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to god be the glory would you stand to your feet come on let's give god a hand clapper praise come on do you deserve thank you deserves more than that [Music] while you're yet standing would you take your neighbor by the hand nobody is untouched another firm believe that god can't bless you as long as you're selfish he can only trust you when you're selfless we sung we celebrated tonight but i want to take a moment to engage in the gift of intercession which gives us the capacity to pray for somebody else you don't even realize you're assigned to whoever's hands you're holding you can't be jealous of somebody you pray for because you got a hand in their success all over this room for one minute one minute uninterrupted out loud you're going to pray for the person whose hand you're holding and i want you to know what you're going to pray you're going to pray for the person whose hand you're holding and here's what you're going to pray tonight you're going to pray that whatever you've been asking god for he'll do it for your neighbor first [Music] [Applause] when you pray that kind of prayer you're giving god confidence that you believe it's getting ready to happen for you whoever's hands you're holding shake that hand and ask them can i pray for you tonight you're gonna pray for them to get jobs for them to give promotions for them to get help in their body for their children to get mentors one minute one minute uninterrupted all heads about all lines are closed would you open up your mouth and begin praying out loud for that neighbor come on come on you can talk better than [Music] that come on i dare you to pray for it pray for his ears not heavy that he cannot hear his arm is not short that he cannot say [Music] pray for their mind pray for their relationships pray for their siblings for their offspring pray for their dreams pray for their goals we declare that it is so in jesus name would you loose that neighbor's hand and give god glory for it come on i said clap for your neighbor [Music] [Applause] plan for i want you to hug your neighbor tell them something good gonna happen to you [Applause] something good is gonna happen for you [Music] something good is getting ready to happen in you [Music] hey before you take your seats give two people a high pass and tell him it's coming before sunday everything you prayed for everything you've been waiting for [Applause] don't wait till the battle is over but shout right now [Applause] [Music] like it's already done pray to god like the building's already placed scream now like your body is already you may be seeing it [Applause] you may be seated in the presence of the lord i get joy when i think about [Music] what he's done for me he didn't have to let me live but he did i said i wasn't going to tell nobody but i just can't keep it to i think of myself goodness [Applause] thank you i'm coming you maybe see that you may be seen it [Music] [Applause] i gotta go home man update my resume [Applause] that i finally made it to wheeler [Applause] i mean i knew y'all were popping but i didn't i didn't know y'all had earth winning five y'all got the whole band [Applause] i walked in i said this the essence festival [Applause] i should have broke my white linen thank you what an amazing ministry amazing ministry amazing choir i want to uh take a point of personal privilege just uh to express my love and adoration of your marvelous first lady help me give god some glory for her and uh how old is your youngest son 10 he says 12. i get it yeah i've uh i've been graced of gone preaching coliseums and universities and convention centers and never have i had a 12 year old security guard [Applause] i got off the plane this afternoon and he met me at baggage claim and said follow me we on the way to the hotel i asked him do you want a lunchable i didn't know i didn't know what to do uh no let me say to you you have an incredible pastor preacher prognosticator [Applause] amazing [Music] he is uh prophetic and prolific one one of uh the members of a wheeler sent me a direct message on facebook a couple days ago and said uh i thought you and uh rebel cosby were friends so we we've been friends for 20 years said how is this your first time coming to our church [Applause] pastor cosby is prophetic he's prolific and he's petty [Applause] so i want you to know why it's taken me 15 years for me to get here i want to set the record straight uh your past and i've been long of friends i was a national youth and college director the naacp for many years when i passed first cross and then we got the call 15 16 years ago that he was going to be elevated as senior pastor we're friends you know a long time i don't know if i told you we've been friends 20 years and uh so i said to him uh man you're getting installed to be a pastor and you're gonna be uh the pastor the largest church of my generation i got you he said what you mean i said uh i said i said for your installation i'm gonna buy you a suit he said you sure i said i got you he's uh he's an alpha i'm a capper so i need to i said i'm gonna get you all the way together [Applause] get you all the way together for your installation i said all i need is uh your measurements i'm gonna get it done i'm get you a custom made suit he said are you sure i'm sure he gave me the measurements and uh three days before the installation he calls me says jay the suit is not here i said don't worry about it it's coming from hong kong i knew uh pastor cosby using always wears black three-piece suit so i ordered him a black three-piece suit from hong kong and it didn't come until the day before installation and he took it out of the box and