Horse Shelter Heroes - February Auction Rescue

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[Music] we're hooked up and ready to head to the auction we've got this great big trailer and then we're also going to have big red with the other trailer to help move [Music] horses there's so many horses here tonight i wish we could save them all but we simply don't have the facility that could handle in taking this many courses so we're just gonna rescue as many as we can properly care for tonight and um i just wish it could be all of them well we were able to rescue a whole bunch of horses tonight and i'm super excited and we were able to move three of the most critical ones out and they're under vet care um hi so my name is jenny ivey i'm an assistant professor at the university of tennessee and along with my other collaborators we are looking at alternative management strategies for recovering starved horses and so our protocol through the university is approved for research and we're taking in 28 starved horses with a body condition of one to one and a half and retweeting them out to a body from the poor and so we're really excited and so um excited to partner with his family uh voyages on this project and along with other rescues and groups like horse plus humane society to help us source them and you've got three horses here tonight through our program yeah yeah so these are them and you've already done blood samples and uh you're taking them back to get intensive care yeah so we will take them back to the university of tennessee veterinary medical center uh where they'll be under veterinary care there and we'll do some additional sampling our most invasive sample is just the blood sample the rest of it is using ultrasound and then also um just some body measurements and we'll do that for the first 10 days which we call our critical care period [Music] you make this [Music] stepping out perfect time this is one of the horses we rescued tonight you see she's got a really snotty nose the other side's way worse um but what we're really concerned about here is this is a very large hernia this versus leg is in really bad shape a baby these guys are all settled in we've been watching them for a bit to make sure that they're okay and they're calm they're quiet and we're going to catch a few hours of sleep and hit the road in the morning and get them all safely back to our shop says it wants to go so anyways that will be our busy day tomorrow so i just want to thank you all so much for your support and all your thoughts and prayers and helping make this auction rescue possible and helping us rescue not only these horses but helping horses across the united states bye bye baby we'll see you tomorrow you're so sweet well it's morning after the auction and we are here to get the horses we're super excited because we rescued a lot of horses last night three were really critical and we're so thankful that they were able to go straight to the vet office and get intensive care but we're here this morning to intake and get photos of everybody else and get them back to the shelter today morning babies let me get back to the shelter hello oh sweetheart yeah it's gonna be okay it's gonna be okay this horse has been through multiple auctions you can see the other auction tag was ripped off there one from last night on there come on y'all good to go see you evie here's some sweet give you some sunshine this stuff really helps the horses stay calm and relaxed when we get them back to the shelter it's just they've been through so much stress and um there we go and focused um it's on our amazon wish list and i like to give every horse uh some of it because it just really helps them relax after all the stress they've been through and stress is not good for anybody oh look at your leg i'm so sorry baby this horse has a really bad leg um and it's been through a couple auctions it's just um really horrific because literally she's suffering and for those of you who are wondering if this is a brand new leader up that we bought we actually just uh when we're done with our ropes we wrap them up like this in our auction box so they're ready to grab and stay nice maybe let's get your picture okay it's got a lot of skin issues rain rot there's just hair coming out in clumps oh poor baby so i'm giving her some beatless pace just a painkiller and also the sin she'll help make her more comfortable [Music] he's super super ouchy on its legs [Music] it's not feeling good there [Music] it's like get me out of here we opened the gate and she came flying out she's like i do not want to be here any longer [Music] pretty sure it's cute yeah this is just adorable [Music] just got big red backed up and we're gonna load her up the first group of horses are in there now we're gonna load up the little guys here in the back getting all the little ones loaded up we got all the little ones in there settling down we got all the horses loaded up and now we just have to drive back to the shelter and i'm going to be letting the veterinarian know and our intake team what's it looking like as far as critical [Music] know you're cases for the risk of stepping out in perfection [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that donkey is so friendly she wants to be out with everybody 110 pounds oh sh she's under 10 for age but have the vet be verified when was the coggins drawn girl up girl and you can write on there possibly pregnant needs her feet done she just got probiotics electrolytes and also was dewormed she's not too happy with this right now but it's really important that she gets all all this stuff because we want her to have the best possible chance she can of recovery a lot of donkeys do get really sick from auction so we through practice and practice and working with our vet when they get here this is just a procedure that we give them of vaccines and antibiotics and all that and so far we've had good success [Music] just giving her her shots he's being really good he's he's been kicked in the mouth he's getting some uneven wear patterns a little stallion back there is going to get gelded he doesn't really like shots so doc's going to have some interesting time trying to control him and make him behave 3006 i think it is 3006 250 pounds like this is the most disgusting vile what are you giving the donkey um this is electrolytes were you giving this one i'm vaccinated that was rabies and that's probably rhino flu and this is eastern western encephalitis and tetanus does she have little zebras on her legs tell me she does a little bit oh hey guys she needs your tag uh first dog no number 30 62 785 80. are you doing we are getting his microchip and his uh temperature the new microchips are putting into temperature and he's 99.3 degrees horse number 3044 is 755 pounds yeah 30 62 is 51 hands uh 30 44 is 14 two hands travis is putting in the tags i am so thrilled because it's actually warm it's like 70 degrees last week it was cold and snowy and i thought i was gonna die from the um frigid air and my hair was actually frozen stiff but i'm in my t-shirt and it's warm and i am so happy about that tennessee has really strange weather he's more than 12. yeah easily yeah 2012. yeah he's he's closer to 20 than 12. we're just taking x-rays of this horse looks like he's broke his leg at one time so um we're just gonna take x-rays and see what we can see how much damage there is on this you see the patella is not smooth looks like there's some bone bony formations there and then go to the next one i'm holding it we couldn't even set this thing down then we got a lot of bone formed right there that'd be their patellar patella kneecap tendon that's also fine from previous damage