Pentecost Sunday | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Can I Get A Witness?

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i'm going to read for you acts chapter 1 verses 1 through 8 when you're there say i'm there if you're not there say wait on me praise o lord i'm going to read this to you and then i'm going to give you a word from the lord concerning what i feel like god is saying this pentecost season acts chapter 1 verse 1 the former treaties have i made others of all that jesus began to both do and teach unto the day in which he was taken up after after that he through the holy ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen to whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by me many infallible proofs being seen of them 40 days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of god and being assembled together with them commanded them that they should not depart from jerusalem but wait for the promise of the father which saith he ye have heard of me for john truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the holy ghost not many days hence and when they therefore were come together they acts of him saying will thou at this time restore again the kingdom to israel and he said unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father has put in his own power but ye shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you and you shall be my witnesses unto me both in jerusalem and in all judea and in samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the world father thank you for your word in jesus name amen somebody just entertain me real quick and just say can i get a witness can i get a witness our study jordan of the book of acts appropriately begins with a first-hand account that is almost written to my interest in discretionary format in that what i found is that in the synoptic gospels against the book of acts you find that there are certain things shared and other things left out the writer of the book of acts is assumed to be the medical doctor luke and what i find in his gospel but also in his treaties here in acts is that there is a an embolden or an emphasis point on certain realities and then there are other things that are left out resolve now that even though we've been given the powerful gift of the scriptures jesus did more than what was written and and and and some of the miracles and some of the supernatural displays that he gave us were not all prescribed the bible writers tell us that there was not enough room to transcribe everything he showed and everything he did this makes the book of luke very unique because it shows us the biblical phrase or term allah say alos over your mouth say allah now when you're dealing with two kinds of concepts here and i want to go here before i open up in acts chapter one you're dealing with adults and heteros heteros is another of the same kind or another of a different kind uh alas a-l-l-o-s is another of the same kind so to be hetero or to have hatteras means that i am one thing and i have a mate that is not like me scream yes but to be alloss means that i am another but of the same exact kind it is a comparison of me giving you two roses from the same exact bush that would be me giving you another of the same kind but if i gave you a carnation and i gave you a rose i would be giving you a rose but it's a different kind arose when jesus says it has been official prophet rocky for me to go away i will send you another helper he uses the phrase alos which means i'm sending you another of the same exact kind and so now acts opens up appropriately with us trying to conceptualize what the world looks like when jesus does not have the limitation of a natural body and so act shows us what all the man can do without the limitations of a skeleton and and muscularity and age and and birth record and birth parent it shows us the ministry of christ without a body say yes this means that the holy ghost in real time is the action of jesus without the body that whatever the spirit of god is doing is what jesus wants done as a prerogative or as an initiative but he does so without the limitations of the flesh so now the book of acts is the template it's the format it's the model watch me for everything jesus could do if he could be everywhere at once the book of acts reveals and notates what the propaganda of of jesus is without the limitations of the body now why is the body a limitation because if i want to do something and pour out something and achieve something in more ways than one in more audiences than one in more geographics than one i've got to be able to shed my flesh so that what jesus does through the ministry of the holy ghost it sends us himself his essence his ministry his word his message without the confinements or without the incarceration of the body and so the book of acts which is actually called the acts of the holy ghost through the apostles is our acts or is our pattern for service mentality commitment functionality but most importantly culture the christ culture is seen in the book of acts it's not encapsulated as fully as it could be in the gospels because we still see the limitation of jesus for example when you have the woman with the issue of blood who reaches into him for miracles i love your word virtue leaves because it's housed so jesus says who touches me because he feels it lee but the spirit of god never feels virtue leave it's not housed anywhere the way jesus taught it to nicodemus was this in the same way you hear the wind and can't see it you feel it and don't know where it comes from such are those that have been born of the spirit of god so you can't withdraw or rob or or or weaken the power of the holy spirit because it doesn't have a house he's god he is the eternal vertebrae the the actual walking paramount factor of everything that god is lift your hands and say without limits so as controversial as it is the book of acts has to be really examined closely because what it reveals is the unstoppable nature of christ throughout the gospel you could stop him if you employed the right means and mechanism if i got an army or if i hired a a a a a a federal investigator or some form of officer to to encroach upon him or to arrest him or to make sure that he could not journey and or travel in the way he would i could wrestle with the man's side of him i could limit the part of him who claims mary as a mama and joseph as the daddy i can deal with all of that but now that he's walking around without the physical confine of the flesh there's nothing i can do to stop him this is why religion has had an issue with the announcement of the holy ghost since before the church is because we need a way to control the message and the mission and the missive of the messiah but wherever that message and wherever that mission and wherever that missive has no bounds no limits no barriers he's even done so much to be able to express himself in diverse language what he's communicating is he's unstoppable a a bachelor's can't stop him a masters can't stop him a time zone can't stop them a race or a democratic party can't stop him we serve an unstoppable savior and we see that in salvation but we also see it in revival and what most people who live in their philosophy are frustrated with about jesus christ is why can he sit down somewhere and stay in the same place and when we look at the book of acts we not only see the movement of the man but we see the mission of the man over and over and over and over again and what i love about the pattern in the book of acts is every chapter your word is so juicy to me they tried to stop up they tried to stop them with rocks with persecution with prisoner with witches with warlocks they tried to stop him even with the barrier of doubt but is there anybody in here that's glad in 2021 that i still serve an unstoppable savior i know it's real simple ricky but when we look at the book of acts we can't help but realize is when the man has his mind made up when he's got his eyes on something that he wants nobody is going to be able to reverse what he set his eyes upon if he set his affection upon you he's coming if he set his will upon you he's coming if he has his eyes upon you he's coming and the beautiful thing about the holy ghost is he's not coming with half of himself he's coming with everything that he is full of the holy ghost [Music] an unstoppable savior anyway at this point world religions vana had not conceptualized any deity being unstoppable we could limit anyone that was created this is why it was so easy to categorize paul and the twelve as deities of gods because they were stoppable but what do you refer to a being that cannot be stopped cannot be housed cannot be limited in any particular place imagine listen to me a scriptural context where you've got the most smart people in the world on the planet discussing and debating and having rhetoric about how to stop somebody who we swore was dead i love your word that we worked hard to kill and we work hard to imprison we want to stop him we don't care about you seeing him we just don't want him going over and beyond his flesh limitations to get in you and so we see this this this reckless this dangerous pattern throughout the book of acts dr zerg where jesus is proving in the flesh are not you won't stop me as a jew or not you won't stop me in front of the jews or the gentiles you won't stop me whether i'm healing women with bloody issues or raising children from the dead what