The Conflict. The Cure. The Call. | Pastor Tommy Bates

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just for a few moments this morning we're dealing with the subject the conflict the Cure the call our text is found in Jude chapter 1 verses 17 through 23 the first thing we'd like to look at in the book of Jude is there's a conflict going on and you wouldn't believe in Christianity you never have a conflict you wouldn't believe that there'd be a time of division in Chisholm's and all kinds of separation and things of that because we know there's one Lord Jesus there's one faith Jesus there's one baptism Jesus we know that Jesus is the fullness of the Godhead bodily we know that he's the one that sets on the throne so in Christianity there shouldn't even be a question about lordship about preeminence about who is Lord who is the savior who is God manifest in the flesh who is the Creator who is the Almighty God there should be no questions at all and this Almighty God came to this earth and paid the penalty for sin because up till Jesus Christ if you if you were born in a negative situation you died in a negative situation if you were born in poverty you died in poverty there was no room for change there was no room for a rearrangement of your life and you were stuck in that situation but when Jesus Christ came to Calvary and he paid the penalty for sin and in his body he took all of the sins of the world past present and future for every nation every kindred every tongue and every people he took every sin he put it in his body and the Bible said he nailed to that tree every accusation that Satan and the powers of darkness would point their finger in your face and say you can't make it you can't overcome your marriage is bound to fall your home is going to crumble you can't accomplish anything financially you're stuck in a certain way of living and you can't get out every single solitary accusation that the powers of darkness would try to conjure up to destroy what God is going to do in your life he nailed it to the cross hallelujah he nailed it to the cross now someone say well if all of my sins are forgiven past present and future then while I don't have anything to worry about well the Bible said now if you say you don't sin anymore you're a liar and the truth is not in you because you live in a body that is weak human frailties and human weaknesses you live in a human house of clay we have this treasure in this earthen vessel that the excellency of the power may be of God and out of ourselves even though we have weaknesses and lusts and passions and faults and failures and God knows we have them the Bible said but but but if we sin we have an advocate a defense attorney the Lord Jesus Christ who fights against those powers of darkness that wants to keep you from being what God has called you and anointed you to be your talents and your abilities will take you to this level but God through His grace and through his power will take you where you can't ever go he'll make you be what you can never you think you're a good man he'll make you a better man if you're a poor man he'll take you a rich man hallelujah if you're a lyin man you'll be a man that tells the true that you're unfaithful he can make you faithful he meets us where we are in order to take us where we need to be and that is the favor of God upon our life and it's because of the cross of Calvary that this action that God has taken he wanted to come to humanity he wanted to come to every nation he wanted to come to every continent and he wanted to declare you don't have to be stuck in that lifestyle you don't have to be stuck in the situation that you're in I came that you may have life and that you may have it more abundantly I came that should be a conqueror through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I came that you would mount up with wings as Eagles so what is this blessing called what is this favor called what is this action called where God wasn't meet me in my weakness and take me where I need to be it is simply called grace there's no way to explain it it just means that God chose me before I chose him I wasn't looking for God God was looking for me he's the one that came to find me he's the one that has drawn me by his Spirit he's the one that had his eye on me even though this world was sold under sin and all works of iniquity abound all around us his eye is constantly on every individual he is coming to our rescue he wants us not to perish but to have everlasting life not just eternal life but life in this world and have it abundantly he wants us to rise up above every obstacle and above every difficulty that's why it's called good news I don't have any bad news to bring up I've got good news to bring up that Jesus is the Christ he is the son of the Living God let's give him a praise this morning hallelujah but now the Spirit of God begins to move upon Jude and the Holy Ghost begins to tell us that in the last days there is going to be a spirit of apostasy a spirit of apostasy it's going to look like a church sound like a church and act like a church but the problem is going to be this it is going to change the truth of God into lasciviousness or licentiousness what license