Song Of Solomon ~ 7:1 to 8:14

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in our fathers word song of solomon the greatest love story ever told how precious it is that our father sends this one story about this little country girl and the symbolic of God's elect and her shepherd and naturally our Shepherd is always Psalms 23 the Lord is our Shepherd we shall not want and if you want to be in that position of never wanting you will love that shepherd just like this little shooter might did and certainly the shooter might though she has been read by Solomon with all sorts of treasures that he offered her if she would simply submit to him but I know she stays true to the shepherd boy and and that's as it is things of this world cannot replace that that is divine I'll say that again things of this world cannot replace that that's divine or divine given having said that the the shepherd continues here in chapter 7 verse 1 let's listen to him for a moment these are his words and you might you might think to yourself that as the shepherd sees the Shulamite that's how Christ sees you in your spirit body it's perfect if one of God's elect chosen and the first Earth Age how precious it is if you don't understand that put it on the shelf and slide with me here a moment chapter 7 verse 1 where the wisdom from our Father and it reads the Shepherd speaking how beautiful are thy feet with shoes how beautiful are your foot stats Oh princess daughter the joints of thy thighs are like jewels the work of the hands of a cunning workman they are rounded your wealth shaped and endowed blessed by the living god that's how God sees his election verse to thy navel is like a round goblet which wanteth not liquor that's that the mixture is the thing most a pure thing by billing your body is like a heap of wheat set about with lilies that means was plenty well fed not warding and and the beauty that God gives to those whom he loves especially in the spiritual body verse 3 and that's what we're talking about here is spiritual that's what your father wants to see verse 3 reads by two breasts are like two young rose that are twins symbolic of watchtowers of the body or also well-fed for the nursing of God's Word as it comes forth first for thy neck is as a tower of ivory it's a strong hope thine eyes like the fish pools in heshbon which means strong Roldan and the eyes that do a double reflection from the fish pool at the beauty of her eyes by the gate of death or a bang and this is the the border of me is what Bethel a that means thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon which looketh toward Damascus the beauty of that that over plays many this is this girl who had worked it was tan she worked in the garden the vineyard and kindred sheep and her beauty excelled and in the eyes of the Lord and Savior that's how his elect appear when they hold for the truth you can't you can't slay them you cannot deter them from that course they're going to stick with the Savior they will not be deceived by the false one and things of this world cannot buy them they are true to that Shepard the king of kings and Lord of lords verse 5 then head upon V is like Carmel just say it's Princeton and the hair of thine head is like purple that's royalty the king is held in the galleries what it is the the king is bound the hell bound by the beauty of your ringlets that's to say your hair from your very head he's he's fascinated by it he's taken by it verse 6 how fair and how pleasant art Thou O love for delights and how precious it is that this Shepherd sees the elect in this light verse 7 this thy stature is like to a palm tree and thy breast two clusters of grapes in other words you're always productive you always produce your garden brings forth why well the same old thing that Christ is the vine we're the branches and if you don't produce God trims them he prunes them he will pluck a branch off that doesn't produce fruit and and that's as it is when you're in the Garden of God that's to say this world and even even in a couple world you must produce fruit we must bring forth the truth of that shepherd boy and you must play the role of that one that that Shepherd loves that does his work here on earth that leads that follows that loves and understands how precious it is to be loved of the shepherd and we go into verse eight and verse eight reads I said I will go up to the palm tree this is the shepherd boy speaking and I will take home to the boughs thereof now also the rest shall be as clusters of the vine and the smell of thy nose like apples and certainly that fragrance that comes forth of carry and and certainly it is that our Father does so love those that follow him he can trust them he knows they are not easily pulled aside by thoughts teachers false prophets or by anything Satan might put in their path if you really want an example of how this thrills our heavenly father read the first chapter of the great book of Job when he says they say what do you think of my man I am so proud of him there's nothing you could do to sway him and that's a point because in symbolic of God's election they can't be bought they can't be intimidated because they love him and they stay with him they follow him verse nine to complete the male's speech here and the roof of thy mouth from like the best wine for my beloved that goeth down