i've been trying to tell you is i'm coming and i'm coming hard i i ran down 42 generations to get here and your questions won't reverse me your persecutions won't reverse me your allegations won't uh reverse me your your speculations your arguments your philosophies your theories will not reverse me so in the book of acts gives us real tough considerations about how people are coping with the christ once he's gone it shows a traumatized fragile infant movement that's not moving at the level and at the realm of their reinforcements like they're going to and it shows the power of jesus without him being a human being the majority of our lessons about the christ pay attention comes from the 33 years he spent in the flesh we've not really tapped into a lot of what he did and what he said after the flesh but he is just as important lift your hands and say pray during and pulse we must understand the pre-incarnate messiah i'm going to take my time that means the things that he was occupied with before he came to earth and said hi to y'all then we've got to understand what he took up doing what he got here let's not act like his arrival to the earth was the arrival of the initiation of his existence he was taken up during things before he got here by the time he got here he was mid-life then we've got to look at what he occupied himself doing after he conquered hell and the grave does this make sense to you now conceptualizing the laws and the dictates and the human and the legal and the civic battles that are up in rome and all throughout jerusalem considering uh the various land surveys and cultural patterns that's laid out in the book of acts we see that there is an uphill challenge for the christian or as the bible calls it the followers of the way because at this particular place and point in the game they are not a mind a majority now when you study biblical christianity what you do is you study it in reverse so we're looking at christianity as a human issue as an american issue as an issue of history and rhetoric and writings but imagine that being a part of the initial group and subgroup of this where everything is under question who is the son of joseph and why did he come from nazareth and what did he do with these mobs that followed him and why did he preach in this way that almost seemed to be a hyper religious activism against natural judeo-ism and and their tradition why is he coming implying that he's a king and implying that he's going to redeem this and he comes and he does this in such an unorthodox way that he creates the questions now here is the theory wherever the human race has questions the holy ghost has an action the holy spirit will not always answer sometimes he just acts and when you're dealing with the book of acts you're dealing with minds that wanted answers because they didn't want to respect the actions but in the book of acts the holy spirit does not always give us answers because the answer was one thing jesus so he acted in such a way so as to demonstrate who and how he was so now we see that this book is rampant now you've got the holy spirit of god running through regions and the aftermath of a continual outpouring something happens in acts chapter 2 that is not able to be stopped and so it shows you the extraordinary level of sensitivity of the church now let me bring you to this the initial invite the initial invite the initial invite the initial invite was given to 380. there were 380 that received an invitation there were 380 that received an instruction can i preach but i wonder how many of them wanted attention versus how many of them wanted to be instructed the two look the same but there are those that want attention and they don't care for instruction because when you want instruction you are willing to change your behavior if i want attention i'll show up just for the privilege of the audience it does not mean i'm going to do what i've been told to do and so we see a dividing line here where there was 380 address 120 show up which means that the majority thought that there was something better to do some other way that they could spend their time some other way that they could occupy themselves and they just did not want to wait so jesus comes now and he's in this environment that the book of acts opens up and what i love about this is his first conversation is to handle unfinished business with somebody that's doubting him thomas now in the former chapters in luke's gospel distract with me the bible say that jesus appeared to them the 12 were there they closed the door for fear of the jews and the bible says he shows up in the midst of them and he tells them go to jerusalem stay there where was thomas maybe your questions in life are because you weren't were you're supposed to be it's a dangerous thing to miss a divine appointment if you have instructions to be somewhere and you exempt yourself what's going to happen is you're going to miss out on absolutely necessary insight that could mean you the difference between your doubt and your faith your victory and your defeat your courage and your weaknesses i wonder how many of us have missed appointments and the wisdom that went with it i've always asked myself where was thomas the only thing the scripture said was that he wasn't there and so by time he came back what he had was a testimony for the 12. he said i'm not going to believe that he's there except i see his womb and except he shows me the scar in his hand next time we see dude he's in the upper room with the rest and jesus is teaching to them after his passion 40 days concerning the kingdom of god now i have my thought in theory about what he was talking about and why he waited to talk to them about the kingdom until after he conquered death because you're not going to believe an invisible kingdom from a natural man so i believe he had to show up in his real form for them to receive the truths as it pertains to the kingdom of god because he was still trying to prove in death that we don't have a natural kingdom if this kingdom is not in flesh you don't get to act and build it in that particular way so when we open this up number one we open up with a regrouping say regrouping because we we hurried up prophet darius and we went to habba shabba baba but my bible said the first thing that the holy ghost does is regroup when when you're going and you're coming after tumultuous times there's very little god's gonna do without the right level of unity the need to regroup and all over the world there are people celebrating their ability to talk in tongues that will not regroup they will not respond to the call of god to come back to principle i'm working in here back to praxis back to fundament back to focus if you tell me you've been filled with the holy ghost but you don't know how to gather yourself to the initial instruction the initial point the initial directive what you have is a form of sensationalism where you rely on the holy spirit to give you massage therapy but you're still not me uh bought into his mission when you're bought into the mission of the holy spirit first thing you do is gather yourself to find out what he said there was a regathering the 12 got together to be gathered where you been peter thomas where you was that buffalo wild wings because you was full of doubt hey barnabas what's up imagine what it is to have a devastating trauma crisis and then have the first reunion be the revealed son of god talking to you about the kingdom of god what was he saying focus focus focus i've done what i've said i'm going to do focus i've given you an opportunity to see me focus you're not out here in competition get out of the competitive race with your culture and the news and the society and i want you to find your focus i believe that one of the things the spirit of god does best is helps human beings find their focus and listen the focus of god for you is not a personal goal what it is is his highlighting of priorities concerning what will bring you peace what will bring you progress and what will bring you prosperity if you have the holy ghost and you're not relying on him to help you maintain your focus you are misusing his ministry in your life one of the things the spirit of god does is help you ward off the distraction ward off the conversation ward off the negativity the nagging the the claim for your ear the the seduction of your eye he helps us to focus and so we see this room as a focus group now i want to give you the events that led up to this number one we're dealing with the the trial of jesus this is going to matter to you in a minute because not only is jesus the man still on trial what he taught was on trial what's crazy rhys is it's 20 21 and jesus teachings are still on trial they're still on trial they're still on trial china the average christian don't know what the gospel is they're still on trial we're still trying to prove that jesus christ is the point of the scripture he's still on trial and he warned us that this would be he said yo you search the scriptures thinking that in them you have eternal life watch me i don't want to go here too prematurely but these are they that tested the eye of me so christianity was and is on trial the ministry of jesus was and is on trial the absolute authenticity of jesus and his storyline and his narrative is on trial so we're dealing with his trial and his subsequent death say yes and then we're dealing with the white elephant in the room which is where the heck did judas go this