Campmeeting 2019: Tommy Bates and Jeremiah Yocom

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is the Lord's house everybody is welcome to come on in hey you gotta help me now oh I don't know what you came to do [Music] I don't know what you came to do I don't know what you came to do I don't know what you came to do so what you came to do Oh like my hips Oh I don't know what you came to do I don't know what you came to do look at somebody else for I don't know what you came to do I don't know what you came to do I can't I can't stole my feet I came to lift my voice I get up bad I'm a Sita Oh I came to give in face did anybody come to face until they become the crazy somebody I've known hands somebody stop your feet no hater somebody stole your feet crazy really give God praise [Music] couple times help somebody I don't know what you came to do I don't know what you came to do I don't know what you came to do I don't know what you came to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I'm glad to be here tonight I was supposed to be here last night for all of you that was a was a lot of you probably wouldn't hear last night I was supposed to be here last night we flew out of Lexington Kentucky yesterday morning we had a layover in Charlotte was supposed to be in Tulsa around 2:45 or something so Daniel and I had fallen asleep on the back of the plane and they come on and said we would have to land in Knoxville Tennessee because we've hit a bird and cracked the windshield on the plane I think it was just a little Oh in for devil up here something we were flying around trying to keep me from getting here so if you've ever been to Knoxville Airport there's not much there so there were no flights going out so we didn't get in we didn't get to our hotel - after 11 o'clock last night but I'm glad to be here tonight amen you have honored to your wonderful pastors and so good to be here with brother Tommy Bates and we've done we probably done hundreds of services together ever since 1990 at least two a year since 1990 because he's done our camp meeting that many years but we've done many other services together besides that but it's just an honor for me to be here tonight and whatever you believe in God for in this service I'll tell you what I watched a little bit on livestream last night the anointing the power God that was in this place was just unreal [Music] whoo hallelujah there's a miracle in this room with my name on it there's a healing in this room for me [Music] so I'm gonna put a praise on [Applause] I said I'm gonna put it ladies on it [Music] there's a miracle in this room and it's got your name on it there's a healing in here for you [Music] so right now why don't you put a praise on it somebody put a please on it let me tell you how this thing works tonight when I was a teenager back in the nineties going to use camp church camp I come home with four or five girlfriends every year and back then we didn't have cell phones and computers and all that so we had to do it the old-fashioned way and write a letter how many remembers writing a letter so I remember sitting down about 40 50 years old writing these letters to these girls and I would I would make it as fancy as I could I would you know get on my grammar right and I remember I just write as pretty as I could and I'd fold it up just right and put it in the envelope put her address and my return address but if I took that out to the mailbox it didn't put a stamp on it the mailman was taken out of the mailbox so he put his stamp on it it would say cannot be delivered because it didn't have a stamp on it so no matter what the content of that letter was no matter what I said that letter would never be delivered but that that stamp on it and you see tonight in the atmosphere there's hits there's a blessing there's deliverance there's a miracles and all its way known as a praise whoa so if you're believing for a miracle tonight if you believe it for the limits tonight if you're believing for a blessing tonight who prays on it who prays on it who in this room [Music] in this room [Music] and it's got my name on it so right now I'm gonna put a praise on it I'm gonna put a praise on it let's take about two minutes and put a price on it Wow [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a miracle in this room with my name on it there's a healing in this room and it's here for you there's a breakthrough in this room it's got your name put a praise on it please on [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a miracle in this room it's got your name on it there's a healing in this room and it's here for you there's a breakthrough in this room your name when I put a praise on ass with your down down and out Jesus he will bring you up pick you up turn you around place your feet on solid I get my hat in the soul every street to carry on calling my pizza [Applause] what [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes your honor whoa you're down down and out Jesus you over you I'll pick you up turn you around place your feet on solid red keep my hair in the Sun if we should take care calling my pill in Japan don't you be there whoa [Applause] [Music] listen there's some of y'all that's still good God phrases tonight you know the difference between a good god praise and a really good God praise a good God praises your cute friends you know you find not to sweat whoa time to see who's here tonight a really good God praises when you get into around you don't care who's looking at you you don't care if your earrings fall off if your makeup runs well you don't care if you sweat a little bit a really good God praises when you say Lord you've been really good to me so I'm gonna give you my best [Music] there you go they kill my [Music] [Music] whoo glory chicka as I kneel in the darkness in the middle of the night I'm praying for assurance that everything's gonna be our Lord I see another battle it's out in front of me and I'm afraid I won't be able I'll go down in defeat and when you're just about to give up the Lord said do you remember where I brought you from just take a look behind you not how far you've come whoa and every time you ask me didn't I deliver you so why would you be thinking that I wouldn't see you through Costin now like all the rage and see I thought to wean us and I gave me a piece to your rescue didn't I hear you in your car I walked right beside you just so you [Music] just died for your seat I searched until I found you and I'd do it all again now she's talking to the Father in a house that was once a home Maya she said my bills are coming due lord in six days it's not let alone she hears a voice is so stealing though he says I moved like that before I can do this little thing Oh did not their agency I fall through the wind it hush and I gave me a piece you win your call just so your see I search done to you and I do it all as I kneel in the darkness in the middle of the night I prayed for assurance that everything is gonna be ara [Music] oh I see another battle it's out in front of me I'm afraid I won't be able and I'll go down in the field but the Lord sandy you remember where I brought you from just take a look behind you and how far you've come and every time you ask me I deliver you so why would you be under agency I stole to the wind it hustle and I gave dear you didn't when you call our drive beside you [Music] just to die for your sin [Music] until I found you and I do move it on come on if you're voicing I let's find with me tonight didn't I just to die for your sin I searched until I found you and I do it all full lift it up rock from your heart tonight didn't I leave all just to die for your sin I've searched [Music] I don't know what tomorrow may bring I can't tell you what's in store I don't know a lot of things [Music] I don't have all the answers jeez [Music] I know with whom I believed he knows my name every step that I take [Music] every team when [Music] I can't see I know I'll be too cuz he knows my name he counts the star star in the home he knows how much land is on the shores he sees every Sparrow the fall [Music] he made the mountains in the seas he's in control me every step every moon every tear with I can't see [Music] eatos my name [Music] whoa you asked me how it is that I'm still standing you wonder how I made it through the snow but you see tonight within myself I can't boast of any special power there's no secret [Music] I just held on till the storm was over I don't claim to be a hero and I don't have all the answers I just till the storm was over whoo it's not big fall sound good not big falls upgrade not big close-ups true [Music] [Music] can tell you things they're finally happening [Music] now I've got blessings I can haul [Music] there's been many times I wonder if I may [Music] [Music] - to be a hero [Music] till the storm was over it's not because I'm good because Andre [Music] [Music] I just [Music] City Star it's not because I'm good [Music] I just [Music] the enemy selling no badges alone even your friends may say let go but you just hold on even your family may say let go but you just food cause we know the word of the Lord says we've been made endure for a night but joy comes in the morning if you just you're just [Music] all the answers to the store was it's not because I some great I'm sorry I just held [Applause] [Music] one of my most favorite songs to say says when you've searched for every answer and you cannot comprehend Windows everyday burdens they seem to fall without a [Laughter] we're lovely he eats you empty and there you have less lease name you know what you gotta do just wait for [Music] the Masters true say he's lady - really this wearisome [Music] my foot stance feet falter to the goal to Spain it's the master [Music] now I'm not rich me with dye wants to bring and I'm not one we're saying I can do [Music] you see I'm nothing I'm nothing but no one just another grain of say aha [Music] feel masters [Music] through this we yes sir [Music] Oh - why the Gulf to Spain it's except for the tubs it said [Applause] a masters [Music] for an answer whoa but you can if [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] through this way his son [Music] good [Music] to the Jews exactly it said [Music] the touch of the master's strong [Music] [Music] oh he's leave through the sweet [Music] - I love to Spain it's [Music] of the master slow well let's give him praise [Music] [Music] when he told you you're not good enough when he told you you're not right when you told you you're not strong enough to put up a good fight told you you're not worthy when he told you you're not loved when he told you you're not beautiful you'll never