sweetly causing the lips of those that are asleep to speak and so it is that the holy spirit those that slumber even he can get their attention and even when they're delivered up he can speak through them he speaks through the lips of his loved ones that's just like his delay this is where the Word of God comes from when he gives unction to both male and female and as it's written especially in the times both his sons and daughters shall prophesy and and old men dream dreams coming from him that is to say the members of his election his his beloved and and and so it is that he strengthens you and and carries you and there's nothing walking how precious it is to be loved of Almighty God our Heavenly Father and through using this particular story the greatest love story ever told in flesh bodies we are able to feel the love and understand how our Father feels about us spiritually it's a blessing know the shooter my girl speaks up an answer and this is what she says verse 10 the Shulamite speaks I am My Beloved's and his desire is toward me that's all-inclusive one isn't one one in the other when you love the Lord Jesus Christ the Holy comforter comes to you and you and him verse 11 come my beloved she says let us go forth into the field and let us Lodge in the village let's go back home where I first met you let's let's get out of the so-called Jerusalem where these daughters of Jerusalem are let's go back where we first met were the espousal first took place verse 12 let us go up and let us get up early to the vineyards let us see if the vine flourish of done whether the junior grape appear the pomegranates brought forth there will I give thee my loves where we first met where it all takes place and you must never forget the beginning in in the earlier chapter concerning the little grapes when they're tender in the bud much those little foxes the Kenites that will come in will joy the plant and destroy the very flower itself that brings forth the grape that can spoil the vineyard and that's what she's saying she doesn't want Solomon's vineyard she doesn't want someone else's vineyard she wants her own vineyard and she wants our vineyard with the Shepherd nothing else will will suffice it must be with the shepherd boy the one she loves that's whose vineyard it must be and it must be back where they began how precious it is when our Father leaves and directs and how precious it is to have the desire but this little Shulamite has to want to go back to her beginning out of the mess of the city and into the very vineyard and the flocks where she first began verse 13 to complete the chapter the men breaks give a smell and at our gates or all near of pleasant fruits new and old which I have laid up for thee o my beloved I've reserved all this for you I'm waiting for you it's meant for you and and how precious is a gate a gate is always the place of judgment in God's Word and it is our Heavenly Father that is the judge there are with the shepherd boy being God with us and how precious it is that God's elect do they do have that word it is the voice of God for we learn through his scriptures and through his touch through the comforter that we save ourselves not to be deceived and pull aside by the false Masaya not to be taken over by false prophets but to hold true to the very vineyard of God or Christ is the vine you are the branches God's elect and it is God that does the prune and so it is it's a beautiful arrangement how precious it is to have a book the song of songs but lets us know how God sees you when you're obedient to him how pleasing how wonderful how perfect that he can have a person that he can depend on but sees truth even in a troubled world especially in this generation of the fig tree that follows him that fulfills the prophesies of which he is written whether they realize it or not as time rolls on and prophecies come to pass they are very very much a part of it and we go then with chapter 8 and it continues old that that word as my brother that set the breast of my mother when I should find thee without I would kiss thee a I should not be displeased in other words if if you were my brother publicly you understand where we're at here in the Middle East publicly I could hold you and kiss you with what with a family loving kiss and I wouldn't have to be ashamed of it it would not be looked down upon and and as as she declares her love for him and she she wants him near and in the spiritual sense that's very clearly understood when you're familiar with the comforter verse 2 I would need thee and bring thee into my mother's house who would instruct me I would cause me to drink of spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate my mother would instruct me we would be together verse 3 his left hand should be under my head and his right hand should embrace me our heavenly father is always all-embracing he will never leave thee he will never forsake thee don't you ever tell me you're all alone you're not when you're in him when you're with him he loves you dearly and especially as God's election he sees you in all the beauty and splendor of the spirit body the eternal body you see that is your real body and that's how he does see you verse 4 I charge you old daughters of Jerusalem that you stirring it up when awake my love until he pleased in other words these daughters of Jerusalem