is all in chapter one we're dealing with a regrouping and somebody's missing and the one that's missing that didn't have the guts to say i'm sorry y'all don't want to go there uh judas was not there in the initial gathering be very careful because when the spirit of god regroups take attendance when he starts i'm talking to you when he starts re-gathering things and reorganizing things in your world and in your room pay attention to who's too busy to be there it will reveal a theft motive whether it's the glory of god or whether it's the praise of men something that i want that i should not have lord have mercy today and then you're dealing with an obvious conflict between jesus and his successor you're dealing with a very fresh conversation this is all in the room you're dealing with a fresh conversation where jesus had just confronted peter and warned him even though i've invested everything i've invested in you i've groomed you i've grown you i've used every mistake you've ever made to teach you i've not punished you yet i've not uh cast you off yet i've used every margin of error i can to impart and impute in you what you need for the journey and you're still in the room now in the room when god begins to regroup you're going to find somebody there that's just grateful that god didn't give up on them now i know there's a lot of people in here that feels entitled to that type of mercy but how many of you are grateful that he didn't give up on you now now you can say what you can say what you want about peter he's the only one that still walked the water certainly you can hyper emphasize the fact that he drowned but ain't nobody else get out there walk can i tell you god is not giving up on you who am i preaching to you ain't holding him up so you can't let him down he is not going to give up on you what he's doing is holding you with his strong hand and he's using your mistakes for ministry and he's using your error for wisdom he's using your missteps for discipleship as long as you can regroup you can still be used he's in the room and he's there among them and you find jesus teaching concerning the kingdom of god i believe to real what this means is that jesus was about to create momentum and he would be about to create movement that had to come from a poland environment in there during the conversation acts 1 pay attention he mentions waiting for the promise and what i love about this jordan is that it gives us deep deep deep deep deep pneumatology or pneumatics if you want to say it that way because what it shows is that in jesus mind pay attention sugar the holy spirit was not a promise he was the promise it admitted in the mind of jesus that after this is released and unleashed on the planet there's very little i have to do but take a seat the the ministry of the holy spirit is the conclusive act and effort of jesus the messiah the reason for the messiah exceeds the salvation of the human race but also includes the upkeep of it by the holy ghost you see the plan of salvation on earth would be incomplete without the holy ghost because men would only revert back to what they knew how to do and back to what they knew how to be so the plan of salvation or the new covenant was not complete until the holy ghost came can i give you some wisdom now what i love about this phenomena this banquet this party at the pentecost feast was that those that would manage it had experienced it already lift your hands and say me first open your mouth say me first so although there was conversation and question about what was going on in this room nobody could say that they were all virgins in that experience i believe god raises men and women that's supposed to carry what they're supposed to create what i mean by that is this if you're running around forming pentecostal hosting pentecost for other people and you've not had your own personal pentecost then we can't trust what it is that you're creating now we're in 2021 anybody can get some lights and a camera and a couple of dances and some pillows and say we're celebrating pentecost it won't feel the same way when you're sitting under a man or a woman that's got it in them that says i understand how to encourage this and how to facilitate this in your midst because it happened to me first oh god what a backwards paradigm what would happen if preachers would actually say me first what would happen if disciples and christians would save me first what jesus did was blow on the twelve and said receive the holy ghost so when i've given it to those that don't understand it you can explain it lift your hands because it happened in me first i want to move on to my next subject matter but i want to preach you out of loneliness because it happened to you first there was a huge break in between the time jesus died and the time the holy ghost fell and so you had to bear the responsibility even the social consequence even the confusions and the questions of sitting here for 50 days trying to wonder what happened when he blew on you and trying to figure out how to express that not only has he called you out of your career and not only has he called you out of your family one day the man blew on me and he could have done a whole lot of other things but he chose a method to carry the wind he chose a mayor a method to put something in me because of what's coming can i give you a word whatever the lord is trying to do in you is because of what's about to happen around you god does not deal with atmospheres and environments first those are a secondary consequence of a reality that he puts inside of a man and if he created in you then you can call it to be for them you've got to say me first i read my bible before i teach it be first i'm going to pray for me before i pray for you me first like they say on the planes derail please make sure your seatbelt is fastened and take your own oxygen before you give it to somebody i want to know how many folks are dying because they don't believe in me first it's not idolatry it's not selfishness it's stewardship and what i'm doing is upkeeping my instructions so i'm effective but i'm not gonna die to serve you i'm not gonna die to help you live it's gonna be me first and then i can be to you say me first say me first say me first say me first say me first i'm so sick of folk making folk accountable to what they won't live up to say me first do you want to know what integrity is i'll do it to show you and then i'll invite you to join me say me first the problem is our definition of new testament integrity we're requiring what we will not do we're demanding what we will not demonstrate but where there is integrity you will have believers just like before i charge you for it i'll convict myself of it and i'll put myself on this plane so you can know how to do it next lift your hands and say me first so they're in this room and jesus has given them a principle about physical limitation he's teaching them about the kingdom say yes he's instructing them about the arrival of the promise say the promise now this this this this designation gives us a whole bunch of insight about how god is and the way he functions the greatest gift of god to the world was the son the greatest gift of the son to the world was the spirit the greatest gift of the spirit to the world was a language the greatest gift of god to the world was the son scream yes the greatest gift of the son to the world was the spirit say yes but the greatest gift to the spirit of the spirit to the world was a language a privatized trademarked eternally protected encryption that helps the human being tap into the will of god in any place in any time zone any error any species the greatest gift that the spirit of god could give a human being is a way to reach him a way to talk to him i wait to hear from him a way to press into what he wants so he gives us those particular gifts and this logic is seen in the first chapter of acts now i want to go through this conversation to show you why this is imperative for you and i jesus says this in this in in in glorified form he says number one you will receive power you will receive power you will receive power lift your hands say i renounce impotent christianity and i say it like you mean he said i renounce powerless christianity say i divorce christianity without demonstration [Applause] that patty cake was so pretty i want to know if there's anybody in here that's serious about the power of god first of all if this is the promise of the holy spirit where is it if if it shows up if the spirit of god shows up and says you will receive power this is something i'm going to teach you to host i'm going to teach you to handle and i i think jetson one of the problem is is is that the power of god is not a look the power of god is not a demeanor the power of god is not a voice inflection the power of god is not a stance in service the power of god is not even how they react to you the power of god is not courtesy false gravity can achieve that the power of god is not being able to know things supernaturally the power of god is being able to achieve inside of a man what only god can do now whether that comes by healing deliverance transformation prophecy breakthrough word of knowledge word of wisdom angel however you're going to do it if you can't change people you flow in no power if what is in you is not strong enough to convict and to rearrange and to reorientate what's going on in the human condition you have no power you have luck you have coincidence