Apostle Raleigh Mayberry Jr. | When Silence Kills (The Power of the War Cry.)

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praise the name of the lord let me get this out of the way i want to honor god for my beautiful wife who's here with me this morning next month if she'll if she'll stick in there with me we'll celebrate 16 years [Music] honor the lord for my apostle dr matthew stevenson apostle camila stevenson all of our amazing guests and their sacrifice well i didn't come to play games this morning [Music] okay because what what i believe is there's there's a sound that i have not heard in the house in a very long time and it is a dangerous thing when we embrace passivity as a character trait of a believer in jesus christ we bowed our knees to the spirit of compromise because we've been made to fear crying loud something has happened that has made you believe that silence is your best option today what we have to do is restore the power of the warcraft we've got to restore the power of crying loud and sparing not [Music] we've gotten complacent we've stopped reaching and we stop going for it we've just gotten so comfortable coming in the house of the lord to be entertained and i think that year that we had all from church made us a little lazy it made us stop reaching for it and it made us stop fighting for it and it made you stop your consecration and it made you stop your fasting and stop turning over your plate and it made you stop bowing and it made you let go of the horns of the altar and it forced you to roll over and just accept what has been thrown your way oh but today we're going to restore the power of the war crier you will not walk out of here weak and mourning but you're going to walk out of here strengthen and with your authority and you got to get your fight back the spirit of the living god has come to visit us today and you know what my prayer today before i came my prayer my prayer i said lord i don't want something in the room i want you let's just let some come on in the room i don't want something in the room we need the power of god in the room today to do his good work spirit of the living god come on in this sanctuary and do what you want to do we yield up [Music] and we say let the heavens open and let there be an exchange between heaven and our own yields we yield [Music] i wish i could hear the sound of desperation in the room [Music] i wish i could hear the sound of desperation in the room where is the cry of the hungry where is the cry of the hungry where is the cry of the hungry i need you i gotta have you i need more i won't leave this place till i got you i need more power i need more strength i need more grace give me more more more more more desperation has aside extreme hunger has a sound fill us up fill us up fill us up fill us up and give me my fight back give me my fight back get me my fight back give me my fight back give me my fight back up give me my fight back [Music] you just gave up you didn't let go your devils are bullying you get your fight back what has happened what has happened what has happened it is a sad day [Music] we come into the house of the lord and you ain't got no fight in i don't care what's going on around you you don't let the devil take your fight if you got a crawl on the altar if you've got to claw your way through it if you got to fight your way see we expect everything to happen for us in comfort everything's got to be comfortable i'm too uncomfortable it's too hot it's too cold the chairs are too hard i can't get comfortable here i can't get comfortable over we want everything to be comfortable we're the people that's willing to be uncomfortable and inconvenienced for your deliverance and your breakthrough and your freedom we're the ones that are willing to say come what may i will not let go take your seat we're gonna journey [Music] i'll tell you what keep that cry ready cause i'm gonna call for it throughout this message keep that energy ready i'm gonna call for it you see crying loud means i have to accept the fact that attacks are gonna come it's gonna happen we have been scared into not submission to god but submission to that which has been after us we've been scared into submission we have been made to believe that silence is your best bet because if i get too loud the enemy is going to show up so what i've got authority over the hand of the enemy i accept the fact that attacks are going to come and i've got to do some mental work to remind myself that the greater one is living on the inside of me so i have what it takes to fight through it the church has become a place where the weak gather to get fat and then go back into our caves until the next feeding we don't come to be empowered we gather to be entertained the devil is a liar we turn a blind eye in a deaf ear to the wickedness that's happening all around us because we've convinced ourselves that it doesn't take all of that our prayer meetings lack power because we no longer believe that the prayers of the righteous avail as much deliverance ministry has ceased because we're too tired and distracted to cast anything out we've gotten back in the bed with the thing that once had us bound because we lost the courage to tell hell no get thee behind me satan you have no power here word of god in psalm 34 17 says what the righteous cry and the lord heareth and delivered them out of all of their troubles it didn't say the righteous whisper [Music] didn't say the righteous get quiet it said the righteous cry and the lord will deliver we've lost our strength as warriors and we've got to get back to it it's incredibly sad to see so many people dying naturally and spiritually and losing hope that jesus is still lord of all and he still gives us the power to overcome we've lost our voice and that brings us to our discussion today when silence kills [Music] the power of the war cry we're often taught the power of silence in fact the word of god gives us reminders of when it's necessary to be silent proverbs 10 and 19 is a powerful example of this transgression is at work where people talk too much but anyone who holds his tongue is prudent now i believe there are times when we need to just shut up you talk too much that's why you miss instructions at times when you got to silence yourself cause you're