Faster Than Light | The Hardest of Roguelikes - Torus Run FTL

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ftl the taurus two ngs one human um we've lost a lot we haven't won at all we're going for the advanced edition content and the normal difficulty and we're gonna see if we can beat the big boss this time um again we're gonna be playing high risk strategy we're gonna see if we can just kind of strong-arm our way into doing a lot of damage pretty early on we're gonna get like one ion blast in and then now we're gonna send in our combat drone good to accidentally spend two i think it was all right thing is that the first sector is just always so easy it's just a joke it's a big joke the first sector i might try hard this year to get the ions out on their weapons yeah i'm try harding so we're going to have to go back and forth between shields and weapons while i don't love it it's a lot of micromanagement that's what this game is kind of about took one hull damage that was worth it and we got 16 scrap and a drone part and a fuel that was great that was great okay again we don't mind selling the drone we kind of want oh son god hates me all right we're going to just unlock some of these things if somebody boards our ship we don't want them to get to the oxygen that's just about the worst place that they can go again we'll go to the do the same thing we'll do the same thing and are they getting on board our ship you know i know always where i want to get them to and in fact you know what i'm going to just switch this around we had nikos over here but i'm going to have nikos on shields because i think shields are more essential for us at first oh god the rock went right into the weapons room that was horrible um you get out of there hang on uh yes i do want i do in fact want the medical on on this ship um okay rock get out of there okay and now we need to let's disable their weapons as best we can okay um we've got a rock versus an ng in the mid bay um but we're doing all right otherwise let's just get this shield keep sure making sure that that's deactivated my money's on the ng right here only because the rock doesn't appear to be inflicting quite so much damage and we just don't want that burst laser to fire that is a nice long charge on that burst laser okay that's good ah it seems we will have victory except for the fact that the sun is going to destroy my ship all right excellent excellent um [Music] you know what i'm just gonna let my energy get some combat experience here that's fine that's totally fine yeah all right as we charge up the engine he's probably going to be on our ship as we go to the next sector let's just see those whoops x those closed yeah have a nice fight with that rock in there all right um no i don't want to get ambushed by somebody let's just wait a second until he's at least more decisively won this combat come on slay him slay him and this thing is about to hit us again okay let's just go over to the next sector all right um okay bad enemies here again this thing charges up pretty quickly so we aren't in too particularly much danger yeah just keep fighting him in there it's fine it's fine all right and then uh go straight for their weapons go straight for the eyes so to speak and good we've now neutered the enemy team aha neutered all right now go over here um your engine ah good good good good good good okay take out their shields now excellent excellent okay good they are working in harmony my ion cannon and my drone look at them it's like a ballet of death uh good good okay they won't get away from this haha all right and good okay so we're collecting a healthy amount of scrap to start we have plenty of drone parts plenty of people this is nice the beauty of the ng ship is that as long as your med bay is powered you're always being healed even by outside the map yes this is a very nice um this is a very nice ship for that reason although the layout is the castrol is much easier to control the oxygen in some ways too but but that is very true in many ways my friend like to imagine the ng's fighting with an iv a pact uh attached to his arm yeah something like uh oh what was that guy door monster who made the ftl video that was very nice you receive a hail from a station orbiting a nearby planet captain we are a federation terraforming team c12 and are in need of assistance do you have some time yeah i'll offer them assistance thank you we need to scan this plan for [Music] right damn it okay we don't have very good scanners so we can't do anything um again we're going to just dilly dally as much as possible before we get to the store um which appears we can go might be able to get one or two odd jobs done before we get to this store um again we're looking for a you look at a nobody can hear a human mind and colony where an unknown disease is spread violently they're setting up a quarantine to contain it but a riot is broken out um let's see if this works sending our ng good okay we got something we just have to play it dangerously before we get there um i'm willing to waste one turn um all this work should we go through the nebula i'm thinking if we end up going to this store they're going to be going here and here and here we won't have as many stops as we can get to we could go one two we could probably do all of this but we might not get to any store at all if we do that i think 58 scrap really isn't enough to make a significant purchase so i'm not even going to visit the store at all i'm just going to go only problem with the ng ship is that it feels more like the weaker side of ships on the in the late game yeah the problem is that um there is one ship that gets uh like a single laser and has like four power to the guns i think it's uh the second one that you unlock after the castrol it's a very nice ship but the problem is that you you really need something that harmonizes well with the ion blast for this ship to work out it can work really well and i have worn i have one with this ship before unfortunately the game didn't save my achievements but uh now it does come on take out their weapons and that is rather sad that's rather sad great okay good the enemy ship is flaccid completely flaccid yeah all right we should win this one very very easily now come on take out the ends we don't want this rebel ship to get away either i feel like i start talking like the way that the game narrates that that tends to happen when i play games too much oh that's a lovely ion bomb ion bomb ion bomb [Music] well we aren't using missiles for other things and it requires only one power it is very nice i mean it could get evaded this isn't really as good as our ion blast it also takes a way longer time to charge so this is a pretty crap gun as far as i can see um but we might be able to sell it later on can't say bomb or against oh you can't say bomb in an airplane oh well you also can't say fire in a large room either right ftl predicted quarantine yeah whenever you see that word now it's just okay we had a refugee ship um [Music] that many feeling the um hail them oh okay there are terrible people why does everyone want to kill us in space oh well all right well they have one of those fancy zolt hand shields good for them very cool very cool you're so uh trendy and hip with it oh god they took down see this is a murder they take down one of our shields my thing is i'm trying to make up for our badness by putting somebody in the shield room rather than the engine room because i think it's more valuable in the early game to be able to charge up shields quickly than to dodge missiles just because there aren't that many people with missiles early on all right i think okay well we got a lot of loot from this we have 25 fuel so that'll take us anywhere um [Music] on the one hand i would want to mitigate damage but again i really think we need better weapons before we get those shields once we get a good weapon that we're happy with then we can quickly go to the shields um we will demand the surrender of the rebels okay they don't want to fight this could speed up the uh the fleet's progress so let's go straight for their engines we want to keep their engines permanently disabled in this combat why do they have a drone there okay we need to go in for their drone first then that is quite sad please don't destroy my combat journal and they were going to destroy my combat drone and inflict a lot of damage on me and double this ugh god damn it yeah we're dead we are dead oh this was just horrible i find that these rebel ships tend to be more powerful maybe i shouldn't be taking these events let's see if we can take down their weapons prevent any more damage from coming to us before they escape because you know that they're okay wait they're down again might be wait wasn't that thing down yeah we just blew up their drone that was weird all right let's go for their shields yep they got away that was a huge waste and it probably doubled the fleet's pursuit but it doesn't make much of a difference all right not great not great hey winged appalachian welcome in i've got a guy who only has lasers in my every way to get mastered the thing is that if you have four lasers not only can you say lasers a lot but you can also um i i like when you have smaller weapons because you can be a bit more choosy i forgot to repair our doors but it doesn't really make a difference here like if you have four like four lasers i don't know why that's so hard to say oh goddammit um i'm sending him out to fix that up if you have four lasers you can really choose which enemy systems to destroy oh a boarding drone you're offering me okay yes yes i will take that thank you good i deserve that all right um you go in there and you actually you go over there 111 scrap is not a bad way to leave this sector that's fairly rich for the first sector i wish we had gotten something more but we got this bomb we could also sell that we have a nice bomb right we like that you like bombs who am i kidding you love bombs the enemy has lasers only lasers the thing is that damn it okay now i'm now i'm looking for a store it'll be stupid if we find a store later on but we do have a lot of exposure to other stars if we visit one and two we'll get a good idea if we can't find a store here then i will probably buy some shields um that would be that would be pretty key um [Music] i said it now i'm going back on it oh we didn't have an event here so that's another reason okay i'm gonna i'm gonna burn a little bit more fuel see if we can find a store i know that we can afford shields i just i really want to win big um i need like a big burst weapon here and i forgot to repair my tours again i could do the boarding the boarding robot oh that wasn't a great place for you to go and i also broke my doors well they have they do have rockets but i have only a 10 chance of evading them i could just let the rock you know go to town on my on my ship that would be all right actually for right now i'm going to do that only because like there's some other bad things i need to take care of on this ship right now yep rock you can just go ahead and destroy the med bay that's fine with me all right good our captain will fight you except he won't have the healing that's the problem um okay you know what uh let's see their lasers are down and there are other weapons that are down so ng you get out of there and let's go repair that med bay quickly do this keep their weapons down see if our drone can get anything done and they have left the ship huzzah okay thank god for that and you go back there and good okay many of their systems are in the red and they are failing and they are dying good anyone but me anyone but me let's go for the shields good okay they are in some serious trouble there isn't some very deep deep toot right now they are in some deep toot good they are dead this game it makes me cry too have you ever you know actually i cried when i played nfl street as a child because i couldn't beat the nfl legends team and then i cried to my mother mother why can't i beat the nfl legends you ever do that no i didn't do that last part but i did cry you ever cry when you were a kid and you couldn't beat the game that you need the med bay i know i know it's you have to mismanage one thing that will cause you to not die as badly are they getting a new uh is this the same thing well we just had our ng crew members succeed in this let's see if it happens again okay great our ng crew member is very uh socially socially aware and and good okay um we could buy a lot with this i really don't want to keep avoiding getting shields but i'm going to do it for one more sector and see if we get a store i want a store so bad okay this is a weird encounter all right get it we're ready for a strange encounter of the third kind all right you encounter a small craft with minimal propulsion it's a rock crew member explains that the rock homeworld is run on lies and propaganda i agree yes don't trust any of them that keep the populace in check and that they want no part of it i agree um tell them their god sent them here to join your crew okay or promise to share with them the truths they've i don't think i could really do either of these things there doesn't seem to be any morally upright decision here do i have a raw i don't even have a rock on my crew um okay let's assume that both things are going to have a good outcome um [Music] do the um do the special blue shaded choice options fail sometimes they do fail the blue choice options but i figure that since we have them they're probably good um two looks like resources and one looks like a crew member well we do need another crew member for and earlier the earlier the better oh god damn it why do they always come on but you said you didn't trust any why would we even do this i was given no choice by the game the system was rigged i want my money back just like these rock people what even are rock people do you think they have rock butts or do you think that's flesh i will be up tonight wondering about this okay please stop hitting my ship i need this ship okay i should have gone for these weapons sooner you know shame on me i i could save myself a lot of trouble like this oh but we have disabled the only weapon that is actually affecting us can we at least get one of them out of it no you can't just grab somebody out of space join our ship join our ship the other thing after 1 000 years of evolution that seems like an awfully short time okay this is great all right we've got 171 scrap it would cost us a hundred if we wanted to get another layer of shield only because we would have to do two power bars um power bars uh and we would need to do two things of shields but that would give us double shields i think we could get a really good offense and maybe something else if we went to stress store distress and then we could go assuming that we found good guns here let's just do this good guns then the shield and then move on ah good a ship without light forms within a nearby dense asteroid field is giving off a distress call shall we investigate it could be dangerous let's just do it and we found a bunch of good stuff okay we got great rng this time now we're ready for the stars cross your fingers our doors [ __ ] i forgot about the doors well we're in a safe place um okay this is all right this is all right this is not amazing but it's okay um i might take this just as a substitute because i really like this or i wish we had gotten something really really strong but yeah we could sell it later on um i'm not gonna do these things because i think cloaking is just too expensive it requires a lot of power um the halberd beam would be good the halberd beam is neat but it can't penetrate shields can it am i wrong about that for every shield bar in the enemy beams damage is reduced by one for example oh a three damage beam against damage per room hit okay so then this would hit this can pierce through one layer of shields right am i correct about that beams works better with ion whole laser okay i could see this happening that we take out some of the enemies shields and the other thing that's cool about the halberd beam is that we can then aim it across rooms and get more damage in and since i have a brain and i can think i can do more okay i'm willing to do this i've had an eye on to a halberd which with a devastating effect um um though this requires only this does require three power charge time is 17 seconds as well but you know it is it is a weapon i'm gonna go ahead and do it we need something else um and i don't think that any of these drones are really worthwhile either so let's go halberd beam um should we fix the ship maybe let's first upgrade our shields though because we just haven't done enough of that lately um one two one two accept double up on that i want to keep this for the combat turn and we're also going to need to power up that halberd beam now which is uh going to be extremely expensive to power up we could probably use it on its own but we'll also want the ion blast later on i'm going to go back to the store and i'm going to sell my s-bomb or not my s-bomb what is my other my ion bomb because i just think