Problem Horse: Bucking Part 1 of 3

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i'm here with uh jennifer and she brought her horse jasper down today to my house we just met a few minutes ago and she was telling me um her story came with jasper and why he's here today and so we're gonna be doing an evaluation on it but can you just tell us a little bit about why why you're here jasper um obviously you're you're wearing a a brace um so we we had a had a wreck a little while ago about 10 days ago um can you just kind of fill us in on what happened sure um i bought jasper in may and just because i wanted more of a chill like quarter horse to ride on the trail i have a lot big background endurance riding and so i wanted to have a horse that i felt like would just relax more on the trail so that's why this is we kind of bought him he bought him sight unseen bottom sight on scene which is i don't know if i would tell my past self to do that again yeah so i'm pointing that out because we didn't know if we don't know if we didn't know at that time if he was a relaxed horse on the trail you're kind of hoping to breed quarter horse that you're hoping that he would there he had some experience with riding and roping and stuff a little bit beforehand so that he had experience on the trail like um that's how he sold to me that he had a lot of trail experience and but that he was sensitive so i knew going in that okay sensitive but i wasn't sure what that meant you know what does that mean so when he came to the farm i gave him a couple days off and when i first settled him up and got on him like i couldn't even put my legs on his on his like i couldn't relax my legs onto his sides legs meant go or not but just like you touched him it was like yeah so he was sensitive yeah so that was correct you know that he was sensitive couldn't put my legs out so i really worked with him on relaxing how long have you owned him since may i want to take a quick second here to thank the sponsor of this video which is drinking post waters we just installed four of them at my place a couple months ago and we absolutely love them so the horse pushes down this tab right here that allows the bowl to fill up when they release it the water drains back down so it works just like a frost free hydrant which means no electricity required which is fantastic because normally a water heater up here in wisconsin winter time requires a lot of electricity you're going to see your heat build go up and then you're worrying if the if the element ever goes out in it that it's going to break and you're going to have frozen water so no worries with this one it's also super easy and simple to install because you don't need an electrician there's just one connection you make at the bottom and the horses love it they got fresh water that's around 50 52 degrees consistently every time so they drink more water in the summer and more water in the winter so um if you guys want to check out drinking post waters go to use promo code ryan rose and you're gonna save some money on shipping and uh you will be glad you did so will your horses back to the video um but then bring us back to 10 days ago what happened 10 days ago um just going out for a ride i was just going to go for a walk i've been really working with him on just relaxing on the trail and and and and on a loose rain like i learned from you and just to just go back to square one and i've always been go go and i just wanted to have him so we're just going out how we normally do and um his biggest habit was just always breaking into the trot and so he returned the corner and he broke into the trout like he does um but it's always been less and less and this time when i turn to correct him just turn him in a circle soft circle everything's soft loose um he just put his head down and went launched into a huge huge buck that i've never felt in my history so you really blew up there now was there anything to you that was different about that day compared to the other days that you had ridden anything that you changed the weather anything that might have could point at um believe me i'm i i'm replaying that whole story a million times in my head and you know we went back to the spot right when i came back from the the hospital um we went back to the spot and looked for like a ground bee nest or you know it's that and and it was literally a day like today just quiet so that's why i'm asking sometimes there's a real obvious thing like man storm was coming in or trying to get a quick ride in or a turkey bomb went off right next to me and it blew up in the brush and that scared him you know sometimes there's things to point to but when it seems like it was more of an all of a sudden thing to me that tells us we need to go back and we need to test things more thoroughly because there was probably some underlying issues that were more um at a higher intensity than what we realized like you probably had been getting along with him but not necessarily training him and helping him be more uh settled and so what i'm curious about because we don't we don't know but that's what you're here for is i don't need to get on him and feel him blow up to go oh yeah this horse will blow up if he's bothered the whole thing the whole idea is to go what because when a horse blows up like that some people go is did your saddle fit did your and it's like you a horse will protest a saddle not fitting and usually it means they don't want to move they don't want to go forward it doesn't mean they blow up when a horse blows up enough to buck a seasoned rider off like yourself they're they are scared out of their mind they're really scared and so is a combination of things of he was feeling a lot of pressure and feeling tight between you the cinch the environment and then the bend was the final final straw i would i would have to say it was a combination of the cinch he felt pressure he felt claustrophobic there's no other reason for them to buck yeah if he just something spooked him he would have ran but when they buck and they blow up that's them feeling claustrophobic something's got a hold of them yeah like this this is the cinch on the saddle the rider um and then so so if he was already feeling claustrophobic just from whatever the environment was you weren't far from your place where you always ride um but he was feeling that way and then when you bent him that added to it yeah you know it's like yeah and so so what we need to do is try to simulate some of those feelings of them basically not just bringing them in the arena talking about the weather and leading him around it's like we need to get in there and test him on some things and