Mental Health Pro's, Share Their Saddest Case of Childhood TRAUMA (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit mental health professionals have read it what is the saddest case of wow this person really [ __ ] up because of how they were treated during their childhood you have ever come across not a mental health professional but the worst story I heard in one of my meetings was from a kindly old man named John not his real name obviously he was born the product of an affair and was told until he was four five that his father was in the Navy he saw through this when his younger sibling was born but there was no man in the house his mother was an alcoholic and he remembers having to go bar-hopping to look for her the priest in his neighborhood would take him and a handful of other boys to baseball games or out to dinner as often as they could finally when he was a young teenager his mom got so bad that she was sent to a psychiatric hospital a common thing back then for substance abusers he was sent to live with a foster family in a more rural part of our state his new stepmother molested both him and his older brother everything up to and including falinda sure by this time it was 1968 and his older brother joined the army stating he would rather fight and die in Vietnam than live in that awful house one minute longer John wasn't far behind him and found when he got overseas that he was an adrenaline junkie he risked his life for stupid reasons charging heedlessly into danger that he was never wounded when he got back home he joined our big city fire department he'd run into burning buildings eagerly linger in there too long and stand on the edge of roofs for long minutes on end hoping he'd fall off with all of this came a crippling substance and sex addiction he was dealing drugs to support his own habit while he was a firefighter luring in affairs with drugs partying and sleeping with multiple women including the wives of several close friends he finally cleaned up his act of drugs and then problematic sexual behavior his children don't have any sign of addiction so today John is a happy funny little older guy I'm lucky enough to see around but when he told his story was flawed worked in a permanent group home for older people with severe and persistent psychosis our biggest struggle was getting him to shower he just flat-out wouldn't do it not uncommon for the population that he was particularly adamant it got to the point where I knew something else must have been a play so I requested his entire history from the Med records office found a series of old faxes between two doctors detailing how he came to the US with his mother they were fleeing a war-torn country under a crumbling fascist regime his mother they speculated also had a mental health condition even after they came to the US she was petrified of their former government and her solution was to give her some water enemas three times a day and have him give them to her as well he had been six years old one of the doctors wrote that my client once screamed and cowered when offered a glass of water the most fucked-up thing is the axon itself isn't even the most fucked-up thing I've had a client's family do it was just the idea that this woman made her child afraid of water a basic support of life to the point where he couldn't hydrate or cleanse himself really broke my heart and he was such a good person I used to stand outside the shower door reassuring him the whole time as he showered that no one was going to break in and murder him this is this is pretty personal as it is not about a client but about my family I don't mind sharing in this Anonymous forum though I'm a mental health professional myself and that is largely due to my own experiences that inspired me to help people going through hard times like I went through I was one of these individuals who grew up in a situation like what a lot of you are describing very very intense physical and emotional abuse and some sexual abuse as a guy and older brother I thought I wasn't supposed to be weak and crying at what was happening to me I wanted to be unbroken and strong for my little brothers and take as much of the abuse as I could so hopefully they wouldn't experience it that did mostly work I was able to take of the abuse for years but it eventually became too much for even me at some point I kind of shut down I stopped talking and didn't react to being hurt anymore after that my lack of showing pain seemed to infuriate my mother following that I wasn't allowed to eat anymore and I became very sick and thin my mother didn't want me to have food she was very mentally sick and prone to unpredictable and violently explosive attacks if she thought I was doing things like listening to music or eating it doesn't really make sense now but it was my normal existence then and I just tried to adjust to it I got used to hunger eating four or five times a week my mom was very wasteful though so I learned to dig through the garbage every other day I hid her food scraps under my bed to keep it from being seen and started eating out of neighborhood trash cans I still didn't react to the violence in amour and that somehow seemed to make things escalate after some time I was no longer allowed to live inside the house with my family and had to sleep outside with the dogs the dogs kept me somewhat warm that winter but I still kept getting sick and weak from the cold eventually I