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i would like to take you on a very exciting journey tonight in fact i remember the very first time that i had to sit through a seminary level biblical archaeology class and it was a sleeper i'll tell and i learned some good lessons there about about how not to bore everybody to death so uh for one thing it was all text and there we never saw what we were talking about so tonight we're going to see what we talk about but biblical archaeology is just one of the elements that are a part working together of helping us to interpret the bible now what i mean by that there are two views of biblical archaeology that are in christendom in fact i won't be so bold tonight as to name the name of the christian schools but the christian schools colleges universities seminaries across the country in america line up under one of two views of biblical archaeology the first one is called the maximalist and i would be a maximalist which means this that that we believe that the bible is flawlessly inspired history now it's not it's it's not an exhaustive history it really only mentions china once the word china is in the bible it's in isaiah but it isn't talking about all the dynasties you know the ming and the tang and the and all these things but anything it says about history is an eyewitness account from the only person you can trust your soul with it's absolutely reliable so a maximalist is someone that believes that the bible interprets the debris the minimalists are obviously the opposite and there are vast number of christian schools in america that believe that if the bible says one thing and if an unsaved archaeologist who has a predisposition in in every way to to think there's no way the bible could be true and if he disagrees and that then the bible is wrong and that's the minimalist view so i would be a maximal list view but let me show you how that involves biblical interpretation first of all the bible's history is inspired and so the key to piecing together the archaeological findings uh do you remember that that that archaeology digs down through layers of dirt and so they piece together did you know they get all these little pieces and they have to fit them together and there is something that that guides them in that and for the maximalist it would be if the bible says that an event in the bible took place there they're looking for for evidence of that they're looking for that to show up if you don't think that the bible is probably absolutely authoritative then you would for example uh recently an archaeologist has been digging in the city of david and i'll show you a picture of it in a few moments that archaeologist is a jew an unbelieving jew doesn't believe in jesus christ but they were scorned by the entire archaeological community because this archaeologist it's a woman as she excavated in the city of david she said i read in the book of first samuel that king david built a palace just south of where his son solomon built the temple so she said there is going to be a monumental palatial structure here because it says it in first sammy now she's not a christian doesn't believe anything like we do the archaeological community just scoffed and mocked and carried on and guess what she found 10 years ago she found a palatial structure that exactly matches what what the scriptures described and it was right where the bible said it would be so only the bible has the unchanging account of history past present and future all other histories and and i collect books and many books of historical content they're constantly revising them constantly bringing the new findings the bible doesn't need any new findings because god just wrote it down correctly the first time okay everything happened somewhere that's geography have you ever thought about that everything happened somewhere you localize where it happened and you have have begun i'm talking about human events on earth you have geo earth graffiti writing about what the location of things on earth so everything happened somewhere and sometime everything happening sometime is history it happened at a point and it happened at a place so bible geography is the place these things happen and bible history is the the when it happened that that event is talked about now when you combine those two ideas into the land of the book that's the lands where the bible occurred you get biblical archaeology see biblical archaeology is just combining the geography of the bible with the history of the bible and you find remains of where things happened and when and you know what's amazing they all match up with the bible and that affects our interpretation because what we see in the archaeology gives a a visual to what our minds as we read these words you know you kind of have as you're reading you have a picture in your mind but then when either that picture is is enhanced or it's it's refined it's just amazing to god the single most important geographic location on earth on earth is where christ was dedicated by his parents where he taught many of his key teachings like john 10 a couple weeks ago i told you exactly where jesus because the bible tells you exactly where jesus taught john 10 some of his good shepherd teachings we know just where not only historically that took place but geographically where that took place so biblical archaeology is involved where he was tried where he was condemned where he was crucified where he was buried where he rose where he ascended where his church was born we know right where the church was born on a sunday morning we know exactly the day of the week the church was born on it's the same day that jesus rose from the dead only 50 days later it's exactly exactly beautifully laid out in the scriptures and where he will return in his second coming and that that place where those seven key events