we can do better with other things um we've got enough that we could buy the whole laser as well ooh that's kind of a toss-up um what do we do sell the bomb yes so we'll sell the bomb get energy to power the weapons oh we could do that yeah we might want to buy one more crew member um it would pay to get an ng early on too because you know that i you know me and you know that i like ngs we don't have an uh we could get aki as zoltan i always find whenever i have zoltan's they blow up um and they always kill another crew member too that's true though zoltans do pay off because they give power it's a really devastating loss if we lose one but i don't also don't have money for it oh but i could sell this boarding drone i don't even want this boarding drone so let's sell that um okay you know i could take aki and then i could fix the hull because now it would be worth it to fix the hole i think uh we still have plenty of fuel so i'm not worried about that and we're good on drone parts let's do it that way we have more player power to play around with and we could get closer to that halberd beam ion uh one two punch so we'll get aki we will hmm i'm trying to see if i can be kind of greedy here only because the sooner we can power this up we're gonna be way better off we might mitigate other damage we would take let's get our zoltan to the uh required system now will it be bad later on assigning the zoltan here we do get more power to the engines i will leave them there hmm i think we're going to jump before we jump i'm not going to hit a power spike right now it's going to take a lot to get this halberd beam up though so i think this is another big thing we're gonna have to say before i'm just gonna play it safe i don't wanna die here let's just fix the ship okay i'm gonna jump now i don't like doing that but we got another distress call on the line it's maybe more scrap all right once we arrive at a location the disgraceful civilian ship tells us okay they've got a quest we got to go on and they give us 12 scrap okay that's pretty good that's a decent location for a quest we might be able to make it there um let's just see one uh one it'll be like that then two three i might have to go through here to get to this quest i might not be able to visit these other two sectors though but so be it whatever it seems more uh sure that we would get this oh that's too bad we could have gotten a zoltan right here dang that's too bad all right we didn't save quite as much money as we could have too bad we didn't get geico actually i did get a geico policy lately it's pretty good it's pretty good all right i wonder if we could buy now we can't get that oh seems like kind of a waste all right whatever pay to win is working is is there pay to win in ftl i i would pay to i would pay a little bit more it's a pretty cheap game okay great ng controlled we have a lot of energy so that's fantastic rn jesus is laughing rngs yes rngesus is very happy with us right now okay let's just make sure i want to make sure none of nothing is stupid on my ship halberd beam the halberd beam is nice but the ion blast charges up so quickly too i think we'll keep it with the ion blast of the combat room in the next sector we'll move toward ion blast to halberd beam that would be perhaps more effective you know we could take down one or two layers of shields with the ion beam and then quickly switch over to the halberd okay this is yeah this is still an easy battle for us let's turn on our combat drone again we're going to need a lot of bitcoin to power this operation um okay let's go in for the weapons now we just want to mitigate as much damage as possible good we've got their laser the laser is offline and i will go back for the shield so that they can't turn those on i barely missed that one i took a little bit of damage but now we lose only one layer of shields whenever they ionize our shield room that's fantastic uh these tr okay good that was a triple laser that didn't even do anything to us and now we will go for the now their engine has no hope no hope you're going to die i hope you die i they might escape then this is a pretty good offer all right we'll take we'll let them live now you will be allowed to live once the german ki keep the shield switch to the halberd yes yes so once we take or i think we can't even penetrate one layer of shields but no more than that so when we start to get really tough enemies it will start to drag on us but all right well we've got two stores in here i say we go one two three store see if the store is anything good because stores are always good because of capitalism um [Music] oh this is um [Music] this mantis always betrays you whenever we do this at least in all of the rng that i've had so i'm going to just give up the mantis anyway um yeah we could use the if they have one layer of shields then we could use the albert on it i believe what is space made of i don't know ask um oh damn he just did five automatic damage to our hull for no reason but we got 41 scrap from that that was actually worth it because i'll be able to repair it pretty cheaply i hate it when they do that like you can't even i'm just gonna use this as a forum to complain that's all that streaming is anyway what is space made of isn't it supposed to be mostly dark matter space is getting farther apart i watched that who was it do you guys watch that kurzick stop the german youtube channel i like that they explain everything and they make me feel like i understand it because they use simple animations and you like that too that's why you watch it you watch curtis's chat you know youtube some pz next death maybe maybe it's getting kind of late i have to make another video you notice an ng colony hiding on the other side of the nearby moon seems they're turning uh it turns out they're excavating an equipment cat for the federation mantis war and they suggest it might be used to learn okay we don't need our missiles for anything nor do i really like to do that oh we've delayed the fleet hey okay more opportunities to save up money for the store great you arrive at a green planet with great planes and rolling waterfalls it could be of little interest to the god damn it i didn't want that um all right we'll go here and then to another place and then to the store how do i smell without oxygen that's a good point have you ever smelled in space um we have a lot of fuel so i'm gonna say [Music] i mean it's a good deal on fuel but we have a lot i'm gonna get two only because that gets me to an even hundred and i that might be a good amount to have i don't know why just even numbers stick out to me as being good all right um we have a lot of fuel i i don't mind giving this to these rock and sometimes they upgrade okay great that was actually a fairly good deal we just bought fuel so we're like a traveling traveling salesman oh i like that can we go here here then here yeah so this should be fine one one two three yeah all right let's visit five is the most even odd number that is philosophy texas read yes i agree five is the most it's the most even god that is a great statement ah kudos to you for holy [ __ ] they've got two drones on our ship hang on a second well this might take uh hang on this might take some astrological thinking oh man if they get through our shields good thing we have two shields on i'll say that right off the bat but damn um can we down their drones and they've got a rocket this is a very powerful ship hang on a second we need to down their drones at least a little bit okay good we've downed that one so now they have only the halberd beam drone on us now we have to quickly switch back to the shield this is going to be a lot of micromanagement this fight um please everyone in chat cross your fingers this is not gonna be an easy fight okay good we've downed the rocket let's keep their shields offline no we gotta keep their drones offline so many options i hope my drone gets a lucky hit here soon oh now we've gotta go shields again okay good okay that was fairly lucky it didn't hit any major systems can we get that thing good so that'll make it easier or harder for them to evade good we've downed another drone uh yeah i'm gonna accept i don't like this fight at all okay good oh what what the [ __ ] really we had already had peace although we had oh that's terrible that's awful no oh god why why would they do that to me hey vingerth vingerth thank you very much for the sub my friend appreciate it i hate that when like i've had chips like yeah we'll go in peace and then one of their rock it strikes me and the entire game ended right there like the most passive aggressive piece all right all right i like leaving on the uh the uh mid bay on this ship just because there's a lot to be done all right um time for the store we love the store you love the store actually uh it's not time for the store we want to go for one more sector and then we'll go for the store i really want to get a big pick up at the store system repair oh this is fantastic oh here we've had great rng this entire run this is the opposite of the last couple of runs euroscrap hours hour opens for you blah blah blah um heavy ion we've already got one eye on i don't like having more than one eye on because it's just overkill we've already got a halberd beam and we hate flak guns so it's pretty obvious hole repair is nice i might buy this would this be worth it is it really worth the drone parts well the thing is that we could use it whenever we want out in space which is kind of nice and there's nothing else that does this and we could switch it out with combat drones so it's like paying 85 right now but is that worth all of those hull repairs that we would use later on but it does do three to five damage which is quite a lot but it's also kind of pricey i feel like we could do a lot here first off um i don't think we are going to want this at all i'm going to sell it now we've got 185 by power bars yeah we're gonna need more power but we've also got another zoltan here so we could get another crew member but i wouldn't really want to put him onto these main essential systems because i've already got experienced people in those positions will never pay for itself yeah we'd probably just be better off doing um fixes as we go yeah i think you're right let's fix our ship but quite honestly i think that we just need to upgrade the ship itself now all right i'm comfortable doing this i think we've uh we've done a lot enough weapons now that we just need power bars so that we can get this halberd beam up um okay now is where the fun begins uh okay so we have three power to that really just this one combat drone is all that i want now we're gonna need six power here um i do wanna be able to repair with a little bit more of this this is gonna be really really pricey to get this thing online but um will we be able to do it right now i don't think we'll be able to do it just yet but i don't want to use up too much on repair so let's do 35 and 50 and then 63 i'm debating on how much of the ship we want to repair that gives us five we still need one more of these things which cost 75 but then that's the last thing we'll probably need for the whole game um maybe more later on but we'll also need more power bars to get that online but we might not need to power that combat drone anymore i'm not counting on that we've got six power here so it's really just gonna be another 70. um let's repair a little bit of the ship and then go on but not maybe not the whole thing maybe not the whole thing ah you know what screw it i'm gonna do the whole thing it's not that much it's not that expensive okay uh we'll go to one more sector and then we'll exit hopefully we get this power beam online or halberd beam online before we get any further um okay that was sorry that was a lot of deliberation right there am i planning on another rimworld series soon i do want to do more room world soon i think uh maybe save our ship i've just been feeling like space games might do it raven you arrive at a zoltan research facility they say they are researching genetic distortion i feel like that there was a bad outcome of this event so but i'm gonna do it anyway because i think okay well that's great all right um that was kind of lucky i thought that they were going to steal one of our crewmates we are secretly dissecting people over here um oh an event you arrive near a damaged and dilapidated space station appears to be abandoned but you detect faint life signatures on board i don't really want to lose anything here um [Music] only i don't want to board it because that seems unsafe let's just scrap the debris okay that's great we got all right now we're ready to get the uh halberd beam online all right now's where the real play-through begins yes we're ready now rimrolled rocks but it's i don't know there's so many rimroll playthrough i could keep playing rimworld forever guys there's just so many different playthroughs that you could do with rimworld well i mean i would probably get tired of it sometimes i get tired of the game's systems itself so i need to do ui switches just to make it feel a little bit different but there's enough mods that you could keep creating new thematic playthroughs every single time i'm convinced you come to a quiet part of the zoltan space and encounter an ancient zoltan wise man who has managed to harness the power of what is he just floating out in his face to harness the power of a spatial rift but seems to have been driven completely mad by the power jews you're doomed he demands and this is all part of a day's work um we don't have any of these if i could have one of these three though i would probably pick a mantis because they're very good in combat oh he was gonna try to kill me with a mantis that is the opposite of what i wanted and they are also going to teleport onto our ship um that's not great okay let's get the uh ion blast ready we are going to launch it out there [Music] what am i going to do with that i don't think we can actually get to any of the systems but the halberd beam too now look at the halberd the albert beam is one of my favorite weapons in the game because you can look we can literally do this we can hit four rooms at once this just does dastardly damage to them um let's do this because this is going to inflict tons of hull damage and demonstrate something that i've been wanting to demonstrate to you for a very long time and that is powerful four rooms four rooms and it's gonna do separate damage to each of those rooms i know i thought that he was going to give us one of those crew members i forgot about this event well the thing is that i don't like to play so much of this game that i remember all of the events all the time i i like to play it when i haven't played it in a long time otherwise it just becomes too you know it too much like uh chess and not enough like um oh whatchamacallit uh like like reading a book like playing a roguelike is almost like reading a book to me when it gives you all of these text-based choices and i like that to be quite honest with you oh there goes my halberd beam okay and it did not hit anything at all um [Music] damn it because we didn't have their shields down okay you return to uh wherever you live hang on a second couldn't this penetrate one thing of shields okay good we've got one down i might need to wait for a more opportune moment here okay and i say go albert beam go look all the damage that that did so that took out two of their systems and uh it also does damage for each room that it hits i think it's two damage for each room that it hits damage per room hit two so that's eight damage on the ship it's fantastic that's this is why howard beams are great thank you for recommending these i'm back with fried rice would i like some would absolutely love some fried rice pass some over here my friend pass some over here uh i don't want them to escape we could switch over to the combat drone but they don't appear to be trying to escape okay my person is being killed in here um you know why don't you just get out of there and i don't think these people are much of a of a threat to us anymore so i'm just going to send in you and the halberd beam is going up and ha ha there i did oh that guy just literally evaporated right there okay we survived the challenge and we made out majestically that was very very good loot very very good loot all right teleporter weapons into o2 would be good uh let's see the thing is i don't attack enough of the enemy ship internally really that's probably my main shortcoming because i don't like if they keep if you keep their exterior systems online now if you had cameras it would be nice i just prefer to play the game in one dimension if you try to play a little bit of everything i find it it kind of weakens the overall strategy oh man i might need to divert power here i don't want to give up the eye i could give up the med bay they don't have a teleporter so i might end up doing that they do have drones but that's just one attacking my ship i'm going to give up one power from engines and i'm going to use that for a combat drone i want to go all out in combat on this ship because