had to live on my own in the woods for safety and after that my little brothers took a lot more abuse unfortunately I myself went down a pretty dark road after that and had some difficult years addiction and alcoholism were comforting and numbing which I appreciated I had a lot of trauma issues which seeking help inspired me to work hard and changed things as a counselor now I've heard a lot of stories and I never share my own I try to help both my little brother still through many of the struggles of life they are still kind of stuck where I was and it breaks my heart I still wish there's more I could do for them both even as adults I look at their actions and understand while also having a feeling similar to what many people here are expressing I know that things could have been a lot different for us if we had just been valued and loved it makes such a difference it simply goes beyond words it still makes me sad though to know how different our life could have been both then and now so I do my best to be as genuine as possible now with this knowledge both for my little brothers and for the people I meet coming out of their own dark times I used to work in psychiatric case management I helped people with mental illness find jobs but I didn't often need to go deep in their clinical background I happened to be coordinating with a therapist about one client who was extremely socially anxious and could only work over night shifts it was frustrating because she had no real experience or skills but was really picky about working with too many people and also wanted to make a certain amount so she didn't have to live with roommates anyway coordinating with the therapists required me to sort through some clinical files and review her case history at ten years old her father had started brutally raping her he died a few years later at which point her older brother took over and started brutalizing her this continued until she got pregnant in the tenth grade with her brother's child and had to drop out she never learned to use a computer and could barely read her mother of course allowed all this to happen until she also died a year or so later leaving my clan to raise her eight baby by herself eventually she went to live with extended family who were class acts in that they didn't sexually abuse her but did absolutely zero to feed her support her or address her mental health needs which were a definite issue at this point her child was taken away before he turned four she never in her entire life had anyone who cared about her much less taught her basic life skills or how to succeed in life she had severe anxiety disorder and a personality disorder needless to say I left work early that day my frustration with her evaporated and I worked very hard for her in future visits we take so much for granted not a mental health professional but my former sister-in-law has exhibited some things that even it's like 101 student would correctly diagnose her childhood consisted of her drunk and military father never being home and her drunken mom straight-up abandoning the three kids to go cheat on her husband multiple times they had an extremely nasty divorce her older sister had to raise her when her dad wasn't home she's always had low self-esteem and quickly Falls to using vices like weed alcohol and cigarettes to deal with her feelings she got knocked up by my brother during a one-night stand that turned into marriage into kids five years in a she can't take the stable life anymore and my brother was working hard to have a stable life she stopped coming home from work one random week and after a few weeks of being away told my brother that she was leaving him he wanted to work things out for the kids but then it came out she was cheating on him so he said good riddance she then tried to get back with him multiple times but only because she was broke he said no every time without hesitation they have joint custody of the kids but she frequently shows disinterest in keeping them when it's not her time to keep them during all of this her older sister basically did the same thing ran away from her family and cheated on her husband their brother is stoner in his 30s who can't hold down a steady job she started smoking cigarettes again to deal with all the stress in her life the entire family is [ __ ] up and it's pretty obvious that they emulated what they grew up with unstable parents that ran around cheating and ignoring their kids my fear is that my brother's kids will repeat the same mistakes when they are older I'm hesitant to talk about this I'm not a mental health professional just my own life not something I tell tend to talk to people about when I was seven me and my two brothers were watching TV on the couch in the game room sponge ABAB to be exact around the time they had 11 minute episodes we heard our mom screaming we exit the game room into a big unused space by the stairs and hallway we go past the intersection and take a left that leads to connection between the kitchen and living my mother was was on the ground in the living room covering her face our stepfather was at the other side of the kitchen throwing plates at her from what I remember she was telling us to stay while a stepfather was telling us to go but she'd tell you the other way around we stood there watching before our older brother 10 at the time younger brother would have been about four got us to go back to the game room and once