are recorded in the bible is the city of jerusalem to god jerusalem is the center of redemptive history and geographically like the medieval maps they used to put jerusalem at the center of the world did you know that that people talk about how archaic that is when they look at those maps did you know that shows a a theo centricity god centers his attention on jerusalem in fact the psalms say that his throne is over that he is over jerusalem in fact and i've told you this many times we'll do it when we go into biblical geography but even the hebrew words for directions are fascinating the hebrew word for in front of is the word that you see translating the bible as east it's the hebrew word speaks as if god is sitting on a throne in the temple or tabernacle looking out the door and and in front of is the word east behind his back is the word west to his right hand is the word south and to his left hand is the word north because god even gives directions based on jerusalem and and it's just a fascinating uh understanding of the hebrew language okay so to understand biblical archaeology and all the land of the book and especially jerusalem are very important to explain simple biblical archaeology we would take the scriptures we would apply the historic framework god's word presents we'd sort out all the various archaeological revenge into their biblical context because only the bible is an eyewitness account by someone that has no human bias you understand that see all of us see things from our angle and and that's why you know if there's an accident the police go around and they find a couple friends of yours that showed up to try and help your insurance and then they they they talked to a few other people because they're trying to not get a biased account the only unbiased account are the scriptures to use jerusalem as an example the surface of the ground would be the present and then the deeper you go the more levels of past biblical history you'd pass through if we were to show jerusalem's layers by recognized secular now i'm just going to use and what i'm going to do is i'm going to explain the biblical events in the secular framework for example just this past july i stood with a whole group from calvary and from many other churches and we stood at the sanctus scala that's the the steps martin luther climbed up on his knees remember when he came to faith in christ it's in rome and that building is still there and as we stood there i said would you all just look across the road do you see anything funny over there and they all looked across the road they said yeah it looks like the washington monument i said yeah what is that doing here they said i don't know we came on the tour you tell us i said that's the largest egyptian obelisk ever taken out of egypt that weighs 483 tons solid granite and it's sitting over there why is it there well it's there because pope sixtus the whoever was showing off his power and he put it there but did you know the hieroglyphics are still on that thing and egyptologists have looked over there and do you know who made that largest obelisk in in the whole city of rome the largest one ever to escape from egypt the pharaoh whose oldest son died and his second born son became the pharaoh and in wikipedia if you can trust anything out of wikipedia it says that that pharaoh that made that obelisk across the roads the lateran if you ever heard of saint john and la toronto the church that's the mother church of rome saint peter's is not the basilica of rome is not the vatican it is saint john and ladarano that's been the original place the roman catholic church since the fourth century and it still is where the ex-cathedral seat is but that obelisk has nothing to do with the church or with rome it was built by the one who lost his first born son now wikipedia tells you and britannica and anybody else that that obelisk was was built by a pharaoh that was alive in 1446 bc the bible tells you that's when the the plague of the the the final tenth plague swept through egypt on a friday night because they went out you know it was on the sabbath eve and and that's where friday the 13th comes from if you ever want to know i mean the whole idea that was a very unlucky friday for anybody that had a firstborn son but but secular you can take the secular dates like the wikipedia date and you look at that date and you look at that obelisk and you say as we stood there we said the man that built that 483 ton thing was the one who looked god in the face and mocked him and wouldn't let his people go so let me just get to this uh this would be let's put a house here this is the surface of the earth this is a samaritan's purse house okay right here we just saw them build it you know here it is sitting on the ground the one you saw was on a slab if you were in jerusalem that dirt would be part of the 1948 onward prophecy fulfilled state of israel but did you know that under it would be layer after layer after layer after layer of continuous habitation jerusalem has been built and rebuilt and destroyed and rebuilt and destroyed and rebuilt destroyed 30 plus times now this is secular dating now they're real small and i'll just tell you the british were there from 1917 to 47. the ottomans were there from the time of martin luther through world war one the ottomans that's another word for the ottoman empire which is turkey and turkey was the big player in the middle east and they're coming back by the way um they're they're hoping to revive their empire the mamluks were egyptian uh muslims and they swept through jerusalem and they controlled it from after the crusades through the time of martin luther the crusaders uh the misguided christians in name only murderers i mean the crusaders really weren't a good if you've ever read all the crusades it was a real strange period of time but what the crusades did