People REFUSING To Take GREAT Jobs After REALIZING Who The BOSS IS (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit interviewees what was something her employer said to you during her interview that made you not want to work for them fresh out of college I applied for a job as a developer at a company that made adverbs and data games this was about ten years ago when flash games were huge in many companies wanted branded flash games had a great interview on the way and I was shown around the office nice people interesting customers cool projects made a great impression with my portfolio was told I was the last candidate and they were sufficiently impressed that we'd go straight ahead with the salary and benefits negotiation which also went fine at this point it was 5 ' Irish and they'd send me the paperwork for the contract but since it was the end of the day perhaps I'd like to see how they spend their evenings at this company I'll okay I was taken to a large attic space big enough to stand freely but no windows there were logs like big real tree trunks placed around a fake campfire on one side of the attic on the other side were tents like proper camping tents with sleeping bags and stuff I was asked if I played any instruments because every night they'd come up here with the whole group of employees play music together around the fake campfire while they had dinner then they'd go back to work for a few more hours and sleep in the [ __ ] tents so they could start early in the morning apparently most people only went home on the weekend I was just so absolutely stumped that I didn't even decline the job on the spot I just thanked them for the interview got on the train home and just sat there mulling it over declined the job over the phone the next day and the manager actually got pretty mad because he already accepted a job from a client and scheduled me on it the employer was a publisher first they told me about the job which was basically the entire duties of a graphic artist plus the entire duties of a web programmer put together and honestly at the time there were undoubtedly only a handful of people including myself who could do the job in the first place then they told me how marvelous the company was going with X billion dollars of profit in the last year and how this meant I'd have a bright future there with lots of stability I gave some thought to what they were asking me to do what I was already earning being just a web programmer without the graphic art duties and what I'd want to earn for that job I decided that I wouldn't consider it without a $30,000 raise we got around to the discussion of what they were willing to pay for the position and the number they mentioned was the $5,000 pay cut from what I was already earning I explained that this was frankly insulting and that they had no business wasting the time of the best people in the industry with interviewing for such a ridiculous salary they told me that they are the publishing industry and publishers traditionally pay less than other employers for the same job I asked why they said it was because publishing is a low profit margin industry so I pointed out that they had some worth to try to claim poverty to me after their little lecture about how many billion dollars of profit they'd made last year then I stood up and walked out no way in hell was I ever going to work for that employer I work in telecom I build big networks and I've been doing it for 20 years a friend of mine knew some people at a very large well-known tech company who were interested in building a call center and looking to hire someone to oversee the entire project not my exact specialty but I could probably do it I said I'd be willing to do an informational call I made it very clear in the initial email intros that I was just curious about what they were looking for that I wasn't really looking to leave my current job and it wasn't a phone screen well I get on the call with the director who's looking to hire someone and she starts peppering me with questions I stopped her quickly and tell her that I'm just curious about what they need and I'm not sure I'm the right fit for the job I was already put off because she was being sort of aggressive and a bit condescending so I got a bit snarky myself I'll admit after about 15 minutes I was pretty sure I wasn't interested in working for them among other things they had no idea what they really wanted had no specific budget a rudimentary timeline no good answer for what I'd do at the company after the call center was built it was a full-time position not a contractor or anything and couldn't give me a good answer about how senior the role was we both ended the call amicably but clearly not too excited she told me that they have a standard written portion of an interview that she'd like me to look at and if my answers were sufficient we'd go forward so I get an ml shortly thereafter with what is a six page document basically asking me to detail everything that would go into building a call center standard my ass everything including budgeting side selection staffing how to do the physical build etc essentially they wanted me to tell them exactly what to do without hiring me it was a type of project plan document that would easily take me a full week to write properly and would require many revisions and reviews that really sealed the deal there I just sort of laughed to myself and never bothered responding it was clear that working for them would be a horrible experience went in for a bartending job at a new chain restaurant that was opening up at this point I had ten years experience but I also had about a year going on at my day job which was actually going to be my career I still wanted to bartend though because that money is too good to ever walk away from completely so I go in and there's two interviewers the GM of the new opening store and some hiring coordinator from their corporate office they are interviewing the guy before me with the door open I hear the woman asked what kind of experience he has and when he tells her she says well that's not really a high-volume place we need people that can handle high-volume and she sent him on his way so I go in next and we start talking and she says oh it says here you don't want to work any weekday day shifts why is that I tell her I have another job and she tells me they aren't hiring anyone that doesn't have completely open availability I said didn't you just tell the guy before me you wanted people could handle high-volume for the last ten years I've bartended at the highest volume bar in Philadelphia you're really not going to me because of schedule restrictions she said they wanted open availability and asked if it may be consider leaving my other job I laughed literally laughed at her and said lady in making dollar