Kent Christmas - Regeneration Nashville 9.19.21 Service

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i see his the see [Music] [Music] i see a generation rising up [Music] oh is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] show me how to love like me [Music] is oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] uh ah oh oh uh now [Music] is amazing is amazing hey christians oh right foreign so [Music] everybody foreign thank you my every day oh every day so every day [Music] see um hey everyday [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] good afternoon regeneration nashville it's a good day to be in the house of the lord if you want to stand to your feet today there's no other other place i would rather be than right here let's just go to the lord in prayer lord jesus we thank you so much god for the honor and the privilege to be here this afternoon lord we welcome lord we welcome your presence god we look to you lord jesus lord let the miraculous fill this place lord let your glory fill this place oh god lord we come expecting lord jesus we bring our burdens lord and we lay them at your feet and lord god we thank you for the freedom that is in the house god the victory that is in the house the healing that is here god and lord jesus we just we thank you in advance god for what you're doing here today in jesus name amen come on and put your hands together for jesus are you ready to worship [Music] [Music] start a new revival [Music] start a new [Music] rushing in like a mighty window [Music] let the hell [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] of who you are [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you're the only one who can bring him alive [Music] you're the only one who can break [Music] [Music] oh [Music] now lord today we say holy ghost glow in this place god let the wind and the fire of the living god consume our hearts today oh god we thank you lord for doing the new things come out say yes lord [Music] [Music] just like you did it before just like didn't just like you [Music] fill me with [Music] [Music] we'll be with oh holy ghost [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you jesus hallelujah we thank you lord how many know there is power in the name of jesus oh come on let the name of jesus every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess thank you jesus [Music] hey [Music] i'm gonna sing a song that goes on and on [Music] [Music] came crashing over [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] now my life has changed [Applause] [Music] crashing over [Music] my [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] there is power in the name of jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] thank hallelujah lord thank you lord come on across the building will you just lift your hands and just tell them how much you're living today father we thank you lord that you're in this place oh we love you lord father today the battle belongs to you come on and tell him the battle belongs to your lord [Music] you see [Music] is [Music] there's nothing to [Music] with my hands lifted high oh god the battle belongs to you every year i lay at your feet i'll sing through the night oh [Music] who can be against me who can be against me [Music] for jesus there's nothing impossible for you [Music] i see the [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing [Music] before [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] with my head lifted high oh god the battle belongs to you every fear i'll lay on your feet i'll sing through the night oh god the battle belongs to come on lift your hands when i fight i'll fight on [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] the battle belongs to [Music] oh [Music] come on if you believe that i give the lord the praise thank you jesus holiday thank you jesus hallelujah come on do you feel him here we feel you in this place lord come on and lift up the name of jesus we surrender out to you we surrender up to you thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] i feel you here stirring the atmosphere opening heaven in this place our hearts are hungry and full of faith revive will come in jesus name say oh we believe oh we believe yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do it now [Music] stirring the atmosphere opening our hearts are hungry our hearts are hungry [Music] fine will come in jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] pour out your spirit [Music] [Applause] is [Music] signs and wonders miracles let us see your glory curve bring your kingdom moving power let us see your glory come come outside miracles let us miracles your glory come bring your kingdom bring your kings [Music] signs and wonders [Music] bring your king down [Music] [Music] yes is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on and thank you for the signs and the wonders we thank you jesus for your miracle thank you lord that you're moving say everything everything you have come on let your voice do it now do it now [Music] everything [Music] thank you jesus come on and bless the lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] our god is an awesome god he raised from heaven up up [Music] our god is an awesome [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] from heaven [Music] [Music] [Music] our god is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah jesus thank you jesus god we worship you in this place today hallelujah lord we honor you amen isn't it good to be in the house of the lord i was reading in i was reading in mark chapter five and it's where jesus hears some commotion and he finds out that jairus's daughter is dead and he flips around and he says do not fear do not be afraid only believe i believe at that exact moment in scripture jarius got the revelation that all he had to do was believe in that that moment in a different location his daughter came alive we think this scripture says the lord wants us to build up our belief and to not fear but what i believe that scripture is saying is stop adding to your belief stop putting in fear stop putting in worry stop putting in your humanity thinking you have to be a good enough christian on top of believing that god will do it god does not need our humanity added to the work that he already did for us he does not need us to help him heal somebody or raise them from the dead stop thinking that you have to do something plus believe to get the work done in your life or the life of your family member it is just jesus it is just belief there is nothing else that you have to do and anything that you try to add to it is going to hinder the work of god because he doesn't need us to do it just believe don't overthink it don't overwork it don't put so much of yourself into it that you take out what god wants to do i pray every day lord burn all of me out of me make me a clear vessel a conduit a channel that you can move through to do the work that you want to do and it should be our prayer every day lord burn us out of us let us get out of the way so that you can accomplish the things that you want to do there are several instances of healing in the bible whereas because of faith but then there are instances where it had nothing to do with our faith it was just because of jesus and it's just because of jesus he wants to do everything for us right here right now today if we will get ourselves out of the way and let him move let's pray right now father god in jesus name we exalt you in this place we command lord that you have your way in this service that you do everything that you want to do you do it holy and completely lord in spite of us in jesus name god we honor you we lift you up for great as our lord in jesus name amen amen how many came believing this morning i will do that probably until we finally get back to a morning service how many came this afternoon believing for a miracle we combine our faith as yours yours and we believe that whatever you came expecting that the lord will meet you right where you are with the belief that you have and he will set you