Pastor Jamal Bryant - I'm not gonna get played

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where would I be if you know you would be nowhere without him give God some praise now hallelujah while you're yet standing would you dare embrace two or three people tell them you get ready go into a good season get ready to go into a good season you're getting better to go if you [Music] [Music] come on clap your hands if you love God the way I do I'm ask you to be seated for just one moment thank you music ministry I've matter as those who are celebrating birthdays in the month of June would you stand you're celebrating birthdays in the month of June I want you to stay in we celebrate you this is a hallmark if you remain standing we believe the rest of your life is gonna be the best of your life both my daughter and my dad celebrate birthdays in the month of June and so I know that this is a month that is wrought with favor I need you to do me a favor if there's somebody standing near you would you embrace them and tell them I'm excited about your future I'm excited about your future that's what I am I'm excited about your future all right we got work to do we've got heavy lifting in front of us we're beginning today a series called coming out of the Red ridiculous economic decisions ridiculous economic decisions how many of you are prepared to admit you made some bad financial decisions how many of you believe the power of God can turn it around I believe that for you as I believe it for myself and so over this summer I'm gonna be teaching you June July August on sewing saving and investing sewing saving and investing are giving you a blueprint and a modular on how to do business God's Way and as a consequence I want to invite you to bring your laptops to church bring your tablets bring a writing instrument there are so many points of principles that I'm gonna give you as emerging business leaders and entrepreneurs and small business owners that I believe will serve you you cannot spend the rest of your life with one stream of income God is gonna have to with several streams of income how many of you know I'm telling the truth and so on Sundays I'm going to be really recalibrating and rerouting your GPS in terms of where it is that you go business business-wise and professionally to help chart new territory and then on Tuesdays we are converting our Bible study into intensive to give you practical applications as to how it is that you get ideas from imagination to manifestation so that everything that's in your head will end up in your hand so I need you to make sure that you don't miss a Sunday or a Tuesday as it is that we move forward how many of you know you need somebody to help guide you through this process I'm bringing to you some of the top level minority business leaders from across the state of across the region across the nation over the course of the summer and I'm not really excited about what it's going to mean I want you first to write down our book of the month you all know I wholeheartedly believe that readers are leaders and as a consequence we are charged to read one book a month so that your book for the month of June is do not live talented and broke do not live talented and broke the cover of that book is on your closer screen for our Millennials you can screenshot it all of us know somebody who's smart and unmotivated somebody who's brilliant and got nothing in the bank and the person I'm talking about is you so I want you to please make sure you get that book is wherever books are sold you can in fact downlight download digital and audible copies of it I'm gonna charge and challenge you was written by a brilliant black brother from the Bahamas who I had an opportunity to encounter and interface with and those 10 keys to unlocking your creative earning potential are gonna do wonders for you if you'll just apply them over the course of the summer we don't ordinarily do it but we're doing it this summer along with give a book of the month we're now giving you a website of the month website of the month is now on your closer screen will you screenshot it chinos store that's without an eye Chino store and I want you to get it and not only do I want you to have it I don't want you to keep it a secret it will help you to buy all of your household supplies that are manufactured by black companies everything from toilet paper to toothpaste to mouthwash to paper towels to laundry detergent all of the products on that site for your home are from black manufacturers how many of you all want clean clothes would you lift up that hand how many got on something clean today thank you so why are you asking me that I'm saying to you you buy detergent anyway so let's be intentional about recycling our dollars the video that you found that you were introduced two moments ago I shared with you about the massacre on black Wall Street in Oklahoma June 1st 1921 it is the very first time America what's this ever bombed itself very first time America ever bombed itself and think about it why would they in fact declare war on people who are just trying to make money they never bombed a little Italy y'all I ain't saying nothing to me never bomb Chinatown but you are offensive to the larger culture when it is that you try to carve out independent wealth if we go on a war we go on a war but I refuse to pastor a church of welfare worshippers I want every person who is connected to this ministry to have a leg up and to be able to execute what it is that God is giving you if you got your Bibles would you get them now please get your Bibles and go to Luke chap 2:7 Luke chapter seven once you've found it I'm going to invite you to stand please Luke chapter seven thank you for being brave enough to come out in the rain today I don't know where your people are thank you y'all make me sing I'm talking to the people online Luke chapter seven Luke chapter seven I'm joking and I'm serious Thank You Luke chapter seven and I want us to look at verses six through nine Luke chapter seven six through nine so Jesus went with them he was not far from the house when the Centurion sent friends to say to him Lord don't trouble yourself for I don't deserve to have you come under my roof that is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you but save the word and my servant will be healed if I myself am a man under Authority with soldiers under me I tell