Proverbs ~ 2:1 to 3:16

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are ready to get back in our father's word The Book of Proverbs written by Solomon one of the wisest people aside from the Lord Himself that God if we're allowed to walk the earth the title of this book in Hebrew is Michelle which means to well it means some to govern in a sense and it is from wisdom wisdom not of the world but divine wisdom that helps you in your civil life your religious life and your business and it is a book of comparisons in other words it will give you what a comparison of the good and the bad it will give you a comparison of what happens to you when you're bad and also what happens to you when you're good so fantastic book with and I just like to call it comparisons because that's what it is wisdom now is still speaking and these I would title this chapter blessings of wisdom chapter 2 the great book of Proverbs verse 1 word of wisdom from our Father and let's go with it my son if thou will receive my words and hide my Commandments with thee now this means to lay up like you would have somebody lay something aside lay up or hide in your mind what's in your mind your memory your thought process your brain in other words take the words of God and instill them hide them means like you would put a valuable diamond ring in a treasured place like it was to treasure that's how valuable truth and wisdom should be to you because it's the secret to a successful life it's the secret - happiness peace of mind and success what because it's the blessings of wisdom and wisdom the blessings of wisdom or the blessings of God for all wisdom comes from God as we learn in chapter one verse two so that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom and apply thine heart to understanding this loses a little in the translation it means so that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom it means point your ear in other words that means focus if we were to talk about an animal a deer a dog or anything else when they hear a sound or something the ear goes forward the ears point to the sound and that's basically what this means when you hear the wisdom of God don't don't be daydreaming about something else somewhere off in the moon boonies stay focused on the wisdom of God keep the ears pointed forward to the word the word of truth and at the same time apply thine heart to understanding that let your mind and when you stay focused that way it's a lot easier to understand to recognize common sense when it comes your way verse three yea if thou Christ after knowledge we really want it okay thirst for it and lift this up thy voice for understanding that that means that you you cry out and you search and you seek and and you let your voice be toward asking questions ask questions of God to have understanding and wisdom if you don't have to have a pastor to ask a question ask God and pray for the understanding he'll give it to you if you'll search the word if you'll look for the hidden truth in his hidden from who those that are idle those that daydream it's hidden from those that seek the ways of the world rather than the ways of Almighty God verse 4 if thou seekest her as silver and searches for her as for hidden treasures you know some old prospectors will go out and they'll hunt a whole lifetime for one little vein and that's that's the way truth is you know when God when God places upon you the hunger and the thirst for truth for knowledge then you spend a lifetime searching those scriptures searching his word pointing the ear to it listening recognition putting away in your mind those things and holding them as something very valuable just as man would if he were hunting for a precious metal verse 5 then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God in other words you learned in verse 7 of chapter 1 that the beginning of wisdom is to reverence Almighty God and I broke that word reverence down for you his fear as it's written but but it has in in verse 7 it yar I it has two meanings and that's kind of the whole plan of proverbs it is to give you a comparison so the word guy can mean to fear as to fear or to revere as to love why if you the comparison is that if you follow the Proverbs and do it God's Way that you can reverence him if you go the opposite way the way of the world then you had better y'all arrive fear him because you're going to get it okay because if God loves you and I hope he does he's going to chastise you okay let's go with the next verse verse 6 for the Lord giveth wisdom that's where it comes from you've got to wake up to that you got to point your ears to that fact all wisdom comes from God okay what well he's the eternal judge you better please him because he decides whether you go to hell or heaven okay talk about a comparison out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding so why wouldn't you listen to him you know man's traditions and man's babble will take you a lot of places that God's Word always makes common sense God's Word cuts to the chase that means to give you truth and understanding and blessings the main thing is is when you do it his way if you do it his way he's the one that sends the blessings it's sure a lot happier life with his blessings than it is to be blessed of the world verse 7 he layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly you know what a buck there is that's a shield in other words if you work walk uprightly in the path of Almighty God then he lays up that sound wisdom for you if they say there's a condition here if you're doing what's right he didn't say he lays it up for the wicked he didn't say he lays it up for the half-way the good and wicked he said I lay it up for the righteous that's those that at least try their best to do what's right then he is a buckler in other words if somebody gets in your way he doesn't let it happen he takes care of business he always does he is that shield if again there's the condition never read over that you must comply utilizing common sense and