Hebrews ~ 13:1 to 13:25

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word how precious it is we're going to finish the book of Hebrews today a letter Paul wrote to his own people by that I mean he was a Benjamite of the house of Israel and so he spoke basically in their language and when you piece it together you always have to bear that in mind any time you read a person's work you've got to walk in their shoes for a little bit to know how they think and that way you know how much you can depend and so Paul did an excellent job on the book of Hebrews let's finish it Hebrews chapter 13 verse 1 and it reads let brotherly love continue and as it is it should first to be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares now why you want to be not forgetful and I could translate that be very careful as what is this brotherly love that's Philadelphia it's like the Church of Philadelphia you will find in Revelation chapter 3 the Church of brotherly love what was it they had in common with Smyrna they knew those words that claim to be of our brother Judah and do lie in are of the synagogue of satan' so we have some false angels coming so you anytime you entertain strangers you want to get a fix on what are they saying does it align with God's Word because the brotherly the Church of brotherly love gives you a key called the key of David it's wisdom it unlocks doors that nobody can close it closes doors and locks them that nobody can open in other words meaning you can't be deceived because you know God's Word you know the truth so we come to a generation where it's extremely important that you be careful who you entertain as to what who they are where they came from what is their philosophy what is their religion and certainly if it doesn't align with yours you treat it accordingly so let the brotherly love continue but at the same time know that Satan and his angels are going to be kicked out on the earth and they're going to be looking for bait they're going to be looking for people they can take in see that you're not one of them verse three remember them that are in bonds as bound with them and them which suffer adversity as being yourselves also in the body now these were people that were doing prison time not for robbing banks not for highway robbery but for teaching God's Word throwing in jail simply for being a Christian don't be shocked or surprised that happens today in many foreign countries and even in our own nation Christians have to take a lot of abuse and adversity that other people because of PC what they call politically correct you can't even mention them or say anything that would be adverse to their being so if you're not careful you allow things like this to slip in among your own people and it's one of those roots of bitterness that we spoke of in the last lecture we need to nip it in the bud we need to get rid of it and it's past time and we shall hmm verse 4 marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge know what is Christ coming back for a wedding if you have been deceived by Satan and those fallen angels and you created a marriage there thinking it was the true Christ he's not gonna want to have anything to do with you even though you may call yourself Christian even though you have maybe said in a church pew you were never taught that the false one comes first and and you're going and you were so anxious to marry this is why Christ would say in in mark 13 Walter those that are with child and give suck when I return he's speaking not of a woman carrying a beautiful baby in her womb he's talking about spiritually being impregnated with false teaching by fallen angels and Satan himself we're by you he's been gone for 2,000 years he comes back and finds you with a small child what does that mean it means spiritually you've been with the wrong person you didn't wait for the true marriage this all becomes very important in this generation the generation that's approaching the steps of when all this will come to pass it's called the consummation at the end of this age and certainly we're getting there so this marriage with Christ the true Christ is honorable above all so see that you don't waste it or throw away because of ignorance that you attune yourself to God's Word we're about you know the teachings of the Church of Philadelphia you know who those are that call themselves our brother Judah but do lion are the same dog of Satan don't let them deceive you don't entertain them unawares and become a part of them verse 5 let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have for he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee this is why that you you don't like to hear report from a Christian that they're so alone because you're not he will always remember this verse 4 that he will never leave you he will never forsake you why because he loves you but why is it let your conversation be without covetousness and sisters and you work together as one family accomplishing and getting getting it done it takes the whole family each doing his part so never worry it all comes from God anyway and therefore you have no reason be happy for somebody that is gifted be happy for somebody that has quite a bit they burned it or they wouldn't have it that is to say if their Christian verse 6 so that we may boldly say the Lord is my helper and I will not fear what man shall do unto me you don't have to every promise in this word though the Psalms are just chuck full of them but he will if you love him he's going to protect you he's going to take you under his wing and and you will have that protection well he's not gonna let you become a hot house live he wants you to get it done and you may get scraped up a little bit occasionally but don't worry he will never leave you he will never forsake you and and this scripture keeps popping into my mind here remember what it said back in chapter 11 verse 6 I'm going to turn there chapter 11 verse 6 what did it say but without faith that's in our Father