Horse Rescue Heroes | S1E6 | Full Episode

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usually they're just in a pen somewhere so we'll be fine gotta be here somewhere [Music] i think horseplus i think it's an honorable thing they do [Music] so [Music] it's like 12 30 in the morning uh we just got back to the hotel room and we rescued 53 horses and that that is the most horses we've ever rescued an auction before we spent i think close to 20 000 uh buying horses last night what we're gonna be doing right now is we're going to the auction we're gonna sort all the horses um we have to do intake photos of them i have to take a picture of each side of them i try to get their face and i also get their auction tag because a lot of times in transport the tag comes off and they arrive at our shelter and we're like well which horse is this on this receipt and there's so many horses it's just it's too difficult to tell yes last night only it's gone now but it loaded up with six horses they wanted 50. they wanted 50 and we only got six so that's good and these ones are stick with streamers so we don't want to mess with them good morning [Music] the auction guy can get that for us i think both of these are ours [Music] horses that we know have you know chronic medical problems that just from experience we know they're probably not going to make it we haul them all together with any horse that may have you know a sickness that might be contagious or something because um it's we have to move a lot of horses today and if a horse is going to need euthanasia we'll put it with a horse that may be really really sick so that that disease isn't spread out usually they're dressed in a pen somewhere so we'll be fine we've got to be here somewhere we've never had a uh anyone actually take one of our horses the night before but it certainly could happen they do check at the gate for numbers well we'll look at them for all the rest i hadn't heard nobody missing anything this morning we just want to haul him with geldings [Music] this donkey this is a crust it's all fat and he's he's really obese um so that's just a huge fat pad and then all over his body these are fat pads and fat rolls on him so he's been eating a lot he may with a healthy diet lose some of these fat pads on his side he'll always have this crest and if he like i've seen them where they're really really skinny and their bodies actually used up all that fat and then it's just kind of loose skin and the mane hangs over but he'll always have that that extra skin and that that weight there well he's so sweet though i know look at that sunburn oh my gosh [Music] so in the auction last night it was walking really weird and so um the reason his feet are really long like this is because when they pull the stacks that foot is supposed to look that foot would have the strap over it and they grow their toes out really long like that this is all soaring chemical burns on this horse all these blisters scabs it's all from chemical burns and this is when people are like oh soaring doesn't happen anymore i get these horses i see it this is outrageous chemical burns on horses is just sickening and this is why the big lick needs to stop because they want to say oh this never happens anymore so they put diesel oil mustard oil wrap it with saran wrap until those chemicals burn into the horse and that's why we have all the scarring here and then they put a chain on it and when the horse is moving that chain hits the burn skin and the horse flinches and it gets the big lick look at these shows and so then let's let's look at the other front hoof yeah just turn this way oh baby [Music] and so you can see here more more scarring there's a open kind of scabby wound here and then over here we actually have so much scarring from chemical burns and so this is a thrown away big lick horse you see him at the celebration the most amazing horse show in the world but this is what happens to these horses when they're scarred to the point that they the scars are visible the usda does inspections on them this horse wouldn't be able to pass inspections they they're very good at covering up these burns and this horse couldn't pass inspection anymore and that's why it's here thankfully this horse isn't going to slaughter and that's what a lot of these these people they just want to hide their castaways from this show industry they want to hide them but the reality is when i'm here and i see them i'll try to get them so we can tell their stories and help put an end to this this abuse that's just rampant here in tennessee and it's culturally part of tennessee and people don't even know the reality of the chemicals the burns and stuff and they will all want to say this happened a long time ago this doesn't happen now well why does this horse you know that's probably 15 years old i mean he's been doing this for a while you can see the length of his teeth there why is he have fresh scars and scabs on his pasterns it's because he was soared and that's just the reality of it it's still happening and that's why it needs to be stopped [Music] so this one can go in with the strangles [Music] his hoof is in horrible condition they put silicone in there and spray painted it over to make it look like it was okay it's experiencing a lot of pain our veterinarians