Camping Unprepared

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hello something sauce Adam here today we are gonna be talking about a phenomenon known as camping first let's ask ourselves the question what is camping how can we detect it and how much does it weigh well if you don't know what camping is you're in luck what I have with me is a magical little box that some would say is beyond knowledge and supposedly has the power to give you the information of nearly everything in the known galaxy and maybe even universe it is said that it holds so much information that if a single person were to try to conceive the amount of knowledge it holds their minds would be so blown away that it would cause them to go into a state of paralysis known as this information is too much for my insignificant little brain itis so if I'm correct finding the answer to our simple little question will be relatively easy ah got it hmm hey Siri what is camping camping is a great thing to do if you just want to relax spend some time with your friends or family or just enjoy mother nature at its purest I mean besides with all the technology you brought because let's face it we all get a little anxious if we don't have our phones unless 24/7 normal phobia aside camping is honestly amazing now someone say that camping can be well is relatively simple if you know what you're doing I mean all you have to do is make sure you do your research pack the right materials bring the right people and boom instant fun times many of you are probably thinking of course camping is easy who doesn't know how to camp all you have to do is go into the woods sleep in a tent and not vlog a dead but not get eaten by bears I could probably do it all by myself if I wanted to well good for you you're wrong you see I too thought camping was the easiest thing in the world and that I didn't need a huge group to spend some relaxing times in the woods because hey I've done it before with family how hard could it be without them I was very wrong so me and my girlfriend at the time very nice girl let's call her cheating cheerio decided it would be a cool idea to go camping together we both loved the outdoors and thought it would be a great place to you know hold hands and tell each other secrets and stuff you know advertiser friendly stuff YouTube please don't do want to toys for me it's getting really annoying every single my videos keep getting too honest we booked the camping spot packed up all the essentials we thought we would need and went on our jolly way camping and whatnot we decided to book the place for an entire week because why not and we're off to a great start the first day was a piece of cake we set up camp made some s'mores by the fire ate them and then laid down and watch the Stars side tangent can I just say everything about space is freaking awesome also my boy Elon Musk having their missiles Joe pitch Frick that's all the next day is where it gets problematic you know how I said that we hacked up all the essentials we thought we would need since we've all been camping before we assumed that heck we know what we're doing I don't need to do any research we're both smart enough to make good decisions with our lives we are two strong beautiful 18 year old independent we're man's you don't need no man yeah no hold up let me just hang in there there you see this you see this right here this represents me during this whole experience we're only in the second day and we started realizing that Frick we didn't bring enough food I have no idea what I was thinking when I saw that all we brought was water a single pack of hot dogs a bag of Doritos and an egg a single freaking egg it wasn't even a full carton it was just one count of one egg I mean it was boiled so we didn't have to worry about cooking it but still what the heck passed me right before it I have no idea how we didn't even notice when we opened the bag for s'mores me and cheerio both looked at each other and just started laughing hysterically because at that point what else would you do besides freak out it's no biggie there's a little village full of the stores not too far from this place we can just get some stuff from there okay cool I mean I'm pretty sure every campsite has like a little store nearby but still so we both hop in my car and decide to drive a little way down to find more food literally only 30 seconds and we find it why didn't we just walk we were so relieved because to be honest even if we didn't have food we most likely would have stayed there making whatever food we had work for six days hey Gavin is expensive in we're both too starving to waste money grab everything you can we feast like kings and a queen your queen we begin to stockpile on as much food as we could kids freak now having food after minutes of building our mobile food mountain we finally decided we had enough and got in line me being the incredibly generous straights this bright male that I was decided don't worry babe I got this I pull out my wallet open it up and wear the frickin Frick is my debit card hey you wanna hear a joke sure knock knock who's there I totally just realized I forgot my debit card on my desk because I decided to buy $50 worth of robots as a joke so I can't pay for the food that we just piled into our cart I forgot my debit card who I'm sorry it's okay just pay me half the money when we get back and we'll call it even and I totally forgot I don't have a debit card or cash oh no we had no money until I remembered I had like 15 bucks in the glove compartment problem was if you've ever bought in groceries before yourself then you will know that 15 bucks ain't gonna get you jack squat so we had to use the little common sense that we had at the time I'm here trapped in this air-conditioned grocery store with only $15 I have to be smart on how I spend it or tonight I'm going to sleep Stav hot dogs hot dogs were cheap and came with a lot so we bought a lot of those and buns you were so wrong you naive little bagel bite I never mentioned this but during the entire experience it was winter and since it was freezing you would think a person with common sense would be like a lot of blankets would be smart to bring we were so cold each night progressively colder than the next why don't we just leave can't think is so freaking fun you know what's even worse the last day we were so fed up with camping we were like let's just leave but did it both of us convinced ourselves that yeah it's kind of nice spending time together one more day won't kill us the tent ended up breaking on the last night the zipper broke off and we could who's the stupid thing you know what we were just gonna tough it out who cares of a tent is open right yeah no freaking deer came out of nowhere and just started walking around our campsite so that was a big nope are you looking for deer we have no food we're starving and cold just like you let's kill it and drink its blood obviously we couldn't kill and eat the deer cuz we didn't have the right tools so we just dipped and slept in my car the most uncomfortable place to sleep especially since I let her lay down on me so she could get some sleep after that we packed up and got the heck out of there never again never again oh well that was nice of you to let her lay on you at least yes I wrote that in consent and very humble whatever happening you in cheating I mean cheerio Oh me and cheerio me and her just didn't work out very very very sweet and nice girl but some people just don't connect as well as most it was a mutual decision yes so Kevin's fun it's a really great place to like just relax and stuff like that and just have a good vacation just don't go alone cuz if you - you probably this is not you're not gonna have a good time also be smart when you if when you do go camping cuz clearly common sense is needed if you guys like that design of the brain-dead I actually put it on a shirt so go buy it you can find out something else y-t-dot-com I will also be releasing the common sense shirt if you guys want a shirt version versus just a hoodie so yeah I think to note is that when you do order these you will be pre-ordering them so they won't come into like the next month or they won't come until a month yeah but other than that you're 100% received the item and we'll be helping out the channel tremendously especially with all this friggin monetization crap also if you guys were wondering why the backgrounds just look phenomenal I want to thank Pepe OTT and nunu for that you can find their links in the description below I just want you guys to go send them some love because they are just there helping out a lot with this video and just help me speed up the process because of just give me a big can be stressful sometimes doing it alone yeah thank them for helping out with backgrounds also also while you're waiting for me to post a video you can be watch my little brother his name is K shot TV he is a great content creator a very hardworking very funny so yeah go show him some love go send him some love and watch his content cuz it's pretty good all links will be in the description below okay well I did these I think that's it that's all I want to say so don't forget to Like comment subscribe binge on comment down below if you had any camp stories you wanna you want to share I love reading your guys's stories they're always so funny so yeah stay hydrated
Channel: SomeThingElseYT
Views: 6,699,835
Rating: 4.9548106 out of 5
Keywords: Camping, Unprepared, Caming unprepared, Dont camp alone, Camping unprepared, CAmping is hard, How to not camp, Camp story, camp, somethingelseyt, somethingelse, something else yt, something, else, yt, Unprepared camping, animation, jaiden animations, ft
Id: o59vGneif3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 10 2018
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