Teachers, How Easy It to Tell If a Student Has a Crush on Another? | School' Stories #3

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teachers have read it how easy it to tell if a student has a crush on another and what is the funniest saddest moment between the two you can share high school teacher depending on the kids personalities they either get louder or quieter when their crushes are present the loud ones are freaking annoying the quiet ones are the ones i would purposefully sit next to their crushes oh god i just realized that my 66 year old gov teacher totally knows teenagers are not subtle by nature but they are amazingly oblivious when it comes to matters of their heart they are really perceptive with other things though the boys almost never recognize if a girl likes them and the girls never realize a guy is showing interest it's funny to watch it happen it's so blatantly obvious as an outsider but i remember being just as oblivious as a student it's called crushing self-doubt i had a girl literally ask me out and i slept on it and convinced myself she was just freaking with me in an attempt to embarrass me awkward story my students are all between 8 and 10 and a few have noticeably hit the point where they are obviously starting to notice the opposite gender i have two students that i'll give fake names a boy james and a girl lucy in my class they are always together recess lunch time free choice the two are always working together they are both very shy and giggly and it seemed a mutual crush was there noted by me and their math teacher as well one day i hear james getting teased by some other kids for his crush on lucy his math teacher and i pull him aside and have a talk with him we tell him that we'll be talking with the class as a whole about crushes and teasing he's not the only one his math teacher also tells him that if he does have a crush on lucy it's nothing to be embarrassed about because she's a nice sweet girl james just looks awkward and asks to go so we let him a few days later i'm walking my kids out to the parent pickup and i see lucy's dad is here to pick her up james waves to both of them as they leave and i ask if he's been over to lucy's house to play and if he knows her dad yay miss that's my uncle oh crap i have encouraged cousin incest i awkwardly gather my nerves and start to say ah you remember that talk we had about lucy and liking her oh well i didn't realize she was your cousin so i thought you didn't that was weird miss then he just laughed and said he liked a different girl anyway from his older sister's class tl dr 10 year old is into cougars not cousins gotta love that tl dr anyways i love the surprise ending xd one of my students father told me his son liked a girl in his kinder class he said she's pretty dad she looks like a dragon the dad laughed and said we're gonna have to work on your compliments son oh man the longing stares across the room the almost creepy wistful what ifs you can just see in their eyes when i was in middle school that was me i'm a bartender and this sounds like every guy in the bar after 1 30 a.m i'm a substitute teacher and my favorite student with a blatant crush experience was with a second grade class i picked the kids up from the yard after recess and a boy came to me very upset because one of the girls had been chasing him the entire recess once we got back to class i talked with the girl asking for her side of the story conversation went something like this me jose was pretty upset about something that happened this recess do you want to tell me what happened girl we were playing me he said you were chasing him is that true girl slight blush yeah me do you think he wanted you to be chasing him girl number me if you knew he didn't want to be chased why were you chasing him girl huge blush guilty smile and hunched shoulders he makes me laugh that's adorable i am teaching seventh grade right now it's crazy easy to tell it makes me wonder if i was that obvious when i was their age or worse if there were girls that were that obvious towards me and i didn't notice it's like they don't even hide it one of my boys carries a girl's books every day it is clear to me that he has a crush on her i learned recently that she has a different one of these guys to carry her books between every class i mean that's just manipulative she's got to know right right i have this one teacher that will totally just say anything that's on her mind one she just flat out said do you guys like each other or what to these two kids in my class within three days they were dating and still are that could have easily resulted in them being super embarrassed and avoiding each other forever band in high school is a funny place since kids are around each other a lot more of the time than the average student they tend to get banned goggles it's pretty obvious to see relationships blossoming more often than not it is a good thing but every now and then you get the older upperclassmen boys going after naive freshman girls and boy oh boy does it turn ugly quick the drama can be outrageous funniest most shocking moment a girl who is an awesome student has been dating a true player on and off for the last year she went so far to tell me that she got back together with him after he cheated on her so literally last friday i'm sitting in the band hall watching kids practice this sweet girl comes in the hall and is walking with a sense of purpose as she passes me she says something under her breath that i didn't quite get the first time confused by what she said i watch her walk up to said guy she grabs him by the shoulders and spins him around she says something to which he responds with a short answer but had that look on his face that he got caught doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing she then balls up a fist and socks the guy four five times and storms