Horse Shelter Heroes | S2E10 | Full Episode

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in this episode of horse shelter heroes a horse spooks for the dumbest of reasons we have a terrible rainstorm come through but the horses still have to be fed doc is out we have an adorable visitor to the office and a whole lot more in this latest episode of horse shelter heroes [Music] the university of tennessee is here to take some more horses into their refeeding program they're doing a scientific study on what's the best feed for horses that are emaciated and the horses they're taking are in critical condition uh the horses they took from us previously they took directly from the auction they ended up getting sick and that's that's not good in a program like this but we have these other horses here and they said why don't you hold them at your facility and that made me a little worried because horses gain weight when they come here after auction and there's one horse topaz he's gained so much weight i don't think he's even going to work for the program now but we'll see what they say these three right here yeah [Music] so what do you think we're feeling for a fact so when your body conditions for horses you're gonna be looking at six different areas you'll be looking um behind the shoulder battery over the ribs along the spine by the withers on the loin and the rump here or the children so this is hope she's had quite an adventure here um she we've gotten her up with the tractor before twice because she couldn't get up on her own take her and probably take home as well as i suspected topaz has gained too much weight for the program uh horses when they come here they gain a lot of weight because they're getting good feed nutrition so topaz isn't going to work for the program but thankfully the other two will she's left quarter horse grade four dollars we've got paperwork for you to fill out in the office as well okay cool well i'll bring it out and then i just need to get take a picture of your guys's paperwork if you have any questions on them or anything just let us know [Music] i'll miss you girl you do really good okay and then when you um let her up you can just unhook her lead rope okay so don't tired yeah thank you the driveway is just a loop so you can just loop out and just go back up the same way you came in thank you all right thank you you guys have a wonderful day the university of tennessee was able to come out today they were able to take hope and chance into their program so we can't wait to see how well they're going to do with them it's raining so hard right now here i'll take that sir or you're just gonna put it on top no i'm just gonna stick it in here and feed it to a little bit it is very wet today it's supposed to rain for three days straight so this is just the beginning of all the fun we're gonna have this week we have a water trough over here not a feed trail [Music] we're done down here so now we're gonna head to quarantine so we're gonna take her on in are you coming to pick me up [Music] it is raining so hard the horses are over there anyways i'm over this rain the thoroughbred that we got in from the last auction she's having a lot of hoof problems um so the farrier came out trimmed her feet had to put shoes back on her because her feet are just that bad so we have her on what's called puff and careguard it's just help with her feet and everything we also have her on super weight gain so we're just gonna make sure that she gets that today look at that bucket that was empty yesterday it rained that much this isn't the thoroughbred mare but this is a another mirror that we have up here that she feels like she hasn't eaten in a while yeah we're all done and it stopped raining that's not fair we're done wait till you see how wet i am under this thing you're wet you've got a raincoat on i'm wet up to there i'm wet farther than that you're wet can we just stick you in the dryer yeah i think i just need to be stuck in the dryer i think you'll fit out we can try it [Music] this is missed she is an owner surrender that came in she's having problems with her teeth so doc is just checking him out to see if there's anything that we can do to fix them it just looks like from here it just looks like the top teeth are way broader than the bottom teeth this is snickers and we've been working with the vet he's just got some funny leg things going on and he's just taking a look at him this is diego he's been having weekly vet visits um he's having issues with his eyes he's had uveitis and just different things so we're just seeing that the medication that we had him on is working or if we need to change it and what we need to do from here i was riding him and you can tell when you're riding him that there's something that's off oh this is swollen here oh this fluid that's a pretty good joint there that may be your textbook joint fema and that tibia looks messed up there this is kana doc just did some x-rays on him to see um why he's lame we're going to put him on some medications and see if that doesn't help his lameness and then recheck him again in a couple weeks okay okay you okay maybe a little increase any snot or anything up there a little bit some little boogers he's definitely so much better than what he was i was so worried about him this is jesse he's um three months old he's one of the babies that was born here he's just been on and off with a cold and hasn't been feeling well for a little bit so he's feeling a lot better today and we're very thankful for that and doc's just giving him a recheck to see if there's anything else we need to do lungs clear and his lungs are clear so that's awesome yeah doc just left the vet's visit went well diego's eye is healing very well so we're very happy about that and then a couple of the horses are just on meds just to help with a few minor things and we're just happy that doc is able to come out every week and you know he's always on call when we need him so we don't have any power right now and i'm realizing how much i can't do without electricity but i'm working on what it can do so here we are we're gonna wait until the power comes back on and do everything we can until then it may be beautiful weather right now but about an hour ago we had a nasty storm come through wind blown there's a tree across the road and the power's out at the shelter and the neighboring