you have goosebumps but you ain't got no power i can find what the power of god is about what happens while you're preaching what happens when you're praying what happens when you're hurt that's the power of god the power of god is that spirit and essence that does not ask the permission of your intellect does not ask the permission of your fears it bypasses your word is life everything that you're concerned about and afraid of to do what only god could do that's what the word grace means it is the ability of god and so when i say i'm moving in power what i'm saying is i'm moving an ability that's not mine i'm moving in authority that's not mine i'm saying things that i don't naturally know how to do but we're so at home in who and how we are naturally that i believe there is a cipher as it will on how much of the power of god we can display but my bible does not say and ye shall receive tongues as the holy ghost have come upon you and in american christianity there's a lot of us reach watch me that picked up the tongues and we left the power there i would much rather have the power and leave the tongue if i can talk to you in english but break the yoke of the devil upon your life acts 10 38 and jesus went about doing good that's what i want healing all that was oppressed of the devil he didn't do that by tongues he did that by power whatever happened to the power of god what do we do with it how do we see it when do we respect it when do we know that we have it and the white elephant in the room about pentecost is we're talking about the celebration of the holy spirit when we should be grieved about the absence of his power and and we should be having a real international congress of every believer in the world about what we've done with our filling and how we've used it for the world where was it what do we do the very first thing jesus says is you will receive power you will receive power you will receive power was he talking to non-believers no that means it's very possible to be a believing person without the power of god jesus said it this way you do air because you know not the scriptures or the power of god which makes the mathematic equation this wherever there is an ignorant of the scriptures and no knowledge of the power of god you're going to be run by a spirit called error wherever there is error the power of god has not been saying and the scriptures are disrespected i don't know about you and i know this is very simple but i want the power of god i used to uh uh uh uh uh teeter-totter over there on the dark side with the x-men and clairvoyance and witchcraft and soul reading and cursing and judging and what i realized is that ain't no real power when i was trying to hurt people with my words i had to rely on the availability of their soul to make it effective that was playing in a kiddie pool and some of you are in darkness it's the kiddie pool you're using miniature devils to try to achieve what only a big god can do when if you had the power of god if you had a respect and an appreciation for the unnormal abnormal supernatural ability of god in your life it can achieve more than what you could ever think you could now the book of acts you have to really ignore it to miss the manifestation of god's power but conceptualize how many churches have no palate for it conceptualize and theorize how many believers don't even know what it is when we say that's powerful it's like a cute commendation but it does not signify when heaven broke in and did something that earth couldn't do the power of god you want to win a generation you need to be filled with power you want to be able to break addiction you need to be able to be filled with the power of god you want to be able to provoke them and convince them to come you need to be able to be filled with the power of god i don't know about you but the holy spirit of god to me is the doorway and the hallway and access to the omniscience of god the omnipotence of god all power now we don't know the all-power life because we're so infatuated with devils but if i can get y'all out of sin and the nature of the first adam there's a whole different life of power available to you in the streets in your family in your schools it's a whole different life of power lift your hands up and say power come on say power say like you mean and say power because then you shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you and ye will start my websites ye will create amazing shirts you will develop the type of bumper stickers that will inspire people on 1994. you will host a 21-day prayer challenge which is more like a talent show for up-and-coming preachers you get to show your talents so that somebody could put you on you you you will be my helper because i just started being god so i'm inexperienced at this so i really do need your talent to help me be seen the right way no you will be my witness i did all that to get here i think it's interesting that jesus christ's first concern prior to the outpouring of the holy spirit was whether or not he had verifiable testimony and what i mean about that is that these are not eggs and toasts and rent and and cars he's basically saying the holy spirit of god will come upon you so i can live through you i want to be testified of what that means is that he was announcing to the church that he would always be under trial where was he during corona under trial where is he now what's going on in israel and palestine under trial where is he in the heart of your children who pay more attention to roadblocks than they do church he's under trial his message is under trial his belief is under trial and what jesus does in acts 1 it says let me address this court case the only person that is in need of an eyewitness and uses one is one who's completely confident in their story and in their narrative you'd have to be a lunatic to try to prove a story that you're guilty of i'll give you this remember john the baptist the forerunner tray thing the bible said in luke 7 he was so discouraged say under trial he was so discouraged because this is another period where the christ is being questioned about who he is and what he's doing the disciples of john come to john and they give him an update about what's going on john is in a funk about him laying his life down laying his character down laying his reputation down and he tells his disciples this hey go ask oh boy now i'm the one that announced him that inaugurated him that presented him but go ask him if he's the one or if we should be looking for somebody else he was under trial what happens when you're even under trial with people that you trust there was never any mistrust between jesus and john as a matter of fact john responded very humbly to jesus coming on the scene but he came under trial at the first arrival they go back to jesus jesus sends these eyewitnesses lift your hands and say i saw it first and the eyewitness has come back to jesus or john and say hey we we told jesus what you had to say here's what he told us to tell you tell them what you've seen tell them what you've heard tell them the death here the blind receive their sight tell them what you saw i wonder how many people are still living silent about what they saw i wonder why it's so easy for people to dismiss the church so quick it breaks my heart that after two centuries of building this man's church we walk away from him because of a year of inconvenience it's disgusting and putrid people are in their minds and now i don't know if i'm ever going back maybe because you were never there if this thing is about your convenience you've never been converted what happened is you adapted some principles that you were willing to live with and by you can't walk away 200 years of history for a year of a flu the devil's a liar the church is alive the church is alive the church and all you witches and warlocks that's prognosticating her death off with your head in jesus name the bride of the lord jesus christ will be arise and have mighty power in america because god's going to raise a witness sorry so we're dealing with our faith under trial it is an exciting time but before we got to the tongues we had to deal with the trial and everybody wants to get where asha baba but they don't want to deal with the trial that preceded it the faith under fire the message under fire the requirement under fire makes me think that this was the apostles ability to stand up against those that question their doctrine so when you got questions about circumcision and about eating meats and about who they sit with i don't think those were natural answers i think that was the power of god through them to be witnesses now here's the deal what i love about jesus is he's not egocentric he didn't even tell them that you would be my christians because sometimes those are the ones you got to watch for i have never been attacked by a non-christian think about that i've never been scandalized by a non-christian i've never had a rumor out about me by a non-christian it's always been in people so i wonder what's the difference between the christians and the witnesses i think there's a lot of people that call themselves christians that ain't seen them yet that have not witnessed his wonder his power if they did they'd be more fearful of what they said and how they walk you know when you've seen god it impacts you a different way you walk with a conviction that you don't even dare try to explain to people you don't fight and justify why you can't and