After This | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | On Walking Waters

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all right after this we have been in a phenomenal i think teaching series um that's been prophetically focusing the body of christ at large all nations worship assembled locally about how to position yourself how to prosper whenever your what after this looks like and i think we underestimate how easy it is for people to forget that there is such a thing and maybe you've not had a hard year and maybe there have been things that has happened that you feel should have devastated you but you need to focus yourself for the sake of your peace on the after this say yes there isn't after this and there's going to always been after this as long as you are moving and living in obedience before the lord and i've ministered to so many people this season and so many people this year that lost sight of the after this whether it was for their families or for their ministries or for their loved ones or for their careers they lost sight of it and so one of the things that prophetic people do is remind people of the promise of god so that they don't abandon the process of god say amen that's the whole point is god is trying to get a product out of you join me in matthew's gospel the 14th chapter matthew's gospel the 14th chapter matthew chapter 14 and we're going to be going to a very classic passage of scripture to lift just a few principles out of it but it really only has one principle praise the name of the lord matthew 14 and i want you to go all the way to verse 22. if you are there say i'm there if you're not there say hold up okay good matthew 14 22 and straightway jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship and to go before him unto the other side and while he sent the multitudes away and when he had sent the multitudes away he went up on a mountain apart to pray and when the evening was come he was there alone but the ship was now in the midst of the sea tossed with waves for the wind was contrary and in the fourth watch of the night jesus went unto them walking on the scene and when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were troubled saying it is a spirit and they cried out for fear but straightway jesus spoke unto them saying be of good cheer it is i be not afraid and peter answered him and said lord if it be thou bid me to come unto thee on the water and he said come and when peter was come down out of the ship he walked on the water to go to jesus but when he saw the wind boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried saying lord save me and immediately jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him and said unto him o thou of little faith wherefore didst thou doubt and when they were come into the ship the wind was ceased father help me to preach this in jesus name a man this morning just for a few minutes i'm going to speak on walking waters walking waters i want you to just socially distance encourage somebody and just yell at them it's time to do it it's just time to do it tell somebody else it's past time to do it sola scriptora is a latin term that basically means only scripture and that is a very important phrase for believers to know because it brings integrity to how and why we use what you and i call the bible if you've never heard me say it before i'll say it for your hearing again i love god's word and i have committed to being a lifelong student of the scriptures there are some key interpretation principles when you're looking at biblical structure and literary constructs of the 66 books and one of them is if you go to the scriptures looking for anything but jesus it then ceases to be truth when we engage the scriptures we ought to be going from genesis to revelations trying to explore trying to get insight into and trying to be encountered by the son of god say yes and so the bible has a collection of writings and stories and allegories and idioms and shadows and symbols and types and so that means that each of the 66 books have a ministry to them there is something that we enter into so when you enter into certain old testament books you enter into the ministry of that book when you go into for example the book of revelation you enter into a different lesson and a different message of that book how many of you still believe it's got to be in and by the book now i know this is not my first point but i feel led in my spirit to warn god's people about the dangers of biblical illiteracy you know what they're few things in the world worse than a biblically illiterate prophet a biblically illiterate evangelist you know there are people who say they have the word and don't know the word you know it's interesting that people say things and imply things that have nothing to do with scripture and so this is a critical time hear me as by the spirit of god to devote yourself to passionate study and passionate scholarship you've got to find your way not just in self-help but in the evaluations of the scripture the phrase synoptic gospels is a phrase that you and i use and understand to compare the first several books of the new testament whose stories and views are similar and in sync in nature what that means is that when you explore the synoptic gospels there's going to be very little variation in how they see things and how they understand things and the opportunities that they have when traveling with jesus and obviously it goes without saying that even the synoptic gospels have different scriptural audiences the apostles address certain things that were native to either their culture or either their upbringing or who they were intending their writings to address matthew's gospel is a very specific one because it was potently written for traditional jews it was potently written because he was a a foreshadow of paul stay with me what that means is that he was also one of the most hated men for god to call he was also one of the most unlikely people for god to call in the same way in a few centuries or a few decades later god would get his hand on the apostle saul or saul convert him into apostolism he did the same exact thing with matthew the tax collector and in matthew's gospel he has a very interesting writing approach and when he's writing about the miracles of jesus there is a lot more depth and meat to some of the logic around the miracle here is my first point and premise if you examine your own life anything that the lord has done for you miraculously whether it's heal your body raise you from the dead save your children save your mama if something was a miracle in your life we don't let the miracle die by not doing our due diligence to find out what was the message in the miracle listen to me god does not want to do miracles in moments if a miracle happens in a moment the message is supposed to linger in life every miracle in the word of god has a congruent message in it he's not just in the business of displaying his power so we could say god did that he wants to say something through what he's done he wants to educate through what