off at that point i realized what she said sk vanguard you are going to have to write me an office referral best referral ever it former and current promiscuous band nodes which i hope are not my students banned drama can get pretty crazy at times it's pretty fun to watch mainly because i'm a youth and drama tends to avoid us also obligatory vanguard i teach english i remember a star football player senior coming into the room to rap with me for a bit before third period started every friday in my third period a female student junior of mine who was extremely intelligent and very pretty yet somewhat shy being an ap student and all was sitting in the front row and always stared at him when he came in he would talk about football and stuff with me and every so often i'd look back at her still staring right at him and smiling the entire time she would not turn that smile off no matter who was looking or what anyone said it was actually one of the cutest saddest things i ever saw seeing as how the guy never even turned around to notice her if he did who knows maybe they would have hit it off maybe they did after they weren't my students former sixth grade teacher here i was there to witness one of my kids take his first big leap at lunch he asked the girl he had a crush on will you go on a date with me she smiled and said yes immediately the boy on the other side of her said don't go out with the sucker go out with me she smiled and said okay middle school is tough man poor dong he must have been devastated i wasn't a teacher i was a teaching helper i mean it was only sixth grade but it was extremely easy looking at everyone facing you you start to realize what people are focusing on i know when kids are texting because they look straight at me and every two minutes look down for two seconds and have their hands under the table for a crush it is the long stairs at the back of their crush's head whilst fiddling with an object like a pencil or their hair give a quick look away when the crush looks at them it's easy sorry for question mark at first in german and didn't know how to teaching helper correctly to say it if anyone knows please comment or message me i always got caught staring i would try and pretend to be looking up and over their heads but i'm sure it was pretty obvious it is painfully obvious most of the time here are some of the things i saw continuous glances at the same person body language that positions the person closer to the other person interjecting into a conversation that the person was not engaged in to begin with being helpful more so for a person than for anyone else in class flirting obviously boastful storytelling a lot of times it is outlandish and very obviously and true hanging around the other person uninvited and checking out the other person while oblivious to their surroundings what is funny is that most people think they are being sneaky or inconspicuous from my vintage point in the front of the classroom these things seemed so obvious as to be genuinely painful to observe it was especially painful when the feelings were intentionally unreciprocated i taught college for a bit i'm not a teacher but in sixth grade 2002 a girl in my class history with mrs thompson sat in the next row over from me every day i was crushing on another girl and ignorant to the fact that she liked me midwinter missus thompson is handing back papers and stops between the two of us while glancing back and forth between the two of us and says something along the lines of i don't know who to give this paper back to her first name or mr my last name mrs thompson hands the paper back to her she had been practicing writing her name with my last name so much in her notebook apparently like many teenage girls do that she had accidentally written it on homework she handed in six years later at my high school graduation a half dozen of my former teachers including mrs thompson were sitting around talking with my friends and me and brought up that paper where a girl had written my last name on her paper they found it cute and endearing and told other various stories of middle school love a year and a half ago i married that girl tl dr my wife is omniscient don't tell her i said that she already knows college perspective i can usually tell which of my students have hooked up i can almost always tell when girls are crushing on guys in my classes it's usually painfully obvious especially from the perspective of the front of the room i can also tell that you're texting no matter how much you work to camouflage it sometimes when i assign group work of any kind i like to intentionally split up or subvert the secret love bad just to see how they react i'm a bit of a sadist like that oh freshmen all pheromones alcohol performance over confidence and a complete lack of experience with the real world such fun just found this guy euka legemath chef below comma i can definitely tell and i always sit the awkward shy ones with their crushes some would call me a guardian angel it's like i'm his evil doppelganger or something i work in a college and teach early morning classes to 17 24 year olds mostly it is painfully obvious who just did a walk of shame to class and occasionally who is freaking someone else in the room the most awkward thing that ever happened was some guy who came into the class and interrupted a lecture to hit on a girl in the front row he wasn't even a student just some sucker who walked by our open campus and recognized the girl through the window as the girl who he saw at jack in the box a week earlier more details on the second story he comes in and just starts talking to her i am in such shock that this guy just randomly walked in i was speechless and just stood there watching it after about a minute i came to my senses and realized the situation here is this 40 plus year old dude tatted up with his pants hanging from