this one goal and he goes that one come and he comes I say to my servant do this and he does it when Jesus heard this he was amazed at him and turned into the crowd following him he said I tell you I've never seen this kind of faith in all of Israel you may be seated would you arm yourself with the writing instrument again I want to invite you to please if you will I want you to get a journal just for this summer series or I want you to open up a new tab on your laptop for those of you watching online for those of you who have smartphones you have a free app that came with your phone whether it is Samsung or iPhone you have a free app that affords it a space to take notes and so I want you to please utilize it you're the shortest pencil is better than the longest memory did y'all hear what I just said the shortest pencil is better than the longest memory I know you think you gonna remember but you were late because you couldn't find keys this morning it was in your house amen so as that you would please take notes I'm gonna preach teach make an impartation to all of you I'm gonna use as a subject today I am NOT gonna get played I am NOT gonna get played would you look at the person beside you and tell them pastor preach of my sermon today I am NOT gonna get played my dear friends in case you entertained the thought that racism wasn't real the most recent announcement from the National Football League should have been an eye-opener the Commissioner assembled the press conference to declare that all teams and lead personnel shall stand to show respect for the flag and the anthem and anything otherwise will result in a fine to both the team and penalty for individuals let's not forget empowerment that when Tim Tebow took a knee he was considered a hero but when black players who make up 70% of the league exercise freedom of speech it is considered open rebellion the owners action is actually a desecration of our democracy because it's the protection of the Constitution that enables us to protest and challenge any inkling of injustice was being lost conversations the conversation the dialogue and the talking heads on the major networks is that Colin Kapernick stance wasn't about the game it was focused on police aggression and yet we hear nothing about that from the NFL there's a carrot now rippling around the internet that some players intend to sit out the season and solidarity until Kaepernick and Reid are picked up the owners don't want them to look at the numbers look at the numbers not on the scoreboard but on the bank statements they can't be dictated to watch this when you play your right position without their participation there will be no program and there'll be no league and there'll be no season likewise too many of you are getting played pimped and prostituted in companies organizations and some churches that are being run like a plantation because you don't understand your purpose or your potential you are too important to God to get blamed did you hear what I just said you are too important to God to get laid the Holy Spirit assembled you to this 11:30 service because he knew you need to be called into a huddle so that you could find your next four planes I want you to please write these down was going to help you your next four plays so you don't get played your next four plays so you don't get played here's the first one I want you to write it down please the very first play is that you must be prepared in the British Army the adage ingrained in every recruit is a very simple one proper planning and preparation prevents piss-poor performance can I get edgy y'all again proper planning and preparation prevents piss-poor performance come on let's say it again it's on your screen come on let's say it together out loud proper planning and preparation prevents piss-poor performance come on say it again y'all may add you insult it it's only because I'm talking about you come on let's say it again proper planning and preparation prevents piss-poor performance I want you to write that down I want you to scream and shout it I need you to give that to your co-workers to your friends and to your children it is known affectionately as the 7ps for those of you who are listening to this podcast or watching on television you could write it down net fast you'll googled the seven P's this will come up proper planning and preparation prevents piss-poor performance scripture helps us peek into the Savior's process when he declared in the Book of Luke I must be about my father's business here's what's crazy y'all you're not gonna believe it it's Jesus when he said this is only twelve years old and yet he's clear on what he's supposed to be doing so what's this at 12 years old he says I must be about my father's business Pasteur was he just coming from he just finished talking watch this two litres y'all not gonna believe it two talking to leaders in his field at 12 years of age as soon as he understands what it is that he is called to do he starts talking to people who are profession proficient in that area most of you are filling your days talking to people who are even doing nothing or nothing related to your purpose he understood that he must ask and answer questions without being offended being questioned doesn't mean you're being hated on stop being so sensitive thinking somebody is coming after you when sometimes it's people trying to develop you there is no such thing as an overnight success you have a whole lot of nights where you gonna question a whole lot of days where it's not gonna make sense a whole lot of weeks where you gonna question the process a couple of months where you ain't gonna feel like playing and then folk think that you just arrived and don't know what you had to go through in order to get to that level what is amazing is that there is no success without sorrow no success without sorrow can you handle the pain and still keep your focus will you make a touchdown after you've been tackled will one hiccup throw off your game are you prepared to be your best when you're in a situation that is the absolute worse a lot of people marriages don't last because they weren't prepared for the vows they were just equipped for the ceremony I bet a good thank you I'm gonna say it again thank you a lot of marriages don't last because people were not prepared for the vows they would just equip for the ceremony are you wedded to your