Tommy Bates Revival - World Harvest Church (1/8/06 AM)

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last Sunday last Sunday I broke the seals on a word that word was prophetically uttered in this place does anybody remember the date is in October October the 16th I believe where the spirit of prophecy came upon me and I prophesied for nearly an hour what we have discovered is that three things are necessary when a word from God has spoken how many of you believe through the years we have received the prophetic word of God here but for too many instances that word seemed to lack fulfillment manifestation and so we have been waiting on those words and God began to deal that there were three things necessary when a word from God is given to bring it into manifestation now God told us that we have been brought to the kingdom for such a time as this in an ester anointing Esther's responsibility however was not to speak to the King on her own behalf now God her responsibility was to speak to the King on behalf of others to stand in the gap to make up the hedge to be a repairer of the breach a restorer paths to dwell in now when a prophetic word of God is given three things are necessary first of all there must be a prophetic unction an anointed fivefold ministry office gift how shall they call upon him whom they've not believed how shall they believe upon him whom they've not heard how shall they hear without a preacher everything has to start your declaration out here on the end calling under the Lord Jeremiah 33:3 call unto me and I will answer these saith the Lord and show show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not name it and claim it grab it and Babbage speak it and establish it is all a reality mark 11:22 2:24 is a reality have faith in God for truly I say to you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but spirits but shall believe those things that he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith therefore what things soever you desire when you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them but you can't do that until you believe your Bible says we have believed therefore we speak you don't speak to believe you believe therefore you speak but how do you get to believing you must hear faith cometh by hearing and hearing by a word of God however that word must be delivered by a fivefold ministry office gift anointed of the Holy Spirit if you miss that you miss the whole process so when God comes down in anointing and rises up in authority and begins to declare a thing so is my word saith the Lord that falleth down like rain and snow out of heaven and return if not Caesar but when it returns it shall accomplish that which I sent it to do there's a paradox there's a contradiction how is it going to return if it comes down like rain and snow and returns not visit your quiet you're quiet and when it does return is good God Almighty it shall accomplish everything I send it to do so so so so there's a breakdown somewhere let me tell you why because God God is responsible to send it and to perform it hell okay and you perform it what is God responsible for talk to me what is God responsible for to send that word what else is God responsible for to perform that word God so he sends his word that word is spoken into the earth by an anointed fivefold ministry office gift and too often that's where it stops whoa whoa whoa watch the window shiny shoes whoa fix a neck whoa what a word the word an hour and you imagine that God comes and speaks directly for an hour and a week later no one knows what he said the second thing that is reversed must transfer is for the priest to bring the people to that word call a solemn assembly that's where we are sanctify of feast among the people no but it does that anymore we've got route and routine services a mechanical gift to memorize shout apart on a learn dance we have services but no service I'm here so someone must call the people together around the magnetism of that word everybody must focus on that word I have so much when when the Tower of Babel was established God said they shall accomplish what they have a mind to do for the people of all one language they're all single God Almighty they're all saying the same thing I remember this is before a cross this is before a crucifixion this is before an empty tomb this is before a resurrection this is before an Advent back to heaven this is before the World Wrestling Federation Holy Spirit tag-team handoff where God said the Holy Spirit in the earth that he that was with you should be in you this is before any of that and God said they will do what they have a mind to do which was build a tower to heaven and the only way I can stop them is to get their language confused so that they're all speaking differently because if they ever start saying the same thing and if what they're saying is what I said God sends it God performs it but in between it's got to get back God never mentions how it gets back because it's not his responsibility but I can tell you this the book of Hebrews says now let us offer unto Him the sacrifice of praise the fruit of our lips giving thanks unto his name what is he saying declare unto me the works of my hands what does he say you shall have whatsoever you say so what's missing the third link the role of the intercessor someone who will pick up that word yeah God oh please don't look at me like you have no idea what I'm talking about because something's about to explode something's about to burst wide open something's about to break forth when you when you really really get it when you really really understand God walked in here and for an hour gave us his word when we it came under a prophetic anointing when we called a solemn assembly when we declared a 40-day fast and afforded a feast celebration around that word when everybody is speaking for the same thing your Bible says I will Jeremiah what do you see Jeremiah said I see a rod of an almond tree blossoming and bearing fruit in the middle of the winter almond trees don't have fruit in the winter apple trees don't have fruit in the winter pear trees don't have fruit in the winter what is he talking about he's saying if in the middle of the winter of your life when you're not supposed to have any fruit when you don't have a praise when you don't have a shout when you don't have a prayer when you don't have a thank you Jesus if somebody will walk out in the middle of their winter and begin to bear the fruit of their lips God said I will hasten after that word and I will perform it the role of the intercessor a person or a people who will not allow that word to lay dormant but will take on their writely role pick up that word and begin to declare it back into the heavens and Isaiah declared you shall sow the heavens god almighty and the foundations of the earth shall be established everywhere I go everywhere I go anointed men and women of God grab me and say pastor you don't have the prayer cover you need you don't have sense it in my spirit I'm going to raise up intercessors in this church there are pockets of intercessors all over America around the world that do nothing every week but pray for me but I wonder if anybody here is doing it that's where that's where I am we've all got to begin to do it hallelujah I got a hurry because when I walked off the platform last week and collapse back here in the back hallway my mother was waiting on me I had not spoken to her she said she could barely talk she was stammering she said she said I have to tell you I have to tell you I said what are you talking about she said pastor Tommy Bates call me on the phone he said God had had him in so many hours of intercession that his eyes were swollen shut from the tears that he had cried he said pastor is delivering a word and he began to talk about that word that I preached in here on that Sunday God had apprehended him as an example clear in another state and grabbed ahold of him and began to birth the ministry of intercession about him and I got together with the elders this week and I said you get him on the phone I know he pastors a great Church and travels as much as I do but I want him to come in front of this people as an example of what God is doing and let them know how much the Word of God is in this place and what a prophetically pivotal moment we are in right now and he left his church and he left what he was doing and he God in an automobile and he flew over here and in the name of Jesus I want you to get on your feet I want you to get your spirit open and I want you to receive this man of God who has a word in season for them that are wear it I want you to receive pastor Tommy Bates I want you to receive him in your spirit shout unto God like you know something is about to happen in your life of eternal significance praise the Lord first of all I want to tell you I didn't come to preach a sermon I've been preaching this coming March for 34 years I didn't come to receive an offering from my ministry I didn't come for an honorarium I don't want any checks written out to me matter of fact I sowed in this offering I'm here for one purpose that's to deliver a message mama parsley sent me the DVD of last Sunday morning sermon she wanted to make sure she overnighted it I got it and I began to watch it Friday night and I watched the new song I heard the sing in I heard the basketball commercial everything the offering I heard everything and then when it got time for pastor parsley to preach the DVD went dead I never heard anything I had a spirit of intimidation come upon me and said what the world you think you're doing you heal Jack you call right now and tell them you're not coming you know you can't come you have other responsibilities and of course I wasn't going to do it I would have to really have God to push me to make me do that and I was really nervous and I went to bed Friday night but when I woke up Saturday morning something on the inside of me I felt so relaxed and so calm and the Spirit of