be enough but I came to declare in this place to let [Music] you take your breath is stopping in your steps your rest still your happiness in the fire he's a liar when he told you you were troubled that you'll forever be along we need told you you should run away you'll never find a hole they told you you were dirty you should be ashamed you could be the one that grace can never change [Music] he will take your breath spirits [Music] your rest still your happy Cass revealed in the fire her boss fear he is a liar [Music] oh yes dearest my fear is higher [Applause] [Music] thank you I want to read one little thing before I quit here tonight shoo hallelujah thank you lord thank you Jesus I turned on the livestream setting at the Dallas Airport last night kicking myself because it wasn't here but he was up here and I said look over do sit brother Parrish has on a camouflage suit tonight and I got to watch it a little closer I realized it was something he was doing as a demonstration he was talking about being a soldier and when my grandfather passed away a few years ago he's the most godly man I ever knew my mother's father my aunt was going through his Bible after he passed away of this paper fell out of his Bible and it was this declaration this is what he lived his life by dan and I we still don't know who wrote it or where it came from but we I had some cards printed up with it on it it says I am a soldier and I say this and I don't mean this to be smart or offensive but we come to church and saying I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord and we shout and praise but then get mad cuz somebody steals our parking place but this is the way my grandfather lived his life and this is the way I'm striving to live my life as a true soldier it says I am a soldier in the army of my God the Lord Jesus Christ as my commanding officer the Holy Scriptures my code of conduct faith prayer in the word of my weapons of warfare I've been taught by the Holy Ghost trained by experience to hide by adversity and tested by fire I'm a volunteer in this army and I'm enlisted for eternity I will not get out sell out be talked out or pushed out I am faithful reliable capable and dependable if my God needs me I am there cuz I am a soldier I am NOT a baby I do not need to be pampered petted primed up pumped up picked up or pepti I whoo I don't know one has to call me remind me write me visit me and toss me or lure me because I am a soldier I am NOT a whip I'm in my place saluting my king obeying his orders praising his name and building his kingdom no one has to send me flowers gifts food cards candy or give me handouts I do not need to be coddled cradled cared for or cater to I am committed I cannot have my feelings hurt bad enough to turn me around I cannot be discouraged enough to cause me the gritty I cannot I cannot be discouraged enough to turn me inside I can not lose enough to cause me to quit when Jesus called me into this army I had nothing if I end up with that thing I will still come out ahead I will win my god has and will continue to supply all of my needs I am more than a conquerer I will always try I can do all things through Christ the devil cannot defeat me people cannot disillusion me weather cannot weigh me cannot stop me swallows me [Music] soldier even dad's cannot destroy me for what my commander calls me from his battlefield he will promote me to captain allow me to rule with him I am a soldier in the army I'm marching claiming victory I will not give up and I will not turn around I am a soldier marching heaven-bound [Music] whoa [Music] somebody help me up the house there they are although mouth right whoa [Music] [Music] damn you to touch three people are saying you already won already you already won let me take up this offering we got the preacher in the house we're gonna tell you one more thing before I do touch your neighbor say neighbor I feel this in the spirit to release in this house right through come on Isis come on Isis we're about to take of this offering I gotta move how many's ready for one of the greatest times of the service offering time how many want to be blessed I don't hear nobody how many want to be blessed how many less the only time in the Bible God says fruit me if I will not open up you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you can't receive how many no he said he rebuke the Devourer for your sake I feel the anointing in this place I'm ready he says give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over chain even my blessing is about to run over to never grab the biggest offer you got because you're gonna be blessed by giving it to this conference to this pastor to this ministry to all the speakers to Jeremiah Yocum you're invested in their lives this is your opportunity to bless God this is your opportunity to sow into the ministry this is your opportunity amen to get a break breakthrough let's offer it in the hair and hair a menu by livestream or Facebook live or you can give right online we don't want you to miss your blessing come on lift it up high get the biggest one you got Heavenly Father we take this offering and we put it in a basket were claiming miracles we're claiming healing and deliverance hood we're praying Lord that every need from this conference will be met and there'll be an overflow to bless the man of God in this house we lay claim to right now when we put it in so I'm gonna tell you do something different when you drop your offering in after your trumpet and lift your hands a bit get a shout but what you believe in God for standing up Freda let's kill [Music] somebody give the Lord a shout of praise hallelujah can somebody worship with us for a second we serve a lord that is our protector can somebody just shot [Music] is Vash always [Music] joy is refreshing he resources you're filled with anointing tonight my Oh [Music] no one can harm [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's not [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on just lift up your voices midnight [Music] [Music] [Music] come on put your hands together and praise Him come on clap your hands all ye people child in the car for the voice of Tyre yes worthy to be praised hallelujah come on you can do better than that come up raise it crazy reach down in your little low speed and crazy little we team up like the party principal refiner [Music] never to shut them up in the name of the law if you have any degree of spiritual sensitivity at all you will understand that we are in the presence of the Lord and standing on holy ground tonight there is a healer in this house you don't have to wait to any other portion of the service in order for your breakthrough to begin the brother Bates is going to come and he's going to in a minute minister the word of the Lord to us but I'm here to tell you that the Holy Ghost has already arrived to confirm the word with signs following do I have a witness that the Spirit of God is in this place I've got four witnesses I'm looking for care and I'm looking for 20 I'm looking I'm looking for there ought to be at least 50 people in the room that says I know that the Holy Ghost is here I can sense his presence I feel his power there's something happening in this place oh this is not just an ordinary service it's not just an ordinary time it's a point in time it's a it's a moment it's an appointed time of God let's not miss the moment hallelujah glory to the name of the Lord praise God Oh give him five more seconds of praise that just just least five more seconds of praise you could give him five more seconds you can lift it up Everest action of the rule you can make the pine for just five force well it's a god world in a God before you're seated before you seated I love what the Lord is going to do tonight but it's something special here hallelujah all you folks if you've got the attitude right now that I've seen it all done it all and there is nothing left but just a repetition of the past I'm here to tell you that God is about to do a new thing and cause it to spring forward this is your moment it's your moment it's your moment glory to them somebody needs to tell somebody standing beside you before you sit down you go to three people and tell them this is your moment don't you miss it it's your moment don't you miss it the door is open you can walk through it this is your time God is in the place he's moving by his spirit he's here right now for your miracle he's here right now for your breakthrough he's here right now for your healing he's here right now for your deliverance jehova shamma has arrived on the scene the Lord is present about us coming [Music] hallelujah raise him forever you can be seated in the presence of the Lord marry me at a time at a time at a time [Music] boy grateful for all you people there in the overflow section tonight I'm glad you're here we're glad that all of you came a lot of you came from Missouri from Arkansas you came from from I was talking to somebody came from Alabama this morning and people have come they've converged on this place we're here at the right time and God has the right people that he's using to minister to us a word that is going to take us over every mountain and every challenge that is before us this is not just a time of getting together this is a time not only of refreshing but empowerment because what the enemy has planned for you in the days ahead is not going to work it's not going to function in fact the devil didn't want you to show up tonight he didn't want but the Jeremiah to be here what brother Bates to be here he didn't want any of us to be here he tried his best with the weather he tried his best with unprecedented floods he tried his best to keep you from getting to the house of God but you showed him that you are not gonna be cheated out of the miracle the Lord has promised you a man a man a man just elbows somebody sitting next to you and say I'm not gonna be cheated tonight you can if you get cheated out of your miracle I'm not gonna get cheated out of mine waited too long prayed too hard battle too tight now is our time it's breakthrough and I'm so happy to be able to introduce to you a man that the Lord has been using around the world I don't have to tell you that many of you see him just weekly on the broadcast that he has and and he said he is a he's a breath of fresh air to Christian television I'm just really happy that somebody's on the air still preaching the gospel the true gospel the real gospel I'm just glad somebody's on the air not ashamed of the Holy Ghost now and ashamed of the movement of the Spirit we appreciate this man we love this man and thank God for him so it is my happy privilege tonight to