Pastor Tommy Bates 9-19-2021 6 PM

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the lord let's all stand tonight go ahead put those hands together [Music] i'm on my way to heaven on my way [Music] i'm on my way [Music] up the king's highway and there's joy and knowing with him i'm going i'm walking up the king's highway [Music] [Music] is i'm on my way glory i am [Music] now i don't have to worry i don't have to hurry i'm walking on the kings highway she christ walks beside me i got angels to guide me [Music] is i'm on my way to heaven i'm on my way to heaven [Music] [Music] now if you're not walking start while i'm talking walking up the king's highways see there'll be a blessing you'll be confessing while you're walking up against [Applause] is [Music] [Music] yes it's a highway [Music] yes now i don't have to worry i don't have to hurry i'm walking up the king's highway now christ walks beside me i got angels to guide me [Music] is it's a highway [Music] it's a highway [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh crazy yes [Applause] [Music] hallelujah god is for us he's not against us and if god is forced nobody can be against us hallelujah god is fighting for us god is on our side he has overcomeness he has overcome we will not be shaken we will he has [Music] i will live i will not and i am free in jesus name [Music] oh god is fighting for us god is on our side he has overcomeness he has overcome we will not be shaken we will not be [Music] you want me [Music] [Music] and i am free in jesus name [Music] in jesus name hallelujah i'm glad we have the name of jesus all power is in his hands hallelujah [Music] god is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] god is hallelujah me [Music] tonight [Music] is [Music] may [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] and we will shout it out shout it out [Applause] he's [Applause] his presence is before us beside us behind us hallelujah i will live i will not die i will declare and live too high christ revealed and i am healed in jesus name i will live [Music] is [Music] and we will shout out [Music] the name is jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we will shout it out hallelujah come on is there anybody here tonight that believes the battle is not yours but the battle is the lord's and he wins every battle that he fights thanks be to god who always causes us to triumph can i hear it always in god's house tonight he's always victorious come on can we lift up our praise to the king tonight we love you jesus [Music] standing here [Music] now knowing how we'll get through this test [Music] but holding on to faith that you know best cause nothing can catch you by surprise you've got this figure down and you're watching us now but when it looks as if we can't win [Music] you drop us in your arms and step in it's everything we need you supply you've got this in control and now we know that you made [Music] i know that you've made a way [Music] i know it was because of the lord that i'm here today [Music] and [Music] see now we're here looking back on where we've come from because of you and nothing that we've done to deserve the love and mercy you've shown but your grace was strong enough to pick us up now you made a [Music] i know that you made [Music] there's a reason why i'm standing here come on i know tonight that you move mountains [Music] and there is nothing there is nothing with your power [Applause] [Music] i said he can do mountains and i'm standing [Applause] [Music] [Music] tonight that you made a way yes jesus i know it's because of what jesus did under the cross you made [Music] you made a way yesterday i don't know how we did it i said i don't know how i'm look what the lord is i love you jesus yes [Music] and we're standing here only because you've [Music] made i'm standing here only because you made come on if you know it's because of what the lord has done the only reason the only reason i said the only reason look what the lord has done look i just feel like i had to come up here and say something this song is just my testimony because i am standing here today only because he made a way he made a way when there was no way and i am standing here today because he made a way this past january was 11 years that god made a way for me he made a way i had i don't know if you know my story or not but 11 years ago i was pronounced a destined i had breast cancer and they gave me a death sentence but i am standing here today because [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with your power [Applause] [Music] standing here only [Music] the name of jesus oh in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] away come on if you've ever heard of god making a way given praise if you've seen him make a way give him praise everything that has breath lit everything that has breath i still let everything that has breath giving praise it's easy for him to make a way because he's the way he's the truth he's alive i know he makes a way i know he makes a way i know i know i know i know him he makes a way he makes a way he makes a way you can put the red sea in front you can put the jordan river in front then he'll open up a pathway to you to walk through yes [Music] you made a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's impossible for my lord i am standing here there's nothing too hard for the lord to do [Music] one more time is nothing [Applause] [Applause] come on his house is [Music] maybe it'll just bless me but can y'all please sing there is nothing seeing there is nothing good over and over [Music] there is nothing that's impossible and we're standing here only you moving mountains [Music] [Applause] [Applause] mountains there is there is [Music] he's not a god there is nothing that's impossible that's [Applause] up and we're impossible here [Applause] [Applause] [Music] come on he makes the way [Music] yes [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah he makes the way he makes away i said he makes a way makes away hallelujah may be seated in god's house tonight but don't be seated on your praise [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on elixir voices [Music] come on in at your voices to the king [Music] hallelujah won't he do it [Applause] yeah what all you do i said won't you do it yes he will god's no respect to our persons if you've got a mountain that you can [Music] [Music] like you just can't spend all in jesus take a hold of your hand oh hallelujah i kneel down talk to jesus i know jesus he understands i'm telling you i know he'll take away [Music] jesus and let jesus [Music] [Music] praise the lord you may be seated in god's house tonight [Music] hallelujah we're blessed tonight to celebrate king jesus together can i hear any men in god's house you know i was reading i read this passage over and over through scripture about a centurion man a roman officer who approaches jesus he says that i have a a servant in my house who's sick and he needs to be healed but he says to jesus he's not here with me but i understand that you have authority i understand how authority works and he says because i'm a man of authority and what i say to this person he does when i say to this person he does and whatever i say does so he says to jesus he doesn't have to be here all you have to do is speak the word he doesn't have to be president fruity all you have to do is speak the word and he will be healed the next part though really intrigued me because i i get excited how many are excited about the scripture already i mean he just has to speak the word but you know what jesus said i've not seen greater faith in all of israel than this and you know what i think is so powerful about that was this person was not believing for himself but was believing for someone else and god said i've not seen greater faith than this sometimes when you don't have the faith to bring it through god will use somebody in your life [Applause] that has so much faith that even jesus will look at him and say i've not seen greater faith in all of israel than this [Music] can i tell you the power of communion the power of relationship [Music] the power being connected to one another is vital in these times because when you can't get to the house of god there's somebody in the house of god with faith believing for you [Applause] and i'll just tell you as as the small groups pastor i've seen it over and over and over again where someone comes to this altar with the need and guess who surrounds that person everybody in their small group because they're connected to someone and someone is praying for them and that's the power being connected to one another seen it over and over and over again a few weeks ago when someone our small group had experienced tremendous i mean terrible tragedy megan and i were the first people at their house we stayed there and we prayed and we asked god's hand of deliverance we asked god to move upon that situation i just want to extend that to everyone in here tonight get connected in this house be a part of something bigger than just you being by yourself so many people i hear them and i i i don't mean to dig too deep but i find that people who are unconnected don't generally stay too long in relationship with the lord that's just my opinion