the Lord moved up on me and said I didn't ask you to preach you're not a camp-meeting speaker I didn't ask you to do any of those things all I asked you to do is deliver a message so I begin to I wrote down everything because I don't want to veer off to the right or to the left but I never heard Sunday mornings message I don't know anything all I know is what I know in the spirit it was about 12 years ago that I was in prayer and fasting I got a burden on the piano I was singing an old song that talks about coming back to the Lord and and I couldn't understand and I got a brokenness for brother Swaggart that that was just a something that hit me a brokenness for brother Jimmy Swaggart and as I began to pray the Lord began to move up on me and and said I'm not going Jimmy Swaggart ministry will not recover said he'll rise up at his ministry as it was will not recover but I'm going to raise up Solomon's all across the United States and Russia and the glory of the Lord and said one of these is rod parsley I never knew who rod parsley was I never heard him preach I never heard anything about him I didn't even know his name I just been invited to Dallas on TBN I called up sister Betty Jean Robinson and I said who is rod parsley she said he's from Kentucky and so I called up here I got the name of the church and I called I thought well I know everybody in Kentucky surely I'm maybe I'm kin to him or something you know I don't I don't know who who he is but there never was a contact made and then and then we were invited to Hendersonville my sons and I about five different times we came and spoke at the Bible College and there's a relationship that has begun there but what I wanted to tell you is this I met him first in fervent prayer I met him in the spirit now the Lord New Year's Eve I went to church as I do a lot of times and I'm by myself and all the once the Lord begins to show me pastor rod parsley his teenage years how that he gave got his best his 20s his 30s into his forties and he's given God the strongest years of his life and then I saw out of the book of Revelation chapter 13 I saw this beast coming out of the sea with a body like a leopard with seven heads and ten horns with feet like a bear and a mouth like a lion this is the political system of Babylon I saw this beast coming out of the out of the sea and the Lord spoke to me and said I chose rod parsley to push this beast back for a season he said it was pastor rod parsley who I chose to alter the election the presidential election not a Democrat not a Republican situation but the spirit of the Antichrist he said that came walking in America I chose rod parsley to push this beast back for a season to bring forth the principles of Christianity and then he'll and then I saw pastor parsley in a very in a weary in the battle I looked into his eyes and they were so weak I sold the anointing on the head ship but I didn't see it getting past the head you see the anointing must flow from the head to the shoulders to the hands to the feet because the enemy will only come under the feet if the headship is the only one that is anointed under the power of God there is no enemy that comes under the feet you played just as much as a an important factor in the body of Christ on the Judgment Day as the pastor himself you've been placed here for such a time as this it is God's power and his anointing that is working upon this church these flags are gathered around here today because this is not just a church this is a global anointing this is a place that God has chosen and the Lord showed me the map of the United States and I looked up in the corner there were all higher is to the capital city of Ohio and I saw like a blazing fire and I saw that the enemy has guarded and watched that leopard with feet like a bear with a mouth like a lion with seven heads and ten horns up he hates this man of God he hates this place and he despises it but God spoke to me and he said prayer must be made instead of the anointing coming down on the shoulders and on the hands and on the feet I saw the horrible sight I so leeches I saw leeches by the thousands I saw people who were sucking the life out who were drawing life out for what the church can do for me what can the church do for me how can the church put bread on my table how can the church put shoes on my feet how can the church put a shelter over my head that's what can the church do for me I saw these leeches I saw him in such a weary stage and I saw him from the touch from his neck on down and then the Lord I saw Joni she was sitting in a chair by herself in the dark night it was a emerald green looking chair with cherrywood arms and she was praying in other tongues and as she was praying into the tongues there seemed to be no relief and almost helplessness up but I heard her spirit in English and her spirit in English said these words what can I do to help my husband what can I do to help my husband you see God has chosen this man from the poverty-stricken cold mines of the Appalachian Mountains to build a place in the capital city of Ohio for a worldwide ministry this is a global anointing in this house and the spirit said don't try to understand rod parsley don't try to understand him I graduated from Northern Kentucky University with my bachelor's and my master's degree in education I took reading diagnostics and I've been with him just enough to know that his intellectual ability is off the charts there's not a diagnostic test I believe that can even record his record I know that his memorization skills are incredible I know that when I'm in a room with him and he goes to the corner and he may rock a little bit it's none of my business what he's rocking about I'm challenging you here today he is not made to go out golfing with us don't expect him us to be there to eat lunch with you you're going to cage this man of God up he is not to be understood he is to be heard he is to be a paid attention to and he shall be followed up in the mighty name of Jesus up there's a hunger that has been birthed in his heart that there is something been birthed in his soul he changed the course of America it was called that shows him us to take that leopard body and those bear feeds and that mouth like a lion and push that political system as the spirit of the Antichrist Suttons not a democratic spirit not a republican spirit not anything other than the political system of Babylon itself that's preparing itself up for this in time Antichrist I want you to lift your hands and give him some praise right now I need about 200 of you - that's going to say when I say give prays that you'll say hallelujah hallelujah whose 200 it'll do that wait now I need about 200 of you to say Lamb of God Lamb of God then I need about 200 of you to say sweet Jesus sweet Jesus now the next time I ask you to praise the Lord I don't want you to just clap in your hands I want something coming out of your mouth this can clap and show stuff has got to go the Bible said clap your hands and shout with the voice of triumph now I want you to praise it just lower the organ down a little because I want to hear you I said I want to hear you glory glory Lamb of God Lamb of God precious Savior lievable hey come on open up your voice you back there in the overflow you're just so much a part of this churches anybody else this is not a showcase cinema and you have not come to an entertainment center field this is a place where the glory is going to be demonstrated up across America this is the kind of praise that's gonna break the yoke of Satan himself this is the kind of praise that's gonna cause cancer to follow the bodies up this is the kind of praise that sort of calls disease I rotated and sickness to please in the name of Jesus now give him a clap and shout go ahead [Applause] [Music] hallelujah I said hallelujah open it up hallelujah now the spirit soul showed me something else the Beast is coming back the Beast is coming back with bear claws the Beast is coming back with bear claws a mouth like a lion seven heads and ten horns at this time the Beast is carrying a passenger she's a great her name is Mystery Babylon the spirit spoke to me and said the first task I gave him was so great and nearly took him nearly through all the life at him that said the Beast is coming back and there's a great horror riding on the beasts back she holds in her hand the cup of abomination she is drunk with the blood of the prophets and of the saints she's intoxicated she is addicted to preacher blood she's addicted to prophet blood she wants to draw out of her cup of abomination she's coming for an attack it is the spirit of the false prophet she is identified with a city a political city called Babylon which is going to usher in the Antichrist you see a woman that's identified with the city she is pavulon up but there's another woman I said there's another woman there's another oh man she is found in the book of Song of Solomon she is the Virgin hallelujah the Virgin Shulamite she is the Bride of Christ hallelujah she's also identified with a city healthy and that city is found in Revelation chapter 21 ah [Music] Jonathan beheld that city at New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride for the bridegroom as let me tell you what's going to happen up you cannot fight the woman it's impossible to fight the false prophet the only thing that you can do to the woman on the Beast is to bring out the virgin Shania is to bring out the bride I never heard what you preach I don't know what you say that is but from this pulpit and from this place ha ha ah himself up [Applause] [Music] God Himself is going to bring out the school night he's gonna bring out the bride after he's gonna bring her up hope you've got a shout of praise go ahead raise in a while you clap your hands and shout clap your hands and shout [Applause] do you know who I'm talking about that Shulamite bride do you know what I'm talking about I'm talking about Solomon I said Solomon was arrayed in gold in a raid in