free he will deliver you he will restore you whatever need you're looking for there is nothing that is too big that god cannot meet it amen you can be seated we just have a couple quick announcements ladies tomorrow night at our old location we will be having a bible study it's been a great time of fellowship we've had a great turnout as we like to say in kids church to be a bringer so if you have a co-worker a family member a friend that really needs to connect and fellowship with a body of believers this is a great time to invite them it's at 6 p.m tomorrow night at our old location also ladies our fall retreat is coming up we just have a little bit of time for you to register september 26 the cut-off date for that so if you haven't signed up yet you got about a week week and a half to make that happen we have a huge wonderful amazing lineup of speakers right behind me you can see that if that's not enough for you then a pastor candy has a dessert bar so we're going to tempt you on every level to get you to this retreat so if you have any questions regarding the retreats please see pastor cheryl after service you can also get on our website you'll find more information there as well parents of students sixth grade to twelfth grade we will be meeting this saturday at opry mills mall at the escape room at 6 p.m the cost for that is 15 per student so if you have any questions please see pastor nick after service and he'll be glad to give you more information regarding the saturday night gathering for our students at this time if you'll stand we're going to do our offering declaration all right let's all say it together because i am a tither and a giver the windows of heaven are open to me and god rebukes the devourer from my sake i am blessed financially and receive a blessing that i cannot contain i choose to sow cheerfully and bountifully knowing i will reap bountifully he makes me the head and not the tail above and not beneath the blessings of god are chasing me and overtaking me because god loves to see me prosper i am believing him for advancement god ideas blessings and increases financial freedoms and breakthroughs amen across the aisle shake your hand god bless you pastor come up here with your glasses please i'm not even going to try not to not cry because it's just what i do so so this is uh if you don't know this is pastor king's 50th year in ministry and i have been with him for 43 of those 50 years and uh sit down i remember when he would work all week as a pipe feather come back exhausted prepare a message preach two services on a sunday at a rinky-dink little church in olympia washington and he preached with as much fire and power as he has now he's always preached like this he is the perfect example of a mighty man of god so carrie and i honor you today as our pastor and our father and i wanted to do something for you and that would really honor your 50th year in ministry and this just kind of fell in my lap so i'm going to let you read this and then i'll i'll tell the people what it is this is one of the original chairs used in a.a allen's tent revivals it has a certificate of authenticity and it traveled the world with him and people sat in this chair every night under his tents where they went to receive healing and i couldn't think of anything better to honor dad than with this chair so i love my family we're just a bunch of crybabies it's one of the prerequisites of attending regeneration nashville you just have to be a cry baby hey has anybody told you that they love you today no yeah well i'm going to be the first then i love you i'm so glad that you are here today i'm grateful for the opportunity to worship with you uh do we have any out of town guests first of all i have i met some people from wisconsin where is wisconsin today stand up stand up please stand up let us honor you welcome to nashville so we also have some folks uh from south carolina from charleston south carolina any other people from south carolina stand up and let us welcome you to regeneration stand up amen we're honored to have you here uh who who else who else do we have illinois stand up illinois we're honored to have you today welcome to nashville uh who else do we have missouri stand up missouri welcome show me state uh and you said which over there texas stand up texas anybody else from texas stand up wow lots of texas folks wow welcome to nashville yeah and i'm i who else did i hear louisiana really my home state stand up louisiana welcome to nashville glad to have you here who else am i missing oklahoma really wow stand up foreign country oklahoma [Laughter] glad to have you who else who said alabama once one person is proud to be from alabama folks stand up alabama glad to have you here welcome welcome to the regeneration nashville family and you sir you raised your hand washington wow stand up washington we're honored to have you we're gonna make nashvillians out of you amen uh who else do we have wyoming wow stand up wyoming welcome to nashville honored to have you who else did i hear indiana stand up indiana welcome to nashville i heard west virginia stand up west virginia we're glad to have you in nashville today and so right here north carolina stand up north carolina we're honored to have you here welcome to nashville who else am i missing pennsylvania stand up pennsylvania ah there you are welcome who else yes sorry smoky mountains stand up glad to have you yeah hey i've got some friends here from uh from cookville tennessee and uh i know that's not a foreign country or anything like that but it's dave and diane roland where are you hey stand up glad to have you honored to have you these are good friends of ours so i also wanted to tell you oh my goodness okay here we go we have uh us our state representative here from district 40 and her name is terri lynn weaver and her birthday is today stand up welcome glad to have you here yeah yeah so um how many of you saw pastor kent on hank kuhneman's uh at his conference yeah amen amen so it was just a blessing and honor to be with the kunamens the last couple of days but i want to introduce you to some folks that made that possible they provided the transportation for us and that is dave acklin and this is steve hill they have their wives kathy and belinda and i just want to stand up and thank you for allowing us to use your transportation these are great friends of ours just just love our good friends so i i'm not going to take a lot of time just because um i just want to did i miss anybody did i miss anybody that i didn't acknowledge as far as you're from out of state georgia welcome georgia stand up glad to have you here [Applause] seriously massachusetts stand up massachusetts you get the prize you travel the farthest so i i just want to i want to encourage you this week to join us in the fast okay so from wednesday to friday we are going to be fasting and uh you you do you okay you do what god is saying to you some people fast media some people fast sweets uh personally we just fast we just we just drink water uh i'll admit my sins i have to have a cup of coffee in the mornings but but uh we are fasting this week and and so the dna of this church is prayer and fasting and that will never change that is the dna of this church we seek god and we think like i preached last week this church has deep roots we have powerful people that know how to pray and touch heaven we have people coming next week i would love to have the opportunity to read to you some of the emails that we get in but people are depending on this church for their healing and for their miracles and to live they are believing god uh that that we will pray and touch heaven for their lives uh some of them are facing very dire situations so i'm asking you as a church to come and fast and pray i met a couple from iowa uh at pastor k hank kuhneman's that are flying in to fast from iowa they're flying in to fast and pray with us tues wednesday through friday so i'm saying if they can come from iowa you can come from franklin spring hill hendersonville gallatin you know we're just going to