thought may be broken his femur or the proximal end of the tibia but the patella is a mess man there's nothing that we can do to to fix that we don't have patellar replacements yet so unfortunately we are going to have to have this horse humanely euthanized if we didn't have rescue him he would have gone uh on to the kill buyer uh who was there bidding on horses and we were bidding against him but we wanted to kind of see if we could give him a chance and at least he came here he's going to know love and kindness and then he will be humanely euthanized to to release him from that constant suffering that he's in every step he takes you can tell it's agony for him you like that green don't you there you go sorry we can't fix you buddy [Music] number 3059 is 770 pounds okay i think we got problems uh usually it's pretty if it was up high higher in the flank it'd be a lot easier to fix because we didn't wouldn't have the weight on a suture line but there's a lot of weight if we tried to fix them there'd be a lot of weight on the suture line to try to sew it back up [Music] wow you felt the hernia ring how big is it it's about [Music] eight inches eight inch circle it's never a good thing when hernias are that big and um we could have been like well we're not gonna rescue her but what's gonna happen to her then just because you don't rescue an animal that needs medical attention doesn't mean that it goes away it's just not your problem and we rescue a lot of animals that have medical problems because they need help and we want to help them regardless of what the outcome is you know many times we're able to rescue them and actually rehab them and their happy healthy horses are going to live a wonderful life and then there are times that we're rescuing them and we're just trying to do the best we can because their owners just walked away from their responsibility of being a responsible animal owner getting x-rays of her hoof she has an old injury there too so we want to see how extensive that is yeah see that right there we've got a bunch of calcification at the at the end she is a really messed up [Music] horse this horse probably had an injury at one time and now it's just all arthritic it's it's really huge and hard she also has a lot of skin issues like rain rocks just her hair is just falling out if i touch it it's just just falling out so she's in really really rough shape we're going to take an x-ray and see what's going on internally but it's not looking good for her she's really old horse it's just i wish that the owners would have done the right thing for her ow that looks really good that is front to back hey pete get out of here it's just like totally dissolved the whole joint dissolved and reformed oh no in the medial aspect of the joint is uh completely remodeled i don't know how you tear up the inside that bad there it is 99.7 [Music] like look at my teeth doc don't you get the clue my teeth are falling apart [Music] about 15 two hands this horse is uh doing pretty good we're a little concerned about a talk so we're taking x-rays just to see what's going on there but um i think it's gonna be okay we're gonna do a recheck at the end of quarantine and they'll be 30 days out just to see um if there's improvement or what's going on with them she's not too old got like no front teeth though is she a cribber i see i think i think that's the end of the teeth she's getting its vaccines um we do a five-way west nile rabies and strangles [Music] yeah he's over 20 25. this horse is in such incredible pain he can barely walk we're gonna take x-rays to see what's going on in there but it's not looking good that's kind of messed up [Music] sadly there is nothing that we can do other than to relieve the constant suffering the source is in it can barely walk so he's gonna love it and have to say goodbye it's it's never easy they thought he was in his 30s but i could fight that so this horse is well into its 30s and has some tumor issues in his private area which can make it difficult for him to urinate and he's he's very very elderly and not doing well at all so we are going to love him and give him the last act of kindness it's always hard rescuing horses knowing that that's probably going to be the outcome um on some of these cases but their owners should have done it and they didn't and that's why we stepped in to be responsible [Music] what's our number on this one so this horse there is a uh another organization that is considering taking her so as long as there's nothing majorly critical so this tag was ripped off um halfway during the transporting so we're going to just look it up on the phones that's why we take pictures of them with their tag numbers at the auction because this happens quite a bit or they'll just be gone i have got them it's uh 30 29. so just had all its probiotics warming electrolytes all that good stuff 14 hands on 30 29. all right doc and age i know what her coggins say i know what i saw at the auction this morning i don't know four yeah five four five 572 getting vaccinated 13 three hands tall what's happening here just microchipping and i'm gonna vaccinate [Applause] so at the auction this horse was really really scared we couldn't get our hands on him we thought he might be wild but he's he's not somebody trained him how to lead at one point and that's really good because every horse needs an education it helps keep him safe and now for our adoption program we'll be able to work with him faster than if he was totally wild so whoever got him leading greatly appreciated and hopefully he does really good so this is the other horse that came in that was wild that we thought at least was wild he's calming down he was sold as a gelding but he is a stallion so we tried to uh work with him in this part of the shoot he's really scared of people so we're going to put him in this side of the shoe which is a padded shoe the blm uses them for mustangs so we can handle him safely and he's not going to hurt himself or us so we're just going to put him in there so the vet's given him um some drugs for his gelding operation so he should be getting really sleepy we let him out of our squeeze shoot so hopefully he goes down out here and we're able to do the operation he is getting gelded right now and um the vest says should be a success this has been the nicest intake of the year especially since it was warm but we are done we had two gelding operations sadly there were five euthanasias of horses that were in critical care now the team's just packing up and we're gonna make sure all the horses are settled nicely for the night and enjoying uh a well-deserved supper after everything they've been through it is february last week it was 18 degrees today it is 72 degrees a great day to be outside working on horses i love you so much it just makes it worthwhile i cannot handle the cold i i i'm i'm not i do not do good but today was great today last auction intake i was freezing today was good any horse in in particular from today that you really liked they had a must the mustang was sort of my favorite it seemed like it had a lot of a lot of poison and the big bay horse the big bait yeah he reminds me of something that like a army horse or something you see from a long time just a great big nothing seemed to faze him at the auction he was just like here i am that may be what drew me to him i don't know he's a cool horse he's a cool horse i'd ride him into battle have to do that he's mine let's hope we don't have to [Music]
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 66,061
Rating: 4.9570203 out of 5
Id: Skgd9fcMEyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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