understanding and being focused on the word not daydreaming focusing on the word to attain common sense through understanding verse eight he keepeth the path of judgment and preserveth the way of his saints that means he he protects their way that's the path you take in life he keeps the paths of judgment well he keeps it just for you whereby everything is if if you know you give me one of God's Saints that simply means to set aside one one of God's the dock elect and you give him the wisdom from God's word as to what's dangerous what isn't and so forth then they do not need all that much protection they can protect themselves however you can God is saying when that time comes that you can't I'll handle it if you can start getting off in the boonies I'll put you back on the path that is justified and that will bring you to that judgment seat in good shape preserveth means to keep you and it means eternally okay verse 9 then shalt thou understand righteousness and judgment and equity yay even yay every good path you're gonna know which track to take okay it just what understanding righteousness does that for you and judgment that is to say that that is justified that that is right and equity meaning that that is fair and good you're able to visualize that path and take that track whereby you keep away from much of the riffraff and trouble of the world verse 10 when wisdom entereth into thine heart and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul when you enjoy wisdom when you enjoy knowledge of God's Word when it raises you it's strengthens you God is our strength God is our protector God is one that keeps us on the right track verse 11 discretion shall preserve thee understanding shall keep thee discretion being common sense common sense will preserve thee you know were to win - and how - well how would I know that because you got wisdom and not wisdom of the world but wisdom from our Heavenly Father that's what these Proverbs this comparison is about it compares that that is evil and wrong with that that is right the choice is yours you know whether you go to heaven or hell is not God's choice it's yours it's how you live it's what's written by your name in the book of life that determines that because God is a fair judge if you if it's written in the book of life by what you have done that you deserve heaven you will receive heaven if it is written in the book that you need to go to hell because of your bad facts and so forth you'll go to hell but it will be fair and just you can count on it for our Father is fair and just but how about this discretion this common sense that you see that comparison and who would want to go with all the trouble who would want that but who would choose it what a waste of time what a waste of life and what a terrible thing to do to your family the people you love and that love you what a terrible thing for you to pull on them and so it is verse 12 to deliver thee from the way of the evil man from the man that speaketh froward things that's perverse things deliver you from him okay to deliver thee it means to just pluck you out okay just take you away from them God is able to do that God can do that verse 13 who leave the paths of righteousness to walk in the ways of darkness who is the Prince of Darkness and what path is that it's Satan of course it's the false messiah in this generation of the fig tree to walk on that path is to allow yourself to walk right up to the false Christ instead of the true Christ after all that's what Antichrist means in the Greek is instead of Christ and people who tell you the first Christ that appears on earth is the one you go with is leading you to the Antichrist because the Antichrist comes at the sixth Trump the true Christ does not gather us back to him until the last Trump which is the seventh so that's that's the comparison you can either go at the sixth Trump or you can wait for the seventh that's your prerogative common sense should tell you don't go on the dark path the Prince of Darkness is none other than Satan himself and when you have hidden in the back of your mind stored and sealed the seal of God the wisdom from God to know the Trump's how they come the quantico order of events that consummate the end of this age then you're not going to mess up you're going to know and you're going to understand so never leave the path of righteousness to walk in the ways of darkness okay it's dangerous out there you stumble and you fall you it's a it's guaranteed that you're going to fall you know and why make the trip in the first place when it's so easy to stay on the path because if you're doing what's right he's already promised I'll protect you and if somebody gets in your way I'll pluck them right out do you know something means that he actually means that if you stay focused if you listen to him if you listen to his wisdom if you possess that wisdom if you follow that wisdom hey you're in pretty good shape friend you've got nothing to worry about because you're a child of light and do you know what happens when a child of light gets on that dark path that lights the path everywhere that that is demonic can't stand that light because we were given power over it and God Plex them out of our very existence and life so it's always so much better to observe the comparisons and choose our Father who loves you instead of Satan who wants you to see death with him choice is yours okay that's what proverbs are your choice verse 14 who rejoiced to do evil which just thrills them to death in delight in the froward inist that's to say the boldness of the wicked they think it's cute they think it's you know the really the thing to do and how blind can one be how very blind could one be verse fifteen whose ways are crooked their perverse nothing straight about it okay and they forward in their paths in other words that perverse Ignis in their path is always there and they're going to have that trouble it's amazing thing how you know what is beautiful about this is your choice tree is strictly your choice