is the crusades conquered the church of the holy sepulchre in other parts of jerusalem back in 1099 but what really happened most of us should be very thankful for the crusades they went back to medieval dark europe with spices with medicines with literature with manuscripts with scientific insights that the europeans had lost in the dark ages the romans had known all this stuff but the dark ages and the decline of europe and the the just rock that europe had gotten into that it had just gotten very very dark and they came back from the holy land with all the stuff which spurred if you know anything about history the renaissance which went into the reformation the arab muslims are the level below that the persians came in 638 and they stayed until they were driven out by the crusaders the byzantines most people don't even realize byzantine is rome in the east the roman empire was was you know a western empire if you're looking at a map the western side was rome the eastern side was constantinople this side remained the byzantine side stayed there was a roman emperor sitting on a throne in constantinople when christopher columbus was alive that's how long the roman empire lasted the roman empire declined or ended in 1453 a.d and it started in 776 bc 2200 years rome existed it's just an amazing uh long period of time but the eastern empire is this byzantine empire this is a very important thing to us this is not only the monastic period this is when all the church councils did you grow up in a church that quotes the calcidonian creed or quotes you know any of the the great creeds of the church those are from councils and those councils were all sponsored during the byzantine period and much of the events circulated around the holy land and so if you dug down through the dirt under your house in jerusalem you would be going through these layers you'd hit the byzantine layer and then there's the the roman period uh time of persecution and when the church really grew then you would get down to the time of the the fall of of jerusalem in a.d 70. that's when the the post-apostolic fathers the people that that are so critical to understanding the early church then rome this this is when the the occupation during christ time that's a whole period of time you dig through but it keeps going that's the problem with digging anything in jerusalem under it is something more something older something amazing the hasmoneans or the maccabees the hellenists that's the alexander the great the persians as in iran which the whole persian period uh that's the time when darius the mede and all that that's the time of daniel ezra and alexander the great before that is what's called in sec by the way these are all secular these are not in the bible these are secular titles but the iron age is from the time of the judges through the time of daniel so samuel saul david and to daniel is what is called the iron age in archaeological terms the bronze age has three parts late middle and early this one is when this obelisk i told you about is from that's from the the time of of uh well it's just after actually the obelisk would be from right here but this is the time of the bondage moses the exodus and the judges are all in this period of time the patriarchs to the bondage in egypt and then finally abraham visiting jerusalem so all of that but look at this we know do you see this black line that's when god flooded the whole earth so nothing there there did you know the pyramids have to be on this side of the flood they couldn't have survived a global flood they're hardly surviving the sandstorms you know they're falling apart as it is they were not in a global flood that totally changed the whole topography of the surface the planet see maximalists believe this line they believed that god erased and buried and squashed and crushed all other civilizations and there's nothing standing on this world that that they are finding in any archaeological digs of of the surface layers that is from before the flood there is no s pre-flood civilizations that that are findable and so uh there are bones and dinosaur bones and everything else from the flood time but this period of time is uh buried under sometimes a mile of flood debris remember the grand canyon was laid down and then formed with the great basin of water that was in north america i mean all the volcanism but i'm not doing the flood tonight so but if you're in jerusalem this is a dig see archaeologists what they do is they start digging away the dirt trying to get down to see all of the ages and that's what they've done in jerusalem so let's see what what have they found uh whoop back up a biblical archaeology helps us see the past god's word tells us about almost three thousand different people god's word describes several hundred places by name geographic points uh countless events and then it links the people the places and the events together and all are seen more clearly and the implications of what happened when you look at them through the bible so that's what i'd like to do with you tonight so just for a second take your bible let me real quickly before we go tonight i'm going to show you uh a few examples look at genesis 11 we'll start in genesis and i want to show you how you can uh interpret the bible because of truths that uh correspond with archaeology chapter 11 of genesis and it says verse 31 at the end of the the uh 11th chapter and tara took his son abram and his his grandson lot the son of iran his daughter-in-law and they went out from the ur of the chaldees to go to the land of canaan okay here's er of the chaldees and here's the land of canaan and there's two ways it could have gone because this is a vast desert that todd aaron would never have crossed it because memory city can only be seven miles from the starbucks and there are no starbucks between there at all there is