we were there I remember him telling us not to speak of what just happened again what felt like just a few moments later out mom comes running him literally covered in head to toe in blood like a scene out of Carey right behind her eyes out stepfather holding a butcher's knife he traps in a corner while our older brother gets us to hide behind the couch we wanted us to keep our head down but I could help but watch he threatened to kill her then all of us but then he broke down and put the knife behind his head telling our mom to shove the knife in the neighbors must have called the police because shortly after they came and he spent a night in jail our mom didn't want to press charges but I really don't want anybody to blame her for that she was being abused and the little I know about her life growing up was too great either she was a victim like all of us after that the abuse became more obvious and happened in front of Morin now to us and I could hear them at night keeping me up I didn't know whether or not my family would die I didn't really care about myself much but I did care about them my stepdad is much bigger person than my then seven-year-old self didn't think that much I could do physically but with a knife I knew I could so I spent what would become three years teaching myself how to move as silently as possible and hide a knife waiting for the right opportunity I didn't know if Jay kill us all so I thought the only option was to kill him one day when I was 10 I saw he hitting and yelling at my little brother his back was to me and knew he wouldn't notice me I always had a knife on me I wanted to kill him so bad I knew I could have I just stood there watching him beat my little brother and did thing for two more years he would be in our lives before our mom got us out of there two more years I could have prevented I don't know if the worst thing is contemplating killing him or not doing so my family doesn't know about any of this I only told a very few people I trust my relationship with my family only got worst I'm autistic and was never got diagnosed with PTSD till after I disconnected with my family I have a really bad relationship with them because they never knew I had PTSD orally ever understood what being autistic was I wish things could have turned out differently and I hope they are okay and happy I do miss them and care for them I also accept that they may not feel the same for me had a kid show up in my office saying he had not eaten all day he missed his bus and just seemed to not want to leave I call home and mom was not answering the parents were divorced so I called dad it was about 8:00 p.m. by this point dad answers and is obviously drunk off of his ass at a bar I heard the noise and music I explained the situation and the dad says he will get someone to drive him to come pick him up he never showed up about 10 p.m. on a Tuesday awesome [ __ ] now so I call the police and there Syst learned that the mother had overdosed on heroin and was found dead in the house the father never showed up and I was told he never tried to be a part of the kid's life this kid had some terrible facial disfigurement of the mother using drugs and drinking during pregnancy I have no idea how the kid was never removed from custody I spent a lot of time with him because he didn't like people looking at him throughout the school day I didn't give a [ __ ] about his grades I just wanted him to enjoy something in life we would watch old WWF clips because he loved wrestling he's dead now killed himself I switched careers after I heard that [ __ ] me up I tried to help edit thanks y'all I hate thinking about it sometimes but I love thinking about some stupid little moments while doing my psych clinicals over 20 years ago we had this poor patient that was so abused as child this took place in the 70s her father had a casket at his house I can't remember if he worked at a funeral home or how he ended up with a casket he drilled a hole just big enough so a straw could go through it he would put his daughter in there and close the lid and gave her a straw to put through the hole so she can breath through the straw he left her in there for extended of time the poor girl was destroyed as the psychotherapist was telling our group the story our group we're in tears how can someone be this [ __ ] up to do this to their own child the poor girl is so messed up and cannot live a normal life due to all the trauma this has caused her edit many asked how she was destroyed this abuse took place over her childhood to adulthood in the 70s child abuse was overlooked and often not believed by the child who would believe that a person would have a casket in their home she was placed in a lockdown facility and as students we never had her as a patient the psychotherapist explained that she did not meet her milestones and acted as if she was in the wild in a way she was probably oxygen deprived that also affected her brain the poor girl basically grew up throughout the years being put in that dark airtight casket with a straw to breath through it was so long ago and cannot remember the details how she turned out other than she is in this locked facility and has trigger points that sets her off our clinical group was crying all day after hearing this case this broke me and realized that I cannot ever be a psych nurse I am sure she suffered other abuse most of the patients of the psych facility were from an abusive