Faith And Obedience

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faith and obedience what a fantastic subject you know faith is if you believe or not there's no such thing don't ever come around me saying I believe a little bit you're an unbeliever you either believe or you don't don't play games with her father he doesn't appreciate that so if you believe then faith begins to build and then following faith comes obedience that means you begin to be useful to our Heavenly Father what a privilege it is to serve Him open your Bibles if you would to Romans chapter 10 let's go to the teachings of Paul here and we find in Romans chapter 10 with a word of wisdom from our Father and Yeshua's name Romans 10 chapter chapter 10 Romans chapter 10 birth one that's a big one and it reads brethren my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved we're talking here about the house of Israel not the house of Judah necessarily but the house of Israel that did go over the Caucasus Mountains kind of went astray settled Europe later coming to this nation Canada many other parts though I want you to hear the word that will bring you salvation and really that's quite simple because there's only one Savior that's why they named him Jesus being translated which is to say Yeshua and Yahshua in the Hebrew tongue y'all have a savior it's only one verse two for I bear them record that they have a zeal of God but not according to knowledge in other words they have a zeal they really want to please God but they sure don't have a zeal for digging into the manuscripts and gaining knowledge they'd rather just fluff it with fluff balls rather than getting into the Word of God to learn the actual truth that does save there's a deception coming and those that are weak in the scriptures are most likely going to be deceived that's what Paul's message is here as he builds to it verse three for they being ignorant of God's righteousness that's to say doing what God considers to be right and going after to about rather to establish their own I repeat their own righteousness that's to say their own law their own way of what they think is right have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God they just haven't come to the real truth of God's Word because they would rather follow man's what the what is the majority think and from the beginning of time the majority has always been wrong when Christ stood alone where was the majority against him and so it remains to this day the large majority would rather kind of plate they got a zeal for church but you got a bunch of one verse revolving ribs in there that all they ever do is teach one verse of God's Word when they should be teaching chapter by chapter and verse by verse saying what saith the Lord God whereby the person gains knowledge and wisdom everybody you're fit to serve otherwise you got zeal but no zeal for knowledge for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth in other words all the law Isaiah chapter 7 a virgin shall conceive she will bear a son named him Emmanuel being interpreted God with us all the law led up to the birth of Christ all the way back to the garden when Eve was told you'll be the mother of all living there was all the races created on the sixth day she certainly wasn't their mother physically however through that wound biblical cord to the umbilical cord would come this one Christ and through him all people's find salvation whomsoever will and so it is written Christ being the fulfillment did he destroy the law no he would rather say in Matthew I do not change one jot what that's that's not even the pronunciation of one little letter whether an a as a or a okay I don't change one bit of it it still exists but he did fulfill it okay and did away with blood sacrifices five for Moses going all the way back to Moses say Moses knew better for Moses described it the righteousness that's to say what's right which is of the law that the man which do it these things shall live by them he'll be saved if he obeys them and naturally it was a pretty tough chore to obey all the law still is to this day verse seven but the righteousness are doing what's right which is of faith becomes a little different thing here faith speaketh on this wise say not in thine heart who shall ascend into heaven that is to bring Christ down from above why he'd already come and and we continue then verse seven or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring Christ again up again up Christ again from the dead he's already risen it already happened and the thing you want to catch what was Christ he was the Living Word the word became flesh and walked among us did they listen did they observe verse eight but what saith it what can we gather from this the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart that is the Word of Faith which we preach and it is that word of faith that brings repentance and not acquittal but forgiveness for breaking righteousness when you slip that righteousness that put you back again in the stead of God do you understand that Moses the lawgiver saw this many years ago he saw it turn with me back to Deuteronomy chapter 30 Deuteronomy chapter 30 this is teaching of Moses listen to it verse 10 if thou shall hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God to keep his Commandments and his statutes which are written in this book of the law and if thou turn into the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soul those are qualifications listen to them 11 for this commandment which I command thee this day it is not hidden from thee neither is it far off in other words it's not under some rock it's not kept secret 12 it is not in heaven that thou should have say who shall go up for us to heaven and bring it unto us that we may hear it and do it to hear and to do is to have faith in receiving it but then at the