Lluis means of is lacking legal or moral restraints a disregard for rules or disregard for correctness disregard for sexual restraints he said there is going to come in false teachers under the guise of the church they're going to come in and the purpose is going to be to change the power of the grace of God into something that it is not God does not use grace to shut his hands up and say lie all you want to boy I know you can't get over it I go ahead and cheat around all you can just keep right on that porno you know you know you can't help it it doesn't mean that God shuts his eyes and he doesn't see our temper fits and our selfishness and all those things up it just means that God has provided power that we don't have to say in the rut that we are in hallelujah it means that God has given us the power so the gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of power it's not a gospel of weakness something it's not a gospel of drunkenness it's not a gospel it overlooks all kind of filthy ungodly sexual sins it is a gospel that is in power it's a gospel that is in truth it's a gospel that shines the light into a dark place that causes a salt of the earth to preserve uh something for his comin hallelujah well Gloria this age of apostasy this age of apostasy is going to come in the last days because the church is going to rise and as I spoke to you last week and gave you the other religions of the world there is nothing to come close to Christianity the closest one under us is Islam and it's instill a couple of billion under us Christianity is there is a as the light of the world that doesn't make it right because it's the greatest because at one time it wasn't the greatest but in 30 years they turn the world upside down through the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ so the true gospel is a gospel that's radical a true gospel it's a gospel of change a true gospel takes the drunkenness out of a community a true gospel puts homes back together a true gospel it takes away inferiority and intimidation you gospel will make you be what you could never be by yourself and that's what the Gospel of Jesus Christ will do hallelujah it's apostate Church in the Bible that's going to come that's going to merge Christianity he's not talking to Hindus he's not talking to Muslims he's not talking to Buddhists he's not talking to a million-and-a-half Hindu gods he's not talking to not talking to all the Scientology down there got that skyscraper in Clearwater Florida waiting for aliens to come down from outer space he not talking to them he's talking to the church he said I'm going to warn you he said there is a feeling a spirit of apostasy it's not a place it's not a person it's a spirit of apostasy it's going to come to the church to my people and it's going to cause them to to not be faithful and the Bible in the book of Revelation calls this spirit a harlot Church a woman riding on the Beast and and the Beast in Revelation represents the Antichrist spirit the one-world government and I've read it in the book of Revelation but I I had a personal visitation of a vision right here in this church 2005 and in that vision I was so moved as I saw this woman on the Beast and the Bible said she drinking the blood of the martyrs and the prophets and the blood was running down her and she was laughing laughing look at the division that I'm cause and look at how that I'm diluting the gospel and she was laughing and I went into my office and came out because I'd cried for over two hours straight not my tears they were the tire tears of Christ it wasn't my travail it was the travail of Jesus for his church and and the Bible warns us of this age in the book of Acts chapter 20 and verse 29 in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 and verse 1 in 2nd Peter chapter 3 and verse 3 the Bible said that this spirit of apostasy this this lasciviousness this life sensuous no rules come on this is the church and no rules there's no restraints keep your drinking up sleep around we don't see it God don't see sin through the grace of God that's the biggest lie ever been told God saw sin on the body of Jesus and it pleased the father to bruise him that I may have life Jesus never bled and died that I would continue in my field and my rebellion but he bled and died that idea new creation in Christ Jesus that old things would be passed away that all things would become - hallelujah oh the Bible said he begins to speak on under the Holy Ghost he said this of spirit apostasy is going to deny the Lord Jesus not be easy if it meant just deny Jesus but that's not what it means it means rejecting what Jesus Christ our Lord has come to this earth to do and he has come to this earth to place his moral laws of righteousness in our hearts I don't need tables of stone a stone shoved in my face because God with his finger has written his law on my heart and I know that I am of God and I have overcome this world because greater is He that's within me than he that's within the world he has given me the power to change when the woman was caught in the act of adultery and her neighbors were ready to stone her the Bible said that Jesus came wrote in the sand and the people begin to drop the rocks