his butt reacting of booze and cigarettes at 9am hitting on a very uncomfortable looking tiny blonde 18 year old i tell him that this is my classroom and that i wouldn't have him interrupting he would have to go he didn't put up a fight just asked when class was over so he could come back to mack him some i told him we were out at noon we were really done by 10 and that was the last day of class the day of the final a week later in a different room i kept my eyes open but he never showed i asked the student but she only knew him from a single instance of standing in line in front of him at jack in the box he doesn't even go here i teach 16 year olds when a girl likes a guy she'll draw hearts on his notes when a guy likes a girl he'll draw dongs on her notes a couple met in my hs chemistry classroom this was three years ago he was a junior in hs she was a sophomore they told me last fall that when the date is set i'll be invited to the wedding best example of chemistry ever you could say i was the one teaching chemistry but actually it was them who taught me it this actually happened in my acting class just today our teacher said he had an exercise to show us how much subtext there is under the surface of our actions i pick a person in here who you have something you desperately want to say something to and never could think about it really hard and don't make eye contact with them or they'll know everyone in the class knows each other very well there is a lot of dirt to stir up the silence was deep and uncomfortable now go ahead and say it you could hear the buttholes pucker people look numb with fear and hesitation the teacher having proved his point about rich subtext opened his mouth to end the exercise before anyone could actually speak now just then a kid jumped up from his chair obviously and let loose with sadie you're hot as heck and i want to freak your brains out the room exploded the end of the story the result was pandemonium one kid was laughing so hard he nearly tipped his desk right over onto the floor the teacher was in shock the kid was red in the face and laughing uneasily the amazing thing was the girl she didn't smile didn't acknowledge it nothing she sat there stuck still like marie antoinette at the guillotine totally above the situation i think she must have been mortified and didn't know what to do the teacher's response i have been doing that exercise for decades and no one has ever actually said anything the next day i crap you not read it saw this kid and sadie walk in today a little apart both grinning he was listening to a song on her ipad they both fell asleep in class great success teacher of high school freshman here it's very easy sadist story two houses both are like sorry it was a couple years ago girl was quiet charming and very bright boy was disruptive but the good kind of disruptive the pleasure to have in class disruptive very funny it became very clear to me that she was crushing on him something fierce i for what it was worth blessed this potential union this went on for several months then one day she storms into my room in a huff declaring her anger at him as i'm going around the room later that day i catch him writing a lengthy letter to her at a glance it explained how he thought she was a really nice girl and all but it would be perhaps best if they remained only friends i assume she had made a move it didn't pay off over the next few days i saw more mournful and longing looks than i ever wanted each one broke my heart by the end of the year they had patched it up yet i still caught the occasional twinge of sadness in her eye she may still hope to this day and i i still hope too i think i just read a premise to an animated film i teach kindergarten yes they get crushes too they're completely incapable of hiding them because they haven't yet learned shame i had a class with six girls and only one boy one of the girls always played with the boy their moms are good friends so they also do many things together outside of school at lunch the girl would talk about how many times she had kissed the boy at soccer practice and how they were going to get married it was absolutely adorable then one day i got a new student another boy i can't even tell you how excited my first little guy was to finally have another boy to play with he expected the new boy would feel the same way and immediately want to be his best friend unfortunately for him the new boy wanted to be friends with everyone including the girls not only did my original boy have to share his new friend but his little girlfriend started flirting hardcore with a new boy and forgot about him almost completely he started getting madder and madder i had to work very hard during playtime to make sure he didn't feel left out it was a very hard time for him luckily the new boy was only around for a short time everything went back to normal when he left next time on friends this is one of my most treasured memories as a teacher i was a student teacher so i was not prepared for this i asked my students to write and share their own poetry we focused on sensory imagery and i had the presentation staged at the local university for a bit more gravitas some were funny some were surprisingly beautiful but most were banal and the exercise was mostly boring this one girl got up in front of the class visibly shaking she was near tears for her entire poem i wanted to help her but i had no idea what to do so i just watched like everyone else as she poured her heart out to a boy in the class who did not reciprocate when she finished there was a silence in the room and after a few seconds which seemed to stretch out forever one of her friends stood up and ushered her out of class as the tears began to flow nobody made fun of her but the boy also didn't show that he felt the same it was just out there with no commentary it is to this day one