fast and pray and so i know that you will because we have a pray in church and uh and i'm going to present i'll do things a little bit different during this fast i'm going to present to you some needs some dire situations uh for people that are believing for healings and miracles and i'm gonna pass those out when you come wednesday through thursday i think that it was announced that we will pray from six to seven but i'm going to extend that a little bit okay so why don't we open at five so that some of you that are coming from work and just drive straight to the old location 535 brick church park drive and so i'd love to just have you come and pray and intercede and uh for an open heaven over our church the other thing is that registration is closing for the women's retreat please do not allow money to stand in your way if uh if money is impeding your attendance just just come and talk to me and we will make a way we have people who will sponsor you and so if you're a lady and you want to come we want you to be there it's going to be a wonderful time of bonding and fellowship and so i'm personally inviting you to come to the ladies retreat we have tremendous powerful music ministry that travels out of this church and so today you're just going to get a taste of the ministry that we have first of all i want to introduce to you a dear friend of pastors in mind he and his wife have been prayer partners with us for many years and so he travels around the world singing gospel music incidentally if you see the gaithers a lot of times bill is just moving his mouth to a track and you'll hear this voice okay that's a secret don't tell anybody i told you that okay make welcome jeff pearls [Applause] [Music] you may think it foolish what i'm gonna say but i'm not ashamed no not ashamed one day i said jesus take my sin away and that's when i was born again born again there's really been a change in me born again just like jesus said i'm glad so glad that i've been born again we have anyone born again in the house one man came to jesus john in chapter three [Music] he was so afraid oh so afraid master you are from god i do believe and jesus said be born again born again there's really been a change in me born again just like jesus said born again and all because of calvary i'm glad so glad that i've been born again born again there's really been a change in me [Applause] born again just like jesus said born again in all because of calvary i'm glad so glad that i've been born again i'm glad so glad that i've been born again don't you love his voice it's like melted butter and that wonderful i just love that so annoying as a man of prayer so i have one more uh group that i want to introduce you to that works out of this church that ministers out of this church they literally minister around the world and they are gospel music's first family and they are members of this church but recently am i standing in your way okay i'm killing time right i'm good at that so so while they set up but they were recently inducted into the grand ole opry and so now not only are they the first family of gospel music but now they are the first family of country music they sing gospel music they sing about jesus around the world and they take gospel music into genres that uh that other people would only dream about and so i want you to make welcome the first family of gospel and country music the isaacs [Applause] [Music] good afternoon good to be home illinois we were in your state last night [Music] there's a lot of people talking about people looking down on everybody acting like they're sitting on a steeple keeping all their own faults locked up in a big box forgetting that god don't need a combination to see it all raise your ever hand nothing wrong that's what i thought [Music] [Music] [Music] but jesus said no wait a minute [Music] [Music] went home [Music] it's so easy [Music] [Music] anyway [Music] was we throw [Music] ain't got no room anyways [Applause] [Music] thank you everybody we hope you enjoyed our rock song [Laughter] oh my goodness uh boy it is good to be home and good to be in church this morning we love this church we love the pastor so much and all the family and we thank god for them and and we thank god for uh for josh and toby swift being here josh plays dobro with us and we got in this morning and he went all the way to sparta to pick up his wife and sons and come back and he went and changed his dobro strings and left his doe bro at home right there good job josh stand up josh this is josh swift he's amazing toby anyway i'm sorry you didn't get to hear him play this this afternoon but we're so thankful that they are here and uh the roland's have been gracious to the isaacs miss candy mentioned them earlier and if you've seen the isaacs on any of the billboards and the surrounding cities it's because of that man right there and his wife and we just appreciate you so much for blessing our ministry thank you god has a way of accomplishing things that we don't have any means to do and so we're grateful for that we're going to do you a song and becky this one was on her heart all week this week and this is a song that she and i wrote with my husband probably april or may of last year and we finished it but i started writing this song in 2015 most of you know our family you know that my husband and i met in our mid third in my mid-30s he was older he's way older now he's only four years older and we have three children aidan's ten gatlin is five almost six and evia's four and um when aiden our ten-year-old was three years old my husband and i found out we were having a little girl and when i was six months along her little heart stopped beating and i was forced to give birth to a stillborn baby girl and uh and my dream of having a daughter i thought was over and i was already 40 years old when that happened well about six months after that experience we found out we were expecting again and as you can imagine i was scared to death because i was already 41 i didn't know if i could carry a full-term healthy baby and so we did a lot of praying and and trusting and sure enough about four months into that pregnancy we were in north carolina one day and i woke up that morning and i was hemorrhaging and and i thought surely not again lord surely not again and i started getting ready becky's sister-in-law said i'll take you to the emergency room and as i was trying to pull myself together and put makeup on and cry and make up off i started talking to the lord and i said lord you you have brought me this far i have trusted you with my past i've trusted you with my future and i'm trusting you with my right now you know the desire of my heart but what i want more than what i want is what you want and so however this turns out today god i'm not going to stop trusting in you i started writing the course of this song that day there's peace and trusting the lord peace when my faith and fear are at war so i don't have to worry he knows what's in store and there's peace and trusting the lord went on to the hospital that day and it turned out everything was just fine and that little boy that i was carrying is now five and a half years old and i thank god for that touching me my friend your story might be different than mine it probably is but it doesn't matter what fear you're facing today what anxiety you're carrying or what you're worrying about god already has the answer and he's already in the process of moving and working it for your good you just keep on trusting him and don't lose heart and don't lose faith because he is in the process he's in the middle of your miracle and you're in the middle of your miracle so keep trusting him i hope we can sing this this morning we finished this last year god only knows [Music] but he's been faithful time and time again [Music] there's [Music] peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's peace [Music] yes there is peace interesting [Music] if his will should not go my way sometimes it doesn't if is [Music] it's not what i praise then i'll still trust him for what [Music] cause