I want to reiterate according to their tribes now as I've always taught you a picture speaks a thousand words so therefore we're going to go to a picture and as you notice always to the north Dan is always the farthest north tribe and we have Dan Asher Knapp Tola Manasseh Ephraim the largest Reuben and in the tribe of Judah now here we have the Levitical area and you have the area of the sanctuary this is a one-mile square right here and and this is for the priests there's the city the fields of that and the princess domain these would be about 24 miles across each of these domains of the Prince and but this is where it all happens right here in this sanctuary is the beautiful place of God and then below that where you have Judah and Benjamin the two tribes that kind of our nearest and that separate but just south of the city you have Benjamin Simeon and it's a car Zebulon gag and there you have the twelve tribes in the allotment of land that is the very picture of how it is laid out and that speaks a thousand words rather we could read all these dimensions and all these measurements but that get you exactly rumor at and what it's talking about and how precious it is our Father I want to simply reiterate one thing nobody's going to control anybody's property everybody controls their own property and that goes for even the priests of the sadoc nobody's going to control that property property other than they themselves as God has given them that right but that sanctuary which I showed you early a picture of it of how they layout of it is even down to the outer gates which has the seven steps then coming into the healers gates which you have eight samples which means up into new beginnings and that entire picture I showed you of that temple the sanctuary is 1/7 larger then the Temple of Solomon which leads on to the seventh and then the eighth which again would be new beginning and our Father and the son or the temple thereof in that eternity what a precious time to live in this age when these things are just before us they're right at the door because we are in the generation of the fig tree and all prophecy was to happen in into that generation no chapters a45 the remainder 46 the allotment and the offerings and which is covered by the picture I just showed you I think it's more meaningful and that way you're able to understand the layout that God will have in the Millennium that entire width is about 60 to 70 miles by about 50 miles when width but it's all concentrated right in that place we call Mount Zion it is there that that sanctuary will be situated and what a heavenly thing remember Christ's words as he would leave Jerusalem the last time at the first Advent he said watch these buildings not one stone will lift the left standing atop another it's going to be prepared for that temple in that land allotment you just observed so for the people of the Living God and all whomsoever will will come there to worship at that time you know we're going to skip on to the 47th chapter and and here we have we begin to have teaching again concerning the tribes but there you have the allotment how it will be fixed and nobody will interfere with that and nobody will try to possess anyone else's land so having said that we have the land allotment exactly as the tribes are laid out and the place of worship for whomsoever will through the Millennium the eternal temple will be somewhat different but be that as it may chapter 47 verse 1 the great Book of Ezekiel verse 4 one reads afterward he brought me again unto the door of the house and the whole waters issued out from under the threshold of the house eastward this is the temple itself sanctuary for the forefront of the house stood toward the east at going to the east gate okay and the waters came down from under from the right side of the house at the south side of the altar in other words it comes right out from under the altar of God well what is this it's spiritual but you know what is amazing if you're a student of God's Word you know that that's a stone that was struck a stricken price by Moses was only supposed to be once provided water for all of Israel that probably were in the desert and even King James that arranged this King James Bible his coronation took place over that stone the Stone of Scone and that stone will still be there and that spiritual water will still pour forth from it that's why it's important that you watch and observe history I know that these words upset certain people let's okay hey the truth is still truth and if you want to doubt well just just doubt but stick around you'll find it that's exactly now it will be exactly and there that spiritual water pours forth this is God's way of managing the land allotment we just covered plus all the children otherwise all over the world all that ever have been as they worship the Living God because all that remain at that time shall worship Him or they won't be next verse please verse 2 then brought he me out of the way of the gate northwards then me about the way without unto the other date the outer gate by the way that looked eastward this is the the gate where the sacrifices were brought in there behold there ran out waters on the right side then and and so it is verse three and when the man that had the line in his hand this is the one doing the measurements in the allotments he went forth eastward he measured a thousand two peaks and he brought me through the waters and the waters were to the ankles I could I could muster that I can manage it pretty good and remember the thousand years that we were in and we have a thousand cubics here to go with it and again verse four again he measured a thousand and he brought me through the waters the waters were to the knees and again he measured a thousand and he brought me through the waters were to the lemons five afterward he measured a thousand and it was a river that I could not pass over for the waters were risen and waters to swim in a river that could not be passed over in other words I could not cross it as of my tribe and everything else I could not cross that River a spiritual river it's a division a boundary of border and and so it is this is our father's way of them handling things my servant will help would the Lord handle where he walked on the water no problem whatsoever but man could not do that and so it is God has a way and he sets the boundaries thereof even the boundaries we just observed in and allotment of Israel those boundaries are set verse six and he said unto me son of man has stuff seen this look at it look at that water then he brought me and caused me to return to the brink of the river it took me right back to the NIP of it seven now I had returned behold at the bank or the lip of the river were very many trees on the one side in the other there were trees for food on both sides but he couldn't cross it but others could they were there again this is spiritual it's not actual h2o we're talking about here no one understand and learn we're in the Millennium you got to come with me it is God's Way and God's Way is believe it or not the way it's going to be verse eight then said he unto me these waters issue out toward the east country and go down into the desert you know what's in these country there and Mount of Olives and go into the sea which being brought forth into the sea the waters shall be healed and and so they are healed and salt for heating how precious it is that our Father leads guides and directs but also he shares all this information with us that we have that truth and that knowledge to understand even how it will be not only in this earth age but the millennium which is knocking on the door when we see God's way of recovering and giving an opportunity to all in spiritual bodies that might not have been able to even learn in the flesh but in that spiritual body have no infringement that would prevent them from having a hundred percent recall to learn and to know and to understand you're going to love father or are you going to love satan's ways except to you don't miss the next lecture alright bless your hearts you this in the moment won't you please Ezra
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,723
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Keywords: Book of, Bible, Shepherd's Chapel, Ezekiel, Shepherds Chapel, Book of Ezekiel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Holy Bible, Pastor, KJV, Chapel, Arnold, Shepherds, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's, Murray, Arnold Murray
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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