this ship really could wreck our day um let's go straight for shields and let's send the halberd beam why do i fail to say halberd oh look at that five rooms that's nice go albert beam go go combat drone go go help ruben wait where's the albert beam the helper beam is almost ready right hang on a second wait halberd beam um not yet not just yet hang on a sec uh hold your fire albert beam hold your fire until everything is down and okay great weight is not perfect yet it's not perfect okay now now halberd beam go wait a minute okay we got to retrace that it's like playing kirby canvas curse for the nintendo ds oh wow one hit done lights out that's why i love the halberd beam boarding drones are good uh we'll go we'll attack the enemy internally soon i i could see that as being good that you don't risk your own crew members lives but you also have to uh use up drone parts the halberd beam is so nice okay we've got 120 scrap we are really getting a lot of scrap now we're raising more money for charity and that charity is their death okay um okay let's get more shields more shields hmm we could get a third shield now but it just seems like overkill i think we're better off getting a little bit more engine power here now we have enough power that we can keep diverting around from attack to attack so let's uh well let's just see we've got another store coming up i do want to see what's in the store but i doubt we're going to get much more powerful from here so let's go like one where can we go from the store once we get there go one we'll go one two three four five or something like that only issue with boarding drones outside is using parts if they go down in the enemy ship they have to rebuild oh see some of the drones that will board enemy ships and stuff like that you don't actually have to rebuild right like if you get a repair drone and it doesn't die it's still it's just fine uh okay heavy laser too this does only two shots so it's not really that great pegasus could be good this might be a good backup gun to have but it also requires three power and i'm not even sure that we have that much power in the ship um let's go ahead and see if there's any other like augmentations that we could get or we could get one of these zoltan um that would be free power and more people for our ship but again oh we can put them on the drones that could work i might end up doing that hmm boarding drones always create a whole breach you can get a drone arm that retrieves oh we could do that hang on a second let's go back to the store well they don't have it on sale they have well let's see fire suppression automatically puts out fires throughout the ship i think if we manage our ship well enough we can do that so i'm not worried about that um defense scrambler prevents enemy defense drones from targeting anything since we aren't so drone reliant anymore we have one combat drone but we could always take out any other systems so i'm not worried about that runs your western prevents your weapon fire from disrupting your cloak allowing you to well we don't even have cloak so this doesn't make a difference um i'm not a big fan of these other systems so i think i'm just going to say i don't even really want to fix because it's just using up my money now um and we're at a nice even dollar value so i'm going to say that this store was not that great uh we've already got the halberd beam so that's not really worth it okay let's just keep upgrading our ship and i'm gonna go with what is our evade at right now 15 we could use another crew member though yeah maybe i'll get a zoltan or even twos we've got two zoltan here i could buy two zoltan if i wanted to and they've already got some skills too big b has already got shields experience which we could use um this guy is very good with the engine but we'll probably be getting that as we go um okay i'm gonna get bigsby or big b because i just think that he's nice let's put him to work somewhere he is good with shields in the engine now who is you've been training with the engine you've been training with shields uh but i don't want you here i want you there i think there we are okay so now we've got yet even more power being saved hmm i feel like if you want to win you have to have a really big crew too like if we got if we got two zoltan now that's two free power for us and since power to cost 25 if we have this many crew members we probably won't use them we could put somebody onto doors which would help us fend off attacks even better i don't want to take this guy off of the guns though but would we could replace our pilot if we wanted to liam is good with repair hmm me thinks that we need to get another zoltan only because that's just free power and it's free crew we're gonna do it um we're gonna have zoltan everywhere yep i'm gonna do it i'm actually gonna replace our gunner here i might regret this a little bit later on um [Music] actually now that now that i see this i i more instantaneously regret this if i put you here does that power one of my drones i can't believe i didn't think of this before i met wrong person in wrong place oh that actually does power our combat drones now this guy might be great here because he has faster repair and if our drones go down we want that repaired fast and it also just powers the drone so we can use up less power on that now we could put this toward this now we've got we need only one what is it no actually we could have halberd bean ion blast and combat all at once okay i am really geeking out over all of this um but that is clearly evident i kind of need to if i want to play this game well we have nobody in oxygen but we do have our doors powered i think i've taken nicos who was pretty good with shields and put them over there but big b is even better with shields so that's good and aki is good with or is decent with engines i can live with that and we keep our gunner at the gunner spot um let's save those crew positions i hope that we start to practice more with this actually i think i think we made out really well from here we have a good shot at winning the game now yes zoltan's are very weak against boarding parties um but if we just have so many people on our ship they have only 70 health i figure we might as well just take the risk um once we get tons of crew then we'll be better off okay now this is getting to be quite a lot three shields and we're only in what sector are we in let's get up our combat drone as well and then we're gonna launch that halberd beam once the shields are down and they've taken that down ionization is really strong against our ship sending the zoltan uh wait no we want to keep the zoltan in there so that he can repair problem with the zoltans is that we can't move them around very easily um now can the halberd beam penetrate one layer of let's just see this can it penetrate one layer of shields it in fact can but it does only half damage okay so it's worth it to do that um let's just automatically fire uh we'll see if we can now we gotta wait oh that was a bad hit uh gunner get out of there we took a lot of damage right here okay uh halberd beam again i don't really want to use up my combat drone hang on a second there we go all right okay put out that fire please for god's sake um and we don't want to lose our captain either he could get killed pretty easily right there and they're dead oh that was actually quite a bad fight only because he had three shields though but that was a lot of scrap we're earning a lot of scrap for each fight now okay 39 and we're really good on we could even sell some missiles oh the store is really our only option here let's go ahead i need a thick boy for anyone who just i do i need like a like a rock man and a mantis um okay slug what are slug specialties these telepathic slugs were shunned in the galactic federation for the constant thievery and attempts it was kind of funny immune to mind control telepathic powers reveal rooms and life forms even when sensors are down that would be a nice thing to have especially because our crew is so vulnerable but it does cost 45 and we don't have anything to sell um we took more damage than i expected that fight so i think i just kind of want to fix our ship to be honest with you um [Music] maybe call me stupid but hey tke thank you for the five months my friend hope you're doing well if i get uh if i get one rename it to salty salty saint claire i are we in the pirate section right now yeah we no we are in the zoltan sector my bad right so i i would like to name all of them after pirates though for the record inside this nebula we reject a rogue planet a rogue planet drifting through space on its surface a huge monolith visible at this distance even to the naked eye a zoltan elder hails us from the planet through luck or intent you have discovered the great eye into good steps you receive your just desserts um [Music] i want to receive my oh god damn it really i know it was a bad thing but it was just instantly killed one of my it took my captain there should at least be a chance to fight somebody i know for the record i know that just desserts is a bad thing but usually that means a chance at that's the one thing i can't stand about this game is that sometimes it's like it just takes things from you for no reason which is very uh frustrating unfortunately we had a big crew and our captain wasn't very good with anything else and i also don't really like having a human captain and i hated that guy and i was secretly trying to get rid of him and i didn't like him but when am i going to get to the point jesus christ just some things like that just feel stupid you know it's like if i had known that event text well now i know for next time ooh that's not good unfortunately it's one less energy that we can move around okay we've got that thing taken out i'll wait for another uh halberd beam to charge up that's fine but see how good that halberd beam is like this ship would have been much more of a pain in the neck before but i think we did good i think we won son ah okay good the halberd beam is really overpowered and we're getting a lot of scrap from these fights now good good okay let's save everyone's positions and i secretly like having an ng in the pilot's uh seat they're pretty like multi-talented now too so it's it is what it is oh yeah this is an excellent game to buy i would highly recommend it this is one of the oldest games in my steam library now that you mention it can we win this without the without the uh combat drone and is the combat drone really going to do anything to help us here i'm going to put it in only because this ship looks fairly strong and where can we most badly damage this ship i think if we go here that's fairly strong and that gets a lot of major systems as well it doesn't hit their weapons as my one regret about this but whatever it is what it is let's just make that sure that this halberd beam hits them when their shields are completely down and that was great okay um that's actually a fairly good offer so we'll take it and get out of here okay there we go paused all right i think we've done really well in this sector um we could still get another distress call and answer more stuff before we get out of here so let's just keep trying to make money fl ftl taketh and it taketh away or giveth and it taketh away or taketh and take it away yes sometimes well we had a fairly good orangey around this time it appears the distress beacon i've misread that as bacon is good we have sent some distress bacon what is that in the airlock it's some distressed bacon how can you tell that it's distressed there's just sweat all over it clearly this is distressed bacon it's coming from the surface of a nearby moon your senses are picking up a single life form this has never gone well for me so i'm going to ignore the signal almost all random events are bad random events when they happen to me uh i think we're barely not going to be able to get to this distress beacon so we're going to have to go to this nebula the stress bacon this a you spy two pirate ships lurking lurking in the nebula here they remain unaware of your presence you're able to get your scanners to at least identify their cargo one is carrying fuel supplies the other ammunition they began to diff drift away from each other in the storm um i think by ammunition they mean missiles which we don't need so i'm gonna go for the fuel supply okay a fight well we are prepared for a fight and we have been preparing for a fight because we like to fight um i'm gonna go for the weapons because i wanna turn this looks very dangerous and bad for me and i'm actually gonna turn on the drone oh we're in the nebula so we are powered down oh that's not good i mean i meant to say i'm not going to power up the drone because we don't have power for that of course yes that's what i said um all right let's see if we can get this thing online as soon as possible please for god's sake just destroy this um oh god oh god no they do have two shields um [Music] wait a minute don't don't launch the halberd yet wait give me a second give me a second okay albert is ready uh this will be a good at one of those good enough kinds of halberd beam shots great job halbert beam that's uh good enough good enough albert beam we love you albert beam officially now the halberd beam is the greatest thing in the game i forgot about how powerful this thing is thank you guys for reminding me of it oh yeah baby yeah it's like just pissing on the enemy ship it's overpowered because of the way that certain ships are lined up and it's i don't know it's like it's geometrically satisfying you see what i'm saying oh wait the o2 is running out oh crap i totally neglected the o2 i didn't even have 102. oh that was pretty bad um which is why we need more zoltans okay are we in any immediate danger right now we have 48 percent out too nobody's nobody appears to be dying it's only because we're in this nebula and the nebula is nebulous and bad uh let's just let the ship charge back up we don't even have a single feeling you know what as long as we uh a lot of bad things are happening right now you know can we can we double power with the zeltan we can all right i'm gonna do that because as long as we aren't hiring a combat drone we'll just have that nice two zoltans in one room it's like a zoltan sex this long-range beacon is almost hidden within a nebula i know it's dirty um when the ftl drive is charged so uh all right good uh everyone returned here there we are okay um might be kind of a waste to have this guy in here actually you know if we get boarded or something i'm just gonna put this guy in here if we decide that we want the drone it takes a couple seconds for the drone to you know matter i could always just return him over there that's fine it was good i know it's kind of a waste to have a zoltan in here but whatever he's making himself useful he likes it there see he's so happy to be working on this ship he hasn't submitted any employee complaints yet okay we're going to keep saying in the ng homeworlds because they're pretty safe and i seem to be very prosperous there all right hey thanks for coming out raven uh you've arrived at an ng space the mantas seem to have been threatening the ng-core worlds oh no not the mantis we don't like them all right um exit is fairly close in i think i like this one we'll stay here halper beam is great but four flak one four fl ah yeah you know four of anything is really nice though too that seems expensive to run okay um well we aren't really using missiles and we're getting slightly low on fuel so let's trade for some fuel that's a pretty uh pretty obvious one right there um wait a minute maybe i should be buying more i should have bought a vade your i've had a populated section one sector one merchant seems to be mass broadcasting request for mercenary ship tape um i think we're fairly strong now so i'm gonna see if we can win something great i was very known to respond my usual carriers days late okay we've got a quest yeah all right i'll do it and we get five drone parts too um okay now i'm gonna go ahead and say uh who is our evasion man um aki okay so i assume he's not leveling up because he's just not evading very much we haven't really thought too much about it uh we've got only 15 of asian right now i'd like to bring that up to around 50. um let's just distribute power as i would like it in this ship this just seems like a waste to have as another zoltan here a little bit until we have a lot of power it's going to feel like a waste with this zoltan i mean he's not really gaining any other skills here maybe i should just put them on shields might honestly be better and that way we have three power there so we can always put that toward a we have more than enough power all right let's uh redistribute some of this power toward evasion so we're going to power up our engines let's just see i'm going to put one more toward that i do want to keep this keeps our crew kind of stuck in place though and our doors are very vulnerable like if we get invaded by another team we'll be in a lot of trouble so what i'm going to do is upgrade the doors once as well only because i