silver had 700 wives 300 concubines but he said I think they like me asking for my things that I own but I tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go out my secret channel huh I'm gonna go out the tunnel huh get me a shepherd's garment I'm gonna get me a shepherd's staff I'm going down into the vineyard I would have find me somebody that loves me for who I am is not for what I can do for him huh and Solomon went down into shulam happen and there he found the Bride of Christ oven I said the Bride of Christ something's you're right nothing the curtains are about to open Oh give God a shout of praise [Applause] [Music] I've been pastor for 25 years before there's ever a consummation of the marriage there's the presentation of the bride for the Lord himself shall descend hallelujah from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trump of God there's going to be a consummation there's going to be a wedding of the bride United with the groom but before that wedding takes place before the heavens open before Gabriel puts one foot on the land and on the sea before that trumpet has ever sounded that I'm here to declare to you then across America there's a Solomon in this house and he's gonna share in the glory of God and the glory of God is going to be placed on the Shulamite bride that harlot happened that great horse and she represents a city and she's riding the beast Sutton but God's going to take the attention off the horse off the harlot and put on the bride after if the bride is gonna see signs of his surprise as soon as he wonders a bit surprised let's go ha ha [Applause] this next embarkment is a spiritual task the first time this pastor face the beast it was the political leopard Paul's like a pair teeth like a lion leopards body the next task is a spiritual task false religion is rising a bit aware the unadulterated Word of God has been laid side by side with other books that are written by demonic influence Jesus has been made out to be just a matter of choice many paths to God just choose one some call him Buddha we call him Jesus no no no no it's Fang Jesus this change ela that's a seagull way he's coming down cutting in like manner every eye shall behold him that every time shall cut better I'm told about Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the anointing on the headship I pray to God to hear when I'm saying this morning he can no longer function under frustration now I did get to see the first part of the service last Sunday morning it was good but there's a big difference between what I felt on last Sunday morning and what I'm feeling right now it's already started it's already started the Lord showed me from the headship three areas of the body shoulders the government the arms and hands the works the legs and feet evangelism the government being those people who make decisions I want you to know you may be making out payrolls you may have to work with human resources but this is not General Motors this is not Ford [Applause] this is not IBM this is the body of Christ from the headship the next comes to the governing body the leadership the headship it's got to come to the shoulders on your way to work it is going to be done in a 30 minute prayer meeting before the church he didn't going to be gone this is something that you're just proclaiming God is calling you to a lifestyle getting in your car beat in another town some of you in that finance department are gonna have to stop counting money long enough to speak in pies and praise God that a miracle of Finance has taken place you counted money to nuts and haven't raised God to busting to get here what I'm saying the garment of the priest was made with finally beaten wire fine gold and when the oil hit the head of the priest it went straight to the wires of gold representing the divinity it won't flow on anything else now listen I'm just going to say what do I have to say it Donna I'm a messenger you're responsible for the vessel the oil will not flow through that vessel if it's contaminated if you've been down at the Ohio River visiting the casino throwing around Lucky seven and you expect to come in here and lift up holy hands oils not going to float if you've been in the cinema the night before watching somebody stripped their clothes off their naked body in front of you using God's name in vain the oil is not going to flow do you hear what I'm saying if you've been to a club the night before and you've been dancing with demons and you expect to dance in the spirit it is not gonna happen I'm telling you the headship has got to be covered this is serious I have prayed for you at different times just little prayers but I have never entered into a it scared me I didn't even know what was going to happen I was a I was afraid for your life that's how terrible it was but the Lord began to show me the extent of it he has a task this coming year that's greater than any task that this church has ever encountered and that task is he's got to bring out the bride because only the bride is going to counteract as the harlot riding the beast seven that is the job that God hath the profanity and words coming out of your mouth and you call it French don't blame that mess on the French when I begin to get in the spirit I saw the words holiness unto the Lord on the front of this place I went to your I saw your gymnasium I saw holiness under the Lord I saw the Bible School holiness unto the Lord I saw everywhere I saw I saw in the spirit holiness unto the Lord that's the only place the bride is coming in holiness purity there's got to be a change there's got to be a direction because listen here's what happens once it hits the leadership in the government once it goes to you that are in Lea I'm telling you this is not a thirty minute before church join hands speak in tongues I'm not talking about that I'm talking about the divinity running down you to wherever you may be you may be right in the middle of an office getting ready to do an interview but instead of taking an interview a che che che Ohio use the ho ho ho ho you turn around and you kneel at your seat and you pray and you pray with fervency and you say God if this is a contaminant just I don't care what the credentials are I don't care how talented they are I cannot hire them this is not IBM it's not Ford this is the body of Christ himself this is a powerhouse in this Oh God hallelujah when the anointing begins to flow down the golden wires it's going to go to the next section from the shoulders the government to the works the works working in children's ministry working in music working in the choir working the works ministry now listen if it stops at the works ministry it'll never reach the legs and the feet which is the evangelism because I'm not trying to put more work on your brother but if this thing flows the way God wants it to you may end up with to morning services are going to be shorter but they're going to be families come from all over the finances are going to come in because double-triple congregations that's what I feel it and your services may not be as long but people are going to come in they're going to in there will not be room enough to contain them but once it gets past the government it's got to go to the works you're not here just to put out a paycheck there's something greater than punching in your time clock and punch it out how many days do I have off how many days do I get for vacation how many days do I get for this how many days what kind of a oil is that anyway I'm telling you we know you need vacation we know you need times all of us in it but there's something far greater than coming into a place of punching in your time clock up and punching out your time clock out this go into this place and go into that place that God wants the oil to flows through the hands up and he wants to work I don't care if you're in that nursery don't you dare work old shayla hey can I con don't walk into a place of responsibility works and dread it and say Here I am again with these stinking kids helo shaka nyah you don't enjoy your work have enough decency if you don't have enough God to do your work with your resignation in in the morning sorry cuz this house is going farther than where you are [Applause] egocentric ISM have got to go self-centeredness has got to go my paycheck has got to go what I get out of it has got to go there has got to be an oil pulling through your hands that is that whatsoever you do in word indeed you do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ everybody throw your hands up and say here am I come on say it till you believe it here in my local here ha ha Here I am Lord here am I finally I've got one scripture when I close and that's going to be found in Psalm 71 verse 17 it might be 17 and 18 but it's and I want you to get on the screen the works ministries the oil has to flow down the golden wires to touch the works the legs and feet are the evangelism and I know your Bible School students aren't back yet some of them might be here how many of you are here for the ten world Harvest Bible just stand up I'm gonna tell you something you listen to me good you're not just here working your way for a job application to world Harvest you're not just here just here to see what I can get I can get I can get I can receive I can receive I can receive you can be seated the Lord has begin to deal with me pastor but these students are going to be a major part major portion of the legs and feet evangelism and they cannot go unless the oil touches them the oils got to go from the head it's there to the shoulders it's there partially and it's got to go down to the works and then it will hit the legs and feet it's going to be the next thing that's why I'm saying this this congregation you back there sitting in the overflow you're going you're going to be connected just as much as anybody you're going to be connected God wants your praise and worship from that back wall to come down I see in the spirit when this when the when the