unbeknownst to me when i ordered it i didn't know that it glowed in the dark so for 15 years he's been mad at me about just glowing a dark suit i told him to just wed on watch night [Applause] but we're grateful if you have your bibles would you go with me to acts chapter 20. acts chapter 20. i'm glad to see my long-standing friend pastor patterson god bless you acts chapter 20 verses 7 through 12. acts 20 verse 7 through 12. once you found it won't you say i got it if you can't find it say lord help me y'all pray for the balcony [Applause] acts chapter 20. verse 7-12 on the first day of the week we came together to break bread paul spoke to the people because he intended to leave the next day he kept on talking until midnight there were many lamps in the upstairs room where we were meeting seated in a window was a young man named uticus who was sinking in a deep sleep as paul talked on and on when he was sound asleep he fell to the ground from the third story and he was picked up dead paul went down threw himself on the young man and put his arms around him don't be alarmed he said he's alive then he went upstairs again and broke bread and ate after talking until daylight he left the people took the young man home alive and were greatly encouraged he may be seated one day they were all together in a room on the third floor paul was preaching lost track of time and it passed midnight there's a young man sitting in the window named eutychus who was trying to stay awake during this long sermon fell asleep and fell down three flights of stairs he was pronounced dead i want to preach for a little while tonight using his subject i'm tired of this church [Applause] dr cosby no matter what the architectural design the biggest door in most churches today is the back door for those who were in attendance but made an unannounced exit for varied and unexplained reasons a testimony was transcribed at a nondescript worship center where a young lady set up an appointment with her pastor to formally terminate her membership the cleric queried as to why in which she was getting ready to leave to which he rolled out a litany of displeasures from the women gossiping the praise team hofkey the men had roaming eyes and the youth were underutilized the pastor completely unfazed bargained with her said before you leave our church would you do me a favor take a glass of water walk around the church three times without spilling a drop on the ground and if you accomplish this there'll be no further argument about you terminating your membership the sister gleefully accepted and took the cup of water walked around the church three times just as she was dared to do and not a drop of water fell from the cup the pastor extended congratulations and then propositioned one question he asked of her when you were walking around the church with that cup of water did you hear any women gossiping she said no when you're walking around the church trying not to drop one ounce of that water did you notice any men looking at you she said no she said when you walking around that church trying not to drop any water did you notice any children playing in the balcony she said no he asked finally do you know why you didn't drop any water she said no he said because your focus wasn't on gossiping women [Applause] or disconnected youth or oogling men your focus here this was making sure you didn't stumble it's the same way in worship when you focus on your own walk you don't trip off what other people are doing because you realize your focus is not to make friends is not to be in the clique i ain't even got to go eat with y'all after church i came to get my word and mind my business and hear what god is saying anybody here just came to see god and you ain't worried about what nobody else is doing but your eyes are on the master if that's you would you give god glory for your focus in a video they went viral a little boy believed to be seven or eight he has propped up in the pulpit and passed a microphone in order for him to deliver some oration or at least be a part of the program absent of any inkling of reverence he blurts into the microphone in absolute disgust i'm tired of this church [Applause] then proceeds to stomp down the center aisle as if he had a car to drive or had somewhere else to go the clip was passed around and reposted all over social media most laughed but very few zoomed in to do critical analysis his sentiments are seemingly shared by the vast majority of 16 to 34 year olds who have collectively concurred that the church carries no currency this is the largest population of black people in the history of america who ascribe to no faith the barna group who conducted an exhaustive study has unearthed startling discoveries that have contributed to the spiritual epidemic of lethargy and undiagnosed agnosticism there are three different dimensions why it is that you came to church but your kids didn't come with you tonight we turn on the high power objective as to why it is that our churches are really too generational you have infants and seniors but you're missing a whole demographic who believe in god but don't believe in organized religion george barna argues that many do not come to the church because they believe that the church is now irrelevant root magazine which is our generation's ebony for the last two years have chronicled the 100 most influential black people in the community and pastor cosby i am still in a daze and for the last two years route 100 is not named one pastor maybe historians after us will note that the black lives matter movement is the very first civil rights movement not led by a preacher maybe it has not dawned on you that there is not one