Kol Nidre, Beth Meyer Synagogue, Sept 15, 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] i [Music] god [Music] a [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Applause] i [Music] yes [Music] i [Music] yay [Music] welcome to cold new dre obviously you know we could spend this connie dre um focusing on what we don't have we don't have uh the ability to take our masks off obviously very much at all if at all a little bit for me rabbi jenny but only rarely we still are contending with the virus we have challenges in general you know there are people here which is it's so warming of the soul to see you here in person but we also know that there are so many that are watching at home and we we hold you in our hearts and we we miss you but we're grateful you're davening with us we could focus on what's not here but this konadre and this yom kippur we're going to do our best to encourage all of us including us to focus on being grateful for what we do have we do have the chance to come together some of us we do have the technology it brings us together we have the chance to celebrate to honor and to think back on our ancestors as we have talked before in rosh hashanah that have gone through many many challenging yom kippurs in our people's history and we if you look back last year converted we are now it's incrementally significantly with vaccines and even a little bit of coming together certainly better so this yom kippur is condrey we channel the power of our ancestors the power of the holy one beyond us we focus on what we can say thank god we've made it here to this moment to this opportunity to be together to honor each other to honor our torah our tradition and to hold the souls of those who are so close to us that are no longer here in body but are absolutely here with us in spirit we're going to begin our service in a moment on page two hundred and four in your mach surim and this time we invite our president keith satisky to come forward to the podium to invite some special honorees to hold the sifrey torah as we prepare a bad deen the court of judgment for cole nidreh thank you rabbi shout out to everyone the honorees we are calling up uh this year are uh in no particular order uh susan ehrlich who um in addition to her many years of dutiful service to our synagogue in a multitude of positions of course led our congregation as president during two of the most difficult years i think we've ever had also steve katz hopefully he is here being honored again for his many years of board service and most especially the fantastic work he's done with our css volunteers and all of his efforts to keep us safe in these dangerous times also janice seremba for her many many long years of board service and her incredible contributions to jewish education in our community and then ronnie goodman who spent many years a membership chair did a lot for our membership helped in the kitchen numerous times and did a million other things for our synagogue steve and susan are here they'll be coming up randy and janice were not able to make it to the bema and so uh our vice presidents sheriff shapiro and steve hamill will be holding tours in their honor so we're going to continue now as our honorees come up and prepare to take the seafrey torah out of the ark to rise yes we rise and as we stand here of course before the holy one before these wonderful humans before our seafrey torah we chant seven times in the verse in the middle of the page 204 or zarua sadiq or israel light is sown for the righteous and joy for those whose hearts are true and i want to call our attention to the two most important words that i see joy and true yom kippur is a time for us to tell the truth and to be with our own sense of what is true and to acknowledge that it's a joy to be able to do that we're the lucky ones we get to do this we get to keep growing we get to open our hearts we get to be together and pray so with that i hope you'll join me or zarua [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] by the authority of the court on high by the authority of this support below with divine consent and with the consent of this holy congregation we grant permission to pray with those who have transgressed we continue now on page 205 with the koni dre we're going to sing a new goon together and i invite everyone to open your voices open your mouth open your hearts because connie dre is ultimately about release and it's ultimately about telling the truth and it's about giving ourselves permission to start again giving each other permission to start again and the beautiful chance that we have to come home to who we are and so it's hard to do that in one fell swoop and so our tradition wisely encourages us to practice and to warm up and so consider this negoon a warm up for our souls for our hearts as we prepare for colney dre [Music] i am [Music] i'm [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] there [Music] [Music] they [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me is [Music] oh [Music] there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] um [Music] love [Music] dress [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] the [Music] on [Music] m [Music] is [Music] the entire congregation the people israel shall be forgiven as well as a stranger who dwells among them for all have errored page 205 in the middle venislav [Music] moses prayed as befits your abundant love please forgive this people's sin just as you've always forgiven this people from the time of the from the time of the exodus from egypt until now and there it further says [Music] he [Music] [Applause] i replied i have forgiven as you have asked and now to be grateful for this moment [Music] my [Music] remain standing now as the secrets were returned back to the holy ark [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] so arc is closed you maybe see