i know he knows what's best for you and me [Music] peace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's peace [Music] is [Music] he trusted well i don't think anybody has any better music than what we have [Applause] i heard you all had a good preacher last sunday and then been hanging out with her all week and um amen um i want to say thank you to my son and kerry for the chair we're going to pray for some people in that chair now amen [Applause] just friday night when i preached at hanks and we talked about because god had dropped this in my spirit he said that um the lord was against sennacherib he said i'm going to send a blast and it means a rua the breath of god was going to blow and the same time that god was releasing at work through me dutch sheets was released in the exact same word we'd not talked and um hank came to me as i got done ministering and said ken he said as i was releasing the word of the lord before you preach he said god spoke that same word to me he said i put my hand on the bible he said i heard god say there's a blast coming and um first of all i want to tell you this that all is well in the spirit realm and you need to rest because everything is all right and it's going to get better i just feel i feel a boldness in the holy ghost that god doesn't need us to accomplish his will this is about the namesake of the lord it's about the word that he's already released and we'll just take a journey through the scripture today i'm not sure really how we're going to do this than the holy ghost drop this in my heart but in the old testament we know this that when adam and eve were created they had full access to the presence of god they were not denied any access to the presence of god that it must have been an incredible thing for adam and god just to walk with each other in the cool of the day i can't imagine what that must have been like and it's called paradise the garden of eden in the septuagint which is a greek version of the new testament or the old testament it's called paradise and so adam and god were in paradise and they walked with each other in fellowship and there was no sin in the earth and so there was no need for sacrifice because sacrifice is to do with the atonement for sin and so we know that when adam sinned he was removed from the presence of the lord and god shed the first blood in essence god the father was the very first high priest that ever existed because god the bible said killed an animal and he took his skin and he covered them with that skin it the covering that adam made for himself was fig leaves and when god looked at him he said you cannot cover yourself only i can cover you and so god became the high priest said the first animal took its skin and covered adam but adam is now banned from the presence of god and from that moment on all of humanity has no access into the presence of the lord the bible says that death reigned until moses something happened with moses well moses we know this through the instruction of god instituted the sacrificial system he began to raise up a tabernacle in the wilderness and inside that tabernacle there were three divisions there was the outer court there was the holy place and there was the holiest of holies and inside of the holiest of holies was where god chose to allow his presence to be in the earth there is no other place on the earth at that time that you could find the presence of god except inside of that tent back beyond that outer court and back beyond that holy place behind a curtain there was an ark of the covenant with angelic cherums on both ends and in between was the mercy seat and there the shekinah glory abided but the people had to stand on the outside because the sin that they walked in that even though they maybe have never sinned they still had sin in them because man is born into sin and shapen in iniquity and so they cannot come into the presence of the father because the father cannot have sin in his presence so god the father says instead of killing everybody of all of the children of israel he said i'm going to give them a temporary reprieve he institutes the priesthood he tells moses he says take your brother aaron and ordain him and he will become a high priest and he says one time a year on yom kippur our day of atonement he says that aaron is to separate himself from the people he is to cleanse himself he is to put on he is to take off his priestly garments that were beautiful to look at and he said he is to robe himself in linen which is representative of righteousness and he said he then has access to come through the outer court the holiest of holies and then he will come behind the curtain and one time a year one man on the entire face of the earth had access to the presence of god it must have been a difficult thing for the father who made all men to have access into his presence to have no one come and visit him except once a year a man who symbolically stood in the eyes of god hallelujah as a mediator between god and man and he would shed the blood of an animal he would take the blood and put it on the mercy seat and then god the father would say now for another year i give you reprieve and i will not destroy you because of that and for thousands of years this is how god in heaven connected with his creation was through one little place with one man who was tainted with sin and he would come and offer an animal and put it on the mercy seat and then god would say okay none of you can still come into my presence but i will for another year have mercy on mankind and i will not destroy them so now we come to the new testament because this is where i feel god's taking us today in this message when jesus came on the scene his first heavenly title that he's given is by the forerunner called john the baptist and when john the baptist who is the bible said there's never been a greater prophet than john the baptist and the very first time that john's eyes light on jesus he said oh behold the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world and hell heard that because hell is rejoicing because they hold humanity captive mankind cannot get into the presence of god because they are full of sin and all of a sudden after 4 000 years that satan has ruled the earth he hears this resounding prophetic declaration behold the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world it must have been like a rifle shot through hell demons looked at each other satan's head perked up he said what did we just hear and they said there's something going on in the earth because it's just been declared that there is a lamb loose in the earth that's getting ready to take away the sins of the world and so even in jesus time the law of moses is still active and of course they have herod's temple and so the holiest of holies is a lot more elaborate the temple is amazing to look at and there is this veil that separates the holy place from the holiest of holies and it weighs several hundred pounds some writers say it's 60 feet long 32 feet high seven inches thick and it separates mankind from the mercy seat from the presence of god and the only way that anybody can get in there is israel has a high priest and the high priest kills the lamb kills the goat brings the blood in puts it on that mercy seat has been done for thousands of years and god is still letting mercy flow from heaven and man has still not been removed from the earth but only the high priest can kill the lamb one day of course we know ministry is an amazing ministry and for three almost three and a half years he is healing the sick he's raised in the dead and the disciples are with jesus in the flesh and a lot of us would think that if i could walk with jesus physically touch him i would never mess up that's not true because the disciples proved that being in the physical presence of jesus did not give them power because they still had issues with pride and unbelief and fear the problem was they were not allowed into the spirit realm of christ because the lamb has not yet been killed the veil has not yet been rent and man cannot get