parents the next population was drugs alcohol and chemical imbalance to be honest I felt in my own mechanism I shut down after hearing the casket and straw bed I could not handle it and felt sick all day thank you for the gold start of the kind person as a caveat I do work in the medical industry though not specifically mental health this girl's mother was sexually abused as a child so the parents were very overprotective they wouldn't allow the girl to be alone with any males other than the father no uncle's no cousins no church trips nothing they could sleep over at friends houses if the friend's mother was a single mom and if that other mom took on transportation duties the parents were also somewhat disengaged though not to the point of neglect just distant wouldn't play wouldn't gather library stay at home and leave us alone while we watch TV kind of parents shut up or I'll give you something to cry about life isn't fair get used to it there were three neighbor kids all a little bit older a boy a year older and two girls about four and six years older they had a single mom and since the girl was five years old they lived on the same street the girl was encouraged to spend a lot of time there to get her out of the house and not to beg for dance lessons or to go to the park there was no man of that house but that single mom was not a good mom she drank or used drugs and had a lot of men oh the son of whom clearly had molested those kids as a lot of older children or young teenagers do they took out their pain of their molestation on this younger smaller girl it went on for four to five years the little girl never told her parents because she had no reason to think they would care she was pretty isolated other than her interaction with her molesters and obviously she didn't understand what was happening when it started schools talked about stranger danger and adults touching you in your bathing suit spots but nothing about older children of the same sex nothing about being forced to watch pornography or masturbate in front of people nothing about how it escalates from there into being touched or being pressured to have sex with their kid brother nothing about the koujun of a desperate lonely child hearing do it or I won't be your friend anymore from the only people they can spend time with it was a really sad combination of disengaged yet overprotective parents the girl ended up being bullied by classmates because she didn't know how to interact in a normal way was taken advantage of by a teacher in middle school then abused in every way by a few boyfriends after that had a drug problem got cleaned but still couldn't seem to keep it together for more than a few years at a time before work or personal relationships would implode was eventually diagnosed with bipolar disorder I'm not a mental health professional but back in 2010 while I was a volunteer worker for a Brazilian NGO sometimes they would send us to different locations and countries to support some project or to learn from it and apply the concept back to Brazil one time I was sent to Chile to help out in a community project and I was supposed to get my meals in an orphanage near there but that orphanage was not a normal one it was specific for kids that had been abused at the beginning some of them were afraid of me I'm a fat black guy but after a while they got used to see me around before coming there they explained all the details and how to behave but nothing can actually prepare you for that I saw a seven-year-old that was trying to seduce me because she was told by her dad to act this way her whole life I saw another that was constantly right through her life and refused to smile cause her father always told her to smile while he was raping one of them was completely silent and the staff didn't know exactly what happened to her the list goes on and on and it is depressing in morbid I don't have a word powerful enough to describe what happened to those kids and the worst part is that most of the things that happened to them was caused by their own parents that was to [ __ ] job I was supposed to get my meals there for the whole month I work with people with developmental disabilities one dude was literally chained to a bed and sold as a sex slave as a child he is totally mild-mannered sweet and chill but if he feels nervous or threat and he Hulk's out his group home had a machine in the basement so the staff took him down there to get him a special snack that they didn't have in the kitchen being in the Paulette basement sent him into PTSD he'll and he knocked that thing right over another time he was sitting on his bed and staff was trying to put his shirt on him the star sort of hoisted himself up by putting his foot on the guy's bed making himself loom over the client staff got his rib broken with a kick everyone's learned to be more cognizant of possible triggers but you always have to be wary of setting off an episode no one blames him though and he is always so apologetic afterward almost heartbreakingly so my career in with people with disabilities in my career there has been rape molestation physical psychological and financial abuse stats say people with disabilities have a 70% plus chance of being abused it is even higher with those unable to communicate there was a recent case here in the states of a profoundly disabled woman having a full-term baby her care facility had no idea she was pregnant until she started