Shulamite comes out when the Bride of Christ comes out first of all is going to run that harlot woman off it's going to run her off but not only is it going to run her off out of here every church every minister every pastor every time the power of God comes across this broadcast going across the nations of the world every time there's going to be a revival of bringing in the glory of God assuring in the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ through his Shulamite bride his virgin bride of hallelu but I see these Bible School students have not only receiving an education but they become the legs and the feet that are going into these subdivisions going into these housing projects such as that are going into the hail holes that they're going to bring in drug addicts and dope addicts and another thing that's going to happen up is Satan has tried to destroy your seed he's tried to destroy your fruit he wants your children entertained he wants some playing games and sitting in a corner but God never chose world Harvest Sutton's to have a bunch of teenagers that play with a bunch of toys such as God has chosen these teenagers and children to talk to the work of the ministry casting out Devils of them speaking with - Taizo there's gonna be a transformation that's gonna take place to invite the power then only of Jesus Christ my final scripture Psalms chapter 71 this is what I heard I heard the Holy Ghost Pasteur's teenage years are gone so are mine I'll be 50 in March his 20s gone his thirties are gone and the Evening Sun is sitting on the 40s he's right behind me physically I know young people they tell me all the time we can't keep up with you Pastor Tom we have a lot of energy but not like we did have they say Pastor Tom I can't keep I have a place at Lake Cumberland I take boys down on my boat on the lake and we'll spend the day having a good time and they have to sleep all the way home I'll Drive all the way down there we'll play all day I'll be in the Sun I'll cook the meals I'll do everything and they have to fall asleep in the car of course I threw them around on the tube a little bit maybe I did add to a little bit of their weakness but we're strong now but physically we are not as strong as we were but let me tell you what the Lord showed me I saw a huge old apple tree he said this is the productive years God wants to so place past you parsley and surround him with such an anointing all he has to do allow the fruit of his ministry to fall off gather it more fruit gathered these are his productive years we don't know what the next year holds but here's the scripture I want to read the last one the Lord gave me and it's a prayer Oh God you taught me from my youth I gave you my best series Lord I walked out from all kinds of opportunities and I have declared your wondrous works through my teen years through my 20s through my 30s nearing the end of my forties but now Lord I'm a little older and the Evening Sun is setting on the brow and the snow-capped mountains are ahead of me but God forsake me not God forsake me not until I have showed up thy strength unto this generation and thy power to everyone that is to kama and all i've got to say is this that this God is not going to forsake his servant there is something happening the heavily that the world harvest is getting ready for a year of pressed down shaken together running over I want you brothers lay hands on a brother you sister lay hands on a sister right now and say receive this word all over this place go ahead receive this word come on I want you lay hands they receive this word there's a holy hush around us [Music] you can release if you want there's a holy hush around me has God's glory filled his play I touched the hem of he's gone I can almost see his face and my heart is overflowing with the fullness of his word truly without a doubt I've been with the law let's all stand together all over all the way in the back in the overflow I feel right now whether Ronnie gets song that everybody's familiar with give you all know Holy Spirit's our welcome in this place that would be a good one we're going to pray a prayer of repentance right now and I know you do this often but I want you to repeat after me say father in the name of Jesus search my heart forgive me of every sin every human weakness every human frailty I receive the precious blood of Jesus and cleansing from the top of my head so I can think the thoughts of God to the soles of my feet so I can walk in his footsteps now if you really believe that you're gonna have to close those eyes and receive that cleansing right now how hard will [Music] I'll tell you what I'd like to do I don't even know do you have teenagers here tonight this morning oh isn't that strange the Lord spoke to me and said they'd all be sitting in the same place but I was thinking you'd be over here like our teenager said it's Ohio I want everyone under the age of 20 to come down here and stand it everyone under the age of 20 Holy Spirit hardware I want his clothes what you can play ha and Holy Spirit welcome Holy Spirit [Applause] how are well can you just bring some of them in this area right here I want to misspoke things I can get up just for your master here we're coming from the bastard look at your future look at your future [Music] as say this after me as arrows are in the hands of a mighty man of a mighty ministry so are the children of thy youth you hear what I'm saying these are arrows look at the ammunition pastor rod parsley look at the ammunition I can't even get them in this altar look at these arrows [Music] [Applause] shoot those arrows now listen young people I was gloriously saved at five years old and a little hole in his Church in the hills of Kentucky it's six years old I was baptized in the Holy Ghost speaking with other tongues they carried me out put me into bed speaking in tongues I was called to the ministry at 16 years old you don't have to drink you don't have to smoke you don't have to take dope you don't have to be ugly on MySpace either I'll say that again you don't have to be ugly and dirty and filthy on MySpace either you don't have to be a fornicator you don't have to lose your virginity you don't have to be a dope dealer a drug or a punk rocker you don't have to be tattooed up pierced up and doped up do you hear what I'm telling you your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and there's a promise in that Bible that when the oil starts to flow in a generation that curses their parents in a generation that hates God's you read in the book of Proverbs in a generation that hates everything about them about Authority God said I'm gonna pour out my spirit something is going to happen to you this year something spectacular something wonderful some of you gonna get called to preach some of you gonna get a burden to witness some of you going to turn into intercessors oh yeah hey you boys are gonna be hit a lot higher some of you and something's going to happen in school brother parsley I [Applause] just heard a classroom and this area over here I heard a classroom somebody started talking about the service and the place broke out in a prayer meeting up I just heard it that these things are gonna happen in the name of Jesus [Applause] something supernatural is going to happen you know why you're crying that's the Holy Ghost only the Holy Ghost can make big old football players basketball players start Weidman tell your pastor Wednesday I might have been the day you called her Tuesday I'm not sure Wednesday the day of the funeral a beautiful young lady like these little girls here 26 years old had married had three little children I had to walk up to a coffin she was born in addiction her mother a drug addict she broke forth from the womb craving drugs she would pray at an altar but seemed like we never could she'd go two months at a time till finally her prescription medicine or drug medicine crossed by accident and the husband went in and found her laying there cold stiff indeed do you know how many things under come a kosher night - how many times come here do you know how many times I've had to walk into a hospital room and identify a body of a boy like you had too much to drink car crashed we don't know if it's him or not and these warm hands that we love kids need to be loved I said they need to be loved the most horrible feeling there is is to reach down expecting a warm hand out of a 17 year old boy or a girl and it's cold death has come and invaded the ranks Satan's plan for keeps are you young people ready for something I don't believe I don't believe you came down here just out of obedience I believe there was a drawing of the power of God here's what we're going to do I want you to close your eyes you can join hands lock hands or just lay hands on each other the best way you can make some type of cup contact and while they do you that are in this congregation I'm going to start my hand here and when I do I want you to clap your hands and with your mouth vocally pray either in and other tongues or pray with understanding binding the devil and releasing the power of God and I don't want you to stop until we make a full circle because when we make a full circle that old harlot woman sitting on that beast is going to hear this sound is you're going to hightail it out of here in the name of Jesus out of Columbus in the name of the Lord okay right here just start right here in this corner just start clapping I can't hear you clap your hands and shout now right here whoa we to God glory to God come on Lori glory glory glory glory dee da ba da Vila morena mean I love upon delivery hey LaVon available for handle of a handle over his head Abajo I'm calm down over the handle of a higher sandal higher in the boat come on you young people throw your hands up come on throw your hands up pour out the Holy Ghost pour out the Holy Ghost pour out the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in a nama handle a little sandhaya helo come on don't stop vanilla vanilla