same time being obedient and doing it do at least try you know none of us are perfect and we botched things occasionally but if you try with the genuineness of your heart God stamps it perfect and his mind it is because you tried you tried to make a difference you did make a difference but here we see way back in Moses time Moses knew there was a better way he knew that it would be brought down from heaven that the word would walk among us he was told in a different place a prophet would be raised from our own people which was Joshua and would bring that truth verse 13 then neither is it beyond the sea that means the deep that thou should have say who shall go over the sea for us and bring it unto us that we may hear it and do it in other words Christ had already come up from the grave that's what was Paul was quoting in the New Testament there but you know there is Christ also made a play on this and I think I'm going to add it I hadn't planned on it but the Spirit says do it and that is the fact that in the parable of rich the rich man and Lazarus Lazarus being interpreted back to the Hebrew Eleazar the name of the first son of Aaron who was a living a legitimate priest the other two particular strange fire he said he said in this place the old rich man he said pain if you won't help me then send Lazarus back from the dead to my brothers and they'll believe so it doesn't matter whether one returns to the grave for Christ did if he were there and yet they still don't believe can you believe that a man our Savior resurrected from the dead the almighty power of God that brought him back to to our dimension where we could see him still didn't believe why are there non-believers it's amazing really amazing Moses knew it that's why it was written long ago that's why Christ brought it up concerning the parable of the Lazarus and the rich man he told him said they wouldn't believe him either and people choose none there's a penalty for that let's read of it verse 14 and this is a verse that should be reported on every high Sabbath okay that means Passover Pentecost and Feast of Tabernacles but the word is 9:00 to the end I mouth and in thy heart that thou mayst do it not that you have to you're privileged you may you may do it that's where the blessings come from God pours blessings of life out on those that want to please him that want to love him he doesn't want your burnt offerings as it's written in Hosea 6:6 he wants your love he wants you to love him that's why he created you that's why your DNA is different your fingerprints are different your unique he wanted someone just like you but he wanted you to love him or there are conditions and here is that condition as we read 15c I have set before thee this day life and good and death and evil take the choice is yours that your boat your sailing it okay you've got two ways to go you've got life that's eternal life and good or hey hit the rocks for in death and evil do you want to bring evil into your life there's enough of it in the world without bringing it into your life when you have you are inoculated against evil because God has given you power over all of your enemies when you do believe that scriptural exercise it utilize that power it's the power of Christians is to overcome all of our enemies in his name of course but the choice is yours it's that simple what's the penalty this is important beloved this is what it comes down to and the great apostasy in that I command thee this day to love the Lord thy God to walk in his ways and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments that thou mayest live and multiply and the LORD thy God shall bless thee he means that he will bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it we possess it in god we trust' this great nation where we have freedom of religion freedom to broadcast around the world through the laws of the land fantastic why God blesses God blesses America oh we've got some bad things going on don't worry squash it what do you do when little ants come in stomp them take charge Christians are not second-class citizens don't choose that bad way do you know what the results of it are read it and weep here if you happen to be one that chooses the way that is evil 60 I'm sorry 17 at but on the other hand but if thine heart turned away so that thou will not hear but shall be drawn away and worship other gods worship what not our Father but other gods Antichrist false messiah and serve them the whole world after the Antichrist why they're deceived well we just heard that if all we did was believed would fly away that isn't what the word says as a matter of fact Ezekiel 13 verse 20 God says I'm against those that teach my children to fly to save their souls I expect you to put on the gospel armor and stand against the fiery darts of Satan you are able to withstand the fiery darts of Satan when you have the gospel armor on and in place as it is written in Ephesians chapter 6 so don't serve wickedness let's return if we made it to the tenth chapter of Romans there again all the way back to Moses time you had a choice Moses knew it was coming he knew Christ would be born of a virgin he knew that Christ would resurrect from the grave that the word would walk with us be with us and all you had to do is listen to hear and you would hear the Word of God this is something that every Minister hopes that people will see and understand verse 9 of that tenth chapter of Romans that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth that the Lord Jesus with the mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved you got to know he came from the sea he came back to life that is to say seemingly well he was in that grave he was busy he was knocking on the doors of Hell saying let my people go as is written in 2nd 1st Peter chapter 3 verse 18 and 19 and Satan had no choice but turn him