preacher who if he would die tonight would have the same kind of funeral as an ipsy hustle [Applause] something is to be said of why it is that you have an emerging demographic of young professional african americans who will not darken the doors of the church because the church has caught prophetic laryngitis the church is silent about abortions in alabama churches saying nothing about gender equality nothing about gentrification nothing about the prison pipeline nothing about the effects of vaccination nothing about unaffordable higher education nothing about global warming nothing about dies poor trade nothing about entrepreneurship nothing about food deserts nothing about health disparity nothing about infant mortality nothing about redline or zip codes nothing about soaring numbers of asthma and autism nothing about higher funding for special education than gifted and talented nothing about unemployment nothing about illiteracy nothing about economic development but every time they come in the church they're hearing about bake sales fashion shows anniversaries annual days the pastor's day y'all not saying nothing to me and it's not mirroring the world that they live in we keep building buildings while our people are breaking down our communities are being dilapidated while it is that we have amazing infrastructures in 1969 j edgar hoover said that the greatest threat to democracy was the black panther party at the time they only had 300 paid members but the fbi thought that they were a threat to the establishment why because they were feeding their children taking care of their seniors and protecting their own community and now you can't hear anything about it in church because somehow or another we have co-opted our prophetic mantle to organize ourselves under a blackface white evangelicalism that looks for us to be endorsed by governmental structures not realizing our responsibility is never to be friends with the governor or the president but to speak truth to power and to declare in the words of our grandmothers satan i'm going to tear your kingdom down but i believe that there's somebody here that is saying after y'all finished speaking in tongues will you speak truth to power after you finish doing the electric slide down the center aisle will you march on city hall after it is that you throw money on the altar will you invest in black businesses right here in houston texas i want to know how it is that you can turn to your neighbor but you won't support your neighbor we got to get to a place where we got to stop dealing with that demon called jealousy when one person goes up you get mad at them and then conspire for their downfall instead of being excited about somebody else's success i don't know where y'all are but i need you to look at the person beside you and tell them i'm not jealous of you look at them tell them i'm not threatened by you tell them i'm not intimidated by you and to prove it to you i'm giving a gift god glory for your future i i dare you to shout for somebody around you like you want to see them go to the next level they won't come because the church is becoming irrelevant second reason why it is that whole generation demographic is no longer coming to churches not only is the church becoming irrelevant the church is intimidated it's hard to have earnest conversations with people who have closed minds but open [Applause] mouths the church kills what they can't comprehend [Applause] i i was uh pastoring in baltimore uh last year and uh pastor cosby i was uh uh having a funeral at our church for one of the biggest drug dealers in town and uh church church was packed and jammed it looked like easter sunday looked like the original juneteenth i mean they were in there and uh yeah my my church was in baltimore but had you come in the church that day that's in west baltimore you you would have assumed my church um was in jamaica y'all are slow you'll get it in a minute and just before i'm getting ready to get ready to preach the eulogy there's a ruckus at my back door there's a commotion i excuse myself on the pulpit go to the door to see where the altercation is and there's a standoff between my dutiful ushers and young men trying to get in the funeral marshal marsha's doing their godly duty [Applause] holding up the mantle sergeant-at-arms [Applause] none of them have even been in the rotc but they have reported for duty and that they're arguing belligerently you can't come in this church because you got a hat on i immediately corrected them and said this might be my last chance and so if i can get them the god with a hat on and too many of you all are cliquish and you try to turn the church into a country club and you don't want to sit by people who don't dress like you and don't smell like you and don't have your pedigree or don't have your background just just cause they smell like weed don't mean they don't know scripture i can't hear nobody just you you got to figure out how do you disagree without being disagreeable uh god hasn't given us the spirit of fear i'm trying to figure out how it is that you became territorial over something you don't own god is getting ready to raise up a generation that may not look like how you want them to look but they'll be speaking in tongues with tattoos on their neck they'll be slain in the spirit y'all ain't saying nothing with pink hair with piercings in their tongues i'm i'm tired of a church that stuck up man looks at the outer appearance but god is looking at the heart they they stop coming to church because the church is irrelevant church is intimidated and the church has become impotent means uh there's no power something is wrong when you go to a church and you hear the