vanilla panna desire come on pull drive this up your hand he's behind listen it's happened I can see signs have a come on don't stop it's happening it's happening come on don't tell me attachment don't look around something's happening Minya rebellion is going [Applause] the pebbles lied to you and told you you're a homosexual it's going the devil lyin to you telling you you're a lesbian it's go [Applause] there's something moving in here come on come on come on outfitter come on young people don't stop she's getting it come on he shot tunnel of a hundred of it anybody I'm recovered in about that's it honey have you ever felt anything like this before you haven't have you it's all over your face yeah that's it aah-ha-ha-ha helo helo helo he's a he's hot hey Lee ha ha helo ha Panama something on the inside moving on the outside up until about heated are callable - ah he said our people kisum us till the heart via hole your high above Astana I [Music] said something's gonna happen right now come here honey come here come here come here she'll know what's happening ha ha ha come on darling come on detective that's it that's it but you don't know what's happened do you well it's good is it good you feel it only in fact honey just hold off hands up and thinking have you ever spoken in town come let's answer in the whole ego [Applause] but you keep working on the holy [Music] help [Music] I don't have enough time to keep we take things 20 verses of this song there's something going to happen now [Applause] how many of you have never spoken in tough throw up your hands I'm not going to call you up here never spoken in tongues how many of you spit a long time since you had a Holy Ghost encounter have you ever spoken in tongues been a long time since you didn't somethingĀ“s get ready to take place throw your hands up one more time I need your help can you up there the overflow help me I want to hear the people in the overflow shout [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait a minute keep them up here Satan keep them up here hey pad take a look at the church open now not tomorrow hey wait wait just a minute wait just a minute wait just a minute come here BRE quickly quick quick I don't know I don't know all I know to do is all I've done for nearly 30 years here is obey the Holy Ghost now God is doing something and I got sense enough to know that shock yeah I don't know I don't know what pastor Bates schedule is but this man has come here with a word from God in his mouth for right now I don't know I don't know what his schedule is tonight but if there's any way that he can be here tonight here's what I want to happen I want every single young person that's down here right now this is the beginning of revival you you can't schedule that you can't set it on your timetable this is the beginning of revival it's already begun yeah some of us have waited our whole life for this come here young man just this young man right here for so shall I place my word in your mouth says the Lord so shall my spirit unknowing to my word and my spirit upon you to declare my works among the nations for I shall set my hand upon you this day says the Lord and it shall never be removed for the preaching of the word of God you represent alone if you haven't found it at a basketball game [Applause] you're not going to be drug dealers you're going to cast out of drug dealers [Applause] women because here's what I feel in my spirit some of you look you got that that Street toughness uncut you won't be tough for God you'll be tougher got any old slimy thing can float downstream with everybody else and act like a pug that ain't hard that ain't hard stands up against that mess be a man of God was the glory of God all over you be a woman of God and the next time some boy starts to put his hand on what don't belong to him you start this in the car she turn about [Applause] glory glory Lamb of God now shout unto God with a voice of triumph [Applause] quickly be seated quickly be seated quickly take your Bible quickly take your Bible quickly take your Bible john chapter 2 john chapter 2 john chapter 2 john chapter 2 say i am a spirit being first i'm a natural being second i'm a spirit being first i'm a natural being second i am a spiritual being first every time you open the word you ought to start praying in the Holy Ghost while you're turning wherever you're turning now we're learning things here this morning we learn never to let our tongue be idle clapping is not enough don't just talk tongues out of your head use English words go reply him in English while you clap your hands and what and when you speak to him shout because that's what the Bible says say glory glory say hallelujah say bless the Lord say King of Kings Oh hallelujah ah go to the mobis keeper of the BOP ah ah shout above your spirit right now there's a Holy Ghost [Applause] shop like an army running toward the battle [Applause] poverty and lack are your enemy Sheldon let them know you're coming with the sword of the Spirit the word of the Living God you cannot be denied you cannot be defeated you cannot be destroyed John chapter two whoa [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] what if you have the life of God in you give some expression to it [Applause] [Music] the Holy Ghost quickens your flesh and makes it alive [Music] whoa sit down sit down we got to get him we got to get brother Tommy beats up here quickly and the gory glory glory glory hallelujah bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm about to get a word it's about to change my life the enemy's hold on my life is about to be broken glory is about to fall in my life atmosphere of expectancies the breeding ground of miracles John chapter 2 John chapter 2 by the way this was going to be like Wednesday night - if we make it to Wednesday night might have to come back tomorrow night [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'll take some time and see the heavens take some time and see the heavens and establish the earth [Music] you see that that's right keep on the CD keep on sieging keep on sieging just keep on sieging cuz it's about to rain [Applause] [Music] can you imagine what God would do if Christians came to church on Monday night [Applause] that'd be an alarm go through hell that goes something like this they're away [Applause] how about it dance yes and keep speaking always use your tongue will require a hallelujah thank you Jesus mighty God everlasting father Prince of Peace anointed one I am that I am lion of the tribe of Judah master of the universe creator of heaven and earth my Lord my God my king my sovereign now shout with a voice of style [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] whoa whoa whoa whoa not to be an explosion of the Word of God we see them not John - John - I just know when I get to the second to the third and fourth word you're just going to lose it and the third day [Applause] my god somebody realized we're in it somebody understand it's already started somebody realized we're in the moment of the supernatural the unexplainable the undeniable new dimension of God the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee in the mother of Jesus was their book Jesus was called and his disciples to the marriage and when they wanted wine touch somebody look him right in the eye and say what do you want she don't really believe that if you really believed that you wouldn't be able to stand yourself what do you really want I'm going to come to three of an I say three shouted at the top of your lungs what do you really want one two three get up and shout it get up and declare what you want say what you want say it see the heavens establish the earth what do you want they wanted wine what do you want the mother of jesus saith unto him they have no wine let me translate it for you they don't have what they want I asked you what you wanted and I'll guarantee you that what you want is something that right now is not in manifestation in your life or it wouldn't be a warrant would it and jesus saith unto her woman what have I to do with thee look at what he said my hour is not yet come the time is the time is the time is the table is the stages [Applause] [Music] it's your turn it's your time to take Dominion with God it's your time to take authority it's your time to seize the walled cities it's your time to storm the gates it's your time to face down the Giants it's your time to destroy the alien armies of the Antichrist I dare I dare that woman riding the Beast to raise her head in your life we are the bride get up and shout for 15 seconds we are the bride we are the bride we are the bride [Applause] my god somebody's getting it because you're the bride that other woman and the beasts are under your feet I dare you to dance like you know it [Music] [Applause] [Music] shop we are the bride and be seated sure it's our time right now to take dominion reach up and take it the devil is up the devil is not the devil is up every time he tells you you can't you can every time he tells you you won't you will be seated verse 5 whatsoever he saith unto you you better shout it whatsoever he saith unto you whatsoever he saith unto you point your finger at yourself and shouted whatsoever he saith unto you say do you understand me self grab yourself by the lapels say do you understand me there's somebody else living in me called the Holy Spirit now please mind whatsoever he saith unto you do it and right now he's saying he's out [Applause] use your mouth use your mouth glory glory hallelujah love of God recipes mighty healer Jehovah refika jawless in canoe use your mouth this is not a spectator sport I got to quit I got to quit [Music] grab yourself again pat yourself on the belly and say what so ever the Holy Spirit says to you you better do it [Music] you know what that means what that means he's about to turn your water into wine you want into manifestation you want into manifestation God told me to tell you there is nothing impossible with God