People Who Won Lots Of Money Share Horror Stories Of Others Begging For It (AskReddit)

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serious people who won / inherited a lot of money what are your horror stories from people begging for your money I'm dealing with this [ __ ] right now my great aunt and godmother was the lesbian her partner my aunty kitty had been with her since the 1950s when my godmother moved to New York auntie Kitty was disowned by her family when it came out she was with a woman my godmother died when I was 12 and left my auntie Kitty everything in her will which made things strained with my dad's family though my dad and one of his brother still talked to her I moved to New York at 18 for school and knowing no one else in the city we became close she was thrilled that I wanted to have a relationship with her and spend time with her and didn't hesitate to think of her as my arms even though she technically wasn't she was legit the greatest and we spent holidays together and she would come to things I worked on and I knew all her friends and she knew mine I basically spent a decade with her being like another grandmother to me she died a few months ago and it sucks I miss her a lot to put it lightly but she was in her 90s and lived a long life Finglas she left everything to me now I knew she had money it was hard to miss but I didn't know how much money she had I ended up with a decent sized amount of cash and investments a Branston in the city and a place in on the beach and the Carolinas her family came out of the woodwork when she died sniffing around for money and demanding I give them the beach house or cash or whatever her will States explicitly that they are not to receive anything from her estate and it's all to go to me but they are threatening to sue since they're sure she wanted to give them something even though she hadn't talked to any of them in over half a century and in some cases had never met them on the opposite side of things my dad's sisters and brothers of thus they didn't get anything because they'd occasionally sent her a Christmas card none of them view it as fair that I was given everything when they were given nothing none of them showed up to her funeral them had properly seen her or talked to her in years except my dad one of my aunts has gone so far as harrassing my boyfriend since he's apparently only in it for the money despite the fact that he had a better relationship with her than she did and had to help me plan her funeral it's basically a [ __ ] show and I hate it my grandmother had an education fund made for me and put money in it every month I was pretty young and my mom was poor and wanted to use that money to buy pot and cigarettes and other stuff she kept bugging me and bribing me with stuff I told my grandmother who made sure my mom couldn't access the account family coming out of the woodwork threatening to sue for the money family have surprised visits and looked like they thought I hid the money in the house somewhere no amount of telling them we inherited less than five hundred dollars would make them go away they did not believe it now they all just hate us and I no longer get invited to family outings I won around five thousand pounds on a football/soccer accumulator a few years ago not a lot really but a lot for a 23 year old to cut a long story short because I didn't pay off my father's credit-card debt with it he fell out with me and pretty much tried to ruin my life he told my then partner I had a gambling problem I didn't unless spending five pounds a week on football constitutes a problem got my mother to call my work to tell them I had a problem which resulted in work getting a [ __ ] counselor and to talk to me and basically preyed on my family's love for me by making them all make me feel horan dysley guilty for ever placing a bet in the first place it all reached ahead when I came home to my partner in tears and my mother and father sat comforting her on the sofa proceeding to tell me if she didn't know if she could trust me and why couldn't I just admit how long I'd been gambling for I physically removed my father from my house at night and told him to never darken my doorstep again all over five grand parents are sometimes toxic and an orphan influence on your life I cut him out because of it which sadly has meant my relationship with my mother has taken a hit but it was honestly the best thing I ever did don't be afraid of doing so if they add nothing but negativity to your life on throw away so I'm not out it a few years ago a family member was killed my parents secretly sued the person / company responsible and we were awarded millions in a settlement to this day I haven't shared this info with anyone because it's very personal we don't want anyone to think we profited from their death because that wasn't our intention we wanted to make sure the spouse was cared for financially after about two years of my parents being involved in court the settlement was finalized during this time my siblings spouse was cared for emotionally and financially by my family after the case was settled the spouse was awarded several million as one of the stipulations my parents set immediately after they disappeared from our lives entirely it was extremely disappointing to my family when that happened especially considering all we had been doing to keep them going imagine having a son or daughter suddenly die and having to fight lawyers for years to give their spouse a happy life only to have him take the money and run once it was all finished yes my family did receive a rather large sum