you make your bed you sleep in it okay yeah I hope you find it come to that's your life and it's what you've chosen and people some will start saying it wasn't my choice oh yes it was you made it now sleep in it you know the beauty though of it is if you're unhappy with your way you can always change you can come to the way of God's path and let him take that rough junk out of your life and give you joy and happiness what are you saying here is the wicked will even brag about and be very bold and just taking you over if you allow it you don't want to allow it because you're a child of the Living God and he gives you these comparisons choose the right way okay stay focused and learn to gain God's protection instead of chasing after silliness verse 16 to deliver thee from the strange woman even from the stranger which flatter ahthe with her words this this word is sir and it means to fawn do you know who this woman is in this generation it's that old harlot Mystery Babylon and she'll yea cachi or words will come to ya it'll be okay you know what else she'll be saying you don't have to know the book of Revelation you'll read about me there if you were to read the book of Revelation of what a big harlot I am you don't have to understand revelation because you're going to be gone you're going to fly away there's just one big problem that's a lie it's not written it is not written in God's Word though some would teach you it is when it simply means we see this strange woman happens at the six truck we don't gather back to Christ until the seventh you know that's what God's Word states now are you gonna believe God's Word and stay on the smooth path the path where God protects you the very path that God will feed you nourish you take care of you and pluck anything out of the way that gets in your way that you can't handle he lets you take care of the easy stuff and when it gets passed in over your head he will take care of the rest you can count on it if you keep your ears forward that's a figure of speech now and I've explained and and if you're ever around or know anything about animal animal husbandry you'll understand what I'm talking about attention focus follow God not traditions of men or the dark path that leads you astray don't listen to that old harlot don't listen to her this foreign babble that she puts forth she's really mother false religion you got it that's all it is is false religion verse 17 which forsake the guide of her youth and forgetteth the Covenant of her God doesn't understand it doesn't know it didn't stay focused drifts away from the Word of God well I've got other things to do I'm such a busy person busy on your way to hell yeah I got it that's all you care about well you're not too bright or yet anyone that will let their eternity slip to the side because they're busy over at what this world that it's about to pass it's well who you see the beauty of this is is when you gain the wisdom of God and divine wisdom your wisdom is far above what you need for wisdom of the world you'll automatically know intuitively what to do to see that God's blessings follow you that are with you that surrounds you and how happy that makes our Father don't forget to coven it it's extremely important 18 for her house and climbeth unto death and her paths unto the dead have you ever been on an incline you just couldn't hardly hang on to your footing and it gets steeper and steeper and it's downhill and downhill until finally you fall well that's what her house does it inclines into death into the very Hell itself you don't want to get on that incline because that's what your life will be you know a lot of people I suppose that you could utilize drugs as you could have a happy family a man that has a good business and a beautiful family and he's something some ignorant person tells him you need to try a little you need to snort a little of this so he starts a little and then he snorts a little more and starts some more and pretty soon he's neglecting his family he's on an incline he loses his business and his wife loves him and his children love even that they'll hang with him up to a point until it gets so bad that even they turn on him he ends up with nothing on that slippery slope to hell you know Magura out why would someone do that it's because they listen to the wrong voice when they should have been listening to the commandments of Almighty God and saving themselves that slippery slope verse 19 none that go into her return again neither take they hope of the paths of life that's eternal life they lose it verse 20 that thou missed walk in the way of good men and keep the paths of the righteousness 21 for the upright shall dwell in the land and the perfect shall remain in it and perfect meaning the mature one those that have focused what about the wicked 22 but the wicked shall be cut off from the earth and the transgressors shall be rooted out of it we don't want to you didn't wear they're going to be rooted out and where they're going they're going to hell okay they're going into that lake of fire and truth that's all gone forever no eternal life chapter three my son forgetting not in my law this is wisdom calls she's calling you forgetting not my law but let them heart keep my Commandments Norah's guard them in your mind guard the way of Almighty God - for length of days and long life and peace shall they add to thee when you grow in wisdom you grow in everything it's it's a no-lose policy my friend to gain wisdom the wisdom of our Father the wisdom spoken of in chapter 1 verse 7 verse 3 let not mercy in truth forsake thee bind them about thy neck write them upon the table of thine heart you let them settle in your mind and you hide them there and you treasure them as though it was the most valuable thing in your life for indeed it is it's God's Word God's promises and God will always keep his end of the bargain as long as you keep yours it's conditional verse 4 so shalt thou find favor and good understanding that means in sight you can see the truth and