that always kind of like to walking the fear she says don't you bother him until his time this time is the seventh Trump but while you're supposed to know and understand the seals which the seals will be coming up you'd better understand them if you understand the very duties of our Heavenly Father as he has transcribed them to his election I would remind you again about the daughters of Jerusalem which he's saying don't you bother him that you can read on in Ezekiel chapter 13 beginning with verse 18 concerning the daughters of Jerusalem don't you dare so those kerchiefs that cover every knuckle of God's outreach saving hands with your lives of telling people to fly to save their souls God says I'm against it that's what he feels about the daughters of Jerusalem that would do such a thing that's why she can readily say you dare disturb him until the proper time in prophecy in Scripture that it is that he is to come forth until he pleases not the world not some false prophet showing the appearance that when Christ chooses he chooses the right time now the daughters of Jerusalem this will be a little bit confusing in this particular verse because the male will take over here in the middle of the verse and listen carefully it begins with the daughters of Jerusalem who is this that cometh up from the wilderness leaning upon her beloved who is this beautiful girl that comes up from the country I'm here they were all so stately so well dressed you know pampered who is this that all goes that day the shepherd so loves in the shepherd answers i raised thee up under the apple tree there thy mother brought thee forth there she brought thee forth that bare thee that's where you grew corn and then the little Shulamite begins to answer further then set me as a seal upon thine heart at the seal upon thine arm for not as strong as dead jealousy is cruel as the grave the coals thereof are coals of fire which happened a most vehement thing this word done this word flame is some shalt have backed up in the hebrew tongue and it means the flame of yah it's the flame of God shall have bet ya this being the very flame of God and what set the seal I mean you could read of it in Revelation chapter 7 Godsey act already have the seal its assigment meaning their mark they're God's election they're set aside that's why they're called Saints and I thought they're any better than anyone else it's just a sake they got Satan's number they don't find him tempting they find him to be in abomination and when God sets his seal upon you can you automatically begin to understand the seven seals of the great book of Revelation for sealed within them is the divine facts that you can prove with with the the divine spirit to no one to understand what befalls our people in you especially in this generation of the fig tree it becomes very important and this fire of yeah flame of God that defeats death and it brings in the Eternity that prepares for the great wedding of all weddings of the shrewdest of mind symbolically and her shepherd boy is those that love the Heavenly Father and that Savior of all and how precious it is that that we have father's word and you know meaning it's an entire study this shot have at the of yeah the flame of God do you understand what that is God is a consuming fire and and so it is that it is a fire that warms and that caresses it's a fire that loves for those that love him and certainly it is the fire of judgment as well for those that don't precious to have the seal of God in your forehead for as it is written in Revelation chapter 9 verse 4 God's instructions to Satan before he's cast out on the earth don't you dare touch those that have the seal of God in their forehead he doesn't have that authority we even have authority over him that's why it's so important to know and understand the seal the sealing the most important to carry that seal of the flame oh yeah the flame of the Living God 7 to continue many waters cannot quench love neither can the floods drown it if a median would give all the substance of his house for love it would utterly be contemned he would be scorned you can't buy love all the things of this world you cannot and cannot buy earthly things cannot buy divine love but that's basically the meaning of this verse and I'll say it again all the things in this world any act of nature floods darn things that happen to God's elect or those that might try to buy them with or with material things of this earth they're not for sale earthly substances cannot buy divine things these substance cannot bind divine people or people that carry the divine flame of God of the Living God they're not for sale in how truly is you know many people that come into the truth that somebody that's has thoughts teaching you'll say you've got to pull them away from there you're not going to do it once people see the truth I don't care what you say or anything else you're not wanting to pull them back into the the thoughts teachings when they've tasted the truth when they bear the seal it doesn't matter that the things of the world if that's teaching or flood or storm you're not gonna change their money very spouse to the Shepherd and that Shepherd is the Lord Jesus Christ they were his and he is theirs and nothing can change that then we have an interesting thing you're in this 8th verse this little sisters