bring to this pulpit to minister the word of the Lord to us the Reverend dr. Tommy Bates as he comes to preach the word [Applause] I'll just leave you Lucho [Applause] let's give all of our I've had some text messages from people in different states and they're online with us right now let's give all of our internet family that's watching online let's give them a good and the pastor of this house when he came to Kentucky God just anointed him so great I asked him to stay over for the Wednesday night he usually leaves on the Wednesday afternoon and sometimes on Wednesday when you've had day at night services we had 10 services in four days and by Wednesday night sometimes you get weary well large percentage of the guests were gone but I'm telling you what I could have shouted because our congregation probably 98% it was from our church and they packed it out the balcony was full and that's a miracle it's a miracle for your home church to show up for revival it's a truth because they say oh it's good every Sunday you know but we just praise God I don't see sister Parrish right now but hopefully she's watching online oh there she is because her she is a dietary enthusiast and not ashamed of it which means she watches every type of health benefit there is but brother Parrish Baxley at Kentucky and I didn't have anything to do with it these balding Donuts and all those kind of things it's forbidden in that house I said when she gets ahold of you you're gonna be drinking spinach juice for two weeks she's gonna purge you from all of this thought whatever she's doing to him keep it up sister cuz I'm telling you the man's got a lot of strength and a lot of energy and we praise God for the praise God for the keeper of this house and that God has blessed us with we thank him friend we also give praise to the praise God for the first lady tonight what about being in a service with John parish the henson's Jeremiah oakum and the saxophone player and his brother [Applause] this is too much blessings for one service too many blessings going on around here Jeremiah was talking about how long we've been together well he may not even remember it the first time we were together at his home church he was about eight years old playing the drums he was a little boy and I was holding meeting down there at the old Green River Church and I'm just I'm so thankful Jeremiah's an accomplished musician accomplished singer and preacher an anointed man and he can also do wood floors I'm telling you he is a he is multi-talented praise God how many enjoyed brother Jeremiah tonight [Music] there is whoa on-scene hand to me [Music] throughway [Applause] [Music] I cannot see oh wow going through [Music] go through this world [Applause] [Music] leads me ass [Music] I'm trusting too [Music] the [Music] that guides me through [Music] this weary life [Music] [Music] I'm gonna reach that straining by [Music] by [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] my precious shaver space that's sweet story [Music] [Music] on that golden strand I've gotta praise [Music] I'm trusted to the young scene Hey [Music] that tides me through this all weird [Music] [Music] [Music] got it got it right uncie [Music] hold my hand all the way every Britta [Music] to the class [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] my head [Music] let me stand there are no one [Music] one [Music] [Music] [Music] come to the water [Music] some to the flower [Music] come to the side [Music] Pharaoh [Music] but God gives the song the night and all the Taylor [Music] the dangers so many snores and today I have [Music] all right [Music] did he come [Music] that taught me [Music] [Applause] [Music] and it's grace although me why we're never time [Music] the sainted millions [Music] with me Hey wants to [Music] Oh Holy Spirit [Music] for all earth golden millions would I leave this blessed place the will attempter to persuade me all I'm arresting in God's Pavilion safe within his love and grace [Music] loaded betrayed Jesus is one crisp racist all the windows of my soul [Music] your side Oh [Music] well I already did what I told myself I wouldn't want to do and that was safe so I'll put the brakes on Jeremih don't play like that you know I can't stop you'll be seeing tonight I know it's hard for white people but [Music] that's the kind of clap you do when you heat it up that means the burners on about a little bit more of their medium if you wanted to get boiling that's enough that's enough chair my I'm going thank you let's give all these good musicians and volunteers is that the same cameraman they've switched on me are you a grandson too okay I saw the grandson run that camera and remind me at home I got 12 grandkids and I've got the two of March the cameras all the time we're gonna give these away we got the hallelujah glory hallelujah you follow you follow the Lord and you're gonna get a good deal tonight [Music] man inspirations just flowing right left in it you follow the Lord's you're going to get a good blessing tonight may that be a great finally than you follow that be mine you follow me to church you follow me to the presence of God not everybody can have a name like you follow praise God but here Daniel I'm known Daniel he was a little old skinny he's still not you know what you call large and he's little old skinny Baptist boy come to my meetings down in the mountains at Jeremiah's dad's church and got in there and got got all filled with the Holy Ghost [Music] had a desire to play and sing and God gave him that desire bless ting God blessed him because of his desire and we're just so thankful for Daniel he's married wonderfully God's just blessed him a great dynamic preacher singer and everything else give this this is walking in his shadows and my Native American people love it especially when I go to The Crow Reservation the Blackfeet reservation when I go they say sing walking in his shadows they love it find somebody needs that song the super duper hallelujah you follow God you're gonna get a great sales $5.00 everything's $5 you buy one you buy three you get the fourth one free and if you don't have any money tell them back there and say I'm broke and the preacher said I could have one can you beat that they won't do that at Walmart but Happy's glad you're not at Walmart tonight my kids went down the mountains of Eastern Kentucky and they did a bluegrass CD this has got songs on it like I am the man Tongass I am the man oh man it's got the end of the Native American loves that one too they love that sound so you find somebody that somebody needs bluegrass praise God I go to Israel every year but you can't go on this trip because it's full it filled up I only take right at 40 s usually what I want to take but I wanted to announce this to all you preachers and ministers next year I'm going to do a dynamic trip to Israel I've got a tour guide on reserve that's in my opinion he's equivalent to four years of Bible College you can't soak it all in but you can soak in as much and he's not boring either he's a Jewish man but he's filled with knowledge and I put him on reserve I'm gonna go a week earlier next year so it does not conflict with the election I don't want to be out of the country during the election amen I'm not afraid I just want to protect you I you know people do weird things during elections and I don't want any weirdness going on when I'm over there so we're gonna be October the 19th through the 28th that'll be the week before next year I've already got the reservations I hope I can get it the same price because the closer you are to the yom kippur day of atonement the more expensive it gets because everything is filled up but this will be a chance of a lifetime and I'm really wanting the preachers and ministers and pastors I've got several young people going on this one people young in the ministry but it's worth it it'll broaden your you know the Lord spoke to me and said I've been going to Israel since 1972 so it's not not a place I haven't been and I did host tours for several years and then I stopped and I put all my efforts into mission work and the Lord told me he said I want you to reconnect with Israel because I'm going to do three things elevate you spiritually elevate you financially and I'm going to elevate you influentially and I can tell our church has reached in the levels just they keep on going up doors open and what somebody said what's a level of influential a level it's when God makes connections with you and people in your church that's impossible to be made it's where people get job descript you can get a job interview when there's 400 applicants and 399 or better than you are but you get the job it's inexplainable it's what Shadrach Meshach Abednego Daniel and those in Babylon experienced an elevation and I want to thank all of our partners you know I've been I went back on the road I I'm off the whole month of December and I went back on the road in February started off with a sort of like I know it doesn't sound like mission but I go to a poor fishing village in the Bahamas in the Abacos and I was there and I say that because on a lot of these trips I had to pay for everything so it's not like I'm good and getting anything putting it back in the ministry and then I've been preaching on full load since the first week February and I've gone and I preached for thousands and thousands when I was here last year Marcus lamb sent me a text and he said I just want you to know that the reports have come back on our program that's on Daystar I'm on other TV stations aside Daystar and he said basestars has you have surpassed in the year that you've been on year and a half or two I think it's a year and a half then last year you have surpassed you've gone all the way up to you're like number 30-something and he said you're only on one time a week you even went by people some five times a week it's not me it's the favor of the Lord and when I was on the church channel it was powerful because TBN has the greatest connection it's unbelievable you do not even realize the power of TBN but when I went off the church channel I lost 400 partners we paid the bills and we've done good but I haven't been able to do what I used to do so I want you to pray that we'll have a restoration of partners God was giving me wisdom on which direction to go I would come off a television only to internet because we have right now when brother parish was there we had 38 to 40,000 in the day services we had twenty eight to thirty thousand watching while he was preaching that was immediate live that's not throughout the week that was right while it was going on and we have a large internet following but television is for the