People Share Outrageous Reasons Why A Customer Lost Their Minds On Them

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what is the most bizarre reason a customer got angry with you I worked at a Burger King in high school a guy comes in one day complaining he put in money to get a newspaper in the machine outside and it wasn't this Sunday's paper he wanted a refund I told him we didn't own that machine and we weren't able to give him his money back I also mentioned to him it was actually Saturday not Sunday he flew into a rage through last week Sunday edition of the paper all around the restaurant and behind the counter my manager comes out and threatens to call the cops do you leave screaming about how we ripped him off sometimes you can't fix stupid all that for one dollar and fifty cents mfw I went into a gas station store to get my one dollar back after the air pump machine ate it though I was polite about it and they said they knew the machine was broken so they gave me the one dollar a woman and her highschool daughter walk up to me while I'm working in bath and Bodyworks here's how the convo goes mop we don't know what they are called but you know those things you can wear around your neck and you clip keys or badges to them do you sell those hear me oh do you mean lanyards what what did you call me me nothing you said you didn't know what those things are called they are called lanyards unfortunately we do not sell them here maybe check Hot Topic mom whatever thanks for wasting my time as they turned to leave the daughter turned behind her mom's back and mouth I'm sorry to me poor girl that moms nuts you lanyard apparently when she said she wanted a hot fudge sundae she meant strawberry sundae apparently I didn't greet are at the drive-through with enough enthusiasm but the real gag is it wasn't even me on the speaker and when I corrected her she got even madder edit while thanks for the silver and a ton of karma it's sad that this is such a relatively post wheelie hope you're all doing well now imagine being her child babies raising babies and then from the right side of the screen came a man a man with a plastic rectangle I had several people yell at me after I called them out for trying to steal even after pointing out the cameras in the store some would guarantee I would be losing my job after they spoke with corporate it's amazing how much power people think they have I'm gonna complain and get exactly what I want no that isn't how the world works don't be dumb edit alright I've gotten plenty of comments sharing how I'm wrong to say doesn't work in their favor all the time when angry customers are being escorted off property and claim they are going to get employees fired by complaining to corporate they are all sure there are some special cases which are truly terrible but most of the time those threats are empty companies don't want to pay severance and don't want to hire new lackeys they do however want customers to quit their bitching so they frequently offer discount coupons this is exceptionally frustrating for us poor retail workers who got spit in the face either literally or figuratively both works by shitty people who were later awarded for their shitty behavior I get it I also worked over a decade in various retail and hospitality businesses in short yes they have more power than they should and yes they have inflated egos because their previous behavior was rewarded by dumb corporations but also no customer do not always get what they want they get something similar but rarely is someone fired for doing their job even if the customer disagrees that their job had been done well I used to deliver pizza I had someone get irate and refuse the delivery because they'd ordered it to be delivered at 7:00 p.m. and I got there at 655 I hope why you just stood there for 5 minutes refusing to hand it over till 7:00 exactly they wanted a new pizza because they said the one I brought would be cold by 7:00 when they wanted to eat I told them we'd have to bake a new pizza then and it would be late they opted for late I ran a few more deliveries with their pizza in my back seat and went back around 7:30 with the exact same pizza but told them it was a new one they opened it to make sure it was hot and were happy with it then they called to complain about the experience then we had to update our order policy that if you specify a delivery time we can only guarantee a time range and not a specific minute worked at Walmart and this guy went through my line buying something for his tires he accidentally got two different things one was a lot more expensive than the other he got pissed looking at his receipt and demanded to know why one cost more money I looked at the products and noticed one had some gel inserted in the product I told him this and he demanded to know why this made the product more expensive I explained to him I knew nothing about cars and was just a cashier but he could go to customer service to exchange the more expensive product for the cheaper one he then refused to leave my life until I lowered the price of the more expensive product bTW I was working the express checkout line on Friday at 5:30 and a huge line was forming behind this manchild my manger finally got him to leave the line and go to customer service though his son was in line behind him and apologized for his father's actions he got caught having his four and six-year-old nephews hide merchandise under his wheelchair for the third time mostly video games and controllers he accused me of hating disabled people as he was being kicked out I was just the cashier by the front door literally wasn't involved at all edit I've noticed some common question / thoughts and I'd like to clear them up here how on earth did he steal games aren't they locked up hey it's simple my store sucks the games were kept behind plastic doors that were too small for the shelf they were attached to it people found out pretty quickly that you could bend the plastic back and reach him and grab the items someone even stole a ps3 this way games and controllers that had the spider alarm were much easier to steal cameras are expensive in my store only kept them faced on where the expensive merchandise was displayed so you could take the items go to another part of the store and then damage the crap out of the boxes to get around the spiders sometimes people would give up and I'd come across the left behind mangled carcass of an iPod touch coincidentally my store also had the highest theft rates out of all the stores in the country no idea why slashes here what do you mean kicked out employees can't really do anything hey you're right we had security I don't know exactly what all they could do because I was just a lowly cashier and I was not paid enough to care about anything I just saw it was a big commotion with a lot of yelling and somehow I got caught in the crossfire I found out about the man's repeat offenses later as I was talking to my manager here what were you really doing to set him off hey I've thought about this a lot today and honestly I lead you guys astray I wasn't an innocent party the fact of the matter is I made eye contact with the man it's my mistake and I own up to it I'm sorry everyone I remember being screamed at every time the cigarette prices went up how am I supposed to afford that I don't know sir I'm a 15 year old girl note this was 20 years ago I think the law has changed but at least at the time yes minors were allowed to sell tobacco products and yes certain fifteen-year-old girls sometimes being yelled at did make me cry because I didn't open up shop an hour before opening time because he was here now so opened the store he kept banging on the door and then through a metal bucket at my head good times we used to hide as if a psycho-killer were trying to find us whenever a customer rocked up before opening hours they are the worst and they always say they don't mind that you're still cleaning / setting up / whatever but they'd be the first to sue if they tripped over the cleaning supplies worst thing is we only sold deep-fried food it was 10:00 in the morning I applied another discount to the total instead of the promoted discount to save her more money had to get into an argument with her just to explain I'm trying to save her more money she wasn't having it pay more money I don't ducking care anymore I was a department manager in a health and beauty section next to the pharmacy other grocery store a guy came in and asked for an indefinite mikanos all that the doctor suggested for an infection on his face now as some of you may know mikanos old is very commonly used for yeast infections in the vid so it is sold by the feminine hygiene products pads tampons etc I took him over there pointed out the mikanos ol and showed him that we carried a generic store brand as a cheaper alternative dude was absolutely pissed off that I suggested he put [ __ ] cream on his face and demanded to speak to a manager I told him that I was the department manager and he argued saying there's no way a chick is in charge of men and left or so I thought apparently he had wandered the department and found the nearest male employee who then brought the customer to his manager me when he had no idea where or what nikana cell was the customer refused again to listen to me so I told the stoker to bring him to the pharmacist also a woman to Mayo to discuss his needs next thing I heard was him screaming at the pharmacist demanding to talk to someone who knew what they were talking about he was asked to leave and eventually security was cooled to escort him out when he continued to rant and rave about women and know nothing about his medical needs [Music]
Channel: Animate My Life
Views: 23,700
Rating: 4.827848 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, reddit top posts, best of reddit, r/, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, top posts of r/, reddit stories, brainydude, comment awards, reddit comment awards, r/askreddit, exposed, top posts of all time, funny reddit, funniest reddit posts, funniest posts, tz reddit, ask reddit top posts, best posts and comments, reddit compilation, Flumpy
Id: st05Fc7s6JA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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