that's what i that's just what i've seen in my entire life you know that the wolves go after the one that's alone right if you ever watch the national geographic or the history chain or things like that and you see how they have these wolves that go after a certain grouping of of animals or whatever and they try to break them apart because they go after one that's alone can i tell you the bible says to not forsake the assembling together as many have but as the approaching of the lord comes near to get together even more it's more important for you to be connected today than it was yesterday [Applause] because today we're closer to the appearing of the lord jesus christ so i encourage you to get connected we have over 550 people of community family church are in a small group as of right now that's an awesome testimony of our church a matter of fact i was talking to a lady named debbie i was talking she goes josh i'm here five days this week she is so excited but you know what she has such an awesome connection so many different connective opportunities with her that she has connections with different group things in this church too so if you're not in a small group i just challenge you to come see us over the small groups table tonight get yourself plugged into one and watch god move and watch him stir up a relationship inside of you so want to be in prayer for that and the second thing would be prayer for of course that we have on tuesday september the 28th we're gonna have a night for the ladies with sister edna wagers if you'd like to be a part of that sister edna wagers is a phenomenal person i grew up listening to her and be a part of her ministry when i was at barbaraville pentecostal youth camp i've heard her speak here many times i'm telling you what this this woman of god lives in the word of god and i promise you you will love every minute you cherish with her that you spend with her i promise that so make sure all you ladies to attend to that and all you have to do is just text the word ask edna i guess the phrase ask edna to eight five nine three five nine three nine nine seven you'll be a part of that from that event first time guests we're so glad you're here with us if it's your first time just reaching the seat in front of you grab a connection card and fill that out for us so when it comes time for our offering time we'd like you to take that connection card and drop it off one of our offering stands here at the front the back or the balcony can we let our guests know how great we appreciate them being with us in god's house tonight [Applause] three ways to give you can give online at by clicking online giving you can text the word give to in person with the 859-359-3997 payable to cfc cash envelope with your name on it you can send in the check in the mail to 11875 taylor mill road independence kentucky four one zero five one let's say you're offering declaration faith together as we bring in today's tithes offerings and over and above giving we are believing the lord for secure investments scholarships creative ideas and an outpouring of the holy ghost say this lamb with me we are blessed and we will be a blessing to others in the name of our lord jesus christ can we hear amen in god's house let's go before the lord in prayer god we thank you so much for your presence in this house we thank you jesus that you always make a way because you are the way you are the way the truth and the life and it is not difficult for you to make a way in our lives and so we recognize you god and we call you our waymaker lord we say that you are mighty and you are awesome and nothing is too hard for you jesus lord we're so grateful god that we can worship you lord with our hands clapping our feet dancing in our mouths shouting the praises unto you but lord i'm so grateful that we can also worship you and honor you and obey you with our tithes and offerings just as your word you said test me in this and see if i will not throw open the windows heaven and pour out a blessing upon you that you are have no room to contain it [Music] we thank you god that blessed are the people whose god is the lord and lord it is easy for us to return this to you because you have been so faithful and lord it's so easy for us to return this to you because you're a waymaker and so god we just return this offering unto you god and we're believing god that you're gonna multiply it just like you multiplied the two fish and the five loaves of bread and fed your people god you can take this offering and feed your people lord move upon this offering let every single dollar that is given go to win souls for your kingdom and we ask us in the precious awesome mighty holy name of jesus and the church says amen stand with me and will given this time this is pastor eric bates and i'm standing in the family life center right here at community family church i'm standing in one of many rooms that we have on the campus and this particular room is where we have the school of ministry and our family ministries on wednesday night i want to thank you for all your support for those of you who've been sending your gifts to help us pay off this building and i have some great news for you we are now under the one million dollar mark so we now owe less than a billion dollars on this and i am believing the lord that we are going to pay this off this year i just have the faith for it and i want to thank you if you want to give all you have to do is text the word give to 859-359-3997 and make sure you select the building fund you can also do that at we thank you for your giving we love you and we appreciate you and thank you so much once again from the bottom of our hearts as you get today but when i believe oh yeah come on let's sing that again there's nothing that i need there is nothing that i need that he will supply there is nothing that i need that he will provide [Music] [Music] [Music] i said [Music] [Music] say [Music] let's take it up there is [Music] so i say to to the mountain [Music] come on let's speak to that mountain one more time oh it's all i say to the mountain moon and so i say to the mountain get out of my way cause i believe yes i believe [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift your hands and give him praise wave your hands and give him praise let everybody say hallelujah let everyone say hallelujah now give him one more hallelujah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] praise the lord you may be seen in the presence of the lord we're so thankful for the incredible homecoming that we had this week sunday night monday night tuesday night and wednesday night the place was totally packed balcony and all we had i think over 40 000 watching about every night but on wednesday night right while we were in service we had over 45 000 that we're watching we want to thank everyone from the beautiful flowers that were planted out in the front we want to give a special thank you to barry and wilmer robertson they take a whole lot of interest and we'd like to thank you that sit on the uh sit on the rock wall out there that you didn't sit on the flowers we appreciate that that's very kind to you and we're just so thankful for how god's blessed we praise god for those who parked cars we praise god for those who who cooked food those who seated people and our musicians i'm telling you they overdone themselves i'm going to say that again because if there were no musicians in this place this past week you would be stretching your neck around like a who down saying where'd they go hallelujah so one more time i really appreciate the musicians this week the choir [Applause] the praise team the worship team praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord [Music] of course it did not stop wednesday night a gospel tent was set up an evangelistic tent was set up at piddle park in dry ridge kentucky it was due to the vision of sister cindy cooper whose grandson's life was taken away at a young age i think of 20 and it was you know you can trace the roots of that to drugs and alcohol that life would have never been taken out a horrible tragedy but you know what happened praise god an evangelistic gospel tent was taken to darkness right where the darkness occurred a gospel tent was set up and light was brought to the darkness on thursday night on thursday night there was a special program for the children i mean on you know on thursday night i preached on friday night and we had a one lot of people some people got saved then on saturday night it was just an outstanding service i have a video clip because i want all of the 40 000 people that are watching right now i want to know that god neither slumbers or sleeps and he keeps us awake most of the time praise the lord hallelujah this is the tent set right in the middle of the park of out in the country and as you notice there's a whole lot of our church people there probably 75 80 percent of the people the people that were parking the cars the people that were working we also appreciate the efforts of pastor harold gambrell that helped in this tent meeting immensely his son is a coach in grant county and the coach got up there to sing and it was just marvelous everything was great so we're just praising god for a wonderful wonderful time in jesus name