elderly for the poor the elderly who do not have computers and probably never figure out how to work one for the poor and also for the nations of the world and on a Sunday night when I'm preaching there will be about 40,000 watching over 55 different nations we get responses from Saudi Arabia Egypt China we had one during the revival when he was there a group in China that were watching in one computer I was preaching one night and there was 50 crammed in a house with one computer while the Chinese man was interpreting everything that happened they sent an email [Music] they sent an email and nearly everyone in that house that night was baptized in the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues this is an opportunity such as never been right now there are thousands watching on the other side of that camera people that are homebound people that are full of sorrow people give anything to be able to get in their car and be where you are right now but God's given us the opportunity the enemy took control of those airwaves for a long time but he's got some war going on now and I just praise God because it's an incredible thing I had somebody you know people people get bent out of shape sometimes you have to deal with them and get them back in shape and a man got bent out of shape and he said I I searched not the way it used to be he said all those cameras we've had cameras since way back in the early 1880s the first time he thought there were cameras he said well I just can't feel comfortable with all those cameras and he said seems like it seems like it's a show now and I said well let me tell you something I named one of the brothers I said do you know brother so-and-so he goes oh oh yeah it's one of the finest men I saw he's got cancer I said his televisions hooked up to the Internet I said that's the only church he gets I said just because you're been out of shape do you want me to take that boom out you only stop these cameras just because you don't like it and he said well I never thought of it that way I said we'll start thinking that way [Music] start thinking that people are being touched and I'm going to tell you something the elevation of the anointing we have powerful services at 9:00 in the morning and 12:30 on Sunday and 9:00 but when we go on that camera at 10:45 there's a difference comes over me I don't know where it comes from because when there's thirty thousand people out there they're starving if all the saints in the house are fat and fluffy God's got some skinny people out there that need it and I'm telling you the power comes and the word is goes forth incredibly there's an increase of anointing where there's need the anointing is not for me it's for the people to be able to sing under the powers not for me it's for the people you we got this thing backwards it's all about touching people if you don't touch people you've lost it all let's all stand together we're going to read out of the out of the Book of Numbers chapter 16 verses 46 through 48 and Moses said unto Aaron take a sensor put fire therein from off the altar and put on incense and go quickly into the congregation and make an atonement for them for there is wrath gone out of from the Lord the plague has begun Aaron took as Moses commanded rain in the middle of the congregation and behold the plague had begun among the people and he put on incense and made an atonement for the people and he stood between the dead and the living and the plague stopped just for a few moments I'm dealing with the subject take your sensor and run let's pray father we come to you in the name of Jesus I'm asking you Lord to let your word go forth and love mercy truth demonstration and power we'll give you all the praise and the glory and the mighty wonderful name of Jesus let the church say Amen you may be seated just for a few moments we're dealing with the subject take your sensor and run our text is found the Book of Numbers chapter 16 verses 46 through 48 first of all we need to understand that when God set the tabernacle in order it was a meeting place where holy God could touch sinful man everything in that tabernacle is a witness of the Lord Jesus Christ everything is a type and a shadow of good things to come of our personal intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and as God began to speak he had he had developed the tabernacle with the outer Court the outer court had the brazen altar the Laver the inner court where we are sitting right now had the table of shewbread the altar of incense and the golden candelabra but behind this veil and the veil that Jesus went into and he was dedicated in the temple as a baby that temple that he went into the veil was about 60 feet tall 30 fit wide it was four inches thick and it took over 300 priests to be able to maneuver it and to move it around behind that veil was the Ark of the Covenant which represented the glory of God it had a mercy seat on top of it only one person one time of year the high priest could come into what we call the Shekinah glory outside in the outer court there was a brazen alterna Laver as types and shadows that represents the cross the Laver represents the washing of water by the word of God the priests had to wash their hands and wash their feet wash my hands so I can do the works of God wash my feet so my conduct will match with what God wants me to walk in the progressive manner but there was say you could not get into this place unless you had first been at the brazen altar and the Laver the brazen altar was the place where the sacrificial offering was up was given the substitutionary offering for sins and as we come in in this area here was the goldens candlestick representing the Spirit of God in the outer court outside there was natural light in the inner court there was only the candelabra but when you went behind that four-inch veil there was no light at all there was no light until the blood touched that mercy seat and when the blood would touch the mercy seat the light would shine it's the same light that the Bible said in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was void without form and darkness was on the face of the deep and God said let there be light but four days later he created the Sun in the moon and those to rule by night so before there was a Sun and a moon there was light so what kind of light wasn't it's called Shekinah it's called Shekinah it's called the supernatural witness of the presence of God it is the Shekinah that breaks the yoke of bondage it is the Shekinah that causes cancer to dissolve it is the Shekinah that makes kidney disease run from a human body it is the Shekinah that puts broken homes together it is the Shekinah that turns water into wine its Shekinah that causes Lazarus to come out of a tomb after four days it is the Shekinah that goes to a man that's so bound that he's naked and running through the tombs but yet one touch of the Shekinah and he's completely made whole it is the Shekinah that stretches forth of will a withered hand it is the Shekinah hold upon the dark ayah it is the Shekinah that does all major miracles it is the Shekinah that does the inexplainable the unannounced it is the Shekinah glory outside's the natural light rip since the cross in the word everyone has a chance for the cross in the word everybody can see the cross and the word everybody has opportunity for the cross of Jesus and the word but you got to be born again to get in here and I'm not talking about in a building I'm talking about in a place where the Spirit is enlightening I'm talking about in a place where the bread of life the old and the New Covenant represented to 12 loaves of bread who sets it well to living in the written word and also the Old Covenant in the New Covenant it takes a born-again experience to come into this inner Court situation but then there's another place called the Shekinah and in order to get to the Shekinah there was a prerequisite and that prerequisite was incense and the Bible said in Psalms 141 verse 2 let my prayer go forth as incense and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice when you get to the revelation chapter 8 the Bible said there was silence in heaven for the space of 30 minutes and God said I'm gonna open up all these files and let the censors loose and the incense is gonna go forth it is the prayers the praise and the worship of my people that has been collected and gathered so when we read the word incense it represents prayer praise and worship there is a prerequisite you just don't get the Shekinah anyway and when you get to numbers the 30th chapter God spoke and he said this is how I want it done I want you to take these three sweet spices I want go bainham stacked and annika I want you to mix them with pure frankincense Gold bainham Stockton arnica why the number three the Bible said I pray the very God of peace will sanctify you wholly your very spirit soul and body will be preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ Hebrews 4 and 12 says the Word of God is living up it is powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing between the dividing asunder of soul and spirit is a discerner of thoughts intents of our hearts and it even goes into the joints and marrow of the physical body only the Word of God can do that the book of James said receive ye the engrafted word which is able to your soul hallelujah he restores my soul so as we look at gall bainham stacking annika that is us that is my spirit my soul in my body but he said you've got to mix it you got a fuse it with pure frankincense where do you get frankincense from when Jesus came in his humanity and he walked in man's shoes and he lived in a man's house and he slept in a man spared at any eighth man's food I'm talking about God was in Christ reconciling the world into himself when you come to this earth when God came to this earth in human flesh as the yes a young child they came from the east of wise men did and they brought gold frankincense and myrrh gold was for his divinity because he's God in the Father he's God in the son he's God in the Holy Ghost stuff he's got all three and one he is divine before the beginning of the world he was he's he which was which is and which is to come he's Alpha Omega the beginning and the end he's the counselor he is everything he's all define he didn't become divine he was divine is to the hina and shall forever be to bind thus give him a praise so we know that gold is for his divinity we know that myrrh is for his vicarious death he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities and the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his bloody stripes we are healed we know that when