sign 40k a year there and I pretty much just started I'm not going to give that up to work lunch then I thanked them and walked out the GM followed me out and said he wanted to hire me because he knew who I was through and old cow walker of mine and that she was just being a [ __ ] he said if I changed my availability on the application he could promise me it never be shelled a weekday day shift so I switched it and got the job and he stood by his word it's funny because the interviewer was the one I didn't want to work for but once the interview was done I never saw her again she never worked in the actual store at all I used to work in management for a financial firm I was in the process of looking for a lateral move within the company and had lined up a few interviews they all went the same way you'd meet with two team managers followed by the VP each would ask you a series of six random questions from a three-part interview packet my last interview was at a different site than my own I showed up early and found my way to the location I was told to be at for my interview the problem was they literally gave me a room that was full of over 500 call center employee cubicles with no actual direction on who to talk to I wandered through the aisles of cubes until I found one that said admin the admin had no clue about the interview after about 15 minutes of her trying to figure out what was going on and me showing her the email from the VP scheduling the interview she just sent me to a conference room I waited another twenty minutes before the first manager came in she rushed through the six questions then told me she'd get me the second manager I offered her a copy of my resume since traditionally you bring three copies and each would take one she wasn't interested the second manager came in close to 40 minutes later she thought she was the first manager to interview me she asked me the same six questions I informed her after the first question that I'd already been asked the questions from section one of the pack I gave her my resume prepered to reference it for the next questions she refused to acknowledge my resume yet again I was ready to walk at that point but I figured since the VP had scheduled the interview I may as well give them the courtesy of thanking them for the opportunity rather than the VP a third manager showed up about 20 minutes later and asked the same [ __ ] six questions I once again told them I'd answered those questions they took my resume and said they'd give it to the VP but that the VP was too busy to do the interview today I had already planned to not take the job in such a train wreck of a department so I decided to ask why does it feel like this interview is wasting everyone's time she just shrugged and said if you get the job you better get used to this he's unorganized too never communicates anything to anyone no one communicates around here but you get used to it I smiled said thank you for the opportunity but I'd rather not get used to it I'm officially withdrawing my application for me it was a series of events that led me to not wanting the job but what the interviewer finally said was definitely the last straw I was applying for the walnut in my hometown during my senior year of high school suburbs 50k people and they had some customer experience testing that I went through on my own on the computer etc I wanted money even though my family was poor and it would end up going to them anyway so I could go out and do [ __ ] like any teenager interview date was set and whatnot so I have my sister give me a ride to the Walmart so I get there and I go to the returns area since I was never told where to go and I asked them where they're held interviews they told me to go wait around the automotive section and they'd have somebody come get me 30 to 45 minutes pass as I'm hanging around the paint and Auto section I noticed the workers all look they want to kill themselves which was pretty off putting but I brushed it off I eventually go back up to the returns desk and ask when someone is going to grab me they again tell me to go wait in the auto section and somebody will come grab me at this point I'm getting a impatience that I figure I'll make the best of it and wait while I waited for another 30 to 45 minutes until one of the workers asked me if I was waiting for someone since I was pacing around the Auto section for what felt like 10 years I told them my situation and they informed somebody I guess and I end up waiting for another 20 to 30 at this point I considered just saying [ __ ] it and leaving told myself if they don't come grab me in the next ten minutes I would leave well right as the clock chimed midnight they finally get me into the room at this point I'm internally wanting to grab some nearby cords and hang myself anyway I get into the interview room with a worker and who I had guessed was a manager of sorts I waited about another 15 minutes because they were struggling to find my file well they finally found it and guess what apparently some other chick had come in earlier in the day for an interview as well and some ding but fucus had assigned the same number or whatever to the both of us so it showed on my file that the first interview had already been completed at the time that the other chicks interview was completed so this leather for risk in manager turns around and tells me well I'll guess we all have to Rochelle this first interview so we can fix this I literally wanted to get out of my folding chair and smack them across the face WWE style and give the people's elbow to these [ __ ] I left and didn't show further a scheduled interview TL DR I waited almost two hours for an interview at war mat only to have it rachet Jules because somebody [ __ ] up and I wasn't contacted about it because it went unnoticed I had an interview recently that threw up red flags all over the place the person interviewing me is ahead of this forty person company a pudgy man in his late 50s we go into his office and he has a senior analyst who happens to be female I promise I mention this for a reason waiting for us she asks me some technical questions and I answer them without any problem which I expected because they aren't doing anything I haven't done before then he begins on his round of questioning the first red flag is that even though I have 10 plus years experience with data analysis he really harps on my lack of experience in the health care data field I explained that I would like to get into health care because it is a growing industry and throw out all the correct but canned answers to these kind of questions but he just won't let it go I'm sitting there thinking if you had such a problem with my lack of experience why even bother with the interview even starts in on how he wants people with a passion for the field and