VACCINATION REVIVAL with Pastor Tolan Morgan

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[Music] [Music] call lynn manuel miranda michelle hey lynn are you registered to vote of course i am not throwing away my opportunity to make my voice heard this november if we really want our voices to be heard we need to vote in every election not just for president but for every office school board state house senate all of them can you help me get people registered okay i'm already on it well keep up the good work let's see who else we can get on this yo lynn what up hey chris we're looking to field a full team to make sure every american cast their ballot this november it's real easy from your phone or tablet to get the info you need to vote also michelle said so well i'm on it there's no off season for getting out the vote call janelle now not now i'm registering voters hey take this 4 million americans turn 18 this year that's huge and we need every last one of them to register and vote because let's be real it's going to be the young people this generation that will change the world it's time our nation requires it our democracy in the country we love requires our attention voice and participation when we vote we prove that we are democracy with the government of the people and by the people so every community we visit it's important for them to know they can really make a difference if they go and vote in every election absolutely so we're asking for your help help us start a conversation across america about being active participants and our most basic american responsibility voting talk to your friends and family and neighbors tell them your hopes and dreams for your family your community and our country when we all vote we determine our future it's that time time for our 365 virtual celebration we're giving god all the glory sunday november 8th so as a debt-free ministry can you imagine how much further we would be able to go above times and offering worship experience let's get in corporate agreement for five hundred thousand dollars to continue to do the work of the ministry i am excited i got mine ready so please please pray about your 365 seed and make a pledge today by texting nb 365 to 71441 or visit and complete our commitment card also join us for our 365 prayer call every tuesday beginning october 13th at 7 30 a.m our pastor will lead us into our first tuesday of fasting the dial-in number is 712-775-7438 every tuesday take a moment to pray study the word and refrain from consuming any meat fried food sweets or soda and our 365 line is available for pre-order pick up some exclusive custom merch supply is limited order today you know where and call to conquer and pick up the free 365 wristband at our king's table from 10 am until 12 pm or at the call to conquer bookstore between 9 a.m and 1 p.m on saturdays in october each and every saturday our kings table feeds over 8 000 people our volunteers and staff will be serving the community from 10 a.m until 12 p.m hello just want to say thank you to new birth and pastor brian i think this is a great service that you offer to the community that people who are hurting are able to come get good quality food and and learn about how to vote and how to change our community so i just want to say thank you very much if you or anyone you know are in need of free groceries stop by the family life center from 10 a.m until 12 p.m this saturday jonathan nelson featuring purpose the reunion we have a brand new city dropping 10 23 we have a virtual concert that's going to happen 10 25 7 p.m jonathan nelson jason nelson crystal rucker melvin christopher iii myself self-purpose the band everybody's gonna be there i need to see you there get your tickets let's go [Music] so we're calling all young people emerging generations has some exciting events plans for this month are you ready for game night our virtual poetry music cafe meetups and much much more please visit for details and to sign up thank you for joining us in our worship experience god bless you so much that i i am grateful for thank you lord my heart's so full but i i can't tell [Music] on the street [Music] yes [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you lord come on i need everybody even in the house let's wave that praise say thank you [Music] is your lord but it's truly mine all i ever thank you [Music] is jesus you jesus [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] that's it come on even in the house wherever you are thank you [Music] [Music] thank you lord you've [Music] that should be somebody's testimony [Music] [Applause] everybody in the house come on you sing it at home to everybody you've been better to me i thank you come on let's go you've been so good to me one more time you've been better [Music] [Music] [Music] you've been good [Music] hey now everybody [Music] you've [Music] i don't [Music] you keep [Music] thank you [Music] he's still good [Music] he's still good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sing that in [Music] oh [Music] emojis on the screen [Music] [Applause] [Music] now everybody that is grateful a grateful people ought to give jesus a grateful praise i'ma give you 30 seconds to open up your mouth glory to god and give jesus a thank you praise him you know god's been good even in a pandemic even in a pandemic he sustained us and he's kept us give him a thank you praise give him a thank you praise glory to god where would it go is there anybody that's grateful even in the house anybody grateful for what god has done and what he is continuing to do we praise god for his goodness we praise god for his kindness his mercy and his grace listen we have been producing in the pandemic and this is a vaccination revival we've been having an awesome awesome time and we welcome you to worship with us tonight please at this moment like share comment to let everybody know that we are live tonight and the presence of the lord is in this house with the presence of the lord is in your house there's a word for you tonight but before we receive the word tonight listen we have an awesome