do you hear me Joni there is nothing impossible with God stand up 30 women get around her and start proper sighing to her there is nothing impossible with God she's not telling each other not telling you teenagers tell each other tell each other there's nothing impossible with God God can put your home back together data can Cochrane bring your daddy back home that can make sense of it all God can put your life back together come on somebody needs to hear somebody with faith tell them there is nothing impossible with God give me that woman give me your wife somebody else they care that baby you give me your wife get up here get up here get up here get up here get up here all right women over here right here [Music] there is nothing impossible with God whoa whoa start telling yourself there's nothing impossible let your blessed tell your spirit there's nothing impossible there is nothing impossible there is nothing impossible now let it go and take the next 10 seconds and go reply God come on clap your hands open your mouth listen if you won't do it in this atmosphere you sure enough won't do it when you're by yourself [Music] now tell yourself again whatever he says to you do it come in clear come in stand right here in the most anointed place in this building stand right here say there is nothing there is nothing impossible impossible with God with God there is nothing there is nothing impossible impossible with God with God you're going to let her say it by herself there is nothing there is nothing in with God with God the devil that is up is a liar glorify God right now that he's doing the impossible glorify him that he is tell him tell him tell him he does the impossible see improbable the unexplainable the unexpected shout under God because you know it so if I was you I'd begin to call him Joe over here a that supplies all my needs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well hold on you another company [Music] [Music] if you put your hands together [Music] we we began just just stay with me only [Music] [Applause] [Music] we began last Sunday with a prophecy from October last Sunday morning God carried on Sunday night Wednesday night this morning at the direction of the Holy Spirit but the Tommy Bates came gave us in my estimation the most prophetic long time accurate Holy Ghost word any visitor has ever spoken in this movement under a greater anointing than it's ever been spoken this morning I said come back let's carry on if we're going to do what God has called us to do as modern-day Esther's bringing God to the earth defeating that Antichrist spirit if we're going to do that we must be led by the Holy Spirit and it cost of so-called churches across America of any size have left the Holy Spirit they have gone the way of programs and plans and performance but God told me he would raise up the greatest soul-winning Pentecostal church in America right here and we're not about ready to leave the Holy Ghost behind right and I'm believing that Mordecai the Holy Spirit is going to get a hold of Esther yeah a night and get ready to be a people born to deliver a people born in bondage are you ready for that though your hands up and start speaking in that heavenly language welcome to this platform Pastor Tommy Bates [Music] [Applause] [Music] just I just want to say some just keep it up as a little shout here just a moment pastor I already told them on New Year's Eve that's all leeches all over your body but I'm going to tell them what I saw tonight ye are the salt of the earth I saw the salt coming out of the earth and it went to the body of the visionary of this house I watched those leeches dry up and fall off and you bill the peeling is for your entire household [Applause] there's been a healing is the house feeling how your pastor has been healed Biron his sister are your feet blue [Applause] let's [Music] where you Bible school students at I need about fifty of you down here I don't here's what I need you to do i'ma say it again the salt has come out of the earth I couldn't get them off of you no preacher can get them off of you but the people you love are the only people that had the power to take the salt out of the earth the leeches are gone gone gone now I need you to dance a little bit I talked about a whole ego you [Applause] Nealon healing peeling peeling now I'ma tell you something it's not a wonder this man don't need to be here Monday night but he feels so good he wants another dose this is only the beginning 40 days from January 1st to February 9th 40 days three things happened Moses Elijah and Jesus three sets of 40 Moses came down off the Mount they had to put a veil over his face close the glory came through the law the word and the tabernacle the church that's one thing going to happen in the next 40 days the second thing that happened Eli just after 40 days took his mantle off the mantle of every preacher that ever preached in this spirit-filled movement there's Mantle's in heaven rallies grandpa Stephanie and Lisa's grandpa other Mantle's are floating around waiting he kmol know who you hey Shania three things gonna happen the Glory's going to come on his face frustration is leaving listen you're going to be shot when the salt starts coming out of the earth and the oil starts going from the head down even the PA system will run right and that's a miracle in a Pentecostal church I'm telling you the musical go right everything is gonna go right there's a glory coming on the face of the Prophet there's a group of a seminar brother when TBN sees your face when they have you on for a praise upon its going to it's going to absolutely be a terrifying experience to the devil the second thing after this 40 days is the mantles gonna fall missionaries prophets teachers evangelist and the third thing is going to happen after Jesus came out of the wilderness after 40 days there was a public public public public display of the manifestation of the power of God he returned in the power of the Spirit now go ahead and dance a little bit you may as well get used to it cuz we're going the threads gone the tread is gone the dread is gone no more are you gonna have to come in with leeches on your body say in the same-old same-old same-old same-old I gotta do it I have to do it the doctor - it's gone the Hat to do it's gone and the wood - it has returned [Applause] I want to preach I want to shout let's lift our hands the magnifying I know for a fact you're not listening to me you're listening to the spirit of the Living God but I'm saying this when when this there's only one head there's only one person in the driver's seat with his recovery and salt coming out of you the healing has taken place they came to the city the waters were contaminated and Elijah said Elijah Elisha take a new crew group put salt in the new crews and poured the salt into the water the river there's a healing not only physically spiritually socially domestically it's coming right now put your hand on your stomach say I am the salt of the earth to the best of my ability I will pour this salt Pat into the waters that are contaminated it calls God by His divine providence and shall heal the waters and everywhere this river flows healing for the nation the state the church the family shall take place then sings my soul my Savior God to thee [Music] How Great [Music] I'm hearing I'm hearing people in your services nobody's laying hands on them a scream my deaf son is hearing listen when the healing anointing flows from the head ship down the golden wires this place is going to ignite with healing virtue for the spirit the soul in the body I want you to close your eyes lift up your hands and I want us to sing that chorus because a great God a great God is going to manifest himself a great God one more time I want you to lift your voices Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] get ready to face him ah oh praise Jesus pain Lamb of God Lauren come on don't let me stop you so let me stop him Harley oh hello hallelujah is not this the fast that I have chosen to loose the bands of wickedness to undo heavy burdens and let the oppressed go free that you break every yoke then thy light shall break forth as the morning and thine health shall spring forth speedily [Music] you Bible school students can go on back to your seats let's be patient this thing is too supernatural for me to to not catch my sail in the wind and go where he's going [Music] Shane ama handle I can say karappa Bravo Bravo leader in Islamic ocean [Music] [Music] [Music] some of you have never spoken in tongues before maybe it's been a long time the whales been dry right now I want you to step into the channel of the anointing of the Holy Ghost I'd like for some of you teenagers they were under 20 years old they've got a touch this morning I want about 10 or 12 of if you would have come up here quickly I want to hear what God did to you I want you to say something I know that stopped a lot of you thought I was gonna lay hands on you I want you to say something come on up here now while they're coming hallelujah come on hallelu you can be seated and still praising whatever would if your legs are tired you can praise him house standing sitting I don't care how you do it but there's something supernatural happening that's coming out of your mouth hallelujah I'm devoting labor alimony been broken a day and another publication amamori soap recorded a day [Music] hallelujah hallelujah Jesus holy holy I know you're not used to this but there's a spiritual song that's coming this is a spiritual song come on I want to hear you make a melody hallo boy yeah boy come on Lady let that soprano come over come on bass this is the Mojito boyish a linoleum on door lividity cannot update solomon while I meant what a for Willy bottle a grand emoji possibly Calum Amish equal an American we're on Domo shaker obstacle on Monday she have you ever spoken in some would you like to be refilled right now I feel something all over me do you know that days are bundle motion that's