What It's Like to Have Your Nudes Leaked

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redditors who've had their nude photos leaked without consent what happened and what did you do about it my gf just had this happen to her a couple weeks ago one of her friends gave her the heads up that he'd seen her pics online so she reverse image searched the photo she had two of the ones she took years ago ended up on some xgf site and we had no idea who it could be anyways she just messaged the site and asked if they could be taken down they emailed her back asking for a picture of her face with a piece of paper with the file names written as they appeared on the site she did so and they went down so no problemo in the end i guess good guy revenge p sight who knew when i was 16 i dated this guy for a couple months and sent him photos of me note if you are underaged please don't do this it's illegal he ended up cheating on me with my sister and got her pregnant so they ended up together later on he would still message me and not be able to let go i got into a new relationship and a few months into it i was sitting at my boyfriend's house one night and started getting phone calls from the states i live in canada so it was racking up my phone bill and was kind of annoying i finally got a text from someone telling me that my photos were posted on b as well as my full address name and phone number i knew it was him because he was the only person with the photos i was too scared to call the cops plus there was no proof it was him so my boyfriend ended up calling crime stoppers and telling them he still had these photos of me they didn't do anything flash forward five years later to this past june this guy is still with my sister and they have two kids together he started messaging me and harassing me asking me to come to his city while my sister was out of town so we could go to a concert together and if i didn't like it we could go to his place and hook up i obviously said no and this made him annoyed one day him and my sister were on a road trip to go camping and he ended up taking a separate vehicle and driving through my town messaging me asking me what my address was so we could hang out or hook up i said no and this annoyed him i ended up blocking him and he freaked out i put him on federty.com and he started threatening to post the nude photos of me again all over because he still had them i ended up actually going to the cops about it because he wouldn't stop messaging me and telling me he would haunt me at every family event cops talked to him and he stopped messaging me finally and left me alone me and my parent made the decision that i'm not going to come home for christmas anymore so there's that cops didn't do much and couldn't prove that he had the photos and now i have no christmas but in all honesty i wouldn't want to be there anyway especially if my family wants to stay neutral about it because i would rather have people on my side and spend christmas with those kinds of people it isn't the end of the world but it's still ridiculous how it's been so many years and this is still happening and still dramatic take care of yourself and if you are underage please don't give out pictures like that it's very dangerous and if you do please be careful and make sure it's to someone you know you can trust fully a friend of mine when she was like 13 sent nudes to a guy she met over the internet he kept asking her to do more and more things in photos and she started to get uncomfortable and said no after she said no he posted the nudes he did have over 300 times on her myspace profile and wrote look at w she called me crying saying she didn't know how to delete my space comment so her and i worked together deleting them on our own computers it took a while and she didn't see the comments until almost an hour after posting so it's pretty possible her other myspace friend saw we reported him but there wasn't really much else to do we were also both young and didn't realize how big of a deal it was that he was leaking photos of a naked 13 year old this was over 10 years ago both of us are in our mid-20s now and aren't scummy pieces of trash just dumb kids who wanted attention from the wrong people i mean for frick's sake guys i'm talking about my space here don't know why some of you are acting like this just happened yesterday this exact scenario happened to my younger sister except he threatened to share if he didn't get more nudes so i had to sit down with my mom and her and have a good old talk about internet security afterwards i contacted the guy and called his bluff i told him my sister's underage so go ahead and share the photos and have fun with the child pornography charges never heard from him since not a nude photo but frickit this one is funny when i was going to school i got a part-time job as an art model i got rushed in the door because i was at the time the only male that had applied it paid better than almost any of the other campus jobs out there unless you were 21 and could be a bartender i wasn't so anyhow one of my first gigs was a painting class i had to stand in a pose for three hours at a time during this class and just get painted naked it was honestly much more dull than you would expect kind of just standing there in silence after the first couple sessions i didn't even mind the whole being naked in front of a group of strangers but one student had done a really impressive oil on canvas during this session she was a bit of an overachiever and had made a giant canvas for this course even though it was an intro to painting it came out really well and i really liked it personally although i will admit i was a bit biased a couple days