it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently that sincerely seek him but I want by studying his word he's in the word you find him in the word and when you seek Him you will find him that's a promise because what will house the promise go I will never leave the I will never forsake thee it doesn't get any better than that so don't ever tell me that you're all alone you may be all alone as far as a flesh companion is concerned but you're never alone you have the main one with you you have Almighty God with you that's his promise and when you earn it simply by believing having faith for it's impossible to please him without it so get that beard into your mind right away and be pleasing unto him and let your love flow toward our Father and look forward to that day when all these things are set aright but you as a child of God as we move forward toward consummating this you got some things to do God said Christ is going to sit on the throne of God until all those enemies are made his footstool you're going to put him there with his help of course why because we'll never leave you he will never forsake you you know the Ecclesiastes chapter one lets you know there are no surprises there is nothing new Under the Sun what has been shall be again that's the way God teaches all you have to do is look at the account of how it happened that's how it will go down the next time what has been shall be again that makes it pretty simple and that's God's Way of making sure that you know the truth that he gives you example after example after example whereby you cannot go wrong let's have the next verse please verse 7 remember them which have the rule over you who have spoken unto you the Word of God whose faith follow considering the end of their conversation whose faith follows what you don't follow the man you follow God because the teacher is teaching God's worked so you follow God you do not follow the follow the man for God has step for stated I will never leave thee I will never forsake thee and so it is that with with faith follow Almighty God that's what the word is the word was in the beginning the Word was with God the Word was God and that's his advice to you and certainly this this is as it is God loves his children he loves to have them depend upon him because when they're their weakest that's when he strengthens them verse 8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever there's no surprises you you as he was then he is now and he shall be so that's why he word is so very important the eons of time will change God's Word will never change mark chapter thirteen documentation God's Word will always be there and it's the same yesterday it is the same today and it will be the same forever you never waste your time studying God's Word absorbing it his love his commandments his understanding his blessings and don't be bashful to ask him for help if something seems difficult he wants you to depend to depend upon him do you know why because He loves you that's why he can say boldly I will never leave you I will never forsake you you could always count on him there are many things in this world you cannot count on but God you can the same yesterday he is today he shall be forever he will never leave you he will never forsake you verse 9 be not carried about with divers that means different and strange doctrines for it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace that is to say God's unmerited favor is love not with me which have not profited them that have been occupied therein in other words the health laws are beautiful and wonderful and you want to stick with them they keep you healthy but at the same time you want to look forward to what God expects you in the war with Satan and the stands we must make against n in teaching against him in warring against him you start paying attention to different you know I want to emphasize again strange doctrines our fathers doctrine is not strange it has been forever there's nothing new about it but men like to bring on new and strange different doctrines that's philosophies to take the minds of the weak and making promises that they cannot keep and certainly you can count on one thing when the going gets tough they'll get going they'll leave you hanging not the father that said I will never leave you or forsake you they'll be gone so stay away from different and strange doctrines you don't need them and even in God's law it's important they're all important but some of them are simply good for your help and some of them are good for giving you eternal life though you you make your own mind up diligently you seek after eternal life for most then the health verse 10 we have an altar where they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle and that's as it is verse 11 for the bodies of those beasts whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin or burned without the camp you've got God didn't want that mess in the camp you keep it out verse 12 wherefore jesus also that he might sanctify the people with his own blood following the law suffered without the gate in other words he was marched Golgotha to Golgotha called the skull that's what the word means Calvary skull where he was crucified outside the city fulfilling even this prophecy that lets him continue on but at the same time fulfilling the law verse 13 let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp and burying his reproach his shame I could say a lot on that don't don't get caught up in political systems other than that that would infringe upon your freedom of speech freedom of religion you're very right to free life that's God promised us that and that's what our Constitution which is really taken from common law of England which is taken from the King James Bible taken from the manuscripts of Almighty God so let let it be known that you go sometimes outside of the main flow where you have false doctrine where you have false teaching and you go to nature itself and talk to him because he's got the same