awesome woman of god that is a worship leader and a great psalmist who's going to lead us further into our worship experience with you new birth and all of those that are watching around the world help me celebrate lady miranda curtis come on let's celebrate the lord come on everybody bless the lord bless the lord bless the lord he's worthy of our worship he's worthy of our best offering to pastor jamal bryant bless you sir for allowing me to come and fellowship and worship with you all if you would all over this room open up your mouths and let your worship resound in this room let it continue to rise god we lift you god we bless you god we honor you god we love you none compares to you so we'll be guilty of our best praise [Music] let praise from the inside from the inside of me may you delight in the inside in the inside of me come fill my life [Music] from the shy from the inside of me all i want is for you for you to be glorified for you to be lifted all i want is for you to be lifted high so that praises rise in the [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] heart [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is for you for you to be glorified and [Music] [Music] it's our desire for you to get the glory say all i want [Music] is [Music] glory to jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift him up [Music] if i'll be lifted up from the earth [Music] that's it [Music] so god we freely love you we freely lift you from a place of victory what does victory sound like let me hear it [Music] i'm gonna ask that question again what does victory sound like let me we bless you from that place god we understand that none compares to you [Music] so again we freely bless you it's an honor and a privilege to be in your presence there's nobody like you in all the earth that's the truth we give you glory we give you i lord how excellent is your name your name is strength your name is power a strong taiwan makes me safe [Music] cry everybody [Music] yes there's nobody [Music] uh there's nobody [Music] like this all [Music] wouldn't have a god like this you're a healer provide a sustainer [Music] [Music] we love you we love you we love you we love you cry save ya [Music] [Music] [Music] nobody [Music] [Music] like this [Music] she [Music] oh are the answer right now oh yeah [Music] [Applause] like this [Music] healing god [Music] [Music] god you are here [Music] not compassion no one can do me like you do nobody like you there's nobody like you [Music] so fill me up till i overflow i wanna run i wanna run [Music] need [Music] me [Applause] [Music] me tell me [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] you are my [Music] strength [Music] [Music] reaching [Music] yes to the highest [Music] me reaches it reaches to the highest [Music] mountain [Music] to the last that gives me strength from day to day it will never lose each and we're crying on [Music] there [Music] [Music] there's nobody like him in all the earth under the earth we searched all over and we can't find nobody there is nobody like him i want you all all over the world wherever you're watching even in this room would you lift up that hand open up your mouth speak well of him let god know how much you love him how much you need him how much you relish just to be in his presence how much you appreciate his glory come on punctuate the atmosphere right where it is that you are there is nobody like him he is the air i breathe in him i live i move i have my very being i know that you know god for yourself and because you know him for yourself nobody ought to have to convince you about his unsearchable riches i'm gonna pause right where we are riding the wave of worship even in this moment we are knowledgeable of the fact that giving is an act of worship is that when the wise men came into the manger they opened up their gifts right in his presence his presence is yet amongst us this is an emmanuel moment god with us i want you right where it is that you are would you secure a a seed in your hand would you find a sacrificial gift i want you to get your phone in your possession all of the giving prompts are available to you right in the lower thirds beneath me uh whether that's gimplify push pay text to give even if you're mailing it in might i challenge you tonight i feel rumbling in my spirit in this moment i want to ask all of you to give a gift of 36 tonight i want to ask all of you to give a gift of 36. on this night you already know that we are marching directly into november 8th for our 365 moment where we're looking god looking to god to turn around the year and do it in a day as a seed as a deposit of expectation would you please prepare and equip yourself with an offering god i want to bless you even on a thursday night an hour from now the whole nation will be yielding itself a tune to end for debate but tonight we know there is no debate god is the king of kings there is no debate he is the lord of lords there is no debate if it had not been for god on my side i don't know where i would be if you share that conviction if you echo that sentiment i want you to get a gift of 36 i want you to share it tonight i am believing god for the miraculous for the unusual and for the extraordinary i would you join me in thanking god for the gift of sister miranda curtis what an amazing gift i thank god for the oil of mount hermon that oozes out of her it is considered out of the canon of black preaching that dr gardner calvin taylor would be uh with the dean of black preaching that the provost of uh black preaching would have to be samuel dewitt proctor uh that i believe for this hour for this era for this age the adjunct professor for preaching in all of its totality is in our guest tonight uh it is a clinic on how preaching should be done i'm telling you those of you who love the word of god and the raw and richness of the offensiveness of truth you're absolutely going to appreciate our prognosticator for tonight i count him not as a friend but as a brother and just grateful that god has brought him from detroit to warner robins georgia me from baltimore to