into the realm of the spirit the biggest problem in the church today in america is that we want to give a natural dimension to god we want to build herod's temple again we want the trumpets and the class and the glitter and the gold and the talents and we think that if we can bring in the right speakers and the right names and have the right decor and the right atmosphere that somehow we will be empowered by god but the bible says it's not by might and it's not my power but it is by my spirit saith the lord no wonder in the 20s and 30s there was such a move of god in the united states of america in the midst of storefront churches hallelujah and tents spread up across america there was an access into the shekinah presence of the lord history says that the far of god would run up and down the very tops of tents because of the glory of the lord people come out of coffins and the death hallelujah can hear the eyes of the blind or open wide because it's not touching jesus in the natural that makes a difference it's stepping behind the veil where the glory of god abides and your spirit man on the inside comes in contact with god and god revolutionizes your spirits [Applause] [Music] god is not concerned about what's going on in the united states concerning all of this stuff that we're seeing and the mass and the vaccines and the illegal cool and all of the media that's out there and the blasphemy that goes on now god is not wringing his hands what he's looking for is some men and women that will rest in the hands of the lord and believe that if god said it there is nothing inside of heaven that's going to be able to stop the word of the lord from being fulfilled [Applause] so the enemy is having a great time with what's happening in hebrews the fourth chapter a book of hebrews is wonderful about dealing with jesus in this particular office but uh there are several verses i just tried to extract a couple but verse 14. let's start with verse nine of chapter four there remaineth therefore a rest to the people of god for he that has entered into his rest he also has ceased from his own works as god did his let us labor therefore to enter into that rest lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief for the word of god is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing of sunder and soul and spirit and joint and moral and is the discern of the thoughts and the intents of the heart that is exactly why god is still holding off on bringing completion to what we believe that he's going to do it's because god is uncovering the hearts of men in this hour if you hear my podcast last wednesday night it really boils down to this every single human that's alive is going to worship something you're either going to worship christ or you're going to worship the antichrist and whenever you go to the scriptures and you begin to study the main goal of the antichrist in the last days now the bible said there are many antichrists in the earth but then there are specifically a antichrist that cannot come into a power until the church is caught away if you're not sold out to god now and you can't worship jesus right now christ you have all these people say well i would never take the mark of the beast oh yes you will because the bible said he will not let you by yourself unless you worship him that's what the enemy is after right now this battle right now in the earth is about worship you know why there's such a push for a global government you know what biden and the administration and it's worldwide it's not just the united states it's in canada it's in australia all of these leaders they're trying to destroy the integrity of each individual nation so that we will finally accept the fact that the only way for us to have peace and joy is to have a world global government that's what it's after and with that there will be one god called the antichrist and he's going to have the earth fall down and worship him and this is what the enemy is after and god in this hour is separating the black from the whites this will never be a church for the lukewarm you won't like me you will be uncomfortable in this house because we name sin sin hallelujah we do not stand for ungodly nuts we're not liberals i'm not a fan of facebook i'm not a fan of youtube we're not a fan of the democrats i'm not a fan of a lot of the republicans we're not a fan hallelujah of man-made governments we believe that there's one god one father of all his name is jesus christ we believe that the greatest power in the earth is the church of the firstborn the living god of glory we will shed our blood if need be but we will not bow down to the enemy but we stand in regeneration now it's philly declare we are blood bought hallelujah holy ghost apostolic tongue talking we are not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ we believe in divine healing we believe in the sanctity of marriage we believe in the power of the holy ghost we believe in freedom and liberty and we will not bow down to an enemy that's who we are that's why we're here today it's because we believe in the unadulterated written word of god verse 13 neither is there any creature that is not manifest or uncovered in jesus's sight but all things are naked and open unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do seeing then we have a great high priest has passed on into the heavens jesus the son of god so let's hold fast our profession i'm going to go back just show you how god fulfills things this is an 11th chapter of the gospel of john he had such an understanding of christ now remember that john has called john the baptist not john the the revelator has called jesus christ the lamb of god caiaphas is the high priest at this time and only the high priest can sacrifice and bring the blood to the holiest of holies so god is sticking he is adhering to the principles of the old testament so they've arrested jesus and verse 49 of john 11 says and one of them named caiaphas being the high priest that same year said unto them you know nothing at all he said y'all don't know what you're talking about you know what's going on and he didn't either because scripture later on says it says nor consider that is expedient for us he said that one man should die for the people and that the whole nation perished not and this spake he not of himself but being high priest that year he prophesied that jesus should die for the nation if you continue reading the scripture says that he begins to question jesus and finally he said are you the son of god and jesus admits to it and he tears his robes he says we've heard blasphemy and that moment the high priest sentences the lamb to death he does not realize now that something cataclysmic is taking place in the atmosphere they take jesus and they begin to beat him they plucked out part of his beard i i don't think we would ever even understand what he went through to take a whole handful of a man's beard and pull it out there had to be a hole there and his isaiah said this he was more marred than any other man he's unrecognizable his back is in shreds he has holes in his face there have been several men that have cleared their throat and spit it into his face he's got saliva mixed with blood running down his face and they we see pictures of him with like a loincloth or something but they stripped him naked this pure man that new north side but he's the lamb if we could have saw the process that the high priest went through and when they would kill the lambs it would have been hideous because the lamb is such a gentle beautiful animal and then on top of that their fur their wool is white and to see all that blood begin to run into the white hear the bleeding of this little animal but sin is ugly it's ugly it requires great repudiation so they begin to vilify christ and that day the high priest it had to be caiaphas sentences jesus to death and they take the lamb and they nail him to a cross and they lift it up and drop it in a hole in his flesh terrors and that day between heaven and earth the lamb of god begins to die and the scripture says this