pastor's name more than the savior's name [Applause] you're done got quiet he had 30 minutes of music and it feels more like a performance rather than the ushering in of glory a whole lot of announcements but no declarations motivational speaking has replaced gospel preacher [Applause] no signs and wonders just slide shows and camera phones but there are five of us who understand give me that old-time religion talking about when people were getting out of wheelchairs and running across the front and throwing down canes i'm i'm talking about when you were casting out demons that people couldn't leave until they called on the name of jesus i i know some of y'all don't come out of that church but but five of y'all that know you ain't had real church to your head sticking to the side of your face and you gotta run in your stocking and you don't lost your throat from screaming that i get joy when i think about what he's done for me so so so when you see me shouting i don't need you putting no circle around me i can't hear when i'm shouting i don't need you rubbing my back when you see me hollering don't pass me a starlight mint let me give god glory until i kill every demon that's been trying to get in my house trying to mess with my children and trying to mess up my life long ago [Applause] long ago ecclesiastes aptly reminds us that there's nothing new under the sun and in acts chapter 20 a group gathered to explore the truths as espoused by paul in a third three-story duplex the apostle had a lot that he wanted to impart because he was balancing limited time before he left for his next location and assignment the time keeper stopped looking at the clock when he passed midnight but paul just kept on talking it became such white noise that the stenographer didn't even chronicle what he's teaching about and seated in a window was a young man by the name of uticus that doesn't um uh it doesn't mean that what paul was preaching wasn't important it just means it wasn't packaged right [Applause] he had something to say but he didn't know how to communicate and here's utica's in that window he chose that seat [Applause] he chose that seat because he needed an east win because he failed himself um him he felt himself nodding off it's amazing brother pastor that nobody's giving you to kiss extra credit because he could have excused himself i've been baptist for five months he could have put up a finger could have tipped out but he's trying to stay in there ali is getting heavy but you're trying to stay in now you have no idea how hard it is for the person two rows behind you just to stay in church [Applause] you got no idea somebody who's in this room thought about quitting twice and then their mind had resigned i ain't never stepping foot back in there but sunday morning came and they started getting dressed anyway [Applause] you got no idea who in this room had to control themselves cause somebody at church says something sideways and they don't know you ain't always been saved and you trying not to check them because you you feel your old testament coming up and so you you trying to suppress it and walk i can't hear nobody in here you you you don't know how how rough it is staying in the church knowing that folk are looking you up and down that and because they can't understand your favor they make up rumors about you and they they can't understand how you drive the way you drive how you dress the way you dress they can't figure out how you ain't have to sleep with nobody to get with what it is that you have they can't figure out how it is that you'll praise him even when you didn't have money in the bank you you worshiped him even when your job was driving you crazy you gave him glory even when you didn't feel your best and he's fighting he's fighting to stay in there because you don't know the warfare of what it means to be active in church here's your shout and tired god i can't hear nobody because the church don't know what to do with folk who've been active and get burned out hallelujah because if you want to take a break then negroes accuse you of not supporting the vision and they don't know sometimes i just want to sit down and get fed and hear what god is saying to me i i've been praying for other folk but i ain't even got strength to pray for myself i need god to do something for me and and you get tired you you you get tired of church because um and you got to get yourself from becoming cynical because because now your discernment is up and you you can tell who's phony and who's real that y'all ain't saying nothing to me you can tell who just trying to get attention i can't hear nobody in this season of your life you too old to be phony if if you don't like me just don't talk to me i i i need some real folk in here that know what it's like just to be tired i'm talking to ten of you in this room that that that knows what it's like to be tired and committed that can i talk to 15 of you you just get tired of being the bigger person you you you get tired of pretending like you don't know what they said about you you can i talk to you you get tired of forgiving negroes who ain't sorry you you you get tired of having to keep the family together you you get tired acting like what they did to you didn't bother you but god sent me to tell you tonight if you hold your peace i'll fight your battles for you i'll give you a second be seated please i'm i'm coming around the mountain here come he he gets tired and he falls out the window thank you holy god and and when he falls out the window hear me he falls down the three stories because it says something to us that whenever it is that you leave out of worship you can't stay at the same level hallelujah