praise the lord now this week you all get to rest monday and tuesday we'll be back here on wednesday with family night i have to preach a camp meeting tomorrow night in belle fountain ohio so i don't get a rest all righty i'll i'll do the best i can get uh get everything that needs to be done done and do the best we can and thursday and friday night as some of you are rambunctious and you're just looking for somewhere to go down in danville kentucky at pastor gary yocum's church it is their annual annual camp meeting i'll be preaching there thursday night driving back and preaching friday night this is going to be an outstanding time in the lord how many is going to pray for me that the lord will strengthen me yes [Music] when i came in here this morning i said god i think i'm a little bit on the stretched outside when i came in this morning but war when the holy ghost started moving on that song standing on the promises i now can see perfect present cleansing in the blood for me standing in the liberty where which christ has made me free i'm standing on the promises of god and watching the people dance in the spirit and move under the power of god it was just absolutely wonderful we're praising god looking forward folks we're we're we're pressing forward to things which are ahead i would like to say i was so proud of our church because of i know it's an outdoor meeting but this church was so modestly presented modestly presented and i praise god for that you don't have to wear i'm wearing a tie i usually don't wear them but i've been wearing them because of the when we had the coven i was preaching to 40 something thousand people and some people like it better if i preach like this and you know what i can handle that some people would like it if i would preach in skinny jeans but i'm too old and too big 50 pounds ago i could have wore skinny jeans and look skinny i wear skinny jeans now and i don't look skinny so they don't they don't go well on me so but i appreciate i appreciate your i just appreciate the way you represented yourself number one no the lord number one yourself and the church it was wonderful everyone just prayed and i just appreciate that and thank god we've got a young man that went away to college at 17 years old came back home to have a birthday because he knows where the birthday gifts are and now he has to go back home on monday and it's his first time being away from home first time being away from the church first time being away from me and i know that's terrible because i make the boy sandwiches and he don't eat just one do you hear me and he likes them he likes them the way i like them when i make a sandwich when i go to burger king i don't go to those places much but if i go i have to go in the corner and turn my face away from everybody to eat because i get a whopper with cheese every everything and they say how heavy do you want it i said run it through the garden i want you to get it as heavy as you can get it stuff it with tomatoes with pickles with lettuce with onions well and i'm telling you when i eat it i have to keep a napkin from keeping the mayonnaise running down my elbows but i found somebody eats just like me hallelujah testify yeah as i said i go to a school in south knoxville tennessee it's not university of tennessee it's a christian university about 15 minutes away but i went down there um at the end of august and i've been down there for four weeks it's been a very fast four weeks but to say the least i i with being a set of a doubt i've missed a lot of family and i've missed a lot of friends and i've missed these church services and i've missed these people um that i care about so dearly and that i don't care about me so dearly but aside from all that i know that jesus christ has gone with me and jesus christ i can say is far more important to me than any other family member and any other friend that i've ever known and any person that i will ever know and there's been many times that i've been praying to my lord and savior and he's came right down to where i am and he's met me i haven't necessarily prayed fire down from heaven but i i've spent some time in prayer until a tear has ran down my face and i know that that's jesus christ telling me saying i'm holding your hand brother and i'm i'm gonna take you through step by step by step and day by day by day i know that he has not left me and i know that he never will and when i got down there i didn't know what to expect really i didn't i didn't know the classes and i didn't know the professors i didn't know anybody at all at all and i i you know i didn't know how it was going to be for me i didn't want to regret my decision because i made my decision and i was going to have to live with it whether or not i liked it or not and i was reading the book of exodus and i remember there was a scripture that jumped up out out at me when things were beginning to intensify and things were becoming difficult and one of the responsibilities that god gave moses because god knew that's gonna that was how the people were going to react when they were out in the wilderness and one of the responsibilities that he had is when that happens you must tell the people why are you crying to me all i can tell you to do is go forward so i knew from the get-go whether or not i really felt like going to school whether or not i like the people around me whether or not i like the environment i never had the opportunity to hang my head low in self-pity feeling like all i can feel is some type of regret and that's not really how i felt but all i knew is that each and every day god was gonna tell me just to go forward so through difficulty and through temptation and through trial through isolation and loneliness i can say that god has hallelujah god has brought me forward hallelujah i was walking down the hallway one one afternoon and i i was kind of beat bopping to that song by linda gibson johnson i'm one of them and i had an airpod in a little music device that i can listen to music in and i had one in not the other just in case somebody was trying to say something to me and i was kind of beep up in the melody you know and one of the guys he was around the corner i couldn't see him he was sitting in a chair he said singing out jonah singing out i don't know if he recognized it or not but so i started singing it you can tell by the way i want that you know saying the first verse and he said he said i know that song i said really do you do you actually he said yeah i know that song he said what's the name of it i said uh i'm one of them he said yeah yeah i know that he said my family used to sing that all the time i was like my gosh my gosh my gosh and i had to go so i couldn't talk to him uh any any longer than what i did but when i mentioned that it's because i knew from the get-go and without warning and just kind of through assumption that there were going to be a lot of opportunities even though i was in a christian environment and surrounded by called preachers and called christian teachers that every waking hour because i've asked god to move in my life and because i've asked the holy ghost to move in and through me that there were going to be plenty of opportunities for me to stand up and and proclaim what god has called me to live and time and time again the enemy has came to me knocking at my door using other people to try to convince me that it's useless and that it's inappropriate to live the life that i have so boldly claim that i am called to live and i'm not angry and i'm not really even testifying out of a place of righteous ending nation i'm just gonna say i am not going to have that it's not even up for debate i'm not going to tolerate those thoughts that tell me that all i can listen to i can listen to secular music i can say a cuss word i can talk about inappropriate things that may be okay for you but that's not what god called me to live god called me to live up to something higher god told me to walk right god called me to talk right god told me to live for him [Applause] i look around i look around i go to a christian university and i'm not trying to disrespect anybody whatsoever that's not my goal and like i said earlier i'm not angry and i'm not upset god's going to use me i know that but i look around sometimes and they're i'm hearing cuss words and i'm i'm hearing all types of filthiness and seeing all types of filthiness and when i look around sometimes it's discouraging to to feel as if you're the only one but god told me he said you don't look around brother you look up to me and that's what i do every single day whenever i wake up in the morning i almost shot almost hot cake i look up in the morning and i know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i look up in the morning the help i need for that day is given to me right then and there because god's blessing me he's favoring me and as i said before he is not going to leave and so i'm happy to bring a good report to you guys tonight that god is at work and down at that university just to see us here hallelujah president [Music] [Applause] [Music] eight 18 years old and full of the holy ghost 18 years old and full of the holy ghost hallelujah let's welcome our new partners we have katherine from nightdale north carolina