son i think it's in corinthians it said that the father made jesus sin we think in terms of that he put upon jesus our sins he didn't just put his sins our sins on him the bible said he made jesus become sin i think that's part of what broke jesus's heart because he's never felt sin before and this high priest that day puts the lamb to death and jesus becomes sin and he dies and they take jesus because none of them realize they're sticking to the pattern this is why i want you to be encouraged about our nation god has already laid it out everything that happens is because god allows it to happen it's not that god was going oh man i didn't expect that to happen and run over to gabriel and said what are we going to do we didn't see this how'd they do that he knows the end from the beginning he knows every decision he knows every word that's spoken in private but in the old testament when he went in the high priest went in to offer he had to take off his priestly robes and the bible said he had to put on linen which represents the righteousness of god and is that he was fulfilling by shadow and type jesus christ and when jesus dies joseph of arimathea the bible says comes and asks for the body of jesus and pilate gives him to to joseph and joseph lovingly takes his bloody torn lamb and begins to wrap him in linen and the angels are standing going uh-oh they knew something was fixing to happen because jesus one of his last things he said was he looked at a thief he said today you're going to be with me in paradise last time we heard about paradise it's in the garden of eden where man has access to god completely but see hell captured paradise brought it down now jesus is dead and joseph doesn't even understand what he's doing but he wraps jesus he doesn't realize it but he is wrapping the high priest with linen why because heaven knew this fellas getting ready to go somewhere where nobody's ever been and as jesus lays there and he gives up the ghost the scripture says that he became became sin but in ephesians chapter 4 it says this that when the lamb was slain and he's wrapped in linen that the blood hallelujah for man's sins has now been shed and it's dripped into the ground on golgotha and god the father is watching i believe heaven has stood up now because they're watching i i feel in the spirit that the angelic hosts of god have stood up in this hour if you hear me friday i'm telling you that god is getting ready to lose angels in the earth and people are getting ready to die physically because they have opposed the hand of the lord and when jesus is laid as the high priest the bible says that now he begins to descend into the lower parts of the earth hell is in the lower parts of the earth and here comes the high priest hallelujah he's he's wrapped in linen and he's coming down into hell and the scripture says that he walks into hell and the bible says he begins to preach can you imagine that this high priest is standing in hell they've never had church before and all of a sudden they got the lamb of god and he is preaching to angels that are falling and he's and he's preaching and abraham stands up and he's in a cell and moses they said i've heard that voice before and jesus begins to preach and he begins to declare hallelujah spirit of the lord is upon me and the bible says this that jesus began to take captivity captive and he began to get gifts he walked over to satan he said give me divine healing back he walked over he said give me the prophets back he walked over he said i want prosperity for my tithe he walked over he said give me the seed of the young men and women that are being raised in the house of god what was he doing now he was taking captivity the gifts that hell had stolen from you and i and that moment all by himself hallelujah jesus watched all hell began to tremble they couldn't do anything demons are looking at each other they're looking at satan go do something he said i don't know what to do i thought i already had him but cannot tell you just when it looks like that it is over then god steps in and says watch me now hear me by the spirit what looked like the devil's greatest victory turned out to be his worst defeat when nothing in the natural said we win god by himself turned it around and the devil was defeated in his own house by the lamb of god who said behold the lamb who takes away the sins of the world but there ain't nobody in heaven jesus comes up out of the earth enters back into the tomb and experiences what you and i are going to experience at the rapture for this mortal we'll put on immortality hallelujah and we shall be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye and all of the old bodies the old temple the old houses will be changed and though will be known as we are known the bodies that god is going to give to you and i will have no sickness no disease there will be no glasses hallelujah there will be no obese people there will be no short people by faith there will be no all kinds of things he enters back into the tomb and the spirit of the father touches that body that's in linen and it begins to move and jesus hallelujah comes out of the linen rap one writer said that because they used an egyptian type technique am i right that you don't they don't embalm jews right and they try to bury them in the first few hours and they wrap them in linen and they put this stuff on them and it's like the the what they wrapping them gets hard and one writer theologian said this he said i believe that when they walked in they saw the form of a body the linen form but there wasn't anything in there and where i'm going with this you'll understand but i'm thinking why does he not have linen because the bible says now let's go on over to john the 20th chapter just go a few chapters over uh verse one the first day of the week comes mary magdalene when it's dark when it's dark unto the sepulcher resurrection takes place when it's dark and she at the stone taken away from the sepulcher and then she runs and comes to the simon peter and to the other disciples this would be john whom jesus loved and sent unto them they've taken away the lord out of the sepulcher and we don't know where they blade him peter therefore went forth and another disciple came to the sepulcher and they both ran together the other disciple did outrun peter came to the separator he stooped down looking in he saw the linen clothes line yet he went not in then come simon peter falling went into the sepulcher and he sees the linen clothes lie and the napkin or the mask that was about his head not laying with the linen clothes but wrapped together in a place by itself so they come in and they can't find jesus all they have found is what the high priest wore when he went into the holiest of holies to put the blood of the lamb on the mercy seat but see when jesus the bible said that he was made sin all right he died as a lamb he resurrects as a high priest but he is now no longer headed to the temple because the scripture says that the the temple that was in the earth that they had was not the true temple not the true sanctuary that it was a shadow or it was a type of the true tabernacle that is in heaven so go with me here so in heaven there has always been this tabernacle because the bible said that when god gave moses the the instructions and the the blueprint for that tabernacle in the wilderness he's describing to moses what he's looking at that he's telling moses i want you to make it this way in this way because it's already built in heaven but nobody can get in there because man is separated from god by sin so here jesus dies the worst mistake that satan ever made was the day he killed the lamb what he did not realize was that you have just signed your own death warrant that if you would just let him live and heal the sick and raise the dead he would have never changed the world but the moment that you shed his blood all the life is in the blood that you messed up what he thought was his greatest victory was his worst defeat and you hear me by the spirit what the enemy thinks is his greatest