everyone we want to also recognize lynn sandberg honor with the fenney heilig memorial arc opening one of the greatest honors a sister can offer to any of its members [Music] so good to see all the faces gathered here in this space and to feel the presence of so many who are joining us from afar i'm very happy to report that there were some very high level negotiations that took place in the solomon household this year some big compromises were made having to do with dishwasher duty and taking out the trash but i'm delighted to report that rabbi eric and i struck a deal and i am giving the connie dre sermon in all seriousness rava eric has been nudging me to do this for years and i'm just incredibly grateful for his patience and your patience and i'm grateful for the opportunity to stand before you as your rabbi and offer these words tonight so eleven years ago i woke up after coming home from the hospital i had just had my third dne for those of you who don't know a dna stands for dilation and extraction and it's the procedure that one has after the end of a pregnancy that has ended in miscarriage and so we had three second trimester miscarriages many of you who have been in this congregation for years were along with us on that incredibly difficult journey and some of you may not know that's okay too but after that third miscarriage we woke up just in the throes of grief and despair and my parents in their loving compassionate merciful way scooped the four of us we were a family of four at that time into the minivan and drove us to a beach and i do not remember what beach but they knew that we needed a place to heal to get away for a couple of days and what i do remember is stepping into the ocean my chest heaving my tears mingling with the salt water of the ocean and that feeling with each wave washing over me a little part of me that almost wished that the wave would wash me away entirely maybe you have had that kind of sorrow perhaps not a miscarriage but something else that ripped your heart out of your chest that broke you open and my experience is that in moments of such sorrow and grief it feels incredibly overwhelming like like things could never feel any different but over time that sadness softens and it may never go away but somehow it changes it transforms in such a way that we can go on living and then the question becomes what did i learn from that experience what do i want to take with me from that experience what story do i want to tell and so tonight i want to tell you one of the stories that i take from my own experience and here's the story in a nutshell we can hold grief in one hand and hope in the other my experience with pregnancy loss was my own deepest encounter with what it means to watch hope die miscarriage of course like other kinds of losses can be experienced as a whole set of of loss but above all it's the loss of hope of bringing a child into the world and i was thinking about this really in light of the pandemic which has brought some of that experience of dashed hopes to bear for me once again and as your rabbi i've watched so many of you that over this past 18 months weddings canceled weddings postponed celebrations that weren't quite as celebratory funerals where only immediate family could gather trips not taking the list goes on and on and here we are 18 months into this experience and it's easy to feel really despairing and yet here we are on yom kippur and though this sanctuary is partially full i literally feel this space vibrating with our prayers of hope for the year to come and so what i want to say is that it's okay to hope it's actually more than okay to hope it's human and it's really jewish after all the national anthem of the state of israel is hatikva the hope it's really part of our spiritual dna but if we've learned nothing else this past year so many things are out of our control so how do we keep hoping when we've seen so many of our hopes vanquished how do we live with grief in one hand and hope in the other here's my response we hold hope loosely we hold it loosely so what do i mean hope is how we want the world to be how we wish the world to be life will be amazing when i meet that person when i accomplish that thing when i have that experience when i reach that goal the problem is that when we get attached to a particular outcome we clench hope we clench it when we hold hope loosely we remember that what is happening in front of us is not the end of the story it's just what's happening right now and this leads to a different kind of hope one that resides not in a specific outcome but in our capacity to be with things as they are so what does holding hope loosely look like in practice i want to share with you three ways that i practice holding hope loosely in my own life the first is remembering my resilience i find hope in remembering that over the course of my life and even over the course of this past year things were trying really trying and yet i noticed that i'm strong and that there's actually a lot inside of me that responds well to adversity and this confidence which was hard won brings me hope so when hope arises in my own heart for any number of things i practice remembering that no matter how things turn out i have a long history of rising above challenges and of meeting the moment with some strength and grace holding hope loosely in this way means that i hold my hopes alongside an awareness of my own resilience even in the face of disappointment and loss as one of my running coach coaches often reminds me you have survived 100 of your hardest days and let me be clear this is not just something that i can say being human is hard and every single one of you can say exactly the same thing if you're still putting one foot in front of the other you are resilient so first is that we're resilient the second thing i do to practice holding hope loosely is doing