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I was just about to link this too. Poor Giulia has gone through this twice. Smh

Edit: I suck at spelling namesπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/social_media_virgin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Poor Giulia. This is so fucking stupid, you suck, Shannon. πŸ–•πŸ»πŸ–•πŸ»πŸ–•πŸ»

Edit: a letter

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/intoxicatedbarbie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does anyone have a link to what Shannon actually wrote about RTG? I’ve looked through the lolcow posts and I saw some stuff on Twitter, but I can’t get a link to exactly what she posted.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/intoxicatedbarbie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is so messed up. Poor Giulia..

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dotrenai πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Those roses were SO CREEPY. I knew she lovebombed but that's A LOT. She was anticipating this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zangtoi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Her analogy of being left holding something because there's nowhere to out it down hit so hard.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/maliceaver πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is possibly irrelevant, but am I the only one who sees a physical resemblance between Ready to Glare and Emily Artful? For me, that adds a whole other level of ick considering how obsessed Shannon seemed to be with both of them. Idk

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bovlie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so as you can tell this is not a regular video for me it's taken me a bit to make this video between things that i'm going to explain and being out of town and i know that a lot of people were demanding it i know a lot of people were very understanding that i had to heal a little bit and then find more information before just jumping to make a video i'm going to tell you the series of events in terms of my experience like how i found out how i reacted so on so forth then at the end i'll tell you the more emotional side of how i'm feeling blah blah that aren't really facts just my emotions basically and i have my computer here because i wanted to make notes to make sure i touched on everything so if you see me looking down it's just that the reason i wanted to make this video wasn't necessarily because i wanted to make this video but i didn't want my silence to be taken as compliance which i know that's often how it works on the internet so i felt like if i didn't say anything it would be like me seconding somebody else's actions or not looking at evidence and so on and so forth so that's why this video is happening in the first place before i mention this particular situation i need to tell you about something that happened to me in the past that is very relevant and it might not seem relevant immediately but trust me it will become very obvious why i'm mentioning this years ago when i started youtube and i was very new and i didn't know much about how things worked monetization hashtags whatever i was friendly with a youtuber who was older than me so he was kind of like a mentor and he was also a father and he also had been in the business in the sense that he'd worked on things relating to the internet and analytics and so on and so forth so he was a bit of a mentor to me the only things i knew about this particular person was the name they used online which wasn't their real name it was a pseudonym of which apparently there were many and i knew what country they allegedly lived in aside from that i didn't know anything we also both spoke italian so that was something we related on i know this person was an older man and not you know like a catfish because this person did skype me a few times in distress which is also an important thing to remember so one day i get an email from someone who is an alleged counselor and they tell me that this person has been found dead this youtuber who i was friendly with i went into immediate freak out fully knowing that rationally a counselor wouldn't just contact me like that like they wouldn't just email you like that it the whole process was sketchy and weird but part of me had a really bad feeling simply because he had been tweeting really grim things like i'm sorry goodbye you know things that indicated self-harm or worse suicide so when i got the email of the counselor and then this youtuber had deleted their social media i really freaked out because it all aligned so even though the counselor thing was sketch i i freaked out and i started panicking i was home alone so i i didn't have anyone to really turn to at the moment so i went live on youtube desperately hoping that someone knew more than me i was hoping that maybe there was someone he was closer with that you know knew the authorities in japan which was the country he allegedly lived in or you know like knew some kind of avenue i could go down to to find out whether this was true to to see if there was anything that was needed because it was all so vague and suspicious that i just wanted to see if there was someone that could help me figure out what to do before this i was only vaguely aware of lol cow i'd only used it once to once in the past to get screenshots for a video but other than that i did not spend any time on there so i knew vaguely how it worked but i didn't know that this this youtuber i was friendly with was on there but a few days after the alleged death of this friend one of the admins of lol cow found that this