have insight in the sight of God and man you'll do good because you're you're above the Rif you have insight to what is right and what is prosperous and what is peaceful if I trust in the Lord you can fight in him you know you can confide in manners I'll let you down couldn't fight in the Lord he will never leave thee nor will he forsake thee with all thine heart not part of it all the way my friend and me not upon thine own understanding best to saying don't count on your own discretion or discernment okay lean on the father ask him talk to him communicate communicate communicate that's prayer prayer prayer okay ask him verse six in all thy ways that's every path you take acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths that's a promise got that in all your ways wherever you go talk to him and he will direct your path 7 be not wise in thine own eyes fear the Lord that's to revere the Lord you know the comparison fear and revere it's according to who you are and depart for me we'll get away from it stay away from it don't desire it don't hunt for it do everything you can to to crush that that is evil for that is Satan it is satanic it is darkness you don't need it you don't have time for it why because you have eternal life verse 8 it shall be health to thy navel the navel is an umbilical cord to the umbilical cord your your generation after generation you'll have good health if you follow God's commandments why even they help laws and morrow to thy bones in other words the very the very watering or the moisty the morrow is a very center of the bone itself okay we're talking about our bodies God cares okay he designed them he knows verse 9 honor the Lord with thy substance and with the first fruits of all thine increase verse 10 so shall thy barns be filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst and out with new wine ever flowing is what it says okay verse 11 my son despise not the chastening of the Lord neither be weary of his correction you want to kiss the paddle lens they thank your father when he shut you down and when he corrects you you better be thanking him because it means he still loves you even though you messed up probably but he still loves you and he thinks you're worth saving he wants you he loves you so when he corrects you thank him and get it together again what do I do get those ears forward and focus on the Word of God and place it in your mind and hide it there and treasure it like it's the most valuable thing you have because it is that's what you do verse 12 for whom the Lord loveth he corrected you can count on it even as a father the son in whom he delighteth it's going to happen good advice good counsel verse 13 happy is the man that findeth wisdom and the man that gather getteth understanding you can't help being happy why you're successful but most of all you have peace of mind many many people mark success as money finances well that helps but it's not the main thing the main thing is peace of mind and enough wisdom to make sure that you've got what you need to survive and do God's work didn't take that much you're truly blessed and you're rich if you have the most precious thing in the world tucked away right up here right in your forehead at the very treasures of the kingdom it's the wisdom of Almighty God didn't heed you guide you direct you and qualify you for all the conditional promises of Almighty God I would remind you again of that great book of Isaiah where he said I remind me of all those promises I made to you and let's talk about it that's what these books of this book of comparisons is about he gives you one light and then he gives you the other the choice is yours verse 14 for the merchandize of it or her is better than the merchandize of silver and they gain thereof than fine gold it doesn't get any better than wisdom 15 she is more precious than rubies and all the things they'll Canas desire are not to be compared and to her there is no comparison there okay you lock it away and you hide it in your mind again the most valuable thing in the world or the kingdom to come and verse 16 to complete this lecture length of days is in her right hand right hand is where the power is okay and in her left hand riches and honor in other words when you do the one the riches in honor follow God knows what you have need of it he'll always add it on to it okay that's his promise he makes that promise and he keeps his promise but first you have to do that that is his power find that wisdom get those years forward concentrate stay focused on the commandments of God and be blessed or you've got the world out there look at it look at what's out there in the world it's all yours if you want to walk that way just go get right in the middle of it or you can be heaven bound right here in today's beings you can have the Word of God all right hey don't miss the next lecture you listen to moment once you please the epistles of John three letters written by the Apostle John that disciple whom Jesus loved the tenderness of John's writings is marked by the number of times he begins the exhortation z' and warnings with my little children or little children in fact little children has written seven times in the First Epistle alone the contents of the First Epistle are practical teaching and the light of the love of God God is life is light his truth is righteous his love and we have fellowship with him through the Lord Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit the tenderness and love of John's writing continues in the second epistle as he encourages the elect lady and her children to love one another he also writes this is love that we walk after his Commandments after these words of encouragement John warns us that there are many deceivers entered into the world and explains how to identify these deceivers don't miss this opportunity to study the epistles of John with Pastor Arnold Murray and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number good from Puerto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada spirit moves got a question share it those of you that listen by shortwave your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address always a pleasure please never ask a question about a particular denomination Reverend or our organization let's don't judge people that is not our right God warns us against judging you can discern what it is you should be around and what you should not be around but don't judge God can handle that that's his job don't ever forget that now you got a you got a prayer request you don't need that number and you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking do you know something he loves you that's why he sent us this letter his word and that's why his word is so very valuable that's his love for us you know he gave us really a quite a good world and the third world is going to be so much better that's to say age because he's going to be here with us Shekinah God dwells and he certainly shall so let him know that she loved him it pays great dividends gives him pleasure father around the globe we come we ask that you need guy direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name Amen and amen thank you Father okay and questions we're going to go with Sharon from where Sharon from I'm gonna say that's Kansas okay maybe not I have a question I've heard that the Old Testament prophets and believers will not be resurrected until after the Millennium because they live before Jesus is this true absolutely not it's not true anytime something sounds unfair you know they went through quite a lot they did a pretty good job look at Isaiah look at Jeremiah on all the minor prophets what all they accomplished without the death on the cross that brings intuitively salvation for those that believe that be a little bit unfair would it not of God to bring them right back at Judgment Day no not at all what because Christ while he was yet in the tomb as you can read in 1st Peter chapter 3 verses 18 and 19 when all the way back to the time of Noah which means the beginning and in paradise taught those people the words of Jesus Christ and they had the opportunity to obtain that salvation right there just as you do today all of them and as it is written in chapter 4 of first Peter many of them say were saved that is to say that he released the prisoners that were caught by Satan and trapped now God is always fair never let some man take that fairness away in your eyes Willie from Wisconsin I know that in second Thessalonians 3:10 it says for ever even when we were with you this we commanded you that if any would not work neither should we eat I am a an adult male still living at home with my mother and grandmother whom are both ill I'm working part-time and I try to assist both my mom and grandmother with their needs right now I'm not financially prepared to have my own place I have a question is it wrong for me to still be at home at my age when some people think that I should be out on my own I'm 27 years of age but I want to help my family as long as I can look your mother and your handicapped grandmother needs you that is work that's God's work don't you worry about what people might say and you working part-time them you're doing your part but when they need your assistance and they depend on you you're doing a fantastic job and God approves you're honoring your pure elders and God will always approve of that and honor that what 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 is talking about is people that refuse to do anything okay to even worship God or follow God it's obvious you do okay Barbara from Minnesota I have this question about being judged if we are judged now and there is a Judgment Day who are those that will stand before God it's scary and also overwhelming it's because you misunderstand judgment when you when you depart this body and return to paradise and go to one of the other side of the Gulf it's not a judgement day some people call it judgement seat of Christ but it's the book of life it's what you've done that's written in that book of life that determines which side of that Gulf you go on but then God is not going to judge people until the end of the millennium when they have had an opportunity to learn the real commandments of God the real truth of God's Word beyond any shadow of a doubt to make his or her mind up totally and completely whether they love God or they still want to follow Satan and then on Judgment Day hey I look forward to it because I'm gonna have a reward best I can you know that's payday in other words judgment means you get what you got coming to you and I've got a lot of blessings because I've worked a lot of years teaching God's Word and they're supposed to be a blessing for that a payday okay so and I'm not building myself up there I just want you to know that Judgment Day isn't all bad we Christians by certain churches get this guilt complex you're gonna die you're gonna bird like a piece of bacon you're gonna go to hell if you kids keep doing that the devil is going to get you real Christians okay God is a God of love and he loves his children and God also has rewards if you have rewards coming on that day that's positive but at the same time it's Judgment Day and if you haven't then you know what is written it's a one-way ticket but in total fairness the comparison is made possible whichever way you choose that's where you're going but the choice is the person's God is fair and honors whatever one wanted to be judged by because that's exactly what you would be judged by your own actions Richard from Texas God said let us make man in our image our flesh appearances in the image of our your bodies that's right question what about the hybrids that resulted from the Fallen Angels mixing with women here on earth why did they turn out to be Giants they went against nature it wasn't natural anytime anytime you go against nature trouble is going to happen I'll say that again any time you go against that that isn't natural go against nature the way God created us you're headed