he died on Calvary they wrapped him in 100 pounds of myrrh it represents his suffering of his death his passion everything that has to do with his humanity taking the sins of the world and nailing them to his cross then what in the world is frankincense frankincense can only be the restored soul you see my soul is by will my mind in my emotion and my real mind and emotion has been affected by the fallen nature I'm born again of the spirit but my will mind and emotion does not get born here hallelujah it gets transformed by the renewing of my mind it gets restored that's why Jesus come unto me all of you that labor and are heavy-laden he said I'm gonna give you rest spiritual rest but he said there's more to it if you think you can come down at this altar with 40 years of a bad real mind and emotion and get born again and you're gonna walk out of there and never think a bad thought again pinch yourself because that's not the gospel of Jesus Christ so he said take my yoke upon you and learn of me because I'm meek and lowly I'm not going to force anybody I'm not going to take a joint out of your mouth I'm not gonna throw your pornography out the door I am NOT gonna take that woman you're cheating around with and run her out of the house I'm not gonna take your trashy music and put her somewhere else I'm not going to come into your house and get rid of all your all of your all of your sexual sensual wardrobe that you wore in order to entice people and to cause them to fall I'm not going to change your wardrobe I'm not going to change the joint your mouth I'm not going to change anything you're the one gotta put that thing out you're the one that's got to throw that boost down the garbage you're the one that's gonna have to burn that pornographic trash and the only way you're gonna do it is when you yoke yourself up with me and you do it as a free will and the Bible said when you look yourself up be you shall find rest for your will your mind and your emotion that so what is this incense this incense is when the priest would come he would take the gold bainham stacked in Hanukkah and the Bible said it was beaten very small God's gotta beat us down small we can't come into his presence up and say look what I got to offer it's not going to happen that way look at my credentials nothing look what I have to offer he's gonna beat us fairies but still it will not happen you can put all your spirit soul and body in it but if you're not fused with that frankincense if you haven't had Christ Jesus living in your soul your worship is nothing but a tingling symbol it's nothing but a bunch of noise it's nothing but a showcase cinema it is nothing but a piece of entertainment I've seen it over and over I understand music I don't know it by knowledge but I know it by experience not know music and I know what's going on today I know how to inflect the voice I know how to modulate the sounds I know how that's why have you ever wondered why all these new songs they start solo you can't only hear what's going on they start like they're singing bass that it is so whispery it's a it's a tactic it's a strategy it's something to make you feel something when the Holy Ghost sitting there you got to create something that will move the flesh and the only way to move the flesh is get people singing real low to where they can only reach it and you can't understand a word they're saying and then all at once put an octave higher and it gets louder and more intense and more intense there's more drama and more intense and more drama and then you say it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over until it becomes so intense and there's so much drama in it that finally you get a heartbeat out of the congregation and they call it the presence of God and the people doing a lot of that mess are people boozing up with there's alcohol and they're sleeping around with their girlfriend and they're watching movies with slop guts rash up there's naked breasts flying everywhere fornication everywhere there's got to be a change to hear me there's got to be a change I'm not against a new sound I'm not against new music huh but what I've got to have is got to have something that'll make the liar get under conviction not something that'll make the fornicator want to change his life there's got to be something to get the whiskey out of the alcoholic there's something got to take the joint up out of the man that's addicted and we can't just play Church we've gotta have the shekinah we've got to have the Gloria we've got to have the power we've got to have the presence of a living God let's give him a wave offering right now so Satan being the king of strategy being the master strategist lauryl Satan the master strategist he said the only way only way that that Chicana is going to work is I've got to contaminate the sensor mm-hmm I've got to contaminate the sensor so with his strategy he began to move among the congregation and when he moved among the congregation he found a man by the name of Cora and Cora he said Cora let me tell you something you don't have to do it the way Moses says you don't Matt's none of that's necessary you don't have to do it like that there's another way to do it Cora now when you get to the book of Jude Jude when you get to the book of Jude you find the half brother of jesus and the half brother of Jesus didn't come to Christ after the resurrection he lived with Jesus in his humanity he could not understand how come this boy living in the house with me can be God how can this he's been living in a poor house eating poor man's food he's got the same mama he don't have the same daddies what they tell me and he can't be God but after three and a half years of miracles but when he came out of that tomb Oh Jude said Jude said Oh hallelujah there's something to this half brother of mine and he got an experience one of the greatest experience and died a martyr for it he died a martyr for it and Jude he begins to write he said in the last days there's going to be a spirit of apostasy you an apostasy is revivals when the church changes the world deceased when the world changes a church shoot begins to write and he said there's going to be a spirit of apostasy that's going to come in the last days there's gonna be men they're gonna creep in unaware you know what you're gonna wake up one day and you're gonna say how in the world the church get like this how in the world did it get like this how in the world did it get to be a beer-drinkin cussing bunch of people all singing the same songs be popping back and forth all singing the same praise music they're going he knows my name he loves me he don't see my sin oh I'm weak I cuss I lie but he loves me he hugs me he cuddles me oh he loves me he that he does love you and the Bible said there's a portion in your life when you have patience with you and he'll wink at your sin just like you'll wink and a little child that does something wrong when he's too stupid to know what to do but after a while you're going to get to switch out if you're any kind of parent at all close the Bible said he corrects those that he loves and he says I'm not going to let it stay this way but the Bible said these the spirits going to come in unaware you're gonna wake up the one day that's there how did it get there how did this tongue talk and lay your hands on the sick and they shall recover how did these people in these chicken houses and barns in tents how in the world did this happen is like this what has happened to us where are the conversions where are the miracles where are the signs and wonders son where are the prayer meetings that what has happened to the prophets what has happened to the evangelists what has happened that the Bible said they're gonna creep in unaware they're gonna go the ways that Cain can't preach that that's another message they're gonna go the ways of Balaam tape preach that that's another message huh but he said they're gonna go the ways of clora and the Bible said that Korah rose up and said listen you don't have to be so serious about all that worship as the matter-of-fact church service needs to be dumbed down up to 20 20 20 20 minutes of motivational speaking of 20 minutes of inspirational singing and 20 minutes of fellowship and announcement something that's exactly what's happening across this world up let's dumb the church down to 20 to 1 8 20 let's set cheese the sauna shelf up let's keep our prettiest going up let's get drunker than a hoot out let's act like the devil to anything we want to and nobody's gonna invade on your time but there we're getting ready for one of the greatest transmissions that has ever transpired yeah yeah I said yeah yeah because God is not coming after porous Church he's not coming after a church that's crapping censors and saying I'm gonna do it any way I want to I'm gonna sing what I want to I'm gonna the way I want to I'm gonna leave the way I want to I'm gonna go the way I want to I'm gonna do it just the way I want to and God's gonna say it's my way or the highway huh you're either gonna come through the blood and you're gonna come back the word and you're gonna come with your self beating so smaller I don't want any pride in my presence I don't want any arrogancy in my presence I don't want any evil in my presence if you're gonna get the Shekinah and I believe that car has a group of people that will not satisfy for mediocrity they're saying I want Dada I want the presence of God turn around tell somebody say you must be one of them here on a Tuesday night anybody guilty anybody guilts me anybody guilt you being hungry for God you have to be it's not Sunday something tells you to get in your car something calls you to buy a hotel room there's something calls you to spend the gas God's got a people not everybody's bowing down to bail not everybody's giving up not everybody is going to have 20 20 20 Jesus never came for 20 20 h1 it he came for 24/7 now he wants to be in your wardrobe he wants to be in your literature he wants to be in your music he wants to be in everything you caught that we're getting ready to see a transmission like we have never seen before and I'm here to declare that the power of the Holy Ghost that God is going to arise give him a shout of praise yes yeah yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes yes Moses we don't have to do it your way Moses we'll do it the way we want to do it Moses yeah Moses I gotta have that musician I know he's living with his significant other but I gotta have him Moses Oh Moses I can't get rid of that piano player I know he strips out the strip bar on Friday nights but I gotta have him on Sunday and you think that's really stretching it oh no not