He Gave Gifts To Men | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | The Gift of Tongues and Interpretation

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last week we learned about the gift of discerning of spirits how many of you were blessed by that the gift of discerning of spirits and a part of what I mentioned is that there are a few gifts that we need to see more of like the gift of discerning of spirits it is necessary so that you don't marry a criminal it is necessary so that you don't entrust wrong people with your children it is necessary so that you know the good and the bad that may behind an action it is so human to misjudge everything did you hear what I said it is so human to miss judge everything but in the brilliance of our God one of the abilities that the Holy Spirit is born in certain individuals is the ability to very easily detect and decipher the motivating thing behind any action any thought any deed it is so important we talked about that being akin to eternal forensics and that means and the example that I gave is that wherever you go whether it was from your car to your seat a good forensic specialist would be able to trace parts of you wherever you went is the ability to see behind the scenes another example we gave was in movie writing in anything that you have to watch like plays or dramas the most powerful people are never the actors they are always the people that decide what the actors do and those people are what behind the scenes so it is in human life if you end up being distracted or offended or caught off guard because of an act on action you still may miss the culprit and may miss the right opportunity to bring healing restoration deliverance or exposure one of the things I know about the devil is he hates exposure and that's a great warfare weapon as to expose that ninja if you if you turn the light on he can't stand it why because everything hell does must be done in the dark the strength of sin is secrecy the Bible says that men love darkness because their deeds were evil so if you turn the light on the roaches gonna scatter everywhere you understand what I'm talking about so that's why you need the gift of discerning of spirits i distinguished you have to go back and watch it the difference between discernment and discerning of spirits discernment is a human ability that can be cultivated just by simple of investigation every good attorney has discernment every good doctor has discernment every good surgeon it is a intuition that's based on experience and intuition that's based on previous experience when you know a thing or no away sometimes you start to have gut intuition about things but that is not discerning of spirits because you could intuitively be wrong so we're not talking about living our lives from gut feelings the gift of discerning of spirits is the abilities of the scripture God basically breeds on the Word of God in you to help you measure a thing to help you see what it is where it is Oh is acting now I'm gonna add this as a as a addendum to that so that you can understand how that works I believe that the gift of discerning of spirits operates strongest in churches that understand spiritual warfare if you don't understand angels and devils and Heaven and Hell and all of that you're not gonna really get much use out of discerning of spirits because everything you discern you've got to now attribute to a human issue because you don't have much language of vocabulary for the things of the Spirit but when you cast out Devils you break curses you spend time working altars this is why working altars for us is is it is about ministering to the needs of the people but it is some of the most powerful training you can give leaders if you make people work altars they develop a passion and a burden for people that they pray for and you'll notice that when people get evil and mean and bitter they haven't worked altars in a very long time so I push people around me get on this altar pray for people labor with them because it's strengthened spiritual ability and sensitivity in you Amen everybody who is over anything needs the gift of discerning of spirits the challenge with that is going to be making sure you are made perfect in love that is the challenge of people who design things is walking healthily in their love walk the people of the Lord said Amen and then the second service are taught about the word of knowledge the gift of the word of knowledge that is a spiritual ability to supernaturally come into facts about things that you cannot know it's not advice it's knowledge and the root word of that is now so the word of knowledge is something that can be proven now your name is ivy your name is Serena without me having to know that it is a supernaturally revealed fact that's one of the abilities that Satan loves to copy because it's very easy seriously it's very easy to persuade the human race with hidden information so the devil knows the power of the word of knowledge which is why a lot of the people that he use is hacks that gifting because once you move in that anything you say after a word of knowledge can be heard so if I tell you something I don't know about you you live 64 24 South Langley you like oh my god who are you and now that sets the heart up to hear whatever I have to say afterwards we probably need to do a diligence study on the work of deception I don't have the time to do that today but deception is a very powerful