roger from cincinnati ohio karen from macon georgia and we're believing god is going to really double our partners this fall in the name of jesus because i'm going to start praying like i've never prayed before in jesus name we are getting ready to close one door here and open up another door over there you know what that means we're going to start on this new sanctuary as soon as we pay this one off in the name of jesus i said in the name of jesus hallelujah well glory hallelujah [Applause] if you've been drinking old wine you need something new oh let me tell you about a high i found have i got a fix for you [Music] you can't put it in a bottle you don't take it like a pill it comes straight down from heaven i know i know it's real let's all stand together i'm gonna let's turn to second kings chapter six and verse eight second kings chapter six and verse eight we're so thankful for how many people over nearly 600 people have signed up for small groups and we're so thankful for that my wife and i had we had a small group in our house and it was very a great blessing because we got to be introduced to people we may have never got to be introduced to before and we're thankful and like brother josh said the bible said that faith works by love if you don't know people it's very hard to love them and sometimes when you know people it's hard to love them it works both ways but you know who you hang out with you know the people that you can pray with you you know who you connect with when it comes to praying in faith you got to connect with people it can't be any there can't be any type of strifer contention in there and we want to give you as many opportunities as we can to find people that your hearts will connect with that you've been through some of the same storms and fought some of the same battles you may be learning how to make mediterranean salad dressing and listening to gospel music and while you're making mediterranean salad dressing in a small group all at once you'll find out oh my goodness i didn't know that this sister had lost her son also and then your hearts connect because you know both of you went through the same same struggle of the loss of a child that makes a bond when that bond comes together it's easier for you and that sister to pray together same way with the brother there are some brothers that'll make you a nervous wreck or drive you up a wall you'll endure them in a men's conference or a men's retreat but then there's going to be some you're going to find you connect to and when you find those that you connect to it won't be everybody it might just be one might just be one then when you find somebody that will be the person faith and love can work together in jesus name second kings chapter 6 verses 8-13 [Music] hallelujah then the king of syria ward had war against israel and he brought his servants together and he had counsel with him and he said now we're going to be in this place and we're going to be in this place and this is where we're going to set up our camp against and the man of god sent to the king of israel saying beware that you don't plat that you don't go in such a place because the syrians that's where they're going to be and the king of israel sent to the place which the man of god told him and warned him of and he was saved now this didn't happen once and it didn't happen twice but it happened over and over therefore the heart of the enemy the king of syria he was very disturbed about this thing he called all of his top officials together and he said unto them i want you to find the spy who is it inside of our military command that is a spy i want you to find him and one of his leaders in his military army said my lord there are none of us that are spies but it's elisha that prophet in israel he knows exactly the words that you speak when you're in your bedroom and he goes and he tells the king of israel the king of syria the enemy got so angry he said where is he we're going after him they said he lives in dothan let's pray father we come to you in the name of jesus let your word go forth tonight with so much compassion so much mercy and so much love and god in the name of jesus with demonstration and power of the holy ghost we give you all the praise in jesus name let the church say amen you may be seated just for a very few moments tonight we're dealing with the subject inside information inside information as we read this scripture and i've already read to you in the text we find that that the enemy had set a plot to destroy the children of israel but elisha elisha is a type and a shadow because he is the prophet of the double portion he is a type in the shadow of the holy ghost that is moving in the church he's a type and a shadow of the spirit of god moving in the church and that the enemy was so disturbed because every time that they had camped in a certain area and were ready to launch an attack when they came to the place to attack there was nobody there to fight because they were gone because the spirit of god spoke to elisha and said go tell the king that the enemy is coming over here and you need to move out of town and this didn't happen once it didn't happen twice but it happened over and over and over and over and so what we need to understand is the bible said in romans chapter 8 there is therefore no death sentence no condemnation to them which are in christ jesus who walk not out to the flesh but walk after the spirit for the law of the spirit of christ jesus has made me free from the law of sin and of death we're talking about laws that are activated there's the law of gravity that says whatever goes up must come down but he says that there is another law that works within me it is the law of the spirit it defies the law of sin and it defies the law of death there are two other laws that defy the law of gravity at least two that i know of one is the law of centrifugal force and the other one is the law of aerodynamics the law of centrifugal force is when you're when you're going so fast at a speed and i used to go to kings island and and uh i'd get in that thing and you'd go round and round and round and the bottom would drop out of it you'd be stuck to the wall i'm sure you've had that experience maybe and i've had that that's the law of centrifugal force there is nothing holding me up i am just stuck to that wall because of the speed of that force the other law is the law of aerodynamics it's very difficult to understand when i'm in new york city and i know that i'm going to pass 12 hours over that atlantic ocean to get to tel aviv israel and i'm going to believe that those tons and tons of metal are going to stay in the air from new york city to tel aviv israel now to the natural mind it doesn't make any sense and to the natural mind and to the law of gravity it's impossible but as we know the law of aerodynamics begins to move upon that 747 it goes down that jet way and it the opposition the wind begins to blow the wings begin to turn and what should stay on the ground with with tons of metal and passengers riding it begins to fly and not just fly it would be different if you were flying over a field or flying over something that maybe if we fall it's going to be you know there's a possibility that they can land this thing somewhere but when you take off you're going over the atlantic ocean and the ocean's going to go from a mile down to two miles down it's gonna go to five miles down and and you're going to be over a place that seems like you're flying over the bottomless pit now this is what the bible said the holy spirit does to us there's the law of sin and there's the law of death the law of sin means we were all born with it you can't escape from it you don't have to put your child when they turn 18 years old send them to the university and say i want you to take sin 101. i want you to learn how to be rebellious i want you to learn how to lie i want you to learn how to be stubborn i want you to learn how to have a temper fit i've had children i've raised them i've got 13 grandchildren now and you don't have to teach them how to have a temper fit you don't have to teach them just to put their little foot down and look you in the eye and say no i'm not going sin is in your house of clay it is at your birth it is a law that you cannot escape and you will not escape until mortality puts on immortality and corruption puts on incorruption and death is swallowed up in victory but that doesn't mean i have to live in sin for how many of us the bible said have been baptized into christ we have put on christ therefore sin no longer has the dominion over me that means i'm no longer bound to stay earthly walking i cannot i don't have to walk in the flesh any longer god has given me this resource that i can catch the wind of the holy spirit god manifest in the spirit and i can rise above my fleshly appetites the bible said if you say you don't sin you're a liar and the truth is not in you because in your flesh there is the tendency and the weakness and the passions and the lust it's there but we no longer practice sin we no longer habitually make this a habit because before the sun goes down upon our wrath we ask god to forgive us we ask the holy spirit to help us and we believe that god changes us from glory to glory as we are