he's done he wants to interpret articulate and express himself through what he's done so the miracles of the new testament have messages about the messiah i'll say it again the miracles of the new testament have messages about the messiah it reveals his intent it reveals his program it reveals what he reveals what he wants to do and very often particularly in charismatic christianity we get so enamored by the miracle that we don't find the meat of the message what are you doing what angle of you was i trying to see what were you trying to say therein and so what i love about this particular miracle is it shows that there's a diverse range of training methods and training mechanisms training methods and training mechanisms training methods and training mechanisms let me put a parenthetic right there if you are obeying god if you have intention to continue to obey god then there's never going to be a season in your life where he's not training you for something he's a training jesus he looks at the areas of your life that are not suitable for wherever you're going next and then what he does is he initiates some stuff but then john john he allows other stuff to make sure that you are a well-trained man i love that we are supposed to be work men that need it not be ashamed and those that need be ashamed are those that can't be trained i don't understand why people have an allergy to the training of god they have a a subconscious resistance or they have a blindness to discerning and deciphering when something is of the devil when something is initiated by people or when god is allowing something because he's trying to train me and i've said it before and i'll say it again you cannot trust who you cannot train be very careful of those around you or those under you or yourself with how you respond to the corrective measures of god if you are not careful there is an error the bible calls it a spirit of error that will make you miss what god planned for your future put your hand on your own chest and say train me i can't hear you come on say train me i don't want to just experiment with family life i want to be well trained i don't want to experiment with talent i want to be well trained i don't even want to experiment with the rest of you people on entrepreneurialism i would much rather be trained and even if i've got to take a risk to get there i want to be trained listen to me i even want to be trained for friendship they don't want to help me i want to be trained for relationship i want to be trained for ministry i don't want to just appear on somebody's stage on somebody's facebook live on somebody's flyer on somebody's life coach called i want to be true that's what the power is it's not just in your ability it's in your training what i love about this miracle now is that there's a couple of things that you don't notice when you're reading it fast when you're reading it fast what i love about this is that this is deliberately scheduled training it was not coincidental prophet reason the reason i know that is because he sent the masses away he he sent the crowd away first isn't it interesting what miracles jesus decides to do in front of the crowd and what he decides to do more personally there is a such thing as a public miracle and there is a such thing as a personal miracle this means that whatever lesson this was about to be sorry was not for the public listen to me there are certain lessons and certain levels that are exclusive to those that are willing to do what others are not willing to do you know jesus was fine with provisional miracles on a public level but when it came to interpersonal very specific design lessons he had to make sure that those that observed it wouldn't do the wrong thing with it i've got a whole bunch of points but i feel a word coming out my sight can i give 30 of you in this room a prophecy concerning the ninth month god is about to do personal miracles now i could have ran right there this is not going to be just some a crusade or the laying on there's some personal miracles i'm not scared of you there are some things that you've been believing the lord to do in you you know you've gotten over that do it for me there are some people in here that's like i need something to be done in me and god is releasing in the ninth month a season of personal miracles these are going to be hey hey hey these are gonna be the miracles we don't know about these are gonna be the miracles that torment you at the night season these miracles how are gonna be the things you cried about god is about to dry your pillow and the things that was trying to wear you out on a personal level i wish i had somebody to help me put your hand on your chest and say this time it's personal put your hand on this time it's personal yes i'm empathetic and sympathetic but you spent the last season of your life worrying about them those and that this time it's about to be personal there is a lesson please sit down it's not polite to stand while people are talking there is a there is a very interesting lesson here uh that shows us you have to be careful lean into this you have to be careful of what you pray i i am an intercessor i believe in the power of prayer but what i've learned is that prayer has a tendency to schedule the next storm i i can't get help prayer if you're not cheerful what you pray what god says back to you in prayer will leave that moment of intercession it will go into a new season and put on the calendar of your life a storm jesus went away to pray and all of a sudden he sends his students into a ship while he's away praying it's scheduled something to happen there is a relationship between your intercessory life and your prayer devotion and your next drill and what a drill is is a pattern or a program set up to make sure that there is certain command over skills that you're going to need for things you don't know listen to what i'm trying to explain to you you don't know every skill you're going to need for the next season you don't know the sensitivities the strengths the the the abilities that need to be hard uh uh fixed and refined in you for where you're going next if you behave and act irreverently with what god is trying to teach you then what's going to happen is when your next season comes god knows what's going to come after you and if you reject and abandon the training then you're not going to know how to use the native weapons that are around you as we dig deeper into this miracle what i love is that jesus sent the 12 into a ship just listen to me this was indicative that he wanted them to have a structure a framework an environment a context but also a method of movement for waters and in the bible there is a huge difference between a ship and a boat in those days a ship was large enough to carry several crowds comfortably and it was it was it was going to some of them ships actually housed several boats this boat this ship here was actually designed to handle harsh water listen to me this is what this says to us this ship was literally designed for safety it was designed to be durable to be reliant have you