after that session had finished i was going up to the office to grab my schedule and got off the elevator and almost passed out from the shock to the art department had hung her painting in the hallway of the largest building right in front of the elevator doors there i was almost life-sized a painting of my whole naked body just hanging there obviously it was known that anything you posed for could get displayed but this was my first painting session and one of my first ones ever and now everyone in the art programs had seen it for some reason that made me uncomfortable for a long time it certainly didn't help that i had a lot of friends in the arts program at the time so pretty much all of them had seen this interpretation of my dong a few people recognized me for it certainly made for some awkward conversations overall eight stroke ten would get painted nude again this is hilarious i just assumed the people who posed at art school were desensitized to the 50 or so weird naked drawings of them hanging all around the building this was a really crazy and stressful part of my life luckily the repercussions weren't as bad as some others in this thread i've learned from the experience which i appreciate i had no idea that my pictures were posted until a lawyer from california messaged me on facebook informing me somebody had posted my nudes with my facebook and twitter links underneath on one of those revenge websites i still don't know exactly who did it the lawyer who contacted me was working on taking the website down as a class suit it was a few months of stress random people adding me on facebook and praying nobody i knew would see thankfully the website got shut down within three months or so i was also only 16 stroke 17 and the pictures happened about six seven years ago shout out to that lawyer though he was a big help and made me feel as comfortable as possible assuring he was going to have it shut down and not to pay any takedown fees a lot of people might assume i'm a girl i'm actually a guy sorry people need to realize that if i sent the picture to one or two people and they sent it to somebody else that it could have been anyone i think i had sent that picture to maybe three people they aren't vicious enough to have posted it but may have shared it with a girlfriend of those who could have hated me i had suspicions of who it could have been but i didn't have proof that story is for another day took a look through my messages the website was you got posted the owner got 18 years in prison shout out to that dope lawyer when i was 14 a senior in my high school convinced me to send him a nude picture i wasn't very popular pretty lonely nerdy anti-social honestly i was just flattered and excited that a senior was showing interest in me so i sent him the picture and he proceeded to send it around the school people would stop me in the hallway and say things like i've seen you with your tea out i was called a w a lot i was ostracized and ridiculed it made me really suicidal for a while it never occurred to me that i could tell an adult what had happened it never occurred to me that an 18 year old distributing naked pictures of a 14 year old was a crime i just assumed it was my fault for being a mess so i bottled it up for years did my time in high school started dressing goth alternative because it made me feel a little more powerful and like less of an object at last i finally graduated and realized how detrimental the effects of having a nude photo of myself be shared around school had been to my self-esteem and self-worth i genuinely believe that this topic should be covered during early physical ed classes my life would have been so much easier if i had known i could talk to my mum or a teacher about the mistake i had made in sending the nude picture and that the guy who distributed it had committed a far greater crime than my sending it to him in the first place i genuinely believe that this topic should be covered during early physical ed classes i had never even thought of that but you're absolutely right too many kids just don't understand the potential consequences of something like this at that age it was back in 2006 my freshman year of high school on yim yahoo instant messenger i thought i was in a private chat with my boyfriend but i guess another person on my friend's list was able to access recorded it and sent it around my school everybody made fun of me for having a bush the school counselor talked to me and it was completely forgotten within two weeks what's it look like now alone don't you think your boyfriend at the time actually shared the video no at that time yim did allow access to your webcam feed as long as someone was on your friend's list if you didn't set it to private plus i know who did it are you craig's mom no i now ex-boyfriend had some underwear pictures of me i had drawn on my body and he wanted to see so he got some pictures a few weeks later he is on a trip with his sports team and asked me for real nudes i wouldn't have to innocued my face just a boob snap or maybe full body it was in the middle of the night i made the picture but suddenly had a very bad feeling about this so he never received it next week my best friend told me that he showed around nudes from me she could tell what i drew on myself so i believed her turned out he had some other nudes as well on his phone and claimed that it would be also me he said he was drunk and doesn't remember i forgave him some people from my class saw them now some years after that i met someone from his team and he told me that the ex was definitely not drunk he wanted to show off he was also the one who told my best friend about this so that she could tell me while we