and we had a dinner on his birthday to which this news was shared with all the siblings it was a shock learning why the spouse had completely cut us off and that I'd suddenly become rich as a result of everything it feels wrong and slightly embarrassing but I'm sure my sibling would be proud that they could help the family after their death still I'll never tell anyone what happened because I don't want my siblings life story tarnished any further I think everyone in my family feels the same nothing has changed in our lives afterward at first I felt extremely guilty spending a dime of that money but over time I've learned to appreciate it the opportunities that it has given me all of us have continued down the same path as before although my parents have been traveling a lot and I don't blame them one bit when my grandmother died she left money to pay for my entire college education including graduate school at the time it seemed that all my friends needed money to be true to my grandmother's wishes I said nothing about the inheritance and paid for those college years as she intended if I had done otherwise they weld begged me for money for a variety of needs I had most of my college paid for through scholarships and a fund my parents set up when I was a baby my room at junior year would always bring this up as an excuse to not pay for things example well you have a college fund so you should pay for my dinner - I have to take out loans so you should pay for my rent this month I ended up moving out and avoided her for the rest of my time at school my grandpa was pretty well-off and he suddenly died of undiagnosed prostate cancer a decade or so ago the kids from his second marriage immediately swooped in and started claiming everything as theirs despite us being just as close to him as they were it ended with a lawsuit and the family being split in half with us not regarding them as family anymore we ended up getting basically nothing and I'm frankly not impressed with how it was handled by either side it's really sad seeing people you've known your whole life acting like that and ruining decades of being family in a couple weeks I was lucky enough to have very successful grandparents I'm also lucky enough to still have all of my grandparents at the age of 31 they are all over 80 - the grandfather of importance to this conversation only has an eighth grade education but he built a strong business water well drilling when each of his seven grandchildren were born he deposited dollar-sign 87k the year I was born I assumed that's the same for the others into a managed trust we don't make a habit of discussing money but there are a few requirements namely I won't have complete control over it until I'm 50 I get a statement ever fall and I knew my retirement is take care of what happened when I told my spouse we dated for three years been together eight and it was close to three years before I even mentioned it aside from my spouse it's no one's business earth would I tell people of my impending windfall be smart people keep your bank accounts out of conversation I inherited a fair amount of money when my grandfather passed away my husband and I were planning on using it to purchase our first house we had been saving but clearly could have a much lower mortgage with this windfall well my husband works a side business where he builds custom vehicles one friend who was running out of money and his car was only about halfway done found about the inheritance only because we stupidly asked his advice on mortgage options and decided he was going to pull his car because he didn't have the funds to finish it and then sue us for $10,000 and unfortunately we got a lawyer and ended up spending over $3,500 to have him say that the customer usually is right and we'd be further ahead to just settle and pay him because the lawyer fees would be much more if we continue to fight breaks my heart to this day that a good chunk of my inheritance went to pay that dickbag off so he could take his vehicle somewhere else to get it finished my grandmother has dementia and her husband is dying of cancer they have over a million in assets that have been divided between four sons one son is a mentally ill junkie who has been in and out of jail he has already been promised their house as his share of inheritance but he has been doing all he can to get more from his mother while her husband has been in the hospital slowly dying the last few months he steals her credit cards opens new ones in her name and attempts to access their money through online banking my step grandfather is trying to get a declared mentally incompetent to prevent my uncle from manipulating her finances but between his health issues and being in and out of the hospital it is proving difficult when her husband dies which will unfortunately be soon he plans on moving into their house which he already sees as his and most likely milking my grandmother dry the sad part is she has dementia and has no idea what is going on / I'm fortunate that my father's family is well-off everything is locked into trust fund since my grandparents now my father has died I have control over my father share my uncle who is a weed dealing slash smoking in and out of jail never held a job Dropkick son of a loving women who always have him hand and brother to my father who tried to help support him even though he was sick for many years anyways I have withdrawn my share because that family sucks at financial management and I have reinvested it in my own trust well uncle has started calling me monthly from jail asking for help with laywers ought to