brothers take over you know they they love their sister and they protected her even when she first tended the flocks and they saw her being beginning to love the Shepherd and so they sent her to the vineyard they separated her and but they do love her and you know her brothers speak verse 8 we have a little sister and she happened to breast I mean she was this is when she was a child and you know that's the way big brothers see their little sister always okay what shall we do for our sister in today when she shall be spoken for when somebody comes to claim her when somebody desires her those in love with her what are we going to say verse 9 if she be a wall we were build upon her a palace of silver if she be a door we will enclose her with the birds of cedar now this takes a little understand if she is a wall that means she's a virgin she has shut out anyone from bothering her she is saving herself for her husband the Shepherd and what they're saying but if she is a door and is open to everyone that comes by then you're going to border in with cedar that no one can bother her that's typical brother they're going to take care of her but being a war means she has built a war between her and and the world and she has saved herself spiritually basically goodbye she's not there nothing can nothing can impregnate her mind with thoughts teaching not even the Antichrist himself could penetrate her into her mind it is sealed she has a role there and now let's hear what the Shulamite says after her brothers make that statement I am a wall I am a virgin of waiting for the true Messiah okay and my breasts like towers I can really feed people with the Word of God then was I in his eyes as one that found favor it was this that brought favor and caused the Shepherd because I waited for him no way am I going to fall off to the false Christ no way is his false teaching going to persuade me and she continues verse 11 Solomon had a vineyard at the Ale her lawn and the land of the multitude he had a I mean it's huge he let out the vineyard unto keepers the one for the fruit thereof was to bring a thousand pieces of silver and and so it is that this almond could have it should I could have had I could have had my part of it verse 12 my vineyard she says not Solomon's don't anything to do with Solomon's do anything to do with this world my vineyard which is mine is before me though o Solomon must have a thousand and those that keep the fruit thereof two hundred doesn't matter to me my little vineyard is my vineyard and it will probably out produce the whole bunch before all is said and done because it is divine it has the touch of the Living God and so it is with the Shulamite who could not be purchased to pulled away lied to because of nature's blood storm anything she kept her garden verse 13 the Shepherd finally he speaks now that dwellest in the gardens the companion the companions hearken to thy voice caused me to hear it got my attention they loved her to verse 14 make haste my beloved the Shepherd says and be thou like a to a roll or to a young heart upon the mountains of spices and and that this is this is her reply I should say make haste she says to the Shepherd and be thou like a roll and come come to me it is interesting and I have to call your attention to one thing do you remember back in chapter 2 verse 17 where it says the mountains of bata and I told you that bata means division separation well here we don't have the mountains of butter we have the mountains of spices which is booking in the Hebrew tongue and do you know what it means it means the spice of life and that's why she says to the shepherd come to me to the mountains that have the spice of life and that being eternal you're not always when I teach you this greatest love story ever told I like to always close it with revelation 20:2 last chapter in the Word of God verse 17 listen to revelation 22 verse 17 and the spirit and the bride say come and let him that heareth say come and that him that is athirst come and whosoever will let him take the water of life freely that's for the bride and what is that water of life it is the spirit of the Living God I mean that spirit is with us always it is so precious for you to be dedicated in the simplicity in which Christ teaches that's why this story of love for this little Shulamite and her little shepherd lover be that that she was a spouse too symbolic of God's Enoch and the Lord Jesus Christ blue-hued the emotion not only of God's elect but the very emotions of God that's why you could say the flame of yo because that's what it is it excites the flame of love living God himself when he embraces his election that weddings going to be taking place spiritually here before too long so it's good that you remember this book I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed bringing it to you bless your heart through this in a moment won't you please
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,211
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherds Chapel, Arnold, Book of, Song Of Solomon, Book of Song Of Solomon, Shepherd's Chapel, Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Chapel, Holy bible, Pastor Murray, Kjv, Arnold Murray, Pastor, Bible, Shepherds
Id: q4eWV_zR88E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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