one trade route that's very treacherous that's known if you know where the oases are you can make it from place to place but the majority of people followed what is called the fertile crescent they went up like this following the the more watered more civilized areas so most likely what abraham did is he followed and i i want to erase all this so you see what was here before i started drawing these lines you see these red lines are the trade caravan roots everything in the bible so follows these caravan roots this one most likely is the one that abraham would have come down on he temporarily stayed up here in haran and then so he would have gone up like this come back down and he came into the land coming down in fact shechem right there is one of the places that's mentioned in the bible so so look what it says they they died in terror died up here in haran so they came from ur they followed the trade route went up there now verse 1 the lord told abraham to go and so abraham does take off and he goes to verse 6 of chapter 12 he goes right here check him he followed that trade route down and went right down there to shechem now you say what does that have to do with interpreting the bible well let me show you a few things it's so interesting what else are on these trade routes the trade route here in damascus this is the city of damascus it's having all the fighting right now the trade route splits off and goes by the water this is called if you've ever heard via morris mary is the sea that is the via morris it's one of the most important roads of the ancient world this one is called the king's highway and it went down and they could take shipping and all this so this one is the king's highway and this is the villa mars you know what's so interesting when this comes down right here this via mars when it goes from damascus right there where that circle is it has to go into a narrow pass that skirts along the shore of the sea of galilee and there was always a tax booth right there in the middle of that circle where the villa mars came across there and it was at a city called capernaum and matthew sat there at that tax booth why did jesus make capernaum his town in the new testament because anything that anybody heard in capernaum would go to the ends of the earth it would go down all these trade routes because this was a crossroads where those trade routes actually there's one that swung under the lake too and so the the ancient trade routes are where the gospel message and where the the biblical characters followed those roots okay let me let me show oop back up just real quickly um and we're gonna get this more in biblical geography but during the period from the judges 1200 bc through samuel about 1050 bc this is what israel looked like the tribal areas you notice this is the jordan river right there do you notice how much of israel is in modern-day jordan how much of the promised land is did you know when people say west bank this is called the west bank do you know what christians should say the west bank of the euphrates because see god gave them all the way up into what would be the region that would be on the euphrates he didn't give them just this little strip from the jordan river to the mediterranean they had over here and david extended it out that way uh real quickly let's do saul to david united kingdom it was the same david extended it in his conquest much beyond that by the time of jeroboam 830 bc is jeroboam ii when israel uh under its divided state this is the northern kingdom and the southern kingdom this is judah the good guys that didn't become calf worshipers and this is israel the northern kingdom and the dividing line in jerusalem is right there uh on the the northern part of judah but this is what it looked like uh during all that you read about in first and second kings and um that whole period of of uh decline now this is fascinating uh and and i won't you can't see this slide very well but if you could see it there's something here it looks like a tombstone and if you can see there's another one right there that looks like a tombstone and you can't see it but very well but there are steps going up this is a gate to a city gesher this is where absalom's mother was from it's also in the new testament this city is called bethsaida that should ring bells that's where peter and andrew were from so peter and andrew were from the same city that absalom's mother was from but you say who cares well this is fascinating this corrects so many of our misconceptions excuse me these things that look like tombstones that thing right there those are high places did you know when you read the bible it's always talking about and the high places were not removed and the high places were not removed did you know i read the bible for years before i ever took the time to figure out what a high place was i thought it was kind of like mount everest you know they were building something up on mountains a high place was a little elevated two-step up little shrine and you can't see it but there's this little god right here looks like that who is a representation of the fertility and rain and crop god and so you would live in the city on your way out to work your fields excuse me if you wanted your sheep to you know have little use and if you wanted your cattle to calve you would you know tip your hat throw a tip put a little fruit on that thing for good luck because this was the god that made animals have young and made your crops grow and these little shrines were set up everywhere in israel because the people wanted the best of both worlds they had this invisible god that was so rough on them with all his rules and then they had the local gods that all the natives and the inhabitants of the land said this god will make your crops grow and so the people want to hedge both sides and this this is an example of how