People Share What "That Weird Person" Did In School That They Will Never Forget

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what did that weird person do at your school fourth grade he carried a Barbie doll in his book bag and sat by himself at recess and talked to it fifth grade same story sixth grade more of the same and simple new kid trying to make a name for himself starts picking on the doll kid I put a stop to it and hung around dull kid turns out after a week he explains it had been his older sister's doll and the only thing to make it out of the house fire in which the rest of his family died he transferred to live with distant relatives after that but the weird kid isn't always weird sometimes they are shattered or in prolonged shock edit Thank You gold fairy talked to his imaginary friend called Wilma I asked him about her and he told me this isn't my invisible friend I'm her invisible friend she made me up during a lonely childhood every school had / has the one girl that's absolutely obsessed with horses it didn't help that she was also obsessed with me edit - the people asking if I'm a horse neigh edit - - the people asking if I'm hung like a horse you'll are weird and she always has really long hair dude yes what is up with that I was that girl my mom didn't allow me to cut it she also didn't let me have very many friends they weren't allowed in my house she told me that when I wanted to cut my hair it was due to peer pressure and would ask if my classmates jumped off a bridge if I were to say I turned 18 and cut that crap off there probably was a long time when I was more interested in animals and people but it's also related I always enjoyed writing hell I got a PhD in it but my parents were very against me writing about people I was only allowed to write about animals cut off from other people popular TV and movies guess what happens you get our model loud interests and are so damned happy to be allowed to like something that you like it more than anybody should and then you get away from your parents and at normal slash we had a weird kid but he was mostly really awesome he wore all green every day I saw his closet it was like all the same plain green t-shirt and green shorts and then one green suit it was like a cartoon side gag he had bright red hair everybody said he was a leprechaun every time he had to and wasn't forced to ie pet clothes or whatever he was in green at dances he had a green tie except on streets Patrick's day he wore all black after I helped him pick up his dropped books he looked me dead in the eye and instead of saying thank you he said when [ __ ] goes down here I'll let you live edit everyone is asking what happened so here you go after he said that I went to the vice principal because I knew he was a really empathetic guy and would work to get him help instead of punishment I also didn't want other kids finding out because I knew they'd makes fun of him more I told the vice principal what happened and the kid ended up in therapy and got much better definitely happier from his facebook statuses he seems to still be doing well I'm glad he wasn't a bad kid he just needed help edit - thanks for the gold stranger I can't believe how much attention dis got a kid in my class pissed his pants and got sent home to change his clothes he then came back to school with different clothes but with the same pair of pants when I was in kindergarten the kid went to use the in class bathroom after like 10 minutes that teacher asked him if he was okay and he kept whispering something to her she yelled for him to speak up and he said I peed and pooped my pants she got very angry and yelled at him and told the whole class what had happened she then got to brown paper bags gave him one for his clothes and cut the bottom out the other and told him to wear it the poor kid opened the bathroom door with the entire class staring of him and shuffles across the classroom where in the bag and his socks slash shoes this was in 1980 and I remember clear as day poor kid was always known as the kid who [ __ ] himself at school a kid with a glass eye who would take it out for one dollar and walk up to anyone stick it to their shoulder and sweetly whisper I've got my eye on you needless to say we spent quite a few dollars on him that's not weird that's brilliant sounds like a budding entrepreneur chain mail guy Chuck Berkley wore a full suit of chain mail to every class and had a sword too the university eventually told him that he couldn't bring the sword anymore there was a guy at Buffalo up then I would see a round campus in a familiar gray cloak upon closer inspection he was behind me in line at a Starbucks I realized his brooch was none other than a leaf of law slurring not idly did they fall I wished I had one of alumni reporting in I used to see this guy walking through the Union all the time usually at a brisk pace - you got a walk at a brisk pace if you wish to have that proper flutter to your cloak he wore a three-piece suit to school every day without fail he also claimed to be the actual creator of the far side and that gari Larson was just his pseudonym despite being visibly at least 25 years his junior when asked to draw say a cow something he would scoff and say something in a language that he made up he also once shaved half his head the left half speaking in your own language is the best when you're getting made fun of you can just blurt back an insult that they don't understand it helps prevent yourself from getting your ass kicked for talking back and you also get to share a laugh with your imaginary friend he will always be there to laugh at your retorts found the weird kid we had a special kid in class who in the middle of an etiquette class stood up went to the front yelled out bra and started taking off his clothes he's also been caught humping his pillow while fully done during school trips etiquette class I assume he failed he didn't take the pillow to dinner first for a couple weeks after Columbine there were a few weird guys in my high school that deliberately wore trench coats to school every day my high school band trench coats immediately after Columbine it was pretty reactionary and what made it worse is that there was a poor kid whose only coat was a black trench coat they wouldn't let him wear it and he couldn't afford another one if the school is going to make a rule like that they should at least buy the kid another coat we had a girl who for five years straight at every break time would sit outside of the girls toilets and we'd only watership down edit I'm not saying it's a terrible book I'm sure it's great he put a mouse in a magic bullet and filmed it with his phone when I lived in the dorms we had someone put a baby mouse in the microwave the smell was the first clue something was wrong if people liked that a kid with Asperger's made up his own dance routine and would always be performing a during class lunch and assembly time he once performed it in front of the whole school wearing nothing but pants an open vest with no shirt and a fedora I had some weird kids but their lives turned into such messes or ended suddenly I feel sick about laughing at their odd behavior even though I did at the time on a brighter note one not too strange kid was standing in the doorway of the bathroom I was like excuse me he tilted his head sideways to face me and said hang on I tried to push past him and then I heard the tapping it sounded like water dropping but angrily I didn't get too far before I realized he was pissing into the urinal from the doorway about six feet away it was the most skillful arching I'd ever seen when he finished I went into the bathroom and found four or five guys standing around there cheering him on she tried riding a chicken and killed it we were on a school trip to the countryside in middle school and there were some farm animals around and I guess she just got it into her head that she could ride one of the chickens she caught it sat on it and promptly squashed it I suppose she panicked and tried to dispose of the body because all I remember is loads of people screaming and pointing up a tree where the dead chicken was resting on a branch she'd thrown it up there to hide the evidence but I guess someone had seen her do it and told everyone else I don't even know what kind of punishment she got I don't think the teachers had ever had to discipline a kid for sitting on a chicken he lived in his own apartment at the age of 13 adjacent to his parents house I remember one day he was talking about calling in a helicopter to pick him up from school because he was irritated about the traffic used to talk about how he had snipers positioned on the opposing roof awaiting his instructions to take people out Indian kid with a weird New York accent looking back he probably had a pretty serious condition he was a complete dick for the most part though [Music]
Channel: Animate My Life
Views: 217,441
Rating: 4.8719921 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, kids, adults, school, r/, askreddit, top posts, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit cringe, top posts of all time, top posts of r/, funny reddit, fails, funniest reddit posts, funniest posts, sorrow tv, rslash, comedy, reddit stories, comment awards, 2019, askreddit funny, flumpy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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