then he looked at the woman he never said go and sin some more because I don't see it under the grace of God that's not what he said he said go up sin no more when Mary Magdalene came to Christ she had seven devils now Jesus didn't say Mary here honey have a seat I'm going to bring you in the best psychiatrist he's going to give you the best medication to deal with your polarized temperament oh no he didn't say Mary what you need is psychological treatment we're going to deal with those seven devils up he said honey let me tell you something I never came to deal with the devil in your life I came to cast the devil out and the Bible said he casts that devil out common is glad he that the spirit past stayed free is free indeed whoa Simon Peter a wild rough cussing fisherman turned into the apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ and declared on the day of Pentecost these people aren't drunk that's what you think they're crazy they're not drunk as you suppose but this is that which was prophesied by the Prophet Joe el that in the last days I'm going to pour out of my spirit what about Saul of Tarsus who had papers in his hand ready to murder Christians when a bright light shone around him and changed his life changed his direction and changed everything about him and Paul stood before Nero the Ceaser of Rome he stood before him and he said I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ the hero up I'm not ashamed you take my head off but you won't stop the gospel I must I'm not ashamed it is the power of God unto salvation hallelujah what is this power what is this power he's talking about John 1:12 says as many as received Jesus to them gave he power to become the sons of God it is power to be like Jesus it's power to change thank God I'm not what I used to be hallelujah I may not be what people think I ought to be and I sure enough know I'm not what I should be but you look at me and look at me good I will never ever ever be what I used to be because I've been transformed I make mistakes I've got passions I've got lost something I've got human frailties and I've got weaknesses but I have a god that's greater that lives inside of me and it's not his will that I should be cast down but yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will not fear evil no matter what circumstance and the era he walks with me he talks with me he lives in it he dwells hallelujah Romans chapter 5 1 & 2 says therefore being justified that we're justified means just as if I'd never said just as if I'd never went to jail just as if I'd never been drunk just as if I'd never cheated around just as Kniffin I've never been hooked on pornos just as if I'd never lied just as if I'd never stands if I had never sinned I am justified by faith hallelujah and that's why I have peace with God and this faith I have access into this grace this same faith that got me saved up is the same faith that gives me access into this grace remember what grace says it's God's action it's God's favor it's God's will it's God's love it's God wanted to pick me up and turn me around and put my feet on solid ground it's my faith I have access into this grace wherein I stand not I fall it's not God's will for me to fire will fall but it's not God's will for me to lay in the mud all the time there's nothing wrong when somebody Falls but there's everything wrong when you decide to lay in the muck and the mire and the sin and the field and say I can't do nothing about it you're right you can't do anything about it but that's why greater is he this within them that heinous within the world I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me glory to God Titus chapter 2 verse 11 tells us for this grace this favor this action of God this love of God that's released on me hallelujah that brings salvation salvations renewal recovered reviving restoring restoration anything you want to get renewed restore revive recovered hallelujah disgrace disgrace this action of God this love of God this mercy of God that causes me to be restored renewed revived recovered restored renewed revived recovered hallelujah hallelujah this Christ this grace that brings this kind of salvation has come to every creature all the Koreans back there hallelujah all of the Hillbillies over here all of the Tennessee in the Michigan's and everybody that's here and watching all around the world all 55 nations or six-six that are watching around the world the thousands of people that are in service with us right now this grace this action of love this joy unspeakable and full of glory this beauty for Ashes something oh yes I said this beauty for Ashes up this get up and go that's in my soul hallelujah there's something on the inside that's working on the outside up has come to everyone every creature when disgrace comes when it comes on everyone this grace teaches us to deny ungodliness that means if God didn't working in it I don't want it reject it if God's not in it rejected denying ungodliness and worldly lust that we should live soberly and he's not talking just about not drinking yourself to death hallelujah that's that's that that's general knowledge Police Department knows more about that thank God for the police department