loose as chapter 4 of first Peter declares many were freed many of the captives why God gave the ones that died before salvation the opportunity to receive it at that time as they stood in Paradise to have that equal chance God is always fair he's always right he's always righteous so there we have it for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness that's justification doing what's right and with the mouth confessor confession is made unto salvation obedience and he's saved he's saved for the scripture saith whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed and so it is it's open to all that salvation both to the Jew both to the Greek both to all ethnos it's there Abraham a blessing to all nations not just one skip with me to verse 16 but they have not all obeyed the gospel for it says that's to say Isaiah in the Hebrew sayeth Norton who has believed our report boy sometimes it doesn't seem like too many do too busy to listen to chapter by chapter verse by verse so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God that's what strengthens your faith not hearing man's word that wouldn't cut it that won't do it it may if you're a good psychologist and you have a degree or two in psychology you might make someone feel better for a little bit but they don't get blessed but when you hear the word of God when you hear the best advice that can be given in the world you could read it from the letter that he has written to you do you personally to see to understand and to grow by it then that world lifts you it raises you but do you know something to some people is just a sound they hear the words but they don't hear the message sometimes there's a mental block there and as it is written in Romans chapter 11 that's the very next chapter he says for some I've sent the spirit of slumber stupor and the Greek upon them whereby they couldn't hear and so it is that and it is true that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God there is no other so there's no substitute that's what strengthens you that's what holds your family together that's what keeps the family from getting in a big brawl over how a package of wieners are opened because they got more sense than that they don't argue about juvenile stuff because they've got God in their house they have the Word of God in their house 18 but I say have they not heard yes verily their sound went into all the earth and their words unto the ends of the earth that's to say the prophets and the apostles it went out there but you want to you want to work a little research go out on I don't advise this but go out on the street and just start stopping people and ask good Bible questions and see what you end up with okay then then somebody that's supposed to be pretty well educated ask him if they've ever read chapter 2 and Nebuchadnezzar 1 they'll probably say yeah yes I have well there is no such book I'm not asking you to practice trick the trickery but I'm saying it's a disgrace at the biblical knowledge we're so well founded in technology I mean we've really got that technology just booms from wind of this earth to the other till they take the Internet good bad and ugly all of it okay but theology is disappearing if we're not careful we're going to see that it doesn't and many thank God too many different ministries hold that line that keep that truth but that's how faith comes you want to strengthen your faith get into the Word of God but don't just read it understand it let the word sometimes you have to go back to the manuscripts that's fine I've taught you what tools to use go back to the manuscripts and then you find what's really written there and how beautiful it is that our Father can lead us and guide us and and direct us but he Paul quotes from the Old Testament quite a bit why he was a scholar and he knew that Old Testament do it he was well equipped he was zealous for the Word of God and just as he was zealous to punish the church but once he saw and observed that Christ had kept that Christ had resurrected that zeal went to serve God turn with me to 1st Corinthians chapter 10 I'm sorry make it second Corinthians that's the one that has a two in front of it Paul's writing a letter you know Paul Paul was kind of a tough old bird in some ways if he had to be okay and a lot of times people thought well he's just not well-educated no he was he was probably better educated than a lot of them it's just that he didn't put up with malarkey okay he was bold when he walked in he walked in they knew he was there okay and when he taught he taught he said you'd be nice I'll be nice you get rough on me and you're gonna get it okay well that's the way it should be when God's Word is taught chapter 10 verse 1 second Corinthians now I Paul myself this is in person beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ who in presence am base among you humble but being absent am bold toward you I hope what he's saying here and it kind of loses a little in the translation I hope y'all just continue on like you're so I can continue being nice and the sweet spirit of Jesus and that I don't have to crack the whip okay I added the word quit but that's what he meant okay that gets it said he didn't like to do that but I beseech you that I may not be bold when I am present with that confidence were with I think to be bold against some which think of us as if we walked according to the flesh they think we're just order to have an ordinary message that we're in this for the money okay that's what they think some of them okay for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh let's take one more verse for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds that means even Devils you have power over Devils in the name of Christ if your Hoss enough to use it that by that I mean if you're enough of a Christian to stand up and utilize the name of