person had been posting past the time that he had allegedly died so basically what we found out was that he in fact was not dead so not only was he alive and pretending to be dead but they also flagged all the posts where he was impersonating himself as we know that's not something you're allowed to do there and in some of those posts he had said really vicious and malicious things about me which was obviously hurtful but not as hurtful as me beginning to mourn and then finding out you know oh that's not what what's happening here basically and in fact i think this is one of the only times i've posted on there where i posted to let him know hey name of person i know you're here he later on ended up calling me distraught you know in tears like he he stayed on the phone for hours calling from like all random numbers telling me that he was sorry and also admitting that everything that the admins had flagged was true that it was him and he tried to rationalize doesn't matter but the bottom line is it was true the admin did not make a mistake in tracking his ip back to him and showing that next time he was online and posting cut to a few days ago i get a random dm on twitter and the dm basically told me hey there's someone talking you on lol cow and i basically responded to them saying please don't send me these types of dms because i specifically don't go on there because i find it negatively affects me and i don't gain anything from seeing people say things about me like there's no point later on i find out via shannon that people are alleging that she's posting this vile about her friends on lol cow she tells me that it's someone impersonating her and spoofing her ip address so she's not the one there's someone pretending to be shannon that was the narrative she'd been my close friend for years and i didn't understand much about how ips worked and spoofing and how what's possible versus what's not possible versus what happens all the time i was inclined to believe her because she was a friend of mine for me it was very much a real friendship offline i met her in real life before the pandemic we sent each other gifts we both shared personal experiences that we'd had with each other that are private you know like we had a very real friendship so my inclination was to believe her because i'm not going to run to believe that a friend is talking me on a website i don't think anyone who really trusts their friends would do that so that's why right off the bat i posted this and it's been deleted since because obviously i changed my mind but i went on to youtube where she done a community post explaining essentially saying the same thing of the ip spoofing etc and i screenshot all of it and put it on twitter so i got more visibility and i basically said go send shannon some love something along those lines and i really was dead set on believing her because i didn't understand the ip situation firstly and secondly like i said it's hard for me to believe that someone that i'd been this close to would do that however the next day i saw comments and i began to look into ips and spoofing and how all of this works because i'm not technically well versed in any of these things i also then saw that an admin from lol cow had confirmed that the posts that you know people were claiming were shannon were actually shannon via confirming that her ip had been consistent so much like in my previous situation the admin confirmed yes this is actually the person this is actually shannon just like that was actually youtuber x so this immediately became reminiscent for me and a very obviously horrible way because i felt like i was being put back in the same position i was in when this happened with that other youtuber because the events are so similar right except that here i was close friends with the person so with shannon so it hurt a lot more so like i said shannon was posting saying that her ip had been spoofed but then when i looked into it i asked my friends who are more knowledgeable who know about this stuff asked about i asked my husband about it and when they began to explain to me how all of this worked it became hard for me to believe that she'd been spoofed they also all were under the consensus of it is extremely unlikely that multiple devices were being spoofed over 300 times over multiple years like the probability of that being a reality was next to no basically the only way in which this would happen would be that the person would have to be a pro hacker and even the probabilities of that were low it was difficult for me to hear that it was very unlikely that someone was impersonating her it was difficult to internalize or accept the possible new reality of oh yeah this person actually they weren't who you thought they were and worst of all they wanted to kind of convince you into thinking your relationship was something it wasn't and the most confusing and almost laughable part of this is that a couple days before all of this information came out shannon had sent me roses to my own house you know so like i think that was also part of it it sounds stupid but it's like how do you reconcile oh yeah someone sent me roses but they also don't think much of me and are talking me on a website it is so contradictory that you almost feel a little bit crazy because you're like okay what what happened in between like you know so i think that also made me feel worse because i was like what are what do these flowers represent what does this mean so you know when a friend hurts you privately it's horrendous when a friend hurts you publicly it's equally horrendous and it puts you in a very strange place where you have to explain things you might not know