stonecrest georgia and yet our paths have crossed by a divine intention and tonight no matter where you are viewing from your path has crossed paths with destiny god needed you to hear this word he had to inject in you the vaccine so you will not be stuck where you are that you would not become stagnant i'm elated i am excited he's a friend of mine as a consequence he's a friend of new births would you in a warm rich and a vigorous way would you give god glory for our closing creature pastor told morgan come on give god glory form you can do better than that [Music] to god be the glory for the many things that he has done what he is doing and what he will do this is the day the lord has made and we choose to rejoice and be glad in it for the lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endures unto all generations we honor our heavenly father his son our savior the lord jesus christ who hung for six hours one friday and died until death died three days later he comes out of the grave not as a weakling but with all power in his hands 50 days later he sends the holy ghost to reside in the preside on the inside of us and what a joy it is for us to be his children and his creation and it is also a joy to know that after all we've been through we still have our right minds for he will keep you in perfect peace as you keep your mind stayed on him i want to give deference tonight to my friend my brother the one and the only pastor jamal bryan come on help me celebrate my friend my brother yes sir i thank god for him tonight he has a country full of other options of preachers to select from and so i'm humbled bro that you were led of god to ask me to be a part of this celebration tonight and we thank god for all of the preachers that have preceded us and the music ministries that have blessed our lives sister miranda curtis on tonight god bless you with respect to time i want to summon your senses and invite your intellect to the book of genesis chapter number 26 genesis chapter number 26 and due to the brevity of my time i want to begin reading at verse number 16 genesis chapter 26 verse number 17 actually your bible should read and isaac departed there and pitched his tent in the valley of gerar and dwelt there and isaac digged again the whales of water which they had digged in the days of abraham his father for the philistines had stopped them after the death of abraham and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them and isaac's servants digged in the valley and found their well of springing water and the herdsmen of gerard did strive with isaac's herdsmen saying the water is ours and he called the name of the whale isek because they strove with him and they digged another whale and strove for that also and he called the name of it sitna and he removed from there and digged another well and for that they strove not and he called the name of it rehoboth for he said for now the lord has made room for us and we shall be fruitful in the land and he went up from there to bear sheba and the lord appeared unto him the same night and said i am the god of abraham your father do not fear for i am with you and will bless you and multiply your seed for my servant abraham's sake and he built an altar there and called upon the name of the lord and pitched his tent there and there isaac's servants digged a well i want to tag this text give me some room give me some room genesis chapter 26 is a signature piece of scripture because it is the only passage of scripture to which isaac is the primary focus of the narrative in all other narratives he has been secondary or even third or even not the focus at all but this is the only segment of scripture in the entire bible where isaac is the focus and you and i have been permitted through the recording of scripture to peek into a moment in isaac's life where he is in a place of transition he has been translocated from where he was which according to verse number one where he was at was a famine and the lord instructs him to move to a place called gerar he has had some controversy while there that surrounded his wife but by the time we pick this up in verse number 12 the bible says that he planted seed he sold seed and reaped a harvest of a hundredfold he had great success in this place where he had relocated the bible says as we've read in this context tonight that in the process of his transition he faced some opposition from the natives who did not want him to be successful they were in a protest of his progress and every time he moved the land was fruitful he had great success every time god shifted him to a new place until finally he arrived at this place called rehoboth to which the text translates it to be the place that god had made room for him that same night he builds an altar in a place called beersheba and celebrated the favor of god on his life that's the story let me back up and share some things at this text that are pertinent to our walk with god and we'll go get some chicken together one of the things we learned at the onset of the biblical written in our first introduction one of our initial introductions about god is that god is a god of promises god makes a number of covenantal promises to people he has chosen and he plays out these promises throughout the bible but one of the things that is somewhat controversial about the promises of god is that when we study these promises we discover that god has a propensity of attaching a good promise to a bad process oftentimes the promise is good the process is bad and i want to submit tonight that oftentimes god permits this bad process with good promise because that's his way of helping us to understand that more often than not god's promises will not come manually but the promises of god will come miraculously when you when you discover the process that god puts you through you conclude if it had not been for the lord who was on my side god often attaches a bad process to a good promise therefore ladies and gentlemen you ought to be encouraged already tonight because when you're in a bad process don't give up it's not a sign that the