message there's no surprises his message is the same as it was yesterday it shall be today and it shall be forever verse 14 for here have we no continuing City but we seek one to come our political system is coming you can count on it and and I'm not knocking our nation is wonderful many of us have fought for it some of us Oh even she had blood for it yours truly has and would do it again if it were necessary but at the same time know there are better things ahead there's a nation coming and it is headed by Almighty God through the Sun verse 15 by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name do you know something nothing makes his day more than for you to say father I love you thank you for being the same yesterday today and forever without all wicked surprises that pop up man's traditions but giving us a straight smooth path that we can run the race to eternal eternity and win because of your advice in the word and we praise you for that nothing nothing pleases him more therefore he will touch you he will what did it say it is impossible to please God without faith who is a rewarder to those that do you want to reward he rewards you with blessings when you please him so it pays great dividends that's not the reason totally you want to do it you want to do it because you love him and he indeed does love you and that's quite a relationship but it continues on praise God continually that's that's easy to do when you see what he has done for our nation and for our people next verse please verse 16 but to do good and to communicate forget not for with such sacrifices God is well pleased communication is necessary you know anytime you find a family that's having trouble guess what they're not communicating they're imagining what the other is thinking and usually it's always wrong they imagine this and this one imagines that and especially if you get somebody in the middle stirring the stick so communication don't forget to do it always talk things through give your own personal feelings don't cover it be honest and straightforward and when you communicate those feelings then if that person doesn't accept it maybe you're not supposed to be there being careful who you entertain is verse 2 stipulated so but do communicate because it pleases God a great deal because naturally you're going to communicate using his advice his word and and be successful verse 17 obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves no now stop and think a moment submit yourself to who submit yourself to God submit yourself to the son who died on that cross not some animal they burned and sacrificed but Jesus Christ himself nailed to the cross doing it for you he's the one you submit yourself to in following him and his word for they watch for your souls as they that must give account but they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is unprofitable for you and and certainly that is true so you you communicate discuss have clarity when you don't have clarity miss things can be misunderstood and God does want clarity he wants his word taught in a way that it flows nicely but you can understand his feelings his love his love of making the statement I'll never leave you and I'll never forsake you why because he loves you and like nothing else in the world and when you talk about communicating don't forget to communicate with him that's what prayer is verse 18 to continue pray for us for we trust we have a good conscience in all things willing to live honestly we wouldn't have it any other way that's what we want to do is be pleasing to Almighty God and if you are pleasing to him it will please whomever is supposed to be following brotherly love extended to each other enjoy and being a blessing because of the fellowship and the communication that is held between each of the brethren with Almighty God to bring us over that threshold we've got an offer and that altar is Christ himself he's sitting on it that mercy seat is very active and He loves you and he looks after you it is from there that he can without hesitation make the statement I will never leave you I will never forsake you because he's in charge and he has the doctrine that takes us through to the very end but Paul never he he never he hesitated to say pray for me that's communication also verse 19 but I beseech you the rather to do this but I may be restored to you the sooner in other words pray for me do it verse 20 now the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus that great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant that's eternal life that's what that covenant is good for it's his promise that you gain eternal life in following the Good Shepherd and who is the Good Shepherd well that's the Lord Jesus Christ of course well when when Christ said I if I have a hundred sheep and one little lamb goes astray Who am I going to stay with 99 or am I going after the one if he had not gone after the one then then naturally he would have forsaken it he does not forsake the other because he has helpers and he goes after the one is to show his love as a shepherd to you who are his sheep he always provides through his communication pasture for you that means spiritual food spiritual food that lifts you encourages you and gives you that covenant of eternal life knowing you have earned it gained it and quiet it's his gift and he loves you enough that he provides it for you and makes it possible next verse please 21 make your make you perfect in every good work to do his will to do his what your your wishes some man's will know God's will working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory for ever and ever amen amen means that's that that that's the way it is that's the way it's going to stay and that's good because he will never leave us he will never forsake us he's there for us his word is the same yesterday as it is today and it shall be forever no surprises something you can really get into and and have the affirmation that he loves you and will keep his