standard of holiness hallelujah you can't get stopped by the police after you've been doused in it down and looked at officer in the face and say well you know I believe in drinking he said whether you believe in it or not breathe in this thing well I'll tell you I don't believe it getting drunk I believe you you're not gonna find me getting drunk I didn't have that much maybe two maybe three you know I was at the ball game you can't enjoy the ball game without a few I believe in drinking breathe in this thing you're drunk I'm not drunk you're drunk it's called DUI and it's going to go on your record and it's going to go in the newspaper it's yes it is it's going to go on the internet all your neighbors gonna know DUI DUI everybody's gonna talk about it's gonna be on Facebook Facebook it's gonna hit snapchat oh but that's not the drunkenness he's talking about but that goes along with it he said I want you to live soberly that means level-headed quit being so so weird about things I want you to level off I want you to live righteously I want you to live godly that mean when I get to heaven oh he said to every bit of that in this present world how can I do it in this present world because of the grace the action to love the mercy of God that has come to every nation of the world that the same grace in action is for you to stand not for you to fall it's for you to rise up not for you to be flat on your feet it's not for you to be sleeping around lying around looking around and everything else it's for you to live godly in this present world hallelujah but the Bible said these mockers these false teachers these those in leadership are going to cause the division against my gospel not against community family church not against the holiness people not against the Pentecostals not against the good Baptist not against the Nazarene he said they're going to cause divisions among the gospel that I preach they're going to separate themselves they are not being led by the Holy Spirit he said it is not the Holy Spirit that waters down the gospel in such a way that have your congregation got drunk the night before and your teenagers are saying the f-word and people are sleeping around and they're in the cinema Saturday night watching bear high knees and neck and fronts and sexual acts you might say you're a little hard preacher I'll refuse to back down I refuse to give in either this gospel is the gospel or it's not the gospel at all I know what came to me I know what changed my life I know what turned me around I know what set my feet on the rocket I thank God for old-fashioned Holy Ghost Bible experience of salvation through the blood hallelujah so we said the last days that's gonna be weird Chuck that's for sure crazy elections when professional people with degrees talk to each other with such disrespect you can deal with issues and not talk disrespectfully we're teaching our children whatever your big mouth wants to say say it we're teaching our children whatever you want to do do it it's all right and that is not this Bible way you can deal with an issue you can stand your ground I don't care or who screams at me I'm pro-life honest a pro-life I don't have to have any other body else this is not a Democrat issue it's not a Republican issue it's not even a political issue at all it's a Jesus issue it's an issue of where we stand hallelujah and some people said well I'm just not going to vote at all you just voted hallelujah when you don't vote you just vote I don't need to be putting a booth I don't need to have a curtain around me I don't have to sneak in hide my vote I'll vote out loud I'll vote in front of anybody's face I don't have anything to hide because what I believe I believe and I will stand for because there's only one God Jesus is he whoa well I Dell on the conflict enough I'd have on the conflict enough now let's go to the cure he said it's come in the last days there's going to be something to week in the church you see Satan can't destroy truth but he will do everything his power to divert it or pervert it because if you divert the truth or pervert the truth or contaminate that you can't contaminate it if it's true but if you diverted or perverted because truth will always make you free and if there's no freedom in the house if there's nobody saying thank God I found Jesus I used to be a drunkard but look at me now I used to like like brother Goebbels head bounces bounces bounces if they could make a toy out of him it'd be a multi-million dollar project you want Disneyworld will do don't you they put that what's that cowboy every time we go to Disney they got their woody I'm telling you right now go for it woody I know you all love my planned illustrations don't you hallelujah praise God brother go we'll put woody right out of business hallelujah but what was go well Goble was a mountaineer living on moonshine hallelujah bootlegging whiskey but now Goebbels shouts and shakes that head and set out he testifies and say thank God I switched from moonshine to sunshine hallelujah anybody here guilty of the same thing oh I loved it one of my favorite restaurants and that the closest one here is in Fairfield and I don't when I'm home I don't dry I won't go restaurants