walking in this faith and we look into this looking glass and we see the glory of god and we know we're changed from glory to glory by this faith that operates on the inside of us so the scripture says that this law of the spirit when you're born again is operating on the inside of you now if you want to stay ground barren all your life and you want to walk in the flesh you you'll probably make it as and have a and have your eternal security but you're going to live a very miserable life never getting over bondages never getting past habits of never getting past lust and passions when god has made a provision for every one of us through the spirit it is through the spirit that we mortify that word mortify means put to death the deeds of this body there's only one thing that can put the actions of your flesh to death and that is the spirit the holy spirit i can't do it your willpower won't do it your your confession won't even do it it takes the spirit of the living god living inside of you causing you to rise above these difficulties and the bible said that they that are after the flesh you're not you you're you're making decisions you resist the holy spirit you resist his power you don't want to praise god you don't want to grow in faith you don't want to grow in the word you just want to come periodically to the house of god get your check on your report card that you were there and just walk away and walk in the flesh the bible said if that's the way you're going to walk up that you will mind the things of the flesh that means the the only thing that you got to look forward to is having a house that's bigger than somebody else's and that's driving a car that's nicer than someone else's that's lifting weights and pumping up your iron until you're bigger and better than somebody else that is having everything bigger and better than other people because there's nothing else you can do because you're living after the flesh you're walking after the flesh you're listening to fleshly music you're watching fleshly programming and you're walking after the things of your lust and passions and desires of crave in your body but the bible says it like this he says but they that are after the spirit that doesn't mean i'm perfect god knows i'm not perfect ask my wife we've been married 42 years i'm not perfect as a matter of fact i got another goat and i brought it in saturday night and and he's just a little bitty thing his name is his name is dudley hallelujah and i brought little dudley in and and i had him in a big dog kennel like cage i was going to have him for the grandchildren in the morning and all at once i got a text message because when the sun came up this morning dudley decided to cry and he decided to cry like really loud i mean really loud and therese said shut that goat up and all this kind of stuff going on i'm not a perfect man i'm way from perfect i've got personality flaws i know i do i can be in the middle of a conversation with you and turn around and walk off and you're going to get thoughts in your mind you're going to say pastor tom don't even like me he don't even listen to me come on folks get over it i've got problems i'm not i'm not i'm not called to be your conversation piece i'm called to give you the word of god and to teach us how to grow in grace and if you want somebody to talk to that's a better listener you're going to have to maybe find somebody else i try to listen but i get distracted i get things on my mind i see things and i hear things my mind just jumps all over the place and when i was in the university they gave me a test they said we're gonna give you a placement test and they said number one never take a job in public speaking because your mind races all over the place and you could never lead people with a mind like you got it just bounces all over the place your mind is much faster than your mouth and when you speak you only say part of what's going on in your mind and it doesn't make sense oh glory to god i said glory to god so you've got a disqualified preacher up here and you've got a disqualified pastor and you've got a disqualified person in communication i know my weaknesses i know my faults i know my failures but i'm i'm disqualified by the standards of the world but i'm qualified by the working of the spirit and by the anointing of god because god still takes the foolish things of the world to confound the wise he still takes things that are small to bring down the things that are mighty but i have a hunger for the spirit 49 years ago i craved the spirit 49 years ago when god set me on fire i was saved when i was five baptized in the holy ghost when i was six i lived pretty good i guess besides getting paddled by every teacher i had up to the 10th grade until i was 13 and i never lived too bad then but i had a craving for this world i wanted to look like the world i wanted to dress like the world it wasn't going to happen in the house i was raised in but i wanted to i wanted to listen to rock music i wanted to dance i wanted to wiggle my body i wanted to shake my back end i wanted to see dirty movies i mean dirty movies i was a boy i didn't want to watch mary poppins i wanted skin i wanted flesh i wanted those things but 49 years ago a hillbilly from kentucky at 16 years old the spirit of the living god got a hold of me and my desire even though i've got imperfections even though i've got weaknesses it's been my desire to have more of the spirit god i want your spirit to reign i can't make it without your holy spirit i need your holy spirit it's the holy ghost that took me through college it's the holy ghost that brought me through my master's degree it was the holy ghost that put me in a teaching position it's the holy ghost that found me a wife it's the holy ghost that made me a father over my children it's the holy ghost that called me into the ministry it is the holy ghost that announced that i would pastor this church it is the holy ghost that is upon me even right this moment it is the holy ghost that i have craved after her i know i can't praise him in my flesh i know i can't do anything in my flesh it's not by might nor by power but it's by my spirit says the lord there's got to be a hunger for the spirit of the living god there's got to be a hunger for the holy ghost he's not going to make you he is a gentleman up he's not going to overtake you he's not going to make you have a hunger for him he's not going to even make you acknowledge him you may grieve him but he'll still stay on your trail you may push him aside but he'll still go after you you may quench him but he's still going to be after you but one thing i can tell you tonight i made it through hell i've made it through high water i made it through the filth of this world i made it through the lust of the flesh i've made it through the passions of my life i've made it through addictions of alcohol i've made it through temptations of drugs but it wasn't me it was the spirit of the living god that lives inside of me that has given me power to defy the law of sin and the law of death it is the spirit of the living god that causes me to mount up with wings as eagles to run and not be weary to walk and not faint and the next level of this church is the level of the holy spirit the level of the spirit of god taking control of every aspect of everything we do i'm telling you we cannot have a little bit we've got to run our cup over with the spirit of the living god i'm not talking about just noise i'm not talking about just shouting i'm talking about the indwelling and the utterance of the spirit because the next revival that's coming to america is the revival of the baptism in the holy ghost and the spirit of the living god now give him a praise [Applause] [Music] oh give him a praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] for if i if i continue to be naturally minded and carnally minded it's going to bring death but if i bel if i be spiritually minded it's going to bring life and peace because this natural carnal mind is the only enemy that god has jesus when he went to calvary and he said it is finished he stripped himself made of himself of no reputation his spirit soul went into the heart of the earth he took his bloody foot and he crushed the serpent's head he has put satan under his feet so satan is not the is not the victorious enemy of christ he is the defeated enemy of christ and the bible said this is the victory that overcomes the world what's the world the lust of the eye the lust of the flesh and the pride of life what victory overcomes the world even our faith you've got a faith inside of you that came through the lord jesus christ the life i now live in the flesh i live by the faith of the son of god who love me so we have victory over the world through the faith of jesus that lives in us so if satan is a defeated enemy and the world has been overcome the only enemy that really that we have to battle is the carnal mind that's your mind that wants to argue against this bible that's your mind that wants to argue against this scripture that's your mind that wants to argue with the ways of god that's your mind it's in constant warfare over what god has said and the bible said that this natural mind cannot be subject unto the law of god hallelujah so they