when you come out of worship and your spirit is broken you're gonna end up going down but i got five of you who understand that my best praise ain't that wheeler but i didn't learn how to shout while i was in the shower i didn't learn how to give god glory walking around my living room i need five of y'all that ever prayed while you were stuck in traffic that that before you ever went in the jar you understood when the praises go up that's when the blessings come down y'all laughing too cute for me tonight would you give god glory not like you in church would you shout like you at home [Music] or you better praise him like you did when you couldn't sleep you you ought to give him glory when you got bad news on the phone be seated please i'll i got three more times to tell you that be seated please he falls down three stories and when he falls down three stories then paul interrupts his message he interrupts his message and runs down the three flight of stairs and the text tells us in acts chapter 20 that he then lays on him and the reason why that's significant is that the older the woman said i'd rather see a sermon than he'll want it any day and he said i'm going to stop talking about what i saw in ephesus and in galatia and in philippi i'm gonna start demonstrating it and she lays on them why because he had fallen i wonder how much stronger the church would be if we would start covering people who fell you you so quick to talk about people cuz you got amnesia about your own stuff so you sitting in here acting like you ain't never got none like you ain't never gambled like you ain't never been in the club but there are five of y'all that need a flashback and think about where you were when god rescued you and you ought to be giving god glory because he could have left you for there but he covered [Applause] he says i'm i'm laying on him because i need him restored thank you i feel all right now i wonder how you would worship god tonight if the next blessing that's getting ready to hit watch this won't benefit you i feel glory here i said i wonder how you would shout tonight if the next blessing that god sends is not for you you just missed it let me say it to somebody else i wonder how you would give him glory if the next miracle that happens is not for you here's your shout out but the next miracle here it is is for your son i need you to shout like everything that tried to kill your son it's going to fail things that trying to wipe him out will be met [Applause] he not only restores him thank you he he not only restores him but he picks him up thank you i love this he picks him up and carries him back to the third floor y'all just missed that god said if you give me glory some of y'all to get ready to miss your breakthrough he said if you give me glory don't don't y'all act like you don't hear me i need you to tear that row up he said if you give me glory tonight this is what i'm going to do i'm going to restore you here it is to where you were here's your shout before the fall i can't hear nobody people before you made a mistake people before the bankruptcy you get better you get better to be restored be seated you only got two more times to do that hallelujah she says i'm taking you back to where you were before mama died i'm taking you back to where you were before your friend betrayed you i'm taking you back to where you were before you had to downsize your lifestyle taking you back to where you were before you had to start living out of your savings account look at the person besides here and tell them take a good look at me this is the brokest i'm ever gonna be this is the most frustrated i'm ever gonna be this is the loneliest i'm ever gonna be we've been making doors for a night but joy be seated please and this is the last time i'll ask you to be seated thank you holy god be seated please we got miles to go before we sleep be seated thank you seven of y'all got a spirit of disobedience be seated where you are hallelujah i gotta get out of here i need you to take that neighbor by the head take that neighbor by the hand i gotta close out in verse number 12 and then we get better to go home the bible says that paul took him back upstairs broke bread and made an announcement he's alive god i can't hear nobody here i need you to pull on that neighbor and say whoever been sick in your family whoever been in the hospital in your family whoever been under medication in your family they shall not die but they shall live to see the salvation of the lord you see this god help me i said i need you to have that neighbor by the hair hallelujah he made the announcement yes hallelujah that he's all right and he's not going to die and the bible says that the people begin to rejoice watch this this one their son they were just glad somebody survived y'all ain't holding somebody's hand there's getting ready to be a shout in this room and the reason why your kids won't come to church is because you only shout for cars clothes and money but i want to see if you'll shout that you believe by faith that every young person in your family between now and labor day are gonna get filled with the holy ghost i want to see when you give him glory that every child that got your last name is to walk down the aisle and say i yield what must i do to be saved [Applause] for those of y'all who are seated keep your seats those of y'all who are standing ride with me now let's have church no time for fake wars but if you got 60 seconds the dance floor is now open will you give god your best praise like i don't know what you came to do [Applause] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] your mouth [Music] is [Music] is come on come on [Music] [Music] we gotta