word because you this is why again 11:6 remember it it is impossible to please God without faith you have to have faith in Him if you expect rewards a lot of people might have trouble with these beautiful sayings in this thirteenth chapter of his confidence and being able to do this but when you have faith in your father knowing he is all-in-all then it makes it quite easy to come by verse 22 to continue and I beseech you brethren suffer the word of exhortation for I have written a letter into you and few words I want you to urge each other I want you to hold each other up I want you to build each other up with what with God's word of course because God's Word will build you up it holds the whole group together because it is their belief and and though he writes just a few words the powerful they're the Word of God for Paul didn't dream this God spoke through him verse 23 know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty with whom if he comes shortly I will see you I will see you through his eyes you know Paul had a little difficulty in sight I suppose that was because he was taken to the third heaven and and things happened there but Timothy now he was free and he was on his way here as a matter of fact he pinned this particular letter for Paul this letter to the Hebrews and he was on his way there and Paul says by seeing him I'll see you 24 salute all them that have the rule over you and all the saints they have Italy salute you 25 grace be with you all amen and there it is again that's that what a beautiful book God's Word God's promise to you in the simplicity that only Christ can bring it the living word the word that became flesh and walked among us in in the very form of the Lord Jesus Christ bringing eternal life if it is precious to love him because certainly he loves you alright bless your heart you listen a moment please the Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible is an invaluable tool to the serious Bible student the Strong's Concordance lists every word used in the Bible in every passage where the word utilized may be found in the scriptures with the assistance of a reference numbering system the English reader may easily translate anywhere back to the original Hebrew Chaldea or Greek in which God's Word was written the companion Bible is unique Study Bible in addition to the text of the King James Version Bible an extra wide margin contains a wealth of information not found in other Bibles system of structures or outlines employed by the companion Bible will allow the readers to rightly divide the Bible the use of these structures help the reader follow the subject matter and therefore they are critical to an understanding of God's Word the 198 appendix is found in the Bible cover a wide variety of topics and information which will alight in your studies the companion Bible and strongest concordance are a must for the serious Bible student and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii and all over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question share it again never ask a question about a reverend or a denomination we don't judge people fathers are judge and he he doesn't need our help and it's precious when you know you'll never leave us he'll never forsake us those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address got a prayer request you don't need to number you don't need an address God knows what you're thinking you don't even have to say it out loud no one can ever prevent you from praying I don't care who it is because they won't know that you are praying but God does that's what's important don't ever let anyone rob you of that right to pray to our Heavenly Father your love you don't have to even open your mouth he can read your mind he's a heart nor let him know that she's loving father around the globe we come we ask that you be the guy direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay and we'll get into questions we're gonna go with Mark from New York my question is regards the regards the rapture I know one believes there is no such thing but where the Bible talks about being call it up in the air where is that verse and please explain thank you you'll find it in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 the long between verses 16 and 17 but what does it mean it means the word era there is not atmosphere its breath of life it means you are turned and changed into your spiritual body at the seventh trunk when Christ returns it's that simple the main thing the verse wants you to know starting back with verse 13 is that if you believe Christ rose from the dead that his power and his love has taken all others that have passed and has has resurrected them with him they are with him they're not out here in a hole in the ground my god nuts his children pastor Murray in Genesis chapter 38 did tomorry have to conceive by Judah because of everything that happened to his three sons or because their mother was a Canaanite and the bloodline would not have been pure he told Jude elective share sheep with the Canaanites he did and he played around with the Canaanite women until here he has these sons who are not worthy and the king lying that's what Judah was and Tamar because God killed both of them took both of those sons and God would not allowed them to impregnate her and and she had to play the harlot by the road to be impregnated by Judah himself and he they didn't have credit cards in those days so she took his cane his ring a signet I mean that's where you signed the checks with and then finally word came to Jew that his daughter-in-law Tamar was pregnant he was ready to kill her just about and brought her in and she said by this Kanan by this seal was I impregnated what was Judas so what could he say and he had to protect her and through that came the birth umbilical cord umbilical cord of the Lord Jesus Christ God's in control when he says something's going to be a certain way it is that way Betty from Tennessee my question is this today my