idea are you married to your concept or is your dream my side check you get to it when it's convenient nothing attached and you're not really committed when you are prepared you are the best person for the worst scenario I want you to be so equipped that they only call you when it ain't going right y'all just miss what'd I just say I said I want you to be so equipped that they only call you when it's not going right because you are anointed to fix stuff this out order I want you to be prepared look at the person beside you tell them if you get ready you'll be ready first one is prepared here's the second one I want you to write it down please is you gonna have to make it personal you have to make it personal one of my favorite quotes is you were born an original don't die a copy you were born an original don't die your copy William Shakespeare put it this way to thine own self be true Myles Munroe in his book the power of purpose said a Ferrari is an expensive car but it will drown when you place it in water it will go under why because it wasn't designed for that many of you are drowning because you're in the wrong place not because you don't have value got to figure it out get ain't me it's what I'm in I was not put on this job to deal with petty people you not liking me is not my problem just saying summer camp it ain't Boys and Girls Club it ain't Jack and Jill I'm not here to be your friend I am here to fulfill an assignment and a task hate me after work when I'm home making it personal you got to find what's right for you I cannot tell you every year how many colleges and universities I go to ordinarily they bring me at the end of the year for baccalaureate or they bring me at the beginning of the year for freshman orientation when I go to speak in freshman orientation I do an open door and an open altar at a college for those who got to come and turn themselves in because I warned them as I warned you do not take a major your parents picked because their love for it will not sustain you in it you got to find what is good for you I want to say to you what is unconventional to the black community but I gotta say it the reality is everybody don't want to go to college I know I'm gonna get Tomatoes thrown at me but you can get $100,000 driving a truck y'all are you saying nothing you can make $250,000 be an electrician and being a plumber you got to stop treating people because they don't have the resume and the veto that you want them to have it don't mean that they don't have value and have work you got to do what makes sense for you and even if it don't make sense to other people it is not your job to explain it to them all you got to do is say if you don't believe me just watch when you know what's personal to you stay in your lane jesus said foxes have holes birds have nests but the man of God has nowhere to lay his head it's got to be so personal that I do not mind being inconvenience because I understand what the long-term goal is folk who do not understand your call will question your sacrifice they don't understand I suffer now so I can rejoice later but because you can't see what I see you don't know why I work so hard stay up so late get up so early ignore some people don't go out every weekend because I'm working on something and I'm talking to some people in here that's because what says you don't work so hard you are very particular about your stuffs it may not be expensive to you but when you come in my house take them shoes off ain't even got white carpet but I paid for this I sacrifice for this and your grandmother didn't have a whole lot of money I'm giving a shout to real quick did not have a stock portfolio didn't have no investments but she said when I spend money I wanted to last I'm you ready talking about your grandmother she didn't know nothing about a ball in a bear lake may sit on Merrill Lynch but when you came in a house he was plastic on the couch and you ain't know why plastic was on that couch she said this is my good stuff I gotta make it last y'all ain't all eating here you better take that plate and go downstair don't run with their cup y'all lays there none because she had to protect her investment there's gotta be personal Third Point I borrowed this one up from the 930 third point is a partner's you can't do everything I talked about it the 9:30 service where Jesus said I am anointed to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ he never said I'm anointed to fish so I surround myself y'all ain't gonna like it I surround myself with people who are as good at what they do as I am as good in what I do we don't have to do the same thing we just gotta have the same level of passion and some of you all are having people unequally yoked how you think that means y'all got to make the same amount of money and y'all gotta have the same amount of degrees no both of y'all gotta be s committed to the same thing as you are separately collectively because if you get in love with a Negro that ain't driven they gonna keep trying to put their brakes on your Drive but if you get connected with somebody who is that focused on their goal as you are with your goal when God begins to elevate you they not gonna start acting jealous and strike they don't begin to celebrate your success because they know if God did it for you he'll do it for me you gotta have a partner Nehemiah washis you all didn't even read the Bible good your grandmother Vacation Bible School sunday-school told you Nehemiah was called to build the wall which I forgot his Nehemiah was a butler he didn't even know how to do construction god I can't hear nobody but God had to surround him with people who can help him develop a gift he had never flown it I'm gonna say to somebody in this room some of you all are in a stunned phase because what God is calling you to do don't match your background your education or your family and you don't know how to get it done but God said before this summer is over i'ma playing people in your life who are gonna show you how to get it done they not gonna be jealous threatened insecure envious they not gonna be hate enough and talking about you behind your back but they don't tell you I did it this way and if I did it you can do it the exact same way I data grab that neighbor by the hair tell him I'm not your friend I'm your partner and when I go up we going up together we all gotta eat in this season can you handle