5.56 and the M193

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hi guys hamster here and I got a question for you guys is the five five six round and in and specifically speaking the m193 round is it effective is it is the m193 obsolete is the five five six itself effective as a battle rifle I hear that question all the time now to see a lot of people say that we need to go back to a 30 caliber battle rifle that it has the power and the knockdown power that two five five six just doesn't have and I don't feel comfortable unless I'm shooting a 30 caliber round whether it's a 7 6 2 by 39 7 62 by 51 I keep hearing a lot of people talk about 30 caliber versus 5 by 6 and I see a lot of people who really talk about you know the green tip oh you got to get the green tip you know the m855 round you know let's run the ss109 heavy penetrator bullet the 62-grain round that's the round 1/2 and then I ask people why do you why do you want the green trip oh it's because what the military uses that's the best stuff but then you got to think about why are why is the military and others going to a heavier round on the 5 by 6 why are they going up in bullet weight what necessitates makes that necessary and I've seen a trend in the past few years and it's kind of puzzling me that um most most of time people do things their weapon to enhance the weapon to make it more effective to make it more accurate but this is one thing I've noticed that I don't see why people are doing it so much they think they have a need for it and I really don't think they do and I think if they actually sat and thought about it and questioned do they really need that I don't think they could come up with enough compelling argument to to win that case and that is the five five six round the reason it is effective and I believe it is effective and I believe the m193 round is effective the reason it is effective is because of velocity this is a rather small weight bullet I don't care if you're talking about the 55 green or the 62 grain that is a relatively lightweight bullet so what gives it makes it so effective and it's pure and simple its velocity a small object traveling extremely fast has a lot of energy same is true with a large object that's traveled room traveling relatively slow such as a 45 ACP which is a devastating round but is not traveling that fast but it doesn't need to because it has the mass and if you don't have the mass to get the same amount of energy you need to be traveling considerably faster and I've noticed the ever trend and there are more stuff available today than ever and you can have anything you want and I see it constantly shrinking ar15 the barrel lengths are getting shorter and shorter and shorter I mean since the assault weapon ban expired in 2004 I see nothing but of people flocking to the m4 style profile barrels and their rifles are getting shorter and shorter and you know in the 16 inch barrel is probably the most popular barrel after that I would say it's like a 14 you know 0.5 with a pin flash hider so they don't have to do the paperwork for an SBR and and now I'd even seen the ARS getting down into the 10 inch range and then I constantly hear the debate about the ar-15 the 556 round doesn't have the power and you know the the m4 is only good after you know maybe 300 yards you know and I'm wondering if that has a lot to do with the ever shrinking barrels on the on the on the ar-15 not only am I seeing the barrels constantly shrink which is losing the velocity making the round less effective I'm also seeing bizarre choices of twist rate more and more people are getting the 1 in 7 twist rate and I don't see why they're getting the 1 in 7 twist rate I mean 1 in 70 is a very aggressive fast tricked twist rate and majority of the people are either shooting the m193 or the m855 why are they going to a one-in-seven twist rate when a 9 1 & 9 towards twist rate is almost optimal for this bullet weight but yet you constantly see one 7 twist rate all because that's what the military uses and I just don't think it's the best choice as a civilian you're not limited to these choices your choices are unlimited you can have whatever barrel length whatever twist rate and shoot whatever ammunition you choose to purchase but yet I constantly achieve the barrel shrinking I seem the twist rate getting faster and faster I mean that's great if you're shooting 180 grain bullets I think would stabilize it quite well I mean a one and eight twist rate would work fantastic with 75 77 grain bullets but um most of these people have one in seven twist rates and they're shooting the 62 or 52 grain or you know the 55 grain or the 62-grain round and I think it has a lot to do with with the misconception that the ar-15 is not effective I think people's choice around their twist rate and their ever shrinking barrel is what's causing some of the debate on the ar-15 now I may be wrong but that's my opinion that I've noticed over the past 10 years is the trend to go to ever and ever shorter barrels and everybody says all it's great for room clear it's real compact I could ask you how about how many rooms