Patriot Armor The Truth About M193

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[Music] hey guys can with Patriot armor here today and I want to talk to you guys about something that pops up every couple of months and so I kind of wanted to cover some stuff with you guys about armor walk rounds are rated for it what are not the different armor levels and and then a little bit later we're going to be actually you know doing some demonstrations with this as well one of the things that always pops up every couple of months is well you know this this level three steel core armor is rated for this which is a 308 m80 ball NATO FMJ okay we've all seen it shot with this this is a green tip five five six 62-grain with the penetrator tip but then somebody takes a little this little guy right here and punches holes right through a level-3 armor plate now what this is this is a 55 grain 556 it travels at about 3,200 feet per second out of a 16 inch barrel a are typically and and so they're saying well my cheap range ammo the 55 grand fmjs that I throw downrange all day every day are punching through this armor there must be something wrong with it or it must not work well here's the truth of the matter and this is why I want to get to the bottom of this Patriot armor has always been upfront and honest about what the armor covers and what it doesn't what the protection levels are and if you ask us will even help you choose the best protection level to fit your needs but here's the thing guys standard level three armor along with along with all of the levels you've got level three a you've got level three you got level four they're not only rated for projectile size such as 308 but also a velocity so you'll notice the NIJ 101 point oh six guidelines for level three state six shots from a 308 at twenty-seven hundred and eighty feet per second so that plate is rated for a projectile size of 308 765 51 and also a velocity of 20 780 feet per second there's a reason why there are two qualifications for that armor both projectile size and velocity and that's because just because it projectiles smaller okay your common person would think well if it can stop this it can stop this okay well here's the thing guys velocity doesn't matter so why is it that a level three plate that can stop this big ol 308 it can stop this penetrator tipped 62-grain five five six but then your range ammo goes right through well velocity is the answer guys okay for a plate that's rated at 20 780 feet per second if you shoot it with a round that's traveling 3,200 feet per second you're going to risk penetration while the round is smaller in size than the 308 making it under the 308 for that qualification it is significantly faster than the 308 and so for that qualification it's way outside of what a standard level three plate is rated for okay and when it comes to steel core armor we strive to provide the best quality the best price and the best innovation and technology in the industry guys and so today I really want you guys to take a look we've got an AR 500 armor level 3 it is a post recall plate so you don't have to worry about that and and and you guys can see this is their advanced shooters cut level three Patriot armor level three okay and this is this is again our base coat level three shooters cut and a Spartan armor level three these are all standard level threes now I've also got this piece quarter-inch 46 100e now this comes from the mill with an NIJ level 3 certification already most companies who use 46 100 e talk about how it's rated for the m2 AP round well guys the military rates this for the m2 AP at a 30-degree angle not at 0 degree okay and here's the truth here in a minute we're going to show you these these little 55 grain five five sixes and 55 grand FMJ 223 s guys okay I want to point this out they're still traveling at 3,000 plus feet per second they're still over what the plates are rated for we want you to take a look at these plates performance okay and I really want you to understand that when looking at an armor level you need to be looking at projectile size and velocity okay um there are two qualifications with every level of armor and this is something that I really want you guys to pay attention to I want to blow the lid off of this guys because it's always this big conspiracy and other companies try to dance around it oh well our level threes will stop the the you know green tip penetrators and then you ask them about the 55 grand m193 s and they kind of dance around the topic guys the 55 grain m193 is why the steel core level 3 plus was invented period that's why it exists so when you see a steel core level 3 + granted it's not a standard protection level okay its level 3 so it's rated for the 308 the + can get confusing because from one company to another it can mean different things there are companies whose plus means that it's multi strike which if it's steel it should be already there are companies out there who's plus means rated for the m193 but also take a look at what that plus means velocity wise because there are plates out there that are rated for m193 is that only up to three thousand feet per second which out of our 16 inch Rock River we've got our chrono here so we'll show you what a 16 inch Rock River is putting downrange with 193 typically always over that 3000 feet per second mark this is something that if you guys are considering body armor you need to watch this video you need to pay attention you need to understand that there are different detection levels out there okay now in looking at the other types of armor the polyethylene plates you know the superlight ones that float that everybody's all gaga over here's the thing the reason why there are standard level threes with polyethylene plates and free Plus with polyethylene plates are for a completely different reason the level 3 polyethylene plates that are typically about 2 pounds give or take a little bit and their positive buoyancy something else they will not stop the green tip penetrators they penetrate through so the polyethylene plates had to come out with a three plus to be able to stop this round when it stops the 55 grain no problem understand your armor levels and if you guys ever have a question or you're curious do not hesitate to call email Facebook message we're more than happy to walk you guys through every part of this you [Music] you you [Music] you [Music] you you you [Music] all right guys so as you saw you know our test was standard level three steel core armor ar500 armor standard level three Patriot armor standard level