that are in the flesh it's impossible for you to please god but you are no longer in the flesh but you are in the spirit if so be that the spirit of god dwells in you is the holy ghost in you have you been baptized into christ does jesus christ dwell in you if he dwells in you say amen do you know he's living and you say amen if you've got christ in you then you've got the spirit because you can't divide christ he's not a piece of pizza you can't get one slice of a father one slice of the sun and one slice of the holy ghost there's not three slices there's only one slice that's god himself he's god in the father he's god in the son he's god in the holy ghost when you get born again you get the river in you when you get baptized in the holy ghost you get in the river hallelujah why in the world would you want to say a dry christian and never get in the river why in the world you want to just look at the river and say oh look at that water that's the water that'll heal me that's the water that'll deliver me that's the water that's going to help me raise my children that's the water that's going to make me a better husband that's the water that's going to make me a better wife that's the water that's going to bless me in the city and in the field that's the water that's going to make me the head and not the tail that's the water that's going to cause me to rise up in victory why in the world would you stand to look at the water why don't you at least get into your ankles and then go up to your knees why in the world you just want to splash around in it oh no no no 49 years ago the angel of the lord kicked me and i fell right smack dab in the deepest water i ever seen in my life i swam around it for almost two hours and when i come out of that river i never wanted to go anywhere else again i wanted that river i wanted what was in me everything that was in me i wanted that power inside of me i wanted to see healing but i knew the healing was in the river i wanted to see deliverance but i knew deliverance was in the river i wanted to see revival and i knew revival was in the river i want a new newness of life and a new newness of life what's in the river the church is going down to the river the church is going to the spirit the spirit is in us but let's get in the spirit let's get in the spirit [Applause] everybody say yes [Music] [Applause] but you're not in the flesh because the spirit of god dwells in you ah now if any man doesn't have the spirit of christ he's not even born again now i went back and i listened to marvin winans pastor marvin winans i listened to that message again i loved everybody's preaching i loved bishop tim hill i loved dr perry stone i loved all those messages but the one that marvin winans preached oh my goodness i kept on going over and over especially when he got to that part that the fulfillment of the spirit of god coming to the earth what does this mean what's his holy ghost mean what's his speaking in tongues mean what does this outpouring of the spirit mean and he said first of all the fulfillment of prophecy joel said in the last days i will pour out my spirit number two the fulfillment of promise jesus said if i go away i give you this promise i pray the father gonna send you a comforter the spirit of truth whom the world shall not receive but then the last one i had to think on real strong because it's not a word that i was familiar with when i got home i asked my wife i said have you ever been familiar with that word we could put it together from the word paternal but that's not something we have been connected with too much out here in the country you know paternity paternity and oh hallelujah i went to i went to the good old commentary called google yes i did and i said i gotta know more about paternity because this isn't something we heard in the country very often and this is what it said it said the paternity laws of kentucky the federal paternity laws the law of paternity i said okay what's these laws about and it says until that you can prove the paternity law of who the father is you will not get food stamps you're not going to get government subsidies you're not going to get any federal money you're not going to get any clothes for your children you're not going to get any medical assistance you're not going to get any housing you're not going to get any child care you're not going to get anything because we need to find out if the man who calls this baby to happen if he's loaded or not and there have been people of which i'm not going to mention one because we didn't have dna when i was young it was just left up to the truth and there wasn't much of that going on do you hear me it was just left up to truth but there's a very very rich and famous man and people started when the dna came out they said well i've got his baby and he said uh you ain't carrying my baby well listen 14 of them did carry his baby he's a very wealthy man but you know what because he realized they were his babies and i was so thankful he has no problem in taking his multi-millions of and make sure that those children have shoes have clothes because the government said it like this they said we're not going to we're not going to take a millionaire and his children and do his responsibility we're not going to do that that's not going to happen oh but when i read the paternity law and i know that i've been born again of the spirit and it fulfilled the paternity law it fulfilled it it's the spirit of god that says god is my father and because god is my father i get medical attention because god is my father i get housing a roof over my head because god is my father i get education because god is my father i get away with her seemeth done because god is my father there's not a hair on my head that's gonna fall to the ground except my father knows about it that is all through the spirit it's not in the flesh it's not because you joined the church it's not because you were baptized it's because the spirit has given you that blessed assurance that jesus is mine how about ready to shout all over this house everybody say yeah oh yeah [Applause] [Music] so practice that word you country people paternity say it anyway paternity paternity that means who you belong to i'm a royal child i've been adopted in a royal family i'm a royal i've been kept by the power of god i'm a royal child i've been adopted in a royal family i've been kept by the power of god [Music] somebody said i thought you'd been born again in the spirit you just used the word adopted well that's another thing i found out by my google concordance oh yeah if they can't find the father or nobody wants to be the father then somebody can jump up you don't have to give me no blood tests that's not my fault that's not that's not mine and i want you to put me on the dotted line i'll supply their needs i'll put clothes on their back i'll give them an education i'll put shoes on their feet i'll make sure they've got clothes i'll make sure they've got food on their table i will be the paternity i will fulfill the law of paternity it's through and by the spirit of the living god that i've been born again hallelujah but the spirit of jesus [Music] that raised jesus from the dead [Music] 12 in you how many's got jesus on the inside well something on the inside working on the outside oh what a change in my life well i've got jesus on the inside working on the outside oh what a change in my life how many of you got jesus on the inside how many got the holy ghost on the inside how many got god the father on the inside hallelujah you know you got the father you know you got the son you know you got the holy ghost you know they're living inside i said you know they're living inside of hallelujah but if that spirit if that spirit dwell in you dwell in you he that raised up christ he that raised up christ from the dead shall quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwells in you now what i'm telling you tonight is this oh glory to god that spirit that dwells in you oh hallelujah the bible said he'll quicken your mortal body and i know when preachers preach they preach this as the resurrection from the dead but that's wrong that's a dead body he said i'll raise the dead he said i'll quicken the mortal body a mortal body is a living body but he said if that spirit hold on that raised jesus from the dead if he dwell in you he'll bring to life your mortal body he will cause cancer cells to back off he will cause diabetes to back off he will cause arthritis to start leaving your joints that's why it's important that every time we meet that it's not a showcase cinema that it's not some entertainment center that it's not the tommy bates show it's got to be a time when the holy spirit just like moves on shauna and the holy spirit begins to charge us because while we are here in the spirit we are getting cells that are protected from that serpent that serpent called covid the cells do you hear what i'm saying oh hallelujah we're getting ready to face some of the most dangerous times we've ever had and the enemy is camping out over here and the enemy's camping out over there and the enemy is camping out over there but according to the scripture that i read that god can and will give his people inside information but it only comes through