Peer Pressure

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peer pressure it's freaking stupid now if you live under a rock let me just quickly explain what peer pressure is well the way I see is when one person or group decides the pressure another person or a group into doing something they don't want to do most of the time the people who are trying to peer pressure the other people make fun of the other people for not doing something they don't want to do that pisses me off to no end why make somebody feel bad about themselves because they don't want to do something that's so stupid honestly if you peer pressure anybody to do anything I will think you're a piece of [ __ ] actually you know what it depends on what you're trying to get the person to do cuz for example if you're just trying to get your buddy to eat a bunch of sour patch kids or something cuz he doesn't like sour foods you're not that much of a piece of [ __ ] but if you try to get your friends or anybody to try to do stuff they don't want to do such as bad stuff like drugs alcohol and other things ah your [ __ ] idiot now why am I talking about peer pressure mmm let's just say I had a lot of stupid people in my life so let's talk about that that's an overused joke so there's actually been a few times where my friends at the time decided to try to peer pressure me into doing stupid stuff that I didn't want I remember this one time I don't remember the specific age I was because I was young but me and my friends were just hanging out in the woods near our apartments and my buddy decides to pull out a freaking thing of whiskey what the Frick are you guys doing did we're gonna drink a thing of whiskey did ya Adam don't be such a prude dude prude didn't really that's anyway yeah I don't honestly I don't want anything to do with this dude come on just take a sip did ya dude I'm good I don't want to I mean is there a crime because I don't want to do something you know what is a crime underage drinking luckily I did have a friend there who totally agreed with me let's call him thumb yeah I kind of don't want to do this either honestly dudes I didn't think I was with a bunch of debts did ya okay I'm not gonna do it yeah I'm good too dude come on just do it no I said I was good dude just do it we said no do it now and then he opens up the bottle of whiskey and splashes it all over me and thumb I have never punched someone so hard and so fast in my entire life not only was he trying to pressure us into taking it but he also started getting mad to the point where he decided to get physical the way I handled it I don't recommend it at all definitely don't do what I did because violence only causes more violence and after I punched him he decided to start throwing punches back I don't understand the mindset of people who decide to try to pressure other people into doing stuff that are you know illegal if I don't want to do it I don't want to do it that's the end of it that's what it should be that reminds me of this other time when a couple of friends decided to invite me to our other friend's house and things got annoying really fast I just remembered what age I was it was around the age of 11 or 13 yeah so my 11 or 13 year old friends decided to text me and say hey come over and so I did actually maybe I was 14 why can't I remember the age so I walk over to their apartment complex and when I got there it sort of smelt like pure Dookie kind of like skunk because they were smoking weed me being an idiot decided to stay because I was bored at home and just wanted to hang out with my friends now remember weed is still illegal to minors and people under the age of 21 so yeah you can't go into the comments and type Adam but weed is legal now bla bla bla yeah no I mean heck I'm still not old enough so yeah we're just sitting there in a smoke-filled house trying to have a good time but I'm not because I'm with a bunch of idiots eventually one of my friends goes hey Adam you want to hit nah I'm good I'm good come on don't be a prude why does everybody say that this is this is gonna be a running gag or something just take a hit man I'm not I'm good I'm good I don't want it you know honestly this is why we don't invite you places just because I don't want to do illegal things with you guys no because you're such a freakin prude I'm not a prude I just don't want to do it yeah whatever yeah cool yeah I'm Adam I don't want to do things cuz I'm approved okay I'm leaving they literally made me feel bad about myself because I didn't want to do something and that something was illegal I don't understand that mindset whatsoever it's kind of the same if thum were to walk up to me and go hey eat this candy corn yeah I'm good I'm not hungry why why cuz you're fat see he offered me something I said no and then he made me feel horrible until I did it stupid I mean technically I had a gun to my head so if I didn't do it I would have probably died but not all cases are like that the way I see it people who try to pressure people into doing things that are necessarily bad or idiots they're not good friends and they're not good people so I suggest staying away from them some over there that's a good friend always get you back BB that was weird now if you do fall for the peer pressure it's kind of on you depending on the situation of course now that doesn't necessarily mean you're a bad person but it does mean you need to own up to it and just learn from it so yeah now if somebody's trying to peer pressure you into doing something that could potentially get you in big trouble and starts threatening you I suggest either getting your parents involved getting a parent involved or getting the authorities involved okay so yeah the more of the story is just don't hang out with idiots also say no when you need I'm sorry
Channel: SomeThingElseYT
Views: 7,083,409
Rating: 4.9492531 out of 5
Keywords: Peer Pressure, Peer Pressure is stupid, Somethingelseyt, Peer Pressure sucks, Dont do this, How about you dont, Pressure, Peers, Bad friends, Friends, Animation, Animated story, Animated, Bad friends stories, Life story, LIfe
Id: EpGkCStiFmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2017
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