being called by Jesus when what God called you to do ain't sexy [Applause] don't you let me Stewart's these preachers these trustees fool you in what the assignment of God is he got disciples and when he got him he said go get me a donkey Oh y'all ain't saying nothin to me he said go fishin sometimes in order for you to be great you gotta do a job that's beneath you oh god I can't hear nobody sometimes for God to elevate you he'll make you do something that ain't even like you just see if you will humble yourself in order to go to the next level you cannot be too big for small stuff Jamal you preach it right through here I said you cannot be too big for small stuff the Bible says shall not small beginning be seated I was convicted a couple of months ago I was convicted a couple of months ago I came up here to the church for something and had a meeting in my office and I'm thrown off I'm throwing a high-powered meeting with influential people in my office couple months ago and I realized I was out of position help me in here I mean meet with influential people powerful people wealthy people and I realized I was out of position pastor how did you realize that because I'm waiting for them to come and I hear sound in the sanctuary Eugene ain't here Ravi ain't in here playing nothing god help me the janitor was in here vacuuming and worshiping God I can't he picking up trash out for the floor and straightening up green chairs and I said Lord I spend all this time preaching not realizing a man that's consecrating the atmosphere he ain't never been the Morehouse never been to do never been the Oxford y'all ain't saying nothing to me I don't even know if the brother got a passport but he and here vacuuming and worshiping God I said lord help me to surround myself with folk that will love you whether they got a mate or not but realize how can two walk together unless they agree I need you to grab that neighbor's hand and shake that neighbors hand and tell them this power in agreement God yeah I said there's power in agreement let that neighbor's hand go cuz they shaking it like it's the day of fish let that neighbor's hand go the Bible says what's this if two or three are gathered in my name touching and agreeing there I will be also but I get it y'all ain't shouting over that why cuz y'all didn't grow up in church and y'all know the word so let me help you if you didn't read that in the word can I make it clear for you when you were growing up y'all remember the Wonder Twins the Wonder Twins will come together watch this take each other by the hand as long as they were disconnected it didn't work but when it is that they took each other by the hair they could speak what they were gonna be talk y'all y'all ain't saying nothing one of them would become a hannibal and the other one would come into something in the shape of water when you coming to agreement with somebody y'all they gotta be an agreement for the same thing you just got all three both of us are gonna change both of us don't make a difference some us are gonna have an impact here's the fourth one fourth thing so you don't get played the first one is what come on clay this clay this I've been holding me down all day is something I've known about this side y'all gotta wake up what's the first one please what's the second one come on what's the second one class what's the third one partners here's the fourth one I want you to write it down the fourth one is replacement John Maxwell one of my favorite writers John Maxwell said this and I want you to have it there is no success without a success or no success without a successor who are you raising to take your place Jesus was not shaping an entourage he was forming entrepreneurs his endgame was I want you to take it on where I can't go part of our problem is we've got people in our community once they become successful they want to be the only one it's not biblical and it's demonic the oil the assignment and the evidence of God is to be fruitful and to multiply and God told me to tell you get made it a multiplied yourself hallelujah you've had so much taken away from you you're gonna have to brace yourself for what's getting ready to come would you look at the person beside you tell them just get ready to multiply hallelujah y'all they shouting good can I give it to you again you give better to multiply y'all still then get it let me give it to you again you can better to multiply pastor I don't understand what you say I said think in your head about what was the amount of your last paycheck God said whatever was the amount of your last paycheck I want you to praise me by faith then it's getting ready to multiply I can't hear nobody I said open up your mouth like your income is about to multiply there is no blessing in being the only one there is no blessing in being the only one Shadrach didn't go in the Fabri furnace by himself Meshach and Abednego head to roll with him look at the person beside and tell them I don't want it by myself every level of blessing just get ready to hit in my life I want my two closest friends to be blessed the same way I'm blessed now if the folk around you ain't shouting they not real friends God whatever you got for me I want you to give it to my friend they loved me when I was a mess that stuck with me when I was falling apart then carried me when I had no money I don't want to be the only one the movement of Colin Kaepernick will be moot if he's the only one that takes a nice the whole length state will shift if every black player in August's when the national anthem begins to play that they fall down on their knees asking God to arrest and the convict corrupt police officers you don't mean if only one does it but the book of Acts says they were all in one place on one Accord touching and agreeing ain't no power in here if only one person gives God blow but if all of us praise God at the exact same time then Devils have got to flee if all of us praise him with the same fervor with the same energy with the same passion and say care nobody do me like Jesus can't nobody do me like the Lord y'all better get your row together look down your Road and say I can't be the only one praised in what I do from the rising of the Sun coz I'm going down of the same eLearning hallelu BC the fleece hallelujah yes it's turning around formation he's sooner or later it's get ready to work in my favor it's turning around for