ever been called out on what you think makes you feel safe people very often especially if they have trust issues or worries or anxieties what they end up relying to in moments of in unpredictability is what they do to make themselves feel safe you don't want to tell the truth it's different for different people you know for some people it's sex for other it's drugs for other people it's family but there is a leaning tendency when safety is under suspicion or can't be seen right now i've got a different point to make to you but i want to make you know that after this you got to be careful of what you want to protect you i can get help in this anglican church you've got to watch that soul i know you want me to turn my plow because that soul is where that fear really lays in and when you have moments of transition oh yeah moments of unknown oh yes moments of fatigue moments of uncertainty what's going to happen is if you're not careful that fear that anxiety is going to start shaking up within you and you're gonna start to look for protection from whatever is coming and protection from whatever is going on and so they are in this environment with the illusion of safety because many of us have been in things before that we thought looked safe and ended up not you won't talk to me you ended up trusting a thing working with the thing relying on the thing and got in it and found out this thing only looks safe in the name of jesus may you be pulled out of every deceptive tactic of the devil that's trying to make it seem like it is your protector and it is your defender you've got one protector one defender one judge one warrior who's always going to make sure that even if it happens to you it don't have to harm you put those hands together for protector i feel like preaching i said put those hands together for a protector it may be dangerous but you will not die verse 24 says something very interesting and this is my expose on walking waters because it's time for god's people to do this and i'm trying to interpret to you and exegete to you how to find this in your own life in verse 24 of our text the bible said that there was a different type of activity listen to me a different type of response that seemed to be spontaneous it seemed to be out of nowhere come on it seemed to not have any indicator imagine being in an environment or a structure that seems safe and steady and is moving forward even and there are no clouds forming there is no thunder forming there is no hail storm yet and all of a sudden a storm comes what i find even about this is when the storm came listen when the storm came stop being offended about why the storm came and start looking at when the storm came now this is why that's important but why you may not ever in your life be able to come to a bottom line about but the wind is an indicator of something that you are about to see that you ain't ever seen before i believe there are about 17 and a half of you in the room that need to do a better job at knowing what season you're in i think you need to do a better job of opening up your eyes to trace and track the happenings of god in your life the rhythms of god in your life the patterns of god in your life now this is very very very important and here's why the devil loves camouflage and the part of what he'll do is he'll blend in to a hard season he'll blend in to something that looks good or positive and if you don't have eyes to see a heart to obey is that here and friends that will rebuke the hell out of you what's going to happen is you're going to miss promotion you're going to miss accountability but you're also going to miss the authority that you're supposed to get from training there are things in your life listen to me that's supposed to happen by power but there are other things that can only happen by authority and you don't get to want waters by power you get to walk waters because i got the [Applause] authority this ship this storm this storm evan this storm didn't happen in the beginning this storm didn't happen in the beginning it didn't happen in that at the initial place it came in the middle can i preach like i want to there are those of you that have been getting weary and those of you that have been a little concerned and those of you that have been a little tired and you know why it's because you're not at the beginning anymore you are dead smack in the middle of this thing and the devil don't just fight you when you start and by the time the trip is over he's not coming to kill you when it's over can't do nothing there what he knows to do is find you in the place i'm working in here where the most doubt is find you in the place where the least amount of confirmation is i find you in the place where you finally exhaled find you in the place where you finally feel like things are looking like it's going to go in the direction that i hope is there anybody in here that will stop lying to you and your mama and tell yourself you know what i think this was a middle kind of year for me i think i've had a lot of middle moments i think i've had a lot of issues and a lot of confrontations that i thought was attacker but it was really something meeting me in the middle but thank god that we serve a middle man even upon calvary he had a thief over here hey a liar over here but the savior was in the middle i wish i had somebody that would thank god for being a middle man remember god said to the prophet i was looking throughout the earth looking for somebody to stand in together and to make up the his god does unusual things god allows unusual things for people in the middle for people that are in the middle for people that are in the middle and what i love about what happened in this middle place let me preach this all the way through is that these were not brownie subtle movements you know some storms come and you end up moving just a little bit the bible uses this phrase pastor jamal it tossed it it it picked it up started to roll it around and then what was in the water started coming in the boat it was going very violently and hostilely and here we have this situation when we're almost there that this thing happens in the middle place listen to what i'm about to teach you about real spiritual warfare i know because you people you know y'all y'all think spiritual warfare is gossip you think spiritual warfare is whispering you think spiritual warfare is jealousy no no no no no no no no no no it's about what this scripture calls a contrary win there is a such thing called contrary say contrary and it's not a big word but just say contrary what a contrary wind is is something coming dominique from one direction in your direction it is something that meets you adversely with the sole point hallelujah of keeping you out of a direction it comes and it starts to push you away from a certain direction a contrary win you need to be careful in the month of september about contrary conversation i feel a shield then about contrary counsel about contrary relationships about contrary belief systems you need to also be careful about contrary meditation i see you you lizard