and prayers they're gonna have a an interesting time with this guy because he's got a lot of issues so as we're doing this process and we're sorting horses if we put a horse in a pen and it's not getting along with those horses then we're going to pull it out and put it in another pen and get it where it's going to be okay with the other horses so this horse as you can see has some major problems um it's got teeth growing up under its jaw here and it's rolled over it made it very difficult for this horse to graze it's missing a tooth here and let's see the side angle your poor mouth yeah is rough so we take pictures of each side of the horse also their tag numbers because sometimes when we get them back to the shelter they don't have their auction tags on them anymore so it helps us identify who they are it also helps with paperwork and we also post them on facebook to get them named and so we'll give them a name and it helps us match the name with the horse okay 53 and definitely put that this one's critical bring them this way all right turn it this way is that vet wrap it's just fit wrap so it's it's going to be cutting off circulation back her up [Music] all right try to get just the horse i hope that doesn't have tendon sheath fluid on it and those are almost impossible to heal but i hope it doesn't have that so i'm here with scotty and scotty's the auctioneer and he's my favorite auctioneer because i can actually understand him thank you thank you yes i'm scottie wilson i'm my dad buck wilson my brother steve and myself on the triple double triple w yes we sell chickens ducks turkeys pea fowl any kind of barnyard stock duck uh goats sheep horses is we call it the horse sale but it's just part of what we do we're a service for the community to sell their animals to generate money from their produce of their farm some of these people keep their horses longer than they should they get in poor condition decrepit condition and that's what y'all see at the horse sale but what i'm saying is we have them from world champions down to 10 horses okay we can't help it where we do not grade the animals that come to our sale this is a public sector it's a public auction it's for any animals that say if you got a chicken you want to sell we'll sell it for you if you've got a you know a log chain or a banny rooster we'll sell it for you uh and and people bring their old horses here when they're you know they and we've talked about the condition of horses when your grandparents get old and they go to the nursing home and they get all the nutrition and daily visits by doctor and nurses full-time 24 7 they still get thin dry up and die just like some of these horses are doing they die the same way we do last night was our 38th year anniversary 38 years i was 14 years old my brother was 9. and i am not against horse slaughter i'm not against personal ownership until they die the horse traders you're talking about that does the interstate travel they generally don't own these horses for more than three or four days at a time they're at the we're just trying to make a quick hundred bucks i mean it's and that's that's listen people have traded horses since the beginning of time you know since we caught them and started riding them they've traded horses indians traded for everybody trained better than mine you're not invading people's property and taking them you're coming to the auction paying for them just like it's supposed to be and that i think that's going to make you all easily accepted yeah as we go along and we are different than a lot of other organizations out there absolutely do have the you know evaluate them if that needs to be put down i've been holding it i've been hauling for you guys for a year now nearly every time and um events on site when you get there i mean you guys are you guys are 100 you know what you're doing you've got your stuff together and i mean i'd go places that don't yeah it takes multiple trailers when we rescue this many horses so that's our first trailer headed off all the little animals headed to the shelter [Music] [Music] [Music] up [Music] so [Music] so one of the horses we got here um we've tried to put in with other horses it will not get along with anybody so he's actually gonna ride in this trailer by himself and um we'll try to figure out what's how we're going to integrate him once he's at our shelter but he's dangerous to put with other horses he's attacked him he's pushed horses down and we just can't have that so i'm going to load him in here and hopefully um he will enjoy his nice solo trip by himself come on you can do it and have a nice luxury trip just close that back door and then we'll pop out all right [Music] so all 53 horses are loaded up and we're gonna be headed back to our shelter it's a long two and a half hour drive we're all exhausted we've been up since 1 30 well i was up till 1 30 last night and then early this morning and we've been loading horses and it's it's a exhausting exhausting effort to do these big rescues but it makes it all worth it because these horses need help so bad and that's why we do it so one of the first things i do when i sit down is i make a album on my phone just for this auction so these are all the pictures i took this morning i just have to get to the beginning and go through