three and a Spartan armor standard level three each plate was hit with three five five six green tips these are the m855 ss109 with the steel penetrator core this is around that these plates are rated for okay so when you see the videos where they're hitting it what they made 55s this is because these plates are designed to defeat the round they're traveling under the velocity that these plates can withstand and then we hit each of them with the 55 grain 556 m193 now again each plate three hits with the m855 three hits with the m193 so i kind of want to go over the results and again guys this is not the discrediting company it's to say standard level three steel core plates are not rated for the 55 grain and 193 rounds because they're traveling several hundred feet per second over that velocity rating given to a level three plate by NIJ now each of these plates are all NIJ certified they're all level three all the you know ballistically rated and and again each plate got hit with three hits the the m1r the m855 1 2 3 no penetration you guys can see that and your m193 we have penetration clear through okay our Patriot armor plate again m855 which is this plate is rated for three hits m193 again clear through [Music] m855 3x 1 2 3 m193 again 3 hits clear through for those of you out there talking about the military 46 100 er mer steel that a lot of people like to use in their armor we also did the quarter inch of things hot the quarter inch 46 100 II again this comes from the mill certified NIJ level 3 and again identical result three hits of m1 or three hits of m855 three hits of m193 again straight through alright so what's the solution to the problem well like I talked about earlier the level three plus rating was created not the plus that's that's each company has their own meaning but it means it's rated for level three so that'd be your green tips that'd be your m80 ball 308 but then the plus can mean different things so most of the time it means it's been rated for that in 193 but you need to look into it and see what the company says its rated for our new Patriot armor level 3 plus plates are given a more advanced cut these suckers are made with the the best steel core now this is actually military ultra high hardness armor steel this isn't a whole new ball game now this this steel that's in this it took me forever to be able to source this and this is literally the finest armor steel core money can buy anywhere in the world it has the finest grain structure the lowest impurity rate of any steel available period money cannot buy better now we incorporated that because we strive you know to have the best products the best safety for you guys even with a full small buildup coat you're looking at an 8 pound plate ok 7 pounds with the base coat what we're going to do today is I'm going to be putting the the Patriot armor level 3 Plus up against this Spartan armor level three plus okay now again the Spartan armor it's only rated for up to thirty one hundred feet per second according to manufacturer specifically mentioning m193 so we're going to see what happens we're going to put this up against our level three plus which again is rated for those m193 s as well so you're getting high velocity advanced threat protection with the Patriot armor plate both of these have this ball build up okay Patriot armor has our Patriots fall guard it's the best thing and spawn fragmentation protection on the market you know the Spartan may use the the Rhino lining the colleting capsule och for their small buildup so let's put them side by side and see what they do we're going to hit each one with a 308 which is your standard level 3 rating and then each one with an m1 93 and and see what happens you you [Music] you alright guys so like you do saw we put up our Patriot armor level 3 plus advanced threat protection plate with the Patriots ball guard build up up against the Spartan armor level 3 plus there AR 550 level 3 plus with their build up and you know again side by side no plate how to penetration we shot it with 308 and then we shot it with the m1 93's which is what these plates are created for so again with Spartan armor no penetrations but if you take a look at that spall coney I actually took the tops off of these just to show you guys if you didn't see it in the video if you did not see this in the video spall guards not supposed to do that it's not supposed to blow chunks off of there and leave craters look like they should be on the moon okay so I'm going to give you a caveat this is the second time we've tested a Spartan armor product and I can tell you if you're going to buy Spartan armor don't waste the money on the build-up get a base plate you know get a base coated plate because you're getting the same level of protection all right as far as the plates concerned guys did a great job stop the 308 the m193 okay no penetration nice little dent stickers torn but no penetration all right so it did what it was supposed to do as far as stopping the round complete failure on the small coat again now Patriot armor level three plus hit with three rounds of m193 and a 308 now you guys can kind of see where the 308 hit is it right right there you can't see it all where the 5.56 in 193 is hit because it's self heals there's I mean you can barely see a tiny little pinhole almost looks like there was an air bubble in the coating as opposed to a rifle round hitting it and this is a real reason why I cut the tops off of these for you guys to see all right so I wanted you to be able to see the plate but more importantly it doesn't even look like it's been shot guys there was no small exit you can't even see where the five five sticks hit you see where the 308 hit there and stopped all its fall okay and again really hit m193 no penetration complete encapsulation of this fall by the Patriots fall guard but again you know we had that stuff developed to be the best in industry it is the best in the industry and if you want the best in the industry then you're going to go in trees fall garden because nobody else can touch it not line-x not in capsule Ock rhinoliner or anything else guys there you have it our new three-plus plates you know they're they're the best thing going right now at an incredible value the best protection level money can buy and the best ball protection money can buy you [Music]
Channel: patriot armor
Views: 102,757
Rating: 4.8529687 out of 5
Keywords: ar500, patriot armor, spartan, body armor, bulletproof
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2016
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