thing and sometimes the way it works is in things that appear to be gifts the strongest form of deception is self deception you ever seen somebody so deceived and they really believe it I mean just believe their whole narrative a whole story you'd be sitting like you just really my god but the gift of the word of knowledge it is not exclusive to prophets the gift of the word of knowledge is powerful I believe that we need the gift of the word of knowledge particularly because we live in an agnostic culture and God does not argue I don't understand why y'all do it God proves himself by demonstration he's not he is a shut up or put up kind of God he would rather show you then tell you he can prove that he is Lord by the demonstration of the gifts of the Spirit so then you have to really think about how powerless Christians represent a powerful God how a Christian without power can misrepresent the the integrity of God where I I manifest godliness in my moral character well so did Buddha Harry Krishna did it see when you reduce God to being a nice person then you can get an example of a nice person anywhere you don't have to be heavenly to be nice there are all kind of role models around you God is not a role model he's the most powerful being in the created order therefore those of us that belong to him should never be insufficient in power we should be demonstrated if you don't demonstrate it you need to be rebuked amen that kind of day so the gift of the word of knowledge evangelist needed healing ministers needed and it operates differently in different people the Bible says that these are diversities of gifts that operate in different fashions so two of us can have the gift of the word of knowledge and it manifests very differently for example I'm more prone to flow in the gift of the word of knowledge by prophecy so I'll start to prophesy normally and the way it comes out is as several words of knowledge my wife does not do that very often but she dreams and it be and the word of knowledge will manifest in a dream so she'll dream a thing that is actual and can be proven that's different from being predictive by having a word of wisdom so the difference between the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom which is what I'm getting to at 10:30 the word of wisdom is always future based it's always future based a lot of what you call prophesying is actually a manifestation of the word of wisdom the word of wisdom is the predictive element of the gifts prophecy is what upholds it I can tell you something about the future and it not be what God is saying see prophecy is about what God is saying it is not just predictive in nature when you see prophecy it's only prediction then you miss out the full range of what prophecy does and what prophecy can achieve and that's 10:30 but the word of wisdom is the ability to foresee - for know to know a thing now why is that wisdom you can't prove it the word of knowledge can be proven if I tell you your name is Tiffany you take out your birth certificate and I this Tiffany oh it's not right I tell you got a kidney disorder or your toe hurt those are provable things the word of wisdom is predictive which means we have to wait to see it it is the future tense you understand that now the reason this gets a little tricky is because most prophesying and prophesy contains both the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom you'll go in and out of that you see that all throughout Samuels account would saw a lot of demonstration of the word of knowledge of the word of wisdom what I'm trying to do is cultivate a hunger in you for these weaponry in your life you need an arsenal you need to do more than talk you if you're going to be a written epistle you have to have something to read and your testimony may not be enough you need to have a range of access to spiritual power if you intend to be an effective witness you have it the reason this is so important to me is because the Bible says that we're supposed to do the word and 90% of America is busy hearing what they will not do the Bible called us to be doers so I'm preaching about gibs not to make you feel more special about yourselves but I want to feel your life with something to do and you don't have to do it here you can do it anywhere amen I promise on restaurants grocery stores and the Louisville town still car Lots praise God walking past people why it is important that people know that Jesus is Lord 24/7 hey most of the church act like he's only Lord for ten thirty minutes on Sunday morning but he is Lord 24/7 he is Lord in the day he is Lord in the night he is Lord everywhere amen so we got to stop being part time lovers oh praise a wonderful name of Jesus we've got to stop being part time representatives and use what we've been given by God to bring men into the kingdom every empty chair in this room is a failure of a Christian you've seen hundreds of people this week alone and most of them don't even know you say it is so some of your family won't even know it is so see the gifts of the Spirit give us a beginning point for ministry that's what Jesus did to the woman at the whale today we're going to talk about another favorite of mine and I would demonstrate this but I don't see any of the prophets here and some of the ones that are here don't really flow in this but this is a very strong part of my ministry as well we're gonna talk about tongues and interpretation so I want you to go to