every israelite city during the the kingdom time had these little shrines and once in a while you hear about people like josiah hezekiah breaking all these things down in fact what you also can't see is both of them are broken both of them were were purposely intentionally broken probably during josiah and hezekiah's reigns but that's just a fascinating little uh site but let's go to acts 911 and real quickly we have about 15 minutes i want to start showing you some of the interpretational helps that biblical archaeology gives us acts chapter 9 verse 11. and the lord said to him arise acts 9 11 and go to the street called straight oh so he just typed into his smartphone straight you know that's the name of a street right like elm pine you know washington avenue go to straight street well and and you know what there's really no doctrinal implications of knowing what straight means but there are a lot of practical applications of knowing what it means the street called straight what would that mean if anything without digging down to that time we don't really know but what you find when you dig is it was the main street of the roman world they were all the straight street every city had one of these streets they were the main north and south axis of the street in fact every alexander started this alexander started laying out cities with a ducomanus um a street that went this way east and west and a cardo that went north and south so the the big straight street was called the cardo and it it was on a north south crossing and east west and usually where they met was the agura the marketplace of the city and so when they were going to this they would the word straight is actually the word cardo it's the greek word for heart you ever heard of we're going into the heart of the city that is that is alexander's when he hellenized when he made civilization spread out from greece all the way to india he started telling the cities they need to have this structure and so by the time following alexander's time the roman empire so going to the straight street means paul went to the main street the the largest most you know the boulevard of damascus now let's go to matthew 8 28 because i want to show you how this affects um our understanding i think a lot of times when we think of jesus we think of kind of the jesus video that most of his ministry was about around those people they're almost barefooted they're kind of bumpkins they're kind of like west virginia you know hillbilly you know jed klampe kind of things but but look at matthew 8 and verse 28 and it says and when he'd come to the other side the country of the gergasines there met him two demon-possessed mans gergosine was a region that was dominated by a main city geresa or jerash okay there's jerash today now this is how much dirt you can see this hill all of the stuff you see was in those layers you know of all the civilization but the archaeologists have dug up this place where you're looking at this this city that dominated this region in matthew 8 28 and look at the forest of columns now that maybe doesn't mean much to you but now you look at it from a different angle this is where the two streets met this is where the duke omanis crosses the cardo look what's in the center this is the marketplace of the city this is the agura you might know it by the roman name they called it the forum okay the forum equaled the marketplace equaled the greek word which you might see sometimes the agura so these three interchangeable terms were for the heart of the city that that would be very much the place you would want to go if you wanted to get a message out and so right here this this little strip right there is what we were looking at from the other slide now look at it from another angle look this is that forest of now you can see all these modern arab homes that this is in the city of jordan which used to be the tribe of manasseh in the biblical times but this city was this is what the cities look like in the time of christ that's not in those jesus movies we're talking about millions of people hundreds of thousands that's how you could get one group he fed when he had five thousand it was five thousand men who probably had their wife with them probably had their two or three kids we're talking about 20 000 people at a pop you have to have quite a metropolitan you know quite a a wide group of population to get 20 000 people off work to come to an event during the day you know i mean so we're talking about large cities and this is the cargo this main road and then it would keep going this way now we're in this marketplace and and this is this is just very very similar layout to all these cities but you say oh well that's in jordan and and how do we know jesus ever went there well we don't he didn't he got back on the boat he didn't go there and most of them had um these triumphal arches at the end uh i mean incredible architecture most of them this is right off i mean if you went back here to this this big plaza if if you walk up these steps that you're looking down we're actually on top of the hill looking down this is what you're looking at this is the stairway all those are stairs and this is just the the base of a massive temple that went way up about 100 feet higher that was to the love goddess artemis the goddess that they worshipped with all of their different worship uh this this is unbelievable the structural size of these things that was right on i don't know if you can see it but there's a person standing right there i mean look at the they're not even up to the bottom of this column which is about 60 to 80 feet tall those columns are only on the deck before you get up to the real thing i mean they had some pretty amazing buildings back then now right off of this this where we're standing is this plaza this is the bath houses in this ancient world there were