why you say and why you don't you got a personal witness i want to know what you did with your witness is the gospel under trial or negatively impacted by how you behave are you in the way of the gospel is your character and your personality and your reputability a stumbling block to what god is trying to live through you that's what it means to be a witness christianity is on trial she was on trial she's more on trial now than what she was in the days of pilot and i want to know can i get a witness i don't care about you know who mentors you and how many red lobsters events you go to and and you can go get super disconnect and salad from uh uh olive garden all you want i want to know is there a witness alive is is there something in you through your holy spirit that's able to live out testimony not reports what we call testimony is a statement of gratitude what the bible refers as testimony is you know what the word witness means it's martur it means martyr i want to know who's willing to die for what he did i'm so convinced that he did it that i'd die before saying he didn't that's martyrdom it's not that jesus is looking for people to just randomly kill he wants people that are so transformed by the truth that they've laid their natural life down to be seen to have him live through that that's witnessing you will receive power to testify uh me now why does jesus christ want testimony and and those that testify are those that stand up without personal interest on the behalf or in the defense of the character or the actions of another while under triumph so this is deeper than come and visit me to church this is i literally inhale exhale i've never thought that the epistles of paul were not sufficient i've never considered that the epistles of titus and philemon were not sufficient without you the epistles are incomplete you are a living epistle and if you're so closed that men can't read you if you're sending mixed messages so men can't read you i don't know what to believe about who you represent until i can look at you and find the gospel unabridged and uninterrupted can i watch you and see the gospel in 3d and how you handle people that's what the holy ghost is for you didn't need him to dance that's in you culturally you got that from the motherland you didn't need that from heaven but what you did need was the different aptitude to be able to reach inside of yourself and remind yourself at all times i am a witness i live in testimony of the lord jesus christ what i do and what i say and how i act is the very first thing he comes together and says in the regroup can i have a witness please i wonder if jesus was testing to see who would not enroll in his next couple of steps because who responds first whoever had doubt he shows up thomas is doubting now he says okay i'll give you everything you need put your hand in where it hurts it's still here i kept it open because i knew he's gonna have questions he dealt with doubters first i'm wondering if your witness is only as strong as your doubts and maybe the fact that you can't live in full testimony of the lord jesus christ in your life is because you still doubt him if we were in court which side of the audience would you be on you'd probably be on jury duty hey there but when you live in witness you're given all and there is a witness protection program part of what that means is that as you demonstrate yourself and avail yourself to live in testimony of the lord jesus christ there's certain ramifications that are around your life at all times the devil cannot do what he wants to do with you if you live your life in witness and in and from testimony and i'm not talking about your testimony say yes i'm talking about his your testimony has some power in it it can achieve things but nobody's going to get delivered it's about what he's been trying to say and having to say and trying to be for generations and the unfortunate truth is the only way we're going to see it is through you can i get a witness i'm about to take the church through a whole bunch of stuff over these next several chapters and without a witness she won't have foundation and i'm not talking about going witnessing i'm talking about testimony in the earth i want people to be able to engage you and find me that's what the holy spirit is for so he can be in you and you and you and you and you and you not just just so that he could remind you about how wicked you are the human race was experiencing that pre the holy ghost so it has to be much more lead you guide you show you the things that are to come but to also testify concerning the things that god has taught listen to this real quick imma make a noise you ready one two three listen y'all hear that i know it's the sin of silence i wonder if satan is looking at your life and can't hear no noise i know you went to the conference in the gathering the class but is you is your life saying something like what are you like is is your obedience as noisy as your destruction and your are you loud with rebellion and then quiet and i want to know can i get a witness you know there was a day when we used to be happy to obey god you know what the devil has done is eric there is a shame for those that have to obey i have watched a cloak and a garment of shame come upon people who's had to separate themselves unto a season or cause the social pressures of it but i want to know can i get a witness yes i'm fasting or are you super deep trust me you don't want to know the other me i'm a witness i i'm a witness and and i've decided to live my life in this way and i've decided to tap into the power of the holy ghost for the sake of my witness here is something you need to understand i'm probably going to minister this being a priority of pentecost is something that if every church that embraces this expression taught it would radically revolutionize what we thought salvation was if we taught that witness preceded tongues we probably have a lot fewer people asking for tongues because that's the easy part the harder part is witness when i can't live how i want in defense of his name i can't say what i want and protection of his integrity i can't go and do what i have to almost crucify my own adulthood in order that he be seen without obstruction one of my life's mandates is to reveal jesus supernaturally i want to know why it's so hard to see them because they're people who don't do what they should do with pentecost what they do is say i'm pentecostal but ain't no devil like a dancing one is there a witness in there after a conversation with you can i receive something from you that helps me stay out of what i want or am i just going to dance with you at the altar i'm talking about a witness is there the kind of a testimony that's so raw pastor e.j that it does not exclude the gore do you have forensic proof it took this to snatch me this to heal me he had to say this this many time to pull me out and what i love about this is the geographic locale you will do this in judea and samaria jerusalem to the uttermost parts of the world he gives him home first can you change to the extent that your family testifies this is not y'all are quiet today because even if your family don't like you they can still identify change in you and if your family is not the audience of your first change i wonder if you've done it happy pentecost is there a witness down there do your siblings look at you and say you know you're a lot more patient than what you used to be um i've noticed that you don't do the same stuff or there's something that pulls me to you when i'm going through and want wisdom i'm talking about a witness the beautiful thing about a witness is that it's self resounding in order to to walk as testimony in the earth i don't have to give you a business card i can say hello and then once we start conversation depending upon where the holy spirit has your heart and how deep the follow ground has been broken up i can say everything that needs to be said and you have encountered a living epistle but in a generation where men don't like being red think about the way the enemy set this up this is the first conversation of pentecost kenny and we're in a generation where people are trying to bind prophets i come in a room and people are like don't let them see don't let them see it's not about me saying it's about him because i can only see it if he did so you're binding me isn't effective but what do you say about a culture that don't want to be saved it means they feel judged disrobed uncovered broken but where there's real witness you've got the type of life that says i only do what i see my father do so if if jesus is doing it on the earth the father is doing it in heaven i don't know with the millions of people that will have all white today i wonder how many of them are real witnesses beyond the the the quickening i wonder how many of them can i talk to and find my way to a god i could not find is there a witness there firsthand witnesses that's the whole point in the or the priority of pentecost i'll make you a witness i'll give you your tongues but not before i teach you how to live and teach you how to walk i have spent the majority of my ministry trying to teach christians how to be it and most of them still don't want it what we've done ma is we preached and we've created a generation that wants heaven they don't want holiness what they what they want is a guaranteed seat they don't want to be a witness and it is also unpopular that in order to get a seat