first Corinthians chapter 12 I'm putting a little aggressive today y'all pray for me I do this well I just don't like when people mistreat the gifts first Corinthians 12 verse 10 to another the working of miracles can't wait to get to that to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another divers kinds of tongues and to another the interpretation of tongues I want you to read verse 11 for context here but all these worketh that one and the selfsame dividing to who and what's the next term so every man has several many Christians only get confident enough to move in their one or their two and and that if we're lucky but you have several things that operate in you or you have several things that are in you dormant and it is possible to have gifts that you are unaware of it is very possible to have gifts that you are unaware of how many of you think that you know your gifts raise your hand okay y'all gonna have to stop this today take notes and stop texting um what am I saying how many of you know how many gifts you have so how many think you have more than two more than three who would here think they got all twenty stand up I wanna I wanna see who is Jesus Christ in here why we need God we got you okay now how many of you by your own admission don't use your gifts enough or on purpose good so many of us move in our moving our gifts accidentally as the need presents we stumble into a word or stumble into something but I believe that good - how many of you accident well that's a bad question I thought so how many actually how many of you accidentally use money and I think that's true for a lot of us but we have to be deliberate about using the gifts God has given us in the same way we are deliberate and intentional about everything why you can't steward properly what you do not use to consider that consider the parable of the talents remember - the one that had he hid it and God was displeased with his absence of use it is disrespectful to have things that God give you that is not in use the things about you that are in active can't please God if your gifts are in active there's no way for something that is inactive to glorify God it's no way so one of your glorifying God is in being able to use what He has given you and you have several that's the good news so you have things about you that you need to learn and know and then the Bible also says that you can pray for the gifts of the Spirit the gift of tongues is a very powerful weapon and I know Satan hates it I'm going to differentiate this as it is in the scriptures and let you know what we believe there are churches that believe differently I'm going to just believe what we believe based upon the Word of God I do not believe now some of you gonna get mad and walk about here send me a crazy email I got time today I don't believe that you are not saved if you don't speak with tongues I don't believe it there are whole denominations that will fight me on that they'll say you know they act like if you die you accept Jesus you get baptized you go to heaven if you ain't spoke in tongues yet you're not getting in Peter gonna be like let me hear you did you got the elevates do you got to utter it's going on going all night now I'm not shading apostolic doctrine I believe in the baptism in Jesus name I just do not believe that we have ample scriptural substantiation that tongues and salvation are the same if that were the case then why is there a lot of tongue talking people going to hell it is so so I don't see it as the same thing I know that makes you man I call you Bishop you suffer getting tell them hit me up how much a boy but I don't believe that but III what we see in the scriptures is Paul's writing that says divers kinds of tongues and divers is the biblical word that means what different so that means that there are different manifestations of what the Bible writers call glossolalia it is a it is a term that means another tongue or another language and isaiah 28:11 you'd have to go there now but just to teach this thoroughly in isaiah 28 it says with stammering lips and another tongue will i speak to these people now it may not make sense to you why God would create an ability to speak different languages in a believer but we're not gone I don't know why he wanted to do it or why he thought that there would be necessary but he thought it necessary and he raised up men and women who do it very well when you receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost what we believe is one of the initial signs we'll be speaking with tongues we believe that it is the initial but not the only say initial not the only when you are baptized in the Holy Ghost we believe that you speak with tongues this is what happens it's the evidence it's the biblical proof but we don't believe that that's the only Son because if you feel the Holy Ghost and you mean it the old folks say is a junkyard dog you got the language of the Spirit and not his fruit I don't believe tongues is the only sign amen I'm you know somebody who speak with tongues and evil carnal gossip full of strife nagging you got the whole ego my point is the Bible talks about divers kinds of tongues so when you receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost consider Cornelius's house consider when Paul laid hands on the unbelievers there consider when the Holy Ghost fell not the upper room because that is signed tongues what I'm going to talk about today but in every instance