want to keep my crew in these current positions and then let's say we've got another two power bars i don't even really think we need the combat drone in most of these fights we're at 25 percent of aid now so let's get up to what does that give me 30 percent of eight okay that's much better have we got our shields back on i think we're good now um we've got on the double shield right let's leave it like this i'm not going to rely on that drone also because i don't want to use up drone parts we might be able to get a second drone now too um and that would be good for like our final end game kind of thing we need to be really powerful for the final battle hey polar blood sorry my tts isn't working hey thank you very much appreciate the uh the kind words of encouragement and the thousand bits one thousand bits it sounds like so many of them it is a lot of them thank you that's a very that's a very generous donation i appreciate it polar belt hey dale riff how are you oh did i save my crew positions i didn't right now because i wanted to be able to go back to the well maybe i should go back and do it and there's a fairly decent deal for some fuel yeah let's put them there i don't like having two in one room one but when it's zoltan you're zoltan zoltan you really can't have too many of them oh god we've gotten great rng this game i gotta say the last couple this is making up for all of the last games rng's combined all right um you find the station and respond held me immediately saying it took me long enough we have practically no use for these now i refuse to pay the full price take this and leave the cargo in our holds um oh god what if we kissed in the zoltan [Laughter] oh god it's like titanic gone wrong hey thank you for the 300 bits booty bit booty bricks that was the last thing that i expected to hear and i it made me very happy hey itchy halls thank you very much for the 100 bits okay um i i want to have everything so let's just power up the weapons it's a blue piece of text does anybody know this event let's just do this oh wow that really worked out threatening people always works what do you know okay great i'm gonna do that more when i'm at the um never mind just don't ask so many questions all right um okay let's go for the um uh a more engine we said we were gonna do this before so i'm a man of my word even when it comes to violence okay 35 of aid it's becoming more and more costly to gain more of aid it's so so it's okay let's get uh let's get a little bit more oxygen as well because i don't want somebody to be able to destroy our entire oxygen system um we could refill it really quickly if the ship gets hit now i'm spending money on things that might not perhaps matter as much um but we're getting a much more well-rounded ship now hey lumber schnoodle thank you for the hundred bits and pac-man racing for the 200 and gathering a gathering that's a nice name for the uh for the sub appreciate it my friend we've just got such good luck we do we need more power we could get one more power bar let's invest in one more because our result hands aren't really pulling up as much i do like it when they can heal in the ship especially with these zoltans because the zoltans are very vulnerable to death but i feel good with the fact that we've got the um the what is it now the the doors the doors fixed hey lumber snoodle hey thank you very much or lumpers h noodle my friend thank you for the five gift subs appreciate it guys if you're getting the gift subs please be sure to uh thank lumper lumber's noodle i like your name very much as soon as we jump into the system we receive a hail from a nearby civilian engine you know i'm going to say angie angie vessel their captain appears on our screen strange book can you assist us can you assist in debugging all right well we do have ngs right they should be good at programming nerds found malfunctioning mantis believes it is human will receive input from human danger evaluation extremely hard provided [Music] a cornered mantis is very dangerous i agree no i wouldn't trust this mantis no i don't trust any manti no absolutely not absolutely kawaii ambiguous 5 smash oh yeah we're sorry we have weird emoji names hey thank you very much for the three months my friend navigator nomad that's a very nice alliterative name no because the mantis always kidnapped my people and you know they murder all of my children and they cause plagues and fires for many years to come i don't like them i call me closed-minded but i don't like mantises it's it was my the man i mean was that a free rng mantis event if it was shame on me but if not then i i'm better off without them some people call me closed-minded but i just i oh god something's coming for the ship hang on a second that was not great timing okay we are not gonna have the uh our combat drone is gonna die i'm just gonna turn it off we gotta have these other things more somebody just boarded our ship for god sakes this guy is gonna um he's gonna mess up our whole day do they have and they have rockets too idiots all right we gotta bring liam out of there uh and send him in here this could be really bad guys this could be really bad we have to win this fight because we can't give up the weapons room um oh god there's a look there's a missile right there there's a lot of things i want to take out from this ship but can we no no oh god we can't hit the systems at all the ones that want to oh wait that okay this is a great path to trace good okay that was kind of lucky that was also kind of lucky actually we got fantastic luck right there oh god that was really insanely lucky okay liam get the hell out of there you're gonna die man get back into the door room because you are a doorman it's dangerous to travel space alone taking a zelda reference wow gathering okay good for you on the zelda reference man of culture i see or a woman of col probably man 95 of my audiences man thank you very much for the 670 bits he's a door adorable yeah he's in it okay we have to get the hell out of there get the hell out good that was closer than i would like to say it should have been um [Music] kai hang i am concerned for my team hang on a second i don't i need to get another halberd blast off on these guys hmm all right i got to get my pilot out of here because he's the only one who's really healthy enough and aki you're going in too we can't lose the weapon place this is a very good offer i'm taking it even though that we're probably going to destroy their ship in two seconds that was a very bad close battle my friends that could have been worse now we need to inquire into the nature and causes of why we are bad why was this bad battle bad why was this bad battle bad everyone buddy bricks thank you for the thank you for the 331 bits itchy halls thank you for the hundred my audience is 99 almost 110 mail yes but that's true for most male youtubers and streamers actually no we're mostly ngs i meant to say i'm so funny all right uh hang on a second we've got our all our weapons powered on now wait a minute why did this battle go bad can we just preemptively say why it went bad together before we die because if something like this happens again now he had three shields that's a lot of shields to take out but i think the final boss has like four shields which is crazy um we didn't take tons of damage but we got boarded and that really threw us off we need a stronger crew we just we don't have anything if they get aboard the ship we're screwed that's the truth so we need something that will make the inside of the ship stronger can we buy that probably not so for right now we're just kind of boned but if we could get like a mantis or something we'll find because they hit us with a yes the combat drone and all of our all of our people are very vulnerable to combat we come across an asteroid mining colony they message us immediately saying greetings there are supplies of mining explosives [Music] um is there any reason to give them 15 you know i haven't ever had enough missiles on hand that i could just give them 15. i it's probably going to be like a waste but i'd like to learn about this event 15 okay 36 that's pretty good we really aren't using missiles at all nor do i plan to for this run i prefer to go without them and it's good thing that we didn't get combat because our systems were uh compromised by quite a lot actually this is a very long recovery period um okay so we need something that we can fend off people from the inside worship and not just you know oxygen garbage because somebody could get mind controlled or something like that all right so the 15 was good thank you for that yeah we have to have a class two whole laser the final boss is so hard in this game too it really does make you earn it um i think that we can get to this store before the exit do we have anything worth selling just trying to see um we don't really have anything that i would want to sell um i'm gonna do it anyway because it just seems like an opportunity we would just we might as well take everything that we can get hey flack my friend my earliest viewer wow holy cow how are you flak happy to see you thanks for the six months my friend it has been many more than that a message arrives your scrap hours are weapons for you you're about to raise the shields when you realize it's just an ng trader looking for okay well um way to be threatening for no reason okay oh look it's dre dr dre is he a doctor does he have his phd does dr dre have his phd um that is a fun thought maybe he does maybe he does reverse iron filled predictions hit from ion damage giving a 50 chance to gain this is fantastic wait a minute we've gotten so much damage from ion that i'm willing to forego dr dre on our ship although he would be great only because we could lose him it's harder to lose augmentations right only in mixology road spike is god hey road spikes is god is that like a balloon's reference thank you for calling my channel pog i appreciate that i appreciate that dr dre really is a doctor wow all right well adds additional info about nearby beacons in the snow map we don't really want that as much crew gets fully healed but yeah we've seen these ones we don't like them um i'm going to go ahead and say the ionization because the ionize i don't know i'm saying it so weirdly but that's fantastic 50 you don't get it though this is also a sure human but this is just something that's so rare that we might not ever get another opportunity at it does that mean that we have three augmentations on our ship we have only two okay so we still have room for one more very nice all right scanners are showing intelligent life forms on a nearby planet no match for them can be found in the database i really don't want to lose any crew members i feel like i lose crew members so often what do i do does anybody know this event again i'm resisting the urge to look them up unless if one of you knows i will do it i feel like i'm going to ignore it but but like this is the this is the fun one let's do the fun one okay we did it we landed a small shuttle in an enormous field whose only occupants oh i didn't know this was no man's sky so it was only a brightly colored six-legged horse-like animals could they be what your scans picked up um this seems this seems like mantis mantises this is risky oh is this a bad one this is a bad one don't sell them okay we could either communicate peacefully yeah two does seem kind of suspicious like they're going to kill one of us when we try to bring them because this isn't even a thing in the game um no this looks they're small though too are they mantis one one is the good option okay let's do one try to communicate in every possible way but they just stand there silently judging you with their large expressions okay well we idiots i guess that they were mantis mantises ng-controlled i like the ng we've had really good luck in the ng places so i'm gonna go for the angies again all right well thank god that we didn't try to bring them on board arriving in ng space the fall of the federation is brother blah blah blah and she are weak people and they have no spines all right let's continue but they're great at repairing things they're like the hivers of ftl energy shift in the vicinity subject goal wealth ng emotion uh these people can give us step for free um so i'm gonna take it they oh wow that is rather a lot of scrap wow um okay what should i intelligibly be able to spend the scrap on do we have enough i feel like we don't have enough stuff to take out the final boss but i don't really know what i would spend this stuff on i mean i could just spend a lot on evade well let's let's wait and see if we can find a store because i don't think that the evade would really go that much longer but we get another 15 of aid save for shields yeah we could get a third shield it seems like it's pretty standard now for people to have three shields so we'll go along with that train of logic all right um and we'll charge up our halberd beam again we have plenty of stuff for uh drones so let's just do they have oh what even is that uh we want to keep our evade up high this fight we don't quite need that we'll take one off of the evade so that we can get a combat drone in there wait a minute uh why did i do that uh it's too late now i shouldn't have done that all right uh well you know that was stupid of me all right well still this ship has a very vulnerable uh pat weapon path on it i bet you might dr well it'll do one damage that's good ooh who leveled up somebody leveled up in something okay double weapons that's great wait is this even the right the drone that i think it is these aren't the drones your i mean droids you're looking for okay that's great nice i'd call that a dub i'd call that a dub if i ever had one what is this it's not good it never feels good when you get hit by a missile i'm finding that i'm liking these offers rather a lot you know are we about to kill these people though we're about to kill these people let's see if we can do even better i've just i've been a pretty oh okay maybe i shouldn't have done that okay we did a little bit better it was worth it it was worth it yeah it wasn't that bad okay now i think we could really improve our life you see we got hit by two missiles in that last battle and although that we have two shields and i would trust three more i also think that we need the evade more but what is what is expensive like i want to avoid hole damage at this point in the game um are you leveling up fast enough work harder zoltan he really has not come very far he is not a very good person i don't like him i don't trust him um aki all right well you know we're gonna we're gonna help you along a little bit more yeah he could be better we have a little bit of doors we have oh yes we do need more doors didn't we have another oh yes we have to oh yes to repair the doors my bed thank you i thank you for reminding me of that i am grateful for all of your help twitch chat all of you because you uh you complete me and i also find you very sensual but at the same time um i mainly appreciate that you remind me of things that i would otherwise forget hmm all right hang on a second we have 35 percent of eight you know guys we need more of aid we don't like to be near things so let's do this um i'm gonna want to spend one on that i'm going to run one on the halberd beam that puts us but that's only 38. it's all right you know i think every every dollar that we spend is good because we're saving from you know spending it on cryptocurrency is anybody in crypto crypto has been a crazy market lately upgrading towards is having a lot of doors upgraded would be good um all right um we could help this guy it looks like a quest lesson covenant captain uh yep okay this is a quest marker yep we'll take it hmm this is the only sound of the song on the soundtrack that annoys me i just find it too like techno disco deus ex edm kind of thing not that that's bad music but i just don't feel it when i play this game quite so much are you feeling it mr krabs all right sorry i just wanted to say that um okay do you think there's like bathrooms in that partnership i don't know what i thought of that it looks like bathrooms oh yeah make sure you hit the bathroom so that they can so they can't go anymore can we do better with this laser we could hit four rooms that way but this is also four i'm counting okay let's just do this oh you guys can't hear the wait then i need to well i should turn up the music higher in the next oh god why would you come in there um i will deprive you of oxygen because you do not deserve it get out of that room fools um okay let's have them go into the med bay and then we will engage them in the mid bay um okay let's turn on the let's slightly lower that because these guys don't have any missiles oh god it feels like i'm uh doing surgery when i play this game sometimes you know but it's good i i enjoy the intense mental exercise no i i need you ah crap i should not have moved him there that was not smart of me but you know they're slowly starving themselves of oxygen i just need to kill them without oxygen before they get into the pilot's room because if