Doctors Share Some Horrible Experiences With Anti-Vaxxers

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doctors of ridet what are some of your worst experiences with anti-vaxxers [Music] here's one kid comes in after a fall and gets scraped by some rusty nails surprisingly is okay after the fall we want to give the tetanus vaccine since that's common to do after high risk exposure to make sure she doesn't get it learned she's never been vaccinated mom refuses call CPS but mom is connected to some bigshot gov official kid goes home without vaccine three weeks later kid comes back in with tetanus unable to breathe suffers irreversible brain damage now she is wheelchair-bound and needs to be fed through a tube edit this was not in the US I'd imagine CPS in the u.s. wouldn't care if you were connected to some high-level government official and world let us vaccinated bet the mom still be not my fault veterinarian here at a clan years ago who bred Seleucus and who federal refused most medication curse chemicals bad and didn't believe in vaccinations one of her dogs was exposed to parvo and she brought it back to the kennel she tried to treat it homeopathic Ellie herself at first so by the time we saw it the dog was already pretty far gone then the next day she brought in another sick dog then another the next day then another the next day then another the next day then another the next day then another the next day then another the next day then another the next day then another the next day then another the next day then another the next day all in all after 6k in bills twelve beautiful dogs died of a disease she could have prevented for $120 also a veterinarian got verbally abused the other day for recommending that a puppy be vaccinated because veterinarians are dirty pieces of [ __ ] would just like to make money gland was asked to never come back immediately standard stuff really had a kid on a ventilator with a preventable illness that have made to research hospital in California the mom wasn't evac seen the kid began to deteriorate and the mom spent a lot of time reaching out to her aunt evacs community one visited her in the hospital and said honey there was nothing you could do I lost it at that point edit my lost it I mean that I had to physically leave a unit before saying or doing something and professional I didn't say anything to the mom at the time the kid recovered before they left the I cou had a long talk with the mom about vaccines and she agreed to do more research god I hope that woman and those like her come to their senses nothing you could do except vaccinate your child which would have completely prevented it the fact they would let the child die instead of it getting autism is sickening in and of itself I'm a doc and two months ago I'm walking out of the hospital and besides me as a woman frantically dialing a number on her telephone she proceeds to start yelling into her phone they want to put all those nasty chemicals into him they say if he's going to be in the hospital he needs to be vaccinated to protect other kids it's poisoned I'm going to take him somewhere else when we got to the sidewalk she immediately reached into her purse and pulled out a cigarette and started smoking I just stood there watching her yell about poisonous chemicals in vaccines while she puffed furiously on a cigarette you honestly can't make this Shikha after I sent out invites to my kid's birthday party I found out one of her friends from dance was unvaccinated my daughter's best friend is in remission from luekemia and his immunocompromise an unvaccinated kill her i uninvited the dance kid and very nicely explained the situation her mother loses her [ __ ] and tries to get us kicked out of the dance school I attend the dance school owner is an older lady and had no idea there were idiots these days that didn't VAX so she implemented a new rule that students had to be up to date and the unvaccinated and school I felt bad for the kid but her mother is a sociopath herd immunity save lives when it comes to kids fighting cancer this is cross postage from our slash nursing I work in a Nakul and occasionally float out to the term nursery onion otologist salsa workers pediatricians in the hospital and see the well newborns on top of the niku kids the neonatologist went to see a mom who was refusing the initial vaccines when the doc told the mom the vaccines were recommended by the AAP and asked for Easons of refusal the mum laughed and told her to do your search D research she told this to a doctor who is both a neonatologist and pediatrician double board certified she also is our medical director has a PhD in biochemical engineering and is a mother herself my eyes nearly rolled out of my head I am the research 19 year old comes on a gurney deep coma respiratory depression foam issuing from the lips mother frantic EG reveals the pattern typical of subacute sclerosing penance of the lightest a c-collar of common diesels it's preventable people but not curable they buried him a few weeks later my mom did not vaccinate me as a kid as of two days ago I officially have rubella I have a feeling that in 10 years we are going to have a lot more stories like yours here student nurse here the most heartbreaking case I ever saw was a two or three year old who was facing all fallen man pute Asians because he had meningitis and it entered his bloodstream all because mom didn't vaccinate him his limbs were completely necrotic he couldn't eat had an NG tube and stopped speaking you could tell he felt lonely and scared as hell he got no visitors that I saw even though he had AIDS siblings and couldn't play with the other kids on the unit because he didn't know how to play without his hands crushed my heart edit to everyone commenting that the meningitis vaccine isn't given until you're 11 plus routine vaccination helps prevent it as well the hip and MMR vaccines both offer some protection from meningitis as well as not living with 8 other run vaccinated children that's awful there should be some sort of law for punishing people that kill or disabled their children simply because they don't vaccinate with all the research it's clear that vaccines work so in the end who cares what the anti-vaxxers think if it's saving lives then force it on people while discussing vaccines with him on one time and bringing up my experience working with the immunocompromised population she said I don't care if someone else's kid has cancer that's their problem not mine and that right there is a huge part of the problem selfishness i vaccinate my children not only for their own health but for the health of others had a patient come to the hospital for possible heart attack I asked if they had gotten a flu shot or the pneumonia vaccine they went into a long rant about how vaccines are poison and they don't take any medication because they swim in the ocean and it purifies all the toxins that they acquire then they started having chest pain so I gave them a nitroglycerin pill they spat it out because they hated it well you don't take your meds for high blood pressure and high cholesterol you will have a heart attack so not just until X but fully anti medicine and science edit yes the pneumonia vaccine is a thing technically called the pneumococcal vaccines which protects from the bacteria streptococcus pneumoniae their use can prevent some cases of pneumonia meningitis and sepsis the hospital asks everyone over 65 if they have had one also this person did leave Anna the next morning and yes nitroglycerin is an explosive but smaller and less concentrated is a vasodilator that helps with chest pain related to heart blockages I'm an EMT and pro-vaccine my ex-wife is an anti-vaxxer we are constantly arguing about vaccinating my son but thankfully I have custody of him so he gets his vaccines she also thinks the government puts fluoride in the water to control our minds not a doctor but I work for a vaccine manufacturer and my title is raw material engineer Acker I work with vaccine ingredients for a living when anniver asks me on social media or in public if I know what's in a vaccine I basically cackle and crack my knuckles they also don't seem to have an answer for why I give my children the same vaccines if big father is trying to poison people edit people keep asking to do an AMA and I think that's a great idea I'll make sure I do it very soon but I want to wait for a time when I have enough time to dedicate to read it and for those asking what's in them that's a more complicated questions depending on which vaccine both the type and the brand there are upwards of 100 different components that go in from start to finish not a doctor but my eighth grade English teacher wasn't Eve accent pregnant at the time she would constantly tell us about how bad vaccines were and stuff so one day the science teacher spent an entire lesson just talking to us about how vaccines are good and don't cause autism a few years later I was talking to my friend from eighth grade who still talks to our science teacher and he said that the English teachers baby had autism and wasn't vaccinated edit wording [Music] [Music]
Channel: Animate My Life
Views: 52,902
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Id: mBUDzR8H2xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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