me for those of y'all that grew up in church into Hades late in the midnight hour gods don't turn it around you stone worked in my favor I can't kill nobody if you believe it's Turner I date a turn right now it might be who are called by my name will humble themselves and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways I'll seal the lads a day to turn runs like a mother your sternum turn to time like your business sister turn three times your friends are [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] anyway [Music] [Music] hi [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I can't believe y'all gonna let them shout by themselves [Applause] [Applause] we see that please [Applause] [Music] oh mama mama mama be seated please I feel God right through here softness sir be seated I heard God in this room I need you to be seated please somebody shout he's turning I heard God in this room said Jamal I just felt a shift in this room hallelu I'm not even finished I just got to do real quick what God say it said there - are you in this room god help me the two of you in this room that while you were shouting he said I changed your credit score oh god I can't hear nobody said I changed it at least by 40 points while you were giving me glory I started a move removing some stuff then erasing some stuff pulling off some stuff huh I can't believe y'all ain't gonna trust God for God said I'm doing it why you in this room I want you to be seated I'm going to the text while I'm doing it those of you to check your credit scoring your phone I want you to go look at it real quick how do you want you to go look at it real quick I'm just looking for two of you God said I did it why are you waiting worship god I can't hear nobody says I'm I'm getting a shift some things I'm getting return some things I'm getting a move some stuff around I just need you to trust me even when you can't trace me God hallelujah you didn't even know that it could move that fast he said it's because you gotta trust me even in a season when your back is up against the wall you don't know how was going to happen how was it in Luke chapter 7 Luke chapter 7 Jesus was in a town called copra neum and it came across his desk that a high-ranking official I need you to hear this a high-ranking official had an employee that had become sick so he asked a friend of his to go ask Jesus to come to the house and to see about how much you look at Luke chapter 7 whatever Luke chapter 7 how much you'd look at verse number 4 some stuff I got to show you Luke chapter 7 verse number 4 they pleaded with Jesus you gotta go to this man's house this man deserves this you'll need know the faith I'm just depositing you I'm telling you whatever you've been praying for God you deserves this hallelujah if you ain't ask him for nothing hard no shot with us but if there's something big you need God to do I'd a to open up your mouth and shout on the god I deserve this and there's some things you deserve in order to be happy some things you deserve in order for your life to be easier look at verse number five I'm still in the tick's I'm gonna Luke chapter seven I need you to look at verse number five I'm on the runway I'm getting married off look at verse number five why does he deserve this he deserves this new English standard version says because he loves our people he deserves this because of his love for our people and here's the part some of y'all ain't gonna like give him this prayer request give this to him why because of how he gives that church I'm in verse number five y'all are missing this non toddlers y'all can black out for a minute not even talking to you right now God says I've got a blessing in mind for people who've been giving in church hallelujah and one even for you but there's somebody who you want to see get better God give me somebody who you want to see get stronger God said because of the seeds that you have so I'm getting ready to bless you and you'll need to know how bad you deserve it because when you do stuff for my house how am I start doing stuff for your house so Jesus because of how he gave their church [Music] because of how he gave their church Jesus starts heading to his house something supernatural something amazing is going to happen at your house this week I got too many stuck-up selfish people in here but if if there's somebody connected to you that's been going through a storm and you want God the head straight to their house jesus said I'm on my way to their house because he helped the church and because what's this he in a heart for the community and when Jesus was in that direction thank you how much you to put on your imagination today how will you respond if I told you right now the Jesus just turned on the street you live on he just pulled up into your development I can't hear no about it he just got off on your headset I I mean crazy worshipers will you just speak the name of your street right now speak I said speak the name of your street right now he turned on the next ring when it turned onto that street what's this friends then a message came to Jesus Lord I'm not worthy you don't want to come in my house I've had some stuff come in my house but is not reflective of you or your glory I'd rather you just stay at the church so Jesus instead of coming to my house while you had empowerment watch this sin the world if you send the word my mother my best friend my aunt my girlfriend my cousin my fiance they gonna get he'll just send the world [Applause] only 20 yard you may shout the word is headed to the hospital god I kidding you know about it the word is headed to that apartment to that dormitory God said if you open up your mouth the word is hidden they send a word you'll be healed Sean if you'll go down a half key I gotta tell you this softly the one that's actually sick the one who's getting ready to die chaplain the one who is the target watch this never calls for Jesus never praise never issues a request what's the difference pastor the one that's it I'm telling you you gone you're gonna appreciate the one who sick is just a player the one that calls for Jesus is the owner I'm packing right there in the tick's he says when I tell people to run they run when I tell them they can't kneel they don't kneel when I tell them wait in the locker room they wait in the locker room that's the kind of power I got there is authority in being an owner and