they get in the pilot's room that could be very bad as well um this is getting increasingly bad by the second this is becoming very sensitive and bad um okay i think that they will die before i die now you know what just get out of there just everybody get out of there yeah they gave up all right that's good pilot go back um stay in there for a second oh oh no we're gonna beat them anyway this isn't a good enough offer yep they did they did okay and we did do better ah it's always good to hear their screams and be merciless all right everyone back to your stations get back to work yes i put audio compression on the stream too so whenever i talk the game volume is slightly ducked it's mainly something i do for multiplayer when we have a lot of people talking just so that it seems a little bit more coherent but i may need to turn that off okay the zoltan's yes the zoltans i mean the zoltans are like in this safe zoltan section of the ship like nobody goes over here and they're safe and i like keeping them over there i like my zoltan's over there um my ngs i really trust more only because this part of the ship we just have such good control over we could use another crew member though didn't we lose one before that was kind of unfortunate all right let's see if we can expose more of this galaxy at this quest marker all right uh we began skating a lot you found a severely damaged ship floating among some debris the crew hails you i can't believe that cheap bastard sent someone after us i thought we would freeze to death if you would help us complete the delivery we'll share the reward and join your crew oh that would be great unless if they're lying which a lot of people tend to do in this game promise to deliver the cargo and ask if we'd be better um yeah yeah let's see if we can get another crew member right unless if are they lying to me oh wow this guy is brolic they up upload the delivery destination once on board it takes you up and runs you drop off this is a fantastic new boon for our ship huzzah gm this is a dumb name gm fox what does he like work for general motors or something they call me gia or foe foe but that wait is that foe how do you spell foe again uh like the french word like fake i don't remember it because it's french and i'm a native english speaker foe not not like foe pho no f-a-u-x yeah that's it yeah that is it well this guy is great because we can keep him on door duty um loser uh and we can have everybody else on the rest of the ship uh now we just really need this engine guy to get upgraded he is so bad with engines just really a disgrace to his family um we don't even really have enough power to buy more power okay now we've got 41 we just need him to level up come on dude stop messing things up oh what is this another 300 bits hey thank you very much polar blood thank you i will dedicate this jump in space to you now the dedication is over all right now there have been rich pickings for pirates around here up until war brought a pirate it could have just literally said pirate and i would have achieved the same effect on me though i appreciate the fact that ftl tries to make everything more cinematic i think this is a good path and that takes down weapons it may not take out the shields but it does take out the weapons and that's pretty important to me and my god these people do have some strong weapons um we've got a good enough evade now that i don't want to power down those systems either all right this is great so we can take down two shields oh everything is missed oh you fool and we have resisted that okay now our defenses are working really well um except for the fact that they just totally powered down my halberd beam right when i needed my halberd beam most oh halper beam you're my only hope that is wow that is wow wait a minute that was really good did you guys see all the things that it just evaded right there such wow oh gosh fun amazing okay that ionization resist resistant resistance is really working well here except we've been pelted by so many things in this time for god's sake can we get something on the enemy ship uh hang on a second we've got to just drop this halberd beam for a second let the ion let the ion go in okay ooh okay halberd beam go now perfect timing yes halberd beam yes good deprive them of oxygen and starve them of their brain cells okay let's have um there's a lot of things i'd like to hit here i'd like to prevent them from escaping as well so let's just go here once it's weird it's like i could prioritize evasion or i could go just straight in with a drone you know i feel like i could be doing better in this fight i could have been a better son oh we've already taken down their engine hmm do we accept their surrender helm br i know the helm would prevent escape too i'm scared that they might only because it's going to take me so long to charge back up the halberd beam i think i am going to accept this offer yeah this is this is the only i'm gonna differ on you guys because i lost so many enemies that ran away from me yesterday and i still feel bad about it i still hear their screams um okay it would be nice to have a little bit more power now so that i could either so i could divert it either to the medical or to the drones wow i gotta say aki really improved in that combat now we are getting yellow if we look at all this yellow that we're getting and he was asked before remember when he was asked now he's no longer ass um we're gonna go ahead and get some more power for this so that way we can get ship uh healthcare um i mean chip obamacare here we go this is what this is um here we are all right everyone's on the obamacare plan and we could uh get another combat drone in if we get one more power so that's quite good we can make use of those 20 drone parts okay uh ooh nice okay we are really on a lucky run here i i think we will do well in this we will do well in this boarding drones too so we have another option with this drone that could be good you know as an alternative now we have options actors okay are they gonna be caught up to us before we get out of here one two three i'm gonna go straight for store gonna be honest here i haven't been playing attention for a hot minute so if there was a clip i probably missed sorry no all good oh good thank you upgrade piloting to max i well piloting will maximize or evade if we're on autopilot right i thought that until recently we we do want to max out the evade though as soon as we can ng ship hails engine upgrade necessary for travel homes sale of equipment um whoops i totally missed that up um see who's on page two heavy laser these guns really haven't gotten that much better as we've gone what we could do is get a second would it be worth it to get no it wouldn't really be worth it to get a second albert beam that's unfortunate burst laser one's pretty good but i think we're better off with what we have so we don't have to think so much about timing um [Music] this might be more well we don't have the money for it we could sell the boarding drone it's gonna be worth it for us at this time i feel like scrap recovery or drone recovery would be really good here but we've got 20 drones and what let's just check out what sector are we in we're in sector six so we're pretty far along um but i feel like that these things are just so good the boarding drone will help a lot in the last fight we could use it so it might not be yeah that's true we might just want to refocus all of this on power so we could do the scrap recovery drone recovery is pog yeah the scrap recovery is too late i agree um it would be good if we had gotten it earlier the drone recovery might not really be worth it though because i don't see like if i were really low on drone parts i could just kind of ration them at the end so i'm not too worried about that um and we're getting a lot of scrap already i want to be able to upgrade our ship enough because these last few upgrades are really expensive um honestly i think we should just jump i think we should just get out of here and just be happy with what we've got um i'm just thinking to myself we really did evade a lot of things in the last fight but that might not go well for the entire time could just instantly do a boarding we could still do a quick boarding run though just totally mess with the enemy team if we wanted to 20 drone parts is a lot i i think we don't need the drone if we were earlier on in the game i would have done those two but i think for right now it's just better to just keep what we've got but 10 let me just think are we going to get uh it does kind of compound for 50 though and we have to give up the boarding drone i think i'm just going to keep the boarding drone i might be wrong about this but i'm going to just keep going yeah we'll take it for uh upgrading um i don't want to sell this many drone parts it might be worth it for me i could sell three i don't think i need that many three for twelve i think i'm gonna do three for twelve just get we just need uh more stuff um [Music] let's see i'm going to just get more power bars because we're going to need them or should we get evasion next evasion to 2.75 we have enough to get i think i'm going to save up for the next evade that's going to be my next purchase i just want to have the evade max out i want to know that i'm doing as much as i possibly can for my evade long range beacon when the f tele drive is charged we can go to the next sector um okay this has always been a great event for us let's get the five they upgraded the reactor it's pretty good um and we aren't really using missiles and we can't do anything else here yeah unless if we want to fight somebody okay we are on the second to last one again i like this uh nice run of peaceful galaxies we got amazing rng this run much in contrast to the last ones all right our ship is looking good let's also just turn this on and we'll even turn on double oxygen until i need to think about other stuff hmm yeah let's just try to we want to get close to the center of the galaxy so that we can see our options and then uh move from there all right i'll take this trade this is a good trade for us uh and it's actually financially favorable as well um what kind of bunny hop around this store we might go back there till the end bunny hop why did i say that uh a ship without light forms is it a nearby dense asteroid field is giving off the distress um [Music] let's do it i mean i want to keep testing myself to see if i can uh you know keep foot with these enemies you find the decaying remains of some kind of ship coated with ice if chris i think i've had this one before appears salvageable it's trains chase's pod that catches your eye [Music] um uh we had the weird stasis i think we needed a zoltan event to make this one happen yeah we we aren't gonna make this thing happen we would need another zoltan sector right um so i'm just gonna take the weapon and this bear scrap okay so it's money for us that's good if we could get to a store we'd sell that on the black market i mean really we might even consider using this this might be good a small bomb you could we could use it for something we might want to get one more weapon for the last fight and this could be a simple thing just one more power it doesn't really take too much more and we've got two more upgrades on that but again i want to go straight for the evade that's my bigger priority um it might not really be worth it to go to the store we might have another store in this sector that would be better um this is not really a great layout it looked better when i first saw it because if we go here then we'd have to go back here but then we would go here but it would probably be too late for this one and then we're doing this but then we can't even get to the exit we would have to do all this um so i think i'm just gonna try to explore as much of this as possible and then go back there hopefully it'll contain something we could go back and then go to the store but i just it's it's too much thinking for one store it's just not worth it um all right let's go here yeah we don't have yeah the thing is we would need to use multiple missiles for the bomb so it's probably not worth it you're right okay this study worked out but uh didn't work out this time okay who have we got on board um again we don't want them going straight for the oxygen that would be really bad um okay let's shoot the ion blast at their shields we just want to focus on that we'll focus the halberd on oh we could get a really good halberd shot in on this one wow that's gonna be good okay um all right i don't think that we need so much oxygen i'm pretty sure that we can just get these guys to come straight into our engine room as soon as they get into the engine room i'm going to send my human in there to fight with the zoltan because the resultant's not going to be all able to hold up and our human is very good in combat because he comes from general motors i don't think that we need two oxygen i think we could do with that and i think that we could go with one drone and i want to keep on chip healing so we'll do that all right yeah this this might be a one hit ko on this guy and oh cr interesting okay um hang on a second i'm gonna have my human and oh there are two of them in there how very bad of them to have done that okay you know we're gonna rely on our ship's medical insurance we're going to rely on our ship-based obamacare to um oh god they're going to destroy my oxygen yep this is not too good okay they did not destroy the oxygen we deoxygenated that root uh room not rude um i'm gonna retreat into the med bay because this room's gonna be deoxygenated in a second too we wanna keep four of them from being in there because otherwise they're gonna do a lot of damage and that was not a great albert why did uh god i was focusing on too many things at once oh that was a big missile that just missed us okay that's good our combat drone is really doing a lot to them these guys haven't had oxygen in like five minutes okay as soon as they come through that door i'm gonna send gm foe over there and okay great so they just decided to leave um our ship is almost entirely deoxygenated but that's fine um we want to get a good halberd beam shot in next why is this ion blast just ah it keeps missing because their engines must be stronger okay we'll we'll just wait on the next halberd beam shot then i could have tried boarding boarding right here oh please don't oh it hit ah damn it we've avoided practically everything up till now if we could just take down two of those levels of shields okay now we could shoot the halberd beam this is gonna be a spicy halberd shot all right that was a lot right there sorry i do a lot of thinking can i ask general motors to ls swap my ng no he doesn't have it's because we're not in a corolla right now look why what is this ng doing in here wait is this this isn't even my angie not even my ng all right you die die all right uh well we got to take down these shields clearly i'm debating on it yeah i really want to do a number on those i could probably coordinate the i've got to coordinate the okay okay okay see how this is working all right let's give this another shot and they're dead they are very dead right all right that was good that was good stuff that was a lot of loot too nice how are they still on the ship okay these are the remnants of the enemy team this is like remember the scene in lord of the rings when they just took down uh mordor but then the mordor was still fighting them just like that all right great they perish from lack of oxygen ah thank god you'll never get through those doors you fools they got through the doors i find it entertaining that the doors like just kind of give up like the door is like wait a minute no we're okay we were just lying a second ago all right 137 we could clearly use this to improve our boarding i think we might need to get the next level of doors let's have everyone return to your stations and close the doors that was exhilarating iron bomb would have destroyed our shields and you shoot back on deck yes so so many things to do in those little battles i missed a few of them um again that was a big boarding i could have used the small bomb there just to like temporarily make them weaker what is oh we got this from that combat what even was this anti-drone um sun's combat we'll keep it around because there's no point of just getting rid of it yeah i do need that last dodge this this is really powerful i want it okay so now we have 52 dodge that's good that's i mean it's better chance that we dodged them that they hit us and there have been some huge missiles that have just barely missed my ship and could i mean that could be like instant death so i at least feel like i've done a lot to prevent instant death and i stand justified in that okay let's go here here here here and here we could even visit there if we happen to have more time saving for cloak we could save for cloak i hadn't even thought of that that would actually be fairly cheap at this point scans reveal a large asteroid field well i think we have enough shields for this yeah all right um sex fuel maybe i misread that