victory in the earth right now it's going to turn around to be its worst defeat it's going to bite him in the backside because god will not lose and the church is the body of jesus christ and we cannot be defeated it is impossible for hell to beat the church it is impossible for you and i to go down in flaming fire it cannot happen behold i show you a mystery we shall all sleep but we shall be changed and we shall cut up to meet the lord in the air so when jesus comes out of the tomb he has a resurrected body we know this because the bible said he could walk through walls now appears the disciple just walks through a wall can't do that when you have a natural body so he is the first fruit of many brethren he's the first begotten from the dead and so god uses jesus as a prototype but he's also our high priest now scripture says that when they went in they we see if i got this here in verse 13. in fact let's start with verse 11. mary stood without the sepulcher and she's weeping as she wet because she stoops down she looks into the sepulchre the problem with mary is she doesn't understand scripture because the lord has already told him by the scripture and jesus has told them several times destroy this temple in three days i will raise it up again but the carnal mind cannot comprehend the things of the spirit so she has now been reduced from a place of being part of this tremendous ministry and this great move of god that she thinks he's dead it's over and she's crying that's where america is right now every day somebody else is still throwing in the towel and so um she sees two angels in white sitting the one at the head the other at the feet where the body of jesus had length and they say unto her woman why weepest thou and she said on them because they've taken away my lord and i know not where they've leaning and when she had thus said she turned herself back and she sees jesus standing there and she doesn't know it's jesus he's changed so much see she's remembering this bloody torn men what she's looking at is this glorious glorified bean she can't make the switch because she's thinking he's dead he's dead he's dead and he's talking to her and she doesn't know it's jesus she thinks he's the gardener verse 16 jesus centered mary she turned herself and she said unto him rabboni which is to say master my god what it must have been in a moment she goes from thinking i thought you were dead and he's standing there mary she said my god you're a master and she goes to hug him i'd have done that my god oddie gave him a hug like he ain't never had verse 17 jesus says in her touch me not for i am not yet ascended to my father but go to my brother and say unto them i ascended to my father and your father and to my god and your god verse 19. then the same day at evening we're talking about like 12 12-hour period here being the first day of the week when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the jews came jesus stood in the midst and he said unto them peace be unto you now go with me over to luke chapter 24 because i just want to insert something here that john did not luke chapter 24 and um let's start with verse 36 and as uh as they dust spake jesus himself stood in the midst of them he said to them peace be unto you he's the same story just a different way of telling and they're terrified and they're frightened and they suppose they've seen a spirit because they've not yet comprehended resurrection and he said and why are you troubled why do thoughts arise in your hearts now remember just about 12 hours before mary goes to touch him jesus said don't touch me i'm not yet ascendant to my father in the old testament the high priest could not be touched by another person when he was sanctified and consecrated to offer the blood on the mercy seat now we have jesus he's raised from the dead he's already went in and captured paradise and mary is going to hug him he said don't touch me 12 hours later he appears in the room of the disciples and he says verse 39 behold my hands and my feet that it is i myself handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me what happened in 12 hours between mary and that room this is what happened the high priest who now long longer has linen on because he's no longer sin the bible says he's not been made righteousness of god so his garments no longer define him his identity re identifies him so he does not need man-made priestly garments anymore because he is righteousness and the scripture very plainly now is telling us that jesus when he came out of the tomb after he talked to mary ascended because remember he said i've not yet ascended unto my father what was he doing jesus now ascends up into heaven can you imagine this scene now angels are standing the tabernacle that's in heaven hallelujah is open because the veil has already been rent in the temple and it's declaring that man is getting ready to come into the presence of the lord and here comes jesus the lamb hallelujah now the high priest getting ready to turn into the lion of judah and he's got in his hand some blood the high priest is carrying the blood of the lamb and while angels walk here comes jesus he walks in and there's the father of eternity standing and jesus walks in through the outer court oh he walks into the holiest of holies then he looks at the mercy seat that has been silent since time has begun no blood has ever touched it but no man has ever been in his presence since the garden of eden and our high priest walked in took the blood of calvary turned it upside down on the mercy seat and when it hit the mercy seat god the father said bring him on home and while jesus is pouring blood on the mercy seat the writer said this that the graves opened in jerusalem and all of a sudden old testament saints begin to come out of their graves here come abraham here come job here come ezekiel here come elijah and they begin to run through the streets and declare we're going home we're going home we're going home angels begin to prophesy the saints begin to sing the worship begin to break out in heaven and the father's standing there and the high priest put the blood on the mercy seat and you and i today can come in and out why because our great high priest has given us access it will never stop because the bible says now he had made us kings and priests hallelujah that means that we can come into the holiest of holies in heaven without blood what do we bring in the sacrifice of praise hallelujah here we come you know what this church is bringing today we're bringing faith regardless of what fox says in regards to what cnn says and regardless of what rachel maddow says and joe biden illegal president says doesn't matter hallelujah we're coming into the presence of the lord and we're bringing the sacrifice of praise my praise and your praise is not determined by who's in charge but it is determined by the word of the lord and can i tell you that god is not done yet and this message you're watching it's gonna turn out to be the greatest defeat that hell has ever seen and god will vindicate god will triumph and we will praise the lord hallelujah my business magicians can come on keep on standing with jesus when he put the blood on the mercy seat you know what the father gave back to him paradise because the first time you read about paradise is in the garden the second time you read about paradise is jesus said to the thief today you're going to be with me in paradise and he descended into hell but then paul wrote he said i was caught up into the third heaven paradise and then revelations i think it's 19 says and in paradise the trees of righteousness so what has our high priest done for you and i today you and i have access now without the fear of death that we can come into the presence of the almighty creator and praise god that the scepter of righteousness has been extended to you and i i feel this in my spirit the next three months are going to be the fastest most prolific most profound turn of events that we have seen in many years because god is saying it's time to bring in harvests hallelujah i think