go me [Music] oh [Music] lift up that hand right where you are i tell the members of new birth lift your hands watch this as high as you see yourself going softly mitchell's put me in strings please i speak of every lifted hand that god will cover the life of every young person in your family [Applause] [Music] god i can't hear no worshiping i speak of every lifted hand that your children will never lose their relationship with god i can't hear nobody in here i speak of every lifted hand that your sons and your daughters will prophesy [Music] declare for your children's life that they'll be captains of industry influencers of culture thankful under god that god is going to give them business saving business savvy gonna give them professional acumen he's gonna take your children to go in places you didn't even know existed i can't hear nobody in here he said if you open up your mouth i'm breaking every generational curse your children will never know domestic violence they'll never be in jail they'll never be on an abortion table i dare you to shout out loud i speak over your children's lives the children your children are getting ready to walk into internships [Music] [Applause] i bet 50 yards i speak over your children they'll never know what a student loan looks like [Music] i decree i am decree over every lifted hand that everything you never receive your children will get access to did you hear what i just said whatever you never received your children will get access to those of you your faith comes into agreement with my faith tonight would you open up your mouth and just begin worshiping on behalf of your children i can't hear anybody i said open up your mouth come on i can't hear you your children are gifted they're anointed they're history makers they're well changed generations unborn i'm gonna know your children's people don't believe your faith comes into agreement with my faith tonight would you do me a favor would you just clap your hands in agreement that there'll be no premature death i can't hear anybody i said there'll be no breathing no accidents no incidents no life-altering injuries no surgery will be lifted the clinic did it so i'm gonna do two things and then our pastor was coming i want to do two things and i want you to come into agreement with me softly sir i want to open the doors of the church but i need you to hear me i'm opening the doors of church i'm believing by faithful souls to be saved tonight i'm believing that the body of christ is going to be enlarged tonight i found out pastor cosby that as of 2015 as of 2015 christianity is no longer the fastest growing religion in america after as of 2015 the fastest growing religion in america is islam in america pastor brian how is that possible i want to tell you why that's possible because the saints are shouting and the muslims are witnessing [Applause] eight out of ten of you in this room eight out of ten of you in this room eight out of ten of you watching online eight out of ten of you have never won a soul to christ eight out of ten of you have never prayed with anybody the prayer of salvation and it amazing that amongst your new year's resolution not one of your new year's resolution was to win a soul to the kingdom in an amazing nowhere on your vision board do you see yourself as a soul winner nobody in your cul-de-sac even knows that you're saved your car's just missing on sunday morning you witness to nobody who you work with it is not the pastor's job to catch the fish it's his job to clean them you just got to give him the will and god and the holy spirit and pastor cosby will do the rest tonight i want to defile those odds because you're going to be a soul winner for jesus christ i'm not giving you this on theory i've been in my new church pastor cosby just for five months five months we've had 2 300 people get saved [Applause] in five months [Applause] god is not looking for membership he's looking for discipleship [Applause] i hate to be the bearer of bad news but when you get to heaven they're never going to ask you who your pastor is when you get to heaven they only want to know who your savior is tonight we're going to defy the odds you're going to be a soul winner somebody near you is getting ready to join this church somebody near you is getting ready to get saved i need you to watch me give me your attention please you give me the ask your neighbor two questions just two questions here's the first one i want you to get it first question you're getting ready to ask your neighbor watch this are you a member of a church here's the catch where you're growing if you're at the same place spiritually hear me if you're at the same place spiritually in june as you were in january you go to the wrong church your prayer life ought to be better your understanding of the word of god ought to be clearer your destiny ought to be closer tonight i'm not caught up in baptists or kojic or an apostolic or paw or full gospel as long you're a member of a church where jesus is lord and the word of god is being tort hear me hear me well if they say yes i want you to shout out loud praise the lord [Music] you're not asking them yet if they say yes in a minute you're gonna say praise the lord if they say no hear me if they say no i want you to bring them to me if they say i'm not sure bring them to me if they say to you this ain't how we usually do it at our church drag them to me second question listen to me please will a second question is more important than the first one second question you're going to ask your neighbor tonight is jesus you're me your valentine watch this because a lot of times we use church language on unchurched people jesus your valentine what do you