for Cora coral stretch it as far as he can stretch it he'll let every liar he let ever contemptible spirit oh you got to be able to sing good and play good you got the platform it's yours but I'm gonna tell you there's a line there used to be a veil between us and that veil was between us and God but that never changes God's philosophy and it never changed as God's method God says you can be what you want to out there but when you cross over here and you begin to minister to other people and you're the one that's got the sensor in your hand you better to it right you better say it rights nothing you better sing it right I think you better live it right I know I've got passions I know I've got lust I know I've got weaknesses I know my faults and my failures and God knows for more than I do and I know I need the grace of God but the Bible said in the book of Judah you have turned the grace of God into lasciviousness that is one of the most vulgar words he could find that in other words you're letting everything go it doesn't matter anymore but he and he she and she lets she in them or whatever it makes no difference you're allowing that spirit to come in and grab a sensor and begin to get before my people you're cussing you're lying you're cheating and people are paying money to hear you and there's thousands coming in your arenas but all I can see is death I said all I can see is death I said all I can see is death to California preachers have already committed suicide I feel sorry for the parents I feel sorry for the process I feel sorry for their children that I hate that old spirit of suicide oh but what a difference it would have been that if that church would have had a sensor of the power of God because Satan is after the man in the pulpit he's that true the man on door did not he's after the singer in the choir he's after the front line singers because if you smite the Shepherd of the sheep will be scattered out there is an intense desire of Satan to smite anyone that stands on this platform ah and if you're a preacher here tonight if you're a singer if you're a teacher and if you lead huh expect yourself to get shot at expect yourself to get his expect yourself to have some trouble because this Satan can smite the Shepherd he will scatter the Sheep ha but if he can't smite the shepherd ah if he can't mess you up if he can't put you down if he can't throw you outside get ready there's a transmission coming up there's the switched camana there's a dynamic experience Oh [Laughter] Yamaha Turkey kneel shine whoo Arikara customer hey but hey you must say preacher you ever get shot at on a daily basis usually do you ever have the fiery darts come your direction oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah chorus stood up with his 250 sensors this is the way we do it this is the way we do it forget that other stuff forget that the fourth largest church in America this very near where we live and they did interviews with members of the congregation they said we've got a question everybody knows that your pastor when he plays sports he's a very athletic good-looking man but when he plays sports they call him potty mouth because he uses the f-word all time hmm I need help on that one yeah and so they interviewed the people this was in the sense that he inquired they said doesn't it offend you they call your pastor potty mouth you know what they said no we love it because he lets us know he's just like us that's a chorus said I'm just like you as a matter of fact he went a step further he said I know some of you men have child pornography says so do I and sometimes I give it and I watch it every now and then that's what he said quote I watch it every now and then I'm just like you we're no different it don't make any difference God loves us he hugs us he squeezes us he holds me teases me squeeze me love me hold me squeeze me tease me you think it's a country music song I'm telling you right now if I was to go back to independent uh key and my wife is from Harlan County Kentucky the Appalachian Mountains it's also known as bloody Harlan it's where the scotch-irish descendants it's where they settled and they crossed with the Native Americans I'm tenure those are fighting us people either born to fight they're bred to fight they'd rather fight than eat they're fighting people but if I was to come in and I was to come in home from Oklahoma and she's to get my clothes out and smell some other Chanel number five number six and number seven and there's lipstick on my collar let me tell you one thing there's gonna be a black skillet hit the top of my head I don't think I will survive and if the black skillet don't work she carries the pistol and her purse and she's and she's what's it called registered to carry carry and conceal she's carrying concealed she took a nine hour class brother Parrish and she come in holding up that man she shot she said I was the best shot there she had a hole in his chest it was 12 but 12 she shot there was no more material in it she said I'm the best shot in the country well let me tell you if a woman if a woman will not tolerate somebody else's pallone on her husband if a woman will not tolerate lipstick on your collar shame on you what do you think God thinks about when we sit watching trash talkin trash live in trash and we come and say he loves me he hugs me he just loves me I know we're all not Beyonce enough we all fall and come short of the glory of God but we don't live in a hellhole either and we don't live in a mud puddle either and we don't live in a stanchion sewer pond either God has picked us up he's give us beauty for Ashes he put a new song in our heart give me one more clapping shout of praise I said hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah but there's getting ready to be a shift I said getting ready to be a shift amen [Music] and God said Moses I'm gonna wipe them all out and say Lord don't do that don't wipe them all out no no no the earth opens swallowed that old snåsa and there was death in the camp and here's what God said he said o Moses go get some of that gold ænima and sacked in annika get the gold bainham which represents the center core of the of the plant your spirit don't get the stack which is calm resident has to be restored get the soul and get the annika the shell which means your body puts your spirit your soul and your body listen we're getting ready to step into another dimension of worship there's nothing there's nothing wrong with dancing in the spirit and there is the difference dancing in the flesh is when you shake your hips and other places you'll bother you shouldn't shake up and you look like a piece of bait dangling up for a fish that's not dancing in the spirit dancing in the spirit is let me get there shaking my hand in in your face there is the dance in the spirit and if you don't know what it's like go to Israel and watch those Jewish people dance in a wedding and when they dance there's nothing shaking on their mouth they know how to turn their feet loose they know how to wave their hands and the churches get ready for a dimension of worship that we've only dreamed about there's the dance - coming up there is much louder coming up there's the spirit soul body revelation of race yes yeah let's raise the old church we had a hardwood floors knotty pine walls the hardwood ceiling Church would only hold 250 cram packed in there my brother when the Shekinah got loose or before the Shekinah got loose I've seen 200 people dancing the spirit yeah I was raised with first generation Pentecostals up in the Amen Corner dart Hertz we had over 30 people that received the Holy Ghost for 1910 and they danced oh I mean they danced old Craney we called her granny hallelujah [Music] mr. Floyd nothin seductive about that had a woman come sure she did the cha-cha-cha did you let her cha-cha-cha no I set her down I didn't do it in front of everybody everybody just whispered in her ear I said sister one day God's gonna give you a Holy Ghost Dance she says I've been doing this for years I said you may have been doing it for years but you've been doing it wrong Hey anything that shakes your back in like that's not the Holy Ghost that may be how you danced at the hootenanny and that may be how you dance at the shindig that may have been the dancin moose that you had in the club but look around you're not in a clubs in Heights you're not at a shindig and you're not at a hootenanny you're in the house of the Lord and there's the Holy Ghost dance getting ready to come back there's the Holy Ghost Dance there's a do you know what it's like this whole spirit of core is always pushing they say pastor Tom can't we just can't we just slow dance at our wedding in the reception hall I said no said you American people don't know how to dance everything you do sit that difficult it's true somehow you don't get mad at me it's okay you haven't left yet because church has never been meant to sit like a bunch of knots on a Navajo log never has been meant for eight people to scream and jump up and down wild about four hundred five six eight hundred people or who doubts going like this I'm saying there's a transition coming it's my spirit it's my soul my will my mind you know how the old church used to be when the Holy Ghost will start to move I'm in an old sister grandma gut she jump up sir they got us pulled as lions I mean they take up fire Ferris fire there and they would do some other things if it was there but I will tell you this right now there's the boldness coming over you you're gonna get tired of being a spectator and Sun rises up in you you may not kick your heels up but you'll walk the aisles like a bold lion up and you'll speak of the unknown Todd ha God said Moses Moses I'm done with this bunch I'm done with it it's over with for them huh I want you to get the sensor and I want you to show them how to have Church I want you to fill your sensor with gold paint them and Annika I don't want you to do it I don't want you to do it slowly I want you to do it quickly this move that's coming in the last days it's gonna be one of the quickest moves we ever had it's gonna be a mover that's so dynamic that a boldness is coming on the people of God and God's gonna spare spiritual death [Music] [Applause] brother sway hands loner brothers mr. lay hands on the sister come on let's pray for each other [Music] come on pray for each other musicians come forward [Music] strengthen your people Lord [Music] strengthen your people Lord [Music] come on come on god this sounds wonderful [Music] but tell you something during pastor parish his messages were so dynamic this next dimension brothers and sisters God's going to cause his