again I thinking how many people are you going to find in healthcare data analysis that are truly passionate for their field especially for what they were offering it's just a small health care information company paying average wages with average benefits and no real other perks it's not like I was applying at Google or something crazy he asks more questions and I feel like I'm throwing out good answers but every time I answer something he says well what if X X X X occurred often he would cut off my answer to change the scenario the dancer I'm like well that changes the scenario so I would do X instead of Y like I previously said it was just this very odd feeling likely didn't want me to answer a question correctly if I did he would change the scenario to make it so my first answer was wrong finally as he is walking me out he asks if I would like him to show me around the work area is mainly a big open room with a bunch of half-height cubicles where the analysts work the senior analyst who asked me technical questions is in the cube farm there are a few offices and conference rooms but I can see at least 35 of the 45 people in the office right now the weird part every single one of them was a woman I'm not talking most or a majority or anything like that I didn't see another man in the office other than the boss I have no problem working for all with women but it kind of all clicked together this guy did not want me here I was token male interview so that he could continue to grow his harem I knew I wasn't going to get an offer but there is no way I would have taken this job anyway even if I was the perfect employee if those women gave me the slightest amount of attention even work-related it would bothered him to no end and created a really horrible work environment a couple days later I got an email saying that they were going in a different direction I have never been happy for a rejection letter interviewed for a digital marketing wrote about a year ago and was set before an absolute sociopath he spent about 50% of the interview by rating my a level grades Exim sat at 17 over 18 which were actually pretty good seemingly completely disinterested in my extensive industry experience and education just because he used to teach business management law very nice assistant manager looked mortified through the entire interview despite this I felt I held my own and interviewed quite well looking back I would never accept shitty comments from this sniveling creep now but a contract was coming to an end and I was desperate for a permanent role he rang me about 10 minutes after the interview asking me to explain a gap in the education section of my CV I explained that I initially went to university for one course realized it had been miss old to me cut my losses and went to a much better course securing employment in between as requested I emailed over full details of the initial course stopgap employment and references this is for waitressing work from seven years prior there's a reason it wasn't on my CV he followed up with an email saying he was most disappointed that I didn't disclose this at the time saying I had ample opportunity to address my mistakes he was apparently still considering me but left in a few days to not offer me a job that I absolutely wouldn't have taken I thanked him for his email saying I was in complete agreement that the job wasn't for me and that whilst it was unfortunate that immediately supplied supplementary information wasn't satisfactory despite offering to address any concerns at interview I didn't address it in the interview not because a decision I made at 18 a mistake it's because that waitressing isn't remotely relevant to a digital marketing role not only did I get offered a job with almost double the salary shortly after I also poached one of clients before starting my new role went to an interview at a company a friend from high school was working at literally out of the blue the guy called me up and asked if I wanted a job I thought maybe this is just good luck or something decided to see what would come of it I was skeptical at first because we were only like two years out of high school and he's working in an office and wearing full suits every day like an investment banker or what have you and this kid was not an overachieving type in fact he regularly copied off of me in any class we shared so I thought he must have worked really hard to change his approach to life or something to land a job like this so soon after graduation I went there and my mother accompanied me just because I mentioned my skepticism and she was worried about it being sketchy and wordnet being a protective mother so we waited by the front desk and it was clear this office was a tiny and be barren you know that thing from the Trump press conference where they had empty folder stacked up they had that going on on the front desk near the door I decided to look while we were waiting for this interview to happen finally this guy comes out can't be much more than two years older than me looks young as hell he's wearing a full suit and seems to be the only guy here he shakes my hand and greets my mom and asks her to come along into the interview with us which I thought was weird as [ __ ] now the interview itself wasn't an interview he asked me one question and that was if I knew what a 401 K was I told him I was familiar with the concept but hadn't ever really learned about it in depth he then began a sales pitch to my mother about what the company does something about helping with savings and warred net even went through the whole mathematical equation they used to do it and asked her if she was interested in enrolling with them and she just desperately tried to steer the conversation back to me as I played spectator to my own interview finally he just stopped himself mid-sentence looked at me for a second and said so we'd love to have you here's a flyer explaining our training packages call me back and let us know if you interested got back in the car with my mom and all I could say was what the [ __ ] just happened you said your friend never really did well in school right yeah why that explains why he's gullible enough to fall for a pyramid scheme interview for an internship in it they told me at the beginning that they were a very successful business and one of the leading companies since 20 years I just thought okay since it was my first interview and I was an inexperienced 19 something sounds great the interview went well until they told me in aggressively and threatening that we don't want young adults like you surfing fascicle day so we set up a restrictive firewall also you have to drop off your phone every morning at our entrance so you don't text with friends and focus on work remember this is just an internship and we don't really need you you