you've got to be this because the seats are preserved for the witnesses i'll leave you with this warning i have lived like many of the new testament apostles a life of revelation god shows me things talks to me about stuff the word of god is the love of my life i mean just just just bible wasted what i've come to the conclusion though is there's only one thing ricky on earth that's more powerful than revelation only one it's reproach reproach is the book end of revelation have you ever met somebody that was saying something right but because you did not like them you could don't lie you couldn't receive an accurate prophetic word by detail but instantly dismissed because they were offensive and dismissive as people the key is not accuracy it's believability there's a lot of people that are inaccurate but believable we call them false prophets [Music] reproach reproach is on the heart of god so when you bring a pentecost message you got to teach people that if you want to be filled with the holy spirit one of the first things that needs to come in your heart is a sensitivity to reproach i don't want to embarrass you not in my own immaturity not in my own foolishness or in my own stuff i want to be a witness so reproach is one of those things that varies person to person so the way it looks is this if i have something to say something to demonstrate some some way to be an influence to protect i have to monitor my behavior and my presentation in the name of what i have to say if i don't care about what i have to say which is the truth for a lot of people that i'm not going to care about how i show up when you have that type of person that's like i want to do what i want to do they're so far from witness that they are in the way of the gospel i wouldn't follow your invitation either look at how you talk to your boss look at how you neglect your children there's so many christians whose witness is in the way of what god is trying to do with their immediate environment how are you living and are you using the holy spirit to teach you to live that's what he wants it's quiet so um i guess we should speak in tongues or something but you know i think the lord is more concerned about witness now one thing you're not going to tell me about all nations we know how to talk tongue i'm still struggling to get y'all to live and what you call fun might be reproach depending upon who you are and what god has called you to do and if you live a life of revelation you have to be concerned about reproaching it make me a living epistle that was my prayer this morning i didn't ask the lord for new tongues a fire to burn dragon ball z up and to go to the winter wonderland with the elves i don't want a new encounter i want the character of the christ manifest in me i want to live in such a way listen and receive this rachel i wanna i wanna live in such a way that i don't take stuff to heart that i shouldn't in the name of my witness oh come on who will open up there's some of us that take stuff to heart that we absolutely should not and the umpire of your soul is the holy ghost he'll sit there and make sure that thing don't get in there so you can behave as seeming righteousness unto him so don't make this pentecost about your ability to talk in our unknown see what you need is to ask god lord make me a witness i want a witness i want to testify you everything about my life my marriage needs to testify of you my ministry needs to testify on you of of you my statements needs to testify of you imagine how frustrating it must be von to be the head of a house whose name is barely mentioned you're not going to come in my house and ignore me and go to my refrigerator that's the easiest way to get knocked down i believe that when you walk in a house you acknowledge the head why is jesus struggling to be testified of and in most cases against moses and one was here before the other it's because he likes witnesses people that really want to live in that way i'm gonna pray for you and i'm gonna pray for your witness because this is one of the areas of church growth lance that we don't talk about we don't talk enough about witness and whether or not we allow the holy spirit to teach us life because we think he only understands life in heaven he understands life on earth very well so he can teach you to live if you need to learn how to be a good friend a better husband a better wife or or mother or whatever you are he can show you do you believe that i don't think you do do you believe that let your hand say the holy spirit is more than tongues said again the holy ghost is more than tongues i'm praying that you take your tongues and find some discipline i'm praying that you take your tongues and learn when to go to bed i'm praying that you take your tongues and learn who to give your phone number to i'm praying that you take your tongues and learn how to invest your your money your time your resources he's more than another language and very frankly may i just say something prophetically i think he's insulted by being referred to as a supernatural language that that's the verifier you got the holy ghost i do i shall holla and nothing around your world resembles the regulation of god your witness is not there before your children before your family before your job it's witness that moves the book of acts for it what do we see all throughout all 28 chapters of the book witness witness in cornelius house it was witness at the garden at the hour prayer it was witness let's not just be super impressed with the miracles and find the pattern because if we want new testament power we have to have new testament patterns and part of what that means that we've got to live so he can live through us simple christianity but it's the reason for the holy spirit without him you have no witness nothing that can be done let me pray for you bring me some water [Music] so i'm going to pray for you and for those watching who's had an interrupted witness for those that need their witness to go somewhere that it hasn't gone and that your relationship with the holy spirit is mended jared is the most important relationship you'll ever have is your relationship with the holy ghost he's my best friend bff for real and it works to my benefit stephanie because he knows everything i need to know about everybody i need to know about about every circumstance every situation he knows timings what i believe the lord wants is a renewed relationship with the power of the holy ghost a reliance on him father in the name of jesus i honor you i bless you for this aggregate this morning i give you praise for what you've been doing in their lives first of all i thank you i deny for their salvation i thank you for the reason you save them i thank you for the reason you healed them i thank you for what you've done in their mind their heart their will their emotions i thank you that your hand has purged an iniquitous tree and you plucked them as it were like fruit and branches off of a vine that was destined to be crumbled by iniquity and danger and you've saved them you've ransomed them even for a day like today i honor you for what you've been at work on in their lives their mind their body their spirit their psychological self their emotional self their relational self i give you glory for what you've been doing in them and lord as we stand here at the precipice of this feast and this moment of in gathering concerning the ministry of the holy spirit first of all we dethrone and denounce any competitor anything that's seated upon the heart that wants the same level of volume the same level of insight the same level of uh uh uh uh uh input into our decisions and into our days we denounce and dethrone them in the name of jesus and today we ask for a brand new reliance upon the leadership of the holy ghost of god make us witnesses in what we do and in what we say and how we're seen in the name of jesus there is a brand new coming out even in the spirit that you're beckoning men under the sound of my voice to begin to abandon the shadows of darkness the fetters of darkness even the handcuffs of the wicked one you're beckoning them all the way out to move them all the way into safety and all the way in to refuge and tabernacle and synagogue before you spirit of god in any area of our lives when we've grieved you we ask that you forgive us now and we're asking oh god that you would fill us a fresh and anew even as the apostle paul said not to be drunk with wine but to be filled with the power of the spirit of god lord we want to be witnesses we desire to be witnesses in the earth and in a generation where you're under trial under scrutiny under criticism under investigation oh yeah under interrogation what you do and what you want and what you say has come under ridicule raise up for yourself a people my god that will live in testimony of your power and your might and your strength and your glory and your splendor and your way and your agenda oh god in the name of jesus lord we sanctify this summer months before you asking oh god that you would clothe us with that that is necessary to make us witnesses clothe us with that that is necessary so that our lives and our decisions testify of you in the name of jesus thank you lord for that divine power that could only come from heaven that does not make us brag or glow to in that that we've not done to earn you but help us oh god to only take safety and security in the fact that we've been filled with the powerful gift of the holy ghost now