mean by that do you feel a certain way when you see him with somebody else and he ain't been with you do you get excited when you see something that reminds you of who he is [Music] [Applause] do you love him more than anything more than your reputation more than your bank account order your career is jesus your valentine if they say yes cry out loud praise the lord not yet but if they say no i want you to bring them to me if they ask you where we going to eat after this bring them to me [Music] for all the educators who are in the room quick review and remember how many questions are you going to ask your neighbor how many questions first question you're going to ask them are you a member of a church where you're growing if they say yes what you going to say if they say no what you're gonna do if they say i'm not sure [Music] question number two is jesus your valentine if they say yes what you gonna say if they say i'm not sure if they say i don't remember bless the lord all right now here are the two people you're going to talk to listen to me very carefully you're going to talk to the two people who look like they don't want you to talk to them people who are saved are not offended by you asking people that got a relationship with god don't have an attitude i want you to go find two people whose names you don't know two people you never met before would you move and go do that for me very quickly everybody move and talk to somebody everybody move and talk to somebody if there's one here tonight [Music] there's one that needs to get saved one that needs to join the church [Music] one that needs to give their life over to god if that's you i need you to come as quickly as you can don't worry about how these church people look at you all of us have to walk down this house wherever it is that you are [Music] from the window to the wall all of y'all [Music] i want you to come give us your hand we'll give god some praise for this sister coming if there's somebody else that needs to come out never quickly but you look at the person beside you ask him are you sure you saved here they come from the back i need y'all to get excited about it [Music] come on i need you to get excited for these young people coming [Music] they still coming y'all come on get god glory [Music] y'all don't believe god to do it y'all don't believe god to do it y'all don't believe me you're going [Music] are y'all gonna shout for all these young people listen listen repeat after me repeat after me it's a terrible thing come on repeat after me it's a terrible thing it's an awful thing here comes somebody else come on give god let me try it again everybody repeat after me it's a terrible thing it's an awful thing it's a bad thing to do to lie in the house of the lord look at the person beside you tell them i'm not calling you a liar i just want to be sure you sure look at me now say you sure you saved you sure you go to a church lit like this call wherever you are would you come meet me at this altar i'm believing that god to do it listen with no music i'm greedy for god i don't want to leave here with somebody unsaved i don't know where you are but i'm still believing god for one more person i found out that the angels don't shout when you graduate they don't shout when you get a raise they don't even shout when you get a new car they only shout when you get saved here she comes y'all ain't shouting good listen i'm still waiting on somebody else i'm i'm giving you temporary ordination papers you're the pastor of your role for 90 seconds when this service is over i'm taking your ordination off you i need you to do me a favor please i'm grateful for all of these young adults who have come i'm grateful come on give god some praise but i'm telling you i don't even know why it is i don't know why it is but i feel like you're still some last person that's supposed to be at this altar you are so valuable that i'll interrupt the whole service just for you to get here wherever you are in this room whether you're male female come on here they come [Applause] i don't know where you are you hiding out here somewhere i still don't have a release that i'm finished i'm waiting on another person where you are in this place the church has got to go back to being soul winners hallelujah we got to go back to winning souls for jesus christ i need you to do me a favor please i need you to do me a favor please i need you to talk to one last person i just ask that you talk to somebody watch this they got something black on if they got something black on go talk to them ask them you show up [Applause] here they come from the back would you give god glory for come out come out wherever you are [Music] here they come y'all y'all better turn up come out on a wednesday [Music] stretch your right hand to faith towards those who are coming to align themselves they came as friends they're leaving as family they rolling with us now shut your right hand to faith repeat after me you're in the right place the right time joining the right church under the right pastor serving the only god and i know that's right if you know him right say sure you're right come on pickups to the savior would you give god some praise for it right there come on y'all let me shout good come on y'all they shout good [Music] if you if you'll follow us out this way please do an about face follow us out this way willa would you give god glory for those [Applause] you
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 24,958
Rating: 4.8521738 out of 5
Id: StaDpmOuf6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 5sec (4385 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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