in the book of Acts where men were filled with the Holy Ghost they spoke with tongues and prophesied now in acts 2 what we see as tongues and interpretation that's different now the Baptist's will hate me for telling you this because they treat all tongues as the same so when I was growing up and I got filled with the Holy Ghost I started talking to him my grandfather said nah ain't no interpreter we all know what you said and I want to say well you know what I'm saying in the other town when I'm praying my prayer life ain't never been public why you got to be nosy focus on the preacher but that's how you get it you start talking to the house where is the interpreter because they treat it like the Bible talks about what one Tom but the Bible says diverse kinds of tongue there is a tongue that requires interpretation so tongues and interpretation equal prophecy but there is a tongue that is devotional Paul said howbeit in the spirit I will sing in the spirit I will pray in the spirit and I will pray with the understanding or I will sing with the understanding Paul said if I speak with the tongues of men and angels 1st Corinthians 13:1 I have receipts also also the Bible also talks about unknown and other a large part to understanding the Bible as basic reading if something is unknown then there is no translation if something is other then there is translation y'all are a good class so there are unknown there are other tongues the Bible refers to them as divers Paul say glory to God I thank my god that I speak with tongues more than all of you I really believe on a devotional level that was the secret behind Paul's power now I'm talking about speaking with tongues I might talk about interpretation here's why language and culture are always tied you know cultures by the language they speak black people have a language it's called Ebonics where you act what you doing what am y'all you know mostly like what Al but it's our way of saying what's up what's happening what up yo hey what's crack-a-lackin' now if you understand what I just said any other culture would be like what in the world is going on but Hispanics have a culture a dialect not just dialogue but a dialect there are several Hispanic cultures I want to make this as practical as possible that all speak Spanish Brazilians some of them if they don't speak Portuguese they speak some Spanish you got people from Peru from mexico from puerto rico dominican republic they all speak Spanish but very very differently Mexicans elongate everything can't buy so it's like a but it's like a extended how many know it to be true Porto Ricans top they step up if you like wait say to build it so some of us the point is is language and nationality our time we speak with tongues because of our spiritual origin if we are heavenly beings and we originate from the culture of heaven then it is only normative that we have a way to express our culture human intellect has a limit if you are one of them humanists Christians you don't believe that because you borderline believe that as a human being you are God but the Bible talks about how the mind is limited powerful full of splendor it contains death but the limit of the human intellect is heaven my coffee ain't even kicked in yet that means that when heaven starts the human mind stops there are certain things about heavenly things that you will never comprehend there are certain things about the way God does things that you will never comprehend but in the provision of God God has given us a way to understand the non-understandable the unaccessible to perceive the invisible and it's called my prayer language that is our devotional use for praying in tongues because the human mind runs out they prove it I have receipts Romans a wherefore we know not what to pray for as we are but the Holy Spirit help with our infirmity I'm sorry call me to come he helpeth our infirmity I have an infirmity you have an infirmity it's not cancer it's not diabetes it is humanity it is our insufficiency it is the weakness of my life is the fact that I'm a human but the Holy Ghost glory to his hand name I'm trying not to run he helps my infirmity huh by playing through me go over to go with groanings y'all don't want to have Church that cannot be understood see it's not it's who you can pray what you don't understand and say what you don't understand and speak what you don't understand that you will get what's unbelievable unthinkable and beyond the human man he prays through me I said he prays through me he prays through me because if I can only pray when I understand I'll only have what I understand oh but if I need a miracle what's wrong much oh if I need something bizarre if I need something extraordinary I need a language base that's gonna put me in contact with the powers of heaven [Applause] that's what my president y'all I acted crazy today that is my praying in the spirit in Acts chapter 2 we saw tongues and interpretation that's different from our devotional use and acts 2 the bible says that they were in the upper room and cloven tongues of fire pay attention to this sat upon them my devotional language comes out of me sign tongues comes upon me it sat upon them Jesus said I will be in you a river of living water springing up everlasting life whoever believes on me as the scripture has said from his belly flows living water so when I'm moving and I'm praying if I say come on let's pray and the Holy Ghost if I'm praying if I'm him praise