or understand and that's kind of where i've been in this situation which is why i've also not wanted to speak too quickly i didn't want to jump the gun because like i said i didn't understand some of the technology and i also just didn't understand what i was supposed to believe and where i was at even though there was clear evidence in my opinion that some talking had been said but i wanted to see also is there more the other reason i was silent is because this took a massive massive toll on my mental and physical health and you know if you guys have been following me i've been struggling already generally you know with just human mental health you know whatever so this added thing happening was so unexpected first of all but also just so jarring that you know you don't want something so jarring that you don't know where to place it it's almost like you're holding something and you have nowhere to put it in your brain it kind of felt like that nonetheless i could see that shannon was getting a lot of hate so i did check in on her because no matter what i don't want people to self-harm i don't want people to do worse and you know i could imagine that having all these people piling on you even if you are guilty nobody deserves to hurt themselves so i checked in on her though i was entirely transparent when i checked in on her saying you know like this is not me saying i'm on your side this is me saying i don't know what to do with the situation but i don't want you to hurt yourself shannon didn't volunteer much information at all because i just wanted to find evidence of course i was hoping that if for some reason she'd be innocent of course nobody wants or hopes for their friends to be guilty but the core thing was i wanted to find evidence so if she was guilty i knew she was guilty and if she was innocent i knew she was innocent but at least i knew and had concrete evidence to make my conclusion as opposed to just running to one side or the other immediately which is what i really wanted to avoid doing this is the part where a group of friends that shannon and i had in common some of which who are also mentioned in these threads decided to make a group chat in this group chat we were basically discussing ways in which to try to find more evidence no matter what that evidence was whether it was good or bad like i said we just wanted to find evidence so we could come to a conclusion also in order for our own selves to be able to have some kind of closure and decide okay i think this or i think that so that was the entire point aside from obviously just supporting each other through a really weird and strange time and also i'd like to add the reason why a lot of us were silent was exactly because we were searching for this evidence and we didn't want to put out misinformation and we wanted to wait to see what we could find before just talking about it and having to constantly post video updates or corrections we just wanted to put the right version out and have that be that so as of now i'm not here to give you the innocent or guilty verdict all i'm going to say is the lol cow admin confirmed her post the last time it happened to me it was true and i believe that that is the most concrete information we have and i believe she did make those posts i but i do think that is like i said the most concrete information we have in terms of visible screenshots that are confirmed by a website administrator in regards to how i feel there's a lot to say and then not much to say at the same time because i'm obviously very hurt very shaken um distraught any kind of synonym you can think that goes with that it's been very difficult to wrap my head around and to accept that i came to the conclusion of believing that those posts were in fact made by her and there's a lot floating around about other things she may have done a lot of it looks very damning the thing is once i accepted the admin situation and attaching with that the ip spoofing being unlikely that for me is kind of the end of the situation because for me once you go behind my back and say about me it does it almost doesn't matter what you're saying about me it's done because the trust is gone there let alone all the horrible things she said generally but i'm talking about our friendship specifically as soon as that was outed and i accepted that it was true in my opinion that's when things for me were done because i can't trust someone who does that and i don't think anyone can and that's a very hard thing to just accept that someone that you've known or that you thought you knew so well just kind of poof vanished out of your life just like that they disappeared it's it's very difficult and like i said it's very reminiscent of something i had already experienced so i think that's another reason why there was a lot of silence is because i didn't really know what to say and i'm still processing those feelings right now they're all shitty and painful but that's all there is for me to really say about it for me it's case closed that's it you guys can let me know what you think down below i hope this made sense i apologize for the different setting and you know everything being a little bit messy but it's been a messy situation and i think everyone who was or believed to be friends with her is in the same boat as me
Views: 1,291,133
Rating: 4.9546857 out of 5
Keywords: creepshow art, creepshow art drama, creepshow art ready to glare, creepshow art channel deleted, creepshow art lolcow, creepshow art amy, shannon creepshow, creepshow art lolcow drama, lolcow creepshow art
Id: Izsc_vta0u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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