promise has been aborted it's a sign that on the end of a bad process can very well be a good promise this ladies and gentlemen is the thesis of this little sermon tonight and might we share with you if we backtrack to verse 12 peak our face in this passage we discover some things about the providence of god that if god makes the promise his providence is attached to the promise and here's what we discover after he had after isaac had been relocated he plants seed he sow seed the text says that same year of the famine he sold seed and got a 100-fold harvest the same time the same year of the famine that suggests church uh that isaac is in a famine reality but he does not have a famine mentality he somehow some way believes that there is some productivity some produce some production in the midst of scarcity as a matter of fact uh this is a a divine dilemma because famines ladies and gentlemen are not the work of the devil famine happens when earth and heaven have a temporary separation when there is no rain to saturate the sea for the ground to go through its germination there is some separation of earth and heaven that is not demonic activity that is god's divine activity and might we accept the reality that the same god who is behind the famine is the same god that will bring in the harvest and here's the revelation you've missed it already so let me help you god doesn't have to fix the famine to bring the harvest god can bring the harvest in the midst of his own initiated famine no no this is not demonic activity that we are studying tonight this is seeing the blessing of god in the midst of scarcity that has been caused by god man i suggest to you ladies and gentlemen that contrary to popular belief god doesn't have to change your circumstances to bless you the god i serve can let you live in bad circumstances and still bring about good results in a bad circumstance let me see if i can help you isaac has a famine reality but he does not have a famine mentality he souls in the same year the same time of the famine and the text says he brings forth a 100-fold harvest now now there is something fishy here because the writer of genesis does not disclose the quantity of the seed he discloses the quantity of the harvest he says we have 100 fold harvest but we don't know what was the seed that went into the harvest so we can safely deduce ladies and gentlemen that the amount of the harvest was given to show that there was a disproportion between the amount of harvest and the amount of seed contrary to popular belief ladies and gentlemen uh the kingdom of god is agricultural but not completely exactly you see ladies and gentlemen when you sow seed in agriculture you will bring forth the exact harvest but when you sow seed into the kingdom you can sow little seed and get a big harvest the harvest is not always an accurate reflection of the amount of seed you put in the ground let me see if i can help you it's in verse 12 and 11 the writer says he got a 100-fold harvest but he does not credit the seed for the harvest i thought you all liked the bible here in new birth the bible says the seed doesn't get the credit for the harvest the text says and the lord blessed him i'ma try it one more time the seed gets no credit for what the harvest brings it's just a means to an end the writer says the harvest was not directly the result of the seed no the harvest was directly what god wanted isaac to have now i know i'm going to be nosy but let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen you've got to come to grips with the fact that there are some things god just want you to have even in a struggling season it's not your spirituality that'll bring it it's not your seed that will bring it it's not your sacrifice that will bring it some stuff you didn't work for god just wheeled it to you i thought i had about 15 of y'all that would testify that while people are upset about the stuff you've earned and worked for they don't know half the stuff god has given you that you didn't pray about you didn't fast about you didn't go counsel for god just decided i want to give you some stuff cause i feel like showing out in your life do i've got anybody in here that will testify tonight it's some stuff i've earned but there's some other stuff i didn't work for it was because the lord decided that he wanted to bless me which means church which means that the providence of god supersedes conditions this was not the right time nor the right uh environment nor the right conditions to plant seed but the bible says the lord blessed him uh i knew you would freeze up on me there because there's another side to this text that we've got to embrace it's in verse 14 and 15 as verse 14 and 15 delineates about isaac's blessings it said he went from very great to waxing great he had a great flock and a great harvest and servants and the last part of his blessing says and the philistines envied him i'll try it one more time it's round verse 14 and 15. it says while he's walking through all of these blessings he whacks great and was very great he had all of this flop and the vast part of it says and the philistines envied him now because you've been the english class you understand that anne is a conjunction connecting two parts and part of being blessed is being envied i can't get no help around here i said part of being blessed is being invited as a matter of fact you're not ready to be blessed until you're ready to be envied because part of being blessed is being invited and his delineation of his blessing was also brought about some contention ladies and gentlemen the providence of god brings about uh this uh issue of superseding conditions but it also brings and incites contention ladies and gentlemen when you really been blessed of god it may end with and there are those who envied him uh since you got a real bible and i'm a bible preacher you'll discover that when you read this context it's somewhere around verse 16 and 17 when they took inventory of isaac's blessings the bible says they had a meeting pastor brian and they said to uh uh isaac look man you need to leave and