People Reveal Why They Left In The Middle Of A Date

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have you ever left in the middle of a date if so why she was from a nuclear family with lots of money in itself not a bad thing however she proceeded to go on a rant about trashy people from divorced / remarried and single-parent families and how those people would never amount to anything that sort of thing she also mentioned how she could tell I was from a traditional family with wholesome values not some loser raised by a [ __ ] single mother or influenced by a runaway deadbeat father her words because I was clearly raised right at this point I get up from the table track down the waitstaff and ask for separate checks how she proceeds to call me an [ __ ] for not paying for her meal and acts confused about why I tell her not to contact me again but that I'll be sure to pass on to my single mother that people are noticing how well she raised me edit so I got gold I don't know what it does or what I'm supposed to do with it but if there's a way to pay it forward I guess that'll do nicely Thanks anonymous benefactor edit again so I got a second gold I'm grateful don't get me wrong but it's not like I really did anything also I'm sorry I can't respond to everyone there are a lot of comments to which I'd love to respond but and I can't believe I'm about to say this other things take priority over and it usually good for you man glad to read you made the right choice he turned up drunk and brought pictures of his time in Iraq and the army with him that he took me through painfully slowly one by one I politely excused myself to go for a cigarette and he lost it accused me of being rude shouting about how no wonder I was single and then sat on my coat so I couldn't run away saying that even if I did leave he would follow me and make me sorry he also goes on a rant about how all graduates are entitled [ __ ] he doesn't agree with women go into uni and that I'm a middle-class the asterisk NT he had insisted on paying for my drink so when I came back and I said I wanted to go and he insisted that I owe him a drink cos he was going up Camden to meet his mates and didn't want to be behind on the drinks front fine whatever he's clearly insane I'll just buy him one to shut him up then I can leave at the bar he begins throwing ice at the barmaid when her back is turned then when she turns around accusingly points at me and says she did it the barmaid and I both know that it was him after he has his pint in his hand he goes back to the table and I confess to said barmaid that I'm on the worst date of my life and want to run away she pours me a shot of tequila tells the bouncer to distract him then helped me run away as he banged on the window and shouted I'll find you ran home sobbing like a lunatic that barmaid she's golden bouncer needs some credit to a true hero yes we met at a nice restaurant sat down and had a decent conversation we started to look over the menu in the wine list I asked if she had a preference regarding the wine she said no I ordered a bottle of Pinot Grigio since I didn't know her preferences or what she might order kind of a nice middle-of-the-road selection when it came the waitress brought two glasses did the usual tasting and when she went to pour my date a glass she quickly declined the waitress poured me a glass and left I asked her if she'd prefer another drink she launched into what I can only describe as a temperance lecture she was stridently anti-alcohol in my ordering wine had clearly upset her this was a first date so I had no way of knowing any of this and had she let me know her thoughts ahead of time say when I asked her preference or when I was ordering I'd have gotten something acceptable to her instead I was getting a lecture that would not start I got called a drunk and rude and insensitive repeatedly by someone I just met in the course of about five after a few minutes the waitress came over and asked if everything was okay I told her no told my date that our date was over and asked the waitress if I could be receipted at the bar the waitress and my date both looked shocked my date picked up her sweater in person stalked out I picked up my glass the waitress picked up the bottle and led me to the bar in the bar I met a very nice young lady with different ideas and we shared the bottle and a very nice evening are you okay having a date at a restaurant that serves booths yes drinks wine oh my god how could you I took a girl once to my favorite Mexican restaurant she proceeded to pretty much give me a rundown of her past five boyfriends why the relationship failed how each was in bed what they all did for a living where they all took her for vacations my eyes started to cross and my blood was starting to boil I was relegated to UN hot and Wow that guy's an [ __ ] responses she seemed very disinterested in anything I had to say and I was [ __ ] done as I was about to get up and walk out the waiter brought my tragedies say you know what I just rolled with it started asking questions about her ex-boyfriends all the while I was stuffing my face with tasty tasty fan jutice honestly