lord i thank you for ushering this people before a table even in the presence of our enemies and i thank you for anointing us with fresh oil now lord let these be the days where the cups of men run over top let the cups begin to run over in the name of jesus lord it's been a season where men have not known what to do with their emptiness did not know what to do with their lack of satisfaction they've not known what to do with the vacancy with the depravity that's within them lord show us what to do with the empty places show us how to surrender the nagging emptiness the longings of the heart and the longings of the soul and fill us oh god in the name of jesus i'm asking that we would live life as a field people that we would be convicting in how we live and how we walk and how we move and how we talk in the name of the lord jesus christ i'm asking for the anointing of restoration there are men in this room and women in this room that have been broken down even beyond the point of recognition but i promise our days of restoration days of restoration that the power of the spirit of god is going to testify through the restored places in the lives of men he gonna testify and lift his voice through the healing power of god you are looking for witnesses in the earth that speak to your lordship and speak to your sovereignty and speak to your power so wherever there needs to be healing heal wherever there needs to be deliverance deliver wherever there needs to be peace let there be peace wherever there needs to be clarity blow wherever there needs to be mature to grow wherever there needs to be forgiveness let the heart be broken up until the scene of the word of god can take root and do what it was meant to do and these be the sons of god those that are led by the spirit of god here right now we lift our hands and we abandon our own leadership we abandon the steering wheel we abandon the decision-making power we come out of the right to make our own choice to make our own calls and we surrender and we submit and we yield proudly to the power of the holy ghost the leading of the holy spirit the ministry of the holy ghost of god for wisdom for knowledge for understanding for rulership for authority for power for access for favor for conviction for weight for waits for wait for insight for confirmation for validation to break through the type of wisdom that helps us to gain access to what was locked up make us witnesses now bother the thing that you're doing in us do it around us and don't do it around us until you've done it in us and do it by the power of the holy ghost where there needs to be repentance bring low where there needs to be submission bring a reminder where there needs to be a high life of the dream of god the mandate of god the purpose of god show your life upon the instructions that are written upon the hearts of men let it be by the power of the holy ghost and let it never be said [Applause] let it never be shed that we took advantage of give me a minute something just changed the power of the holy ghost the power of the holy ghost [Music] the power of the holy ghost in my witness the power of the holy ghost the power of the holy ghost pull us out of showy christianity [Music] put us out of theatric christianity fill us oh god with the power of the whole there he is just lift your hands he's here hey there he's here a brand new infilling a different kind one that you're not used to yet a different kind [Music] he is more than abstinence [Music] he is more than just your ability to say no he is more than unusual energy he is gone and he wants every part of your life lift your hands and yield them [Music] ah oh may my life testify of you [Music] may my decisions testify of you may the rumor and the reputation that comes upon me be that i've been embossed by the spirit of the living god oh yeah come upon men right now in this room and enable them to do what samson could do that when the spirit of god would come upon him he would be able to tear things apart with his bare hands i'm asking now that you would fill us until we're stronger than we've ever been before fill us until every place of weakness every cavity every area of weakness and insufficiency until it's filled with and by and for the holy spirit of god for you are a fountain and you are ever full flowing now like rivers even from ancient days and i'm asking o god that in this church and in every expression of it that you would refill men with the power of the spirit of god until we love the scriptures until we love your way until we love your time and your temple until we receive your edicts and your law your design for us the thing that you want us to do and the thing that you want us to be lord fill us powerfully with the holy spirit in the name of jesus lift your hands and pull us out of narcissistic living where we're not living for ourselves or from ourselves or to ourselves or unto ourselves in the name of jesus we in the name of jesus and right now even as john did we decrease in this very moment we decrease before you we decrease and disrobe before you say we only want for your will and your way your purpose your plan your power your potential to be made manifest oh god even in us we renounce deceptive feelings and deceptive mentalities and deceptive patterns and deceptive plans we renounce it now we call down the idol called me in the strong name of god's christ of self-ambition of self-tornika of saltoriola observatorial of hard work we call it down now all distractions my god of who we used to be and how we used to be we break the authority and the assignment of me self-worship in the in the name of the lord jesus christ of every oath that we've cut for ourselves of every contract that we've cut for ourselves every vow that we've made with ourselves up to live for us to live from us up and to live by us yourself you are not my god self you are not my god self you are not my god cali oh calendar you are not my god desire you are not my god resume you are not my god america you are not my god my race is not my god my gender is not my god my spanish is not my god the one true the one true the one true the one true come on let's go the one true living god is god fill us up so that we don't worship ourselves fill us so that we don't lead ourselves feel us until we don't make our own decisions but we decide unto righteousness and we decide unto wisdom oh god we only go where we sense your leading we only move if we know we can follow you there lord if you don't have anybody else in america you found the people in all nations that desperately want to follow you that desperately want to pursue you that desperately want to be found in the will of god at any cost for yes this is the real meaning of pentecostal will there be men and women that can follow through the fire follow through the flood follow through the questions follow through uncertainty followed through miscommunication follow through mixture follow and we're following up because we're filled we're not feeling because we're following uh we're following because we've been filled help us now to not run out of the stamina i feel the holy ghost the stamina the stamina the stamina i set the stamina that's what you need the stamina i release and prophesied brand new realms of stamina into your life there is no stopping there is no stopping the stamina of the lord jesus sealed oh yeah that's god seal i heard that seal i hear it seal seal from the lord of hosts consumes your body and we will testify of him and we will testify of him and we will we will testify of him that is our agenda we will testify of him that is our vision we will testify of him that is our motive we will testify of him that is our destiny that is our legacy that is our heritage that is our goal our motives it is our bottom line that's the entryway that's the conclude that's the paramount we will testify of the infallible brutes [Music] come on pentecost is the proof of the power of god without no pentecost we have no proof or but we are a people that have the proofs we testify of him come on lift it up let the menstruals play for a minute i hear the spirit of god saying i'm looking for proof i'm looking for proof i'm looking for proof i'm looking for proof away with the principle i want proof away with the philosophies of men i want to be a living epistle lift your hands and pray in the holy ghost come on come on proof proof proof something powerful is happening to you i prophesy a deepening of your convictions your convictions are getting ready to be deeper than they've ever been in your life there is a deepening coming in the heart and it's not going to be guilt it's going to be the glory of god getting ready to set your world up for the next season oh the next move the next wave the next phase the next dimension the next chapter get [Music] [Applause] oh ready i want to be evidence i want to be evidence make me evidence oh god hey hey hey make me evidence make me living evidence make me ever dance i don't want to be a fossil i don't want to be dead make me living proof make me living proof i can hear you i said living through come on living i feel the anointing living proof living proof i feel the power of god living through living proof living proof live through me living proof express yourself through me show yourself [Applause] if you need a human outfit if you need a story to take upon your back if you need a cattle to ride apart here in my old car i don't want to just be impressive i want the power