gonna hear the first part all you heard was breakthrough was coming but you didn't hear turn that blade over because you heard breakthrough is coming and you hey breakthrough stop oh but there's more [Music] your pride won't let you keep quiet especially when you're in situations where you feel like you have the right to respond i'm justified in this i was done wrong and i'll be doggone if i'm gonna let them walk all over me i'm justified in this now you gonna get everything you got coming and so are you cause you refuse to keep quiet take your cell phones out take your cell phones out hurry up take your phone out turn the camera on put it on you now push record and say this shut up sometimes when your gums get to doing this and you need to be quiet go back to that video and play it shut up sometime he's still speaking and you're gonna miss it you're gonna miss it you're gonna miss it because you won't steal yourself i want you to save that reminder we are taught the power of not talking too much not being too loud you got to be reserved but today i want to talk about the power of crying out the power of the war cry now we see a powerful example of this in this very familiar passage joshua chapter 6 verses 1 through 20. you can go there joshua chapter 6 verses 1 through 20. it all right if we take a little time this morning joshua chapter 6 verses 1 through 20 now the gates of jericho were securely barred because of the israelites no one went out and no one came in then the lord said to joshua see i've delivered jericho into your hands along with its kings and fighting men march around the city once with all the armed men do this for six days have seven priests carry trumpets of ram's horns in front of the ark on the seventh day march around the city seven times with the priests blowing the trumpets when you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets have the whole army give a loud shout and the wall of the city will collapse and the army will go up everyone straight in so joshua son of nun called the priests and said to them take up the ark of the covenant of the lord and have seven priests carry trumpets in front of it and he ordered the army advance march around the city with an armed guard ahead of the ark of the lord when joshua had spoken to the people the seven priests carrying the seven trumpets before the lord went forward blowing their trumpets and the ark of the lord's covenant followed them the armed guard marched ahead of the priests who blew the trumpets and the rear guard followed the ark all this time the trumpets were sounding but joshua had commanded the army do not give a war cry do not raise your voices do not say a word until the day i tell you to shout then shout so he had the ark of the lord carried around the city circling once then the army returned to the camp and spent the night there verse 12 joshua got up early the next morning and the priest took up the ark of the lord the seven priests carrying the seven trumpets went forward marching before the ark of the lord and blowing the trumpets the armed men went ahead of them and the rear guard followed the ark of the lord while the trumpets kept sounding so on the second day they marched around the city once and returned to the camp they did this for six days on the seventh day they got up at daybreak and marched around the city seven times in the same manner except that on the day that they circled the city seven times the seventh time around when the priest sounded the trumpet blast joshua commanded the army shout for the lord has given you the city shout for the lord has given you the city the city and all that is in it are devoted to the lord only rey have the prostitute and who are all with her in her house shall be spared because she hid the spies sent out but keep away from the devoted things so that you will not bring about your own destruction you hear that instruction see we could have stopped at a shout for the walls fall down but what happens when we stop at shout because the walls are coming down is we miss pertinent information follow me for a second we'll make a quick quick pit stop at verse 18 and 19 because we conveniently skim over portions of instruction to get to the good stuff and when you are seeking god for breakthrough in certain areas and he begins to instruct and direct you you got to also pay attention to what he's telling you not to touch in order to get there why is that important because you'll get to the place of breakthrough and sabotage your own victory because you embraced the thing that you thought was safe enough but god said stay away from it see you've got blinders on and he sees and knows what you don't see and know so what might look good for you god already knows will kill you if you touch it and so the important thing when you're seeking god for deliverance and breakthrough from anything when you get to the other side you've got to wait for the instructions so before they went in he gave them the instruction that they needed most of us are having trouble because we feel like we've broken through but you didn't wait for what he said don't touch when you get there so we got the breakthrough and we shouted for the breakthrough then we went back to doing what we wanted to do now let's imagine what happens when you play with fire long enough what's going on what's your mama tell you you play with fire long enough you're gonna get burned and some of you are burning right now because you touched something you should have left alone oh i'm here and i'm back and i got a little strength back and we've we've re some of us have re-embraced this this this spirit of perversion and addiction and we have we we've started touching things on the other side of breakthrough that we should have very well left alone you know you shouldn't have responded to that text message you know you shouldn't have went out to dinner because it was going to be more than that you know that now we're not going to meet outside your house sit in your car at midnight cause we gonna meet outside your car outside your house and sit in your car at midnight and then it's gonna get dark and then i'm gonna get all vulnerable and then your hands gonna start sliding over there and then my hands gonna start sliding over here and then we're gonna say