you don't even understand the anointing on you is not to take orders from uncircumcised philistine I have got to have the authority as an owner that I direct what direction the Holy Ghost goes in and when I tell him go there he shows up there many of you don't even know you were air traffic controller I knew you get made at a point the Holy Spirit in the direction is supposed to go in cuz I am not to be played with the Spirit of God is on my life I need you to look down your row and tell them if you don't want to get here by the Holy Ghost you don't need to be on my teach but when I'm called on his breast every person sitting on this road is getting ready to get filled with the Holy Ghost every person the Lord said I've never seen this kind of faith and all of all tomorrow that somebody would direct me to somebody else and believe that it can happen and this is the last time I let you to be seated my time is fully elapsed the man that called for Jesus wasn't see the one that sent the servants was not infirmed but he operated in such power that he believed it for somebody else how much further would you have been if the people who actually said they were praying for you really did it [Music] [Applause] and now with the power that is invested in you you are getting ready to direct God to go bless somebody's business to go bless somebody's idea to bless somebody's finances because I have that level of apostolic authority then when I tell somebody to do it it's got to get done how much you randomly to just point to three people in this sanctuary they could be sitting next to you the next section over you just point it where you're sending the Holy Ghost whoever you just pointed to between now and labor - the Holy Spirit is don't take over their businesses just don't take over their job and their follow y'all ain't saying nothing in here if you know you got that level of authority I tell you to worship Hill like it's headed in that direction ham lift up that hand it's already assured he's gonna bless you but I need you to get in your man who else do you want him to bless whose initiative whose project who's playing whose program whose book who startup whose Papa whose internet business do you want God to bless I keep telling you he can't bless you as long as you're selfish but can you trust God for other people my time is almost up but as that hand is lifted with the same fervor that you would pray for yourself would you take a moment and just begin praying for somebody else come on I need you to pray for I need you to pray for I need you to pray for God don't let them fail don't let them get discouraged let them get to clients that are shift everything let them get two contracts that will revolutionize their business let them meet two influential people I can't believe y'all ain't gonna pray for somebody I'm directing you Holy Spirit [Music] I believe it's gonna happen for you this summer those of you that believe it would you give God your best shall the Thanksgiving [Applause] come on you can do better than that I want you to stand to your feet I'm gonna open the doors of the church there's somebody in this room does get may get safe some items give me give their life over to God somebody who's getting ready to join this church you don't even understand Jesus been walking towards you this whole service he just wants to see where you meet him halfway old church and mothers used to say if you take one step you'll take two you're here in this room I want you to come and give me your hand but more than anything I want you to give God your heart yeah I'm gonna be your pastor but more important than that I want Jesus to be your Lord I want empowerment to be your church but I want heaven to be your home you're in this room but you come come on please I've been talking to you all this time come on with y'all shout five new family [Music] somebody else needs to come somebody else needs to come come on don't act like that you know you got to get saved you know you got to give your life over to God come on how you gonna sit under that power and not move you playing yourself come on I'm not trying to take nothing from you I'm trying to get something to you come on when you are in this room please sir please ma'am my time is elapsing it's running out we almost at the end of the service and you almost have to end of your rope I'm out of time and you have beginning to feel like you are - come on won't you come please I need you to come please I'm not too proud to bed your life is on the line empowerment virtue has gone out of me this is my third watch of the day I don't have nothing left come on help me open the doors of the church would you go talk to two people and find out if they're saying find out if they have a church honor find out if they've given their life over to God I need you to talk to him please thank you I'm glad to have you thank you I'm glad to have you thank you come stand with them so you ain't by yourself thank you if there's somebody else if somebody else agrees to come stretch it right hand of faith to those who have come repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time Joan in the right church serving the only God and I know that's right if you know I'm right about it come on let's give God some praise maybe see it and jesus answered the prayer was his empowerment jesus answered the prayer that he prayed for somebody else because he had a love for people and because he gave to the church how many of you want a prayer answered this week how many of you come on don't fool me I said how many of you want a prayer answered this week how many of you want something big to happen for somebody you love [Applause] we found the formula we find the secret we found the formula we find the secret in that passage of Scripture it says and Jesus went in the direction of that man because of his love for people and what's this because of what he gave now because he shouted not because he clapped but because he's sold amazingly ladies and gentlemen we're just catching up with the 21st century our ambassadors are amongst you if you are in need of an envelope would you lift up that hand you're in need of an envelope hallelujah lift up that hand over twenty three million dollars was collected for the first black IPO because every person gave $50 within the first fourteen hours what would happen if everybody in this room gave a seed of 50 on