for trouble things are going to happen it's going to blow up right in your face Cindy from Texas my question is this well I know the Antichrist when he shows will the Holy Spirit guide me so that I'm not taken in by this person will he be a president of a country does America have a big part in this well all the world does but he's not gonna be some president he's not a man he's Satan you got to get that in your mind in Christ is the son of perdition the old devil the dragon the serpent Lucifer whatever name you want to call him by Antichrist and the Greek means instead of Jesus instead of Christ he always wanted to play the role of Savior the only thing is is he ends up being nothing but but death and brings death so you won't have any trouble recognizing him you just stay stay ready and ready to serve Almighty God and you need to learn the chronological order of events the seals especially you need to make a study of the book of Revelation and you will know exactly okay Daniel from New Jersey I like my bacon ham and bacon I then heard dr. Marie teach that in other words he kind of stuck with them with the ham and bacon and then he then I heard Arnold Murray teach that father God speaking through one of his prophets said that those that eat swine space flesh are like snow smoke in his nose nostrils okay so I then stopped eating swine's flesh and I know not I now have knowingly I have not knowingly eaten any in the last seven years as I do not want to be smoking my father's nose now I'm being challenged to show the actual scripture reference about the smoke so what is the book chapter in verse that quotes our Father saying those that eat swine splash are like smoke and my nose Isaiah chapter 65 verses 4 & 5 okay but you see there's that this is beside the point you got a you want to know why why did God tell us not to eat swine's flesh because they do not have sweat glands they're scavengers okay they were made to keep disease off the earth to take care of that that man cannot participate in in in eating and and because they do not have sweat glands all the poison that they take in is stored in the fat and and the heme okay so it's just not healthy okay and that's when he says that Leviticus 11 is one of the better places but the place you're looking for is Isaiah checked chapter 65 verses 4 and 5 and God makes it pretty clear loose from Florida em am I my brother's keeper I think yes my husband says no well you know everything is can you know it's according to what your brother's doing okay someone earlier quoted first Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 10 but if somebody doesn't work they shouldn't eat but there's a lot more to that verse it says if a brother does not follow the Word of God then you will set him to one side and you will not feed him you will have nothing to do with him you will not treat him as an enemy but you will isolate him whereby he knows something is wrong see that's if he's being bad as 1st Thessalonians 3 beginning with verse 6 would indicate and and it is said get along with your neighbor if it be possible so so you see I can't judge that you and your husband will have to work it out because I don't know what your brother's doing and a wise person would never ever ever give advice on what to do not knowing the full circumstances I'm just giving you an example of what should be done if your brother is a good person and is trying real hard well it does that it's a little different but if you've already tried to help and he refuses to do his part then you need to think about it you don't want to be an enabler okay Sherri from Texas when when we return to our Father after death will we all wait in for the Millennium to end before the white throne judgment begins well yes the white throne judgment doesn't but what do you mean wait I don't quite you know you've got work to do we have to teach during the Millennium that those that never had an opportunity to learn truth so you're going to be busy and you have a purpose in the destiny alright there's not just sitting and waiting okay God's elect as it is written but our fathers own mouth and perhaps this will help you Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 I chose you before the foundations of this earth age meaning you withstood Satan in the first earth age driver he judged you this is why God will correct and interfere with one of his elect lives to make sure that the prophecies come to pass as it is written because he's already justified them that doesn't mean they can't sin and they're gonna be punished for it and so forth they certainly will be but read Romans chapter 8 beginning with verse 26 and I think it'll help you Ralph from Georgia when our spirit is in heaven and we see our loved ones or our spirits seen in the way as a human body as here on earth I would appreciate very much your answer I hope on television of what we created in what did God say let us create man in our image so you look the same the spiritual body and the flesh body looked the same and after the point you would recognize and of course you have to realize that age doesn't happen in the spiritual body so everyone is an adult but regardless of people can be thousands of years old from even the first Earth age but in the spiritual body there's no such thing as age okay on a body so they all appear to be young what we would consider young in the flesh body and healthy all right but they look the same only they're in spiritual bodies the word let us make man in our likeness is like almost offend them I mean exact make an exact copy so hope that helps you Frank from Wisconsin could you please tell me is it alright for my son to engage in karate in the arts I believe it's okay as long as it's karate for Christ Jesus it's an art and it's a discipline mainly it is a discipline and that's why I like it it's it is a discipline and one life without discipline it's not much fun okay and certainly it is a good discipline to teach a young man or woman Brian from from it's not a religion okay as