were together my now ex-boyfriend posted pictures of me on a swinger's website apparently he was swapping them with other men for pictures of their wives girlfriends too when i found out i was very upset because i did not even know he had these pictures my face was showing in them and i would never have consented to them being put online for anyone to see what's worse is that many of the people he sent the pictures to were in the local area so i could easily have been recognized i made him take everything down but i can't do anything about copies held by other people his excuse was i didn't think you'd mind we broke up shortly afterwards i investigated taking legal action but apparently because they weren't posted with malicious intent i had nothing on him when i was 16 i was dating a 21 year old he secretly taped us freaking and when we broke up he put it on a revenge p site i emailed the site with a copy of my it showing that i was a miner and told them they had child p on the site they deleted it but i'm sure it had been saved shared by the time they took it off over there flag the site to the fbi they'll check hard drives i doubt you're the only underage girl on there friend of mine got caught out by a fake page and sent her a snapchat of him fapping she recorded it uploaded it and demanded money we all reported it and it was soon taken down we mocked him over how stupid he was and his response was i don't give a crap my dong looked huge in the video well at least he's got his priorities straight my ex-boyfriend leaked naked pictures of me after i refused to sleep with him and told him i didn't want to continue our relationship i had sent a couple of pictures to him in the past because he repeatedly would ask me to and i just caved in so he would stop asking well he sent out pictures to almost every guy i know including my father but as it turns out they weren't the pictures i sent him i don't have any memories of those pictures being taken but they are definitely of me since i'm underage i reported it to the police so far nothing has happened in that sense but i've been just a wreck constantly anxious get depressed and just overall not in a good mental state i've been going to therapy and trying to have the police keep me updated it hit me hard to be exposed when i can't even remember being photographed unfortunately i don't have a resolution yet and i may never he is 21 years old while i'm 17 the cops have explored the possibility of me being drugged but since the pictures seem to be months old i change my hair color frequently so i was able to make a rowie time frame of when the pictures were taken plus the fact that i broke up with him in june makes it impossible to test since it would have worked itself out of body also i don't think the police are neglecting the case after he distributed the pictures but before i was aware he moved across the state so that adds more complexity to the case he also bragged to several of the guys he sent the pictures to that he took them and he has tons more of them that went from uncomfortable to holy crap really quickly i was 19 and had recently run into an old frick buddy we hooked up again and started hanging out when i told him this was nothing more than freaking he got pia took a video of us without my knowledge a few weeks pass and while i'm at work a buddy of mine stops in and tells me there is an adult tape of me being shown around the railroad our biggest employer in this town i didn't bother to do anything about it the damage had already been done so who cares few years later i found out the tape ended up at my friend's house and he beat the crap out of the guy and broke the tape i was upset at the time but it really wasn't a huge deal it was an old frick buddy as in a guy from my past not an old guy i was active in my private life at 15 and this old frick buddy and i slept together regularly at 17 and then we hooked up again at 19 when the video was made well here goes one of the worst experiences of my life in high school freshman and sophomore year i was a nerd antisocial with about zero skill with women i was fricken i'm in love with this girl kendra we texted and told but i was never anything more than a friend to her but she knew i was in freaking love with her fast forward to a year of this going on i get a text one friday or saturday night from her and she's acting different like over the top forward and acting interested in me i knew something was up but she was the girl of my dreams at that point so i was ignorant and thought hoped it was real one thing led to another and she's texting me to send her nudes which i oblige this was when texting was just getting popular and before all the known repercussions of sending nudes she responds acting impressed and turned on she starts saying she has weird kings or whatever in more words or less and she hoped i could help out which of course i oblige this was the most attention i ever received from a girl what did she want she wanted me to send her pics of me in panties i'm not proud of it but i we nt to my mom's dressing room got a freaking thong and sent her a pic of me in it she asked for more so i sent more within a week everyone in my small friends group had seen them and most of my grade as well as others i was made fun of relentlessly i tried to kill myself shortly after which i obviously failed at sorry that happened to you but we're glad you're still with us today you're a strong individual for making it through all of that trauma so this is actually a little different as a man but about a year ago while in college i had a girl start talking to me on snapchat from out of state she was cute so i took the opportunity and traded with her and i