Joy Needs a Home

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this is joy she is a 12 year old quarter horse mare and i'm going to show you guys what i've done with her and she came from our december auction she was completely wild unhandled and just in the last month or so we started working with her and she's really made a lot of progress so i'll show you guys what i've done at first it's just it was just for the first week or so it was just basic leading i like to step a lot towards her so she has to move out of my way so i can do like that right hand turn there we go i like that she's crossing over in her front end good girl and then i'll do a lot of stopping and just asking her to back up with very little pressure [Music] it's all from the pressure on her chest rather than pulling on her nose close step towards her good girl [Music] so that turn and step towards her is just her cue to back and then if she does it back i'll give her a little tap on the chest and then she'll do it good girl so i think this is only day i think day nine of working with her like with leading i've done some round pen work too and we just started doing a little bit of lunging this is only day three of trying to lunge she's very relaxed good girl she picked it up pretty quickly what i'll do is i'll just step towards their hip and drive them forward and let them figure out the circle i'm not gonna stand still in the middle i'm gonna keep my feet moving while she's moving her feet to show her where she needs to go good girl can i give her that little kissy voice join up then i can change direction [Music] she's a little bit more complicated this direction because it is her right side and she gets a little bit more nervous on it but that means i just have to do a little bit more on this side than the other side when i do it there we go so i'm going to keep stepping towards her hip and if she needed more i could always pick up a lunge whip and drive her forward was just pretty good on my voice commands and my body range [Music] good girl we've also done some obstacles so i'm gonna take her out and show you guys some of the obstacles i've done with her i think on day four five i was able to take her outside for the first time [Music] and she really enjoyed that rather than just staying in the barn and leading and the first obstacle i did was our bridge which she did very well good girl so i'll go over that a couple times [Music] i'm going to do those right hand turns as much as i can [Music] as you can see she's not too concerned about it and the next thing i do is the gazebo and then i get her prepped for trailer loading with that because you can see it's a higher step and then i can work on a little bit of backing off of it good girl just like how you would back off the trailer [Music] so it's an easy way to get her used to trailer loading [Music] [Music] and then the next is our water obstacle and this one's a little bit more difficult because not all the horses want to get wet as you can see she's going to dance around it so what i'm looking for to start is just to get one foot on there and then i'll release the pressure [Music] good girl there we go good girl so even though she moved i'm still going to release the pressure because she stepped one foot on it and that just lets her know that that was the answer i was looking for [Music] good girl there we go oh good girl then she finally gave it so i'm not gonna ask her to kee i'm gonna give her the reward of the release of pressure [Music] and then i'll ask her to come over again [Music] good girl there we go i'm gonna let her stand for a second good girl then i'll keep walking through it and if i wanted to make this obstacle easier i would take the water out but because i've done it without the water before it was time to start it with the water good girl because i know she did well without the water in it and if i wanted to make it even easier out of that i could fold this in half so it's smaller and they don't have such a big area to walk into good girl there you go good girl so i'll release the pressure and just let her stand there for a minute good girl take her through some puddles good girl she takes everything pretty well she does get frustrated sometimes but then she'll work through it she can be a little hard-bound but i like to keep her in the stall sometimes alone and away from her friends just so that way she has to get used to not being with them and then this is one of the other things i've been doing with her is just working on throwing our lead my lead rope over then over her and she's taken that pretty well at first she would jump around a lot but then she started being able to stand still and get used to it and which is what i'm looking for and if she were to dance right now i'm just going to keep holding the leader up there until she stops and then i'll pull it off and i'll do it again good girl and then i can do the same thing from the other side good girl i've also done a lot of tying with her i'll leave her tied for quite a while at the time probably about 20 or 30 minutes just being able to stand there without me right there so that way she can get used to it and it also helps when she pulls back she'll feel the pressure and she gives to it good girl when she does that i'll hold it good and then i pull it off i'll do it over again there we go you can see she's starting to stand now good girl and that's joy like she's been here she's the longest one that's been here because she came in december she's the last one from 2020 so we're hoping that someone will adopt her soon and then she can get her new home and progress even further with our new person [Laughter]
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 19,584
Rating: 4.9790578 out of 5
Id: vxXfb13U7A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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