having contractions they found the rapist although I'm horrified with this I'm saddened to say this was not the first incident a co-worker's clan turned up pregnant she was raped on her way to get soda almost all of my agency's clients that were former state hospital inmates were sterilized some were molested I also had a college friend with mild CP and mild delays who was also sterilized against her wishes while working at a supported living Agency I met a 25 year old man with ASD he was discovered in his home his parents locked him in a padded basement where he pooped and peed in a bucket he had a TV toys odd supplies a trampoline and books he had not been outside in 20 years nor even saw the rest of the house no school no education no socialization no one even knew he existed I think city gas workers found him when there was a neighborhood evacuation not a mental health professional that I helped out a local suicide hotline for a week by attending a few calls attended a call from a girl who wanted to kill herself because of her failed relationship I tried to stick to the material I was trained live but had to quickly throw it out when she started talking about her past she mentioned how she was completely neglected by her biological parents she talked about how she was molested when she was a child by her stepdad she was even a rape victim but never reported the crime due to shame her current relationship failed because she wasn't comfortable with her boyfriend in bed as it reminded her of her past I tried my best to help her out I even offered to meet her personally to talk it out 15 minutes into the call she just thanked me for listening to her problems and just cut the call I am to this day not sure what happened to her it made me look at life differently edit I should mention at this point that I do not live in USA in my country has no real support for suicide hotlines at least back in 2015 due to the almost non-existent funding and bare-bones training we were definitely not qualified to work in a suicide hotline but it was better than nothing I know I made a few mistakes while I was talking to her but I did that mainly because I was thrown off by almost every sentence she spoke I mainly took this up because a close friend took his life and had nobody to talk to when he had those thoughts I guess I thought I could save someone else's life by doing this my experience is so much different than everyone else here as it wasn't family that caused the trauma it was nature during one of the three massive tornadoes we've had since 2010 my team was deployed to an area and told that we had elementary school children trapped in the school we worked our way through debris searching every square inch to make sure we didn't miss a thing when we uncovered the basement we found that it was flooded and full of kids who were alive and children / teachers who didn't make it due to drowning most people don't realize how much rain we get with our tornadoes in the Midwest when my city Joplin Missouri was hit by a Multi vortex f5 tornado on May 22nd 2011 we had a torrential downpour for two or three days after it anyway back to the school we recovered the living in the bodies and flew them out to a larger Hospital for treatment I gave the medical attention on scene and started what's known as psychological first aid because I knew these kids were [ __ ] from what they saw and experienced every few months I reached out to family members of the children to check and see how they were doing weird maybe but the last time I saw these kids they weren't in great shape the kids were able to recover for the most part and things were going good I thought Haleh and that three of the kids started massive drug addictions when they got into junior high and at least two of them had attempted suicide it tore me apart because I'm now a father myself and I saw what these kids experienced all the while hoping they wouldn't be affected long-term I fear the future because these kids who are now in middle school and high school started doing some pretty horrible things to address the pain and nightmares they live daily I honestly wish I could do more because these kids never had a chance and it was no one's fault no one could have predicted what happened and what would happen we learned a lot about tornadoes with this particular tornado the tornado that hit my town and the second tornado that hit the town the kids were in we'll never again send kids to the hallway or basements because pop machines water fountains et Cie get sucked down the hallways kids get sucked out of hallways and basements fill with water during these events I see these kids in my sleep I see the people they've grown up to be but somehow I still see the soaked filthy children with tears running down their faces blood soaking their clothes and I can feel how tight they dug their nails into me as they hugged and held on for dear life not wanting us to let them go because they were terrified that it would happen again it's not family induced trauma but it's the one thing in my career that sticks out more than anything thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 23,702
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Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Id: -_s4g4TKvlU
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Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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