many people might think I know you know better but some might think it is it isn't it's a it's it's a discipline Brian from New Jersey the endtime prophecies are one of my favorite subjects my question is second Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 7 who is he who now letteth until he will be taken out of the way who is this and what is it saying okay it is the verb in verse 7 is a trance deep verb what does that mean that means that you can understand who he is until you go back to four and five transferring means that transfers back to that subject the subject is Satan standing in the holy place claiming to be God and who is holding Satan well when we read in Revelation chapter 12 verses 6 and 7 we know it's Michael and his angels that hold Satan that's who it is that holds him and will hold him until he be taken out of the way well what does it mean taken out of the way sent to earth gonna boot him out physically not just spiritually physically he and his angels will be kicked out upon this earth they'll rejoice in heaven but woe to those on earth that are ignorant concerning the end times it's going to be quite a quite a show the Antichrist will be here who is he that liveth until he be taken out of the way Michaels he who lets and Satan's the one taken out of the way David from Florida I started many years ago by studying in college for the ministry and one thing I learned is that they didn't know much truth but knew a lot of men's theology excuses for what they didn't know around about year 2000 I caught you at 4:00 a.m. and when I heard about who I was and the first Earth Age it started to get clear to me how I love to study again I ran into a couple of snags using the greens in a linear question 1 Genesis chapter 4 starts off with the man Adam then in verses 25 goes to just man Adam could this be because it is already understood who it is talking about well in 4 do you want to be careful it talks about Earth ha Adam alright but then it switches to Cain's genealogy and you don't want to you don't want to get entailed in that Adams genealogy doesn't start until the fifth chapter okay that's to say s ha ha done so that's the Kenites genealogy that you have in chapter 4 okay Genesis chapter 5 starts off with the generations of man Adam but it seems to be talking about the generations of the Adam F Haddam it is okay you got that right you're doing good Revelation chapter 5 the fifth Trump the angels falling from heaven to open the abyss to let out the locust are me and my rights are saying that this isn't Satan so for he is kicked out of evidence the sick no it's the fifth Trump is not the the fifth seal is a seal of teaching it is a time to teach that Satan will come at the sixth Trump and what prevails while he's here today it is God's Way of preparing and teaching and having ready when Satan is here Doug from Oklahoma Doug Dean the Antichrist is is Satan himself don't ever let somebody tell you did it some man here on earth that's a bunch of malarkey okay the the chapter we were just talking about in second Thessalonians chapter two documents that for you he's the son of perdition there's only one perdition means to perish there's only one entity that's already been judged by Almighty God he doesn't have to wait til the great white throne judgment only one now by name that's already been judged to die and that's what perdition means that's Satan okay so do you believe God or do you want to believe some man okay so be real careful it's real easy to be misled in these end times trust God he will never leave you he will never forsake thee I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word most of all God loves you for it it's the letter he sent to you communicating to you his wishes his way his promises and the fact that he loves you so returned that love let him know that you love him and it makes his day and when you make his day he's going to make yours brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God he will always bless you most important though you listen to me now most important is this that you stay in his word every day every day in his word is a good day even with trouble you know why Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post-office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you Genesis 146 the first six chapters in God's Word the world that was did you realize there was a world age before this one same old world different age the creation itself when were the races created you see all the races were created separately and you'll find that documented in these particular CDs how and what was the sin in the garden it will be discussed in this series also this is a must for the serious Bible scholar for if you do not understand how it was in the beginning you certainly will never understand the end I think you will find this series very rewarding and certainly will answer questions that no doubt you have always wondered about Genesis 146 hey I know you're going to enjoy this series [Music] from gravid Arkansas this is Shepherd's chapel with Pastor Arnold Murray join with us now as pastor Murray takes you on a book by book chapter by chapter line-by-line study in God's Word now here's pastor Marie [Music] all right good day to you god bless you welcome to the shepherd's chapel hey welcome to this family Bible study our we're gonna get back into our father's word today we're kind of taking the subject again and this will probably the last segment of seed planting mmm telling the lay person how to approach someone when they are to have to answer someone how to plant a seed when the
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,132
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Book of Proverbs, Pastor, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's, Book of, Murray, Proverbs, Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold, Shepherds, Pastor Arnold Murray
Id: PVbU6uSmbKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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