event i might have just killed myself in some way um i don't think we're really going to get much out of this store so let's just keep on proceeding through the galaxy only on yeah so we can't improve our dodge by increasing the piloting skill anymore it does only autopilot which we plan to keep a pilot in there so um yeah unfortunately we've got to keep that okay um this is gonna be one fight where i'm gonna go um we might be better off waiting on the halberd beam and using one of these s-bombs simply because ooh they have powered down how did they do this our dodge is only at 12 okay well they don't even really have anything for that i'm just gonna do this and i'm gonna shoot there um i need to hit this is a fire drone but can i get through our shields i don't honestly know uh it's been a while since i fought one of these things let's see if we could just take down their shields or their weapons i just wanted them to stop shooting us first we'll ion blast their shields until we can get through that so if we distributed our power right i think we're pretty good on power distribution but let's also throw in a boarding drone because screw them we could do an anti-drone oh no we could do only one of these and you know what we've got plenty of drone parts let's do boarding or first we'll do anti-drone then we'll de-power that then we'll put in a boarding drone so let's do this anti-drone shoots that thing down prevents us from getting fires in our ship then we stop our anti-drone and leave that unempowered mccabe or i don't really know which one it is but thank you for the sub my friend now we're going to do the boarding drone and use um yeah we could use the extra power on these things but as soon as this s-bomb hits then i'm going to start charging up the halberd beam my main thing is i need to wait for the ion cannon to get through this we could do a we just don't have enough drone power too it's kind of inefficient this fight but it's fine oh our drone got blocked by them that was weird i think this because they had the very powerful shield okay let's put in a combat drone you know this anti-drone is pretty good because we could just take out all of their drones yeah i'm i i missed that that was doo-doo of me hey mccabe hey thank you very much he's smashing my friend god bless hey thank you for the five gift subs appreciate it that's very kind of you very kind of you indeed thank you i will win this battle for you okay let's um let's just keep shooting this sabaam sabaam um we might as well because this is a fairly powerful ship we've taken out their drones so that's no longer worthwhile yes let's just take out their weapons hey wait a minute that's not a it's not allowed wait a second wait a second how do they get a drone back up hey this is bad this is bad we need a third shield now we've just got too much garbage going on here and i think we need to start getting that halberd beam charged i should have done that a little bit earlier but it's all right all right i forgive myself i'm a good person at first you know you find yourself like petting yourself verbally as it goes on because it's just it's just so stressful to play this okay we've got the oxygen down uh why did this happen i wish i had one energy free again you'll get some oxygen soon boys don't worry there's just so much to think about um i want to see if i can get one halberd beam shot in oh man we are really suffering here okay we can get in one halberd beam shot now we got gotta make this one count uh weapons shields um can we get three can we get four rooms right here we could get four if we did that just trying to see what damn guys it feels like i'm playing grand master chess right here i i'm i'm fighting the adversary the halberd beam how is the halberd beam still carrying us through this entire goddamn game okay enough weapon charging get that room repaired we need oxygen and we need to hit them with our halberd beam and then i think i'm going to send it a boarding drone because just this battle has been very difficult for us okay did we oh did we hit them okay we did hit them now i'm going to good good sit them hit them with the boarding drone good oh for god's sake okay great yes yes no more oxygen for you haha breathing is so last year all right uh and you know what prevent these guys from escaping because i want these guys dead and i'm going to shoot the people with my halberd beam because screw them um wait a minute now i actually i'm going to go through here all right i'm gonna do that these are bad people we're fighting jesus could i have destroyed it right there okay well now they aren't going to escape and i'm going to kill them oh that was re this is probably one of the most stressful battles but i take it slower and slower as we go okay everyone go back to your room and we're really gonna need a repair after this one why didn't i just eye on that that was a waste okay we won but at what cost all right uh let's go and repair this room jesus guys i'm stressed now i'm stressed it's true well we could have gotten the med bay i i can't even really shoot the drone at a particular compartment though i have not played with boarding drones in a while it was nice to get that though but we used up a lot of drone parts but that's going to be useful for the last battle and we can go to switch out drones um yes we did get good scrap that's true but at what cost hmm i think the the terrible thing was that we lost like all of our evade for that fight right what happened there did they take it out 55 okay that's fantastic um okay great a store here i'm gonna go to the store right away because that was a big battle and i don't want to lose like that i mean i do want to get to the final boss battle now even if we have to kind of slightly take out our power i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna fix everything i don't even care what is in here yep that was the right move um beam would be nice but i do want to keep our combat drone hmm would this be better anti-drone is also really nice just because if somebody were to have a lot of drones i'd want to be able to uh i'd want to be able to take them out because having a lot of combat drones on your ship can be instant death it's just the thing that you forget about the road cost is the friends we found along the way we just i want a third shield now it's been it's been a lot of stress i think that this s-bomb isn't really that great though i think this is a temporary solution so i would rather have something else um i think the halberd beam with the ion blast is plenty strong and i'm i have no problem taking that out cloaking would be nice but i don't think we're going to get it page two anti-drone okay i think i think what do we need our ship our shields would actually be fairly cheap now i think that we can get a third shield um and then go from there wow we are gonna have a lot of time for these guys okay let's go all our let's go on a big world tour for the rest of this galaxy yeah we're going here our drone late let me switch from defense off yeah that worked out pretty well actually quite surprisingly well you're right yeah we're gonna need three shields for the final we won't i mean we absolutely can't get away with two i'm trying to see if we can get four four might be really expensive though too um oh that was a very nice thing to have just found there randomly we found this in the last one that we did this could be useful but i'd rather sell it for another shield if we had to choose um one wait a minute let me see one two i think i'm gonna be able to get to one more sector here if i visit this then go back here then go back here i'm gonna give it a try and i'm also gonna go halfway in for the shields i know there's not really any point of doing that but i'm just i'm so absolutely certain that i need shields now that it's it's gonna happen okay this thing is pretty powerful um and there's not really a great way to hit this thing with the halberd beam try to upgrade our pilot or although our jazz is gone if it gets hit once oh does autopilot upgrade our dodge even if our pilot chair is down i thought that was just if the pilot is out of the seat in which case yes i would like to do that that is good idea yeah let's just do um let's do three okay how are we going to fight this fight whoops okay there we go um now these people don't have the zoltan shield so we could go straight to the boarding i think that kind of throws them off so i'd like to do that they don't have any drones on this ship combat drone would not really do anything if we did it at first we're gonna start ion blasting their shields right off the bat uh we'll do that on auto fire um and i'm gonna wait on the halberd beam just to see if we managed to get through that um would it be better to do the other charge ion and then go into the other albert the halberd is going to take a long time to charge up but that might not really give the halvard that much time to charge up you know i think we should have faith that the ion blast will hit enough and then have faith in them what am i crazy um we want the halberd to take something out so let's do oh that's a pretty nice shot okay that's a lot of essential systems yeah we'll do that and then in the meantime we will board them too because we have plenty of drones now we could do that yeah board them before they board us um [Music] oh yeah they do have boarding as well i can't really fight that yeah they're gonna be able to board us um let's also just go ahead and open up all of the doors on our ship uh as is always our custom um just so that they can't actually we'll try it well we'll see where they end up but we don't want them in the oxygen we don't want them here that's about what i want opened on our ship um maybe that too yeah i get a good feeling about that and then we'll send out our boarding drone okay is there anything wrong with our strategy i'm going to send out the boarding drone too oh i don't have enough power um let's take out a little bit from our oxygen we'll take out our med bay temporarily and uh they actually don't have any missiles here we'll take out one from this thing and then we'll do boarding board 802 if i can i don't really know how to control my boarding is there a way that i can click on it i think i think it's just random three ions would give the planet halberd plenty of damage it would we could do charge ion into halberd this might work better than the ion blast let's see if the ion blast can do it on its own yes okay good so they did not get aboard our ship and that was a great and he's in the shield bay too um i'm going to shoot my own drone here too let's just give the halberd beam a second to charge up let's see if this works out and they're in there okay good the halberd beam can fire i think we won this fight i think that's the max wait a minute can i get this no i can't get that all right well we'll just do this great halberd beam we believe in you albert beam wait what just happened on my ship what happened to these two i was not looking at my ship for a second and then everyone was suddenly dying did anyone notice result oh wait the zoltan got shot by a missile oh god damn it okay um my zolt uh do we need them here more i need them on the shields damn this could be death okay i'm going to just say i really would take a way bigger loss if i lost these two zoltans so i'm going to just send them into the med base so they can heal correct me if i'm wrong but i think that they heal even faster in this med bay let's see 341 let's see wait are they healing faster am i wrong about this in which case shame on me uh hang on we have to re recenter our ion blast um on their weapons we want those out could you see if i'm i'm am i wrong about this okay so they do heal faster in the med bay okay interesting interesting uh yeah we gotta take out their weapons but i think this next halberd beam is going to really do a big number on them um hmm for fuel would be nice but i think we're beating these guys so bad that they can't really win no i'm gonna i'm gonna keep pressing the attack i think that these guys are totally screwed yeah they can't even really hurt us that boarding at the beginning was just so powerful yeah you know i stand corrected about these uh boarding drones they are really powerful i should have had more faith in them all right we didn't actually make out as well but we did get more scrap i believe yes this is now becoming the true ultra violent ftl run so they do heal faster in the med bay even on the ship with the uh i can't remember what that exact upgrade name is but ng mid bot dispersal yeah that thing is a really great upgrade i like that um still unfortunately don't have enough for more shields we're just barely off um unfortunately we won't be able to get to this distress signal but i think we'll be able to get to the exit in time to not have to deal with the fleet we haven't hit the fleet once that's been great all right um do we have our power distributed right put a little bit more on that a little bit more on that we'll manage it if we get to the next section and there's a battle all right we've arrived at the long range beacon uh no real events here oh wait we do you arrive near a damaged and dilapidated space station appears to be abandoned but you think we've had this event several times let's see if we can get scrap we need that shield right yeah if we hit the sh if we hit the fleet right now we would be in big trouble okay that's a good amount of scrap um we do want this next shield we've maxed out our uh engines so we're now evading really well and let's also get um [Music] autopilot that allows some evasion even without a pilot so now can just can we just get this straight so if my piloting chair gets shot like if it's in the orange or red does autopilot mean that you still have some dodge or is that only when the pilot's literally out of the chair and it's still in gray because i think piloting two would be the next thing um oh it means only if he gets off the seat because i'm planning on keeping our pilot right in that seat for the entire time um i mean it's it is an additional bar it would be good let's just kind of take a look at what else we've got i think we need the i think we need the power more to be honest with you yeah power bar would be good so let's go for one more power bar right here and then we can take it off of the med bay and then we have a third shield so now we could fight the final battle like this i would feel comfortable with that i think we could make it through am a muffin attack i'm off an attack hey thank you very much for the sub my friend i appreciate it a and leon q leon q thank you very much appreciate the sub yes so if he's repairing the piloting system he's not counted as piloting too we would like to get that before we get to the uh final battle but you know i think just try to keep the pilot safe in the first place as best he can just try to avoid taking any damages uh if at all possible hey goat whistle thank you for the sub appreciate it my friend all right this is all uh this is all uh this is all good luck for the last battle now i don't think we go is it right when we go to the next gal i think we do have to go through the entire galaxy all right we got an achievement federation base in range okay and blah blah blah your explanation is met with the rumors of cynicism and disbelief among the officers general tulsa of the ng brigade speaks up intel suggests potential counter to rebel technology risk all or save none that means nothing to me um okay so then they give us fuel so that we can get to this place ah and repairs abound abound what is a base oh this is where the oh this is where the fl uh this is the thing this thing will travel from place to place and try to kill us um the federation base the flagship will destroy the federation base if it spends three consecutive turns okay so we need to like this is a different galaxy so in this galaxy or whatever you would call it in this sector um we get like we get the rebel ship that is headed toward the base if it gets to the base and destroys it then that's the end it's not like a jump like in the last sectors why is this one glowing red they're about to gain control of this beacon right i don't really plan on spending a lot of time here i'm trying to think of what else we would need to make our chip much stronger could use like a store if we wanted to um we've got a lot of repairs too here that's kind of nice repairs whole and provides supplies i don't really need it right now but we'll go there because i want to open up our options um this is great we'll go to all of the repair places before this is over and we'll just try to fight them at the last section how often do you play ftl i've been playing in the last couple of days i've just been getting into it um i know the fact that i don't have class 2 weapons is kind of a danger if i could get one more store here that could get me like some better halberd beam um or something like that i'll be more ready um right now we're almost ready i don't really know what else to say these guys are going here in the next turn so we still got some time before they get to this