the devil has been doing a whole lot in your mind convincing you out of your call convincing you out of your mandate convincing you out of instructions you received in several seasons before a contrary wind came but now contrary heirs i know you're going to know this you're smart contrary is also synonymous with opposite opposition now let me tell you tell you what the lord told me opposition is never supposed to destroy you i know i know i know you think and feel that it has the power to but it's not supposed to destroy you if something comes out of one direction while you made up your mind and you made a decision to go in the other direction what then is the ministry of opposition what is the point and purpose of opposition can we be real in here have you ever wondered after the shout out after the dance after the fast after the prayer after the tithe after the offering is there anybody that's ever asked god why didn't you stop it come on let's go to is there anybody in here that's ever been on their face before living is holy i mean ain't had no sex all year ain't smoke to blunt a whole month ain't got drunk and hungover i quit crystal meth i ain't done crap no more i've been trying to live right i did the daniel's pass i did the 32 prayer accountability challenge thing and you didn't stop it you allowed something to come from one direction come on let me through here or i'll bless him and you didn't stop it i i was fasting and you let my mother die i was fasting and my brother still didn't get sick i was fasting and my cousin still killed himself why didn't you stop it don't lie to me there are those of you in the room that's still crazy because you did find resolve about what god didn't stop there are those of you that have not grown behind the trauma of disappointment because god didn't stop some stuff but thank god that even if he don't stop it he gonna always start it come on through here this is why the devil is mad at you and your life and your cat and your dog and your god he mad and everything connected to you because he knows that because he didn't start you his soul in the world can't stop you the only thing that can stop you in this point and place and level in the phase of your life is you and your refusal to abandon and or shift what you think makes you safe here is what is interesting about opposition not only is this opposition in the middle pay attention to this in verse 25 the bible say it happened in the fourth watch this was not early in the morning the fourth watch is about 3 a.m now i know y'all you know but there there's a different realm retina of activity at about 3 a.m i don't want to get too deep because then you'll have a night here but you know at 3 a.m in the middle of the night you're thinking about stuff that you weren't thinking about in the other watches you're considering other things that you were not considering in the other watches you know this is not sunny side up eggs and toast these these are generally the moments when you're you're most vulnerable talk to me these are your moments when you have the most questions and and the worst part about this is the most of the questions that come up in this particular watch ain't nobody got the answer to you know you you go to google you go to wikipedia you tried to find an article you tried to find some statistics some of you even went back to the zodiac to try to figure out what your score chords were saying for the season but what i think is about to happen on the 3rd am on the 4th watch is something's coming to walk to you in the middle of this let's go a little deeper here jesus came out of nowhere through this storm at 3 a.m in the morning and he was not standing this is why i often warn you about overly animating the scripture listen to me when you see this in movies and when you see this in place they give the imagery that jesus is standing here like this with his hands and then everything is happening around him that's not what my bible says my bible say he was walking dead to them he was on his way now what is why is that significant don't insult my intelligence you know i'm a better preacher than that i'm not just about to give you a symbol on it i'm about to tell you about how jesus walking on the water was about him demonstrating to his students that he was not only god over them let's do number one he was god over science but that means that there are some scientific realities that god still is walking on not only is he god over science if he was walking across to them he was also god over the elements now that don't make you happy because you think that all storms are the same some of you have been in tornadoes you've been in blizzards you've been in hurricanes you've been in hailstorms i lived through some desert storms this year but what he shows us through this is i can walk on the elements oh no the other thing that he shows us this is number three by walking toward them on the water was he was god over logic ah let's go in here some of the reasons why people are their most loneliest particularly in training moments is because we are in a trap listen to me call logic we love to understand it we love to figure it out we love to be able to foresee we love to be able to prognosticate we want to be able to know listen so we can decide if we're going to trust but what are you going to do when god is demanding that you trust and not bowing to your logic i guess somebody in here lift your hand say he's lord over my logic come on help me preach in here he's the lord over my logic can i help you and encourage you especially about your destiny two plus two will not always be four for some of you god's gonna take you from two plus two equals twenty there are why do i feel this quantum leaps that are about to happen in the lives of those that are sanctified of those that have been consecrated those that have state yielded those that have stayed submitted it won't always make sense to where you are and it won't always make ways make sense to who you are then he shows us not only am i the god of logic i am god over the laws of nature i'm about to preach myself into a frenzy in two seconds the laws of nature the laws of nature i don't have to reverse them i can just walk on them i'm jesus over what feels natural and jesus over the natural occurrence of things i don't care how fast that disease looks like it's moving in your body i am god over nature i don't care what it looks like is happening with the sun the moon or the stars or with jupiter or pluto i don't even care what venus got to say i am god over nature i am god over natural things i'm talking to about 50 people watching me right now that's got a natural inclination toward infirmity you were born with a sickle cell trait you were born with an affinity towards disease and the devil opened up a realm of disease from your loins that came through a genetic bloodline and a genetic tree but i dare somebody to say he's lord over nature that means he's a lord over chemistry and biochemistry i don't know about you but i still believe in the walking jesus i think he can walk over a diagnosis i