people I was preaching one night and the Holy Ghost said it's so plain in it shocked me he said if you will be my people I'll be your God [Music] our old house church I pastor 65 66 years old never had a split have we always had people come and go but not a split you know like people talk about when I started pastor in 1981 that platform with church seat seats right where the pew company said eleven hundred and twenty five from the balcony all the way because we had a big platform with we had eight men corners had the women's side in the men's side it was built on Appalachian culture the old way in that Amen Corner I've seen sister shel Harley Hensel his wife old sister Runyon when she got into got in her early 90s or mid nineties she couldn't remember where she was staying but she's speaking the unknown tongue and prophesy and I would watch him I've done all their funerals I've had to welcome to the cemetery during brother parishes meeting on that morning the morning came on my mom sister Janice who led the singing in the tent the chicken house in the barn with a 30-inch ponytail her shirt waist dresses in her handkerchief tied in her belt Lubin still has the old guitar in her prayer room she started waving her hands going around that sensor and I looked I said where's the rest of them oh god where's the rest of them my mother's the last one left here where's the rest of them where are they are we are we gonna let the plague kill us we're gonna let this addictive spirit of drugs drag us out are we gonna let the spirit of suicide I had a beautiful yard I didn't know how pretty she was till my wife showed me the picture she'd been coming to church sitting there but that depression over and over and over and over but wouldn't yield just living with that depression [Music] she's got thirteen-year-old daughter in high school our school my wife just had to attend her funeral while a daughter was in school she took a gun and shot herself a beauty queen somebody would look at and think most successful most likely to succeed she's got it all together but somewhere damage was done in her little childhood years that she never could get it out of her mind hear me couldn't get it out of her mind how long we gonna let that happen how long we gonna let Holmes fall apart teenagers pot-smoking more down they've ever smoked in decades they finally got enough sense to quit smoking pot now it's back since America's legalize it in some states the young people thinks it's okay Pentecostal young people they think it's okay I said whether the state has has legalized abortion but you're not going to out kill your baby the state has legalized same-sex marriage you're sure you're not gonna go out and get Steve or branch or Bob what the state does isn't us we're in another Kingdom [Music] [Applause] this kingdom is not democrat and it's not Republican this kingdom is not not one nationality it's every nation ever can't tongue every kindred but I watched my mother eighty-three years old I watched her tears running down her face going like this walking walking down the house touching everybody praying for everybody and my mother's a quiet woman she's like a southern belle it's not her nature to do that but she always yields him when it's time to get the censor out she gets the censor out because the only thing going to help this world's the censor the only thing going to get the shekinah out you could talk about it all you want to but until go bainham stacked and annika it's a prerequisite God put it in the scripture until goal Batum stacked a Nautica mixed with your pure frankincense starts going up before that veil it is not going to happen but when it happens the Shekinah the Shekinah let's all stand together tonight I've got a question first of all I'd like forever Minister I won't ever minister your wife Minister Senior Minister lead Minister youth pastor so pastors I want everyone in the ministry come up quickly come on wherever you are because I know this is tomorrow night's Church night and we might not get you tomorrow night [Music] oh so holy Lord Jesus we love you come on let's squeeze in here look at this multitude pastor parish I feel so compelled I've never felt compelled like this before I want you all come on whatever I can squeeze in here if you had to move over I never felt this compelling thing before I'm 63 I preached nine o'clock 10:45 12:30 six o'clock every weekend and I'm usually preaching Monday at least through February through June I'm usually preaching Monday Tuesday home on Wednesday preach Thursday Friday it's not because that I'm that I'm out I have to get something there's a compelling force and it's going to another level brother and that level is this young generation young preachers new pastors they've got to understand that the way of Korah is not working I don't care how big the crowd is it's not working research their congregations know addicts are getting free nobody's getting delivered basically they're pulling amount of out of churches that were cold anyway and they're getting a better show that's what's going on but you can make a difference you've been changed you've been charged you can make a difference I want everyone else that this wants to get close to God you can fill out the aisles if you want to get if you feel a compelling to be in this alter I want you to get in here to Pastor parish this is where our next responsibility is God wants people on this side of the altar to have that sensor [Music] Goll bainham stacked in annika mixed with pure frankincense he wants you on this side of the altar he wants you to create an atmosphere I tell the young people I'm not against your fog machine but the devil could care less if there's fog and aeronaut [Music] you know they like that fog look and that's okay for young people but wouldn't you love for your young people to see what the old-timers used to see it wasn't fog from a fog machine the Shekinah glory the old people would say they's the cloud came in that church there was the tithe there was the power of God that came in that church I speak it by the authority of the word of God I speak it tonight torez day is over and God's people are not going to walk through the camp they're not going to tiptoe through the camp but there's going to be a spirit say a spirit say a spirit of acceleration is going to move on me it's not gonna take you years [Music] it's not gonna take you years it's not gonna take you years this acceleration is going to move so fast that when it begins to fall and people see the life there's gonna be a transformation such as never been lit your hands come on just for me get your worship team up here and help jeremiah st. come on Oh [Music] you watched in my internet there's something moving let's run with that sensor [Music] Oh breathe just party with you just small opee I must say one more thing the cyma believe God to do something supernatural on your life in the next two or three minutes as soon as we pick Jeremiah up and Daniel we were in the car with Jonathan this is the same story brother the same story every plant every time I'm picked up in an airport the same camera Kate come conversation comes up about the false that's going on what we gonna do with this what are we going to do with this situation that's going on this pastor has just allowed this this one's just allowed that that this one this one's no more doing this that this one here that they're serving that they've given into drinking this ones cussing I'm not talking about people out there I've told my people up here they're cussing they're drinking they're lying they're stealing I've been in hundreds of places brother it's been the Congress on the conversation and I never come to this place with this message in a can you hear me matter of fact I came tonight to preach something else but at five o'clock this afternoon the Holy Ghost said you're not going to preach that one I said what am I going to preach he said there's going to be a multitude and I didn't know there was this many he said there's going to be a multitude of ministers there and I want you to preach take your sensor and run [Music] [Applause] I don't care if you're 21 years old 61 years old 41 years old there's the call coming from heaven this is a now word for this night take your spritzer and run brothers play hands full of brothers sisters lay hands on the sister come on wallaby you ready just satire in the name of Caesar why read a god something's happen tonight you say it's happening tonight right now right now it's happening tonight Fenster up and run get your mixer up and run so we'll see how cou see your presence until you come yes we'll see until you come and [Music] I'm having a spiritual encounter right now I just saw in the spirit as plain as day I saw a dam where the veil was oh my goodness pastor parish I just saw in the spirit where the veil was from ministry to the people it was like a dam I heard the loudest blast you could hear that thing broke when I heard it in my spirit I said oh my goodness I said the dam has broke the rivers flowing and the Holy Ghost said wherever whatever the river touches it shall come to life [Music] rock that bass drama we're getting ready to hear a blast from heaven Satan you better watch out I heard it in the spirit [Music] some of you ministers do you don't have to run and scream like me but you do meet the river and tonight I heard a blast [Music] what's hinders you from touching the people it's gonna break tonight [Music] some of you are going back to your prayer meetings your congregations your ministry your preaching your singing whatever it is there's going to multiply after tonight and when I tell you to shout I want you to shout because the river is gonna break loose and the Holy Ghost said whatever that river touches if it touches cancer it will live if it touches addiction it will be set free if it touches your community there will be revival I saw it in the spirit and it's gonna happen to somebody in this house tonight [Music] turn your feet loose you don't have to have a fast song to dance get your spirit your father and your body move move Maya Vishaka potala Bahia hey yo Santa Toyota hey Asha Katya hiya hey hot attire he know you're super tired hey hey are Shia [Music] run it for my I'm running home if anybody ask you what's the matter with me about it you tell are my slaves sanctified Holy Ghost field hi Jesus ah what a better way you tell us a thing only goldstein Jesus I voted for my life only go my life if anybody asks you what's a matter with me Godspeed I'm running for my life running for my life my life anybody ask you what's the matter with me whoa with a parish you yell about house Chikara yeah your