get out of here because you are mightier than us i'm around verse 17 verse 16 17 they had a little meeting on isaac um be careful when you get blessed because folks have meeting on blessed people um they had a little meeting on isaac and they they resolved uh hey man you need to go because you are mightier than us i'm gonna try this one more time uh texas man you need to go cause you are mightier than us y'all acting funny right along there let me talk to these people here uh texas you need to go because you are mightier than us pastor brian i'm slow so so you got to help me read this text directly therein is the secret to why people envy you let me see if i can help you i figured out why you're envious i really didn't do nothing to make you envious of me because i didn't do nothing to you the problem is you don't like how you see yourself when you see me [Music] preach told morgan what it looked like i'm doing people who are really envious of you when they look at you they don't like how they see themselves when they look at you y'all don't like the bible the bible says when they took an inventory of what isaac had they said you are mightier than me they all missed it i didn't tell myself i was mightier than you you told yourself that i was mightier than you because you don't like how you see yourself when you look at me ladies and gentlemen tonight is somebody's night to get over shrinking yourself when you look at other people tonight is your night to get over comparing yourself when you look at other people because the truth be told envy is not based on what somebody does to you it's based on how you see yourself i'm struggling here you you want to put me out cause you shrunk yourself when you saw me lord i wish i had a church right here somewhere you you you want me to leave because when you looked at me you shrunk yourself ladies and gentlemen i am not responsible for your low self-esteem i am not responsible for your little mindedness i am not responsible to baby you just because you got low self-esteem the devil is a lie don't you let anybody rob you of your confidence because the reality of the matter is some people just don't have to deal with you being blessed [Music] all right all right uh let me see uh i i've got some suggestions here i i've got some suggestions here uh one one problem is you you you shrink yourself when you see somebody else blessed but but but there's another there's another controversy here there's another controversy here if y'all got a bible and can read it uh the text says they wanted isaac to leave because he was mightier than them but you based your assessment on my harvest you didn't base it on me as a person you based it on what i've got and not who i am but there's something missing in the text uh pastor boone what's missing in the text is there's nowhere in the text ladies and gentlemen where the philistines sold seed do y'all got a bible anywhere in this church that only says isaac sold seed there's nowhere in the text where the philistines sold seed so here's my problem isn't it strange how people who don't sow seed are aggravated by your harvest you don't want to do my work but you want my rewards you don't want to hustle and sweat but you want my attention the devil is a lie how is it that you mad at my harvest but you don't so see do you know folk like that please say amen so it looked like you're not talking about the person next to you you've got folk all around you who are frustrated with your harvest but they don't so see but maybe there's another consideration maybe there's another consideration you you don't sow seed but you mad about my harvest or or maybe you got mad when you saw me because the text says these were the people who blocked abraham's whales which would have been isaac's inheritance okay okay come here and you got upset because after you blocked my whales i'm still doing well i can't get no help here in this church after you blocked my whales you saw my harvest was still coming in cause you've been working hard to block me but what you messed up is when you blocked me one way god will open up another door do i got anybody in here that would testify that while they blocked you one way god blessed you another way [Applause] just put it in the comments and tell somebody i'm doing well you didn't think i was going to do well because you've been working hard to block my whales but i'm doing well because god is opening up another door have i got any help in here do you understand that he can do exceedingly and abundantly above all you can ask to think and why you try to stop it one way he'll open it up another way maybe maybe maybe you aggravate it cause what you blocked one way lord i can't get no help here he's opened up another way is that anybody's testimony in here tonight [Applause] uh i don't know who this is for but god's words for you tonight is a you know you got people around you who want to make you feel guilty for doing good in a bad season [Applause] you ain't got to say it so i'ma say it all of y'all ain't struggling in this pandemic [Music] i can't get no help here all of y'all ain't struggling some of y'all doing better now than you was before it started and you got people around you that want to make you feel guilty because you're doing well after they've blocked your whales but the good news is god's word to you is i need somebody who's gonna wrestle who's gonna represent me in a bad season i need somebody who's gonna make me look good even when things are going bad i need somebody who i can trust to be blessed maybe you're upset because you blocked it and i'm still doing well after you blocked pastor brian i'm i'm struggling here because when we read this pericappy we discover something startling we discover that isaac accepted his expulsion no contest no resistance no protests no fight uh you want me to leave i'm out you don't want me here bye i'm not going to fight you on it and i'm struggling with if isaac was doing so well why did he just easily leave and walk away from a great place i want to suggest that isaac left with no resistance because isaac has been