a lot of public baths with running water and and you would take your bath the the toilets were there it's just civilization amazing now it's all fallen down but it's amazing okay now turn to matthew 4 25 because you know this has all been a nice travelogue but has nothing to do with the bible because jesus was never there okay now look at matthew 4 25 it says great multitudes followed him from galilee and from decapolis now all of a sudden one of the decapolis cities that city you just saw jerash is the name of it that's in jordan this decapitalist city is in israel what i'm going to show you right now jesus would have seen now see this ruins the jesus video because when you see the civilization uh here here's the city down here of the time of christ this is where king saul's body was nailed to the wall of this is the old testament city this is the new testament city okay unbelievable now if i can get my writing to go away i want to just show you some of the stuff that's here this is the cardo this is the forum area or the agura this is the dukamanas going this way all of this are the bath houses this is a gigantic you can't see it but a theater that seats several thousand people and they haven't even this this city uh and you can see there's the columns of the ducamanas the east west one going this way this city um it's called the disney world of the holy land it's it's always a stop whenever you go over to israel becham but this city shows us how civilized the holy land was in the first century another view uh here's the theater i told you about right there here's the cardo there are the baths over here here's the forum remember when we were studying redemption the word for redemption is the word x agura so this is the agura this is the marketplace where slaves were sold and redemption is to be bought out of the agura and so when jesus talked about redemption they all knew about slaves every town had every town in that agora sold slaves every town slavery was there were more slaves than citizens in the roman empire and and so when jesus talked about redemption he was talking about something that everyone i mean the picture just was vivid in their mind um now this is this is called palladius street right here this is still in in this decapolis town of betshan you see this this is a raised kind of like a little raise in the in the road that's the sewer system i mean they had storm sewers they had hot and cold running water this is just the the colonnade so you'd have shade this is another angle the big bath houses over there the big theater here there's that storm drain going right down the middle you say well where's the rest of it well they don't want to knock everybody's house down it's there it's just huge this city is huge it fell down by the way in the great earthquake of uh um the eighth century a.d you know what this is this is an amphitheater now most people would call this um you know it it wouldn't understand the difference between an amphitheater and a theater a theater only is a half of a circle an amphi theater is around it's it's both sides just half of it is a theater this is an amphitheater it's round people said all the way around this is an arena where they martyred christians at least a thousand we know of from church history died in those sands in betsyann in the first century in the early church and it was a big city but metaba is a town in jordan where on the floor of a church they found this mosaic in 500 a.d during the byzantine time the roman empire in the east side and and all of a sudden people archaeologists looked at this in the they found it you know in in the like 1800s a.d and they went they could read this is hag jerusalem that's the city of jerusalem and they said jerusalem has acardo this is the cardo the main north and south drag nobody knew jerusalem had a cardo in 1800 and so somebody looked at this and they said wow so they started digging down in jerusalem and and here are more pictures that is the metabo map is just i mean it wasn't just of jerusalem they have found all of these these sites from the the early church on this mosaic this was like a aaa office you know uh the maps were a little heavier they weren't made of paper they were made of tile i mean it's unbelievable everything there but this is what jerusalem looked like in the now they found out in the in the um byzantine times the the post um early church era there's the north-south drag there's the east-west drag and all these churches now that that was on this map they have found but let's go to matthew 8 20 because none of that i said has anything to do with the bible it's just interesting but look at matthew 8 20. and jesus said to him remember verse 19 the scribe says hey i'll go with you everywhere you go in verse 20. jesus said foxes have holes and birds the air have nests but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head you know what jesus said he says i don't have a home i don't even own a home and those people that were hassling jesus all the way through his ministry as they started excavating jerusalem they found all of these first century roads that are underneath some of them 20 feet or more 40 feet under the surface of modern-day jerusalem they have found the first century roads king herod built in fact in july they just opened a section there's a road that goes from the city of david the pool of siloam underneath all of the muslim homes and it comes up at the western whaling wall and you can walk underground on a road that herod built underneath all of this modern excavation or our city and you're 40 50 60 feet underground which is how much the debris has piled up over the years and it comes out right here at what's called the wailing wall and it's just a continuation of a road that goes all the way up to the damascus gate but this is a little piece of it this is the column structure