things actual activities that nurture my own sense of hope ordinary activities like going for a walk or a run or yoga or giving sadaka or lighting shabbat candles or getting really present with someone those activities bring me further from my own sense of despair and fear and when i remember to do those things i don't always remember but when i remember to do those things rather than get lost in my worries i actually nurture hope even as i release my attachment to the outcome i feel connected to my hopes but not completely fixated on what what's going to happen it's like i can hold my hopes in a larger frame of the blessings which are already here and now so the first is remembering that we're resilient and the second is doing things activities that nurture our hope without being overly attached to whatever is going to happen and finally i practice holding hope loosely when i remember the distinction between what i can and cannot control confession for all of you who know me you already know this i worry a lot a lot if worrying were a sport i am convinced that i could compete at an olympic level the famous jewish joke start worrying details to follow that is the indigenous wisdom of my soul but at the end of the day no matter how much i worry i know that i must let it go the idea of surrendering what i cannot control speaks to this idea of holding hope loosely because this kind of hope says do your best live according to your highest values and intentions show up do the work even knowing that i may not succeed and i may not be able to keep myself and those i love safe uncertainty impermanence and loss are part of the human experience so we're resilient we have things we can do that actually help us nurture hope and we can practice remembering what we can and cannot control for me this is what it feels like to hold hope loosely and loose hope is the kind of hope that made it possible for natan our last child to enter the world without hope i could not have endured that pregnancy but it wasn't any old kind of hope that sustained me it was loose hope a hope that remembered how much i had been through and how strong i was a hope that kept me walking and moving and reaching out to friends and praying and doing doing whatever i could think of to keep those days and months moving by and a hope that acknowledged that i had a responsibility to care for my pregnancy but the rest i had to release and so as we move through the next 24 hours together i pray that all of us are inspired to express our own deepest hopes for our lives for each other and for the world that desperately needs our prayers but let us hold those hopes loosely knowing that we have the strength we need to meet adversity we have things each one of us our own particular things and jewish things that we can do to help us keep hope alive and in the end there is great wisdom in hoping even as we acknowledge that there is only so much we can control we can hold grief in one hand and hope in the other psalm 27 is the psalm that we traditionally recite twice a day in the entire month leading up to rosh hashanah and through yom kippur and the very last line of that psalm says hashem [Music] hashem hope be strong and move with a courageous heart hope so friends on this yom kippur my hope is that our prayer and our time together that is really happening across time and space is a place that can contain all of our hopes and all of our dreams and our grief and that together with practice with community with intention we can keep hope alive but hold it very very loosely i wish everyone a meaningful practice over the next 24 hours and a shanatova a good year ahead [Music] [Applause] [Music] we rise together on page [Music] 207 in the hebrew on the right or the english on the left the first blessing focusing on creation [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] friends will continue on page 208 we are going to go directly from the prayer of god's love into shema israel this is the one day of the year where not only we chant out loud israel customarily by covering our eyes actually listen to the oneness and the declaration the oneness of god but also chant out may loud name be blessed forever and ever both out loud so first on top of 208 the blessing of god's love directly into shema israel [Music] after [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign peace [Music] mmm continue on page 210 11 lines from the top in hebrew there's a small arrow it says um [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] page 211 the prayer for peace and shalom [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] we continue now we rise together on page 212 page 212. for on this day atonement shall be made for you to purify you from all your transgressions in the presence of adonai you shall be shall be pure [Music] yes [Music] me [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] 213-221 in your makhsarim nutritional amidah customary place your feet together and face the ark towards you shalom towards the land of israel and uh of course this is the first amidah of yom kippur words customary at the end you'll notice the list of all the sins in the plural so it's an idea that not maybe perhaps not every one of the sins touches you specifically but in a sense we're all responsible for sins of our society and even of sins of each other together we're going to get through this day together we are taking responsibility and holding each other accountable and supporting one another together so it's accustomed to actually beat your chest lightly some do it in have said it's a little bit of a hug in fact to support yourself have compassion and feel free of course to add in your own prayers for the new year for yom kippur what are you working on so don't be limited by the pages 213-221 take your time to close your eyes think about where you want to change where you