bahahaha Shia I don't know what this means I don't know nothing about you nothing the Lord state Guinea but peer and tend to get used to this area right here hallelujah get used to this area because it's not going to be a foreign place to you one day you're going to talk and you're going to talk loud because you've got something to say but one day it's going to happen and that's all I'm going to tell you get used to it get used to it get comfortable with it get real comfortable with it hallelujah I don't know how it's gonna be I don't know if it's gonna be prophetic words I don't know what kind of words that's gonna be but it's in you and it's gonna manifest and that's all I got to say running for my life buh-bye ironic or daddy asked you what's the matter with me totally goldstein we'll talk way to the panelist a word don't wait til your victories be one remember whatever God promised it's yours man it's already time don't wait oh wait oh wait oh wait turn to lose to get your spinster up - ah [Music] [Music] don't worry patron is the liar is the defeated ho when I speak the name of Jesus every tables got to go I can't wait I won't hesitate I've got a shout right now now Oh Oh yes Shaka Baha kya for the blessing that I placed on you is not just for you it's for your seed the blessing on you is for your seed your seed your seed your seed your seed is Chaka by higher the anointing that you've been surrounded with grown up with fail to touch experience is for your seed and aha Shakuntala hey Tasha ah saya and you shall see it upon your seed and you shall rejoice Hacha Chaya hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] Oh [Music] Spain has come against you he's formed a mighty wall start marching just like Joshua that wall is gonna fall don't wait don't hesitate yes Oh [Music] Oh Oh Oh [Music] here we go again some ice walls gonna fall when these verses come they just pop out of nowhere here's the verse Satan has come against you he's formed mighty whoa just start marching like Oh Joshua that wall it's gonna fall don't wait don't hesitate shout it down right now [Music] Oh Satan has come against you he formed a mighty wall dart marks and lock holds Joshua that wall is gonna thaw told away [Music] [Music] [Music] Misha Hashimoto Menasha because each SAT Tejada Paraiba Hasina Nana mother K say because you've honored your parents because Shanna higher because you have steadfast stayed faithful true ish Nahas Satara Barse nahi Katara what comes into your hands I shall multiply be chic home Omaha shy barabara you not only have the anointing but you're a carrier the anointing ish Nahas satire and the anointing it's on you shall also come to your seed itta Bena his satire added about rakaia ish no mom ahora kya haal abode ricotta Oh horrible kiri acara kondaiah you're gonna step into another realm of authority hallelujah you've hungered for it you thought about it you've talked about it you've read about it you wonder could it be how can it be o it on my solder I I'm gonna light a fire in your home mmm she come on mo Kohli I tire it'll start in on in your home ICUs sees five people of six people five six people and in a in your home and you're talking about the Lord and a spirit of God's moving it looks like a flickering can candle he's shylaja rakaia I don't know who these people are I can only see the images sori on da da da ba da but God set out this flickering candle of inspiration there's going to be igniting of fires and as people come into your home and are ignited by this flickering candle fire they're gonna go out with torches ah ha cha da terra cotta they're gonna go out from torches from your house from your home from this frist prayer meeting this this gathering of some kind he's shot iya da da Dai it looks like just a little flickering candle in your and you're in your room of your house in your great room that's what it looks like but when it leaves the house it becomes a torch in the hands of the people who were in your home and and as they walk ela Hara Tara Monday Shia as they go back to their home in their community it's like a torch it is like a bright light shining in a dark place and the word shall spread forth Ibarra Hara kaya oh don't despise the day of small things for what looks small in the mind and in the eyes of humanity yeah I have planned a great work hallelujah be obedient I'll show you who to invite aromatic attire and I'll cause the flickering flame to move me do Cory and I and the gifts of the Spirit shall move in your home Nakano Moho shot ayah and I hear you I hear your wife speaking words of prophecy to somebody eat about a handle on AHA Shia there's someone who really didn't know that they could move in the spirit but their lives are being changed because they realize that the God in the living room is just as great as the god that's preached from the pulpit EDA ha da da da ba da da kaya hallelujah thank you lord thank you God for this mysterious word that you given our little brother tonight and I'm asking you God Lord to give him a strength Lord Lord let his home God be fruitful in a bountiful in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ hallelujah oh let's give God praise what an unusual what an unusual what an unusual what an unusual prophetic word a flickering candle in a home is going to be placed in the hands of people who leave that home it's gonna become torches in dark places how about education aya listen don't you dare try to put this thing limited to these kind of meetings what God's getting ready to do is gonna be done in the house in the driveway I see somebody there's gonna be an event take place somewhere somebody's charter here I see you I see a fire Canton a campfire and you're just just doing the usual hamburgers and hotdogs marshmallows but all at once the visitation of the Holy Ghost somebody's got a yield you can keep on roasting that hot dog and disobey God you hear me or you can put that thing on a stick and see aha shut up on what air con tire and when you do people's gonna realize they need people need a reality of God they need the reality of God everywhere and I don't know who's that but it's gonna happen it might what you might have when you all do that or if you do it at all somewhere along the line you're gonna be sitting around a fire and the spirits gonna move on somebody in here you're gonna have a choice either take your sensor and be obedient or just keep on roasting your hot dog and try to try to blend in with everybody blendings over blendings over Jesus Jesus Jesus wait no more linger no longer for the or our a breakthrough his come and the door is opened walk through it with boldness and with courage for I have renewed your spirit and I shall renew your strength I have gone the way before you I have made the crooked path strange therefore be not timid not fearful for the harvest is before you and the enemy has been restrained therefore take your moment and opportunity for your time has come saith the Lord were you fine sisters were you all at the at the volunteer picnic we had a we always have a picnic for all of our volunteers not everybody could come we have over 400 and something so the only 300 and something were there it's a big picnic all together probably 400 counting people working and everything just a picnic please you've got to listen to this because what's going to happen in your home it looks like a flickering candle I saw it it looks like nothing looks like somebody say just a little candle but when it left your house it turned into a torch what I saw around that campfire we were having a volunteer picnic brother a picnic for our volunteers in the Ralph's barley Center check it you know we did it countries we could had the big kool-aid and sweet tea Fried Chicken anything you can think country watermelon it was his top-notch professional excellence everybody having a good time blow up toys for the kids it was wonderful Eric had three awards to give so he went to we had a microphone set up he gave out the first award everybody got quiet like this it's a picnic you're supposed to be loud and Kentucky people talk to four different conversations at the same time they're like Italians and sorry and he went ready to give out the second award Jesus walked in with no warning no praise and worship knowed lights dimmed no nothing oh I knew he walked in I was standard getting ready to give out the award now what about atonement Eli how did he I my mom was clear on the other side the building she went in unknown tongues the old Saints it was this the most fearful scary feeling you ever felt in your life not not fear like afraid like beyond the shed of it out something supernatural just come out of that veil it did you can mark it down that's gonna happen we got a word from the Lord and don't wait it's now hallelujah put your hands together and give the Lord praise everybody everybody pour it to the Lord amen brother Bateson brother Jeremiah will be here again tomorrow night there's no noon service tomorrow so make your plans to be here tomorrow night tomorrow night's gonna be the big night tomorrow night it's gonna be the extra special double portion anointing night Jeremiah won't be here he's got to go back everybody Jeremiah that he gets on a plane that doesn't get hit by a bird all right in Jesus name help him back to Kentucky in the name of the Lord okay there'll be the land famines gonna be here other folks are gonna be here and we're gonna be here the Holy Ghost is going to be here it's gonna be a great finale tomorrow night so don't miss it before you leave tonight I don't want to say I've got three new CDs out there the live CD that I just released has the soldier declaration on it they come at my grandfather's Bible and I've got to studio produce CDs it's most requested songs that I do so we've got all three of them back there brother Daniel will be back there he'll let you know I don't even know how much they are I think 13 dollars a piece all right turn around shake hands with about 45 folks and tell them ball this was good to be in the house of God tonight it was good to be in church I'm glad you were here to get what God had for you in Jesus [Music] then Jesus led Jesus Jesus who was he watch the scenery [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus chaos machine to what a play got you [Music] Oh [Music] happy which is us wash with cheers last one with Jesus he wash machine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: LCC Services
Views: 44,721
Rating: 4.8772564 out of 5
Id: IqWwotoDbDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 51sec (10851 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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