think he can walk over a prognosis i think he can walk on stuff that's moving and trying to act like it has more authority than the one who showed me he can walk over now this is one that makes me happy and i'm going to still preach my way through this he shows us by walking on the water listen to me this should make you shout if you got to help in you he shows us he's lord over death now i know the news don't want me to say that today and i know we're grieving the loss of loved ones and celebrities but i don't care what the statistics he told mary i am the way i am the truth and i am the light he's still god over death over death over there over death over death over death over death over death over death i feel like i'm breaking something in the spirit for a lot of people that's watching me and you've been hypnotized into fear of death i don't care what's happened to you you can't believe in the son of god but doubt in his power to rebuke and steal the powers of death and even when he does not do it it's not because he cannot do it he is still god over everything that happens that impacts me he's god over death but finally more impressively more intriguingly he shows that he is king of the sea kingdom the waters he's revealing that he's a god over what i'm trying to help you see is nothing moves him when he's decided to move toward you in verse 26 we see something very interesting and we know now why he is literally encouraging us john john in the new testament listen to me put in to be steadfast unmovable always abounding there because god is trying to get something out of you listen i find it interesting that when they were conscious enough and cognizant enough to see who they just saw where did we get that this was the mount of transfiguration he was not standing there in some glorified form shining like the sun with nothing in him he looked like what he looked like they just left him and yet when he comes at them they did not recognize him you ought to pray in this season of your life to see the savior in the storm he's not going to look different but but what they this is their teacher their trainer i you should be able to recognize your professor shouldn't you particularly if you've been living with him for hall this time but when he came at them in a storm listen to what i'm about to tell you receive this chastisement don't you ever again allow a storm to change your sight of the savior don't you ever again allow some wind some rain some thunder to change who he said this is still who he was but when they looked at him they were afraid and they actually said this is a spirit that scares everything out of me because how do you hear the words of life from somebody how do you receive instruction and wisdom from somebody and then in a matter of days think it's a spirit not the spirit a spirit is what they say this this can't be jesus certainly he's got better time to do than come and get me through this it's a spirit it's a spirit they were free what i love about this is they were only used lady ep to sing jesus work miracles listen to me in safe conditions they they were not accustomed to seeing him work miracles in dangerous conditions the bread and the the loaves and the woman with the issue oh that's good but we ain't never seen you walk into danger and do what we know you can do so certainly this must not be you there is a question that we draw from this that you and i can imply and employ in our own lives and the question is this when trying to make critical decisions about where you're going next before you get to the who before you get to the what before you get to the how before you get to the where before you get to the why the prudent man the real disciple has to ask is this you i don't want to be nowhere where he ain't come you don't want to talk to me all of the bad decisions in my life came because i went into the what and i went into the how and i went into the wind when i should have spent some time asking is this you how many of you are willing to after this make a commitment that i'm going nowhere i'm not committing to nothing i'm not moving into nothing i don't know who this is for courtney i ain't even signing my name until i've asked is this you it could be a good deal but i want to know if it's you it could be a whole baddie and i want to know if it's you it could be a tremendous opportunity a good change of scenery but if you ain't there i've been deceived before by my own heart and my own fears and my own frustration and i'm too god dang oh to be moving somewhere where he i want to know if it's you show me that that's you right there and no matter how scary it looks if you call me into it [Applause] peter peter peter did something wise and this is why i love him among the 12 is because he always used unusual circumstances to learn pay attention to me children he he used moments of bizarre happenings when everybody else was relaxed to take a risk to learn i'm giving you wisdom here if you stop learning you stop living even if you are alive learning is the way to the level if you cannot be taught i can't stand an unteachable thing there is so much disrespect and dishonor around christians that refuse to be taught the whole of our faith is balanced and based upon principles and precepts and doctrines and belief systems and there are people who want the microphone want the tape recorder they want the prayer shawl but they don't want to be taught they want to be featured at the concert featured in the program but they don't want to be taught and then they got the nerve to warn us to pre-know their capabilities without having to test it i'm working in here no sugar we got to test that thing and see if there's some resilience in it we've got to test that thing hey see if it can bounce back we've got to test that thing to see what environment and what atmospheres that you can make that thing work in profiling peter now jesus had plans for peter plans plans that would not be fully seen up until pentecost jesus is not looking at current peter jesus ain't even looking at former peter this was not a test for silas the the this is not test for who we used to be this is not a test for former or younger this was a test for future peter the storm in the middle is for the future he was preparing peter for the problems and the perils around pentecost around when people would attack him and assert him and question him and when he would have to struggle through what he believed and struggled through remembering what he was taught and the lessons at the fish fry and around the dinner and so jesus has his eye on your future hallelujah he has his eye on his plan for you he's looking at you but also through you to see what he wants to have go with you and here's exactly what happens there is a prophetic word and verse in this particular verse that all of us think is too short now y'all know nobody loves to prophesy more than me i love to prophesy but i think i would probably be disappointed if a man or a woman of god stood up to me and said sir i have a word for you and i lifted my hands and i prepared my heart and i got ready