well we just won't go all the way but we just gonna go summon away and you started touching stuff that you should have left alone and now you're compromised because you didn't listen for the instruction he said turn the phone off you don't need to even hear it ring you get grown and you think i can handle it i can do it i got this oh come on here now you're going to the pharmacy in the morning cause you didn't touch some stuff that's got you all messed up talking about the devil is big the devil ain't busy you was busy god told you to stay away from it or it was gonna mess you up and you thought you were growing enough to step over into that territory so now you're in trouble you flailing around on all the lord deliver me i told you not to touch it so now you're gonna burn for a few minutes the antibiotic ain't gonna work right now you're gonna feel this for a little bit see that's the problem y'all don't wanna come in and talk about it you wanna come in and you wanna say you wanna hear something that's going to make you feel okay leaving here and saying and doing and being what you want to be i belong to god my body is a temple of the holy ghost i don't say what i want to say and do what i want to do i got the power of the holy ghost on the inside of me that's going to pull me back when i'm going too far this is what we got to get back to so y'all lost your war cry and you then got back in the bed of defilement don't be condemned be thou made whole today is what i'm saying that's what i'm saying i'm not saying i don't want you to walk away from here condemned i want you to be convicted and get back in your place there is therefore now no but you need to be corrected you got to be corrected ain't no deliverance happening ain't nothing going on what is happening we have to get our focus back you got to stop letting go you got to stop compromising and making excuse we make excuses for bad behavior i just had a bad day i had a bad week i i should have i i'm gonna give myself permission to have this day but tomorrow i'm gonna get up and i'm gonna be right tomorrow no you're gonna get up and what you have done is the night before you fortified that thing so now you're gonna have to fight even harder tomorrow to stay out of it just stay away from it he gave them instruction when the wall falls down they're going to be some things on the other side of that wall that's going to appeal to you it's going to be shiny it's going to look good it's going to look like you want to touch it you're going to be tempted to go over there and grab it i'm just going to take one little piece just take something just to okay i'm not going to say that i'm just going to take something just one little piece we're not going to go all the way but one little piece you tracking with me you know where i was going with that just one little p we're not gonna go all the way it's gonna be when the wall comes down there gonna be some things that's gonna be staring right at you saying come over here and i'm saying to you while you see the glitz and the glam i see what's behind it we got to follow the voice of the lord you stopped hearing god for yourself didn't you yeah i know you did you stopped you you got to you get out of your prayer time soon enough to get to work on time so i don't have time to stop and hear what he has to say you stop listening for the voice of the lord for instruction because you've gotten so weak and so weary i just want to hear when is the breakthrough coming give me a date tell me when it's happening no you got to stop and say but i want to be prepared so i'll listen i'll wait right here until you advance me we're making our own advancement because we're tired of waiting but it's there's danger and moving ahead of the lord's instruction somebody needs to know that today there is danger in moving ahead of the lord's instruction he told you you're gonna have the victory now what do you have to do to make sure you don't lose it when you get over there you got to stay away from this and stay away from that all right i'm getting ahead of myself let's get back on track now verse 20 when the trumpet sounded the army shouted and the sound at the sound of the trumpet when the men gave a loud shout the wall collapsed so everyone charged straight in and they took the city now we're talking about the power of the war cry when it is necessary to raise your voice and get a little indignant now let's imagine what potentially could have happened if they reached that point when it was time to shout and they just stopped and stared at the wall all right y'all come on it's time to go forward lift up a shower we're waiting for the wall to come down we waiting for the water to come down we waiting for the wall to come down that's what's we waiting for this wall to come down and we're staring at the wall that's what we that's what it looks like when we only obey a portion of the instruction if they had gotten to the wall and just stood there which is what some of us are doing you're still staring at the wall that should have came down last year because you're speaking in tongues at the wall and you binding the devil at the wall you've become ashamed of your war cry because what is the person next to me going to thing so you're staring at the wall and it is not that god has forgotten his promise he cannot lie he cannot lie not he will not he cannot lie and the promises of god are yes and amen so it's not that he has forgotten you standing there staring at the wall because you've become ashamed of your war cry i don't want to look i want to look too crazy so i've become ashamed at doing what i got to do to get to the other side of this thing oh but on today if you will obey the instruction of the lord and grab a hold of your war cry and let something out that's gonna shake the gates of hell you'll get to the other side i want you to leave out of here feeling like and knowing you got what it takes to get that wall to come down and get to the other side there are devastating consequences to remaining silent when you have been charged to aggressively pursue that which you have been called to break through there is stagnation you become stagnant you stop growing you stop desiring to grow you stop be you become unteachable i'm not growing but you can't teach me nothing there's