elisha it only comes through the spirit that's why i must have the spirit working in me i want to know when to wash my hands i will need to know when to back off when somebody's talking to me oh yes somebody said well you're acting like you're walking in fear no no no when i hear the holy ghost say uh don't go over there somebody said you ring he can really do that well he is a real person and he really does live inside of me and he really does walk inside of me and he really does live inside of me and i've got a mission to fulfill you've got a mission to fulfill god's not finished with us until every soul has heard the gospel and the good news of the kingdom of jesus christ so we've got to pray we've got to get inside information from heaven itself oh god show us what to do [Applause] oh lord show us what to do he said it'll quicken your mortal body hallelujah for if you lived after the flesh you're a debtor to the flesh but if you live after the spirit through the spirit you'll mortify put to death the actions of your body for as many four as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god now brothers and sisters southern kenton county last year we had an overwhelming amount it was in the newspaper it was on the news that southern kenton county had many people that had contacted covid and because that many got it in southern kenton county last year we in southern kenton county are under what you call the herd immunity okay herd immunity h.e.r.d like a like a herd of cattle but of course we're the sheep of his pasture so we're the flock immunity [Applause] now i'm saying all that to say this you're going to have to be led by the spirit there are some things you need to do we've been speaking over and over and i believe this is the spirit i believe there's trying times coming do you hear me this this covet has they said five different five different uh uh variances to it we've already experienced two and we don't know what the next three are going to be like but we know if you have the vaccine or you had covid when it first came through that you your immune system is fighting it off and if you don't didn't have it last year you're going to have to make up your mind what you're going to do about the vaccine i can't tell you that i don't know who it's going to cause to get a blood clot i don't know who it's going to cause to give you tremors and make you shake i don't know who's going to do that i don't know who it's going to affect i can't stand up here and say you're in like one church or several churches right now are saying no one's permitted in the house of god without a vaccine i can't do that this is why we must have the holy spirit we must have the holy spirit i've got parents that are here tonight 85 and 87 they're gonna be 86 and 88 in a few more months and and you know for them mom's already made it clear at this present time the way she feels in herself that she's in other words i'm not taking anything she said at the table while we're all eating today while we're eating meatloaf and carrots and mashed potatoes and gravy and corn and fried mushrooms and uh macaroni and cheese and i can't hardly remember everything oh fried chicken terrain puts out the biggest bunch of food you've ever seen in your life that harlan county begins to move in her but mom's sitting there at the table she said well it's like this if i die die i'm ready to go she said that's what i told the man when i had the heart attack i was in the paramedics and he said don't worry she said i'm not worried about anything she said i'm ready to go i'm not worried about anything you see that is the spirit only the spirit can say that and what i'm saying is the spirit inside of you what what what you know you may get the vaccine and still not be led by the spirit i'm not here to tell you to get a vaccine i'm not here to tell you not to get a vaccine i'm here to tell you to get as much of the holy ghost as you can get and let god lead you let god guide you let god protect you [Music] [Applause] every day every day i'm getting different i'm getting different uh uh medical people to call me and people that's in the profession and they're saying pastor tom said everyone like in clay county kentucky and in eastern kentucky they didn't get this coveted when it first came through and they're dying everywhere they said everyone that's dying does not have the vaccine the other people with the vaccine are getting the covet but they're not dying but the people without the vaccine are dying please please this is the cause i'm getting these are the these are the words i'm only telling you what's coming in my ears and i'm standing here trying to figure out what am i supposed to do how am i supposed to tell people but i can't lead you i can't guide you i can't show you i can't give you peace there's some in here many in here that got the vaccine they said shoot me up they never got one sign because they were there the spirit inside of them released them to get that do you hear me it wasn't the mark of the beast this isn't the mark of the beast by the time we get to phase number five we might not might it might be something different but right now it's not the mark of the beast because nobody's telling me that if you don't take this back or you need to deny god to take this vaccine nobody's saying that as a matter of fact the supreme court is still letting us come to the house of god there are those that don't want us to meet there are those that don't want us to have church there are those that don't want us to have small groups but we're still having it anyway but we desperately folks uh brothers and sisters it's not a time to be worldly it's not a time to be carnal it's not a time to be backbiting this is a serious time and darkness is coming upon the earth gross darkness darkness like we've never seen before it hasn't hit the finances yet but it will hit the finances you mark it down that demon power from hell is going to take his fists he's going to hit the finances of like they've never been hit before but it's not that timing yet and you don't need that timing to come up on you and you not be ready for it that's why you're gonna have to put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against the wicked forces and powers of hell [Applause] oh hallelujah hallelujah so quit eating so many snickers bars lay off of so many three musketeer bars quit chomping down the sugar quit eating six pieces of pie when you get done eating amen [Applause] i preach against alcohol you all will knock me down shouting but if i get on your if i get on your desserts you just sit there and say well he's crossing the line now [Applause] if you don't take vitamins my lord start taking them it don't take a rocket scientist we are eating processed food processed food has very little nutrition and vitality in it you are made of the earth tell somebody no you want to tell somebody tell yourself say i'm nothing but dirt i'm made of the ground you're nothing but dirt and you're made of the ground and the only way to get you to feel the way you need to feel is put the right dirt back in you and to put the right ground back in you you hear me today i know some of you gonna think i'm crazy but there was a time when my allergies were just going crazy with me i never took any i never had anybody teach me nutrition in the holiness church nobody dare preached against what you eat that they preached against what you wore they preached against lipstick and hair and makeup and and white belts and platform shoes and bell bottoms and hip huggers and you name it they preached against it but i never heard one person talk about what you ate as far as as far as something to eat but i found myself i'd be out i'd be out in the field i'd feel that allergy coming on and those wild roses would be coming on and i heard something in my mind go over there and take a handful of those wild roses and eat them i thought that's stupid for me to eat those wild roses i went later on i went and did a little research on the wild rose and i found out they had more vitamin c than a strawberry more vitamin c than an orange more vitamin c than anything it was just a little old bitty wild it was a rosebud was what it was i popped it in my mouth chewed it down and i ate it and god help me this is what i'm talking about led by the spirit it's called led by the spirit god can tell you what to eat god can tell you what not to eat god can tell you how to walk i tell you god can tell you he can speak to you quit limiting him to just a shake with limiting the holy ghost to nothing but a shake and a shout out god is the leader god is one that will guide you god is one that will protect you [Applause] hey people laugh at me over my vinegar it'll kill about everything but i'll tell you how i learned about vinegar it wouldn't know somebody coming here with a nutrition health nurse there's some of those people so crazy there's crazies on both sides brothers and sisters [Music] they're so crazy they'll drive you nuts but when i got a hold of an amoeba in guatemala and i got a hold of an amoeba in haiti that single cell organism of bacteria i thought i was dying everything come out of my body and in one of the hotels they turned the water off at 10 o'clock all i had was the water in the