if I'm in worship and it's devotional it's coming from out of me tongues is coming upon me because it's coming from him that's a diverse kind of tongue these tongues the Bible says sat upon them it didn't come from within them because they didn't have that capacity yet it came upon them when I move in that demonstration it comes upon me it arrests me it's set upon each of them and the Bible says every nationality were amazed astounded because they heard them speaking the wonderful things of God in their own language now in context I really believe the reason this manifests it this way was for expedience the Holy Spirit has some things he wanted to achieve quickly so to get the same message to several different nations at once it made sense for a language to come upon each of them so that everybody understood if there are 50 of you in the room from each from different nations and you speak different languages then if I regard and I'm like hey this is the book of Acts not think I'm already needed to put this thing in motion and drive in order to set the schedule I need to make sure that we're all on the same Accord let me allow you to understand the same thing at the same time so I believe that this started as a matter of experience which is why Paul said wherefore tongues are assigned not to them that believe but to them that don't that's not your prayer language that's the tongue that comes upon you that is a sign to be unbeliever is this making sense to anybody so they trained they interpret it so they're people who have the gift of interpretation of tongues I believe that that gift of interpretation is centered around the things of the Spirit period I believe that Daniel moved in gift of interpretation of tongues why I believe dreams is a language I don't have the time to tell you that right now but I believe it was the manifestation of the Holy Spirit that gave Daniel the ability to interpret the dream symbolism because it is still a cold so the interpret the interpretation of tongues conveys a message so if somebody baguette in the old school that's the only way they moved in prophecy with my tongues and interpretation so somebody was set up in the back and then it get quiet and it's a my say yea yea I say unto thee and it was all about the end times it's like nothing either in terms of seeing nobody else there is sin in the camp and then the feeling of Lord coming old Lord you know or it would be about the coming of the Lord yea my people I'm coming I'm coming and cleaned the house I'm coming now and some people would move in both tongues and interpretation Paul said if you pray in an unknown tongue pray that you would interpret some people would do it both uh what's that lady she's a coaching pioneer she was a prophet she led the prayer for years an older lady no she was Church of God in Christ Elsie Shaw she was a kojic pioneer who led their prayer meetings and their demonstration of the gifts for years she would do both so she would start and start in tongues and translate her own tongues that's a lot I can't do it I don't I just don't think I'm that intelligent so that's why if the Lord has a word for me I'm like I hope somebody can interpret this cuz I'm not going to UM do this you know but she would do both and it would come out half tongues and she was started then the tongues will start to sound like English words you know and this year go ahead and give the whole messy by him and come on even a little I am coming I am coming and it will go fire but it was a manifestation of prophecy so tongues and interpretation still reveal the communicative facets of God God is a communicator and a people that doesn't flow in the gifts of the Spirit cannot prove important communication is to God every manifestation of the Spirit is communicated in nature miracles talk healing talk the word of knowledge talk so we can't ascribe to a method of ministry that presents God as somebody who is muzzle and Paul said that cuz he said when you got saved you left your dumb idols he wasn't insulting them he was saying they can't talk how many people in America are serving that dumb Idol how many preachers are preaching like Jesus is Adam Idol there is more to salvation than living right you have to move in power if your only goal is to avoid sin you're gonna live a boring non-effective non-impact for life if heaven is only your goal hurry up and go there's a shipment going out tomorrow morning at 8:00 get out the way so the rest of us can't move in power you are making it difficult for us to define Christianity and you are occupying precious space jesus said whoever does not gather with me is scattering abroad if you're not a part of the solution you are the problem powerless Christians get on God's nerves you know what he went through to get the Holy Ghost in Earth as soon as the man took his last breath the veil was torn from top to bottom and the Spirit of God came upon the earth so that you could have access to him I can't stand powerless Christians oh it hurts me I'd rather be around a sinner because powerless Christians especially when they know they powerless they take pride in that stuff ain't about that honey I've been along around a long time so and on the potter's wheel and then come out of it where is your proof who she's going through you tell me you love smile you can buy them glory to God did this have a sale once a week I'm gonna talk about a smile radiating the glory of God from our healing