for my knees to buckle cause certainly the weight was so strong and the prophet of god says the lord will say unto you come [Music] i like you will probably open my eyes to find out where the rest of the word was to find out if there was any interpretation or translation or maybe if they needed some water because their mouth was dry but i think what the lord is saying to this entire movement right now is shu i think what he's saying to you about your ministry fears and your ministry prohibit come just come there are things that are going on right now but come to me that is a prophetic word that he preached an entire message with one sentence to peter's future if you're willing to come you'll be willing to go if you're willing to come you'll be willing to stay if you're willing to come that i don't have to wonder if you're the disciple i can trust with an unpredictable season that's going to make the rest run i want to know can you come on come on in the name of jesus i call you out of procrastination i call you out of fear i call you out of fear of change i call you out of fear of the unknown fear of the inevitable god is asking you come on through here this is me i'm calling you now now listen and you've got to be willing to do that here we go when ain't nobody else heard it i wonder if who else on the boat heard him tell peter come on can i break the yoke of comparison off of your life right now even if they don't hear the lord calling you into a different place and a different environment and a different realm and spear i dare you to pull yourself out of the gravitational pull of this storm and say i'm getting ready to do what i see him do i'm getting ready to leave this structure leave this method leave this mentality and i'm getting ready to go into what he's calling me into i'm okay let's give this a risk now the lesson of this though is that when we're dealing with what god was doing we found a formula the only ministry of opposition if jesus is allowing it it's to unlock you you will be locked potential courage skilled if you don't have opposition opposition unlocks a people you know opposition when you when you beat the slaves when they rise and become a mighty nation you can't do nothing with them the bible said when pharaoh started to beat the hebrews that they started to give birth at an accelerated rate it unlocks me okay you know and you got certain people that's been born to this loins that the more heavy it gets the harder it gets some people soak and cry some people get mad some people quit these people over here at the place where the world changes gather the more you find us the more you come against us the more we get unlocked and there are things that come out of us that we don't even know is there until we're in the middle of a storm i believe i'm talking to 11.2 people in here that's in the mood to take the padlock off of all potential hey all powers everything that god's got in you now i know he's been harder and you are scared of measles mumps and rubella but i dare somebody in here to get a brand new bulldog tenacity i don't care what i got to face the grave will not rob me of the gifts and the callings of god i'm going to the to death empty i'm going to the tombstone having fulfilled every assignment i was told by god to do if he tells me i'll do it but i understand i got to be unlocked into this opposition unlocks you opposition unlocks you final two points and imma let you eat the message of this is really one these are all primary grooming points into the real message which is going to probably scare you a bit but in summation to the aforementioned verses what you need to know about god is that he's in the business of raising men to walk on things that drown other men [Music] i said god is in the business of looking to see who he can train enough to walk on stuff that very easily kills other people that very easily by virtue of the laws of nature can pull people down so that they can sink i have a major point that i need to make to you but i just heard the lord scream in my ear to declare this over you you will not drown i don't know who needs to hear that right now because they're feeling a bit overwhelmed but you're not going to drown i don't know who needs that subtle reminder right now because they don't know where to start but the declare of the lord over you is you ain't drowning you're not going to go under you will not drown in debt i feel like running you won't drown in frustration you won't drown in emotional chaos and injury you won't drown by the consistent pessimism and critiques of those that don't understand your process you're not going to drown you're not going to drown not this year or the next year you're not going to drown from career confusion you're not going to drown from a failed marriage all the devil's a liar a divorce is not going to drown here you're not going to drown because kids are looking like they're walking opposite from how you talk and raise and train them you will not drown because you did not get approved to the degree program that you want to i don't care what's going on around you i ain't gone drown and i don't care how many people did what i did was allow myself to be trained so i'll never see the bottom of this ocean because i've got a god who controls the winds and the waves and the storm and the sea throw your hand up and say i'm drowning come on said to the devil he said i'm drowning i'm too busy walking walk i don't know what i'm talking to but your instructions today walk it out it may be scary but walk it out there are certain things that you can't be delivered out of healed out of we are facing some things that you just got to walk this thing out when you wake up on monday even if you don't see angels and even if you don't hear bird chirping walk it out on tuesday when you get up and get ready to prepare yourself for work make the decision because that's our problem elder jazz we want stuff to happen by spontaneous combustion we don't think we can get up in the morning and say i am going to have a good day walk it out we need to know what it is to make decisions about what our day is going to do wednesday you get up you're tired get your little coffee get you some vitamins b but look in the mirror while you brush your teeth listen to me and don't just brush your teeth brush your tongue you got to floss you got to gargle put your clothes on make sure that you iron the right way get in your car and walk this thing out if it's a relationship issue walk it out if it's a problem in your body i'll walk it out until god heals me i'm still going to obey him if he don't ever take this diagnosis i believe this sickness is not unto death i've decided to walk this thing out come on let's go to church will you slap somebody in the air don't touch them because you ain't got sanitizer but slap somebody in the hair and say walk it out come on we need this encouragement right now you're facing some things that's trying to stop you from walking but we walk by faith and not by sight i'm walking it out in september i don't care what's around me we conclude we conclude in