today those of you who have cash app will you lift up your hand don't fool me come on you gotta wave it so I know you're not in praise but you listening to me your church is now on cash app if you'll put me on the screen so those of you who are able to give that way I want you to please give on cash app this morning dear friends or watching us on social media platforms on livestream Facebook life empowerment temple org and on periscope if you use a cash app as that you will use that we're challenging every person for a seed of 50 if you don't have 50 I want you to give your best available gift secondarily I want you to please we've got a new partnership with a giving platform called give love I I'm excited about it for two reasons number one it is a black-owned accompany you'll be able to give whether you are on Android or Apple as that you will please go into your store you'll be able to download this free app on gibla five and what is amazing it will send you your giving statements directly to your email so you won't even have to call the church you'd be right there at your disposal and whenever it is that you found in late taxes ain't mad you'll have it right there but as that you will please download that or even for those of you who are gonna be traveling over the course of the summer whether that's for family reunions or you got to go away for your job or you are a part of our cyber sanctuary and you want to be able to give on a secured platform give lafay is available to each and every one of you as that you will please take full advantage of it so for our younger people you got the cash app for older people you got give allah fire but we got a platform for everybody and we want you to please you know which one you belong to amen as that you'll please take full advantage of it I'm gonna challenge it on this day because I've been telling the earlier to services I refuse to pastor a generation of welfare worshippers hallelujah we ain't waiting for somebody to do nothing for us I'm believing in Booker T Washington God's gonna equip us to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps how many of you want independent well you can get rich working for somebody else but you can only become wealthy working for yourself and we want all of you to become wealthy because you are a joint heir with Christ I want to challenge you if you're writing a check you're writing it to empowerment temple if you're giving electronically on either side of the screen because you're not going to give the file or on cash app you're able to do so on either side but ask that every person if you're writing a check you're writing it to empowerment temple as that every person we now have provided for you four different ways by which you can give so nobody has an excuse but everybody has an opportunity would you stand to your feet all over the sanctuary stand to your feet every person stand your feet lift up your gift above your head Benjamin Mays said there's a crown above your head you've got to grow tall enough to wear lift up that gift above your head and repeat after me Lord thank you for coming to my house bless somebody who's close to me because of this see amen would you turn to your right I need you to be as the Jew was sent to your feet none of us are worthy to even speak his name out loud in it amazing that he looks beyond all of our faults and he meets us at our needs the Bible says if you confess your sins he's faithful and he's just to cleanse you from all unrighteousness reven Thorp is going to lead us collectively through our prayer of general confession she's not praying for us she's praying with us all of us are going to collectively pray their prayers appearing even now on your closest screen and I want all of us because all have sinned and fallen short of his glory from the pastor's voice you're hearing to the leaders who stand before you top music ministry who has ushered you into his presence none of us are worthy we stand before you not because we're perfect but because we're in the process reven form if you lead us please Almighty God Father of our Lord Jesus Christ maker of all things judge of all men we acknowledge and we weld our manifold sins and wickedness which we from time to time most grievously have committed by thought word or deed against your divine majesty croaking most justly your wrath and indignation against us we do in our heartily sorry for these garments joins the remembrance of them is Grievous unto us have mercy upon us have mercy upon us most merciful Father Son our Lord Jesus Christ's sake forgive us all that is passed in grant that we may heaven hereafter serve and please in the newness of life to the honor and glory of your name through Jesus Christ our Lord amen amen would you ever so carefully pull back the first level of your receptacle Jesus he commandeered the disciples into the upper room he pulled out a loaf of bread and he lifted it up and said to them this is my body it's broken for you would you break it right in your hand I declare over your life you are not going broke this summer God is gonna keep you together if you believe it would you please take a knee ever so carefully pulling back the second level of your receptacle told the twelve disciples when he pulled out a flask of wine this is my blood it shed for you he said I want you to take your drink I want to ask you a question what can wipe away my sins what can make me whole again working cleanup your mayor credit report nothing but the blood of Jesus that will you please take a drink you've got some dark and difficult days ahead of you said dr. King in Memphis and as a consequence on those dark in those difficult days let's pray together The Lord's Prayer amen would you do me a favor hug to people and tell them life is get may get better for you Oh [Music] you maybe see that [Music] it's how I'm gonna remind you again that you would please get the book you will not live talented and broke it's going to bless you as that you would share with your friends and your family and I want to encourage you to please order from Chino down or the district electronic online distribution center of a black owned and manufactured goods that I want you and your family to please utilize Tuesday at 6:30 we continue in our classes for Forex and our training in terms of how to trade and become a part of Wall Street and what that means that while it is that they