the best food you ever eat is our house don't come as you're invited but I'll tell you the best food is our house you sit down to eat you can't horse standing it's so good and you all sit here is we're not done yet but I love Papa doors I love that pop of those I love that Cajun Louisiana French seafood it's just you can just feel the Sun you just feel Southern when you eat it I would pastor wanted to take me to the Papa dose and a bunch of pastors were there and the lady comes out with these big pretty glasses I wonder why they don't put tea in that big glass that big old crystal goblet she says can I get you all a fine glass of wine I said I don't think you carry what I drink she says well let me check I said it's called the new wine and she went I said sometimes called the Holy Ghost she goes I don't think I carry that took the wine glasses away I say why are you so hard against drinking because it makes people idiots that's why hallelujah I'm not against people drinking I'm just against what they are drinking hallelujah you get a hold a new wine there I go again what is the cure he said build yourself up don't be a weak-kneed yellow-bellied Christian that don't have enough power to even blow the fuzz off of a peach he said I want you to build yourself up on your most holy faith you know what's your most holy faith is on faith come by hearing and hearing by the Word of God how do you build yourself up the minute you say oh this isn't going to work I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me hallelujah the minute that not starts coming on your body say by his bloody stripes I am healed up glory to God the first time you get news about your family and there's an uproar and everything's going wrong you say god I know that you can take you can make a way up I know you make a way where there seems done your away maker you're a problem solver you're my everything you got to build yourself up don't wait for somebody to prime you up touch you up pick you up build your own self Ahava by taking the Word of God and speaking it to every situation they build up number to pray up the Bible said praying in the Holy Ghost the Pentecostals love that because we believe immediately it means praying in other tongues that's one way you can pray in the Holy Ghost but he's saying pray in the spirit he's saying pray your heart pray I want it on the inside don't this head thing that comes out and say Oh Lord let your word be around me today in Jesus name walk out the door there you go he says I honor that because you talk to me God honors every prayer I don't have time to go through big long discourse when I get in my car but believe me I pray I preach too many funerals I don't care who's in the car say in the name of Jesus let angels be around this car and I don't do it like this let's all pray or hold on my nose like I got a sinus infection before we leave let's pray we embarrassed about call on Jesus because then when you're crossing 75 and that crazy man on the cell phone didn't he see you or did he thinks anything about you and he's just about rammed you into the wall you can come back to say thank God we pray before we left hallelujah we pray before and then you say it was Jesus that done the work but there's a certain time there sometimes you need to pray your heart there sometimes you need to pray to your heart starts poundin and you say you've been so good to me I thank you I love you there needs to be those heartfelt times that he said I want you to build yourself up I want you to pray yourself up and then he said to keep yourself encouraged I want you to look up I want you to look up because your redemption is drawing nigh I want you to look up close the trumpets getting ready to sound I want you to look up because Jesus is definitely coming back and you're living in the most precious generation that's ever existed on the face of this earth who say build up pray up look up around tell somebody say pray up build up look up look up pray up build up build up pray up look up amen amen yeah man a name hey man amen hey man man why does he want us to be built up why does he wants to be preyed on because he didn't bring us to these last days to sit inside of a foxhole and hide I want you to be built up I want you to prayed it up so you can hide in a foxhole and don't tell anybody about Jesus don't even whisper it don't even talk about it no I saw what he said he said I want you built up and once you prayed up cuz I got this reason you've got a call and that call is to reach out to everyone you can find reach out to your children your grandchildren your great-grandchildren you can cook them a dinner if you have to hallelujah say once you come to church with me I'll take you out to eat after it's over why don't you invite him he wants us built up prayed up and for a purpose and look it up because we are living in the most strategic time we've ever lived hallelujah hallelujah
Channel: CommunityFamilyChurch
Views: 21,170
Rating: 4.7925925 out of 5
Keywords: the gospel, preaching, community family church, tommy bates, outreach, evangelism, Jesus, church
Id: POxOw9o2pLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2016
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