houses so we have no idea how long it's going to be out but i have to get the video out i have to edit it today so we're going to get the generator hooked up and we're going to be getting some power going on here and angela she also has to have power in the internet to do her job of writing responses to people's inquiries and questions and also she does the adoption application so if we don't get power on its shelter we may not be able to get horses adopted as soon as possible jason's gonna fish the extension cord through the window [Music] well now that the generator is on i can use the wi-fi to answer emails thankfully my computer has a charge already and i can um use my phone to make phone calls with our app that we use so i'm really thankful for that okay so we just finished the interview with angela about the power being off and literally probably about 20 seconds after we finished you can't do without electricity yeah take it for granted that's right all right now we can all get back to work yay [Music] so today a few of the march auction horses are getting their training evaluations they're still a little underweight so we'll just do a quick overview of their training and then let them continue gaining weight this is layla she's a 20 plus year old mare and she's about 14 three hands tall today we're just doing her evaluation and she's still a little bit skinny so we're not gonna do a lot of work and just see how she does i'm also keeping an eye out for any lameness or eyesight issues that we haven't caught along the way so the failure is coming out today and layla's going to be on the list to get her feet trimmed [Music] so layla needs some time to gain weight and just work in training on her bridling and getting used to the bit i don't know she was a buggy horse or she just doesn't seem to be very aware of her writer but she's not crazy she's a little pushy but she'll be available looking for her new home [Music] round pen would you say spooky calm or not sure or what uh she's not really spooky you're just [Music] unsure [Music] but now i'm seeing all the things [Music] oh my word did you see that she just spooked over her own poop i've never experienced that before so coco's got a super sweet personality and i think she has a lot of try somewhere down the line it seems like someone may have whipped her butt or beat on her because she's pretty spooky and shy of her back end when i touched her the first time she kind of jumps forward and tucks her tail but she's calm she just is worried somebody's gonna hit her or something it seems like so that's something we'll be working on just desensitizing her a little more i think coco would do great in a home that's willing to work with her and just bond with her and show her it's all going to be okay and no one's going to hurt her again and she'll be available for adoption the farrier is on his way we have a layla in cocoa and clover and carolina that are going to get their feet done layla and coco are already caught they're just patiently standing here waiting so i'm going to go catch carolina and get her ready we'll go get a manicure all right come on let's go let's go get a manicure come on it's gonna be fun i promise it's gonna be fantastic you're gonna feel so much better come on it's going to be fun i promise i'll stand with you the whole entire time you'll be great she's going to go get her manicure we talked about [Music] so basically what we're going to do is put front shoes on and we want to get the feet good and level and even as we can so the horse is in balancing in time and try to get her feet back up where they need to be we want to take off just a little bit on this side just kind of even it up the main goal is to keep them comfortable get them where they need to be and get them on the road to recovery and success [Music] get some shoes on them and get them back where they need to be and so what i'm going to do now if you see the foot is going this way i set the shoe right here and i'm going to take this off to try to level this out as much as i can and some horses are harder to work with than others just have to be patient with them and [Music] do the best you can with them sometimes a good experience goes a long way with them she'll need a couple of shoes to get her back where she's supposed to be to get her straightened up right but for now we just want to protect her hooves [Music] i told carolina she would enjoy her manicure it turned out great and she loves her new shoes this is coco she's going to get her feet trimmed she had her evaluation earlier today so she hasn't seen the farrier yet here so hopefully she does well the main thing we don't want to do is put a lot of pressure on her and make her feel like she's trapped she had quite a bit to take off there yeah you can tell this horse hasn't been trimmed took care of in a while don't take much get you going they're gonna go slow and easy and have lunch out on the trail and stuff like that i can picture tony being one of those little ranch ponies with a little kid in his chaps just riding you all over tony really likes to be muddy can you pick up your feet i got oh what a good bow boy how about your back one up there boy so tony is a little pony miniature pony he's about 36 37 inches tall and he's a 10 year old he's been here i think about a month month and a half maybe and he's available for adoption he'd be a great little kid's pony learning to put your grandkids on or something he's missing some of his unique character traits or his ear and just he's super sweet so tony he's he's a chubby little pony and we've got to be careful whoever adopts him has to be aware that you can't just feed a pony all they can eat because sometimes they confound her and that's just as bad as being super skinny and then over here we have mama kitty she's the cat that came to us with the kittens and she's helping with handling horses today [Music] well we have somebody that wants to say hey oh my word look at that hair wow he's licking and chewing this is where we store all the extra streets i think we'd like to buy one bag of treats okay is he paying in horse hair horse hair yep yep yeah that's really yummy you
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 54,932
Rating: 4.9672132 out of 5
Id: Z0gBOyLzLyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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