it let it out now each is disabled or go shake shake based on something go ahead let him talk a little bolder like a topographical she's a burger that I don't like a date or anything Oh we'll stop don't stop the Nolan coming de la mohammad I crocheted I [Music] circled over the bag of evidence a volatile economy for the Holy Ghost I was afraid he might be getting out of breath but he said he's not getting out of breath he's under the power hold it I want everyone in the overflow I want you to stand to your feet they say about on d-day head crushed a cutter you in the overflow I want to hear it there's a course coming out of that overflow they stay down on buh-buh-buh today heat up iron Billy God's going to lead you in praise he wants you to lead them in praise honda my mom my lord let that anointing rests on him one more time lead him in praise Billy he put a bold red shaded about a little eye shadow behind like a bullet come on the rest of the church you know reading this chorus of right Billy you know what I guess you can't you can't move your legs is that right but I'll tell you what you're doing right now in the spirit you're traveling your feet are traveling you're going to different nations eco young man yelling Moho Sundaya your physical body at this moment is not manifesting healing but right now your spirit you have the ability to travel even into the pastor's home while he's asleep in a mo a common element and I just like I saw him you can see into in the spirit through that praise in worship let's sing the chorus of praise [Applause] [Music] listen this is the next dimension God wants to take you in ela border based on proportion and I'll abbreviate rakuyo mondaya this is a song that hell hates Hiro Bhangra call you butter buns elevon retire hallelujah hallelujah Billy Oh Billy Oh Billy what I would give to see you jump out of that wheelchair hallelujah but I'm telling you one thing Willie your spirit jumps out Billy it jumped out of that wheelchair you're going 90 miles an hour and people with good legs and good voices and good hands you're going to put them to shame with your praise hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah what happened to you yeah just say it real quick I thought the warmth on my body you did if you've spoken in tongues before how long has it been a long time were you waiting for did you see what Billy felt once you get down there stand next to him and let that same thing run over you and don't you stop - you're talking of my Hebert yo I need your help Church zambra son doc what happened to you I didn't felt like my heart was like going out to God like he pulled me to a close relationship with him did you speak in tongues have you ever you need to get down there Billy - shall I - under my just make a little just just it you don't have to touching just get close to him he's gonna know MA and just start worshipping God you know you young people can have signs following yes you can on an available look at Billy he's under the power folks this can you see it can you put it up there on the screen put Billy up there on the screen a pneumonia honda motion optimum effect of the bola do you know that angels oh my goodness the angels are being loosed all over this house because a young man is flowing in worship physically impaired but spiritually free come on let it loose shut up out of my kite what happened to you spiritual Liberty hallelujah spiritual liberty freedom it's gone it's gone the trashy stuffs gone - in the name of Jesus did you speak in tongues hallelujah will you get down and help them - what happened to you just one feeling in my stomach then I couldn't understand the words that come around my mouth and I didn't know what it was I was just shocked and I never fuzz of my life but you did today yes yes shower coat of our time yes she's here comes again hahaha oh you need to get better Billy food just don't don't touch him and jerk on him just stand around there let that language flow Hey yeah what happened you I like to do was all I could do was cry because I knew that guy was starting to raise up the youth in this church so that we can set other people free around the world did you get speaking in tongues you did them this morning or go down or speak some more hallelujah was it I don't know I'm telling you sister had you ever felt that power before no glory hallelujah what happened like I was rushing up to the church and blessing everybody gobbled you got it good God would do anything about to lose your English honey you're trying your best about coaching I thought I wonder than Amaya you didn't speak in tongues this morning did you but you almost did right then you got kosher come on doll I might turn it loose minutes speed go ahead let the Holy Ghost go ahead don't try to talk English Lord fill them with the Hokey dinner Billy hallelujah I thought the power of God just come over me and Tommy don't stop and he freed you from intimidation inferiority in a spirit of suicide that says your life is not worth living I know exactly what he did now you get down there with Billy to China my top-selling a most hole I am a hole maybe they don't Wilson comma minimize I don't know my I don't know no that's all I need get down here Billy hallelujah Gloria I felt the spirit gone my blog eat salad he's healing you of yesterday's hurts the disappointments that came in your life I will be all the verbal abuse I hear verbal abuse that you won't amount to anything you're never going to come out of this that's a lie I said that's a lie I said that's a lie you don't have to be addicted to drugs and you don't have to give your body over to young men do you hear what I'm saying your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost you shake off inferiority and intimidation get down there with Billy and get filled with the Holy Ghost yeah I know otherwise I did something yes get down there hallelujah yeah I'm from Michigan in like I just hit a home but when I moved here I survived partially I think Ian his wife and I think mister I forgot your name but all right and he brought me from church tonight because I have no transportation and just what I felt was just I can't explain him because God just rested my body and I even if I don't have my home I will always know that as it Jones is like a father to me and this is my home and I just love everybody else God's going to heal you spirit soul and body you don't have to think about the things of the past anymore don't worry about who your daddy is you hear me your daddy is God the Father yeah hallelujah hallelujah what have to you I just want to say they surrender to God a month and a half ago Halloween has been the best feeling and I have a passion God has showed me his love unconditionally I know one day I'm going to preach his gospel I'm away from my family home away came to this college and I know God is gonna do a blessing hallelujah say my body I thought is the temple of the Holy go honey go Satan's Italy you have no more rings you had work in my body now you get down her building some of your sisters come and pray for she needs a healing emotionally he caught on my tire what happen to you little girl I'm earning it myself so fun and I don't have to say hallelujah and I just had to say hallelujah I just had to say hallelujah I just had to say hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I just had to say hallelujah or something got ahold of me I just had to play hallelujah something got ahold of me I had a faith hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we sung that for you you get down there Billy and shout hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah what happened to you my faith and my spirit feels so much stronger ever since this morning and it's it's amazing and I felt the Holy Spirit talk to me and he says that when you go to battle your enemies you don't even have to worry about fighting on with you just show up on the battlefield hallelujah it's a little of a hundred of us you need to get better ability to [Music] when the Lord save me I was young when he filled me with the Holy Ghost of spoken in other tongue ever since that moment ever since that day I found a highway go holiness happy on my way hallelujah hallelujah what happened to you I came from a country where poverty was the number one thing in my family and the Holy Ghost said to me that there will be a financial breakthrough for me and my fam were you from Jamaica I just got back from Jamaica in the name of Jesus your parents are at home in Jamaica your dad's at home in Jamaica where's your mother California where do you need to break through that to me Jamaica in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus hold on here hold on hold on I'm going to put $100 bill in your hand every time they look at me or you as a Bible College every time the enemy says to you poverty will follow you the days of your life I want you to take this hundred-dollar bill say look at this I'm free from poverty in the name of Jesus I shall rise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well you may as well shop with them puto cry with them look by weep with them that weep shout with them that shout this here boy put this in your hand and jump with it show it to that devil [Applause] do you have money for you to your tuition next semester it's painful right now I just [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll leave him alone 60 mussels hallelujah free free free free poverty poverty gone gone send an angel send an angel and she the same hallelujah ha ha ha hallelujah what happened you little sister I could I thought the power God I just looked oh good God can heal you of every hurt of your past every disappointment did you speak in tongues you need to get down our Billy [Applause] what happened to you I just forgot break break all the things that you're the preacher aren't you you're the one that got the preaching message stay up here Jamaica you've got a wallet you got a wallet put that money in your