base i think we could go like here store repair repair like see if the store has anything worthwhile and then go over to the base but if they were to go one two three um it would need to spend three consecutive turns at the base though so i think we've got time the last thing i would want to do is just have it all end right here but they could get into it and as few as like actually if they did if they did decide to do it in a dastardly way we could get screwed so let's go one two three they could go one two three one two three yeah i might not have as much time as i think i do i think i have to go one two three four five yeah uh i gotta do this and i might as well take damage here and i don't want to take damage so this is kind of awkward we got repairs in bad locations i think we're gonna have to go repair repair see where the ship is at i mean am i wrong save the repairs for after the first and second phases of the fight oh yeah i forgot that there's phases to the fight as well yeah that was stupid of me yeah i totally forgot about that we should have saved that it's just that it's in such a bad position all right let's just head for the ship i totally forgot yeah so there's several different phases to this fight oh the repairs will be taken if i wait really damn i haven't played this in a while i forget how this whole fight works okay this is a very strong enemy ship we may want to do two ion blasts and then the halberd i think this is gonna be the best way to do this one they've got anti-drone drones anti-combat drone defense throne yeah that's not good it's a good thing that we didn't invest in projectiles though we don't need anti-drone we can't really use our combat drone we could use a boarding drone but we want to take out their drone systems before we do that so this is all extremely inconvenient um oh wait a minute i did not notice that that is very bad is it too late for me to use my anti-drone oh it was not too late for me to use my own anti-drone that's great okay oh thank god for that that was extremely convenient all right that might have just saved us that entire battle um yeah look at that guy and then right to that uh projectile off hmm yeah i mean the anti-drone was dead but that was very much worth it um okay what we're gonna do next is fire the as soon as we get the third charge on the charge ion okay now we're going in on this now we're going to charge up the halberd beam oh those all missed wow that was horrible okay now we have to try that again should i just jump i feel like we don't really even have that much to gain from this fight no i still think that we need to be stronger if we're struggling with this one should we jump i feel like it might not even be worth it yeah i i don't want to get my ass kicked here though at the same time we do have repairs ahead of us as well and this ship is going to be very weak let's see if we can get one halberd hit in if we can great um but they do have i'm gonna see if i can get one halbert hidden i'm gonna give it a shot oh here comes another one i am jumping they hit me with a they hit me with a bad thing hmm uh you know he's he's taking his he's taking his time he's taking his time should i jump yeah or zoltan is gonna get his ass kicked right here i've gotta just take time to fix our the fact that they got in with that thing yeah we gotta go all right um we might fight somebody here but then we could always go through two repairs now let's go straight for one of the repairs it's gonna be a safe place a safe place to grow and learn oh for god's sake that was bad all right i forgive myself i forgive myself the rebels were strong there they were bad i hate the ones like before the because you spend so much time thinking about the flagship that you get distracted we could go for a shield four that would be really strong unfortunately we've had to use a lot of this stuff up i say we go here repair here base that works and that way or we could even go here if we feel like we're weak that way we can fight this we can engage this thing at the base okay let's do um [Music] i mean that's good right don't upgrade anything go to the store i don't know if we'll have as much time if we go to the store though i know that our weapons are weak but i think we i think with our current weapon set it would take some luck but i still think that we could win the boss fight i'll save that other repair only because i haven't taken any damage or maybe we could get something at the federation base we can jump directly from the store to the repair that's uh that's true that could have worked i didn't notice that before i thought we could have gone i'm gonna say this i don't wanna fight another rebel ship here so i'm gonna go straight to the base and if that doesn't work out we can always go back and repair right i think it's been a while repair station isn't partially repaired for repair for free okay i'm just gonna do it because it takes place in phases right otherwise i just gave up on some scrap in which case i wasted it all right here he comes i um i didn't waste this all right let's uh just upgrade some last minute systems see what we can do man that was kind of a waste i think more power bars would be good just so that we could get more uh drones because i wanted to keep that one drone on for the entire time can we get another drone part yeah this would be good to get another drone part and another power bar that way we could keep the anti-drone on just because i don't know what they're gonna send at me okay that this is fairly good okay this is not the ideal ship that i would want but i'm going to just live with it oh god okay here it is oh it has only four shields that sounds quite as bad as i imagined it would be um you still got awful okay we do have to fight this thing out in several phases though you're right piloting well piloting we'll just try not to get our pilot killed [Music] yeah it's the worst ship in the game okay cross your fingers it also has cloaking um what do we need to charge up first off i can't even remember what it has in terms of drones we could go in for a really fast big hit on it if we went with the combat drone but i want to keep on my anti-drone and i want to do boarding too um i'm going to turn this off i'm gonna turn down my oxygen i'm going to i wish i could have on the halberd beam too but that would have been really expensive um i'm gonna try anti-drone in boarding that's gonna cost me four so i'm gonna need more power for that and then once these things hit i'm gonna see if i can get a halberd beam on it and we'll see where but um seven i'm just gonna turn on the anti-drone right away great okay we prevented the hacking right away so that was good news and they're sending out another one oh wow and that one was successful and it totally just took out the one thing that would have mattered um okay then we are going to board you we are boarding we're boarding uh god damn it that was we are just like neutered right now can't do anything okay that was awful um [Music] i can't really do much right here that wasn't so bad that wasn't so bad let's just just keep telling myself all right uh well we got to take down the shields before we can do anything so we'll have to shoot that and we'll keep charging up our charge ion uh what else okay give me tips give me tips chat landing on the shields no i mean the fact that he landed on the shields is great um actually it doesn't really matter oxygen would have been good too we could have gotten him to the hacking room as well now can we control him can we control deployed active in providing function hotkey 6 i don't know if i actually have any control over him unfortunately that anti-drone did not hit that hacker um we could just keep shooting this okay we're going to need to rebuild this drone and then just have somebody else go in there all right we've got done them down to three shields but now they're cloaking again unfortunately they just have like big lasers now they do a lot of hole damage but not so bad wow this boarding drone is gonna be really overpowered yeah look they keep hacking us i'm gonna send in another boarding drone because they don't have any anti-drones wow that is really neat oh great it went in for the oxygen that's good okay and i just have tons of drone parts too um [Music] here and then we are going to keep waiting for the million years that it's taking for the charge ion to work probably a lot of these will miss okay and despite the fact that it is cloaked we are still doing damage in there that's nice why are my charge ions not charging is that what they're supposed to do oh because it's cloaked my bad and we're getting hacked again that evade was really money well spent i'm beginning to realize okay and we will board them yet again because we so far have not been able to shoot even a single barrage of lasers okay good this is 1v1 so we might be able to take down all of their weapon systems let's do this this is gonna be really hard to shoot this ship okay we've gotta open these doors because of the fire there is a lot to do right here hang on a second i'm just gonna check on you guys i mean the fact that he made it into the missile system i see it as this boarding drone will probably totally take this thing out it's better than the halberd the halberd is very strong or whatever this thing is the pike beam i think that this is the missile system yeah so this is uh probably the most deadly weapons really this looks like ions okay is our power distributed well i don't want to lose if i lose here i'll go crazy divert oxygen to the engines we don't need air for everyone hold your breath it's like david blaine okay we'll just put that out with some of this and it looks like our ions totally failed yet again man ions really weren't the move for the final boss battle we might just end up like burning 20 drones to finish this thing off but will we be able to get that boarding drone back to like operational status at all if he just lives there we we might not be able to do that that would be really bad but we could then just spend it on a combat drone okay my drones uh wait a minute okay we don't need to do that human move close these doors i just got hacked so bad yeah that was awful the fact that we got hacked there right when i did not want to get hacked okay you um [Music] hmm okay go on with the ion blasts again i mean if i could just keep shooting out more boarding bots we'll probably win this but i don't know if that's gonna be an option we could also jump if we don't feel confident about our abilities to do this close the doors okay good the drones are fixed you go back to your doors man the doors we can win this and the boarding drone will be the i think the boarding drone can do everything micro the oxygen to engines just as missile salvo comes oh i see what you're saying like we could just do this like for a second yeah because they just shot us okay yeah i buy that okay and then redivert back to oxygen that's true that would be a very dastardly way of doing this frog uppercut thank you for the sub i know the the halberd will go through one layer of shield so if we have one if we have them down to one layer of shield then we can shoot them but for right now it's just we're kind of screwed um good wow we've got gold in shields that's nice i didn't really need it right now um okay i need them to all be getting healed right now jumping resets the face i know that sucks ah well i didn't know that but it just kind of sucks okay how do we get rid of this boarding drone because we need this thing dead um either that or i'm gonna need to put it take it out and put in a combat drone oh wait a minute we want this thing turned off yeah we want to make sure we can get three shots lined up in a row okay i think that this boarding drone isn't doing anything anymore so i'm gonna take it out of power but now if we do another boarding drone it just powers back up so all we've really done is take out that weapon system so he's trapped in there unfortunately there's not seem to be a way to undo that so let's turn back on our anti-drone or a combat drone because those are the only ones that can really do anything um yes that was the most dangerous part of the ship so that's very good that we took out that and not any of the other ones um but there are still things that could be better all right let's just wait on our charge ions eventually we'll be able to shoot our halberd beam at them probably we're just gonna have to get one really lucky hit with this charge ions otherwise i might have to turn on or turn off ion blast too it's just the fact that we got hacked too on our weapons making this fight even more nauseating that we aren't really taking damage so that's fine uh and they are hacking our shields okay you know what let's go in with this thing turn off our iron blast turn on our halberd beam and see if we can get something going we've got two damn it okay close what we need to do is wait for a point where we can get three shields down we're gonna need a really good hit and then we can just go in with the halberd beam we can win this fight though sir duke hello hello back to you it won't work no it can work it can work we just need to get really really lucky um combat in charge ion to get shields down to one in the halberd yeah we need to get um oh wait ion blast can take out up to two at a time because it shoots so rapidly and the combat drone might be able to take down one so we don't really even need to wait for this charge ion well it doesn't really matter we just need the charge ion to fire at about the same time but they just keep cloaking and that makes it harder too charge iron works just as well but the hacking is making this take so much longer it's a good thing that we got that ionization resist and their halberds are pretty ineffective everything else just kind of glances away from us yeah see we can keep consistently taking down one shield now we just need to hit like two out of three of these charge ions i'll wait till we can get three our ship is holding up really well though i'm proud of our ship i am proud of our ship it's just too bad that you can't kill the border it's the one thing now our now we notice a lot of flaws in ftl ooh hey lock coley hey how are you happy to see you my friend am i able to dismiss the drone i don't i don't think so as far as i know which seems kind of silly right like it seems like you should be able to do it but oh wait a minute why are we not able to charge past one on this charge iron in which case i might have to do yeah like he keeps resetting [Music] that's crazy we might have to go with the uh ion blast mark yeah because it keeps man this totally messed up my system it's too bad that you can't take out this hacking drone because it's really just nuked our entire ship if we're on like any other system we would have been fine well arguable but um slightly better off maybe okay let's see if we can take out one with uh attack or combat drone two with this thing and then we could go in with the halberd beam unless if our halberd beam keeps getting reset in his charge man look yeah it goes down whenever we get hacked we might just be stuck wow that totally sucks it's because we got hacked ah this is like game breaking this is like it's almost like it's a bug we aren't even like able to win this because yeah look at the cooldowns like the hacking kicks in ah [ __ ] yeah the halberd b might not even get a chance to like fire at all because it's the hacking and then we get that is [ __ ] like we've just reached a stalemate wait let's give it one more try okay wait the halford beam is charged up now we haven't gotten to this point yet we are making slight progress oh god damn it yeah okay we have made progress so i'm optimistic when i see that but holy cow this is like watching grass grow okay our cameras are back online no fires come on halberd beam you could do it halberd beam and iron blast mark two we just need to take down two of them i'm gonna need to have really good reaction time to get this to work we need to hit one more ah god damn it they cloaked in which case i might have to try it with the charge iron if it doesn't work man can anyone see can i send multiple crude weapons oh that's a good point like if i could make the crew charge up the weapons faster so they could shoot something i thought i know i mean we've got a gold weapon guy in there too see we got down one shield and then the ion blast should be able to take down two and then as soon as we get this down to one bubble then we can instantly send in the halberd beam but yeah they keep cloaking and then we keep getting hacked i wonder if i could target a different system though excuse me let charge hold three yeah it keeps decharging every time that we get the hack kicking in let's just see let's try powering down our halberd beam powering up our charge ion now we gotta have the halberd ready to go it's that stupid hack that's getting us killed though it might not work with the ion blast mark ii though oh wait a minute we might have a chance here i'm just gonna wait it one more time yeah this is not gonna happen all right charge ion to albert we gotta