verse 28 at the real message of these scriptures we all know that when he took and this is very important that you get or else you shouted in vain when he took his eyes off jesus even though he was walking he started sinking if you feel in your life you're sinking somewhere along the line you lost focus but jesus's question makes me see something different about the subject of focus listen to me why did you doubt shows me that just by intelligent deduction doubt and distraction go hand in hand maybe the enemy is only able to distract those and poor people are focused if the real truth is here is the message they don't have enough faith therefore faith and focus is the same don't you talk to me in that town of voice focus is not just about a calendar and it's not just about going to the gym and it's not just about a to-do list or post-its or vision but it takes faith to focus come on talk back to me the most focused people in the world are focused because of what they believe about what's going to happen jesus didn't ask him why were you scared of the sea and and and did not teach you to swim he he caught him the literal verse says he reached out his hand immediately to catch him before he ever allows you to sink in in a thing he's trying to use to train you he'll catch you immediately to make sure that they can make it he can make a discussion about what's happened he asks this question why where's your faith i wonder how many people in this room have had a recent faith measurement if the whole conclude of this body of scripture is have faith in god maybe what you faced this year was about stretching your faith to the level of your future now if you're honest we've all had some cave moments we've all had some juniper tree moments but you've got to ask god to increase your faith i know you're scared to do that i feel you in the room kicking last time i tried to believe you last time i prayed for you to increase my faith chaos came but what other environment is suitable for faith to grow faith doesn't grow until things are dark and unpredictable and there are millions of believers i believe around the world and maybe this is simple for you but it's prophetic for me the enemy has been really draining faith because of the news and because of the whatevers and because of the unpredictable there is a decree and i'm not talking about naivety right i'm talking about faith are you in this room and watching me worldwide i'm talking to you as an oracle of god you don't have enough you don't i know you make confessions but if faith is not behind that confession then you just repeated stuff you know you can say i am healed i am filled i am well i'm not going crazy i'm going to succeed but if your heart is not moving in the direction of your mouth even sometimes through tears you may not realize where your faith is and faith is not i love the scripture where jesus said hey when the son of man comes will he find faith in the earth now i see this story different if he makes a man walk on waters it's because he knows eventually they're going to need more faith than they've ever needed before in their life now you're going to have to choose in a year like this in a season like this especially if you're going to allow the lord to take you from faith to faith peter in a couple of decades you will be known as the one that succeeded me i've changed your name i've given you revelation but everybody's not going to be made of what you're made of your brother thomas is going to have a lot of doubts i'm going to raise somebody later that you're going to argue with because you're both bullheaded at the end of the day i want to know if you will allow me to use this moment to show you what i've made you up the material the fabric the molecular design that i've made you up you're tough you just don't know it yet you're strong you just can't see it yet you're more anointed than what you realize but because your brokenness blinds you you won't keep walking how much faith are you willing to have that will determine how much focus you have you can't forgive without faith you can't even love without faith you can't follow without faith you can't even be deliberate without faith demons don't leave your life because somebody screams at them it's because whoever is talking has faith in the name of jesus and the authorities is there not to volume god has allowed some stuff hallelujah to strengthen you and your faith to grab you so that you can have more faith than when you first believed without it the consequence is going to be that you may not see some things that the lord intended for your future i refuse lift your hands real quick after the hell i've been through after everything i've suffered after every trial every storm what i'm not gonna let go of is my future you won't make me stop here in this moment i've got a future and right now in this room it is in the name of jesus that i declare over every willing heart that the future is moving into your direction not by works and not by points and not by intelligence and not my scores but by faith that the resources that you need the assignments that you have the mandates that you're walking in is coming to you by and in and through faith i pronounce over you the law of faith the gift of faith the seed of faith the type of faith that makes you say to mountains move and go from here to there the type of faith that helps you to stop disqualifying yourself from things the lord is calling you into ah the type of faith that doesn't feel the need to explain to friends or family members where you're going in this next dimension i decree over you the conversation of faith that you're going to have faith to your words your tongue will only move in the power of faith i declare your friends if they don't have faith for where god is taking you that there is a relational scene change around you because god wants faith in your life i declare over you not only do you have faith to do and faith to see and faith to grow you also have faith to obey and when god begins to request and require of you things that seem hard things that seem uncomfortable that seem like you can't do you're not going to respond in disobedience you will not respond in fear you will not respond in logic you will not respond an intellect but you are going to respond in favor with or without the kind of support you needed by faith with or without the kind of money you need pay by favor god will perform his word for those that are willing to follow him hard by faith the just the just the just the just the just but just don't live by what they see and the just don't survive or thrive based upon who's with them but the justice shall live by faith lord let this happen oh oh all over the oh oh oh oh i just felt like oh oh oh i feel like in this room right now something just happened where god confronted doubts in your hearts doubts that we don't know about doubts that you won't be honest about come on let them into their chest cavity and break the power of doubt break the power of downtown break the hour break the power of doubt break the power of unwarranted suspicion