want to grow what are your hopes and how can you hold them loosely so now silent time for silent amidah traditional prayers 213-221 you you you you uh you you oh [Music] is [Music] rule [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's turn out at page 223 in our mahasarim the beautiful pewt a spiritual poet poetic prayer called ya'ale to god to help lift up our prayers and to help us lift up our prayers we have several leaders we invited this time to come forward to the bhima to help lead us in the atla prayer and might all to rise as the ark is opened for ya'll page 223. yes [Music] may [Music] you [Music] me [Music] uh [Music] your name [Music] ah [Music] [Music] wrap [Music] new [Music] oh [Music] they [Music] [Music] here [Music] a [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] they [Music] new [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am we remain standing with the usher for our amazing leaders kola kavod ishikawak to our ark opening and closing kola kavon this is the new handshake is the elbow you see okay we now turn in our max room for another beautiful pewt on page 227 our honorees may be seated for ya'll may be seated this one says in 2 27 there's clay in the hand of the potter who thickens or thins that it will so are we in your hand guarding your love recall your covenant do not heed the accuser we are simply little vessels in god's sand kehine kahomer the ark is open page 227 [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] m is the arc is closed you may be seated everyone should call it we now continue on page 233 the second paragraph hear a voice saranaya god be kind and have compassion for us willingly and lovingly accept our prayer turn us toward you utter nigh and we will return to you make our days seem fresh as they once were shmakkolenu 233 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now rise together on page 234 as the ark is opened for kianu america invite you to recite with me together on page 234 where it says in english our god and god of our ancestors forgive us pardon us create us atonement together for we are your people and you are our god we're your children and you are our parents we are your servants and you are our master we are a congregation and you are our portion we are your heritage and you are our destiny we are your flock and you are our shepherd we are your vineyard and you are our guardian we are your creatures and you are our creator we are your spouse and you are our beloved we are your cherished ones and you are near to us we are your people and you are our sovereign we are the ones you address and you are the one to whom we speak [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] 235 at the top we take our hand if you'd like to lightly beat your chest remind us of the sins inside of our hearts and our souls let's first do in english recite these in english and then we'll chant in hebrew on the top of the left page 235 together we abuse we betray we are cruel we destroy we embitter we falsify we gossip we hate we insult we cheer we kill we lie we mock we neglect we oppress we pervert we quarrel we rebel we steal we transgress we are unkind we are violent we are wicked we are extremists we yearn to do evil we are zealous for bad causes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] key [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we now continue on page 237 on the left side of the page we're going to do this responsively we've done in years past those who are familiar will know but those that are new follow our tradition we begin by using the beginning part of the phrase on 237th at the top which is and then we conclude with just the last few lines in english of what this particular sins will be i will begin with the bold and rabbi jenny and the congregation do your best in the italics as well hopefully every time we'll come together with it goes like this willingly and unwillingly through hardening our hearts thoughtlessly in idle chatter [Music] through sexual immorality secretion of your name through foul speech through foolish talk through pursuing the impulse to evil wittingly and unwittingly together for all these sins forgiving god forgive us pardon us grant us atonement [Music] by taking bribes by clever cynicism by speaking ill of others by the way we do business conversation through conspiratorial glances through condescension through stubbornness together for all these sins forgiving god forgive us pardon us grant us atonement [Music] judging others [Music] [Music] [Music] atonement [Music] oh you are compassionate welcoming those who turn back to you you have promised since the dawn of creation that repentance will be received now our eyes look toward you to accept our repentance we now turn to page 243 in amakhsarim for avinu invite us to do this responsively on the top of page 243 on the left page aveeno malcano we have sinned in your presence kindly in accord with your name avinu malcano make this a good new year for us every harsh decree against us avinu malcano nullify the designs of our foes avinu makenu frustrate the plots of our enemies avinu malcanu rid us of every oppressor and adversary vino marquino ridge or covenanted people of disease war hunger captivity and destruction avenue forgive and pardon all our sins aveena malcano do not look toward our sins and transgressions block them out avinu malcanu return us to your presence fully penitent complete healing to the sick among your people avinu malcano remember us favorably avinu marquinho inscribe us for good in the book of life avinu mal can you inscribe us in the book of redemption aveeno marquinho inscribed us in the book of sustenance avinu malcano inscribed us in the book of merit vina malcano inscribe us in the book of forgiveness we continue now on the page 244 at the top and the left side of the page aveeno makenu do this for the sake