wallet is it empty it's not empty now stick it in there i'ma send a check in the morning to pay for your tuition whatever it is next semester in the name of Jesus you're the preacher how old are you a 16 year old preacher let me tell you something I've been there and I've done that yeah hallelujah you preached with fire you preached with the anointing you preached with whole it goes so again a fire well we may as well dance with all the damn [Music] come on girls what happened well lately God had been dealing with me about actually being a preacher he was telling me to call on my life in the great things that he had for me to do and I'm like God I don't know if I can do it I don't know you know and I and I was just listening to the devil and he was telling me all the stuff and God was just talking to me giving me word after word and I was like God why I don't know what to do with it I need opportunity you know to speak or whatever and God was like if you just believe in me I'm safe and imma do it and when I was right here at this altar I felt something breaking my spirit and God said what I caused you to do you will do no matter what the devil has said towards you because no weapon right here no weapons no fear yes I got told me I don't have to do anything so God told me that I'm going to be clear call me today how old are you don't tell me you're 14 you put your hand right here honey practice [Applause] say the Lord is my shepherd my shepherd the Lord is my shepherd is my shepherd I shall not want still not want he maketh me magus me honey put your soul in it he maketh me he maketh me to lie down right now in green pastures he anoints my hair with my head with oil with oil my cup my cup runneth over over surely xylene surely surely toilet goodness goodness and mercy invest it you better get a habit of this honey you're 14 years old you've got a lot of practicing to do hallelujah and you don't need it here you got a world out there to start on a hallelujah God pour out the Holy Ghost shut I can ania in the name of Jesus get down there with Billy something's going to happen hallelujah I said hallelujah hallelujah what happened to you well not too long ago we were having five o'clock in the morning prayer and I was praying for my cousin to come out here and his uncle my uncle his father came out here but he didn't come so I kind of lost a lot of faith in God and I got really really down and I just stopped praying period just like I just stopped and I kept on trying to get back to God as best as I could but I couldn't get there it was like it wasn't happening I wasn't feeling him I couldn't feel his spirit but when I came this morning and I came and I was hearing the word and I was in the back and I was servant and I was hearing the word and I was like oh my you were where I was in the back serving with Metro Harvest and I was listening to the word and then he you said everybody I'm under 20 come out here I said god I'm going I'm going I'm going but I came out here I rushed down here and I felt in his spirit for the first time like a long long time and who was amazing oh my gosh it was so amazing amazing great now I want everyone under 20 real quickly to come on up one more time and all I'm going to do is pray all of us have got to get covered by the blood because there's some backsliders and lost people in here you don't have to have an open invitation I need I don't know who I would get but I need I need a group of elders prayer is it call elders are they called elders I need a group of Holy Ghost field elders just come on this platform to stretch your hands this way elders and deacons elders and deacons I want you all to make your way you may have to come up on this side it seems like there's congestion over here but I need a I need a whole platform filled let's do it one more time young people it's a it's an absolute shame what some of you have to go through get these kids in here as close as you can I need these children in here come on I want these I want these children up here I want these kids up here I can take [Applause] [Music] because my way possibly some of you Bible school students that are at least two year students you're trustworthy and you're filled with the Holy Ghost could you come up and help us on this platform at I'd really need some strong something coming this way you're over 20 come on won't you move up close to me let's get close here we come again listen something's going to happen your pastor has received a supernatural touch of God that power is going to touch right down to the youngest child and I know these kids got to get up for school of them one more time you don't have to worry don't you be here the spirits a shower comes in the more troubled a land oh there's a friend named Jesus you'll wipe your tears he will like he's going to wipe your tears away if your heart is broke all right let's all get covered by the blood everyone repeat this after me say Father in the name of Jesus search my heart forgive me of every sin every human weakness every human frailty I receive the blood of Jesus Christ the cleansing from every sin from the top of my head so I can think the thoughts of God to the soles of my feet so I can walk in the footsteps of Jesus now let's get him praise for that covering right now open your mouth giving praise for that cover Jesus sweet Lamb of God I'm asking you Jesus from this moment throughout this 40 days of consecration to let your love come to a hurting crying generation of young people who have come from divorce homes abusive families who have no idea what it's like to set the arms of parents that love them and in the name of Jesus something supernatural is going to happen in every classroom children's ministry youth ministry now something's starting to happen to you right now when all huge young people if you close your eyes because something is happening right now I want you to close your eyes and lift up your hand see I can't make this happen you can't you can't fake kids out you're what I'm talking about you can play that hocus pocus on adults and they'll jump and scream and carry on lie to you half the time you can't do it to kids you do all that screaming and jumping and try to get them to do something they won't do it but there's something supernatural bigger than Tommy Bates if ba ba ba ba knocking uncle Nick a check of the cuttlebug they pick another ayah you feel it don't you do you really feel it come up here you really feel something don't you you don't know what it is but you feel something come on up here buddy you don't know what it is but you feel something calling God can do that only God can do that Keesha caelum American Dada cachaca Telecom and Alejandra cupric a political editor that ayah I won't ever want to stretch your hands right now over this over this now Church not a tomorrow Church this is a now Church this is a now Shulamite bride hand emoticon recycle Allah behind I have you ever spoken interns he crime umbra so Tina bara BAM bruschetta la la Bamba Coppola Katya hallelujah Jesus hallelujah Jesus hallelujah Jesus hallelujah Jesus now just start praising for a moment and if the power moves on you to speak in other tongues you let the spirit speak through you Shailja bottom I hear I'm talking already there's a young lady going from language to language there's another one but a complication of a car above a little bit of American sailors about abomino kondaiah come on it's all just brave economy right now happening in Jesus name bro spirit of America Shakira Baba Hambrick a telerobotically Angra casaya your undeletable Ivica cannabis Umbraco chicken Alejandra creativity little ribbon ability a shot at Avaya drugs you cannot contaminate their body sex you cannot have them fornication you will not have a trashy pornography on the internet you will not have a myspace you will lie to them and calls them to be tripped clubs you can't have this bunch I said clubs you can't have this bunch clubs you will not have this bunch drugs you will not have a alcohol oh I felt a kick on that one I gotta say that one twice alcohol listen to me you cannot have this group alcohol take your hands off alcohol drugs illicit sexual activity perversion homosexuality lesbianism witchcraft he KO mihashi ah the total freedom let the angels of the Lord that excel in strength sand by the side of every child every teenager every unit to all of them out of here by the power of the Holy Ghost I want you to get got a phrase yeah yeah I said give him a praise give him a praise give him a praise I'll give him a break something about the power of the Holy Ghost I can't explain it something about the power of the Holy Ghost I can't explain it something [Music] when the day of pentecost had come they were in the upper room in one Accord gathered to get a hundred and twenty to receive the power God promised assistance do you want the power do you want the power do you really want the power who do you want the power the Holy Ghost fell upon each one spirit a the letters they spoke in tongues there in the city men from everywhere said what in the world is going on down there I'm not going to sing all night I'm going to sing this and turn it over to the pastor but I want you to leave here with something you're not ever going to forget Peter stood in the midst of the crowd spoke with a voice clear and now this is that spoken by the Prophet Joel in the last days my spirit our poor not only to me also to you every child of God it wants to go through and I've got it I've got it I've got it I've got it talk about the power of the Holy Ghost I can't explain it but I've got it oh I've got it okatee I've got it I got it I got it talk about the power of the Holy Ghost I can't explain it but I've got it oh I'm sorry [Applause] you
Channel: Jason Lands
Views: 15,478
Rating: 4.8778625 out of 5
Id: vxTrDOapzOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 35sec (8615 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2017
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