Yeshua Messiah Jesus the Christ against any form of satanic thing it's got it cut away it's got to give slack if you're strong enough Christian you'd realize it's not you doing it but the Lord Jesus Christ it's going to happen what he gave us that power that authority and Christian should use it you don't have to take anything off of Satan our weapons come from on high that doesn't mean we're going to let somebody abuse us here on earth there's an old combat marine I'm always ready okay if somebody wants to take me on well you better know beforehand been there done that okay so anyway our main weaponry is not carnal it's from above and he has do you know something you can really just beg plead cry weep to change somebody's mind on something all God has to do is snap his fingers he can change a mind I've seen it I've seen it happen man is kind of helpless sometimes on some things God isn't when you latch in when you wire in plug in to that power from on high verse 5 casting down imaginations that's false reasonings and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ that the way it should be obeying that's the title of this lecture obeyence that is to say faith and obeying and you want to the obeying him Christ means what you're obeying his words you're serving him you're useful you know he pays after you have earned okay he said I know what the flowers have neat I've known what the little birds have need of and if you do the work I know what you have need of until then forget it he doesn't say forget it he just says the blessing come after the work okay that's kind of normal okay and so it is and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled this is a hard line to cut some people think well you let a little bit too much of the old core slip into your ministry no I don't if somebody disobeys Christ and his teachings to the wounding of the children and you're responsible do something don't just stand there don't be a wimp you're a child of God always act like it be ready always ready do you look on things after the outward appearance question if any man trusts to himself that he is Christ let him of himself think this again that as he is Christ even so are we Christ in other words you can look at me and my actions and you can see my connection to Christ I mean and Paul was this was a tender subject to Paul because he had persecuted the church and he always came down on himself but in so doing he received 39 stripes shipwrecked beaten I mean he had vetted all serving the Lord Jesus Christ and you look at me if you want to go by the outward appearance I can I can cut my wake okay I can get it done verse 8 for though I should boast somewhat more of our Authority which the Lord has given us for edification why did the Lord give it to him to edify to correct to improve to help lives and not for your destruction I should not be ashamed and he never had to be okay that I may not seem as if I would terrify you by letters and he wouldn't he wrote Stroh was strong to the point and real truth he never terrorized anyone he never tortured anyone it's just like our military today we don't torture anyone but lord only knows they're worse if you want to know what real torture is there's certain leaders in Congress in the Senate that every time they show up on television it's torture especially if they open their mouth it's terrible but be that as it may he didn't all right I don't know why said that but it's a fact okay verse nine that I may not seem as if I would terrify you by letters ten for his letters they say are weighty and powerful but his bodily presence is weak and his speech contemptible he's a poor speaker he's not a good preacher they can say that all they want to we still teach Paul from one end of this world to the other where are those other people their offspring are still there and we're still going let's such as one think this that such as we are in word by letters when we are absent shall such will we be also indeed when we're present and he continues own and I'm going to spare you that saying what's your measure how you meet things out okay for yourself don't build yourself up speakers have a way if you're not careful building themselves up making mighty men and women of themselves okay never forget the last verse of this chapter if you ever get that feeling you want to come and read it it says verse 18 for not he that commendeth himself is approved but whom the Lord commends there you got it now Paul brought you to this place for a reason he took you back to the Old Testament he's spoken of obedience he's spoken of faith and he's going to open this 11th chapter up it's a little bit confusing in the translation but what it says I want to open my heart up and I want to show you what can turns me you may thank me foolish but I want you to know in my heart this is Paul speaking I want you to know what really worries me what concerns mean that I wasn't worried but concerns me mercy love chapter 11 verse 1 would to God you would bear with me a little in my folly and indeed bear with me I want you to listen to me when I open my heart to you I'm going to use an analogy here only it's a true analogy for I am jealous over you with godly jealousy for I have espoused to you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ no words I don't want you to lose your virginity I want you to wait spiritually for the true Messiah I don't want you falling off to the fake I don't want you worshiping another god I don't want you worshiping another Jesus other than one we've taught and and he meant it exactly what verse three why but I fear lest by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve the word beguiled is expat ago in the Greek and it means wholly seduced and it only has one meaning Eve through his subtlety so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ that you'd let yourself