of those who went through fire and water to sanctify your holy name avinu kenu do this for your sake if not for ours have mercy on us answer us for our deeds are insufficient deal with us charitably and lovingly and redeem us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] oh [Music] as the ark is closed you may be seated everyone kadish shalem page 245 [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] um [Music] okay [Music] oh [Music] maybe see everyone we turn out at page 247. invite those in mourning or observing a yard set on this yom kippur yamaki parim invite you to rise for kadisha tom warner's kadesh page 247. is [Music] maybe see everyone on page 248 with a special song rubbish mentioned in her sermon herdrash alti page 248. so about eight lines down akhacha alti the one thing that we ask just especially on this yom kippur that we not feel ourselves to be separate from the beauty in this world that we not feel ourselves to be separate from god [Music] a [Music] i [Music] bearings [Music] she [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] everyone what a blessing to be here together for those will be here together and those that are at home in virtual places we welcome you with love on this yom kippur it's a blessing eve under challenge that we can be here together okay some announcements the first thing i want to mention here before i get to specific announcements about our shul is i want to make a special announcement about one of those special unique and holy literally societies in our jewish community it's called the chevra khadija actually i don't mind actually i'm gonna take this off make it a little more clear okay it's called the chevra kadesha coverage means the holy society it is the low-key modest but extremely meaningful mitzvah of when sadly someone dies there's a group of members of our community who prepare the body for burial there's a set of rituals involves water and it's called tahara this is done there are those for different genders who take care of the men and women that are experiencing this and then kind of joining together to do the special mitzvah we have had this taken care of within our community for generations literally and we still do that now but we are in need of recruiting we would like to encourage people to consider volunteering for this mitzvah and there are two specific aspects of the myths we can take to participate in the first one is called shmira which means guarding and it means when sadly someone does die and the person is being kept in one of the funeral homes the tradition is for the body never to be left alone the person never to be left alone and therefore your responsibility would be to sit near usually outside the door of where the person the deceased is lying and to do some study some reading perhaps doing some psalms and just kind of honor that person we could use more people that would be able to actually sit and do the guarding responsibility this main responsibility is you will be called a few times a year it's not every week or every day it's a few times of the year but we would need you and it could be unique hours you might have an hour that's perhaps if you can do it late into the night maybe early in the morning maybe even the middle of the night no it's not ideal but this is the idea that this is a tremendous tested and kindness you can do for someone else in our community that they of course cannot repay to you this is beautiful as well then the other one which is the much more hands-on and can be very difficult for many so we recognize it's a limited amount of people who can do this mitzvah but it's the actual mitzvah of taking the met sadly the person who's died and doing the rituals with the water and doing aspects of it's not cleansing in any you know medical way it's more of a spiritual cleansing and preparing and eventually wrapping the person in shrouds as is according to jewish burial for thousands of years this we also need more volunteers again it's only a few times a year so it's not like it'd be called all the time it does happen to happen since on emergency notice so you will be contacted and we kind of need you to respond pretty quickly i recognize a lot of us would be a hard thing to do but i and i i really know our medical professionals and those working in hospitals and various things who would be perhaps the perfect people for this they've been very taxed during this coveted time so i'm hesitant to nudge them further but if you feel you'd have the capability to be a part of this to either do the guarding of smira or actually to be that part of the tahara group or would you like to explore it further i invite you to contact the beth meyer office after yom kippur and let us know that you might be interested in exploring the mitzvah maybe you're curious you think i'd like to hear more tough you'll hear from our director the chief which is saul shiffman who are grateful for his service also howie sheriff and grateful member of our show as well who reached out to me specifically about this opportunity so we'll give you a chance to connect with them to explore it so instead of saying that's not me i could never do it i just want to push you a little bit to think on yom kippur how can i serve this community this is an exquisite way to do a mitzvah that means the world to our community and to many many families okay that is the first announcement the second one uh some of you know we've made a big change we usually had something called the colendre appeal back in the day you had these little stickers and the dots and waiting in line in the lobby we have eliminated that entire process it was noted by the covet process but we have completely moved forward we have something called open the gates campaign this was a virtual on the internet for those that saw the past couple days we want to thank everyone enormously you've