“This Person Stupid And There’s No Winning Scenario” Arguments (AskReddit)

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what moment in an argument made you realize this person is an idiot and there is no winning scenario an old roommate of mine was trying to say we were blackmailing her when we were asking her to take out a trash etcetera she said watch the Lizzie McGuire movie there's blackmail in there and it's obvious that's what you're doing to me I believe it goes without saying that she never clean up after herself nor did she understand that movie Kawika would constantly preach against moss parabens only in soils when sick etc she told me I was going to get cancer from my deodorant and the corn I bought was mutant then she'd go outside and smoke three cigarettes every two hours edit thanks to whoever gave me the silver I've only been on reddit a few days and didn't expect so much reaction to a random comment this morning that being said this one comment has brought me a flurry of insults and angry messages it's funny how one off-the-cuff observation can send people into a tirade I know the internet is full of toxic people but I really hope to engage in some good conversations on here guess not it's been fun but bye-bye reddit you are too scary for me p.s if I'm getting this kind of abuse for this comment I can't imagine what you who actually post political opinions are getting good luck you too when I was arguing with someone about wine oak doesn't go in first when making a cup of tea a very English debate and his argument was when you add boiling water to cold milk you're warming it up but when you add cold milk to boiling water you're cooling it down and I don't want cold tea I tried to explain how the end temperature will be exactly the same regardless that he was already celebrating his self awarded victory someone who is dating my roommate considers herself to be environmentally conscious she claimed that napkins were bad for the environment and they increase one's carbon footprint she ranted about it to me in my own home even though I don't even buy napkins maybe a week or so later she noticed I use a reusable coffee filter and berated me for not using disposable paper filters I told her using a reusable filter cuts down on the amount of waste that we produce when brewing coffee so not only do I not contribute to filling up landfills with paper filters but I also save money from not buying them in the first place and just cleaning the plastic one she told me that since paper filters are biodegradable there is no reason for me to refrain from using them but napkins are made of paper napkins are made of paper she literally just wanted stand on a soapbox and hear herself talk she derives pleasure from telling others that they are all regardless of whether or not they are actually wrong there is no winning an argument with her he had an aversion to Stephen King thought Stephen King only wrote gory trash with no redeeming value that everyone who reads Stephen King had mental issues and his favorite movie was the Shawshank Redemption even after I showed the credits both Anand and Wikipedia he refused to believe that that degenerate Stephen King was in any way shape or form involved with his dearly beloved film we had a new assistant at work who was not fitting in with the team I sat her down and talked to her about expectations and reviewed the responsibilities of the position several times a one last effort to help her I thought I'd see which parts of the job she liked I asked her what skill do you think is your strongest skill and she said delegating a co-worker went on a rant about how all teachers are lazy and only work from 8 to 3 while taking loads of holiday time while doing minimal work I come from a family of teachers so I could see the time put in at home the lost weekend's the days of doing work till 7 p.m. the last two weeks of every summer holiday spent in school prepping the classroom for the next year buying materials out of their own pocket because the school budget wouldn't cover it my co-workers respond sir well I'm a parent so I know more about it than you do I nearly flipped my [ __ ] lid ended up being a win-win situation after a week of constant arguing and telling my now ex-boyfriend and telling him in no uncertain terms that we are over he came to me one morning and said well if you don't want to work on this I don't think we should be together anymore I just agreed people who say stuff like ok that's your opinion but I have my own when discussing about objective facts like science issues meaning of words edit a lot of people seem confused with my wording I'm adding a couple of examples of what I mean silence water boils at 70 degree that's my opinion words in my opinion the Spanish word holla means dog so basically facts which are either true or false and not open to opinions edit two to three spelling a discussion with someone about the process of getting a license obviously they didn't have one and didn't believe that you had to do a five-hour driving class to get one the moment came when they tried the whole you can't always believe stuff from the internet and we are just like a you jump on pretty much any conspiracy theory you find on the internet and B we're on the [ __ ] DMVs website they seriously still didn't believe it and tried to go the whole you gotta use Google to win arguments route edit for clarification I'm from New York and I'm very aware that laws are different in other states and that they have changed over the years the thing is we were talking about the laws in the current year and he refused to believe the DMV website just because it was a website also I'm not saying that you don't need driving practice you need 50 hours in nine when she kept trying to change the subject every time she realized she was wrong I stayed with verifiable facts she went all over the map bringing up [ __ ] I did like five years ago you can't turn right at this red light the sign says so right there well you burned that craft in of that one time you didn't read those instructions did you who the hell burns craft dinner you can't turn right of this red light the sign says so right there this friend of mine was always late when we wanted to hang out sometimes she even canceled last minute ten minutes before the time we were supposed to meet I once made a joke saying we all knew she was the worst when having to meet her because she was so unorganized and canceled so many events a few days before she was leaving for college we were meant to meet so I arrived late knowing she was going to be anyway waited for her for about an hour or so but it was the last day I could meet with her so I didn't mind that much and I asked a friend to wait with me I received a message one five hour later saying I'm not coming and don't even bother be asking why I don't have to justify when I arrived later that day I realized she wasn't worth it because yes I deserve an explanation when waiting you for almost two hours this whole Fred brings to mind a quote I've always liked arguing with stupid people is like playing chess with a pigeon eventually the bird with just [ __ ] on the board knock over all the pieces and strut around like it's won one of my many stories from working in a discount shoe store woman with three boys under the age of 12 coming woman guns up to the counter woman I need to exchange these shoes in for a different size me okay let me get that started for you normally we can exchange shoes in for the same model just in a size up or down it's