be slipped up on you know but we're going to fly away or are you that's not what God's Word says but I believe it that's kind of sad then because it's not going to happen Christ is returning all right and we're there's a great apostasy coming but the false Christ is returning first Satan will return as Messiah it's going to happen in this generation because this is the generation of the fig tree the generation started in the year of our Lord 1948 it's prophecy states it's the only time in history it has happened so how long is that generation well it could be a hundred and twenty years we're waiting alright we're plowing but what he's saying is I'm afraid the serpent as it was in the garden who seduced Eve and brought wickedness in the world through the Kenites came the first murderer that you're going to fall for that same old stuff verse four for if he that cometh preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached or if you receive another spirit which we have not received or another gospel which you have not accepted you might well bear with it and you better be careful sometimes he says some of you swallow it hook line and sinker because you just hear stuff that you want to hear well he's a great pre he said these are super preachers what the manuscripts are declaring some super preacher comes along preaching another Jesus don't be sucked in there's only one do you know what what'll ease your mind a little bit do you know what Antichrist is in the Greek anti is not like anti-freeze in English and bi in the Greek is instead of so it should be properly translated instead of Jesus he comes are you set for it that's what Paul is telling you here and he says this is why in my heart I'm really worried I just want you to see in my heart what bothers me for I suppose I was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles they're no better than me they may claim to be super preachers and they may use a little better vocabulary than mine but they're not one whit ahead of me Paul is saying but though I'd be rude in speech yet not in knowledge but we have been thoroughly made manifest among you and all things we brought you the truth that that is right don't try to let someone change it have i commended commit an offence in abasing myself that you might be exalted because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely in other words he wouldn't take an offering up among them okay he said is that some offense I have done I robbed other churches taking wages of them to do you service and when I was present with you and wanted when I was hungry I was chargeable to no man for that which was lacking to me the Brethren which came from me Cydonia supplied and in all things I have kept myself from being burdensome unto you and so will I keep myself that's why Paul was he never took an offering some of the churches did that's why you'll never see an offering taken at shepherd's chapel you know why we don't have to why God supplies because we have intelligent people and I thank God for that that's what Paul is saying here what he's about to come down to is he's saying if those super preachers you've got if they want to emulate us let them do the same thing there is no way those preachers are going to come there without passing the Hat okay not a prayer of a chance and they're going to still be teaching instead of Christ and that's what's worried him verse 10 as the truth of Christ is in me I said I'm swearing to this no man shall stop me of this boasting in the regions of Akaya in other words I'm going to continue this truth exactly as it's written we're for because I love you not God knoweth I do I do love you that's why he took the stripes that's why he took the shipwreck that's why he helped before but what I do that will I that I will do that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion that we're in the glory they may be found even as we know I'm gonna pull the rug right out from under they come in with a bunch of malarkey false teaching I'm gonna pull the ground right off from under him so that they fall and he did and then he gets down to the nitty-gritty the lesson of the hour why he brought you here what bothers him for such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ this is what Jesus said many will come in my name in the end times don't be deceived just because they claim to be Christian doesn't mean they are okay they may be ignorant because of lack of zeal for learning truths and what he's saying here this word transforming do you know what it is in the Greek it's disguised and it makes a world of difference you know there's a whole religion started because they said even Satan's going to be saved because he's transformed and if they would have taken just a minute to go to the manuscripts they would know it says Satan comes disguised as an angel of light as Savior that's the whole subject don't let somebody teach another Jesus to you okay verse 14 and no marvel don't let that get your goat and no Marvel for Satan himself is disguised into an angel of light he's coming to work miracles and perform miracles in the sight of people on this earth to snap his fingers as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verses 10 through 14 and make pearl lightning come down from heaven to deceive those thing I'm Jesus what do you think I'm come to fly you away what do you think most Christians that are unlearned are going to do think about it that's what worried Paul that's what he's talking about here he said don't don't marvel because Satan himself is coming he's don't think me a fool now he's going to happen 15 therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be disguised as the men stirrers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works that's obvious okay I try I say again let no man think me a fool if otherwise yet as a fool received me that