nothing that you have to say to me i got this you become stagnant unlearned unteachable unreachable you fall into repeated cycles these are the consequences of being silent when you've got to be aggressive you fall into cycle so you start buying the devil i buy in this cycle i want to get free from this thing and you fall right back into that cycle why because you're not aggressive in your pursuit we've embraced passivity you experience delayed manifestation of deliverance the victory is not yours right now because you forgot to cry out the righteous cry and the lord will deliver there is a danger in embracing passivity when it's necessary to pick up your sword and fight there was a time in my own deliverance process from sexual perversion and addiction that i couldn't be passive with myself or my enemies i had to be aggressive in my pursuit of real freedom i say real freedom real freedom you're not the fake kind that lasts monday through friday from six to six i get nights and weekends off the kind that's gonna pull you back seven days a week 24 hours a day and remind you that you've been set apart i said the real kind not the kind that's going to let you wink at the thing that's supposed to be your enemy but the real kind of kind that's going to put a check in you you see when i go when when i get to the end of my day the power of the holy as a matter of fact throughout my day the power of the holy ghost will raise up in me and say you know you shouldn't have said that you know you shouldn't have entertained that you know you should have walked away from that you know you better not go any further than that as a matter of fact you pull yourself back when you go in and around tomorrow the real kind the kindness says in the middle of watching a tv show god says turn it off and go pray the real kind kindness says exit that room you don't need to engage in that conversation i don't care how bad you want to hear it the real kind of kind that says turn that music off for a time you need to spend some time in worship worship your way to your deliverance worship your way to your breakthrough oh no it does take all of that i know you've been convinced that that you can that you can dip in and then step back out and then you can dip back in and step back out but it do take all of that it takes all of that turn that mute you don't need see what goes in if the eye is full of darkness then how dark is the rest of the body gonna be if it goes in you it's gonna come out some way or the other so there comes a time when you when you have to say i can't feed myself with that i've got to worship my see you're trying to fight your way through it in the nether this thing is we wrestle not against flesh and blood this thing is spiritual so there comes time when you have to i gotta turn that off i can't listen to anything but worship music i gotta worship my way through this i'm not gonna get to the other side if i approach this in carnality i gotta worship my way through this in my own pursuit you see i'm not telling you something that i didn't dedicate myself to and am not rededicating myself to see that's what you think you're used to preachers and teachers standing before you and not gonna tell you no i was there and i'm telling you how to get out oh but the devil tried to get me to come back there but i'm going back to the place that god pulled me to there was a there was a time in my own deliverance process where i had a little mp3 player some of you heard this i had a little mp3 player my friend elder jabria scott filled that mp3 player up for me with nothing but worship and i went to work with my headphones and my mp3 player and the devil ain't gonna get me and some extra batteries in case the batteries died in that mp3 player and i listened to worship for eight hours during my worship i couldn't hear if you wanted to get my attention you had to come tap me on the shoulder because i knew that this was the only way i was gonna get to the other side because there was a moment where i was still in the lion's den you see god didn't snatch me out of the environment right away he says you're gonna have to fight your way through this why because when you fight your way through to something you won't be so easy to let it go and go back to it so he said you have to fight your way through this because if you fight your way through this then i know you won't turn back to it when the going gets tough he didn't pull me out of the environment right away he said you're gonna have to learn how to fight your way through this eight hours a day nothing but worship and the word i didn't have we never back we didn't have unlimited internet and all of that stuff you know during that time wasn't that long ago but we didn't have unlimited it was like after 7 p.m so i had to bring my paper bible to work because i couldn't be on the bible app and risk not having reception i had to do like the kids when they studying for a test get some index cards and write some scriptures on index cards so that i could have them in my pocket and in my wallet with me so that the going got tough i had something to reach for sounds a little crazy sounds a little rough sounds a little radical sounds a little impossible but it's not wrong scripture's on my arm i need to oh no i woke up wake up in the morning you know you feeling some type of way don't act like it don't act like you wake up speaking in tongues every morning i'm looking at some of you and i know you ain't waking up speaking in tongues every morning you wake up i'm feeling some type of way today you wake up i know who on the schedule today i know who i'm going to see today [Laughter] act like it act like it ain't you that's all right i'll take it for you i know who on the roster today ah going to be a party today yes and the lord said no it ain't get that marker write this on your arm cause every time you think about it you're gonna see that the radical kind those are war moves it sounds a little crazy but war moves and war cries are not just about how loud you can get in what's coming out of your mouth but it's about how you're postured it matters how you're postured and i imagine when they were when they were shouting i would imagine that they didn't have their backs turned to the wall because it imagined how you don't turn