Petunia Needs a Home

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this is petunia she's a 10 year old mare she's 13 three hands she came from their may auction with the 43 horses and so far she's starting to really settle in we've ridden her we've done some ground work with her so i'm going to kind of show you guys what we've done with her today so the first thing i'm going to show you is her with the fly spray she hasn't been she hasn't started off great with it but i'm going to show you what the progress that she has made and i like to just start towards the legs rather than put it on her body good girl and if she were to dance away right now i'm just going to keep spraying until she decides to settle when we first fly sprayed her she didn't quite stand still like this she would dance in circles and didn't want to settle a girl we've done some of the obstacles and work like that with her and so far she seemed to like it kind of brush her off and then i'll take you guys through the obstacle that we've done with her so far [Music] [Music] she can be a little hard to catch outside in her pen but when i'm working her i try to keep her stall during a smaller area so that way she can get used to being caught without having to run the whole pen [Music] so i'll bring her out and i'll show you guys the obstacles she hasn't been super spooky with stuff she's been pretty settled she can still be a little jumpy with her hind end but we're still working on that so i'll show you guys the bridge first and when i like to do the bridge i like to go over it going back towards the other horses because it gives them the feeling of want to go to go towards their herd what a good girl and if you make it you can make it easier with them by just walking over first and then as they get better then you can start asking them to stop and just going the same direction to start and once they're good going that one direction you can change the direction and go back over it the other way so i'll bring her over at this time this way again and then i'll turn around and i'll go back over the other way away from the [Music] herd and i like to turn towards them i think thinking of it as a right-hand turn because it's making them move out of my space what a good girl do that again i like that she's willingly moving i don't have to push on her what a good girl what a good girl and then i'll kind of bring her back in and i'll show you guys her riding outside too we've brought her down the road we've took her on the trails a little bit and she's been really good with that she seems to enjoy riding outside a lot more than in the ring and the ring she kind of is lazy and doesn't want to move forward but when you're outside she's very willing to just walk forward or trot on the trail [Music] good girl i'm going to start with just the saddle pad you can see she jumped a little bit good girl so i'm going to put it on from both sides good girl you can see her ear her left ear is kind of tilting towards me she's paying attention to what i'm doing she's listening to me she's watching me and you can see that she's not moving her feet so much good girl she's learning to handle being afraid of something most horse a lot of horses want to have that flight reaction but we want them to learn to handle the emotion of that fear and just look to you for the answer rather than run from it what a good girl and the same thing with the saddle put it on both sides a couple times what a good girl [Music] good girl she's really started to settle with the saddling and just doing everything and that's what we look for is as they're getting work that they start to improve she hasn't been cinchy at all [Music] i think where she came from she probably just did a lot of trail riding and no one put much of a foundation on her they just kind of got on and went and you find that a lot of people do that because they're not looking for them to necessarily be a horse that you can ride around the rain they're looking for something just to ride down the trail in a straight line just going forward so it's nice when we get ones that do have a little bit of a foundation so i like to use the full cheek because and i think i've said this before is that it has the same action as the halter would so if you see the halter how it goes up against the side of their cheek the full cheek does the same thing and i'll show you that guy when i put it in her mouth so if i were to ride like a halt or a side pole it has the same action of pushing their face rather than pulling it so it just pushes the sides she's been really good to bridal [Music] what a good girl good girl ready junior she stood really well to mount and i like that because it was one less thing that you had to do when trying to see how she does what good girl what a good girl as you see i really didn't have to put much pressure on her mouth to get her to stand good girl and now i'll just take her out and i'll show you guys how she does she really does enjoy being out here we've dotted down around here alone with other horses like i said down the road and i've started doing the bridge with her riding now that she kind of goes over it with ease on the ground good girl she's not a high-headed horse she doesn't mind keeping her head at wither level what a good girl she turns lightly when she's out here just a little bit of pressure a little bit of your leg good girl good girl what a good girl so now i'm going to start bringing her over the bridge the other way and this is i haven't done this yet so this is the first time riding that i've done it good girl an attack in ryder can change anything so think if her anxiety just with nothing on her out here is that like a three four five think adding the saddle and a