are you clearing I mean I mean is that appropriate sometimes yeah I there is nothing wrong with where the carbine there's nothing wrong with the short barrel but it adds more limitations and in the appropriate role I think it has a role but in general I don't think most people need a shorter barrel and I think a longer barrel would tend to serve them better and it's slightly slower twit twit rate and I think I think the round is extremely effective you know at the higher velocities the 20th barrel I think is just phenomenal performance that 55 grain round is is unbelievable power coming out of a 20 inch barrel and everything needs to work as a system people look at everything independently they look at their barrel length their twist rate their the round they shoot their optic they all look at as two completely separate items unrelated to each other when actually they need to work more as a system I mean barrel length the 20 inch barrel will give you optimum performance on the 55 grading round the twist rate to stabilize around the round choice and even the choice of optic allow the optics have built-in BDCs and like this this optic has a BDC built into it for the m193 coming out of a 20 inch barrel with that velocity they work as a system and most people don't look or think about their barrel length their twist rate their ammunition and their optic as a syst system and I think if you start looking them as a system you will be more optimized and have much more you know efficient and effective rifle but uh that's one thing I've noticed and I just don't really see the need for most people to have a shorter barrel even even the 16 inch barrel over the 20 inch barrel you're losing at least 200 maybe more feet per second and that doesn't sound like a lot but when you start getting that round under 3,000 feet per second the weight of that round does not carry near the energy it does when that thing is running at 32 3,300 feet per second it is extremely powerful at that speed and just to show my point here I have a target head which I which I was shooting at and this is nothing a fault of the target let me say this is more on my heads off my action targets and this target is phenomenal this thing is 3/8 of its inch thick armored plate this is the heavy duty model this is a 550 Brinell hardness this is extremely good and ice at this target out and I checked with my rangefinder it was sitting at a hundred and two yards so it's not like a had it up real close and it's want to show you some of the damage the idea that was my fault not to target I love the target I will buy more targets I wear this out I'll buy another head it is not the fall the target this is my fault for having the target just too close for that this is velocity that I was traveling I want you to be able to see here if the camera will pick this up the damage to this hardened armored plate and the erosion and that was from the 55 grain m1 91-93 this was not the green tip heavy penetrator and this is not mild steel this would are destroyed mild steel and look at the damage caused right in here and I'm glad I only shot a few of them to see what it would do at that range but obviously 102 yards is a little too close to be a to be shooting at five five six at that target obviously it's going just too fast the manufacturer recommends they say you can use center fire rifle on their targets but it bilasa needs to be under 3,000 feet per second upon striking and obviously at 102 yards I am still way over 3,000 feet per second so just something to consider when you're buying an AR or putting an AR together take a look at you what ammunition you want to run you know get your bear length and twist rate and optic to work as a system and I think you'll have a much better performance but as far as the 308 round goes fantastic round but I am still quite satisfied with the 556 and I shoot a lot I shoot almost exclusively the m193 why do I shoot in 193 I think it's effective also I can get it 10 to 20 percent cheaper than the m855 and also the 55 green round has very little recoil you'll feel a little bit more recoil on the 62-grain than you will to 55 the 55 has very little muzzle rise very little moving the rifle I am able to get a follow-up shots so quick I can quickly get a second or third follow-up shot on target with the 55 grain round I'm very quick and I'm able to put three shots on target extremely quick so the m193 I think it's still a fantastic choice but you need to have a system you know system set up for it and what I mean by system barrel length twist rate the choice of ammunition and your optic make for an effective system so that's my take on the XM 193 I'm still a viable choice it's cost-effective and I think it's just all around that standing round coming out of the proper link barrel it is quite effective so thanks for watching
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Rating: 4.602941 out of 5
Keywords: M193, M855, ar15, barrel, lenght, 20, inch, 30, cal, vs, 5.56, twist, rate
Id: cI3lmJXCCLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2011
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