thought we just had a good time well someone i didn't know started messaging me weeks later and it turned out had the pictures i had sent to her it turns out that a closeted guy from my hometown had recruited this girl to get nudes from me and several other guys i talked to him and basically said i wasn't interested and he was persistent about hooking up with me but i didn't want anything to do with him and didn't care about his blackmail so these pictures got spread through the gay community in my town even to a couple good friends but honestly it didn't bother me too much i just moved on that's pretty freaked up that he recruited a girl and she actually did it so my ex was a douche but i was young and married him at 18. we were together less than two years before we split in that time i obliged him with nudes but thankfully left my face out of the photos fast forward some time later and i meet a guy we are hitting it off really well and decide to move in together we had the p talk and found out what each other liked one day i'm doing homework and he comes in and says hey is this you and proceeds to show me a nude of myself online i'm mortified and fully expect this to result in an argument what i did not expect is his complete understanding and faith that i actually did not post those and they were from a few years prior with my ex he not only remained calm about the ordeal but didn't bring it back up later we have been married almost two years now this all happened about five years ago even though he enjoys teasing me about things that make me uncomfortable he won't bring this up until my knowledge has not tried to find those photos again all in all i'm pretty dang lucky with my experience my friend in college had a nude leaked by a hookup where his dong looked enormous he was a pretty unassuming average looking shy dude at the time so at first he was horrified i think the chick that did the leak was the first girl he ever had freaked he ended up getting laid so much that year be right back trying something a couple of years ago i went to a friend's house party i got talking to a girl there and one thing led to another we proceeded to sleep together however i must have passed out stark naked on her bed after doing the deed so there i was unconscious on my back wearing nothing but my socks with a bright red erect dong now normally in this situation it might just be an embarrassing story i'd have to tell but the girl decides she should take a photo of me and proceeds to send it to one of her friends at the next morning while in a hungover state i do the walk of shame back to my friends where i am greeted by him shoving a picture of me into my face it turns out that he posted it on my group chat with people i'm not overly close with and they had shown most of their friends as a result i'm a lot more open about myself as most situations can't really embarrass me the only thing that does annoy me is that if i had done this to the girl i would be hated by everyone however since it happened to a guy it is just a laugh just to clarify a few things i didn't press charges or anything honestly never even considered doing anything along those lines also for the far more important issue i have no idea why my penis was red but felt it was a key point i had to include as that's what most people said when they saw the picture on snapchat so everyone forgot about it within a week luckily i didn't have my face showing so wasn't that big of a deal tbh you accidentally hit poster story didn't you i was actually going to post a similar question today as this just happened yesterday one of my previous co-workers sent me a message on facebook saying he had found pictures of me online nude along with screenshots of said photos and which one was his favorite you can see my face it has my name although spelled wrong and the high school i went to a year i graduated after looking at the photos i realized they were from when i was 16 17 i am now 24 and in a professional career so i decided i was going to take legal action as i found the email address that uploaded them i'm not sure who the person is to be honest so i sent the co-worker a message stating that i was underage and he can get in trouble for distributing and etc filed a police report and asked for their assistance of removing them and that i would want to press charges emailed the website to have them removed and i'm hoping for the best if anyone else has any suggestions on what i should do that would be appreciated also the ex-co-worker is weird as heck and it was extremely awkward to get that message also i had a boyfriend from 1517 so i'm not sure if i talked to someone after he and i broke up i would have sent them to or if maybe someone got a hold of his old phone or something my family is still close with him and his family so while i don't think he would post them maliciously i feel like he could have possibly sent them to someone else this is actually really scary but it is luckily a fairly odd and small website but they were posted almost two years ago was a dumb teenager in the webcam era sent it to my girlfriend at the time and she shared it around when we broke up went around my school got a bit of crap for it but ultimately nothing bad might have actually got more interest from a tbh it pays to advertise if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: UE Stories
Views: 26,571
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Keywords: leaked, leaked online, photos leaked, without consent, what to do, how to, take action, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2020
Id: tMsKv22ltIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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