most of the dude sounded like pretty good guys but I put on a brave face and she'd talked them in between bites once I was full I got up said I needed to go to the bathroom paid for my half of the meal at the register and just left she was busy texting someone and didn't even notice on my way home she texted me and asked me where I was told her that I left and that maybe she should ask one of her ex-boyfriends to come and pick her up since she spent the last 45 minutes doing nothing but talking about them got a couple [ __ ] yous you're an [ __ ] texts on the drive home but it's been radio silent ever since TL DR dammit I once take fan jeeter's yeah just complain about me to your next date Oh see we'll had joined a new Sports Club and there was one guy who was quiet and kind of just hung around the periphery of the group I felt kind of bad for him so was always trying to bring him into conversations and talk to him one night we all went out for drinks after the game and I talked to him for a while conversation was hard work but he seemed like a nice guy he texts didn't asked me if I wanted to go out for coffee I wasn't really interested but knew given how quiet he was that it probably took a ton of nerve to text me that and I thought maybe in a 1 : 1 environment he would be more comfortable and I could get to know him a little more we met at the coffee shop and he had a big backpack with him we ordered drinks then chatted with me again doing most of the talking he rarely initiated but would answer questions about one half hour and he said he had a few things to show me - let me get a note him better he then did a show-and-tell from his backpack pulling out various items and pictures and telling me about them some were kind of interesting a family trip and some I had no idea how to respond - here is a picture of how I had my hair cut in grade 8 he had stuffed animals and lots of items from his childhood I kept trying to bring the conversation to the present to find out if the item linked to a current interest or hobby but he kind of had a story about each item rehearsed and he would go right back to the show-and-tell eventually the table was full of stuff and I tried to politely say that I had seen enough and changed the topic he told me had still had more to show me I ended up saying I felt sick and left I felt kind of bad but it was just getting too weird [ __ ] you rocked so much for each in out to him and trying so hard I want to buy you a beer out of respect for how cool you were I'll bring my backpack I was kind of intrigued by him he seemed like a quiet man of mystery I just hadn't realized the mystery was a treasure filled back this was a third date he was a nice enough guy an editor at the local newspaper we are at his house and he's made me dinner and suddenly he drops in normal conversation that his fetish is having sex with girls that are unconscious I immediately stopped eating stop drinking and made my exit I did not get roofied but damn was I scared that it was in the cards for that night edit his exact words were you're so sexy I'd love to share something with you since we seem to be hitting it off yada-yada-yada I excused myself to the bathroom and pretended to get an emergency call he got arrested two years later for being a peeping tom then moved away I swear this happened I met some real weirdos when I was doing the OkCupid thing for instance met a guy that said a black panther was his spirit animal and that she came to him in his dreams sometimes she told him to do bad things to people but she was okay with me that one never got a second date but I saw his engagement notice in the paper a year later I got a read some of his articles how Bill Cosby inspired me John Doe it was an OkCupid date and we met for coffee after talking a while he had a sour look on his face when I got there so I wasn't expecting too much when our coffee came out he said I'm glad you didn't ask me to pay for that because I don't think you should be drinking something with that many calories I'm a fat person but he was way fatter than me so I thought he was being self-deprecating I was prepared to roll my eyes and let it go but then he ranted for about 15 minutes about how women were getting too fat and how they should be pressured to lose more weight eventually I stopped him with the use of my picture why did you even agree to coffee his answer was I was hoping you had lost weight since the picture was taken because no one would put themselves on a dating app in that condition just Wow well that guy can eat a bag of dicks [Music] [Music]
Channel: Animate My Life
Views: 175,870
Rating: 4.8679247 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, reddit top posts, best of reddit, r/, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, top posts of r/, reddit stories, brainydude, comment awards, reddit comment awards, r/askreddit, exposed, top posts of all time, funny reddit, funniest reddit posts, funniest posts, tz reddit, ask reddit top posts, best posts and comments, reddit compilation, Flumpy
Id: WxNgAU0dByw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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