and take a picture of each horse and get them in the in the folder all right so now i've got all these pictures sorted out and then i make a slideshow video um for the auction so everyone can see the horses that we rescued um and it's not always the best because horses get their heads chopped off on a lot of them but at least we it's the fastest thing i can do for our donors to be able to see why they rescued all these horses [Music] is in which i'm saved [Music] well that went smooth i'm glad we're back on the road now this is the reality of horse rescue [Music] it's you never know what's gonna happen well this is the second tire [Applause] [Music] comes the storm is gone [Music] you just never know what's gonna happen uh when you're rescuing horses and so it's pouring rain the uh axle setup on the trailer is a little bit broken so we're gonna have to get that repaired but it's pouring rain so i'm sure you know that we just had them on soon because we've had such bad rain we're gonna go ahead and unload them here all right come on babies come on [Music] oh all right so this is our awesome head shelter veterinarian and he is here all the time it seems like constantly doing stuff and we all call him doc yeah there's a lot of people in town that don't know my first first name it's just doc so been here since 1984. and i still love it in lewis county when we first moved to tennessee uh he became our shelter vet we were like okay who does large animals and we're very very blessed that that you're here because it's hard to find a good large animal vet and you're a good one we yeah it's i aim for smooth i don't want to do any spectacular things just smooth all right so he's 23 and 690 pounds [Music] it's actually bone all along through there you can also see on these fronts how long their toes are scar right there along the side remedial aspect there's still a little bit of irritation here along the back side of the pasture and again a little bit back here on the heel and the summer much here obviously it's really hot we're getting a lot of horses in that are really dehydrated and having a hard time with their gut recovering and and getting the um the electrolytes i needed plus it makes them drink more because it has salt in it so get some hydrated better [Music] boy [Music] uh it had been a couple of days i was so so infected we didn't want to we we didn't want to suture a bunch of bacteria in his foot completely we'll give him some antibiotics by mouth that is a shoe [Music] this end bike is a lash for about four days on horses how often do you yourself you go that way i go that way he doesn't need to be in the spot several times a year [Music] i'm gonna be more stubborn than you ready they gave him said that he was ran through um the auction in july triple w auctions and was 14 years old 14 hands 95 it's definitely been a long couple days um but having been on the board for three years i have a whole new level of respect for the work that tony and jason have been doing all these years so as a board member i'm even more determined to help promote what we do and help support the work that's being done here it's been an eye-opening experience and i think it's just going to be a lot easier for me to be able to tell the story although i've experienced this thing that i will never be able to unsee the story has to be told and something has to change it can't just keep going like this and shutting down an auction is not the stopping point you can't just shut down an auction and say well it's going to go away because i think that's going to make it even worse so it definitely has changed me and now i see why tony and jason have done all this for all these years auction day day's over with all the trailer problems flat tires repairing axles rain storms trucks and trailers going into fencing um it's been 26 hours of auction rescue in two days well since noon yesterday yesterday and it's always rough but we're always just totally wiped out totally exhausted after an auction rescue and um 53 horses are safe yes 53 horses are safe anyone out there that's following an organization when they do a really big rescue you know i know you're wanting information about the horses and stuff and know that that organization will get it out there as soon as they can but in order to prevent compassion fatigue you have to take time for yourself and we do these we do these really big auction rescues twice i mean every month and so you know right after the auction you know we have to take some time so we don't get burned out we we have to i mean we see a lot of horrible things i think horseplus i think it's an honorable thing they do it's and one reason i try to be here when they call is because i believe in what they do trying to save horses from slaughter in it's not a perfect world but on some horses when we have to end suffering we can do that either by helping get them a better place to live or end of life decisions and that's one reason you know it's just dedicated to we've got to have something to believe in and if you can end suffering that's that's what i believed in [Music] you
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 82,939
Rating: 4.9647865 out of 5
Id: wNcVP2bksFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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