conditioned to know that god got substitutes [Music] because by the time of our text isaac has already had to face a knife from a familiar hand and when he had to look a a knife in the face from a familiar hand god had a ram in the bush and so by the time we get to genesis chapter 26 isaac already understands that if i'm in some kind of trouble i've already been through a situation where god provided a realm in the bush and if he did it one time he can do it all over again see you can't tell a christian nothing who is a ram in the bush believer don't don't touch your neighbor just look at them and tell them neighbor i'm a ram in the bush believer you put me in trouble i think he gonna get me out cause he did it one time and he'll do it again do i got anybody in here that will testify the god i serve is a ram in the bush god so you try to take it from me now he got another move he got another way to bring me out or maybe he left with no contest because he went into it with promise as a pre-existing condition i can't get no help in this church see see what y'all forgot about isaac is that isaac was the son of promise isaac was the seed of promise he came in the world with promise on him and promise is a pre-existing condition which means nothing's gonna happen to him until promise is fulfilled in his life okay uh anybody in here ever figured out why you not dead yet you you still celebrating the lord for a while he didn't take you out reason why he didn't take you out is because promise is on your life and nothing is going to happen to you until that promise is fulfilled in your life and promise is a pre-existing condition of all of your problems let me bid you farewell my time is up let me build your fair well ladies and gentlemen there is something evident about the providence of god attached to his promises but then ladies and gentlemen there are some pieces to the process uh when he decides to leave he sets up camp in the tent or in the valley of gerar he goes and re-digs his daddy's whales which somehow suggests that sometimes going forward means you mean may need to take a step back he re-digs his daddy's whales and they call those whales after the name that their father gave them text says when he got into the valley of girard uh the herdsmen of gibra are in the valley and they're fighting over the new whales that they did they named that well esec which translates argument isaac left argument and moved on to another well did the new whale and called that well signal in its hebrew etymology it translates anger and accusation isaac left argument anger and accusation and moved on to a new well still ain't feeling me he got to that third well and called that well rehoboth which means the lord has made room for me i'm going to try it again he left argument accusation and anger and moved to abundance i can't get no help here which means ladies and gentlemen that's why god is not going to get rid of your enemies because every time they thought they stopped him one place they were actually hired by god to move him to the place where god would have him to be i don't know whose point this is for but ladies and gentlemen opposition brings reposition preach past the morgan every time you get our position it's moving you to where god would have you to be and while you thought you were blocking the blessing you were actually escorting me to where god would have me to be that's why ladies and gentlemen you can't get rid of your judas [Music] because peter didn't get jesus to the cross judas did you cannot always pray away your enemy because they've been employed by heaven to move you to the place of abundance and they are pieces of the process oh i don't know whose point that's for but ladies and gentlemen you're in a season where you want the lord to fight your enemies no they're there because they are they are making rejection into redirection that every time you experience rejection god is redirecting you to where he'd have you to be and by the time we get to this text here it is ladies and gentlemen the bible says i finally got to the place where god has given me room maybe pastor bryant this whole story was about how god provides space because blessed people need space whenever god decides to bless you you need some space for the blessing that he is going to send your way because god never blesses a little bit god always blesses big and you need space for the blessing that is coming your way and the bible says he responds by building an altar and giving praise and worship to god at beersheba all right here it is i beat you all good night how did we get the beer sheba pastor we got the bear sheba because that's where isaac grew up genesis chapter 21 isaac's daddy bought bathsheba in selling it with an exchange with king abimelech and he did it with seven lambs okay let me try it again isaac ended up where his daddy paid for and he paid for the land with seven lambs i'm gonna try it one more time the daddy purchased this land because he sacrificed the land i'm gonna try it one more again i said the father bought this land because he sacrificed the lambs and now isaac got land that was already his because it's been paid for with the blood of the lamb i thought you always church folk around here so let me go ahead and bid you good night one friday on calvary's hill another lamb sacrificed his blood and the hymnologist looked at that and says jesus paid it off and all to him will sin has left a crimson stain [Music] but he washed it white as snow having in mind seven witnesses in this place in the border here grateful that what you got it's already been paid for by the blood of the lamb lord have mercy anybody grateful that you've got some room that's already been stored up for you you can give him glory because what you have has already been taken care of have i gonna win this here would y'all do me a favor and help somebody in the technological realm to testify that god has made some room for you have i gonna win this here and what god has what he has for you it is it is for you am i gonna win this here so you can stop fighting with people you can stop