burned Oklahoma down they can't burn down your passion can't burn down your drive and can't burn down your dream but the Robinson and brother may are coming they're spearheading our economic development initiative here at the church and they want to give you some understanding relative to what's going to be taking place Tuesday nights here at the church I am excited about it because it is my hope my prayer and my goal that if you stay committed to the course and in fact put your hand to the plow or don't turn back and operate in a high level of discipline it is my hope that all of us are coming out of the red before the summer is over if you believe that you would you give God praise for you in advance another for Anthony Robinson good morning Church during the course of the next several months the economic empowerment coalition will be spearheading a series of workshops forums for the purpose of providing you the tools necessary in order to not only gain greater control over your finance but also your business [Music] we will be having a basic financial literacy workshop program and it will focus on several areas Tabane developing a budget getting out of debt building an emergency fund a legacy with insurance staying out of debt planning for retirement and also for college and the second half we plan to provide a series of workshops that will allow you to improve your business acumen there will be will be covering such areas as accounting and bookkeeping for small business access to capital getting the business finance through debt and equity access to markets new markets including the government of the public sector the private sector detailed and international markets management working on your business and not in your business and access to innovation such as advanced manufacturing we looking forward to providing these for you we will be holding forums also for CEO roundtable where we're going to be talking to particularly the business people in the church but bringing in business people from across the country that can share with you their experiences for the mail now for registration registration which starts today we're in the lobby we'll be here on Tuesday evening we'll be here next Sunday and the following Tuesday June 12th is the first day of class June 12 on June 5th we'll have an orientation but we'll be registering anyone who's interested again beginning today after church and it's $25 per course but if you register by the 12th for two sessions for two sessions it only cost you 40 would you give our economic team and a major applause and Thanksgiving I'm appreciative for them every Tuesday from here on until September at 6:30 will be our training classes relative to our 4x in the stock market and so those of you who are interested in that asset you'll come back over 500 of you came out last Tuesday I'm gonna keep that momentum and that drive going all of our men I need you to please go and register to try to curb violence in the city of Baltimore over the summer the churches have come together and decided to pull together a summer basketball league where the churches will be playing against each other so as that you will please go and register in the lobby we desperately need you to beat new Samus thank you so much so make sure that you register secondly let me I'll say to you brother Horatio is intentional and building up our millennial ministry and so if in fact you are a millennial we need your phone number and your email we want to shoot you information we know Millennials don't like to meet so we're gonna tell you where to go and what time you need to be there and how it is that the millennial ministry is going to move forward how many of you are excited about the possibilities of this summer series the possibility of this summer series and so what I'm going to ask is that you please bring people with you on next Sunday you don't matter whether it rains or not or whether it looks like it's gonna rain we still have in church amen and I want come and get it physically so that you can be a part of what it is that God is doing if I have any first time it's your first time at empowerment temple would you stand is your first time at empowerment temple would you stand we're so honored would you remain standing for just one minute please remain standing in the back you just joined didn't you yeah sit down you ain't with the visitors no more thank you sir were you from from we're part from some to area were you really from yes right thank you so much we honored to have you my family's from Georgetown South Carolina so you my homeboy thank you I'm glad to have you yes sir the truck Motown is in the house thank you so very much where you from Alpha Street bet a yes that's my friend thank you so very much where you from Union New Jersey what's that near Newark thank you I'm glad to have you where you all from it's good we're glad to have don't apologize from being here thank you we glad to have you right behind you where you from is there and where yeah but what's sitting you from Baltimore Jesus Saves ministries thank you so much in the pink where you from Goldsboro North Carolina thank you so very much where you are from Flint Michigan thank you I'm honored to have y'all we love y'all we've been praying for Flint Michigan where you from New Haven Connecticut thank you in the back where you from ask Houston Texas thank you I'm sorry for your loss thank you so very much your team thank you I'm praying for ya huh New Haven Connecticut thank you so much all right yes everybody help me give God some praise for all of our visitors then I forget somebody who'd I forget oh I'm sorry were you from Baltimore City Sioux City is my city thank you everybody's staying to your feet it's the anniversary of the why yeah everybody's staying lift up your hand if nobody told you in the month of June please know that your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day I'm gonna see you get everything that God has for you lift that hand as high as you see your credit going now one to him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 16,754
Rating: 4.7929411 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, jamal bryant 2018, gonna, play, go
Id: nFbxxMBbk8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 50sec (4850 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 03 2018
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