your back on your enemy it you just it matters how you are postured you see passivity has made you turn your back it's made you say if i don't see it there's no i can act ignorant if i don't see it coming i can act like it just snuck up on me and those of you that ever been in my office for a session you know don't ever come in there talking about it just happened because it didn't just happen the next thing i knew my pants was on the ground and i don't about so i don't know what happened it didn't just happen seduction happened you unbuckled jabel i don't care how drunk you were so we've done is we've turned our back we've turned our backs so i can act ignorant if i don't see it coming then i'm not responsible for it right right if i can't see it i can just say it snuck up on me no the devil is alive you know that thing is back there turn around and posture yourself and stand tall and flat foot stand up i'm not done yet so don't get too excited doing about face because you turned your back on your enemy look at that thing in the face whatever it is i don't care what it is don't go don't get excited no not yet i don't care what it is forget about who's standing next to you forget about who's standing around you forget about how silly this may look seem or sound i don't care who's going to mock you i've got somewhere to go and i've got to get there by any means necessary and i want you to posture yourself in a war stance not in passivity stand flat foot ball those fists up put your arms to the side and i want you to cry out you can't have me [Applause] you didn't believe that do it again you can't have me [Applause] no you still don't have it say it again you can't have me you can't have me i belong to the lord you've got to come down now turn around and bless god for the victory for a moment because some of you this is your first step towards breakthrough that wall is about to come down and we're not gonna rest until there's not a brick left standing and you know what we're gonna crush the bricks because we don't want that wall to come back up sit down felt a little silly didn't it no it didn't by any means necessary you can't have me you can't have me there were times that i there are times when i have to stand and say no devil you can't have me what is this that's calling my name it's not the voice of my father what is this that's pulling me ah you can't have me sometimes you got to just say it out loud you okay uh-huh you walking down the street towards something uh-uh i crossed the street go another way wait for the next bus listen it was so radical we know how cta is on some lines those of you that rode the bus i would look on that bus and i say no i'll wait for the next one it's cold i'm tired i want to get home but i want this more than i want my convenience i'll wait for the next bus we've gotten comfortable this modern-day christianity it doesn't take all of that saved by grace and grace alone devil is a liar put your war clothes back on and fight some of you haven't experienced the real joy of freedom in christ because you're having a hard time believing that he whom the sun sets free is free indeed you still believe you got to jump through hoops and walk through the fire to earn your ticket to freedom when in fact the bible says in ephesians 2 8 and 9 for it is by grace that you have been saved through faith and this is not from yourselves it is the gift of god not by works so that no one can boast so i'm not telling you to jump through a bunch of hoops and you got to earn your way to freedom i'm just telling you how to keep advancing how to keep going to your next place from glory to glory i'm just telling you that their responsibility we're not winning the loss anymore because we don't look like anything different so i'm just saying that there are responsibilities as believers that you have to stay away from these things so that your life can be a testimony because remember it's not about what comes out of your mouth it's about how your posture right i just said that so that means your life should speak something oh he's different oh she's different oh let me keep that away from oh no don't even invite this one to that one because hey i wanna what is this what is this church you go to what is this g what is different about you you don't say much but i watch your life i watch how you interact with others i watch how you hold the door open i watch how nice you are i watch your compassion i'm not telling you you got to jump through a bunch of hoops i'm telling you that you got to discipline yourself because there is a work for you to do and if it is enough for you to just say i got mine and that's it i'm just going to stay here until it's my time to go to heaven and that's you but there are those of us that have been called and set apart for a purpose we got a work to do and because i have a work to do here on this earth i've got to be set apart so there's some things that i have to abstain from i've got to stay away from that may not be your testimony may not be your life but i know what's necessary for me so that's where i'm going to go so there's nothing you can do to earn it let's pivot here the mind is perhaps one of the most powerful tools and weapons that we have it is the birthplace and the development of your belief systems it is where you it is where your belief systems are birth whether you come up with it on your own or seed was planted um in your mind by a teaching or counseling or whatever the mind is the place where it begins your ideas about who and what you are they start in the mind you've lost your warcraft because you started believing things that's opposite of who god says that you are this is important for us to understand as believers because in order for us to step into the fullness of the authority that we've been given in christ jesus we have to disengage from the belief systems that cause us to live like we have no hope no authority no power and no reason to believe that we're going to go any further than we are right now it starts in the mind something is going on in your mind that has led you to believe that i might as well settle here something has settled into your mind and what has happened is the thing that has settled in your mind has now started to infect your belief systems it is settled