being envious of people you can stop plotting against other people because the god i serve got what you have even in a struggling season i wish i had about 15 of y'all that would just give him glory that i don't have to fight people for what god has for me i've already got room in the kingdom i've already got room in a struggling season have i got a witness here if there's anybody grateful that god has your blessing i need you to celebrate with somebody you don't have to touch them but just look at them and tell them neighbor we got to practice on our blessing look at them and tell them neighbor i need some room cause i'm getting ready to practice how i'm gonna celebrate when god gets me to the place where i want to be would y'all do me a favor and get some room from your neighbor i said would you do me a favor and get some room from your neighbor and tell them neighbor this how must celebrate imma give god glory even now because when i get where god wants me to be there will be no fight there will be no problem there will be no shortage and is it anybody here grateful that when you get to where god wants you to be the bible says that isaac built an altar i said the bible says that isaac built an altar the altar is a sign of worship i said the altar is a sign of worship that when you build your altar you're celebrating the favor and the goodness of god i wish i had about 20 of y'all that didn't mind building yours would you look at your name and tell them neighbor excuse me i gotta build an altar cause i got a hallelujah in my spirit i gotta thank you jesus in my spirit i got a lord i love you in my spirit and when you build you got to have room to build on the lord not let everything i said let everything i said let everything that's got room get in glory yes lord anybody glad that the god you serve we'll give you some room if you've got room i gotta tell you this if you've got a room take your room and tell god thank you because i got five reasons why you ought to give him thank you reason number one he woke you up this morning reason number two he woke you up this morning reason number three he woke you up this morning reason number four he woke you up this morning reason number five he walk up not let everything i said let everything i said let everything that's got prep yeah [Music] come on get in glory i said come on give him glory [Music] [Music] [Music] happy enemy [Music] cause god [Music] your enemies [Music] it's time to rise we hoping [Music] 300. [Music] [Music] for your children he's making room right now [Music] we are [Music] i want you to extend your arms out i want you to extend your arms out in the studio even in your living room because i'm believing that god is getting ready to give you space god is giving me give you distance and if this is you you ought to shout about it he is distancing you from arguments oh y'all didn't hear nothing from is distancing you from people who are secretly envious of you yes see he has given you distance between people who want your harvest but are not prepared for your seed i want you to extend that hand i want to pray for you even in this moment that god will give you space to flow in your gift give you space to do hear this with family members could never accomplish give you space to manifest the dreams you have harbored in your heart give you space to be yourself without compromise and those of you who believe watch this this is the 365. god is going to turn around your year in just one day would you give god glory here's your shout for the space you are walking into i can't hear nobody i said will you give him glory for the space you are walking into come [Music] on [Music] are [Music] with me come on lay hands on yourself he making room for me y'all don't believe that thing i said he's making room for me the spirit of jabez is released in the atmosphere tonight god is enlarging your territory and the root of it is your seed i'm challenging right now anybody in the room expecting a harvest before thanksgiving let me say it again anybody expecting a harvest before thanksgiving would you open up your mouth even with a mask on open up your mouth and shout for the harvest that's coming open up your mouth for the overflow that's coming open up your mouth for exceedingly abundantly beyond what you can think dream over or even imagine come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] is pastor told morgan an incredible gift i'm so grateful come on new birth if you're glad for this amazing man of god i want to walk on everything that he proclaimed tonight that he received the benefit of his father's sacrifice some of you are going to receive in this season with your parents never had access to i'm believing that god is getting ready to disrupt generational curses and unleash generational blessings those of you who are doing this hear me you are giving a seed tonight not just for yourself but you're giving a seed for the generation in your family that comes behind you i want you please i want you to give a gift that mirrors your faith that mirrors and echoes the sentiments of your conviction every person every person ought to be on giblify every person ought to be on push pay every person ought to be on text give i want you to do it right now every person ought to be writing a check to put in an envelope or to send the woodrow road saying i need more space i need more space where i am is too small for me i need more space i'm believing that for you and i'm believing that god is going to do it don't hesitate don't deliberate those of you that i really want to come into the power of agreement i want you to get that hundred dollar seat if you don't have that get as close to it as you possibly can but i want 70 of you to meet us in that sphere of expectation 70 of you i want you to give a seed of 100 tonight pastor i am believing god i am expecting god i have faith in god pastor morgan said something that resonated with me i serve a ram in the bush god that god is always going to give a substitute because i've survived some near-death experiences and because i came out of that i know that he's