this is what i want us to do i want us to fill up these altars today i want you to come with me come on and today i believe god is going to rob you with garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness hallelujah hallelujah the bible says this that today you know where jesus is he is sitting on the right hand of the father waiting for all things to be put under his feet so i want you to raise your hands and we're going to come into agreement with the lord however you want to say i want you to begin to tell god god i'm coming to agreement with what you've already declared and we are not moved by caiaphas as roar we're not moved by calgary lord we're thankful that we do not serve a god that is hanging on a cross that he's not a baby in his mama's arms but we serve a resurrected god in flesh who sits on the right hand of the father and that lord is orchestrating over the united states of america and the earth that lord today we come into agreement with you by the power of the holy ghost hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah let your prayer language loose something's happening in the atmosphere diondola sunday my lord and my god i praise you lord jesus i praise you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh lord today god we touch you lord we touch you hallelujah oh i thank you jesus [Music] hear hear me in the spirit because there's a lot of you that have real profound needs hebrews says this for we do not have a high priest who cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities but was in low-light points tested as you and i so the day that he looked at those disciples and he said handle me can you imagine john ran over there and said can i hug you just say go ahead john's touching james is touching him he said see those right there he said i'm not bleeding can i tell you that jesus is not bleeding today he's not wounded regardless of what the media says he is still whole and he's telling me and you right now touch me touch me so i want you to reach out right now whatever your infirmity is whatever your need is right now touch him hallelujah touch him the lord is walking amongst you right now and he's saying touch me hallelujah touch me and that's what the woman said if i can just touch the hem of his garment i'll be made whole the lord said forget about the hymn touch me now you can get a hold of me you can handle me you can feel me hallelujah lead us in a worship psalm jasmine miracles when you move such an easy thing for you to do don't be allowed to leave right now touch it there's something going on in the spirit god's healing some of you you are still showing up at the tomb of every lazarus your voice is calling me out come on right now [Music] [Applause] you can do [Music] [Music] don't let it go right now you can [Music] i know i know everything's possible by the power of the holy ghost a new wind is blowing right now breaking my heart of stone taking over like it's jericho [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can do [Music] [Music] [Music] we believe [Music] i know [Music] you never win [Music] all right for those of you that have uh cancer terminal disease if you can come over to this sign while they're coming i want my prayer partners to come right here and we're going to watch god fulfill the word of the lord uh god is not just healing in this building the the amount of emails that we're getting how god is touching people and y'all can in the altars if you want i don't care but if you need healing for cancer or terminal disease today i'll pray for you and our prayer partners are coming and standing up here in front if you need somebody specifically to come into agreement with you for prayer about anything these are precious men and women who are powerful in the lord hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] go ahead jasmine good scene [Music] everything's possible by the power of the holy ghost a new wind is blowing right now breaking my heart of stone taking over like it's jericho and my walls are all crashing down say right now i know you're able and my [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus you can't do [Music] no you never lost the battle i know i know you can do all things [Music] you've [Music] you've never lost about [Music] [Music] you can't do all things [Music] i know [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know [Music] you can do [Music] no you never lost [Music] come on and give the lord some praise hallelujah rattling today somebody say yes come on i believe that god is doing miracles right now hallelujah [Music] put your hands together hallelujah [Music] saturday was silent surely it was through since when as impossible ever stopped you friday's disappointment it's sunday 52 [Music] say this is the sound of the dry bones [Music] again this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is [Music] this [Music] thank you hallelujah my god is able to save and deliver and heal and restore anything that he wants to just ask the man who was thrown on the bones of elijah if there's anything that he can't do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is [Music] i hear the sounds come on [Music] i'm is [Music] is [Music] [Music] this is [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] hallelujah well how many feel victory today praise god listen you got access into the true tabernacle in heaven right now jesus said if any man comes let him come hallelujah and drink freely you and i are blessed god's in control we're not going to lose because god doesn't lose hallelujah and if he's resurrected so we the bible says if we've been buried with him in baptism in the likeness of his death we are raised with him in the likeness of his resurrection so we stand here today resurrected by the power of god hallelujah hallelujah put your hand on your heart i'm gonna bless you in the name of the lord god from every individual in this building today i declare may the face of god begin to shine upon thee that while you stand here every assignment against you is canceled in the name of jesus every demon spirit on your property in your house has to leave in the name of the lord that every thief that is stolen from you must give back to you what he has stolen seven times over by the power of the holy ghost may your children come home and be saved by the power of god may the devourer be broken off of you in the name of jesus may god invade your sleep at night with dreams and visions of encouragement may there be a shout be put in your spirit hallelujah and may the lord go before you and prepare your way may your enemy come in one way but have to leave several different ways by the power of god may the joy of the lord be your strength may god surround you with the angelic host may the inheritance that the fathers declared as yours be released to you now in the name of jesus may there be so much boldness come upon you an anointing that hell trembles when you pray may you be the blessed hallelujah the head and not the tail may god give you so much that you are the lender and not the borrower may depression be rebuked in the name of jesus and may every demon spirit of infirmity under the sound of my voice run for the hills and the mountains for safety may the favor of god be upon you and may you rise in the image of the almighty may god seal upon you today the word of the lord and may you rise up in tremendous confidence and faith that it got before me nobody can be against us [Music] hallelujah well i'm not going to dismiss you we'll let the praise seem just lead us in praise as you feel the need to leave you can if you want to bask in the presence of the lord you can if you want to visit you can we'll see you sunday morning i love you god bless you [Music] no cuz when you move you know
Channel: Dreaminbig420
Views: 3,864
Rating: 4.9160838 out of 5
Keywords: Kent Christmas, Regeneration Nashville
Id: L8ugM-Z535k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 28sec (9028 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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