in your mind and it has started to infect your belief systems and when that happens there goes work in your emotions and when it starts to infect your emotions and your feelings it's gonna start infecting your behavior so now it started with a thought with a seed with something that i embraced in my mind it went to work on my feelings and my emotions while it was going to work on my feelings and my emotions it started doing some work in my belief systems and while i was doing work in my belief systems it started doing some work in my hunger in my behavior and what i desire and now that it's done the work and my behavior i can settle into that as my new identity that's why you got to be careful with what you allow to take place in your mind and who you allow to speak into this because if you start to embrace compromise in your mind it's a seed if i just do this a little bit in your mind then it's going to start affecting your emotions oh now i'm stuck now my feelings are starting to change i don't know what's going on it started with the seed in your mind and the laziness in us that's why i said we can cast nothing out because the laziness in us causes us to start attacking manifestations stop doing this and stop doing that stop going here and stop going there and we wonder why we end up back in the same cycle because something happened in our minds that we're not addressing what happened in your what was said to you what was done to you what season were you in when that happened to you and you laid down your ministry and said never again i'll never preach again i'll never sing again what happened that's a seed those are seeds though sometimes it's not the devil it's not a hater it's not the person next to you those are seeds you put that there you made a vow with your enemy i'll never preach again i'll never sing again i'll never prophesy again i'll never trust again i'm not i'm leaving them church people alone i'll never go back in the church again i'll never do that again i'm not counseling nobody else i'm not discipling nobody else i'll never do it again i'm not mentoring nobody else i've been hurt to you got in your feelings and you sold that seed in your mind and now you're stagnant because that thing went to work on your emotions and instead of in that moment fighting for your right to be who you are fighting your way through that moment of discouragement crying out to god looking to the heels from which cometh your help calling out to him to be your deliverer you settled into a space of defeat we can't escape dealing with the stronghold in our mind you've got to be careful what you allow to occupy that space in your minds if you ever encounter a beat down depressed and joyless christian it is because they've ascribed to the thoughts and belief systems that keeps them in cycles of hopelessness so this is no longer a moment of hopelessness you're in a cycle of defeat i mean every january this thing visits you lord it's october again and you know what you start doing you embrace it it's that time of year again i'm about to go into depression i'm gonna go into my cave y'all it's that time of year again i gotta run away from this thing and every year you're not just having a moment you have entered into a cycle we're the only thing that's going to break that cycle is if we deal with that stronghold in your mind we got to cast that thing down in your mind and you sometimes you can't wait for the minister or the prophet or the apostle or the evangelist or the pastor or the teacher to come to you and say let me lay hands on you and get that thing out of your mind you've got to get your determination back and say you know what i'm not waiting for somebody to come and lay their hands on me i've got the word of god i know what worship looks like i'm gonna fight my way through this because you know what this not next november this november is gonna look very different this november i'm walking in victory this november i'm walking in joy this january i'm not mourning over that thing anymore you can't have me you had your time now you've got to let me go i'm going to take it back and no matter what i've got to do i'm going to get there i know it's going to take a little time and it's going to require a low energy but i'm willing to fight because i'm tired of surrendering to this cycle we're surrendering to cycles things that you've been given authority over what happened to your war cry you surrendered it because you got discouraged they didn't call your name i ain't get to preach during sabbatica this year they ain't called me to prophesy i'm offended keep your little church in your little microphone so you got to be careful what permissions you give yourself to slide into those spaces i've been in places of deep discouragement and people say i'm surprised you still standing and you still here and you still holding on because i learned how to cry out to god early on and when i get discouraged and offended i may have a moment i may have a moment i might have a moment lord my wife knows i may have a moment i may go home and shut that door and say i'm sick of but you better believe after i get that out this belongs to god you got to become so submitted so yielded so surrender to him that have your moment but don't you let that moment turn into a lifetime pick up your war cry and your strength and say no oh fence you can't have me no depression you can't have me no addiction you can't have pick your cry back up [Music] [Applause] reclaim your time no you can't have i still belong to i'm mad right now but i will not drink myself into a drunken stupor until i feel better no he delivered me from that [Music] i may be discouraged right now but i'm not watching porn and masturbating myself to sleep no he delivered me from that i will not compromise you let that moment rule over you you let that moment have you you've got to learn how to rule in those moments when you're hurting because if you're not that's what this is all about you haven't been careful with your moments so those moments have now turned into monuments of pain so every time you see it you think about it it makes you melt and fall under a place of defeat but today i'm calling you out of that cave awaken from your slumber and fight you are only defeated when you surrender your greatest