deliverance provision Council wish them miracles we need the power of God if you remember this church that is I believe you need the power of God you must flow in the power of God you can't be holy without the power of God no matter how much white you wear if I were talking about a form of godliness but they denied the power thereof you cannot be holy living in denial of the power of God jesus said Ye do err for you know not the Scriptures and you don't know the power of God where you don't have a marriage of scriptures and power you have the spirit of error there is in doctrine and demonstration you're going to have error deception darkness we need water and wine fire and blood we've got to have both active in us not either/or because that reveals the old and the New Covenant so if you're gonna have the full counsel of God manifest through you you got to have a message and a ministry a philosophy and a demonstration our way tell folk it's all about to heart okay thank you appreciate you but but what you're gonna do beyond that what more do you have beyond that gonna say what I'm saying and listen this is not just or preachers we need men and women to interpret interpretation is a ministry it's a part of God's mind how many of you know that sometimes things need to be interpreted Daniel interpreted things the Old Testament prophets interpreted things a large part of why people are in dramas because of what they cannot interpret what meaneth this I believe it's the gift of the interpretation of tongues in some ministers and preachers that opens the Scriptures up see because I see it all as a language I see it all the scripture is a language dreams our language life has a language I believe that the interpretation of tongues is much more than translating something on Sundays furthermore the Bible calls it interpretation of tongues not translation of tongues so it's not going to operate like this e aĆ­ bei shel cocoa do it don't quite work that way its interpretation wears basically so y'all laughing but I'm trying to teach jeez it's basically summarizing the message from what's communicated and it can be a very powerful way if you stand in front of all especially if you're standing in front of like somebody from Middle Eastern nations or people that are harshly turned against Jesus Christ see God has a thing about being provoked a lot of his demonstrations are because of people provoke him you're gonna admit like and live like this The Fool has said in his heart there is no God if you act like you're going to shake his throne by your disbelief he'll prove it by signed by I wonder by power by prophecy he's going to speak up for himself he's not going to set up at me like see God is that's another you know it's about the stars in the universe okay he will step out on the stage of any man's disbelief and prove himself he's just that kind of God he has never been somebody who acted privately alone he is a very public God Colossians 2:15 he made an open show spoiling principalities and powers publicly he has no problem with demonstrating his lordship on stage so think about how we're building churches now we're demonstration is something for basements they train hold church planters this way now you do the dirty stuff away from the unbeliever cuz the whole of their church is set up for the loss seriously they act like the loss of the only people important to God my Bible does not tell me that God loves the lost more than the found / confused or the roaming so I don't believe we should hide demonstration because of who is gonna fin first of all the cross is offensive it is not a sign of peace and acceptance it is a very divisive instrumentation so we can't be offending the Holy Ghost to make unbelievers feel welcome it's a misleading message you don't want to offend the laws I don't want to lie to him either so I get him here and act like he ain't concerned about healing and deliveries that I'm lying and I'm trying to plump the decision with dishonest methods Paul said my language and my message the kingdom through me was not in word but in power I did not come to you with impressive wisdom and speech that moves you but I'm minutes to you minister to you in the demonstration of the spirits power he taught us that the kingdom was not in deed and word alone but in power amen John the Baptist who was the one who prophesied of Jesus behold this is the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world a couple of chapters over when life hit him and things turn opposite he's in jail and what he says is he tells his disciples go and ask Jesus is he the one the first person to declare he was the one is now doubting that he's the one he was the one who preached repentance who baptize people and he's like are you the one or should we look for another what did Jesus say to him go tell John everything you see tell him the lame walk tell him the blind see tell him the dung talk again What did he say I'm the one because of what I've done what I've done announces who and what I am now if John who was a believer needed that affirmation how many of your loved ones family members you in the room won't be decided until you see a demonstration a lot of the indecision in the earth is because of the demonstration void Christians talk a whole lot but our Christianity cannot be verbal alone particularly because we all know what else you talking about if you won't leave me to the Lord Tuesday Monday he was a gossip and conniving