I may boast myself a little that I can bring this truth forth without it being made light of Satan is going to be coming as a angel of light and unfortunately this separates people that are Bible students and people that claim to be that's what Paul said I'm really concerned about this that's why I want to open my heart to you I want you to see this I want you to know it that it's going to happen that's why you need faith in the true Christ he that was written of long ago in the Old Testament Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 a virgin shall conceive and give birth to a son and that son you shall call Immanuel being translated God with us for as God said in the beginning let us make man in not your image our image God including himself then when you see Christ you've seen the father that's why he said call him Immanuel Zechariah chapter 7 the branch would come forth zamak in the Hebrew tongue and even the signs in the heavens you that same zamek that virgin in the zodiac with Drake us the old serpent waiting to grab that seed that manchild God put the sign there a long time ago it's not for you to worship stars it's for you to know the truth wherever you are you can't miss it it has gone out to the whole world and see that you're not deceived because that time is coming and you might say well how do you know it's that generation well because what did Jesus say in Matthew chapter 24 mark 13 concerning the end-times they asked him therefore Lord what's it going to be like when you return and he gave him seven events which are the seven Trump's the seven seals and the seven vials all laid out for you in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 that a child can understand them and one of the things he said there and when all was said learn not may be he said not if you don't not if you get around to it he said learn it and he meant it learned the parable of the fig tree what's that when you see her putting forth branches that's leaves and it's yet tender the heart of culture with figures you don't plant a seed you set out a plant and then when you learn more of that parable of the fig tree you learn why Adam and Eve sewed fig leaves over themselves after they had been seduced in the fig garden not an apple garden let's stick to the Word of God and then you learn in Jeremiah 24 where there's two figs just good and there's bad and that when all of Judah not in Israel but Judah came back together and established a nation that would plant or set out to shoot that is the fig tree both the good and the bad that's why you will see no peace there until the true Prince of Peace returns how fortunate it is to be a student of God's Word were about you can absorb truths with knowledge and have zeal for understanding I want to see that I want to see the truth I want to know what God is saying to us get that zeal in your heart and he blesses you for that he touches you and raises you up and then he can call you sir and because you're fit for something you know what tomorrow brings you know a lot of people will say well I just want to serve Jesus and well how familiar are you with his teachings well I I know I'm saved saved by who the first Christ or the second one I didn't know there were two then see they're in a heap of hurt because the first one's a fake in Matthew 13:24 in mark 13 Jesus didn't say maybe the Antichrist comes first he said the Antichrist does come first it's his teachings and he gets blotted out but Draco's himself through his servants many of them claim to be Bible Translators don't ever let anyone do your translating but a Christian today that may offend some but that's tough because Christian translators understand truths Christian translators understand what it means when it states that Mary Magdalene ax was betrothed to Jesus Christ it didn't mean they were man and wife the Christian knows were all betrothed to Jesus Christ so be careful my friend you're living in a generation that you really want to hear the word of God and faith comes by hearing the Word of God let your faith be strengthened in that heavenly father thank you Father for your written word thank you Father for all the apostles and prophets that you have sent us father thank you for the son and yourself father for guiding directing leading we thank you in the precious name of Yeshua Messiah Jesus the Christ amen the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Ronald Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravette arkansas 72 736 don't be deceived by Satan scheppers Chapel how did Daniel read the words on the wall and I'm only eight years old and I read that Scripture well great that's good I'm proud of you and I see you also read 2nd chronicles chapter 24 in the Book of Daniel meanie meanie Chico Chico a new Frazier your kingdom Daniel could see it on the wall it was written there God saw to it that it was written there and he could observe it very clearly hun and it let him know that Nebuchadnezzar his kingdom was divided and it was going to fall and and and euphrasian means the Persians were going to take him that's Iran of today Dorothy from Alabama I've been watching you since 1996 you've showed us discovered remains of dinosaurs have you discovered any remains of the Gaber you're not gonna find any deeper in the United States ok they you would have to you would have to find them and the place where the houses are ever so so big Sierra and and that's where most of their houses are and I can't say the name of the town Petra okay Petra and the huge buildings fantastic I think we have a documentary on Petra you might enjoy it Joanne from Georgia Joanne sinned in ignorance from a young person is no sin if you commit a sin you know by that I mean it is a sin but it's forgivable all you have to do is repent and know you're saved and everything is fine God loves you all right Nancy