gonna cover me in this i want 70 of you come on i want you to give that gift those of you that don't have a hundred it's all right this is a no judgment zone i want you to get your best gift and i want you to sow it even right now the greatest gift you can give is that of your heart that of your soul that of your mind i want you to get saved tonight i want you to give your life over to god a couple of hours ago i was preaching in kenya while in atlanta i was preaching in kenya while in atlanta obviously virtually and i'm telling you hundreds of souls that got saved i said the same thing that god is doing there he's going to do here on tonight i want you please i i want to see your soul safe i want your soul to be safe you have lost everything including your mind but your soul is under locked and key i want you to make sure that your name is etched in calligraphy in the lamb's book of life that come what may god is still in charge hadn't this been an amazing three days will you bless how many of you know you can't get stuck here you cannot become stagnant here saturday is our king's table anybody dealing with food insecurity i want you to meet us here at the church we want to make sure you and your family have enough groceries to get you through the week might i chime yet again underscore how important and pertinent it is that you participate in voting even early voting i'm grateful under god that new birth is a voting station for dekalb county those of you who need to vote you got to get to church on november 3rd but i'm admonishing you to not wait until then i would be remiss if i didn't thank god for i guess psalmist sister miranda would you help me give god glory for her i learned from our minister of music's father bishop james nelson senior he said years ago it's a poor frog that doesn't celebrate its own pond and i'm so thankful for the gifting of our own minister jonathan nelson come on give god praise for him he's got a project coming out is it tomorrow monday he's got you tell them in about three hours it drops on all those uh digital media outlets at midnight yes jonathan nelson and purpose the reunion new birth is the home of champions as a consequence we expect this to go number one uh camera i want you all to put that put jonathan back on there i want them to put put there it is i want every person who is in covenant with our ministry everything who every person who is connected to our ministry i want you to make sure you download this project the reality is that the contemporary sound of gospel music has historically been burped out of this church without new birth you wouldn't know a byron cage without new birth you would not know a darwin hobbs without new birth you wouldn't know a william murphy come on y'all acquired in here today and we're so grateful under god that we got coming off the bench minister jonathan nelson come on give god pray for you and so at midnight i want every person uh to download it would you lift up that hand i want to speak a final blessing over your life i've not been able to do so in so many months i'm so glad to be with you on tonight in these last two nights i'm appreciative you have no idea how i yearn to see you in person i counted a privilege and honor i boast in the lord that i'm able to say that i'm your pastor thank you for allowing me to lead you in the direction that i feel god is taking us now unto him who is absolutely able to do anything but fail may god make you sleepless until you help somebody may god make you restless until you help yourself make god irritate you until you have enough sense to worship him and may god bless you until you have to give stuff away henceforth now and forevermore and all the people of god who believe before the year is over god is gonna give you space make some noise and give god praise sunday morning 9 30 meet us right here on this platform [Music] you continue to do the work of the ministry i am excited i got mine ready so please please pray about your 365 seed and make a pledge today by texting nb 365 to 71441 or visit and complete our commitment card also join us for our 365 prayer call every tuesday beginning october 13th at 7 30 a.m our pastor will lead us into our first tuesday of fasting the dial-in number is every 712-775-7438 take a moment to pray study the word and refrain from consuming any meat fried food sweets or soda and our 365 line is available for pre-order pick up some exclusive custom merch supplies limited order today you know where and call to conquer and pick up the free 365 wristband at our king's table from 10 a.m until 12 p.m or at the call to conquer bookstore between 9am and 1pm on saturdays in october each and every saturday our king's table feeds over 8 000 people our volunteers and staff will be serving the community from 10 a.m until 12 p.m hello just want to say thank you to new birth and pastor brian i think this is a great service that you offer to the community that are people who are hurting are able to come get good quality food and and learn about how to vote and how to change our community so i just want to say thank you very much if you or anyone you know are in need of free groceries stop by the family life center from 10 a.m until 12 p.m this saturday jonathan nelson featuring purpose the reunion we have a brand new city dropping 10 23 we have a virtual concert that's gonna happen 10 25 7 p.m jonathan nelson jason nelson crystal rucker melvin chris bell iii myself purpose the band everybody's gonna be there i need to see you there get your tickets let's go so we're calling all young people emerging generations has some exciting events plans for this month are you ready for game night our virtual poetry music cafe meetups and much much more please visit for details and to sign up thank you for joining us in our worship experience god bless you
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 20,415
Rating: 4.8902745 out of 5
Id: CiQPt9G2K1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 20sec (6260 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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