pay for something he still has living brothers but he thinks a girl three times younger than him should be supporting him because he can't get a job and I'm family I feel nothing for the man who has thrown his life away and leached off my father in his last years I'm glad though better than him harrassing my mum I won a lawsuit settlement after almost dying in a fire I was under 18 at the time of the incident but was 18 when it finally settled my mother told me unless I gave her half of my settlement I would have to find a new place to live I was in my senior year of high school when this happened she said she deserved it because she was the only one in my life who was always there for me I didn't give her the money she kicked me out and tried to keep some of my personal belongings not like I had much since everything was lost in the fire we didn't talk for months until she randomly showed up at my house one day she asked me for and money and gave me some BS sob story I wrote her a check for dollar sign 5k hoping it would make her her go away it did for a time she and I barely spoke until years later when I was pregnant a few years ago I was in a bad car accident hit by an 18-wheeler and got some money I told no one especially my mom she has insisted numerous times I was entitled to a settlement for it and should speak to a lawyer she found she took it upon herself to talk to lawyers on my behalf or tried to I just ignored her for months until she finally gave it up even more pathetic because it was so little money grandma lived off her pension after selling her house way cheap to Arms after she died and divided up her money and stuff I think each grandkid got $1,000 one piece of her inexpensive furniture a few little things none of it worth any money but cousin Kay whose parents got a super cheap house that she keeps saying she wants carried on about how she was promised everything she wanted the 10-year old freezer her sister with little kids got she wanted the dishes she wanted wanted wanted 10 years later I avoid talking to her because I'm sure I'll still hear about all of grandmas valuables that other aren't threw away I think the rest of us should have just gone in together said take one thing then someone else's turn and we all would have left after round two and left the rest for cousin Kay to take everything else and saved ourselves a lot of accusations my mom and dad won but once at a casino around 25 years back one of those once-in-a-lifetime medium level jackpots around 10,000 most of the money went into bills and a few family fun things over the course of a summer however during that time my aunt and a few of my mother's relatives kept bullying her for cash her relatives kept demanding she owed them some of the cash because the casino trip was with them they invited my folks along and drove them so by their logic they were obliged to part of the winnings my aunt on the other hand just kept begging so she could help out with her kids debts they are very spoiled kids and over the years have run themselves into the ground financially and every time their mother my aunt gives them out my folks never gave it even though my mother's relatives threatened to sue which they didn't and my aunt eventually just moved on after the snow one on my mother's side would go with my folks without making clear that if they won they would get some of the money needless to say my parents never went with them again and for a time went on their own I was young at the time and used to not having much growing up because we were very poor this cash really did us a service but the things that stand out to me the most are all the abusive calls my mother and father got about this money and how I found out later on that these people beyond my aunt all made me a six-figure incomes they didn't need the money they just wanted it my dad has two sisters one of them was an out-of-control mess that after stealing and making her parents life hell they finally had to cut her out of their lives my grandma died and she didn't even bother coming to the funeral my grandpa ended up in a memory care facility which blew through the last of what they had saved up and then my dad and his other sister took over the payments when he passed away they had paid over 70 K combined for him to live in a nice facility for the last years of his life after he died the mess of a sister suddenly showed up demanding her share of the inheritance assuming that it would be a large sum of money they sent her a bill for 1/3 of the 70k I actually didn't inherit anything at all because my mom died broke and in debt that I have a few grand in donations for a spot at her Cemetery still haven't decided what spot we want my sister found out and keeps asking me for money from the donation fund I sent her one hundred dollars just because I know she lives in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere then she keeps asking for $40 here and there when I tell her no she later boasts of a photo of her smoking weed are yes I'm sure you really needed that money for groceries it's quite pathetic she doesn't even realize how expensive the cemetery spotter's we don't even have enough to cover a decent spot at all [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 839,422
Rating: 4.8984871 out of 5
Keywords: people who won lots of money, lots of money, worst beggars, horror stories, people begging for money, others begging, for it, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, pewdiepie
Id: kVXEItNprI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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