back of the commode and i watched it like a hawk it stunk in that hotel room [Music] the fever was so high the spirit spoke to me latoya you can believe it or not the holy ghost spoke to me said wake that woman up it works in the kitchen tell her to get you some vinegar i went and i knocked on the door and that was easy okay i could barely say vinegar in spanish i don't know if i'm saying it right or not right now i said vinegar she brought me soy sauce i said no that's not it she brought me another thing i said no that's not it here she comes it looked like a liquor bottle as sick as i was but i wasn't gonna do that i got that bottle of vinegar i smelled it it was vinegar and i took a swig of it i put it in a cup and i took another swig it burned like fire down in my body but i'm telling you right now it killed that amoeba it killed it when i was in haiti brother and i ordered a fruit drink and when i ordered that fruit drink within 15 minutes it was like you put me in something out everything was spinning i crawled to the bathroom and i lay on the bathroom floor for eight hours i thought i was dead i thought it's over i'm going to die right here but vinegar somebody said i thought the lord would heal you all david would have had to do was walk up to that giant and say i come to you in the name of the lord and the giant could have fallen but god said no i want you to get a stone because i want people to know my name and whatever else you've got in your hand has the power to bring down a giant and every bit of that chemotherapy that took off your hair every bit of that poison that went in your body we're believing in the name of jesus that that giant is crumbling by the power of the holy spirit increase your vitamin c increase your vitamin d get you some sink put it on the side brothers and sisters if you feel weary and tired and you think you can't make it get up out of your chair and you just start walking and when you're walking don't just walk you but you put a good gospel song on and start [Applause] [Music] you say hell let me tell you something if i die i'm going to die speaking in tongues but i'm not gonna die laying here in this testicle of your doubt and unbelief oh church we've got inside information inside information inside inside information come on say it over and over till it touches your heart oh let's do it again this time turn on their mics it one more time i've got inside information [Music] that inside information will tell tell you where that 18 year old boy is [Music] when he thinks nobody knows where i am that inside information will say wake up mama oh yes [Music] i've went through some battles in this church [Music] i went through some heavy battles and mom don't even know what they are because i never tell my parents anything about church problems never have in 40 years but in the middle of the night [Music] i've heard a voice at my door say tell me and i jump up i say mom is that you and i go to open the door and there's nobody there [Music] the next day mom says i woke up in the night and i prayed for you is everything all right i wasn't about to tell her about the church problems i said it's all right i never told her about her waking me up not once not twice but many times i've got inside information [Music] i've got inside information well glory sister johnson when coven was destined to kill your boy the holy spirit gave you inside information that you've not even told anybody that you've kept it a secret god told you what to get god told you where to go and god told you what to do and because inside information gave you what you needed your boy is alive today hallelujah oh oh oh let's stand our feet let's give him praise sing it brother mark oh yes i want the power of the spirit [Music] listen to these words a hunger deep down inside the spirit to flow over me this is gonna be your confession all this week i've got inside information i'm about to leave this place [Music] if you are not free [Music] maybe you've had stammering lips [Music] but you're not free to pray in other tongues or you've never spoken in tongues or if you're a sinner or a backslider you need to make your way to this altar [Music] but i want everyone that needs a release of holy ghost power maybe you was baptized the holy ghost years ago i want you to stand in these altars we will sell space if you need it we'll do whatever thing we need but we're going to believe in the next few moments that there's gonna be a release of the spirit of god come on quickly the spirit [Applause] [Music] refilling and reviving me praise the lord uh no brother garrett and brother kevin come up here i want you to give me a witness of what happened wednesday night i don't know everything that happened but what happened to you wednesday night i was gifted with uh speaking in tongues yeah the holy spirit just entered me and um you know i've been praying for it for a while right i've been um you know just coming here and constantly just knowing that i had to draw deeper and deeper and what i had prayed for was not necessarily for it to affect me but to affect generations after me for my children for for these young kids these young kids brandon i look at you a lot i look at you man keep it up like what you do how it motivates us older folks we're just pushing right we're pushing it and i just prayed for it to flow for me but not to be for me not just for my household but for generation after generation to feel that holy spirit and people it is real it is so real listen sometimes i was a doubter i was here and sometimes i doubt it but it is real hold tight stand firm hold tight and stand firm it is true that fire that living water tell me what you just said what you just mentioned about watching the water and even dipping your don't dip your toe in jump in get neck deep and swim you can't get you can't teach people how to swim if you're only feet deep you've got to learn how to swim and teach other people how to swim so jump in jump in don't worry about what everyone's doing just jump in and praise them hallelujah [Applause] well since january i've been coming to definitely the sunday night service but since january the holy spirit has been after after me in in such a major way i could not even put words to describe it and i i didn't even know exactly how to how to even uh speak in any other heavenly language or or whatever have you but i wanted a closer connection with my father i wanted it bad i wanted it bad because i knew god and i knew jesus but i did not know i did not know that i had the comforter and the friend and the confidant and the doctor and then the counselor of the holy spirit to walk through to literally walk with me every single day i didn't know that and your faithfulness and this praise and worship and the obedience of our pastor literally set me free in the perfect timing in the perfect time because we do have a day and age where we're gonna have to be bold we're going to have to be much more bold for for healing for our families to stay together for our families to reconnect and to bond in in in such a way and praise god for this church praise god for the faithful prayers that have been going out for months and months and months and uh for thank you lord for the just the the next level of love that we're all going to need we're all going to need we're all going to need it hallelujah wonderful deep down inside of me i want the power refreshing oh there is i want the power of the spirit oh we love you lord oh we praise you let's thank him for this service tonight i'd like to just keep on going and you can pray at this altar there's people getting baptized in the holy ghost stay at this altar as long as you want but some of you need to put your kids in the bed so i'm gonna give you that opportunity put your kids in the bed because we've had a wonderful time tonight father we thank you lord for this service bless our internet family bless our internet family we thank you for inside information inside inside information there's many more coming up to pray we're going to continue this altar service those of you that need to leave and the camera people that have worked so hard we're going to let them do what they need to do and we'll give you the praise in jesus name i want the power the heart of tommy bates ministries there is a fervent desire to bridge the gap of what mighty men and women of the faith have shown him over the years to this current generation that so desperately needs a relationship with the holy spirit god's continued faithfulness to open doors for pastor tommy bates has done just that the message of jesus is going around the world and lives are being transformed if the holy spirit is leading you to pursue partnership with tommy bates ministries i encourage you to make your commitment today join pastor tommy bates as god passionately uses his ministry to stir and impact lives for the cause of jesus christ to partner or contact tommy bates ministries visit or call 1-866-411-1032 or write us today you
Channel: CommunityFamilyChurch
Views: 4,136
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Id: 15S-adkM5dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 58sec (7858 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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