pretty common for parents to buy shoes under estimating how much their kids have grown and come in for a bigger size anyway I open the box the shoes are completely trashed toe blown out the sole is peeling off and they smell to high heaven me ma'am I'm sorry that I can't make an exchange for these shoes woman well why not me I wouldn't be able to wrestle them but I think we still have this style if you wanted to purchase a new pair woman why can't I just exchange these shoes for a bigger size inserts tonane here has always let me exchange shoes when my kid grows out of them me uhm ma'am I'm sorry that someone has told you we do that but that's not policy we have I can return for exchange shoes that are in good enough condition to be resolved that I can't wrestle these woman other stores have let me exchange them me which store have you done this with woman can I speak to your manager and that's when I knew there we know winning with this [ __ ] when they were claiming all the facts I presented about the earth being round and older than 10000 years was fake a month ago I honestly believed people were just taking the purse when talking about flat earthers but now I'm scared for our planets future when my cell told me that liberals in power last administration were using cell towers to burn the soles of the feet of registered Republican voters like cell towers were some sort of sci-fi weaponry that could tap into the voting database and then laser target individuals when I told her this was science fiction she insisted it had happened to her or same still tried to convince me that during his first term in office Obama had visited a hospital where a series of late term abortions had failed in that the babies were born alive she said that doctors had put the babies into a supply closet to wait for them to die and that Obama had stood guard at the door just what do you say to that sometimes the idiocy is so strong that you just have to not bother making an effort as an act of self-preservation when my ex-girlfriend would get drunk and bring up something I had no idea was an issue me not being emotional enough spending too much time playing video games etc I quickly realized she didn't want to actually discuss or hear what I had to say she just wanted to freak out and tell me how bad of a person I was my best friend knows I'm headed into the military and he keeps saying have fun in the army I tell him I'm enlisted to the Navy I know I said the Navy part of the army we had a back-and-forth argument that the Navy is part of the military and Army is a separate branch but he insists that the word army and military have the same meaning the concept of free will is an illusion that the Jews that run the internet and the world have created how do you know that sounds a bit fishy man I read about it online I have found that truth can you send me those links no you have to find the truth yourself it also did not help to point out that the Jews that apparently ran the internet must have known their secret was out on their internet back when I was 10 or something my older sister yelled at me for swearing I was not swearing I waa just yelling really loud probably shouldn't have been but whatever after I point this out she continues to tell me that yelling and swearing are the same thing and in order to prove it she whispered [ __ ] I wish we weren't related I'm not sure what the exact issue was but the guy asked me about whether or not I knew why something was done in the way it was done like what the reasoning for the method was and I knew the answer he presented me his own answer which relied on certain things that were not very accurate and you could tell that he worked on that theory a while and this must have been the reason I debunked it very quickly and gave him the actual reasoning you could see that he understood it but didn't want to throw his well-crafted well-crafted Theory away like trash so he tried to argue his theory in the actual reasoning somehow it got really weird finally I looked it up on my phone and he still thought that his theory must also have played a role which was just wrong I had a similar situation just yesterday with the same person was about basically how weather moves as he has no scientific background whatsoever which he said and which was the reason he asked for an answer I wasn't that sure that I did my best in providing a physically accurate answer based on the data we had he started arguing about it and brought on his own theory again this time it wasn't crafted oh the years of thinking about it but on the spot again he stated himself that he has no idea how can you argue about something if you say and know you don't know anything about it I was in an argument with someone who believed there's a cure for cancer but father makes more money from treating it than curing I work in cancer research so I could go on for days about why that's rubbish but instead I just asks Patrick's ways died of cancer was he not beloved enough for the Cure Steve Jobs died of cancer was he not rich enough to buy the Cure Ted Kennedy died of cancer was he not politically influential enough for the clear / response well I just believe what I believe you're not going to ever change that I wouldn't say she's an idiot in general she's actually someone I really like and respect but in this particular situation she was clearly an idiot in class we were discussing what would happen if he Sun disappeared and this one girl said we would all fly of the earth I told her the earth has its own gravitational pull and she just said new or what doesn't so I said do you know what gravity is she says yes I say it's the force that pulls you to the ground right she says yes so I point out the window to the Sun and say if the Sun is up there then I point to the ground how does it pull us down she says I don't know but it just does stop trying to make me feel dumb I saw this in a yachtie video once about what would happen if the Sun disappeared I just walked away when he told me that climate change was because of magnetic north moving up to 20 miles per day of course when the tilt of the planet changes you're going to get more Sun and do up more heat but people want to believe it's my car [ __ ] hell oh this guy was good for atwo fur as well I don't try to argue politics I present his party of choices values people can choose to agree with me or be wrong but I won't argue with him this after listening to him badges someone for nearly an hour straight I fix guns guy has a problem with his gun says he can't hit broadside of a barn and showed it to another guy and so he thinks he has a problem ok check it out for mechanical problems no issues next bail out and shoot it groups about a fist-sized group at 10 yards not amazing but standard combat group show him the evidence starts talking about how never said anything about accuracy guy is full of it no matter how many times I explained how guns work and how I showed him his is fine he wouldn't believe because some guy told him it isn't go through a long thing about what he would consider good and acceptable that if it shot well functioned properly but had this rattle noise would it be acceptable nope it could Jam every other shot and as long as it didn't rattle a little he would be happier [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 20,274
Rating: 4.9236417 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, GioFilms
Id: ZC0SKaQ3B5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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