weapon which is your belief when i stop believing that i can when i stop believing that he's still lord over my life then i start acting like it and i start drowning under that that that sea of defeat we've lost the power of the decree and the declaration you're not waking up decreeing things because when you decree we've made decrees and declarations cute you have to look at decrees and declarations declarations as an announcement and the decree as this is law so this is who i am so i am announcing to myself and to hell this is who i am and this is what i'm following i am the head and not the tail uh-huh i have obtained an inheritance in christ so you've got to start getting back to the power of decreeing some of you used to look yourself in the mirror every morning and speak over yourself before you leave out and then you say well it ain't working i'm not getting the results that i desire to get the decree is a statement of truth do you hear me the decree is a statement of truth and the declaration is an announcement that this is what's coming we've got to get ourselves back to the power of the declaration and the decree every morning before you leave your house while you're brushing your teeth washing your face getting the kids ready for school whatever you got to do i'm speaking this over myself why so that when something tries to come at me that's opposite of that i already built myself up with my reminders of who and what i am and who and how i need to respond to this not just who i am but how i need to respond to this is apparent that some of us ain't spending time with god because you talking too much and you're saying the wrong things and you're giving too much energy to the wrong things so that's why you're circling this space because you have lost the desire to fight i'm done with that we've got to fight and what i haven't heard heard in the house of the lord this is no slight to any church any movement i haven't heard desperation i haven't seen desperation we've given up corona came and i know it hurts we've lost a lot of people [Music] you've seen people sicken all while you're still going through life in you god why me what's happening with me what's going on with me why is this happening to me and you just lost your will to fight you stop believing that there's anything greater going to come out of you i i'm not here to beg you i am here to do some convincing i'm here to do some convincing i want you to believe that there's more in you i don't care where you are in your walk i don't care where you are in your season we're all in different seasons we're all being hit in different ways we're all under different mandates from the lord i just want you to not give up because it's a little hard right now i don't want you to go home and take those pills or pull that trigger or fight toss and turn cause you can't sleep at night and i don't want you to go home because you a diagnosis and you settle into well the end is near no you got to fight i'm here to remind you that i know it's going to be hard sometimes i know i know i know it's not gonna feel good i know i know i know i know it doesn't feel good right now i know nobody understands you feel like you're on an island all by yourself don't nobody get me i know they handled you wrong i know i know i know they talked about you and they were supposed to be your friends i know i know i know i know they said they never cheat again and they did i know i know i know i know you're feeling worthless right now i know i know i know but i want you to embrace the truth if and only if this is you i've got to fight my way to something i don't want you to stay it's not going to make me feel better anyway if and only if this is you i want you to stand up [Music] lift your hands up as an act of surrender um just work with me i want my elders pastors those prophets all nations to come and stand up in line right here and face the people we're gonna be we're gonna be wise but you're gonna give them some strength today evangelists come on you know who you are come on here where's all right come on you all are gonna have to [Music] you gotta you gotta pick it up [Music] get in the spirit now if you ain't got the right heart and the right focus you go back that way some of these people are on their last moment i don't have anything left in me [Music] i'm not gonna have you come down and have them lay hands and do all of that you got to fight you gotta fight you've gotta fight but what i want them to do is i want them to stretch forth their hands toward you pray in the holy ghost my leaders because what you're doing is the ones that's falling backwards and not believing that they can anymore you're pushing strength into them so i want you to pray in the holy ghost and push [Music] push push push push push while you're standing out there i want you to lift your hands and just forget about it for a moment i want you to lose yourself and get your fight back i want my fight back i will not be defeated i will not give in to this spirit of discouragement and offense i was molested but i'm going to be healed today i was hurt and abandoned and abused but i received my healing today come on and push them push them push them push them you will not die here push them you shall live and not die push them you shall live and not die push them i command those dreams to come alive you will dream again you set your dreams aside because you didn't believe you could do it push push push push push push push if you at home watching me right now lift your hands up and receive your new life live live live live live live live live live live come on you almost there [Music] live live you will love again [Music] you will trust again you will preach again you will sing again live [Music] live live live fight for your freedom fight for your healing fight for your deliverance fight for your freedom live live live you're not the black sheep no you're not hopeless now live live you will prophesy again live i speak life to your womb come alive come alive come alive come alive preacher come alive intercessor come alive come alive prophet come alive evangelism come alive pastor come alive teacher [Music] come on you still ain't got your fight come on push push push push push [Music] uh um push push push push push until you feel it