absolutely blown us away if you look carefully and say until midnight last night seeing how things ended you may have noticed we made it just below at that time our bonus goal but we actually with the late uh donations that came in for various technical reasons we actually surpassed our bonus goal which means we surpassed the amount we raised from last year with this essentially equivalent number of donors which we're extremely grateful the generosities congregation in a time of crisis in covid is exquisite and we cannot thank you enough we do want to say though of course some of you said to us oh i meant to do that i missed it it's okay never too late the gates are still open okay in a sense if you would like you can find you're on a live stream or after the holiday you can get the beth meyer website right at the top specifically donate for the open the gates campaign and this really supports all the members our congregation who are in need thank you so so much okay schedule services tomorrow morning will begin at nine o'clock me and rabbi jenny out in the new tent which is in the parking lot if you've seen it's going to be a family service from 9 to 9 45 then starting at 10 o'clock is our regular davening where everyone's invited to come um as as we're doing now we will be wearing our masks except when we do significant speaking so when i give my sermon during the diverse things when grace kaplan tomorrow you'll be honored to hear her and her family's journey as a showa speaker this year she will take her mass off so be aware the service will go throughout the morning and early afternoon as we usually do with yisker as well remember that then in the afternoon we have study sessions that will take place in person but also on zoom basically almost if not everything's on zoom or live stream as well but study sessions from 2 to 4 pm and then at 4 pm not to be missed rabbi jenny had the opportunity to interview a number of members of our congregation where she called it a wisdom circle cultivating wisdom from a year in a pandemic this will only be on zoom is that right okay so it's a recording that she will moderate in kind of an introduction and remembers our congregation who jenny invited to come offer their experience as business leaders community leaders educators et cetera coming to talk to us medical professionals what has it been like and what have they learned and can share with us i think it's gonna be exceptional we are very grateful to our current taking the time to do this come check that tomorrow at four o'clock okay and last but not least naila at the very very end we have minh at 6 15 and we'll go all the way to the end the change is here for the end of the service many of you know one of the sweetest parts of the experience is right at the end the children come down dressed in white we have those candles and we have a nice abdullah on the bhima oh it'll be different this year please god it works out we're going to pray the afternoon evening service called nila here yes in the in the sanctuary but at the very end we're going to go back out to the tent of meeting in the parking lot okay and we'll go there god willing the children will meet us out there those that feel comfortable and we'll do havdallah outside if the weather please god cooperates listen to me hashem okay outside for havdel at the very very end and that will also be live streamed on facebook at the very least maybe on zoom as well okay and the blowing of the shofar of course by izzy richmond at the end okay last thing i want to say is that typically the very end the president the rabbis greet everybody and we say shanatova and have an easy fast that's not going to happen this year due to kovitch so we're going to give you love and elbows from the vemma here but of course you should feel free if you feel comfortable especially out in the plaza if you'd like to greet people maybe outside of the building safely and at that time we would encourage you to make your way out carefully we know it's difficult because everyone wants to schmooze including us but we encourage you to go outside just for the sake of of cobin's situation we're in right now okay with all of that we are now prepared to conclude our service with yikdav knew that okay i'm already apologizing for that all right page 249 a donna [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i share my love [Music] oh god the god of our four mothers and forefathers the god of forgiveness and pardon help us in this yom kippur adonai to reach out to you to hope hope in you and hope in our people hope in our nation hope in the world help us to be hopeful to look forward to hold it loosely not to be too attached but to look forward to a day when there is peace and justice in our nation in the state of israel in all nations help send your love and your caring to all those who are in in need who are suffering who are sick right now send your love and support and care to all those who protect and defend us defend our country the state of israel who do all of us to help protect us and preserve our people and our nation and help us adonai to forgive ourselves to forgive each other to be compassionate with each other just as you are in compassion on us let us be compassionate and merciful and understanding and truly look to each other to apologize and to forgive with kindness and love in our hearts god bless all of god's people with peace sweet sweet new year and an easy fast [Music] [Music] shalom [Music] [Music] oh [Music] shalom [Music] [Music] [Music] shalom [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] da [Music]
Channel: Beth Meyer Synagogue
Views: 1,908
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: fx8DYwQZChk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 43sec (6523 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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