see put him in a bind basically and see how well he understands pressure how well can he think through pressure and so we're going to show you guys what that looks like okay and see if we can get to the bottom of this good all right thanks for coming out jeff thanks [Music] so just because he'll move around on the ground for me a little bit doesn't mean he has changed his ideas about anything so that's a pretty significant reaction for a six-year-old horse yep so right now i'm just asking him to let it touch him around his hind legs in his hindquarters and want to crowd me which is interesting yeah well because some horses they'll buck because they're they've never really accepted the human you know they're still like they can accept the saddle but if they're still afraid of a human being around them interesting so now i want to put this around a hind leg this is a little bit harder because this part of their hind leg is a little more vulnerable it's it's kind of you know it's kind of where a predator would kind of go after them and so and just innately they're more protective of this part of their hind leg that's why the rope goes there and the rope is a lariat rope so it tightens so i'm not pulling it hard but i'm just putting a little feel on it and just asking him to accept it and just be okay with it and he passed that really well so there he took a deep breath and had a lick and chew well the thing i like about it you see how i meant stop to him i want a horse to know that you know it's like if something ever gets a hold of them if they just think stop and just think about it that's a much better response than kick or bolt and so this is a good a good thing to kind of kind of put in there but there's nothing really there in terms of you know um training-wise there he you know he's pretty good with it yes i want to do but he has been a little bit flinchy with me kind of moving around him you know and so a horse like this you don't really want to get where you're sneaking around him you want to be real obvious with everything and then when he stands there and challenges it he's like wait a minute do i have to be afraid now the pressure will go away so the big thing is when you when you speed things up with a horse like this you have to be prepared to do it continuously and not let him get relief for reacting so if he ran sideways and i stopped i would have just taught him do that more you know so where people get in trouble a lot of times with a um sensitive horse is they enable it more by going slower and being really polite which i normally would encourage people to do but you can to the horse it can look it can be saw at seen as sneaky so to us we go we're just trying to be gentle and quiet and they go you're sneaking you know and so they're just they're more ready to react to it so by just going there and just being like hey jasper how are you today good to see you old buddy and just being kind of loud and noisy how i normally would not be but i sure wouldn't get on a horse that i couldn't get that excited to see them and have them get scared you know what i mean because that means it ain't going to take much now keep in mind this is with no bridle no saddle no human no trail no pressure is wide open here what i mean by that is he's reacting and getting really tight which is a claustrophobic feeling it lives in that claustrophobic box so that his reaction of tightening up is what comes before the buck so that's happening without a saddle without a rider so and when i see this i go if he can't handle this with no bridal saddle ride or trail tight spots he's going to react significantly with saddle rider bridle tight spots because all those are all just levels of them feeling a little bit uncomfortable or they could perceive it that way of course we want him to understand and be okay with those things but um that can all be pressured to a horse like him can you see how kind of the horse is telling me the story without knowing i mean i know the story in this case but i i take everybody's story with a grain of salt because it's it's one perspective on it and a lot of times you articulated what happened very well a lot of people don't know the words to use to describe what actually happened and so they're just like i was just trail riding and they blew up you know all of a sudden they blew up and i'm like well that doesn't tell me anything of really yeah you knew you bet him to the right you knew that you hadn't warmed them up on the ground you know you you explained all those things um and then he's telling me yep those were all little there's a bunch of little tight spots that kind of added up is what it feels like you know one one it wasn't one big thing it was just a combination of a few but you see i'm tapping him and i like never i'm not a fan of tapping horses at all but he's got a he's got to have a higher tolerances his tolerances were too low that which made him unsafe to ride you know does that make sense so now i'll quit when he relaxes so what's interesting is he the the tapping is not really what made him tight it's not knowing what comes after the tapping that was making him tight so if he relaxes and then i quit tapping now tapping can be associated with relax but if we never go there he never you know he just it just kind of stays in there so every time they flinch when my hand taps like this i'm going to keep tabbing until there's no more flinching or i'm going to keep tapping until the head goes down and again i'm not i normally would never tap my horse if they're not trying to buck me off you know but if that if their sensitivity level is too high where the tolerances are too low you make one little mistake and then they do that and that's i feel like what we're learning right now is that you didn't even need to make a mistake it was just too too many things that he was that were there was little tight spots that were in there and it just kind of built up which is good news and bad news it's it's good news because it's like well you know it's like there wasn't just there's not some huge problem with him but the the bad news is his tolerances are pretty low and this is something that there's not one big thing i can do to fix this today it's like it's just it's an accumulation of always being this way with him of saying every time you get tight i'm going to get noisier until you relax and i'm going to do it in a safe way every time and you can see how now he doesn't react as much when i move around
Channel: Ryan Rose
Views: 4,995
Rating: 4.972414 out of 5
Keywords: Bucking, Bucking horse, Bucks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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