Home Defense Ammo for Your AR-15

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[Music] everyone pretenders with our Ridge the purpose of today's video is to give you some good advice on how to properly select ammunition for home defense for your ar-15 so let's get started folks if you're gonna be using your rifle for home defense you need to have a white light on here I could tell you story after story about people that have had to undergo tragedies because they did not identify what they were shooting on they did not identify that they just shot and as a result tragedy ensued so first thing we need to make sure is is be sure of your target and what's beyond it you know this most certainly applies during home defense so at a minimum on your rifle for home defense you're going to need a good set of sights and a good white light now let's move on to the ammunition no bullet is effective if you don't hit that said if we're talking about an environment like an apartment or a condo or you live in a neighborhood home or even if you live in a home in the country where your nearest neighbor is half mile away we still need to be very aware of over penetration so the rounds I'm gonna recommend to you for use for home defense are gonna be the ones that are gonna be the most effective against bad guys on their flesh but also have one of the least amounts of over penetration that you can have these are the choices that I would definitely recommend to use in your ar-15 and as you can see we've got multiple magazines here each one of them holds a good bullet that I would definitely bet my life on so let's get started with the projectiles a good all-around choice for a two to three round for home defense or 556 is going to be the old wars itself ex m193 this round has been around since 1950s it's the one our troops used in Vietnam it was used all the way up until the 1980s and even beyond but this round here has been doing the job for decades it is fast it's effective in flesh it does exactly what it's supposed to do it tumbles yaws fragments all that nasty stuff that the round was designed to do best bang for your buck these are about 30 cents around maybe a little less maybe a little more depending on the time that you're watching the video but there's nothing wrong with this choice for home defense nothing whatsoever wrong with this and it will more and adequately do its job if this is what your budget is and you can afford that I would say roll with this for standard ball good thing about this you can train with it you can practice with it and you can defend your home with it with zero issues so good all-around bullet choice right here XM 193 55 grain Full Metal Jacket ball folks another choice for a home defense round four day ar-15 is gonna be your soft point ammo there's a lot of different brands of soft point ammo I mean Winchester Federal spear this one happens to be spear there's nothing wrong with with any of those they all work great soft points are good to go you know soft points expand pretty quickly they penetrate more than adequately a good thing about this round is that you're definitely going to get that round expansion you're definitely gonna get the diameter going the outward is when it hits somebody so great all-around choice for that as well I will warn you about soft point ammo you have to make sure that it cycles reliably in your gun there are some guns that soft points do not like at all some of them they run effortlessly so you need to go out and test these before you before you make an actual choice drawback to these soft points they're not as accurate as some of the other choices you definitely lose a little bit accuracy but I highly doubt that you're gonna notice that 1 MOA of difference of accuracy at 7 yards ok I really doubt that you're gonna notice that it's certainly not going to impact your rounds more than your 10 MOA trigger flinch so we gotta be sure that these guns cycle accurately in our gun but this is a great choice if you want a good good fight stopper in soft flesh so soft points in Grain doesn't really matter there's 62 64 s I mean anywhere up to including you know whatever you can imagine but pick a good one and any of those brands that I mentioned will be more than adequate alright everyone another great choice for home defense is going to be a open tip match bullet now these have been around for a while for at least over a decade and these are the heavier ones easier 75 77 grain bullets this one here happens to be 77 grain Black Hills if you'll look at these bullets you'll see that it is an open tip it's the hollow point but it's not true hollow point it's actual competition bullet that Ciara developed and our troops have been using this one in their SPR eiffel's this is a great choice your heavier bullets gonna really do a lot of it's true in flight these things are not affected by wind as much as the other bullets are but since we're talking about home defense that really doesn't come into play and what you're gonna really think about here guys is that these things have great penetration and they have a great wound cavity 77 grain bullets are doing the trick they continue to do the trick yeah well well sought-after in the military as well I like this round for home defense it's the one I personally use it's in my AR for home defense I enjoy it quite a bit it's accurate and I know that it will do the trick if anybody attempts to you know do anything stupid so I'd highly recommend these as well a couple of different companies make it I think silver state armory makes it Black Hills makes it there's some surplus stuff out there if you can find it highly recommend those and that is a 77 grain open tip match problem about this they can be a little costly you know I mean they can cost anywhere from you know 80 cents to a dollar around but we're talking home defense ammo it's not necessarily something you'd want to take a training class with although I've seen people do it if you've got the money to do it but overall this is gonna be your home defense realm definitely make sure it cycles in your gun as well although I haven't seen any rifles have any reliability issues with the open tip matches alright guys the last one I want to talk about is this polymer tip and I know that this is a 7.62 by 39 round but I didn't have one on hand a 5 5 6 on hand but it's gonna look very similar to this you can see this red polymer tip this is a Hornady round a lot of the Hornady tap rounds will use this polymer tip this is a great choice as well one of our instructors JJ really likes a 60 grain polymer tip that's his go-to load for his AR for home defense there's it's a great round it works exactly the way it's supposed to so just another option you see it down it'll be you'll see the polymer tip those come in a 55 grain varieties 60 grain and maybe even some other ones but those are the two most common ones I've seen are 55 60s more than adequate guys and those are gonna be your rounds those are your top that's my top choices for home defense ammo and there's a lot of good stuff out there well there you have it folks I give you the best choices that I found over my experience and you know the routes are gonna do the most damage to the bad guys and hopefully stay within your abode I remember this no bullet is effective if you don't make your hit and no bullet that you use is gonna stay in your house if you just blow with straight past the bad guy and goes into something else it doesn't matter but I'll tell you this if I did not mention a certain type of bullet there's a reason why am I gonna tell you what I don't want you to do I'm gonna take exactly what I want you to do all the other stuff there's a specific reason why I did not mention that get a good rifle make sure it's zero make sure it's clean make sure you got good magazines and she got good ammo that minimizes the equation of something going wrong I'm gonna steer the car in the direction we want to drive that's making hits in order to protect yourself and your family I hope you found the information this video helpful if you did subscribe to the channel like me on Facebook the link is down below and if you want to learn how to shoot your rifle to protect yourself and your family coming out to Valley Ridge and will do just that this is Reid Henrichs of valor it's reminding you the lessons that we learn are written on the tombstones of others we'll see you on the ridge [Music]
Channel: Reid Henrichs
Views: 315,102
Rating: 4.9239802 out of 5
Keywords: reid henrichs, tactical response, hossusmc, james yeager, guns, firearms, prepping, training, fighting, pistol, rifle, shotgun, ak47, ar15, hickok45, glock, sig, smith and wesson, emerson, surefire, Home Defense, Ammunition
Id: -e9-9qe_ZD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2016
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