thing that what you say may not move me but if you do something that I don't know how a human being can do it look at how our whole culture is in fact to me too because that marvel come out with something tonight by one o'clock I'm going to the show I'm continue to Superman x-man I'm in line no no huh without apology but think about how the world has been set up to admire power that comes from everywhere but heaven we spend money to see power all the time our kids do I mean think about how many of yo they're like fire kids is a little extreme you've been teaching look Johnny and laneah about fairies since they were two dinosaurs talk to them on WTTW Charlie 11 Dora is is a rebellious four-year-old who ain't got a passport and she's got a witchcraft box that follows her halfway around the world and you won't tell me this is too much we behind will fire kids we've been proven power to our kids for long come on vamanos what we need to do is tell them Satan is the original Swiper the fees cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy come on say Swiper no swiping [Music] you need to teach your kids who the real thief is so I encourage you spend time praying in the Holy Ghost every time you want to cuss praying the Holy Ghost when you have something you don't understand playing the Holy Ghost if you don't know how to approach and angle on something and you if any man lacks wisdom let him ask I spend time praying all the time I want to be flooded with the spirit of wisdom and coz even if I don't know what to do about a situation there is nothing that the Holy Ghost does not know so if I pray in the Holy Ghost I had the potential to know everything I need to know when I need to know it you don't have to live your life and ignorance and in the dark you can get access to information that is higher than you but my ways are not your ways my thoughts are not your fault my mind is higher than yours David said where my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than that's what the whole ego I'm sorry y'all good that's what the Holy Ghost does human intellect has a limit if you don't believe me trying to do a trigonometry problem right now I got a whole doctorate if I if you give me a trig problem right now when I tell you I'm not going to have that answer for another week and it's funny like the way that my kids are learning stuff now I'm at night god I don't know what they'll know baby Google [Applause] niala say daddy what you give me for cuz I see a laptop cuz I can't uh to to you in this honey I do policy and I don't know what this is she tell me I have to figure out number families right now when did they have family we had charts in the brown dirty scratch paper I didn't know about a number family you gave them relationships and cannot and they look at me like I'm slow the point is is that the human mind does have limits and when you realize that you have reached the end of something and can't figure out you literally I got a dismiss you need to lose your mind and you need to tap into the mind of God because the Holy Ghost knows the mind of the Spirit you don't have to lose your mind you can find he is oh I feel that over somebody you feel like you go on crazy don't know how to figure stuff out let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus turn on the mind of Christ in your life you know what you need to know Amen father in the glorious name of Jesus we thank you and praise you this morning for the Holy Ghost [Music] oh thank you very high we thank you this morning for the Holy Ghost we grateful for the thank you for our keeper council thank you that you know our sufficiency but you said you would not leave Nakata about ten seconds help me petits [Music] here's your power over sin here's your power over confusion here's your power over sickness these stress come on and open your mouth and rise above the Holies China to me agreed [Music] let me upgrade your that is his hell that is you'll change you [Music] [Applause] [Music] we gotta open the doors of the church um that messes with me one of the things I'm most grateful for in life is the power of the Holy Ghost he imposes convictions upon me he arrests me he causes me to repent he gives me possibility he listens to me he teaches me the way that I should go he is the word behind me saying this is the way walk buried come on you are not without a counselor you are not without an advocate you are not without of some hook come on how do we know he will uphold you with his free spirit he will not let you fall come on [Music] to Paul but that devil is a liar to what we took our [Music] he's gonna do it by the Holy Ghost Laura to color when you run out of your own strength and run out of your own wheel and run out of your own power he will uphold you anybody ever experienced that before he will uphold you some of you have been through stuff you'll now know how I made it through that I don't know how I'll last it through that I don't know how I kept my sanity through that but paint God Papa Holy Ghost I wouldn't be married if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be saying if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be prosperous if it wasn't for him he is caught in me the holy God god bless you
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 65,165
Rating: 4.8848414 out of 5
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Length: 49min 22sec (2962 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.