have the albert ready because the halberd takes so long to charge up if only we could add another boarding bot man i feel dumb because this is like you should be able to win this you know like i think we could win but i might be here for like 15 minutes we can't man hacked systems oh wait a minute really it just it stinks that there's no way to get this hacked system back like we're just kind of stuck like this though they're kind of stuck with that too so fair enough yeah that hack is it does it undo one of the charge levels though when we get this it seems that it cannot undo one of the charge levels okay so then it hits the bottom where okay there we go our shields are charging back up okay we're almost at level three with the charge and it's probably gonna hack us again it's gonna take another minute but then after that we'll be ready to fire the helper beam oh for god's sake please let this happen it's gonna be very easy to destroy this thing once i actually do have access to my weapons again better yet what should we shoot once we get an opportunity to shoot oh god it feels like that they cut off my arms okay we're just about ready to fire as soon as the halberd beam is up and okay we are ready to fire um uh man drones instead of weapons would that make the drones any better what should we do what should we do guys hacking terminal got to hit that hack room yeah if we could hit the hack room that would be great hang on a second let's see if we can take out their hack room so we'll see if we can fire three shots first at the shields if those hit then we're going to blast the hacking room with the halberd beam and we'll go over their other weapons because i want to kill the guy in that weapons place yeah shields and hacking if we could no we can't hit all of them i'll like do something from here to here well i gotta wait to see if these things hit okay cross your fingers oh for god's sake that's gonna take a really long time to charge back up again wait a minute i have an idea can i shoot my own boarding drone if i can do this then i might be able to get my drone back um take down all their shields at time by the time they un i'll need only one ion weapon let's see if this can work damn it really really i'm gonna try to shoot my own boarding drone here see if it'll work he gets trapped in there he does i don't want to jump because then i waste a lot more man this is like the worst stalemate of all time i need to bri i need to breach the shields anyway yeah that's true god damn i don't know guys this is wild what i might be able to do is charge up three ions get the ion blast as well and then hope that the combat drone hits it at one point i feel almost more like doing that like that's gonna be safer i can take down three at once it's it's almost like we're just slightly too weak to do this though okay we did manage to ionize their shields all right grab a beverage this is gonna be a long one we could go to the repair station i'm just trying to wonder how i mean how would we even upgrade our ship besides just getting better rng in the next time it's kind of funny that my combat drone is just kind of like chilling there and they can't even do anything to it just have no response i don't want to like uh god look yeah it didn't even get one charge like it charges and then it's just nope that's crazy all right i'm going to be sitting here my charge ion is auto oh whoops i didn't even realize oh [ __ ] yeah i got to turn that off whoops-a-daisy i did not notice that okay let's uh whoops we gotta turn it on what's crazy about this is that the halberd beam you know let's just try it with the two ions this might be better if we get four ions to hit in consent in consecutive you know hits we'll go after this one and then maybe our combat drone can just hit something that's the goal here god damn so bad they hacked our weapons oh god i can't believe how underpowered our like we should be able to hit that with something this worst case scenario i think we might be able to get through to this thing though if we get three hits with the charge ion oh come on ftl this is like pulling teeth why not jump out and reset the fight uh i just feel like that we can get something and also we run lower on time when we get that whoa they did hit our drone okay ultimately we will do that it's just that we're not really taking damage in this fight which is really rare and we've already taken out one of the major systems on their ship um this dudes do everything on shields come on all right i'm gonna give it like another five minutes i think that there is like a one percent chance we could get through this wait till the stealth is finished before the pew pew yeah i think we might have to jump that sucks that's wild though we got so close to being able to take this thing out one shield well the good news is that we don't really need any more defense i've been sp i've been saving up a lot for defense but i think we're okay in that department i'm getting out of here now it needs to spend three consecutive turns at this place turns until the base is destroyed wait a minute will we even be able to get to a repair though one two yeah we won't even be able to get to it though is the problem now auto fire's off now if we go to the next repair we won't even be able to get back to this fight i've been locked now into the worst ftl standstill of all time it's on the target it's yellow oh it's on the target is yellow oh well now we are now we are yeah okay so now we're off ion blast we can leave on auto fire though that's all right hmm is there any other system could we get their hacking in some way see if we can get something with that i known i had the autofire on accidentally okay come on baby we can't leave this i think we have one more spot that we could go to but we would have to come right back here the next turn jesus all right we're just waiting for our charge ions to charge i'm literally not just even gonna look at the game i'm just gonna look at chat well the thing is like even if we could astronomically low odds what is what is this achievement even what even happened to us i can't even tell we've survived this fight forever it seems like it's probably the longest fight i've ever done did they shoot through they did shoot through once they got my drone why don't they get my drone can they please kill this thing it's almost like he would have been better off if he had died okay we just shot one eye on blast and another one is coming up i'm gonna try to shoot two right now and i'm gonna try to shoot this i know we're getting only two but let's see if the combat drone can get one hit on it the cloak this is the worst thing that has ever happened i mean they can't do anything to us though i might just jump to the other sector just you know we might be better off if this attack drone had not landed in one of these rooms and if we had taken out like oxygen or if we could take out this main compartment he might be better off because right now we can't take down that many shields probably the most boring fight i've ever played they didn't used to have hacking in this game though reset where the hacking drone lands yeah the problem is if we hadn't had this hacking drone here we could have done everything else oh that blows so much okay i'm gonna go here and then i'm gonna come right back to the base if there's like a ship here or something i'm boned we will probably have to fight it though okay this isn't so bad uh what am i gonna do with this thing now i totally forget how to play well with the fact that we're not being hacked is kind of good news uh wait there is something coming in to hack us um i'm gonna use my anti-drone now that i know that that is so overpowered um let's send in a boarding drone because i just want it and then let's do um um i think i need to do this and we'll wait good good never hack my ship again for god's sake that was really the most painful experience okay good yes get the med bay or something for god's sake that's fine we don't need that lack of power for oh yeah we don't have power for boarding thank you yeah that is better see if that had happened in the main battle we would have won okay good they won't be able to get away now okay let's see if we can hit them with the three charge and then try to aim for that and then if it works then we'll get the shields still not quite enough can we get a combat drone um [Music] wait a second i see something that i could do i could do this into a quick halberd beam okay halberd beam now oh god guys it feels like my iq just went up by like 10. that's crazy i don't know why i went for those systems now i'm getting delirious i've been playing for too long i can depower the ant yes i could do that now yes good because it's not it's literally doing nothing but we still don't have enough for our combat drone maybe we'll get enough so that we could have more drones powered what difference will it make against that big ship okay now we've got the halberd beam i think we could take this thing out now oops wrong spot i gotta say that ionization resist has saved us so much trouble throughout this entire playthrough okay this one looks like it's one this was an easy enough fight though i don't think that we'll be able to get back to the repair before the last fight okay 54 scrap oh god how did i turn on for the chart uh auto fire for the charge iron only uh with control i've been using control i think what have i been doing i can't remember what button you press yeah um [Music] why am i auto firing depends on the battle all right i don't know and sometimes i i'm literally becoming delirious now literally i can't even i can't even comprehend what is going to save my ass one two i can't repair i can only make a decision right now and then go back in and fight that guy what is going to be the thing that saves my life and prevents me from doo doo hmm if we could have another if we could have more weapon power that's 90 though we can't afford that what do we buy i felt like we had enough power for that it might end up coming down to that though more power i think sleeping and continuing tomorrow would save my life no it has to be done now more drone power i would like more drone power but it would not make that big a diff we could get the anti-drone well we want to keep the anti-drone powered until we get the hacking bot onto a system that we don't care about like the med bay that was a good situation in the last fight um because that really got us killed in that fight but would that really make a big difference we've already got four there so it would just be five get all three of them up and running at a certain point it does make a difference though too stop breathing in safe power oh god well we can't let's eliminate the options that we can't afford this doesn't matter um this doesn't really matter that much either to be quite honest um we can't control the boarding bot this doesn't matter either because they don't board us or they haven't boarded us or honestly if they boarded us i would like that because i want to kill them on my ship um power so far looks like the best decision drone power would be okay it's kind of like a toss-up between those two um healing boost doesn't really make a difference so it's really between drone power and just regular power bars now [Music] we could either get one more drone power or two more system power but is one more drone power going to save my life the only thing that would let us do would be combat and boarding drones simultaneously online medical is unnecessary yeah exactly plus one power plus one drone we don't have enough though drone power is the best choice we could always keep diverting it i'm trying to think of a situation where i would need them both online but i think this is going to give me more options if we pick drone power um so let's do one more on the drones i think that's good system power is more engines is more dodge that would keep us alive in the fight longer well the thing is what we'll want to do in the fight is turn on the anti-drone right away um and the boarding bot you know we could take our time with it but remember to in the last fight i got really lucky taking out that thing i'm gonna go ahead and go to power only because i think it's gonna save us that way we can keep one of these engines online um if only we could get weapon power that would have been good but alas we cannot um we could always turn this down we don't need this we could go into the fight with anti-drone on as well as combat um as well as boarding we want to keep boarding and just hope that it doesn't hit those weapon rooms until the very end we really got locked into a bad situation here ghost pickle thank you very much for the sub my friend yeah they took out i mean as long as we don't get that exact situation again i'm confident we'll be okay now we are going in with great health but let's just kind of go through the whole thing again uh we can't really do much else yeah we gotta go in we gotta go in we might be able to get another repair in on this thing though all right okay so it's gonna be cloaked at the beginning we're gonna deploy our anti-drone right away and just pray to jesus that this thing if only i could see what system it's going to get but i don't really have much choice over that let's try to keep this thing off as much as possible i hope it doesn't get our drones or our weapons or our shields or our engines [Laughter] basically anything or our pilot basically the med bay would be the only good thing okay that looked like it was headed for engines so that was good we'll just try to keep it off for the entire fight um micromanage the anti-drone at the start of the fight to see if the hacking is targeting weapons yeah if it's targeting something like if we could react to this thing hitting the med bay and we want it to hit the med bay that'd be great you know what we could turn off the anti-drone when it's up here because it'll probably shoot our weapons or this we just don't want to get it locked into another one of those long fights so let's turn it on up until there still want to keep the charge ion on and we'll board as soon as this ends okay good keep that thing on are you [ __ ] kidding me game game it the anti-drone was right there and it still didn't shoot it okay we're in for another prolonged battle i don't know what else to say we just got to hope that this boarding drone doesn't get trapped in one of those and it totally got trapped in exactly the same room literally in exactly the same situation holy [ __ ] that sucks so much i have the worst luck after all of that after all of that good luck holy cow that was so bad that was so bad we got ourselves into exactly the same situation oh turn off the drone and let it get destroyed that's wait a minute that's a great idea hang on a second yes i'm gonna turn off the drone this way ah god yeah i should have turned off the drone sooner okay let's see if that pilot manages to take it out kian doing art you may have just saved us i hope i did it in time otherwise i mean it is still possible to win but it's really hard okay why are they hitting us so much because their missiles are still online we're in for a much harder fight and we're probably gonna get killed in this fight too which is the the sad irony here is that we could either wage this really prolonged battle which nobody here really wants to do nor do i um but god damn okay good let him oh and he killed the drone too okay well whatever okay drone take out that system we may as well it killed the guy because he was deprived of oxygen yep we're in literally exactly the same situation uh albeit with less health now whoopsie daisy go drone go drone uh that sad drone all right i'm gonna be here for the next hour and a half fighting this battle if you guys will excuse me i am very sad i am very sad i'm going to write a memoir about this fight look my drone is just sadly hitting the missiles knowing that his everything was in vain oh god that's really awful watch we're gonna get down to like one health jump i can't jump anymore or oh jump to reset the fight again um yeah i'll probably get stuck though yeah honestly i don't i don't really want to go through this fight again i don't think it's i don't think it's worth it we could send in the drone and then if the drone yeah we got to do it the base might get destroyed will it get destroyed fighting ftlt there's no time okay i i can't handle it game over i i lost because i i thought i had one more turn ah gg that sucked terrible terrible rng it's because we got hacked gg it was still worth it it was a good run but we got into this like chinese finger trap at the end
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 64,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faster than light, ftl, ftl game, faster than light game, faster than light gameplay, faster than light torus, ftl torus, faster than light 2021, roguelike, space roguelike, ftl faster than light, ftl: faster than light
Id: NZtDV95mRC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 18sec (9858 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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