husband tried to talk to me but couldn't because of the mark the mask rather over his face I guess it was life support the doctor finally told me he couldn't do anything more for him and I asked that they take that off and not let him suffer my hope was that we could talk but it was too late it was it has worried me ever since I didn't I don't know if I had the right to do that of course you did you know God is not going to let someone pass away if God has a purpose and he's putting together an army in heaven you know that and and he's getting the troops there that are solid but if he had further mean for your husband here whether the mask was owned off or somewhere in between God would have seen that he was raised from from that bed so please don't feel bad against yourself your husband probably would have done the same thing for you Larry from Kentucky do I want to make one more little statement don't ever let your love for someone wanting to hear them talk when in community they come between you and putting you in guilt you loved him you wanted to talk to him end of story God has them bees fine do you know this would be Larry from Kentucky do you know your loved ones in Paradise which ever side they are on and do those who have passed away know what's happening in this dimension not necessarily but it's possible if God wants to allow them to there they're pretty busy having enjoying paradise but it is true as we know you will recognize them Ezekiel 44 didn't man's it Joe from Tennessee Dennis would you explain about Satan being the father of Cain from the garden and Dennis of course being off right now I will do my best to do that what what do you believe the word of Christ can we accept Christ's word as the law you better or you're a lost soul indeed so you go to st. John chapter 8 verse 44 and it says the first murderer that was Cain the reason he wouldn't listen to Christ he was of his father and his father was the devil now this Christ didn't make a riddle out of it he was stating a fact and if you want to go a little deeper yet you can go to Matthew chapter 13 pick it up with about verse 35 and go on down to where he comes off with the parable of how the tares got there and you'll find out that it was Satan's children and the devil is the one that planted them David from Oregon pastor Marie I have a medical problem will God be mad at me for having a medical problem I have a hard time understanding about the Bible you're in good shape God God is so understanding and loving he knows your problems and talked to him about it and he may even assist you in learning but you're in the Millennium think what you're going to have you're not going to have a medical problem you're going to be free of anything of that nature and in a spiritual body you're going to be able to have a hundred percent recall and know the truth Clara from Nevada I have been sending money and clothes and kitchen items and so forth to a mission now I hear that they celebrate Easter they they feed and clothe and house people every day I have been doing this for many years could you please give me Bible verses to go by I am totally confused by the this I do not want my father in heaven to think bad about me they also have a step 12 and employment they're not to too much that there's not too much that they don't do for the homeless people well what you're doing is not for a church and if you were if you were supporting a church that that part that teaches that would be one thing but you're doing it to feed the homeless so I would advise one thing read read the second epistle of John God has a way of putting convictions on people or releasing them so read the little letter the second epistle of John right before the book of Jude and revelation and see what what you're doing is admirable don't don't don't feel bad about it and don't worry Denise from Alabama our ministers who do not know the truth who do not Artie teach all the truth I recognize God's truth will not ever be exhausted especially concerning the ages be good health accountable will they be health accountable through their somewhat biblical sound or something that well you know if ignorance is bliss I suppose and this is why we have the Millennium is people that were not taught and did not know better then there's there's leeway cut there and many people would say well when you say they can be saved in the Millennium you're saying there's a second chance they haven't got a prayer of a chance if if if one of God's elect were to mislead people at the rate they do because God's elect know better the unlearned do not know better so there is a form of innocency within that doesn't make it good it's still bad but thank god that's why we have the Millennium Tawana from Arkansas please explain the parable of Lazarus and the rich man well it explains paradise that's in Luke chapter 16 on earth the rich man could buy anything he wanted he was plush he had everything bought everything he was he was the wheel he was boss and poor old Lazarus was a beggar but he loved and he left the Lord know it and then they both died and naturally went to paradise but paradise has a gulf as its declared in that sixteenth chapter in the middle of it the bad people go to this side and the good people go to the right side and so it is that God loves his children and that's what the parable is about and Lazarus start squealing like a hog about I I could I could have done better I could have done this I could have done that let Lazarus come and give me one drop of water he was embarrassed and he even begged that Lazarus be allowed to go back to life and warn his brothers of where they would be where he is and naturally the answer to that is as Christ would raised from the dead they wouldn't believe him either Elsie from Arizona please explain revelations chapter 12 verses 6 & 7 well a chapter 12 verses 6 & 7 is as where it speaks of Michael holding Satan and his angels and then casting them out on earth where he comes as false messiah where he