from New York but I I notice on your question and the answer part of your program that people ask questions about going to Jerusalem to face Satan there but Jesus told us get out of Jerusalem well you you've got to rightly divide the word dear Jesus said in mark 13 when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet get out of Judea which is the state in which Jerusalem lies meaning there's not going to be it's not going to be real safe there for a while but at the same time the trials which you're asking about I'm pretty sure yeah Thessalonians chapter 2 makes it very clear 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 that Antichrist appears in Jerusalem claiming to be the Lord Jesus Christ and that's where the trials take place okay hope that answers your questions many from North Carolina it's perfectly okay to eat beef okay beef cheater could and they have a split hoof you know now like a horse doesn't have a split hoof so a horse is not good you don't eat horse meat okay and so but a cow a cattle the kind I'll call them as the Bible calls them they do they choose the could and they have a split hoof and they are a clean animal beef is fine no problem Gilda from Virginia my question I use a Farmers Almanac hand guide for planning purposes and animal weaning purposes is that ok scripturally absolutely in the first chapter of the Bible Genesis God says I give you the Sun Moon and the stars for signs ok when when the moon phases it will take the ocean and raise it eight or ten feet I'll say that again when the moon crosses over in a certain phase it's called tide the tide what causes the tide to come up eight or ten feet the moon now at the same time when we use the moon for planting your own on terra firma out here in the soil it means if you're planning a root crop at that same section the water level here also comes up and it makes it for a better planting now there there's nothing wrong with it and it's very wise weaning cattle and castrating calves when the blood is down there won't bleed as much and it's not a religion it's just signs okay in the zodiac and it's very helpful nothing wrong with it nothing wrong at all George from California my question is about Ezekiel chapter one could you explain briefly about what is happening here well Ezekiel coming right out the gate in verse four sees an amber colored vehicle only the word amber there's no such word as color in the Hebrew okay but what the word amber is in the Hebrew is highly polished bronze it had the appearance this vehicle the circular vehicle the appearance of highly polished bronze and Ezekiel now all he's ever seen him wheel is on an aqua cart turn in by your side and he said these didn't go by your side they look not where they went me and they didn't have a head in a neck on them they just if they went they just went okay they didn't look where they went and then go he did a real good job of describing the vehicle alright that's what it's about God's throne was there and God's throne needs a vehicle and the vehicle was there okay dawn from Maryland when I heard you speak about being delivered up before the Antichrist it sounds as though you mean in a physical deliverance as if this is so will it include everyone on earth or just the elect just the elect and probably just the princes of the elect as it's written in first Kings secondly being a senior on a fixed income I cannot foresee making a trip to Jerusalem but with all the many signs I have some idea of the time to come if I do not start making plans to go to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through me to witness for God then who else will do it should I start making a plan now for the trip no no no no no when the Antichrist appears if you need transportation he'll furnish it okay he's going to make everything free and plentiful and besides at that time there will be transportation on earth we can't even imagine and that's why a lot of people are going to be deceived by him is the fact that there are some miraculous things going on some of those vehicles we were talking about can transport readily okay but so you you just ride easy just exactly bloom or you're planted if you're really upset about this I have a work title bloom where you're planted you need to hear it God's got you where you are because he needs you there or you wouldn't be there okay so don't don't start saving your money to make some trip that's not necessary all right you you would get to Jerusalem and they'd have to lock you up because they would not understand why you were there or anything else at this time Nellie from Virginia it's not time yet in other words Nellie from Virginia you said that you thought everyone would be around 33 in the spirit world what does Isaiah at the age of Christ and that's as he was what about Isaiah 11:6 and eight it's a figure of speech saying it'll be safe for a child to play with a snake because it's not a carnivore or was poisonous anymore I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy studying our father's word but most of all God loves you for it you make his day he's going to make yours we are brought to you about your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that when you bless God he always blesses you do you know what's most important though this that you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus Yahshua he is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post-office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas seventy seven three six once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for one six Gravatt Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 4,142
Rating: 4.976048 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Murray, Holy Bible, Bible, KJV
Id: xJCBg0b0CP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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