it had covering they've put it together to show you by the way above us are all the jewish houses this is underneath the jewish quarter because the muslims won't let them dig underneath their parts or they'll riot if they do and so the jews are allowing all of the under their homes to be dug out and they're finding all the first century level in fact you can even shop this this is called the cardo this is the cardo this is the actual first century road and it's all full of jewish shops you can eat down there and everything and the whole city is above you and it's like you're down in the time of christ and it's a fascinating thing to be there but what i'm bringing you to is this this is a house they found under there this house has 6 000 square feet this has an in-door swimming pool how many of you have one of those i bet not very many an indoor swimming pool a 6 000 square foot house with they even found the the table in the in all of the different uh plates and serving things and everything these things are imported from all over the world china not the city of china but they had china that was brought in from far reaches of the roman empire you say what's so big about that look back at chapter 8 verse 20. jesus was alluding to the fact that he lived a very simple poor life they were going home to their indoor pools this is inside the old city of jerusalem this house people were living in there that heard jesus teach in the temple and when the destruction of the romans came the romans starred the city on fire and everything fell in fact the house next door it's grisly but the people are still their bones are still there and they're trying to get their jewels and treasures in the house burned and fell on them and you can even find the women have one woman had her makeup in her hand her her i don't know lipstick or something it's it's it's still inside the container and she's holding it can you imagine if the house was burning would you run in and get your makeup probably really needed it for some reason real quickly uh one last thing and we're going to go with this we have a minute if you go to acts 16 paul is beaten in philippi with rods in chapter 16 verse 40 the next day after being beaten till you could see the bones in acts 16 40 he starts walking acts 17 1 paul walks 97 miles that's how far it is from philippi to thessalonica when he writes back in 1st thessalonians 2 1-4 paul defends his reliability he says i'm not unclean i'm not dishonest i'm not a crook why would he say that well i want you to see something every town had a bath house like this over here if paul walked into thessalonica he would have gone to a public bath and when paul went to that public bath he would have taken his cloak off and he would have hung it up on a hook and he would taken his tunic off and everyone as he hung up his tunic there would have been a collective gasp his back looked like the lines on a stake you know after being on the grill you know how it sears in those marks that's what paul looked like after being beaten in philippi and every time he took a bath which is what normal people that weren't kings had to go to a bath house this is where you use the toilet and you took a bath and if you're a good jew you did both quite frequently and every time he went in there and hooked his clothes there are only two people that got beaten like he was runaway slaves and convicts and so paul entered his ministry walking down streets like this going into bath houses like that and dave and paul would experience people not understanding why he he'd been beaten and i could go through lots of other stuff they found but we don't have time at 7 16. so biblical archaeology is the merging of the geography of the bible with the history of the bible using the bible as the guide as the eyewitness account it makes all of the pieces line up and all of a sudden it makes the picture of the new testament and old testament world come alive let's all stand for word of prayer and then i hope as you're reading the bible in the days ahead that you'll pay attention to those little geographic and historical notes because they're eyewitness accounts a real history real geography and the archaeologists are verifying it everywhere they go father in heaven i thank you for giving us a book that is so valuable i pray that it would draw our attention more than so much that is really useless that we can spend an hour without even knowing it watching something the latest little video of someone when we aren't listening to the voice of the very god of the universe and i pray that we would want your word to feed our souls because it's reliable plus it's so fascinating the more we study it and i pray that you'd strengthen us to that end that we may be holding forth the word of life that we may rejoice in the day of christ that we have not run or labored in vain because we've walked in step with your word and we ask that in the precious name of jesus and for your glory alone and all god's people said amen god bless you as you go [Music] you
Channel: DTBM
Views: 59,505
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Keywords: Bible, God, Jesus, Christian, teaching, biblical, teach, sermon, trinity, church, lesson, traditional, truth, true, divine, theology, freedom, guilt, testament, pure, interpret, spirit, holy, John, Barnett, christ, father, heaven, hell, doctrine, doctrinal, sinful, forgive, forgiveness, history, teachings, chapters, verses, discover, the book, ministries, dtbm, Dr. Barnett, controversial, repent, helpful, sin, the, book, dr, john, doctor, barnett, training, videos, series, resources, savior, god, jesus, holy land, pilgrimage, spiritual renewal
Id: PpwiJDM3ZAk
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Length: 50min 48sec (3048 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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