are just an auxilary part of our workforce and not an employee my view was shattered after these sentences they basically told me that I was nothing more than a stupid teenager that helped them and should be lucky to work for them I already explained them at the beginning that I was not in social media and that I take this employment serious they told me eight weeks after the interview that they are not hiring me and I found out that the guy that was hired instead he was in the same class as I signed his contract just four days after my interview the last I heard from the company was three months after my interview in the local newspaper they were raided by the authorities for insider trading and other criminal offences the guy that interviewed me was arrested luckily I got an internship some weeks later at a really nice company that I still work for at the moment one interview was for a school I arrived at the location 15 minutes early to an empty reception area an overgrown office plant and a phone telling me to dial this number to announce myself I call speak to a nice lady somewhere in the building and wait and wait and wait half an hour past the interview time I call again to make sure I'm not forgotten and wait some more a full hour past the scheduled time the phone rings and I'm informed that the interviewer was unavailable Irish edge owl I return at a later date 30 minutes early this time same empty reception area except the plant was removed I announced myself over the phone and wait 15 minutes after the scheduled interview time I get up and walk out three hours later I received a call asking where I was I told them I was at home getting ready for work they asked if I could Rachelle again I told them to go [ __ ] themselves and hung up they had the audacity to send an interview declination form I wrote in permanent marker across the whole thing first interview was told interviewer unavailable after one hour second interview interviewer more than 15 minutes late I left unacceptable they actually called three months after I was hired elsewhere asking if I was interested in the position again I laughed until they hung up one interview for another school with the principal I was asked to give one good quality about myself in an effort to sell myself I gave three I was corrected on the spot that I was to give one quality not three I decided to end the interview there one interview for a hospital it was only after when I was offered the position that the interviewer led slip that the position had been vacant for some time I read into that as it meant it was an expendable position and at the first economic downturn I would be let go I took the offer electon t because after a year of interviewing who wouldn't I even got so far as to updating my immunization record several shots before I could begin work I got another offer and jumped at it the pay was lower but the commute was much better I've since moved up within the organization and working within a field I like this is my time to shine had an interview last week at a pharmacy for what I assumed would be a job as a pharmacy assistant first things first the interviewer who was also the owner in the head pharmacist was wear thong / flip-flops was a little odd she then kept me waiting for 15 minutes which normally wouldn't be a big deal but she served one to Marin that time and had called me Melissa my name is Madeleine or Maddie then she conducted the interview behind the counter for the other staff member and customers to hear she also proceeded to sit on a stool getting me to stand while she kicked off our already non appropriate Footwear she then called me Mulaney after this she asked the usual interviewer questions like how did you find this job and what would you bring to this workplace now I like to think I'm a very personable gal so I replied with I would bring excellent customer service to our customers a friendly and positive attitude a willingness to learn and a passion for pharmacy and health in general she then replied with sorry not good enough I was a little taken aback I wasn't sure where she was going with the line of questioning so I also added in dedication to our customers loyalty to the store and all staff members helpfulness and initiative again that wasn't good enough and this time she called me Melinda the interviewer proceeded to talk to me not about my pharmacy qualifications but my qualification is a massage therapist she proceeded to tell me I would be working here not as a pharmacy assistant but as a massage therapist now if I wanted to be a massage therapist I would be pursuing that however she wanted to charge $60 an hour for a massage but I would be only getting paid the pharmacy assistant award wage which is about 17 dollars an hour so she wanted to rip me off putting money in her pocket and lying to the tax department because I would be employed as a pharmacy assistant she continued by saying I would need to give her a massage so she could confirm I knew what I was doing because she has had massages before and that she would know whether I had had proper training or not by what I did that she a customer not a trained massage therapist would know what the correct way of doing a Swedish massage was besides the fact that the basic principles are the same but each massage therapists routine and therapy differs she asked me why I wasn't pursuing that path and I explained that because I wasn't trained in remedial massage customers couldn't get a healthcare Ebates from me so that turned most people off when they could go somewhere else for a massage and only played ten dollars because of their health cover she continued to tell me that I was incorrect and that people weren't after the rebate I explained that 98% of the people that wanted a massage from me wanted the rebate which is fair enough yet she continued to tell me I was lying and making it up how through all of that I agreed to a trial day a few days away was beyond me the interview finished she walked me out from behind the counter in front of customers she had no shoes on and this time I was Madison which was slightly closer I corrected her each time by the way I got in my car thinking what the [ __ ] just happened got home was trying to work out how I could call up and say thanks but no thanks when later that night I received a call from the other pharmacist saying thank you for my interest but the position had been filled after I left it's safe to say I was relieved since there was no way I had to go back to whatever that [ __ ] show was thank you so much for watching please like and subscribe the channel
Channel: Top Post
Views: 62,540
Rating: 4.8341188 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: 6Ue4CfQQiSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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