against the holy ghost the faithful god the true god and let faith flood your life flood your inner man flood your prayer life when you get up to pray in the morning the spirit of faith is going to flow from your belly it's going to flow from your tonsils and when you would pray in pope and pray in fear now these new declarations these new covenant vows these new arrangements these new agreements these new supplications will be filled with the spirit of faith come on worship him a minute will you come on open up open up open up open up i know you've grown callous open up i know the year has tested a lot of things around you but open up right now faith lord faith lord faith lord [Music] [Music] come on worship him [Music] shall not worship him come on the word shape him lift that up let the men shall come out worship him come on worship him come on worship him come on worship him come on worship him come on worship him come on worship him come on worship it come on worship him i feel the glory come on worship him come on worship him come on worship him someone worship him listen i'm gonna bring the minstrels back up i'm gonna ask you to do something silly and this may not be for everybody so no pressure normally a message like this merits a powerful altar call but i want to do a prophetic act really quickly for those of you that will be honest and transparent with yourself i've been struggling by faith in my faith i've been growing a little exhausted i dare you to leave your seat literally and walk around this building seven times i know it sounds crazy but just start walking around this room only for those that have been wrestling in their faith come on lift this up i believe the power of god is going to meet you come on let's capture this so that the world wide web can see that there is a people that's going to walk it out there is an entire assembly that's going to walk it out i'm going to walk this oh oh i feel the come on walk this thing out a hardship walk it out a critical boss walk this thing out come on make sure we get this so that the world can see we are a walking people come on walk it out god still got a purpose walk it out god's gonna stir you the bible say fan into flame the gift of god within you i came this morning to stir your flame again walk it out children i know you don't understand it i know you got questions but you've got to walk this thing out come on you face worse you grew up in an environment that wanted to reduce you but you're walking out come on do it by faith this ain't no parade this is an altar call this ain't no parade we're not marching around for sure we're walking around to walk by come on there you go come on i love that sometimes you got to get a friend that'll walk it out with you sometimes you gotta get a sister that'll walk it out with you sometimes you got to get a brother that'll walk it out with you come on through here we ain't no punks we peters yeah i'm scared i look nervous a little concerned but i will not let my faith decrease shut up deviled up i know it's a storm shut up devil uh i know i'm in the middle of it but he's never failed me before i do not believe and i cannot conceptualize that he would bring me here and not enable me to walk this thing out i'm walking it out i'm walking it out i'm done trying to figure this thing out pastor tiffany you will live and not die walk it out baby god's gonna do some things for your life for your children for your future for your relationship he's gonna do some stuff for your ministry but what i need you to do and what i need you to keep doing is especially when you can't figure it out walk this thing out walk it out get up from your knees wipe your face anoint your head with fresh oil and make the daily decision i have a responsibility i have an obligation i may bow to the lord and i won't take it back i'm walking this [Music] i was afraid for a moment nervous for a moment but i'm focused now i'm focused now [Music] i'm focused now [Music] i'm focused now i said i'm focused now focused yeah i'm focused now come on i got distracted for a few minutes but i'm focused now got discouraged for a couple days but i'm focused now i was even furious i was angry mad but i'm focused now oh hey hey hey i'm focused now come on come on walking men walking women walking mothers walking fathers [Music] i'm out of stagnation i'm done being stuck i'm gonna walk go walk this thing out [Music] walk it out oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i'm gonna walk it out by faith by faith by faith by faith by faith by faith by faith are you making it my fave how you holding up my faith by faith your presence is life to me [Music] your presence is heir to me your presence is bred to me your presence your presence when you're done walking throw them hands up i know we're done for about 10 seconds and worship the lord with everything that you have i mean just open your mouth all over this place and begin to give the lord the glory come on worship him come on worship here come on worship come on be refreshed be repression worship come on beautiful let the glory of god descend in this place come on acknowledge his presence in this building [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i see the holy angels of god i see the holy angels of god i see the holy angels of god he refuses to allow you to sink behold so [Music] what you need children get what you need do what you need the journey is love get exactly what you need [Music] wow [Music] hey [Music] hey hey i just heard the spirit say tell my people i'm going to do it again i'm going to do it again i'm going to do it he said tell my people i'm going to do it again i'm going to do it again do not fear do not fret i will do it again yes i will your glory days are not gone i will do [Music] [Music] worship worship assembly i'm going to do it again i will do it again [Music] ah i'll do it again i'll do it again i'll do it again i'll do it again that i will revive my people i'll do it again jesus precious spirit of god [Music] father thank you this morning [Music] for the precious habitation of your spirit thank you for your kindness being in the room [Music] thank you that you're concerned about your people [Music] you see what they face you see what's tried to happen to them i'm asking that in this very moment in this room and for those around the world strengthen your people even in their inner man even though many of them feel like their plans have been ripped to shreds let them know that their purpose is still intact i honor you so much i thank you for holding your people up and the hand of god is in the earth holding his people up now unto him unto him unto him who is able to keep us come falling or sinking or drop drowning he's able to keep us to him be our blessings honor dominion and power [Music] i love you all nations [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 41,480
Rating: 4.9231362 out of 5
Id: VoIuYsp54FQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 29sec (4829 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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