of the bravest acts i have ever witnessed i wonder what that boy was thinking frick everybody is going to think in the douche daycare teacher to kid611 here it is probably one of the easiest things to pick up on they try to play with the other but they don't openly admit to it they spend a lot of time near the other without ever actually talking to them they sit at the same table but try to talk to different friends basically they spend as much time with the other as possible without actually becoming friends if anything about crushes is mentioned they immediately try to direct the conversation so people talk about them and their crush and the second the two are mentioned together the crusher blushes not to brag but i have this 10 year old that has a pretty obvious crush on me i mean i'm a teenage male who spends 20 hours a week with her so it is entirely understandable i should mention that i don't encourage it or anything i treat her like all the others granted she is one of the oldest so she does have more responsibility and she is able to have deeper conversations but she tries to make my life easy she will help clean cook and take care of the younger kids she does it to impress me and i sincerely appreciate it i will say again that it is completely normal i had crushes on babysitters so do we all i feel kind of bad for her now because she puts a lot into it but i know she'll smile looking back on it as an adult there is another kid who is six maybe seven now who has a crush on one of the nine-year-olds i mean they are not entirely on the same level mentally first grade and third grade are about as far apart as third grade and ninth grade night and day so it is kind of sad because he is chasing after her she knows i think about the crush and it makes her a little uncomfortable but she is sweet about it in my high school there was the rumor that the teachers would talk in their break room and try to pair people up in their classes for prom they didn't do jack for me so frick them in class on sunday a five-year-old boy said to a girl kyla your eyes match the flower in your hair one of the cutest things i've ever heard she smiled and blushed and the guy next to me looked at me and said that kid has got moves roses were in her hair she is satan i teach 10th graders when i was student teaching at age 21 i was really well liked and the students told me a lot of personal stuff probably because my age made me more approachable to 15 strokes 16 year olds one girl c would spend her study hall in my classroom during my planning period along with about five other students who just wanted to get out of study hall she told me that she liked a boy s who also hung out in my classroom at that time but from then on i used to group them together in class on purpose to get her to talk to him and give them an opportunity to spend some time together i would always encourage her to ask him to hang out or tell her about things he was interested in so she could start conversations with him about it she loved him i think he saw her as a friend but was generally clueless about her feelings the saddest moment between the two of them was during my planning period their study hall some of the other kids that hung out in my room during that time were off running errands for me so it was just c s and i in the classroom c was a pretty overweight girl and she was sitting on the desk part of those dumb classroom desks and the desk completely gave out breaking and sending her falling to the ground i immediately shooed us out of the room sending him to get the maintenance guy to get the desk out when s was gone c started balling and was absolutely mortified i knew she would be which is why i sent s away quickly i talked her through her embarrassment and by the time s got back see was cool as a freaking cucumber and totally brushed it off we went back to normal conversation and i'm sure s forgot about it within minutes my student teaching ended about a month later so i'm not sure if anything became of cns but i definitely still think about them sometimes i'd like to think i was just doing what any teacher would do in that situation but i know that there is an unfortunate number of teachers who wouldn't have responded the same way i did i just remember what it was like to be 15 years old and i've had a few teachers who treated me as kindly as i treated c so i'm just paying it forward and doing my job c s and i looks like that combination of letters rings a bell it's incredibly easy for me to tell and after i know i make it a point to sit the kids next to each other if i think they'll make a cute couple produce adorable offspring in the future the world needs more cute couples kids you're welcome i've taught many different age levels and their crushes are all pretty obvious my favorites kindergarten boy throwing himself on floor with glee i don't know what's going on with these girls but i love it fifth grader matter of factly saying listen i have a crush on connor so if you could move my desk by his i would appreciate that and one of my students using lunch on a field trip to ask a girl on a pizza date she accepted and he wore extra nice clothes they sat at their own table making conversation in their own world all of the adult women chaperones were very impressed my god all those times when the teachers arbitrarily rearranged the desks now i wonder if there was something going on that i was unaware of if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
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Keywords: school stories, teacher, teacher stories, students, student crush, student crushes reddit, student crush love story, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: fiZ3qKxvTJE
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Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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