comes as Antichrist and that's what it has to do about with and in in that 12th chapter beginning with those verses you have a great many of Satan's names and roles that he plays from serpent in the garden all the way on through and and so it is you've talked this is Pat from Mississippi you've talked about children being able to count the sounds of the trumpet or the trumpet sounds audible on earth how many have any already sounded how we know when a trumpet sounds well probably I made a statement that it's simple enough a child can understand it is the content it is the events that transpire in that trumpet when you see them coming to pass then you know that trumpet has sounded will you hear probably not but you're educated to know what transpires in each trunk for example we're in the fifth trunk now which is a Trump of teaching of the elect eaching everyone and then at the then the very trouble itself begins at the sixth Trump that's when Satan appears rock from Georgia we're in the Bible can I find the verse that says hope faith and love the greatest of these is love it's the great charity chapter first Corinthians chapter 13 and I believe it is verse 13 that you will find your verse but you won't find it as love the word usually would be translated charity which means a love and it is if you don't have if you don't have love for the father then you wouldn't have faith and without faith that would be impossible to be pleasing to our Heavenly Father and rewarded by him Patsy from Florida what does diver's mean in the Bible divers means it's a an old word that means different in other words divided different there's more than one and diverse another way elizabeth from california a lot of people i run into and want to share the word with but they are so often busy and are haven't time to listen how should I handle that there well there's you you tried oh you can plant a seed but only God can make it grow that's not your fault you you did your part and God marks it in the book of life accounting to you that you planted the seed if they won't listen you you can't you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink okay and so it is with people you can you can lead them to the truth with with the truth but if they won't go there that's not your fault you did your part God doesn't want them to see it just yet so there you got it and this would be Joyce from Maryland Thank You Pat you're welcome I have a question and the second coming of Christ we'll all see that people of that time the time of the crucifixion including his disciples god bless you and thank you for taking the time of course the his disciples will be with him and they are they were trained they were sent that's what an apostle is and I have no doubt but that they will be with him and they will be working with him the same as God's elect will be working with him when when this time comes to pass and that time is coming it really is Laurie from Texas question I thought there would be no sickness or crying in the in the Millenium yet you said there might be someone there who might need your help help for what who did who all will be in the Millennium sinners will unbelievers well that's what it's about Revelation chapter 20 verse 4 and 5 stipulates that as God's elect you'll be priests with Christ for a thousand years what what do priests do they teach there are many ill souls that have not had an opportunity to hear the truth and because of maybe mental problems couldn't receive in any way our God is a loving God and he's not going to condemn them he will rather bring them into their spiritual body were there well and very healthy and have full recall to be taught likewise the same babe with someone that unfortunately in ignorance which is a form of innocence II sit under a false teacher for many many years and went down Primrose Lane God wants them to know the truth before they make the decision now a lot of people think well how can you be so sure of that well then I would ask you this have you ever read Romans chapter 8 starting with about verse 26 concerning God's elect and when he chose them he chose them before the foundations of this world meaning they were in spiritual bodies and when you're in a spiritual body you have an advantage of doing what's right because you know therefore if God chose the elect in spiritual bodies then we have the Millennium where everyone is in spiritual bodies to make the final decision whether they will or want that's fair okay this would be Diana from Texas there are several scriptures that speak of unicorns but I think our you say there are not read job 39 Psalms 29 92 isaiah 34 throw in Psalms 22 okay I said in the manuscripts it's wild ox because there's no such thing as in unicorn this naturally it's written in the Bible but in the manuscripts it's still while ox okay I'm out of time I love you all because you enjoy studying father's word most of all God does makes his day and when you let him know you love him he returns that love with reward do you make his day boy will he make yours we're brought to you about your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you won't you do that bless God he will always bless you now most important though you listen to me listen good you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble know why Jesus Yahshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five twenty four-hours-a-day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas seven two seven three six once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for one six Gravatt Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,398
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Murray, Holy Bible, Pastor Arnold Murray, Book of, Chapel, Arnold, Pastor, Arnold Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Book of Hebrews, Shepherd's, KJV, Shepherds, Murray, Bible, Shepherd's Chapel, Hebrews
Id: 4ohyPWS_p74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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