of god let me re-gather it refocus it regroup it until men become the proof until men become the evidence yay make me proof make me the proof come and worship him i want to be living proof [Music] my witness my witness my witness my witness my witness is getting stronger come on [Music] come on raise a witness unto yourself raise a witness unto yourself in the name of jesus a faithful priest that will do all that is in your heart preserve unto yourself a people that will not bow to bear but reserve unto yourself a people that will live separate that will live distinct under a different purpose a different power a different plan a different path a different way under different supervision different standards raise us oh god and make us living witnesses living epistles witnesses witnesses witnesses witnesses witnesses of every age of every nationality those that testify of you and how they move and how they walk and how they speak and how they address living witnesses to show that above all else you are alive you're alive you're alive the holy ghost proves it you are a yay ow you are a lie the word of god brings it you are alive the planets testify you are alive you are alive you are alive [Music] [Applause] well come on if you believe that you serve somebody that's still alive [Applause] i want you to let your voice in here and shout for a minute hey i said shout out church you still ain't moving i said shout out church we're not going to see him as a concept we're not going to see him as a theory we're not going to see him as a thought leader we will see the living son of god in all of his power and all of his way in all of his wonder the beautiful king is still alive and he's filling me in with the precious gift of the holy ghost all around the world to uphold the story of the name jesus somebody scream he's alive [Music] he is alive he is alive he is alive [Music] he is alive and he's looking for a witness [Music] those that will testify of me [Music] can i get a witness [Music] something something is about to hit the earth where men and women that are okay yielded to being witnesses in their lives they're going to be quickly catapulted it will not be a year or two god is breaking time zone and visibility barriers for those that will be witnesses to be seen of men is where we're going next in the kingdom god will show himself but he will show himself through many infallible proofs impossible stories in through with you rise and shine your light has come and the glory of the lord god is risen upon you kings come to the brightness of your rising your sons from a farm your daughters from the furthest places of the earth camels will come and they will bring that that you will eat and feast upon in that day there is a shift in the earth if you will be a witness god will control your doors lift your hands it's going to be in judah [Music] samaria and the uttermost parts of the world i prophesy breakthrough in your life and i command every hindrance every that's held you at level one level two may you break out into a different level of christ-likeness what it means to be seen in the manifest power of jesus christ that made the powers and the perils of persecution that have aimed itself at you be forever silenced and may you move in great power great power great power i see that by faith great power by grace great power manifest in your life now unto him hold on if if you're just excited about this last level letting you go will you just scream like a madman for a minute will you i said scream like a madman come on no i want out out of this level shout [Music] i want out of this level i'm making a personal decision why don't you obey me i'm making a decision this is no longer my level [Music] [Music] now [Music] i don't know i can't imagine what the last level looked like for you what i'm offering you is an invitation off of that level to another one and i just told you to shout like a crazy person and you just wrote the lord a a tip if you're making a decision this morning to as an actor of my will leave this level lift up gratitude right now from your heart to his for giving you a way to escape go ahead right there come on i got a way out that's the sound i want i got a way out i've got a way out not only do i have a way out i got a way over i got a way through and when necessary i got a way around and the bible says his name is he the holy ghost come on shout right there there you go that's what i want i'm going to another level hey i'm going to another level i feel that i'm going to another level i'm going to another level i'm going to another level i'm going to another level no postcards or t-shirts another level no t-shirts or coffee mugs it's a new level for me come on shabbat him right there you don't believe it effective immediately everything about me is about to change [Music] hey glory to god there it goes hallelujah i said everything go ahead take a picture right now i've got some changing to do because getting ready to change what i could not change feel what i could not feel stretch while i was stuck hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] i'm done i feel something else calling me rachel i said another level is calling me calling me from behind the veil calling me from secret places calling me in the spirit calling me from round about the trunk something's calling me in a new place [Music] another level another level i'm trying to let that go but i feel that another level that's where you're going i ain't got the address i just know it's not here lift your hands and praise him hey sorry hallelujah up up and away up up and away up up and away i set up up and away three two one blast off get ready for a new a new level of everything a new level in your money your relationships are going up access points are going up different types of opportunities options are coming to you a new level and everything i decree what you're looking at i can create over here ain't you had enough of this level ain't you been here for quite some time hey lord hey i'm sorry beer [Music] he leadeth me i'm sorry because if it were up to me i wouldn't go i gotta go but he leadeth me besides steel waters he anointed my head lift your hands and say new arya open your mouth say new arya say new orleans [Music] a new level [Music] on every area of your life a new level a new level a new level a new level and if you will receive this you get to notice on june 1st go ahead scream right there come on i said scream obey me june one-handed [Music] i'm talking about june 1 hey herman it's going to happen 11 58 [Music] june 1st i'm waiting on you i said june 1st jordan [Music] june 1st they don't believe it june 1st it's the month of my new level i'm not acting funny i promise i'm not i just fought real hard to get where i'm going june 1st june 1st [Music] i got everything i need goodness and mercy i'm trying to let that go you'll give me 10 seconds of stupid storefront dance and hold on everybody in the room that believe that by faith hit the flow 10 seconds come on there you go give us a minute hold on give us a minute this is my prerogative why are they dancing because they on their way to a new month new challenges new favor new relationships jordan i see a promotion coming honey go ahead praise him hey manager shout i said shoot first come on praise him there you go [Music] come on june 1st priya june 1st ever i see it come on go a little harder just a little bit come on hey come on you know how hard you had to fight to get out last year hit this flow come on you are ready at the halfway mark up 20 and 21 and the lord who will come shall come june 1st [Music] there you go i like that hold on a minute i feel this come on push me right there i said favors coming on june 1st [Music] come on praise him [Music] i believe god can bless you so bad it can convict the unbeliever he can put his favor on you it'll make your enemies change their minds hey glory whoa rory break it down real quick keep it right there we're done i was uh i was in new york a couple days ago and this word dropped in my spirit four four words and i want you to just take this for your declaration in that same hour the other biblical term is straightway or immediately how many of you believe that this miracle is gonna be instant come on if you receive it for yourself go ahead and go crazy for in that same hour come on it's not gonna be a process kenny get ready i love that come on praise her in that same hour it's gonna be in that same hour [Music] you can already put in the work get ready to believe god for something else rachel shout harder you ain't shouting hard enough in that same hour [Music] whoa lord have mercy [Music] so [Music] where's that baby [Music] now on to him that is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless before the lord with exceeded great joy to him be all blessings honor dominion and power both now and forever everybody screams so be it say so be it i keep dancing for like nine seconds come on one two three dance [Music] i said about nine seconds go ahead [Music] in that same hour there you go evangelist freeze it hey hold it i feel ignorant same hour i said in that same hour in that same hour it's a shoot same hour in that same hour [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 28,368
Rating: 4.8737373 out of 5
Id: mLKnfvMPmJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 49sec (6469 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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