in your belly push until it could start cramping you can't stand up no more push [Music] push push push push push push push i know you got discouraged keep pushing i know they light on you keep pushing keep standing for the truth push come on we not done yet minstrels i got pick it up and come with me push no you will not get weak and weary lay that weight upon the lord shall renew their strength have your strength renewed in this morning bush [Music] come on come on come on come on stop worrying about who looking stop worrying about who looking stop worrying about what it sounds like stop worrying about the warfare that's going to come your equip push [Music] mama couldn't do it daddy couldn't do it grandmother couldn't do it but you gonna pick that mantle up push you gonna break that generational curse push push you're not gonna die here plush push push the cycle of sickness ends with you bush come on leaders push up [Music] come on leaders push them they need you [Music] come on push push push [Music] come on push [Music] deliver us deliver us deliver us [Music] deliver us [Music] deliver us deliver us [Music] deliver us deliver us deliver us deliver us deliver us deliver us [Music] deliver us come on deliver us [Music] it's happening it's happening it's happening it's happening bus bus bus bus bus plus plus [Music] [Music] get your joy back [Music] something's happening shifted something's changing something's happening something's shifted something's happening something's shifted something's happening something shifted keep pushing come on [Music] go go go go go come on [Music] [Music] delivered [Music] push [Music] push push push push push [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on be set free be set free be who the sun set free is free indeed take your freedom take your freedom [Music] let me hear the sound of the warcraft [Applause] [Music] till the walls fall down let me hear the war cry let me hear the walk [Music] your people free set your people free set your people free set your people free set your people free set your people free i hear the spirit of the lord saying occupy occupy occupy [Music] [Music] there you go lose it there you go lose it lose it lose it get what you came for get what you came for get what you came for lay your hands on your own belly lose it get what you came for [Music] [Applause] get what you came for come on break break come on break break break break break break break break break break [Music] there you go there you go get undignified come on right through it's in here it's in here it's in here it's in here it's in here he said i'm not done he said i'm not done keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing [Music] [Applause] this one's for you this one's for you they gonna get theirs this one's for you there you go son push push push push push [Music] now leaders if you feel led to go out you may you may you may [Music] and then you come back up here and sanitize but you may but we need to push uh we need to push i feel breakthrough in here bush we've got to fight our people have lost their fight our people are losing their minds get your mind back [Music] we can spend some time here go go keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing keep crying out of your belly [Applause] out of your belly [Music] they never fought so hard for yourself fight [Music] come on i won't let go i won't let go i won't let go i won't let go i won't let go come on fight deliberate deliberate deliberate deliberate deliberate deliberate deliverance [Music] [Applause] [Music] there you go jump run crawl cry squeak whatever you gotta do get that [Music] [Applause] oh we haven't heard this in a while come on get that haven't fought like this in a while get down [Applause] come on get your mind back [Music] i declare i make an announcement that i will have a sound mind i will have a sound mind [Music] [Music] come on don't get weary come on don't get weird we got about another minute don't get weary come on fight like it's your last chance don't get weary [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am god i cannot lie come on [Music] oh it's happening it's happening it's happening purses are breaking addictions are leaving it's happening it's happening it's happening insanity is leaving it's happening the spirit of fear is fleeing this place it's happening [Music] me [Music] [Applause] let me hear the war cry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's not gonna make a fly go nowhere let alone a wall fall down i say let me hear a war cry [Music] let me hear the war crimes [Music] somebody give him the glory somebody give him the glory somebody give him the glory shout for your freedom somebody give him the glory give him the glory [Music] i said give him glory god did it god did it you ain't got to wait another week another month he get it right here right now he did it receive it right here right now not next year not next year he did it right now he did it right now he did it right now he did it right now [Music] [Music] you've done what you said you would and you delivered your people from the hand of this stronghold [Music] and we will not stall any longer [Music] i'm only going to give you about 15 seconds [Music] if you believe that the victory is yours today [Music] you ain't gotta do nothing fancy jump run scream grow whatever you gotta do i want you to act like you just occupy [Applause] [Music] i said act like you just occupied the wall came down and you just occupied stopping passing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on and act like you just occupied [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ten more seconds [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] give it all you got [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] one more time lift your voices and shake this building i said shake this building i said shake this building shake this building i got my mind shake this field [Music] [Applause] shake this wheel
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 5,216
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Id: rUeMrmQf3d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 7sec (5047 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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