rider can bring it up to like a seven or eight out of ten and she would that's when you get the reactions from a lot of horses that one little thing's gonna set them up to a 10 where they have that big moment good girl side pass over to the bridge good girl she has a pretty really smooth trot good girl good girl what a good girl she just needs a lot more miles under saddle she has those little moments those little mo like where she stops and gets a little stuck so if someone's able to push her through those and get those miles on her i think she's gonna work through all of that what a good girl she has good breaks good girl [Music] good girl what a good girl today she's a little grouchy but i'm just going to keep pushing her forward and making her work through it what a good girl [Music] what a good girl good girl so when i ask her to stop i just like to sit that's my first cue and that hoe and then if she doesn't listen to that i just add a little bit of hand good girl so because it's hot today i'm not going to ride her for very long i'm just go and i'm going to show you guys her getting her first hose down today and this is something that we haven't done before so i don't know how she's gonna be and it'll be interesting because you guys will see her for the first time and what i have to do to work her through that ready she stands to dismount good girl ready so how i'm going to start introducing her to the water is i'm not going to necessarily spray her right away i'm going to spray it next to her so i'll turn the water on just like this and i'll keep following her with it until she stops just like how i would with fly spray good girl so she settled right there i'll turn it back on until she settles [Music] easy easy easy easy i'm just looking for all four feet to stop good girl just like that good girl good girl [Music] she's gonna learn that the pressure gets released so that water stops when she decides to settle her feet good girl so as you can see i can turn it on now and it's less of a fight and then as i keep going with that i can start introducing it a little bit closer to her and if it were worse i can always start from over here rather than right here but now that she's starting to settle with it right next to her i can bring it a little bit closer good girl i'll keep going until she settles her feet good girl what a good girl do it again what a good girl good girl what a good girl as you can see it's more of one step away sometimes rather than five steps away or ten steps away and that's what i'm looking for is that she changes her answer good girl now i might start introducing it to her legs and i'll hold it on until she stops good girl what a good girl let's start again there we go what a good girl there we go so now i can hold it on a little bit longer and as she gets good with her legs i can start coming up her legs to her shoulder and to her back what a good girl as you can see she's start she is nervous she's still nervous she's not necessarily 100 relaxed but she's giving that correct response to her feeling nervous which is to look for me and to handle her anxiety rather than react to it good girl good girl so she doesn't like her hind leg so i'm gonna do the same thing i'll hold until she stops good girl what a good girl so now that she stopped there we go [Music] now i can do her hind leg good girl now i can do this whole side of the body good girl and now i'm going to go to the other side which this might completely change she might go back to dancing in circles she might she might even give a worse response if she's more nervous on this side so we're gonna see i'll turn it on good girl she didn't go anywhere so i'll come up to her front leg good girl so because horse's brains don't connect very well in the middle you have to be able to do stuff on both sides good girl what a good girl so she didn't like this hind leg being touched so i'm just going to hold it until she stops good girl i'll do it again good girl what a good girl learning to just handle this good girl and this will carry over to other things so if you think of it some people work on one obstacle or one thing and the horse doesn't necessarily carry that knowledge over to the next one if i'm i'm just learning having her deal with her emotions and how to handle her emotions so when she feels that emotion she knows the reaction she should give so that like this hose her motion towards the hose or the fly spray or anything like that the bridge any of these obstacles she can relate that to another obstacle that she's never seen before and realize that she doesn't need to move away from it or she doesn't need to be scared of it she's going to look at me like to give her that feeling for that emotion good girl so i think petunia's really come a long way in the time that she's been here she's starting to get less nervous with people and i think if someone can give her those miles under saddle and work with her she can be a little spooky with her high den so we've been working with that if someone's able to give her those miles like i said and really bring her along i think she's going to make a really good project for someone she is young so she still has a lot of life left in her she's built very well she is nice and little so if someone was like a young adult that wanted to bring her along that would be a really good home or a kid or a teenager or something like that that really wanted to put that work into her so hopefully someone watching this will want to adopt petunia and she'll find her forever home
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 19,741
Rating: 4.9587932 out of 5
Id: igfxoIVWaMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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